The concept is actually pretty good. Getting out and walking, and knowing your neighbors in this neighborhood, etc.--those are good things.
The problem is the restrictions and curtailing of freedoms.
Why can't they just design a great city as they're discussing, and let people be free to choose how they live within it, or how they traverse boundaries, etc.? Why the control? Well, we know why...
So, the scary thing actually happening here is that they are packaging something sinister inside a pretty attractive concept.
,.its all about control,.give them an inch theyll take a mile,,in britain if you drive in to another neighbourhood you face a170 pound fine about $ it will be easier to lock you down in a fake pandemic,.
I based it on our currency which is 2 $NZ to the pound,.,but remember they are all taxes,so it will go up pretty quick,.I posted a link to a video on twitter but it didnt happen
can you name one place where your vision has worked? I can name areas where it has not: anywhere rural where people get to do whatever they want. If we don't have some level of zoning and code, we devolve. Period.
99 percent of people are not capable of absolute freedom... simply because they have no consideration for others. So, I don't know what type of utopia you think is feasible with total freedom. But humanity would suffer.
I am not a planning nazi. I don't like the idea of boundaries. My only point was that a well-designed and planned community would foster neighborhoods, community, outdoor interaction, etc.
nope, not me... never heard of Downtown Westminster.
But to your points: of course I was exaggerating about 99 percent not being able to handle freedom. The truth is that just like absolute power corrupts absolutely, absolute freedom will always devolve to the weakest link among those who are free. That's why we have laws and LEO. Basic civility requires infrastructure, which includes everything from plumbing infrastructure to police.
Finding the right balance between a well-designed/planned community and the need to preserve freedom (and not allow encroachments on the freedom over time) is the job of patriots.
edit: by the way... I have never said that what they are planning with the 15 minute city of control is good, and in fact it should be stopped... just say no.
Westminster is pushing 15 min city? Amazing. Hadn’t heard of this though not surprised a sprawl hellhole in shithole Colorado is working towards it.
My first house was in WM many years ago.
Golden is working to be Boulder. Golden used to be a great little town and is now a woke crap hole wanting to be inclusive in the same way Boulder is. Trash. Homeless. Pay for parking. Big city woke shit that spoils everything.
Think about the average people that live in cities - at least the bigger ones. Also the concept of private property may not really exist in places like Baltimore, NYC, Detroit - lots of row houses, apartments, and section-8 housing. People living in big urban areas mostly just want to avoid getting robbed/killed, keep their heads down, and survive. Or they are just completely oblivious. That's why when news channels go interview people on the street and ask them easy questions like who is the president they have no clue.
Some of the things you outlined could work in suburban areas but even there you have the NAZI home owner associations, the soccer moms and Karens, and the people like me who don't want other people telling me what to do.
I guess the only place something like this would work is in an Amish area.
Lancaster, PA is a perfect example of a city in very close proximity to the Amish chock full of shootings, robbery etc. White trash meth heads that block traffic on Rt30 because of whatever the latest thing is. Here's hoping climate change takes them the F out.
Yup...Not so much where all the tourist shit is, but along the 30 corridor between Lancaster and Hershey.... Mt Joy etc. Total trash. It's like they've filled in the gaps between the rural areas with these animals.
It's a pretty safe bet that any car being attended by several cops and being searched is suspected (actually already known to be) trafficking. See it all the time on the freeways.
I think his point is that situations like the J6 prisoners have been in solitary for 2 years. I am fairly certain that none of them "submitted" to this situation. Of course, they could have gotten into a gun battle with the SWAT teams that arrested them, but that would have resulted in their deaths AND proved the point of the government stance that they were dangerous, or at least this is what would have gone out in the media.
It'll have some effect, depending on how many you take with you. They will spin it how they want, but the doorkickers will be more cautious and a bit more scared for the next time.
Not that long ago, and i mean within the last couole decades, Cleveland had forced bussing for schools. This would take kids from one neighborhood, and bus them all the way across town to go to school. This was in the name of integration. Why? Because Cleveland was one of the most segregated cities in the country. Bussing is gone, thankfully, but it is still one of the most segregated coties in the country. There is East Side, and there is West Side. So we have come full circle. From segregating the city, to trying to forcefully integrate it, to re-segregating it. Awesome
There is no chance Cleveland can fund a project like his. Hate the break it to you but Cleveland is a brokie city. Ain’t go no money to do anything like a 15 minute city
This is why the idea of 15 minute cities is ridiculous and will never gain traction. The economics absolutely do not support it for the majority of neighborhoods, no matter what city you're talking about. Any neighborhood rich enough to support it already works this way.
