Wait until anons start picking up on the fact that we're the most targeted group for psy-ops at the moment. Do you think they're expending most of their resources on brainwashing the already brainwashed? Or do you think they're trying to divide MAGA by getting people to abandon Trump?
Beware who you follow folks. Many so-called patriots I see posted on this board all the time are currently in the process of trying to capture your mind.
Oh, I will stand with him. I am just questioning why he told us tonight's speech was going to change the world. Why all the soul stirring retruths? Up until tonight he has never lied to us.
He didn't say that. He said today would hopefully be one of the most important days in our history. I don't think he was talking about the speech itself but something else happening at the same time, something that called for a distraction.
He was not talking about the speech. He was talking about this lawsuit that got put on the SCOTUS docket today (Nov 15) that will remove 388 traitors from government including Biden, Harris, and Pence, and would likely get Trump inaugurated after Jan 20, 2023 with the VP of his choice since Pence would be ineligible to serve (to be confirmed by the Senate): https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/22/22-380/243739/20221027152243533_20221027-152110-95757954-00007015.pdf
Deep State retards assume he was talking about the speech, but he was not, imo.
And the single most vocal hater of Trump... Nancy Pelosi. Not only a hater of Trump but of the American people. She's being removed from the chess board. No longer a threat. On her way to a "foreign country" - AKA Cuba, AKA GITMO.
It's kind of funny in a way because I'm guilty of dooming recently. I was actually just banned for 1 day for dooming. Yet for some reason I'm feeling quite optimistic tonight. Must be a God thing.
In any case, I think many anons are going to be shocked to learn that certain "patriots" they've come to believe in whole-heartedly are traitors. It's going to get ugly IMO. It'll all be necessary though. Unveiling the curtain has a way of revealing pretty horrible truths.
ending not for everyone has many meanings... for some who are capable of seeing the picture presented in front of them, their lives will change forever..... some for good, others for the worst.
I think the mods banning people for what they call dooming is very wrong
We are being kept in the dark and fed bullshit.
Blind loyalty got us in this mess originally
Question everybody and everything
Trump might have caved as his family was threatened. Lots of things could have happened ..when you are left in the dark you have to use your brain to find the way out
Banning people for expressing worry doubt etc is behaving like the CCP!!
WWG1WGA. Fighting for the cause is how just 3% of the American colonial population won the American Revolution. Loyalty. Unity. Thinking I need to read & study US Revolutionary history. Anyone have a non-leftist recommendation book on the Revolutionary War?
Yeah? But it’s mine. Not some sputum from commie focus groups & pundits! I see this as a war. With an enemy and their loyalists. Not all of the American colonialists had the courage or the loyalty to stay the course.
This is one of those weird days where patriots.win has the right idea.
They're having a great time over there and if we hadn't got so caught up in the deltas and truths (many admittedly compelling ones) we'd be handling ourselves better.
Maybe Trump did those Truths not to let us down, but knowing that it'd bring out some black hat ops (e.g. Poland attack) and that upon reflection we could enjoy this announcement on a different level than everyone else is.
This. For normies, that was wind beneath their wings. My family was excited and hopeful after hearing that speech.
But we have high expectations. Those with high expectations are always left down far more often. Keep in mind that reality is a clusterfuck and the fact that anything good works or even exists is a miracle made possible through God's will, and don't let falling short get to you.
I only have a veteran account cause they kicked us off The_Donald. Those bastards!! Lol and I only have comment history to combat doomers when I'm drinking to others' whimpers.
If you bare on an emotional roller coaster you have done it to yourself.
I hear trump say anything and it gets blown Into super expectations.
Which is more dangerous to us?
The doomer shill who puts trump down.
The hyperbolic shill who turns every move into the climax of rhe movie?
I say number 2 because it Jack's up your dopamine and then you come here and double down on words of hopium amd bolstered confidence because of others who are also hyperventilating over what is coming. Then, an awesome event happens and for all of you its anticlimactic.
