He is still an a one ass. He said we, the pure bloods, made our decision based on distrust of government and corporations. Our heuristic ideas he said.
Not that simple. Yes we do distrust those listed entities but not only that. We also researched, we debated among our selves. We shared information and made our medical decisions based on a lot investigation.
Absolutely this. And we shared it broad, and many, too many didn't listen. They refused public available data and called it a conspiracy theory. 1+1 equals 3, 5, 6, whathever, it's never 2 for some kind of people.
Forgot about that... I can't count my FB and Twatter bans anymore. But I also showed it to members of my family, they (not all) refused to listen.
My mother in law got two shots, refused the booster, but two were enough. She developped some serious skin condition around her throat and on her scalp two weeks ago. She treated it with creams and oil and it's just getting worse. I made her some Chlorine Dioxide Solution spray yesterday (she didn't want it a week ago, pseudomedicine she called it, but now she's at a point where she just wants something to help against the itching), and it seems to help. She drinks some solution according to Andreas Kalcker's protocol C as well. Let's see how it goes, but it's really, really nasty. She never had something like this before in her lifetime.
She worked in care homes for 30ys, she knows a bit about treating wounds, but she also is a believer in big P. And now she finds out that it's useless. And dangerous. I'm glad she accepted the CDS finally, 'cause I treated a lot of shit with it and I know it works. It just takes time.
Why is he treating it like some kind of contest? Many of the jabbed could be fated with a bad outcome and the unjabbed are standing by helplessly watching their jabbed friends and loved ones suffer.
Agreed. How did the self proclaimed master of manipulation not spot the blatant fear porn, gaslighting and social manipulation? He knew. He knew and therefore I question his motives for pushing it and his current mea culpa.
Now, claiming “anti-vaxxers won” …over and over…is still manipulation. (It’s a non-apology apology used by manipulative people.) His intentionally inaccurate justification/argument/phrasing and calling us “anti-vaxxers” is classic, manipulating Scott Adams.
So, when stupid, small minded people reply to him saying, “Ya, you idiot, hope you die” or some such…he’ll still be able to say the “anti-vaxxers” are hateful people and don’t care about society as a whole. He can then retain his original, self righteous position/opinion and his ego.
Like other posters said, much research and concern went into the decision to refuse the shot. We begged our family and friends not to get it. We were ridiculed, ostracized and called names. We lost jobs, opportunities, relationships, family and friends because we cared. Now we are watching those we know, those we love, die or get terribly sick with horrible diseases. Children having heart attacks. People dropping dead.
We’re not gloating. Our “anti-vaxxer” hearts are breaking.
Like you said…nobody is winning.
Did S. Adams mention any of that? No. Did he actually apologize for his part in the C-19 manipulation? No. Did he apologize for his own abusive stance against those who decided not to take an experimental drug? No. Did he admit to being a paid manipulator to further the agenda? No.
If he were honest and sincere in his apology, he would have.
"How did the self-proclaimed master of manipulation not spot the blatant fear porn, gaslighting and social manipulation?" Well said. Same with Jordan Peterson. The self-proclaimed expert on totalitarianism who not only quoted Solzhenitsyn but was invited to write the preface to a recent reprint of Gulag Archipelago, completely and utterly buckled in the face of blatant, emerging totalitarianism. Such stunning self-delusion from these malignant narcissists.
Agreed. While we can appreciate his acknowledgment for being mislead, this wasn’t about picking the “winning” side. It was (and continues to be) about good vs. evil. 💯🎯❤️
Good for him. This will wake more sheep. Gross over-simplification on Adams' part. I didn't take the shot because of #1 on the Georgia Guidestones - population reduction + history of vaccines being used to kill/control populations. Not to mention a vaccine which normally takes 10 years to make it to market taking months. Plus...blah blah blah. Oh yeah, and a very healthy distrust of the government. And the survival rate of COVID.
Quite frankly, getting the vax was the equivalent of a Darwinian IQ test. Most of my friends and family failed.
What I think happened. Merely speculation, but it fits the situation perfectly.
Scott switched himself from a public motivational speaker, to become an influencer. Specifically, he was hired to influence conservatives.
Because he was already a millionaire, he took his payment as a cabal asset trophy wife.
His main task was to rally conservatives into getting vaxed. He would pace-and-lead conservatives and then, once he had a large audience of them, covid was scheduled to be in full swing and he would influence them to get vaccinated.