LMAO, you are so right. The dweeb in the video is softer than wet toilet paper. Try this crap with SO MANY small rural areas in Ohio that are already establishing second amendment sanctuaries by county. I'm not that far from Cleveland. Trust me, those rich folk in Westlake, Bay Village, Rocky River also won't be denied their vehicles or freedom to move
·25th January 2023
15 minute city plans cause controversy
Martin Alfonsin Larsen
15 minute city zones that have been proposed by Oxford City Council as part of the Local Plan 2040 have garnered significant controversy. The plan, which will see traffic filters installed on six roads as part of a £6.5m trial, is set to commence in 2024. Under these new filters, residents will be able to drive freely around their own neighbourhoods but will be fined up to £70 for driving into other neighbourhoods through the filters. The plan’s aim is to create neighbourhoods in Oxford where ‘essential’ facilities are accessible by a walking distance of up to 15 minutes. These facilities were determined by a 2022 civilian consultation of over 5,000 stakeholders.
Such facilities in a prospective 15 minute city include shops selling food and other essentials, parks and green spaces, postal services, health services including a GP and pharmacy, social and hospitality outlets like coffee shops, and banking services. The Local Plan 2040 also aims to address issues relating to disparities in service provision, with the council stating that they want to ensure that ‘areas of the city such as Barton, Blackbird Leys and Rose Hill have all the essential services that areas such as East Oxford and Jericho already have’.
The City Council has asserted that the plan’s intent is not to coerce residents into staying in one neighbourhood, but to address ‘awful’ congestion in the city centre which it argues is making public transport in Oxford ‘unviable’. The traffic filters will not take the form of physical barricades; instead, new traffic cameras which can read number plates will be installed. These were first introduced in 2015 as part of the Oxford Transport Strategy, with Magdalen Street being covered by one. Filters will operate on St Cross Road, Thames Street, Hythe Bridge Street and St Clements from 7am to 7pm, with more on Marston Ferry Road and Hollow Way operating from Monday to Saturday.
These assurances have not stopped the plan from being criticised by a plethora of stakeholders and political commentators. Online media personality Jordan Peterson has criticised ‘idiot tyrannical bureaucrats’ who ‘decide by fiat where you’re “allowed” to drive’ and labelled the filters ‘part of a well-documented plan’, while far-right commentator Katie Hopkins labelled the plans ‘coercive’, drawing parallels with tyranny that she perceived in COVID lockdown laws.
Peterson’s labelling of the 15-minute city zones as part of a ‘well-documented plan’ has been linked to debunked conspiracy theories regarding a ‘great reset’, which claim that elites and groups like the World Economic Forum, which convened in Davos, Switzerland from January the 16th to the 20th, aim to take away basic rights from citizens in the new post-COVID world. Some residents have also critiqued the plan, with 3,400 signing a petition against new filters for Marston Ferry Road and Hollow Way. Another 1,700 people have signed a petition asking the Council to reconsider, over fears Botley Road in the west of Oxford will be inundated with traffic. A protest was also organised by Not Our Future, a right-wing populist pressure group, which has labelled leading politicians as part of a ‘Blob’ that has conspired to deprive political power from ‘the people’. Over 250 volunteers were confirmed.
However, it is important to note that travel to other areas of Oxford will be permitted by alternative routes, such as the ring road surrounding the city, at any time. Residents will also be able to apply for permits to drive through filters and into other neighbourhoods for up to 100 days a year, while Oxfordshire residents will be able to secure permits for up to 25 days a year. Free travel through filters will be allowed by bus, bike, taxi, scooter, and walking. Exemptions will also be provided for carers, blue badge holders, business, and emergency services. This element of the plan is indicative of its aims to incentivise sustainable private and public transport, with Oxfordshire County Council wanting to make such modes of transport ‘the natural first choice’.
The City Council has received death threats and online abuse as a result of the inaccurate claims regarding the proposal. Duncan Enright, Oxfordshire County Councillor and cabinet member for travel and development strategy, told the BBC he felt ‘bruised’ and ‘cautious’ due to the threats he had received.
why be surprised ? Laws are for the MAGA crowd not the Dims, laws are to oppress any resistance, This is a part of their "Rules Based System", where laws are only used against the opposition, their rules are invented to suit any occasion.Laws are not for them.
Rosa Koire warned us - Agenda 21 / 2030: They do it from the bottom up. They introduce all the bullshit in the communities and cities. We have to fight at the local level.
The concept is sound, we already have a city like that in Ohio that I live in and we literally have 2 of everything and it's super convenient.
The evil comes in when they start pushing down draconic policies that tell you you can't leave the city, which is completely unconstitutional on multiple fronts.
Want a 15 minute city, go for it. Want to fine me for travelling anywhere in the US while I'm a US citizen? You can suck on my Glock.
Definitely fight against this as a top down dictate. Fight for those dollars to fund bottom up, grassroots initiatives that promote small businesses to fill a neighborhoods needs. Without a doubt some cities will use this “idea” to claim eminent domain and take people’s property, only to turn it over to big businesses.
Having said all that, this is more than likely another idea that will morph into nothing more than a money laundering scheme. The funds needed to retrofit buildings and infrastructure will be off the charts expensive. There probably isn’t enough budgeted to accomplish this in one medium sized city. But, there is probably enough to spread around to rig elections.