Wanna know why? Because it's pornography for you. A false idea you become attached to. (We don't know the plan but when you see an event it is in fact a carrying out and revealing of the plan. There is actually a pattern. Go see for yourself.)
Trump and the white hats didn't feed you that, the deep state did and you drank it down with zesto.. then when it doesn't happen your dopamine reset goes equally in the other direction. Bumming you out bad.
All manipulated with information. Your minds are being used. Counterinsurgency.
This is a military operation. Watch and learn and quit trying to maKe everything 4D.
The psyop is to get you for lack of a better word impatient and even desperate Nd negative. That is Satan's energy.
"Keep thy heart(innermost Part of the mind where believing emanates.from) with all diligence, for out of it come all the issues of life."
Absolutely. I think the near-future is going to be a time for cleaning house amongst the MAGA community. We're going to find out who's who and where everyone really stands and what their true objectives are. I'm guilty of falling prey to hopium merchants so I speak from experience.
I truly think this is going to be the best thing that could happen to our movement despite the confusion and uncertainty that will initially arise when worlds begin to collide.
I'm not necessarily referring to people on this board (though I'm sure there are shills/plants what have you), I more so mean certain paytriots whose content gets shared on here frequently despite many red flags.
This is sort of my take on it. Back in 2017 when Q first started posting, my initial thoughts were that it would take at least 2 terms to get it cleaned out. I mean, the web was world wide. Every western nation was part of it. And in my mind, even these last 2 years, several of their major plans failed. Covid was never supposed to end. We were all supposed to remain in lockdown. Every single one of us was supposed to have a vaccine. We weren't supposed to be able to travel anymore. And guns were supposed to be banned. Roe v Wade was overturned and went back to the states. That coach in Washington, the SCOTUS rules that he was allowed to pray on the field.
I keep telling people minimum a decade. Even after Trumps second term there might be some left to deal with. And it makes sense. Constant vigilance is the eternal cost of freedom.
I don't think anyone thought it would be removed so easily, but we do assume that operations have been going on for decades behind the scenes to slowly close the trap on the commies and pedos.
Maybe the White Hats were dialing things in. It's like a gunshot.
First shot, you know there was a shot, but you don't know from where. You listen.
Second shot, now you know roughly where it is coming from.
Third shot, you know exactly where it is coming from.
First election (2020) was secretly stolen. Then it was stolen again (2024), but the White Hats had a much closer eye on things and know exactly what happened. Now, while the DS thinks they can do this from now on, the White Hats know exactly what they're doing and can spring an elaborate trap to ensure the full sweep in 2024.
When the dust settles, we may not have much left, but we will have our freedom, with President Trump leading us in to a new and glorious age.
Do it. Getting off forums and social media can help clear your head. There's some bad stuff out there, but there is also a lot of good things happening around us. Don't miss out on those.
Now that I think about it, President Trump did say that 2016 was rigged and that millions of illegal immigrants voted for Hillary. I wish they had begun addressing it then, when the Republicans had control of everything.
They're also telling you to work the polls harder.
I look forward to the day I have MAGA by my side working the polls and we can perform a hand count check of the machine results, and refuse to deliver a non-matching machine count.
This place is great because it can take a punch and recover quickly. Quicker probably than ANY OTHER community of patriots.
I'm not disappointed. I'll even double down on it. Shit is happening off stage. We just saw a huge "Look at muh right hand over here" we looked and saw a big nothing burger. Unnecessary. So what was the left hand doing? What's happening off stage and out of sight. Something.
This is early mid week and the weekly news program is off balance for the rest of the week, and it's only Tuesday. 72 hours left in the week.
This is also why I like this place/group. Mentally hardy and psyop resistant. Logical and creative thinking outside the box. Faithful, too.