Recently, his effectiveness has been waning. His audience dropped considerably. He was being completely mocked for his pro-vaccine stance.
He was considered a failure by Chyna. So they repoed his trophy wife.
Now he's saying "fuck it", he's pissed at them. Now he's walking his pro-vaccine stance back and telling everyone it was right to be skeptical.
Exactly. This framing of this, "You're the winners," is a pacing move.
I don't know about the repo part. That could be a lot of reasons.
But, this whole speech feels really off to me. I can't quite put my finger on it. Even when he's supposedly admitting he was wrong, he comes off as manipulative.
He is showing people the way. He is letting them know even as extreme a person as he has been can be swayed by the facts and admit they were wrong. He never believed anything he was saying in the first place
Well, he's not wrong. He still sort of dismisses us as if to say we stumbled onto our decisions MERELY by distrusting government and Pharma. Nope, Scott, it was much, much deeper than that. I cannot recall how many different studies and papers I read before making my decision not to be vaxx'ed. He still persists in thinking that only HIS side was 'following the science.' Ha! Think again, Scott.
I read up on mRNA and made an informed decision that I was going to stay out of this extended trial for a new gene therapy medication. Based on the data of prior trials, pharma history, new medications turning out to have devastating side effects most of the time—I determined that in five to ten years we would know better whether or not mRNA was a safe technology.
But according to Clot Adams, I just went with my gut and distrust of government and got lucky.
Yeah. When Trump said we'd get tired of winning, he was warning us to be ready for things like this. MAGA was always going to require taking some really bitter victories.
Notice the subtle shift in position he just tried to pull off here.
His former position was that (a) there were good people on both sides (heh) but EVERYONE was making decisions based only on FEAR, of either the pseudovaccine, or the coronavirus; and (b) we just happened to "guess right", but our belief that this means we were better informed, smarter, wiser, etc., is merely proof of "confirmation bias" on our part, and proof that we are actually stupid.
NOW his position is that we "won" (was there a game or contest happening? People are dying, nitwit) but won solely because of MISTRUST. Now we're not people who are stupid, we're merely the sort of people who aren't trusting. (See? We're STILL not good people!) Of course if you don't trust the govt or mega corps that's never a bad thing, and he says so.
He clearly admits defeat, but (a) never comes off the position that it could still be luck on our part that we chose correctly in our mistrust of the pseudovax and (b) at least in this edited bit of video, I don't hear anything sounding even slightly like an apology.
I don't think winning was on most of "our" minds. I do believe we were trying to inform and educate the people who still trusted in and believed the government and big Pharma people. It wasn't a contest, it was informational so people could make their own decisions. Some were/felt forced because of job or other reasons in their lives, they did this knowingly even though they thought the vax was bad. Hopefully most didn't get more than one, maybe two.
I’ve been saying the whole time this guy was trolling. No way he can be as funny as he is without being observant and incorporating truth into his humour. Otherwise it would not be funny. It’s easier to try to wake people up by pretending to be a sheeple and taking extreme positions that forces the people that should agree with you to be repulsed by how extreme you are. Then to admit he is wrong? Try to imagine any sheeple you know actually admitting that. No way. He never believed anything he was saying in the first place so climbing down from it is easy to do. Genius.
He keeps talking about this like it's a competition and the winner gets a prize.
Ok so I am an "antivaxxer" and my prize is standing on a pile of the corpses of my fellow Americans. This is darkly retarded.
What the fuck is he talking about. He made a mistake. The best thing would be for him to admit that, suck it up, and start working on a fix for those who got the clotshots. I would love and respect him, if he were to do that. This crap just sounds like schoolyard fights. As someone who found himself in many schoolyard fights (none started, all finished), I can assure you that this is a colossal waste of time and effort and life seconds.
Move the fuck on, Clot Adams. Grow the fuck up. Become the solution. Not a wingey cunt.
