No no, you don't understand. President Trump wouldn't let a good opportunity pass. He won't end them, he will use them. Take all the weapons and tools that the DS has created and use them to fight the DS. It's genius. So I say, lets make them bigger. More FBI, more NSA, more IRS, and more fricken NASA. President Trump has been letting the Democrats load up these organizations with weapons and tools, and once he takes full control, he'll be unstoppable.
The people who occupy these government groups are for the large part globalist/leftist/woke jokes of real Americans. They won’t do a single thing but sabotage anything Trump would do.
Another interesting observation.....It could go either way: the illegitimate IRS will be decimated OR POTUS will use it against the DS, along with the other illegitimate alphabet agencies.
“If you picture Time as a straight line along which we have to travel, then you must picture God as the whole page on which the line is drawn. We come to the parts of the line one by one: we have to leave A behind before we get to B, and cannot reach C until we leave B behind. God, from above or outside or all round, contains the whole line, and sees it all.”
I agree. Time is not linear with God. The OT prophets spoke about things far in the future while using past tense - as though they had already happened. It's a subtle perspective easily missed.
I can see how time could be such an abstract and unimportant concept to an immortal non-corporeal being, however, as a mortal being existing in physical reality, time has a massive impact on my life and thus is of top priority.
In one sense, what is the point at all in something if I'm not alive to see and experience it? Because surely from my perspective.. it would never have happened.
Seriously though... A driving thought from yesterday on the Twitter files... The diggers are making it clear that the government dog-piled on twitter thereby making the "public square" an intelligence agency controlled space....and in doing so influenced the outcome of the election.
That is some solid hopium. I definitely think people on our side have been falling victim to the latest MSM narrative that 'muh Republican Party is in Chaos' over the Speaker nomination.
Why? Because the party didn't just put a rubber stamp on the next swamp creature in line to do the same thing the last swamp creature did? Because instead of just doing what they were told, the Republican congress had alternative nominations, debates, speeches, meetings, demands for concessions, etc?
WTF?! It's almost like these Republicans think they live in some kind of a Republic!
Yeah I completely agree. I hate the media take that "oh look, the Dems are unified and ready for business but the GOP is in chaos". I don't want 99-100% on hardly anything that ever gets voted on over there.
That's one of probably very, very few things the media is correct on: the commies are unified, because they know that if someone goes off script, there will be hell to pay. The Go-pee has multiple factions that cannot get along. They're all in it together. If one person rats, their entire facade crumbles.
Well, this is heartening. Perhaps POTUS got wind of his base being exhausted from all the assaults against Americans and confused from all this drama and thought it a good idea to encourage us. One can hope.
However, FOUNDATIONALLY, every last thing they deal with is supposed to be measured against the Constitution so that they remain within the confines of their delegated powers. They don't do this because no one has demanded that they do. Our sacred duty is to be the watchers, the overseers of our public SERVANTS and make sure that they don't stray. This is a large part of why we have lost most of our Republic.
For what it's worth here is my take... Opposing Kevin, he loses over 100 congressmen no matter what happens. In support, he keeps RINOs and doesn't lose much of his base. He will be running in '24 whoever the Speaker is and will need support. Lastly, DJT isn't opposing anyone yet; in fact he gave Donalds love. So he seems to be a winner regardless of outcome.
To wit: this is good. This sends a very strong signal to the Rinos: you aren't in charge any more. You need MAGA and MAGA pulls the strings. Get your act together, or you are out on your ear.
Seems like things are working through. It 's kinda tough. Most anons would want a MAGA speaker, but until we flush out ALL the Rinos, we need to bring the GOP together behind MAGA, because MAGA calls the shots.
I stayed away from the HOUSE SPEAKEr thing for 2 days. Just don't want to chew the raw data these days - too intense and too heavy. But 48 hour rule is serving me well. I feel optimistic.
I kid, sort of, but it has been amusing to see so much panic from lefties and righties because for once in the last 100 years an entire party in Congress didn’t file in line and vote like they’re told to.
Yep which is why when the idea was first being floated the Dems suddenly tried to push a bill requiring the Speaker to be a sitting congressfelon but that went nowhere.
Kind of strange to be able to elect anyone to be speaker of the house but they didn’t have to be a member of the house. It’s like nominating a team captain but he’s not even on the team.
True but that one was still kind of elected at some point by the people. And still connected to the “system” if you will. But this literally mean they can elect Joe Schmoe for house speaker. Obv long shot but I guess they’re riding on the fact that it would be statistically near impossible.
You don't understand the history of the English people. You weren't taught.