When I realized the only confirmable news we got was 2024 run (not even really anything new, tbh, since I knew instinctively he would run since 2020), I was disappointed for all of 3 minutes before it was back to business as usual, lol. And I wasn't even disappointed in Trump (That man has done waaaay too much and taken on waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many attacks unflinchingly for us to ever really be disappointed in him). I was disappointed that we are still not "there" yet and that it's most likely because too many people are still being lazily complacent or idiots with their heads in the sand.
Some interesting developments happening on the cabal's end over night with G20 summit leaders meeting and calling for an emergency NATO meeting first thing in the morning, so I'm curious to see how that plays out.
Its just dumb for Trump to tell us to vote for him in 2024 after we lost all faith in the election system this past week. We need mass arrests for this country to move forward, not waiting 2 years for more stolen elections
I don’t disagree at all. I think even trump overhyped it. But one thing I’ve noticed on the board lately is as soon as you are critical of Trump in any way, you have a hoard of downvotes, called a doomer, and told you listen to the wrong “patriots” etc.. Trump isn’t God.. but I’m happy to vote for him because I think he truly wants what is best for this country.
I think there is evidence of a plan. How intricate I don’t know. Q posts have pointed out and called out a lot do people. It has woken US up. To be honest I’m just scared how extreme things would have to get for people to actually demand change. Or accept something such as military intervention.
I mean - if trump was connected in anyway to a military level intervention TODAY.. do we really think that 90% of the population would cheer it on? Sure WE would.. some “normie” republicans and trump supporters would. But I honestly think until something more blatant happens people aren’t ready to accept that. And again.. that kind of scares me.
And the end of the day the only plan I have 100% faith in is Gods.. and that plan eventually leads to globalism..
You should hear the normies in my country. It's TDS to whole new levels. They still believe he won 2016 because of the Russians. They actually believe the world is better of with Brandon.
Nobody here is mad because Trump is running. People are mad because we already knew he was running and this night was another all hype no substance announcement.
People are mad because we just witness the EXACT same voter fraud scheme, despite being told mid terms are safe and no one is calling foul. We have people instead blaming the candidates as if they were worse than a stroke victim.
People are also pissed that we are wasting time debating between Trump and Desantis as if it matters right now. I'd also say people are fed up with the cloak and dagger bullshit as well. Enough of the ambiguous crap. This isn't a movie, and some of us have lost people we can't get back because of the state of the country. We are pissed because there are no solutions despite HEAVY action.
I'm only a little butthurt because ever since Nov 2020, "2024" was practically a swear word to me. Of course I'm happy that Trump is in the running officially again. But I am still quite avidly interested in seeing traitors hang from the gallows for perverting the election.
What if Trump didn’t run again? Things would get real scary. There’s a lot of games being played. I’m a hundred percent for Trump and I’m grateful for what he has done.
An insurrection huh… These people would cower under their beds if they knew what was done to earn this countries freedom. Insurrection, it was an FBI led erection at most. 🤣 it’s funny they’re still calling it that.
Yeah, I might be incredibly disappointed, but that doesn’t mean I am ever rooting for our voting for the other team. I will never support those evil fucks. MAGA all the way.
Ditto... The nature of the Patriot fight, in that we fight against those who dishonor our Constitution, there is no neutral ground. Those who want to drop out of the fight are, in reality, playing for the other side.
Why is this stickied? This is an erroneous assessment. Nobody here is angry about trump announcing "because he inspired an insurrection". That is a msm narrative that nobody here sypports. Nobody is angry about trump announcing in and of itself. We're angry because announcing was a tone deaf response to obvious and overwhelming cheating, which has not been reconciled and punished. We're angry because we know the cheating will simply continue. We're angry because trump said tonight was one of the most important nights in history, and it was nothing. We now are expected to fight and win? Right now the right is realizing there is no apparent recourse for our problems and we were hoping to hear a framework and plan of action for addressing grievances. If you're gonna accuse us of getting angry, correctly understand why we're angry instead of shaming us like the msm and dismissing our serious concerns.