Maybe if he was not so caught up in "who won" and just listened in the first place. Most so called Antivaxxers are very worried about friends and family who felt they "had to take the shot" for one reason or another, never was about "winning" for personal clout or something. Saying that, this clip was so cut up and I do not listen to the guy in general, who knows what he was saying as rebuttal to half those clipped words. The ONLY win so far has been for big pharma raking in billions with their scam death shots.
this has to be a White Hat operation... clot adams does have a HUGE following..... it almost seems that he's been in character this whole time rooting for the vaccines and being damned mean and nasty about it too..... and now admitting that he was wrong the whole time... that is waking up a lot of people... some will be fully awake now and some will be only slightly and questioning what the've been believing the whole time. a good movie has good actors! it seems to me that he's been an actor the whole time. i've followed his cartoons for many years and the Dilbert characters seems to be right on the money as far as what goes on today... that's why it seemed so odd that the cartoons were based and he was so far the opposite. how many more people with high following will be flipping? at the same time... those that took the vax are either scared of the liquid demon coursing through their veins... or they're brains are so polluted that they still think that they're right and nothing will change their minds. the ending won't be for everyone...
Yeah, he can't help himself, still has to get a dig in, to condescend. Same as when he said 'anti-vaxxers went from having the weakest position...' Guy is a malignant narcissist.
He is still an a one ass. He said we, the pure bloods, made our decision based on distrust of government and corporations. Our heuristic ideas he said.
Not that simple. Yes we do distrust those listed entities but not only that. We also researched, we debated among our selves. We shared information and made our medical decisions based on a lot investigation.
Never forget or forgive Clot Adams. Ever!
I like how he will forever be known as clot adams, lmao
"We shared information"
Absolutely this. And we shared it broad, and many, too many didn't listen. They refused public available data and called it a conspiracy theory. 1+1 equals 3, 5, 6, whathever, it's never 2 for some kind of people.
Forgot about that... I can't count my FB and Twatter bans anymore. But I also showed it to members of my family, they (not all) refused to listen.
My mother in law got two shots, refused the booster, but two were enough. She developped some serious skin condition around her throat and on her scalp two weeks ago. She treated it with creams and oil and it's just getting worse. I made her some Chlorine Dioxide Solution spray yesterday (she didn't want it a week ago, pseudomedicine she called it, but now she's at a point where she just wants something to help against the itching), and it seems to help. She drinks some solution according to Andreas Kalcker's protocol C as well. Let's see how it goes, but it's really, really nasty. She never had something like this before in her lifetime.
She worked in care homes for 30ys, she knows a bit about treating wounds, but she also is a believer in big P. And now she finds out that it's useless. And dangerous. I'm glad she accepted the CDS finally, 'cause I treated a lot of shit with it and I know it works. It just takes time.
I felt that he has been sarcastic; he knows he will get sick, but not in 5 years as he claimed, I think sooner.
He is an ass, he loves to go on these logic deep dives and cannot accept the cognitive dissonance that he failed to do that on the clot shot.
It's also not a bloody competition. I don't feel like I've won when so many of my loved ones took the jab.
This guy is still just a dick.
Yes, we used Common Sense!! Something that has proven to be a misnomer. 🤦♀️
maybe apologize for being an asshole to everyone smarter than you?
he'd have to accept that there are people that are smarter than he is, i don't think he is capable.
Clott Adams didn't hang himself....
Why is he treating it like some kind of contest? Many of the jabbed could be fated with a bad outcome and the unjabbed are standing by helplessly watching their jabbed friends and loved ones suffer.
Nobody's winning.
Agreed. How did the self proclaimed master of manipulation not spot the blatant fear porn, gaslighting and social manipulation? He knew. He knew and therefore I question his motives for pushing it and his current mea culpa.
Now, claiming “anti-vaxxers won” …over and over…is still manipulation. (It’s a non-apology apology used by manipulative people.) His intentionally inaccurate justification/argument/phrasing and calling us “anti-vaxxers” is classic, manipulating Scott Adams.
So, when stupid, small minded people reply to him saying, “Ya, you idiot, hope you die” or some such…he’ll still be able to say the “anti-vaxxers” are hateful people and don’t care about society as a whole. He can then retain his original, self righteous position/opinion and his ego.
Like other posters said, much research and concern went into the decision to refuse the shot. We begged our family and friends not to get it. We were ridiculed, ostracized and called names. We lost jobs, opportunities, relationships, family and friends because we cared. Now we are watching those we know, those we love, die or get terribly sick with horrible diseases. Children having heart attacks. People dropping dead.
We’re not gloating. Our “anti-vaxxer” hearts are breaking.
Like you said…nobody is winning.
Did S. Adams mention any of that? No. Did he actually apologize for his part in the C-19 manipulation? No. Did he apologize for his own abusive stance against those who decided not to take an experimental drug? No. Did he admit to being a paid manipulator to further the agenda? No.