It's time you fixed that. Oliver Cromwell us a good starting point. Figure out how it came to that, and why it lead to George Washington. Hint: Who were the first kings among the Anglo-Saxons, what did they do and how were they chosen?
I no longer trust the things that happen behind the scenes; that is how our Govt was allowed to turn to shit in the first place. How about some shit happening in the public/light for once? TRANSPARENCY
bomb cyclone... they are throwing out new terms just like "derecho" we had here this past summer. They are acting like these have been around used terms for a long time now, but its all because they are throwing HAARP into hyperdrive.
"Behind the scenes" always comes out at some point. We, the people, were meant to be their very attentive overseers and to take control of the nincompoops that came from our own counties. They work for us but we were not taught these things. It's long past time to learn these things and be their actual "bosses". They are REQUIRED to hold every piece of legislation to the standard of the Constitution and their first duty is to protect OUR rights. Guaranteed that they know none of this either.....they are people, like you and me.
So those who continue to vote as RINO's elected in 2022 will be separated by the constitutionalists backed by Trump and his 3rd party in 2024. The list is growing.
Bad strategy. Best strategy is to rout the RINOs and assume command of the GOP. Do not leave them unmolested and in control of a party infrastructure in place. Let THEM figure out how to concoct a third party, when they are on the Outs.
Respectfully, I disagree. Also respectfully- I hope either one of us is right. RINO's right now, many backed by Trump, are showing their colors as we speak. Trump undoubtedly will hold this against them in the long term, and (hopefully) have them voted out. I know its not a popular opinion, but we may be this for a few more years, and if the RINO's out themselves, one way or another, great for us. God Bless.
I have had political experience (union politics, as dirty as they get) in overthrowing a corrupt regime. You simply don't allow the opponents to remain in place. I've seen the fizzle of a third party in Ross Perot's campaign, by which we got Bill Clinton. People like to point to the GOP as having an origin as a third party, but that was in a context where (1) abolition of slavery was an existential issue, and (2) the Whigs were already in decline. Personally, I dislike abandoning the party of abolition to the RINOs. Abolition of slavery, be it by modern means, is our issue of the day.
Haven’t listened Hannity in over a year and now I am dumber for sitting through him being a RINO shill for half of that interview. My respect for him just went to zero.
Hannity is a demon, he doesn’t care about American people. I haven’t listened to him since 2020 and I listened to this thing and confirmed more that he is evil.
Hannity was having a conniption fit this evening. Really showed his true colors, last night had Sean Penn on supporting Ukraine. It's all so laughable, got to wonder who they think are watching.
Very retrospect, perhaps his endorsements of McCarthy and McConnel were to get more people paying attention and upset. The MAGA reps sure seem to have dug in their heels. Time will tell how well this will play out.
You're on a Q research board. Trump is Q+.
You are literally on a board that was created to support the Q team. You're still here why? Doesn't make much sense to say "I don't trust Q but I am here because I believe Q". Huh?
Exactly when they need to.
God's timeline. Not ours.
No no, you don't understand. President Trump wouldn't let a good opportunity pass. He won't end them, he will use them. Take all the weapons and tools that the DS has created and use them to fight the DS. It's genius. So I say, lets make them bigger. More FBI, more NSA, more IRS, and more fricken NASA. President Trump has been letting the Democrats load up these organizations with weapons and tools, and once he takes full control, he'll be unstoppable.
The people who occupy these government groups are for the large part globalist/leftist/woke jokes of real Americans. They won’t do a single thing but sabotage anything Trump would do.
This isn’t a serious idea.
This needs a post if it's own.
Good analysis.
I'll take an MP5, thanks.
Another interesting observation.....It could go either way: the illegitimate IRS will be decimated OR POTUS will use it against the DS, along with the other illegitimate alphabet agencies.
Gods timeline is in the millions of years though just fyi
I disagree. I think God sees it all at once -- unlimited, infinite.
#12 of my 21 things: "God's view of time is different from man's view of time."
“If you picture Time as a straight line along which we have to travel, then you must picture God as the whole page on which the line is drawn. We come to the parts of the line one by one: we have to leave A behind before we get to B, and cannot reach C until we leave B behind. God, from above or outside or all round, contains the whole line, and sees it all.”
C S Lewis
Wonder if C.S. Lewis ever wondered about who ordered A, B, and C. Am thinking he did think about God's order of stuff.
I agree. Time is not linear with God. The OT prophets spoke about things far in the future while using past tense - as though they had already happened. It's a subtle perspective easily missed.
To God 1 day is as 1000 years and vice versa.
Q 2211 (timestamp from Trump's post) has the phrase "behind the scenes" in it FOUR times.