Right now, talk is cheap and we don't have patience for bluster. We want to see a plan of action and results. Trump is our guy, and we need him to be a real leader, read the room, and respectfully address these concerns.
"hopefully be one of the most important days in our history" That doesn't necessary mean the speech. Maybe it is the fact that a missile into Poland didn't start a world war. DS was probably going to start it if Trump did the lock-'em-up thing.
The left will wreak havoc with doomers. Why give them the ammo. I. Tired of all the excuses for doodling, people died of covid, shots lockdowns waaaaa. We all endured it. Why do we not all doom?
High expectations come with high probability of letdown. Nothing wrong with it so long as those with high expectations have a high propensity for bouncing back quickly.
Wait until anons start picking up on the fact that we're the most targeted group for psy-ops at the moment. Do you think they're expending most of their resources on brainwashing the already brainwashed? Or do you think they're trying to divide MAGA by getting people to abandon Trump?
Beware who you follow folks. Many so-called patriots I see posted on this board all the time are currently in the process of trying to capture your mind.
The number of veteran accounts on this board who are currently dooming shows you a glimpse of what you are saying to be true.
I will stand with Trump because he stood with me when no one else did.
Oh, I will stand with him. I am just questioning why he told us tonight's speech was going to change the world. Why all the soul stirring retruths? Up until tonight he has never lied to us.
He didn't say that. He said today would hopefully be one of the most important days in our history. I don't think he was talking about the speech itself but something else happening at the same time, something that called for a distraction.
I hope, hope you are right. I would eat every disparaging word I have said, without ketchup, if what you say is right. And I'd do it joyfully.
Heh, well, I never liked ketchup, but to each their own.
A1 sauce then.
57 Sauce is good too!
Perhaps the court case hitting the Supreme Court accusing virtually all of Congress of crime?
Possibly, yes, or it could be something we know nothing about yet.
This is what I'm thinking, also.
He didn't say the speech was going to be historical, but the day was "hopefully" going to be.
This makes me think of events in the background we aren't aware of.
"He didn't say that. He said today would hopefully be one of the most important days in our history. "
That's an interesting take. I'm not sure I entirely buy it -- yet. But I'll keep an open mind.
He was not talking about the speech. He was talking about this lawsuit that got put on the SCOTUS docket today (Nov 15) that will remove 388 traitors from government including Biden, Harris, and Pence, and would likely get Trump inaugurated after Jan 20, 2023 with the VP of his choice since Pence would be ineligible to serve (to be confirmed by the Senate): https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/22/22-380/243739/20221027152243533_20221027-152110-95757954-00007015.pdf
Deep State retards assume he was talking about the speech, but he was not, imo.
And the single most vocal hater of Trump... Nancy Pelosi. Not only a hater of Trump but of the American people. She's being removed from the chess board. No longer a threat. On her way to a "foreign country" - AKA Cuba, AKA GITMO.
This is the comment I was looking for
When does this case get heard/judged?
He never said the speech would be historic, but the day "hopefully" would be.
DJT literally just told us he isn’t giving up and is returning to restore greatness to our country. Isn’t that what we all hope for?
Or just let the resident continue HRC’s plan to destroy the country and bring the greatest to fruition.
maybe is stuff going on behind the scenes? How many of his words and phrases today are coms?
things we might never know, due to the importance of that mission.
I pray this is the reason.
Future proves past.
It's kind of funny in a way because I'm guilty of dooming recently. I was actually just banned for 1 day for dooming. Yet for some reason I'm feeling quite optimistic tonight. Must be a God thing.
In any case, I think many anons are going to be shocked to learn that certain "patriots" they've come to believe in whole-heartedly are traitors. It's going to get ugly IMO. It'll all be necessary though. Unveiling the curtain has a way of revealing pretty horrible truths.
ending not for everyone has many meanings... for some who are capable of seeing the picture presented in front of them, their lives will change forever..... some for good, others for the worst.