If he were honest and sincere in his apology, he would have.
"How did the self-proclaimed master of manipulation not spot the blatant fear porn, gaslighting and social manipulation?" Well said. Same with Jordan Peterson. The self-proclaimed expert on totalitarianism who not only quoted Solzhenitsyn but was invited to write the preface to a recent reprint of Gulag Archipelago, completely and utterly buckled in the face of blatant, emerging totalitarianism. Such stunning self-delusion from these malignant narcissists.
This is exactly what he’s doing. Clearing the air so he can retain his moral high ground. Don’t even give him the clicks.
Narcissistic social media "influencers" and tyrants don't even know what an apology is.
I don’t want to win a contest where those who lost end up injured or dead.
I don’t want to lose that contest either
Because he's stupid like that.
Red-Blue, Right-Wrong, Winners-Losers…C’mon dumb ass (you still don’t get it!)…How about GOOD vs. EVIL?🤔
Agreed. While we can appreciate his acknowledgment for being mislead, this wasn’t about picking the “winning” side. It was (and continues to be) about good vs. evil. 💯🎯❤️
Good for him. This will wake more sheep. Gross over-simplification on Adams' part. I didn't take the shot because of #1 on the Georgia Guidestones - population reduction + history of vaccines being used to kill/control populations. Not to mention a vaccine which normally takes 10 years to make it to market taking months. Plus...blah blah blah. Oh yeah, and a very healthy distrust of the government. And the survival rate of COVID.
Quite frankly, getting the vax was the equivalent of a Darwinian IQ test. Most of my friends and family failed.
The worst part about it is how it is fogging up peoples minds - they can't see what it's doing to them, or the people around them.
What I think happened. Merely speculation, but it fits the situation perfectly.
Scott switched himself from a public motivational speaker, to become an influencer. Specifically, he was hired to influence conservatives.
Because he was already a millionaire, he took his payment as a cabal asset trophy wife.
His main task was to rally conservatives into getting vaxed. He would pace-and-lead conservatives and then, once he had a large audience of them, covid was scheduled to be in full swing and he would influence them to get vaccinated.
Recently, his effectiveness has been waning. His audience dropped considerably. He was being completely mocked for his pro-vaccine stance.
He was considered a failure by Chyna. So they repoed his trophy wife.
Now he's saying "fuck it", he's pissed at them. Now he's walking his pro-vaccine stance back and telling everyone it was right to be skeptical.
Aha, so that could be one reason he says "you win."
Because he failed at the TASK he had been given.
Hmm. Interesting way to look at it.
Wonderfully cynical and totally plausible. Hope it's wrong, but no one here should be surprised if it's spot on.
Exactly. This framing of this, "You're the winners," is a pacing move. I don't know about the repo part. That could be a lot of reasons. But, this whole speech feels really off to me. I can't quite put my finger on it. Even when he's supposedly admitting he was wrong, he comes off as manipulative.
Totally with you on this. He's a Judas Goat. Next up: Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris and many more...
To admit the truth and then put it out to the masses makes him a winner also. Together our goal should be to defeat the evil.
Takes courage to admit defeat. Better late than never.
some of those replies: I quit following him because <liblogic />
He is showing people the way. He is letting them know even as extreme a person as he has been can be swayed by the facts and admit they were wrong. He never believed anything he was saying in the first place
With all the harm it clearly causes and all the died suddenlys.
Well, he's not wrong. He still sort of dismisses us as if to say we stumbled onto our decisions MERELY by distrusting government and Pharma. Nope, Scott, it was much, much deeper than that. I cannot recall how many different studies and papers I read before making my decision not to be vaxx'ed. He still persists in thinking that only HIS side was 'following the science.' Ha! Think again, Scott.
Yes, this was a “you got lucky” admission.
I read up on mRNA and made an informed decision that I was going to stay out of this extended trial for a new gene therapy medication. Based on the data of prior trials, pharma history, new medications turning out to have devastating side effects most of the time—I determined that in five to ten years we would know better whether or not mRNA was a safe technology.
But according to Clot Adams, I just went with my gut and distrust of government and got lucky.
Fuck clot Adam’s
We are not the winners, he is just a loser .
Well the guy is an ass hat but I give him some credit for admitting it.
We didn’t want to be right 😢
Yeah. When Trump said we'd get tired of winning, he was warning us to be ready for things like this. MAGA was always going to require taking some really bitter victories.
