Keeping tabs on those who are turning on President Trump... Here is the list so far:... πππ
Ben Shapiro
Candace Owens
Tim Pool
Mike Cernovich
Will Cain
Jesse Kelly
Guy Benson
Will Chamberlain
Winsome Sears
Steve Crowder
Officer Tatum
Matt Couch
Steve Gruber
Will Witt
Paul Joseph Watson
Matt Walsh
Unfortunately, this list will continue to grow. But we were told to be wary of FAKE MAGA...
Spot on.
IMO....Part of the movie...She's behind Trump all the way...
She is one I'm Absolutely sure of....πππ»
Absolutely....I would be Completely devastated if she went against President Trump...I always rely on my gut instinct and its never let me down...ππ
I suspect that she is JFK Jr daughter
Very interesting. Any sauce for that?
That would be spectacular.
Nah just a feeling.
Maybe being a double agent.
I sure hope so.
This one stings
Betrayal always does. Of course, when the storm arrives and President Trump is confirmed by the military, they'll come running back and try to say they supported him the whole time. But we'll remember. Only his true allies will be able to help him rule, people like Rudy Giuliani, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Hunter Biden, Sidney Power, Lin Wood, and of course, Michael Flynn. These are the true patriots, the ones who will be standing by his side when all is darkest, and will help him rule when he returns in full power.
hunter biden?
It is just comically unbelievable at this point to think that it is all simply accidents, always popping up at the worst times for the Biden administration. I wonder how many Pedes are here because they started digging into the Hunter Biden store and saw how fishy the official narrative was.
I mostly believe the same. And some of his text messages hint very heavily at there being a lot of self-hatred and hatred for his father and Jill also.
I've said here before, I think he's a white hat. There have been so many shenanigan's and supposed mistakes, I think it's intentional. I mean, think about it, he just so happens to drop off a laptop with highly sensitive information to a computer shop (owned by a patriot) in a state he doesn't even live in. It seems like every time the MSM tries to paint Biden as a good guy, something is bound to come up with Hunter, like clockwork.
My theory is that Hunter never served like his brother Beau did, and when he died, Hunter decided to do what is right to help his country, but the DS was already blackmailing him, so he decides to embrace it and takes on the bumbling fool act. Even with all the cheating, he still nearly cost Joe Biden the election. There are just too many coincidences for the white hats to not be involved with him.
When all is revealed, I wouldn't bat an eyelash if Hunter was standing there with President Trump. He's done more than most have to help the cause.
One thing I've learned over the last 5 years is anything is possible
Am I the only one who picked up on it????? Kind of like when a cop asks if you have any bazookas on you!
Same. But she is towing the Fox line for pay now, soβ¦? π€·π»ββοΈ
Rippin' rino masks off at an accelerated pace. Do you have time to keep the list updated?
Shall do my best...ππ
Reminder that Hodge Twins are still sponsored/endorsed by Black Rifle Coffee, owned by that anti-MAGA CIA fag
Thanks for doing this, purkiss80. I'm absolutely sickened by Winsome Sears. I voted for her at the GOP convention and general election, was looking forward to supporting her bid for governor. Not a chance of that now. I think she has just handed the governorship back to the Dems. There is no way she can get elected on just rino votes. Hopefully we can bump her at the convention just like we did the rino candidates at the convention last year.
My pleasure....ππ
What did sears do?
Blamed "bad" results of midterms on DJT, not a single mention of fraud.
She's almost as ugly as Maxine Waters.
Candice Owens? I missed that one.
She works for ben Shapiro
But this is a list of those who have turned against Trump - has she actually said something or is it now guilt by association?
Said a lot. Search here.
Where is here? Perhaps a link to support your assertion.
This right here is why people think we're a cult. Her stating her dream ticket isn't necessarily "turning on Trump". WAAAAAYYYYYY too many anons are stuck on the retarded concept of blind faith loyalty.