I'm all in On MAGA and the plan
Right, I doubt letting children raping-murdering pedohiles run free and and obvious money scheme constantly is going to be what people want.
What plan? What plan? Seriously when do the fucks get arrested? 10 years? 6 years?
How long do we fucking care about the idiots that will never awaken? In 15 years? Maybe 7?
Is it that they are waiting for more to awaken or for what is happening behind the scenes?
We were never supposed to know all of it...just some of it.
Maybe as we go forward, we will see more of it??
I think the mods banning people for what they call dooming is very wrong
We are being kept in the dark and fed bullshit.
Blind loyalty got us in this mess originally
Question everybody and everything
Trump might have caved as his family was threatened. Lots of things could have happened ..when you are left in the dark you have to use your brain to find the way out
Banning people for expressing worry doubt etc is behaving like the CCP!!
What ever you say UK6664
Are you being sarcastic? I am entitled to my thinking as you are ..free speech is the hallmark of a free country
WWG1WGA. Fighting for the cause is how just 3% of the American colonial population won the American Revolution. Loyalty. Unity. Thinking I need to read & study US Revolutionary history. Anyone have a non-leftist recommendation book on the Revolutionary War?
Your reasonung is invalid and ridiculous for what is happening right now
Yeah? But it’s mine. Not some sputum from commie focus groups & pundits! I see this as a war. With an enemy and their loyalists. Not all of the American colonialists had the courage or the loyalty to stay the course.
Wrong think isn’t allowed here. This is not a place for free speech. We can talk about advocating for it here, but that’s about it...
Well if the mods are not allowing free speech then they are no better than the CCP who won't allow dissent either.
I have been voluble all day and I haven't been banned
100% correct. Censorship is wrong whether Twitter does it or we do it. Just because we don't like what is said doesn't mean you should censor it.
Hey now...
Do you mean people with known names as traitors, or just the paytriots that convince the more normie Trump supporters to send them money?
This is one of those weird days where patriots.win has the right idea.
They're having a great time over there and if we hadn't got so caught up in the deltas and truths (many admittedly compelling ones) we'd be handling ourselves better.
Maybe Trump did those Truths not to let us down, but knowing that it'd bring out some black hat ops (e.g. Poland attack) and that upon reflection we could enjoy this announcement on a different level than everyone else is.
I need to start thinking about playing the long game. These filthy cabal uniparty tyrants didn’t infiltrate overnight.
This. For normies, that was wind beneath their wings. My family was excited and hopeful after hearing that speech.
But we have high expectations. Those with high expectations are always left down far more often. Keep in mind that reality is a clusterfuck and the fact that anything good works or even exists is a miracle made possible through God's will, and don't let falling short get to you.
I only have a veteran account cause they kicked us off The_Donald. Those bastards!! Lol and I only have comment history to combat doomers when I'm drinking to others' whimpers.
...As does the amount of times GAW has gone down due to what look like coordinated DNS attacks tonight.
Time to stand together unified under president Trump. Others sowing division and echoing MSM narratives will stand out like a sore thumb.
It’s go time
Just basically said this in another thread.
If you bare on an emotional roller coaster you have done it to yourself.
I hear trump say anything and it gets blown Into super expectations.
Which is more dangerous to us?
I say number 2 because it Jack's up your dopamine and then you come here and double down on words of hopium amd bolstered confidence because of others who are also hyperventilating over what is coming. Then, an awesome event happens and for all of you its anticlimactic.
Wanna know why? Because it's pornography for you. A false idea you become attached to. (We don't know the plan but when you see an event it is in fact a carrying out and revealing of the plan. There is actually a pattern. Go see for yourself.)
Trump and the white hats didn't feed you that, the deep state did and you drank it down with zesto.. then when it doesn't happen your dopamine reset goes equally in the other direction. Bumming you out bad.