We won whether he declares it or not
Anyone that trusted these pharma companies with their slut media friends is a literal moron anyway
Notice the subtle shift in position he just tried to pull off here.
His former position was that (a) there were good people on both sides (heh) but EVERYONE was making decisions based only on FEAR, of either the pseudovaccine, or the coronavirus; and (b) we just happened to "guess right", but our belief that this means we were better informed, smarter, wiser, etc., is merely proof of "confirmation bias" on our part, and proof that we are actually stupid.
NOW his position is that we "won" (was there a game or contest happening? People are dying, nitwit) but won solely because of MISTRUST. Now we're not people who are stupid, we're merely the sort of people who aren't trusting. (See? We're STILL not good people!) Of course if you don't trust the govt or mega corps that's never a bad thing, and he says so.
He clearly admits defeat, but (a) never comes off the position that it could still be luck on our part that we chose correctly in our mistrust of the pseudovax and (b) at least in this edited bit of video, I don't hear anything sounding even slightly like an apology.
Clott Adam's didn't break the Internet. The Internet broke Clott Adams.
Remember. No amnesty
Guys! I’m smarter than Scott Adams!
I don't think winning was on most of "our" minds. I do believe we were trying to inform and educate the people who still trusted in and believed the government and big Pharma people. It wasn't a contest, it was informational so people could make their own decisions. Some were/felt forced because of job or other reasons in their lives, they did this knowingly even though they thought the vax was bad. Hopefully most didn't get more than one, maybe two.
I’ve been saying the whole time this guy was trolling. No way he can be as funny as he is without being observant and incorporating truth into his humour. Otherwise it would not be funny. It’s easier to try to wake people up by pretending to be a sheeple and taking extreme positions that forces the people that should agree with you to be repulsed by how extreme you are. Then to admit he is wrong? Try to imagine any sheeple you know actually admitting that. No way. He never believed anything he was saying in the first place so climbing down from it is easy to do. Genius.
He keeps talking about this like it's a competition and the winner gets a prize.
Ok so I am an "antivaxxer" and my prize is standing on a pile of the corpses of my fellow Americans. This is darkly retarded.
What the fuck is he talking about. He made a mistake. The best thing would be for him to admit that, suck it up, and start working on a fix for those who got the clotshots. I would love and respect him, if he were to do that. This crap just sounds like schoolyard fights. As someone who found himself in many schoolyard fights (none started, all finished), I can assure you that this is a colossal waste of time and effort and life seconds.
Move the fuck on, Clot Adams. Grow the fuck up. Become the solution. Not a wingey cunt.
Idiot is more concerned of "winning" than being worried that millions, including himself, may soon die.
Maybe if he was not so caught up in "who won" and just listened in the first place. Most so called Antivaxxers are very worried about friends and family who felt they "had to take the shot" for one reason or another, never was about "winning" for personal clout or something. Saying that, this clip was so cut up and I do not listen to the guy in general, who knows what he was saying as rebuttal to half those clipped words. The ONLY win so far has been for big pharma raking in billions with their scam death shots.
this has to be a White Hat operation... clot adams does have a HUGE following..... it almost seems that he's been in character this whole time rooting for the vaccines and being damned mean and nasty about it too..... and now admitting that he was wrong the whole time... that is waking up a lot of people... some will be fully awake now and some will be only slightly and questioning what the've been believing the whole time. a good movie has good actors! it seems to me that he's been an actor the whole time. i've followed his cartoons for many years and the Dilbert characters seems to be right on the money as far as what goes on today... that's why it seemed so odd that the cartoons were based and he was so far the opposite. how many more people with high following will be flipping? at the same time... those that took the vax are either scared of the liquid demon coursing through their veins... or they're brains are so polluted that they still think that they're right and nothing will change their minds. the ending won't be for everyone...
theres no winners in this...
I like how he sneaks in the word heuristics.
Yeah, he can't help himself, still has to get a dig in, to condescend. Same as when he said 'anti-vaxxers went from having the weakest position...' Guy is a malignant narcissist.
Yeah, we "won." The ones left picking up the peices of our dead or injured family and friends. Some win...
Blah blah blah just admit you were wrong and we weren't. It doesnt take that long lol
Im glad he did this but framing it as 'winning and losing' cones off sounding a bit salty.
There are no winners. Just those that are injured and dead. And those that were attacked relentlessly for their beliefs.
It wasn't a contest delbert