There are now 378,813 sealed indictments. 👈 Too much info for a phone. Works best on a PC.
What is but one day to god?
Except God's timeline runs into the billions of years.
That's the only problem with it. But it's a big one :)
It's only a problem for us. Not for him. LOL
I can see how time could be such an abstract and unimportant concept to an immortal non-corporeal being, however, as a mortal being existing in physical reality, time has a massive impact on my life and thus is of top priority.
In one sense, what is the point at all in something if I'm not alive to see and experience it? Because surely from my perspective.. it would never have happened.
More importantly, are the CIA and the FBI finally going to be splintered into pieces and thrown into the wind?
I think JFK wanted to get rid of them. But then they got rid of him.
Lmao, they're dead already and don't know it.
You have no powerr here swamp agencies.....
Seriously though... A driving thought from yesterday on the Twitter files... The diggers are making it clear that the government dog-piled on twitter thereby making the "public square" an intelligence agency controlled space....and in doing so influenced the outcome of the election.
These kinds of petulant comments stopped being cute a long time ago.
That is some solid hopium. I definitely think people on our side have been falling victim to the latest MSM narrative that 'muh Republican Party is in Chaos' over the Speaker nomination.
Why? Because the party didn't just put a rubber stamp on the next swamp creature in line to do the same thing the last swamp creature did? Because instead of just doing what they were told, the Republican congress had alternative nominations, debates, speeches, meetings, demands for concessions, etc?
WTF?! It's almost like these Republicans think they live in some kind of a Republic!
When you put it that way, it's more heartening than it appears!
Every single Speaker for the last 100 years has taken only 1 vote to be seated. This isnt how the Founders envisioned our Republic.
This chaos is how it is supposed to work. Differing perspectives competing until consensus is reached.
Everyone in lockstep is the antithesis of freedom.
This is the first time in all of our lifetimes that Congress is working as intended.
Yeah I completely agree. I hate the media take that "oh look, the Dems are unified and ready for business but the GOP is in chaos". I don't want 99-100% on hardly anything that ever gets voted on over there.
That's one of probably very, very few things the media is correct on: the commies are unified, because they know that if someone goes off script, there will be hell to pay. The Go-pee has multiple factions that cannot get along. They're all in it together. If one person rats, their entire facade crumbles.
Well, this is heartening. Perhaps POTUS got wind of his base being exhausted from all the assaults against Americans and confused from all this drama and thought it a good idea to encourage us. One can hope.
when he says stay tuned- something always happens.
However, FOUNDATIONALLY, every last thing they deal with is supposed to be measured against the Constitution so that they remain within the confines of their delegated powers. They don't do this because no one has demanded that they do. Our sacred duty is to be the watchers, the overseers of our public SERVANTS and make sure that they don't stray. This is a large part of why we have lost most of our Republic.
Any answer that includes McCarthy is not acceptable.
For what it's worth here is my take... Opposing Kevin, he loses over 100 congressmen no matter what happens. In support, he keeps RINOs and doesn't lose much of his base. He will be running in '24 whoever the Speaker is and will need support. Lastly, DJT isn't opposing anyone yet; in fact he gave Donalds love. So he seems to be a winner regardless of outcome.
Correct. Guy is an asshole
There is so much shit that happens outside our view that your statement is ridiculous.
I dont trust McCarthy. He is swamp. I dont trust anyone in Congress. They are all on the take.
I do trust President Trump. And I have learned to wait a bit before making snap judgements.
Sounds like you’re vaccinated.
That only works on sheep.
This is what I felt after reading an Epoch Times article on the speaker thing:
To wit: this is good. This sends a very strong signal to the Rinos: you aren't in charge any more. You need MAGA and MAGA pulls the strings. Get your act together, or you are out on your ear.
Seems like things are working through. It 's kinda tough. Most anons would want a MAGA speaker, but until we flush out ALL the Rinos, we need to bring the GOP together behind MAGA, because MAGA calls the shots.
I stayed away from the HOUSE SPEAKEr thing for 2 days. Just don't want to chew the raw data these days - too intense and too heavy. But 48 hour rule is serving me well. I feel optimistic.
So, when is Trump getting elected speaker?
I kid, sort of, but it has been amusing to see so much panic from lefties and righties because for once in the last 100 years an entire party in Congress didn’t file in line and vote like they’re told to.
I don’t understand this trump speaker thing. You can nominate anyone to be speaker of the house? It doesn’t have to be an elected congressman??
Yep which is why when the idea was first being floated the Dems suddenly tried to push a bill requiring the Speaker to be a sitting congressfelon but that went nowhere.
Kind of strange to be able to elect anyone to be speaker of the house but they didn’t have to be a member of the house. It’s like nominating a team captain but he’s not even on the team.