All manipulated with information. Your minds are being used. Counterinsurgency.
This is a military operation. Watch and learn and quit trying to maKe everything 4D.
The psyop is to get you for lack of a better word impatient and even desperate Nd negative. That is Satan's energy.
"Keep thy heart(innermost Part of the mind where believing emanates.from) with all diligence, for out of it come all the issues of life."
Absolutely. I think the near-future is going to be a time for cleaning house amongst the MAGA community. We're going to find out who's who and where everyone really stands and what their true objectives are. I'm guilty of falling prey to hopium merchants so I speak from experience.
I truly think this is going to be the best thing that could happen to our movement despite the confusion and uncertainty that will initially arise when worlds begin to collide.
I hope tjeybare able to see it to the degree some others do. Id like to see them all really understand.
They do need to spend some resources to keep the normies well-brainwashed though.
Ngl, would be interesting to go thru the post history of these suspects of yours.
I'm not necessarily referring to people on this board (though I'm sure there are shills/plants what have you), I more so mean certain paytriots whose content gets shared on here frequently despite many red flags.
Oh, yeah for sure. I know of one (imo anyway) who seems pretty popular on here.
Its not the same narrative. Trump supporters are irked for completely different reasons.
Like telling us to vote harder in 2024 with the apparatus still in place. When 2020 was a landslide, when 2022 was a landslide. Stolen
Come on guys, we don't have enough evidence. Not even when the National Guard watched the Election.
Come on guys, we need like 6 more fucking elections man.
Sorry 17, 17 more fucking Elections man.
Meanings. Pedos still run free and steal money from you every check.
largest organized crime ring in human history. Were you somehow under the impression that it would all be removed with a simple button press?
This is sort of my take on it. Back in 2017 when Q first started posting, my initial thoughts were that it would take at least 2 terms to get it cleaned out. I mean, the web was world wide. Every western nation was part of it. And in my mind, even these last 2 years, several of their major plans failed. Covid was never supposed to end. We were all supposed to remain in lockdown. Every single one of us was supposed to have a vaccine. We weren't supposed to be able to travel anymore. And guns were supposed to be banned. Roe v Wade was overturned and went back to the states. That coach in Washington, the SCOTUS rules that he was allowed to pray on the field.
I keep telling people minimum a decade. Even after Trumps second term there might be some left to deal with. And it makes sense. Constant vigilance is the eternal cost of freedom.
I don't think anyone thought it would be removed so easily, but we do assume that operations have been going on for decades behind the scenes to slowly close the trap on the commies and pedos.
Maybe the White Hats were dialing things in. It's like a gunshot.
First shot, you know there was a shot, but you don't know from where. You listen.
Second shot, now you know roughly where it is coming from.
Third shot, you know exactly where it is coming from.
First election (2020) was secretly stolen. Then it was stolen again (2024), but the White Hats had a much closer eye on things and know exactly what happened. Now, while the DS thinks they can do this from now on, the White Hats know exactly what they're doing and can spring an elaborate trap to ensure the full sweep in 2024.
When the dust settles, we may not have much left, but we will have our freedom, with President Trump leading us in to a new and glorious age.
I dont know, I'll give it time.
But I may need a break either way haha.
Do it. Getting off forums and social media can help clear your head. There's some bad stuff out there, but there is also a lot of good things happening around us. Don't miss out on those.
Don't forget the 2018 elections...
Now that I think about it, President Trump did say that 2016 was rigged and that millions of illegal immigrants voted for Hillary. I wish they had begun addressing it then, when the Republicans had control of everything.
They're also telling you to work the polls harder.
I look forward to the day I have MAGA by my side working the polls and we can perform a hand count check of the machine results, and refuse to deliver a non-matching machine count.
Not the same narrative. We're upset for totally different reasons. Why is this crap pinned?