Now, what she says in the last part is what to keep an eye on. But until she discloses more, her "dream ticket" remarks could just be an expression of an opinion and nothing more.
All that said... we need to stop putting talking heads in positions of influence or at least allowing the influence in our lives to permeate so hard. Candice is no different or special than anyone on this board. Same with all the other pundits. I will always respect their right to have their own ideas and opinions, but they don't direct or influence my thinking. THAT is a true GREAT AWAKENING. Listening to the ideas of others, but making up your own mind.
Well said.
For me, I place no faith in man anyways, so no one is a shocker, to much, for me. Also I think we should remember perhaps not be ready to hang those who may have said something stupid. Ultimately there are many players out there. Itβs hard to know whose from what sometimes.
All good points. I'm not yet convinced Candice turned on Trump. She has been a powerful influence for good, and I hope she keeps that up.
She's free to have her opinions, like we all do. But she's let us know that we need to keep an eye on her, and watch what she does in the future.
Thanks - most disappointing
Right her on the great awaking.
Their were several disscutions about it the last few days.
Didnβt Shapiro fire her earlier this week?
Dang I missed when Steven Crowder turned on Trump. Can anyone fill me in on what/when was said by him?
He never did lol
I want to hear this too.
He sent out an email commentary about the election and people calling for DeSantis and not the Orange man. He ended it with a comment that Orange man is a good man and will do the right thing and step aside for Desantis. So fuck him
Thatβs unfortunate.
You know it is possible some good guys get confused and brainwashed slightly by the media and rinos too.
I think Steven will be the first of these people to snap back to reality and realize that Trump is the future of the party.
Crowder pretends to be opposed to the trans kid agenda. When Owen Benjamin did the research and showed Crowder that only one company made puberty blockers, that it was out of Israel, and that it was legally mandated as For Export Only by the Israeli government, Crowder shut it down, proving Crowder is a grifter who doesnβt actually want to protect children. He wants to protect his Mossad handlers/financing.
And once you figure that out, ask yourself why Crowder is always putting on a dress and trying to get the men he employs to put on dresses. Why is one of his most famous promotional pics of him pretending to drink a giant dildo out of one of his stupid mugs? So based, right? So conservative, right? Fellas, you are all super cool all being photographed sipping on a huge dildo, right? Thatβs the kind of thing a wholesome, traditional, and totally-not-gay Christian man would do, right?
Iβm pretty sure he also supported/pandered to UKrAiNe.
All these Trump v DeSantis is a good thing. Made all the snakes come out.
I had no idea.
This is deep. Thanks.
Wonder how Ye is doing these days?
What did Crowder do/say?
Steven Crowder
I missed what crowder had to say about deSantis.
The only one on that list I'm genuinely disappointed by is Candace.
Yeah, me too...i just watched some of her podcast and she seems Genuinely upset...It doesn't seem to make sense....i dunno
Let's apply the 72-hour rule for Candace, I think she's earned that much just for some of the sick burns she's been dishing out recently.
Absolutely...That's why I was saying, it makes no sense to me...
Really? I am not. Just consider whom she married and accepted a marriage proposal after 3 weeks hitting.
Dual interests? You bet.
In a word, Glorifi. The backers of this thing will give you shivers.
Steven crowder. I missed that one. What did he do? Jeffrey Prather has said many times we cant rely on Trump or any of our institutions. We have to rely on ourselves.
Many of these have been bad actors for a long time now. I recall Tim Pool & Shapiro outting themselves somewhere around the same time frame as when Q called out AJ & his Infowars ilk.
Tim Pool fakes FBI swat attacks for views and attention. People who have actually been swatted will explain that the FBI doesnβt break in the door of your studio ten times in one month over anonymous phone calls. Maybe once, the first time, but after they go in guns blazing only to realize it was a prank, the fake phone call is logged and the person/address is flagged in the system so authorities know to expect prank calls around this figure. And if you think about it, that should be obvious. The idea that the FBI keeps kicking in Tim Poolβs door week after week (send him more money, hurry!) is absurd.