Well to be fair the President of the Senate is not a Senator either.
Solid response.
True but that one was still kind of elected at some point by the people. And still connected to the “system” if you will. But this literally mean they can elect Joe Schmoe for house speaker. Obv long shot but I guess they’re riding on the fact that it would be statistically near impossible.
You don't understand the history of the English people. You weren't taught.
It's time you fixed that. Oliver Cromwell us a good starting point. Figure out how it came to that, and why it lead to George Washington. Hint: Who were the first kings among the Anglo-Saxons, what did they do and how were they chosen?
Accurate. I’m catching up on history. I’m still on ancient Babylon right now.
I no longer trust the things that happen behind the scenes; that is how our Govt was allowed to turn to shit in the first place. How about some shit happening in the public/light for once? TRANSPARENCY
bomb cyclone... they are throwing out new terms just like "derecho" we had here this past summer. They are acting like these have been around used terms for a long time now, but its all because they are throwing HAARP into hyperdrive.
Stay safe!
Didn’t they also say “ atmospheric river”?
"Behind the scenes" always comes out at some point. We, the people, were meant to be their very attentive overseers and to take control of the nincompoops that came from our own counties. They work for us but we were not taught these things. It's long past time to learn these things and be their actual "bosses". They are REQUIRED to hold every piece of legislation to the standard of the Constitution and their first duty is to protect OUR rights. Guaranteed that they know none of this either.....they are people, like you and me.
I just love seeing the Rhinos voting for Trump's endorsement! Hahaha! And Maga voting against him! Talk about a flip!
yeah- he's showing how weak the RINO's and Republican party are and strengthening his platform for running as a 3rd party in 2024. Tell me I'm wrong.
3rd party makes no since. Better to take over the Republicans than start from scratch with a split vote going forward.
So those who continue to vote as RINO's elected in 2022 will be separated by the constitutionalists backed by Trump and his 3rd party in 2024. The list is growing.
Bad strategy. Best strategy is to rout the RINOs and assume command of the GOP. Do not leave them unmolested and in control of a party infrastructure in place. Let THEM figure out how to concoct a third party, when they are on the Outs.
Respectfully, I disagree. Also respectfully- I hope either one of us is right. RINO's right now, many backed by Trump, are showing their colors as we speak. Trump undoubtedly will hold this against them in the long term, and (hopefully) have them voted out. I know its not a popular opinion, but we may be this for a few more years, and if the RINO's out themselves, one way or another, great for us. God Bless.
I have had political experience (union politics, as dirty as they get) in overthrowing a corrupt regime. You simply don't allow the opponents to remain in place. I've seen the fizzle of a third party in Ross Perot's campaign, by which we got Bill Clinton. People like to point to the GOP as having an origin as a third party, but that was in a context where (1) abolition of slavery was an existential issue, and (2) the Whigs were already in decline. Personally, I dislike abandoning the party of abolition to the RINOs. Abolition of slavery, be it by modern means, is our issue of the day.
Haven’t listened Hannity in over a year and now I am dumber for sitting through him being a RINO shill for half of that interview. My respect for him just went to zero.
Hannity is a demon, he doesn’t care about American people. I haven’t listened to him since 2020 and I listened to this thing and confirmed more that he is evil.
Same with Trey
That vid is a cartoon, literally. I wonder why it shows that way.
Q 1063-----Spread out by design. MSNBC next? @Jack No ‘PG’ bot push post RC? Saving for Monday? Waiting. Open the door. @Snowden Close to door. Q
‘Event” and “stay tuned” …Hummm something must be going on.
Hannity was having a conniption fit this evening. Really showed his true colors, last night had Sean Penn on supporting Ukraine. It's all so laughable, got to wonder who they think are watching.
Well one thing we know for sure...
This time, all the people who are certain "the event" WON'T just be an announcement of a 2024 run will be right :)
Like we thought. This is the GOPs final purge.
Like voting McCarthy in as speaker?? 😡😡😡
Very retrospect, perhaps his endorsements of McCarthy and McConnel were to get more people paying attention and upset. The MAGA reps sure seem to have dug in their heels. Time will tell how well this will play out.
Spoken like a “true” rightful President.😉
Make Trump Speaker. Bannon's right on this
At this point let the whole swamp machine burn. Much easir to rebuild it
We need a bone every now and then. We can take trust me bro for only so long before someone goes nuts.
You're on a Q research board. Trump is Q+. You are literally on a board that was created to support the Q team. You're still here why? Doesn't make much sense to say "I don't trust Q but I am here because I believe Q". Huh? is that way ---->