If you are disappointed well you're just like a liberal so shut up?
Is this really an argument?
It's how in-group dynamics work Patriot! Wake Up®
Yeah no. In many ways this is one of the best places on the internet, but I didn't stick around on the dot wins for Trump and Q loyalty.
Love you guys but my suspicion of Trump has finally crossed over into "he's the enemy" territory.
This place is great because it can take a punch and recover quickly. Quicker probably than ANY OTHER community of patriots.
I'm not disappointed. I'll even double down on it. Shit is happening off stage. We just saw a huge "Look at muh right hand over here" we looked and saw a big nothing burger. Unnecessary. So what was the left hand doing? What's happening off stage and out of sight. Something.
This is early mid week and the weekly news program is off balance for the rest of the week, and it's only Tuesday. 72 hours left in the week.
This is also why I like this place/group. Mentally hardy and psyop resistant. Logical and creative thinking outside the box. Faithful, too.
When I realized the only confirmable news we got was 2024 run (not even really anything new, tbh, since I knew instinctively he would run since 2020), I was disappointed for all of 3 minutes before it was back to business as usual, lol. And I wasn't even disappointed in Trump (That man has done waaaay too much and taken on waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many attacks unflinchingly for us to ever really be disappointed in him). I was disappointed that we are still not "there" yet and that it's most likely because too many people are still being lazily complacent or idiots with their heads in the sand.
Some interesting developments happening on the cabal's end over night with G20 summit leaders meeting and calling for an emergency NATO meeting first thing in the morning, so I'm curious to see how that plays out.
Hope you’re right.
3rd bid? More like 5th? I applaud this guy's tenacity. All aboard the Trump train faggots! Can we still say that? Imma say it. :-)
I’m not angry at all. It’s 100% what was expected. I’m slightly annoyed at how overhyped this board bade it out to be.
Its just dumb for Trump to tell us to vote for him in 2024 after we lost all faith in the election system this past week. We need mass arrests for this country to move forward, not waiting 2 years for more stolen elections
I don’t disagree at all. I think even trump overhyped it. But one thing I’ve noticed on the board lately is as soon as you are critical of Trump in any way, you have a hoard of downvotes, called a doomer, and told you listen to the wrong “patriots” etc.. Trump isn’t God.. but I’m happy to vote for him because I think he truly wants what is best for this country.
I think there is evidence of a plan. How intricate I don’t know. Q posts have pointed out and called out a lot do people. It has woken US up. To be honest I’m just scared how extreme things would have to get for people to actually demand change. Or accept something such as military intervention.
I mean - if trump was connected in anyway to a military level intervention TODAY.. do we really think that 90% of the population would cheer it on? Sure WE would.. some “normie” republicans and trump supporters would. But I honestly think until something more blatant happens people aren’t ready to accept that. And again.. that kind of scares me.
And the end of the day the only plan I have 100% faith in is Gods.. and that plan eventually leads to globalism..
Six years of Trump has them all twisted up. Two more years of TDS is going to send them to the looney bin.
If the only thing that comes from this is that Trump puts their brains out of commission it was worth it.
If they won't make it behind bars maybe a prisoner of their own mind will be a close 2nd.
Maybe it will trigger their myocarditis
You should hear the normies in my country. It's TDS to whole new levels. They still believe he won 2016 because of the Russians. They actually believe the world is better of with Brandon.
Unreal. Stay strong fren. I fear Europe is going to catch the worst of it soon. God speed.
Thanks, fren.
We're still in the movie.
The timing of everything seems too odd to be anytihng else.
And Trump has been an actor from the beginning. WWE and commercials and TV shows. He's a paid actor.
Nobody here is mad because Trump is running. People are mad because we already knew he was running and this night was another all hype no substance announcement.
People are mad because we just witness the EXACT same voter fraud scheme, despite being told mid terms are safe and no one is calling foul. We have people instead blaming the candidates as if they were worse than a stroke victim.