I 'member all that. And of course theres the anti Q "microchip" narrative he helped push.
Speaking of your reference, that mega cuck McGinnis did the same thing a few months back.
Ive said it before and Ill say it again. Trust no pundits. There's only 3 journos Q said to follow best I can recall w/o checking the drops: Carter, Soloman, and Herridge.
Seems like they're coming out of the woodwork.
Some on that list never claimed to be Maga in the first place, just normie casters doing the fence sitting thing tossing out here and there, any way the wind blows.
Before we solidify this list, let's wait to hear what Trump announces on the 15th... Depending on what he says, it may change the flavor of some of these so-called "betrayals".
Not to mention, as with the "fight" with Desantis, we don't know yet what is theater
Thank you Anon π
" along with this De Santis -Trump, called (rift),..its all part of the PLAN,..Trust the Plan,..Im totally 100% a die-hard MAGA Trumper and and have been since the day he decided to run for the Presidency,.iN the Last 6 years Donald Trump has been the most hated ,or maligned..President in US History,.and all because he wanted to make America Great again,.and he did ,What he accomplished in 4 years Obama couldnt accomplish in 8 yrs and he hasnt finished yet,.So hold the Line Patriots,.dont listen to all the bullshit going on around you,.For 6 years Trump has taken barbs,bullets ,and what ever they could throw at him,even the kitchen sink,. ,and stood firm,.and unshakable and at a time when he needs us more than any other time ,lets all let him know were still here, we will not Desert him,. Have a great Day everyone,.!
This off topic, hard to read paragraph from a handshake user with random punctuation and capitalization screams "Bot" to me. Not to mention the potentially facetious "I'm totally a 100% die-hard Trumper" and sarcastic looking username
I completely agree but remember he is one man and not Jesus , he can only do so much we may have to fix this ourselves.
This is way worse than being on Santa's "naughty list"! They all need a capital TT on their foreheads: TRUMP TRAITORS
I mean Ben was obvious cause heβs one of them.
I knew the top three but Watson and Crowder. Sad.
PJW is sad to see in this list I was pretty thoroughly convinced he was MAGA thru and thru.
He's been on and off the train, but he's neve been one to tell people how to think so he's got that going for him.
Yea Iβd have to hear what people are talking about on Paul. He seems way to legit to be called a traitor, IMO. Honestly I never really labeled him a MAGA supporter anyways. Heβs fighting British problems. Reports on Americaβs. I thinks heβs a soldier in the field.
What exactly did PJW say? I watch most his videos and I haven't seen anything anti-Trump
He apparently did a poll between Trump and DeSantis and it was skewed to DeSantis
Any of those new traitors?
Tim Pool was always a bald headed faggot.
Who is officer Tatum?
Got it. For a moment I thought it was someone important. These corrupt elections will require help from sheriffs. We canβt have sheriffs turning on MAGA.
What did Candace owens do? I looked at her twitter but couldn't find anything. Don't worry i saw her post about her 2024 dream team.
They are like rats more than rhinos (which are nice) Republican Amoral Traitorous Scum. Rats that's better hahah
You can add James Howard Kuntsler
I don't think he is a traitor. He is an educated man who never actually got into the Q stuff and doesn't have a lot of inside information. Limited thinking IMHO.
He might come back when the shift happens. He wants the best for the US.
I like him, it just left a bad taste in my mouth⦠him bashing GEOTUS this morning with his final paragraph.
Some are disappointing. Many are not surprising. But I wonder if maybe a couple of those have been instructed to take a stand against Trump to see who else shakes out when given the opportunity to join the anti-Trump agenda.
Good riddance. Coat tail riders for their own fame and fortune
Hold on to this list and remind them of it.
The noticing
Forgot Babylon Bee (Seth Michael Dillon). They did a hit piece recently.
Chuck Grassley⦠said to get over 2020.