People are also pissed that we are wasting time debating between Trump and Desantis as if it matters right now. I'd also say people are fed up with the cloak and dagger bullshit as well. Enough of the ambiguous crap. This isn't a movie, and some of us have lost people we can't get back because of the state of the country. We are pissed because there are no solutions despite HEAVY action.
THIS! There are many possible benefits to saying he's running for 2024 for us.
I'm only a little butthurt because ever since Nov 2020, "2024" was practically a swear word to me. Of course I'm happy that Trump is in the running officially again. But I am still quite avidly interested in seeing traitors hang from the gallows for perverting the election.
Imagine being the total retard who wrote "deadly capitol riot". Must suck being that incapable at simple observation (yea right these fags are evil).
What if Trump didn’t run again? Things would get real scary. There’s a lot of games being played. I’m a hundred percent for Trump and I’m grateful for what he has done.
An insurrection huh… These people would cower under their beds if they knew what was done to earn this countries freedom. Insurrection, it was an FBI led erection at most. 🤣 it’s funny they’re still calling it that.
Yeah, I might be incredibly disappointed, but that doesn’t mean I am ever rooting for our voting for the other team. I will never support those evil fucks. MAGA all the way.
We are disappointed because we were hoping for a bigger announcement. Our anger was prior to msm narrative and is completely different.
Ir is ok for us to be pissed that the announcement wasnt a bigger event.
Hold the line, frens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This video and turn it up https://truthsocial.com/users/JuliansRum/statuses/108799973753947397 u/#wwg1wga
Now those headlines are exciting to read. It does show that Trump is still a threat to them. It’s going to be an interesting two years.
Ditto... The nature of the Patriot fight, in that we fight against those who dishonor our Constitution, there is no neutral ground. Those who want to drop out of the fight are, in reality, playing for the other side.
Disappointed to tears...but will still support Trump. Know I'm not alone.
Not angry, but disappointed.
I have yet to see a mainstream narrative that shows they are upset about 2020 and 2022 elections not being fixed. This is what people are upset about.
Why is this stickied? This is an erroneous assessment. Nobody here is angry about trump announcing "because he inspired an insurrection". That is a msm narrative that nobody here sypports. Nobody is angry about trump announcing in and of itself. We're angry because announcing was a tone deaf response to obvious and overwhelming cheating, which has not been reconciled and punished. We're angry because we know the cheating will simply continue. We're angry because trump said tonight was one of the most important nights in history, and it was nothing. We now are expected to fight and win? Right now the right is realizing there is no apparent recourse for our problems and we were hoping to hear a framework and plan of action for addressing grievances. If you're gonna accuse us of getting angry, correctly understand why we're angry instead of shaming us like the msm and dismissing our serious concerns.
Right now, talk is cheap and we don't have patience for bluster. We want to see a plan of action and results. Trump is our guy, and we need him to be a real leader, read the room, and respectfully address these concerns.
Telling us to vote in 2024 right after all the stolen midterm elections is just tone deaf. It has nothing to do with "Trump inspiring an insurrection"
Gimme a break. This is dumb. We’re not mad that Trump is running in 2024.
The dooming is at retard levels today. Things are still working in the background and just because he announced his run that stops nothing.
"hopefully be one of the most important days in our history" That doesn't necessary mean the speech. Maybe it is the fact that a missile into Poland didn't start a world war. DS was probably going to start it if Trump did the lock-'em-up thing.
So what country is Nancy in ? Cuba ?
The left will wreak havoc with doomers. Why give them the ammo. I. Tired of all the excuses for doodling, people died of covid, shots lockdowns waaaaa. We all endured it. Why do we not all doom?
The left will eat them up with more of the same.
Edit: seizure warning
Spez:Spaz warning
High expectations come with high probability of letdown. Nothing wrong with it so long as those with high expectations have a high propensity for bouncing back quickly.