America already had 15 minute cities. We were built on them.
They were called: small town, usa. I’m in one. You had schools, churches, stores, a doctor, a dentist, a few places to eat and drink, a grainery (farm supply), a working train depot, a few offices, a theater, library, city hall, post office, sheriff, a few boutiques and a nice farm market—all a few blocks from an area where a couple small factories or mills sat. My town had a skate rink, bowling alley, ice cream parlor, gym and public pool once. The dime store, butcher, barber, shoe store, pharmacy and hallmark were there. We had a florist who operated from a local house. Small home offices hung out a shingle, in case you need a CPA or piano lessons. The grocer would make deliveries. The doctor home visits.
If you lived in this town 40 years ago you could walk or bike everywhere minutes from your house. Surrounding farms supported us, and we supported them. You didn’t need a big city visit unless you needed cancer treatment or a lawyer. It really was heaven.
Then they shipped the jobs overseas, let Walmart kill the mom-n-pop merchants, shuttered the mill and told all the kiddos they should move off to the big shit filled democrat run cities—because—really you haven’t experienced life until you’ve been robbed at gunpoint and smelled a crackhead.
My long winded (sorry) point is: if they wanted this—greener life, less travel, sustainable rich neighborhood experience, they would not be killing small towns.
It is easier to control 15 minute cities, also, it is easier to systematically vaccinate, starve, and depopulate a country when it is divided into 15 min. cities.
Another point to process is that if people want 15 minute cities, they are gonna go move to ones that already exist. For example, Lakewood is an inner ring suburb of Cleveland. It has an extremely high population density…something like 10,000 people per square mile. It is a place you can live and literally never have to leave. Afvantages over Cleveland include safety, schools, housing stock, and government services.
Cleveland is already losing population by the bus load. Main causes have nothing to do with walkability, climate change, LGBTQ friendliness, or length of commute. The schools suck. Infrastructure is crumbling. Roads are shit. Crime is rampant. The government and associated services are corrupt and unchanging. Meanwhile, suburbs like Westlake, Avon, North Olmsted, Bedford, etc, are building and expanding their capabilities as great neighborhoods to live in. Then you have places like Lakewood, Cleveland Heights, Euclid, Parma, Garfield Heights, etc, that are suburbs but basically just neighborhoods of Cleveland. These are run much better than the city itself, with an enormous increase in safety and schooling that make them very attractive to urban residents.
Like someone else said, this will just be another big money laundering scheme. Spend it on infrastructure, safety, emergency services, small business, and things that will actually ATTRACT people to the city and youd be on the right path. Trying to trap people in their own shit neighborhoods is just garbage. Nevermind the fact that it seems like a fancy form of gentrification, where the people who can really benefit from the help will actually be pushed out as cost of living rises to support all the money being spent to upgrade.
I used to live in Cleveland. This will never fly because they could never afford it and the scofflaws will make a mockery of it. Cleveland is not Switzerland, heir Schwab. DeWine is fooked.
But they just can't kill the beast
Last thing I remember I was running for the door I had to find the passage back to the place I was before
"Relax," said the night man "We are programmed to receive You can check-out any time you like But you can never leave!"
The one thing that no one has considered is visiting Friends and Family, finding a date/spouse and working at large factories or businesses. The 15 min walk doesn't cover as much area as people think. Come to think of it, how many dates would you be able to go on before you ran out of women within 15min of your walking distance?
It's a dreamy eyed delusionalists ideal of Utopia. They always neglect to see the fascism required to implement it. This is a mental illness of people that have been indoctrinated out of any ability for self-reliance.
They are talking about a layout where each neighborhood has everything you need in it. This is a good concept. What the WEF is doing is taking that idea and then proposing to control movement between neighborhoods, bastardizing what was a good idea. So hopefully the city fathers will do what is right.
15 minutes city? What is that crap 💩? They can jail and kill anybody they want. Imagine in a plandemic or illegals in your 15 minutes city? Welp NO. I want my privacy and freedom.
I was honestly upset about that at first, but realize its not really a big deal. I was in the same camp as you, honoring the native american Louis Sockalexis from the Cleveland Spiders days. However, the other side of that was the Wahoo characiture with exaggerated features and some writings about how Sockalexis really wasnt being honored but just coincidence. I dont necessarily believe the latter, but that was the arguement. Either way, the change was bound to happen eventually due to the controversy. Its sports, so its inconsequential in the grand scheme, and the product did not change.
My ancestor was one of the first people in Cleveland Ohio. She was along with the Moses Cleveland expedition that explored the area for a settlement, then built two cabins for people to stay in "Cleveland" during that first winter ( While Moses Cleveland took his boats back East across the lake and spent the winter in comfort). 15 people stayed that winter including two women.
In spring, he came back across the lake and saw the cabins and people who stayed... then he named the area Cleveland.
That was probably the first time the F-word was said in Cleveland, Ohio.
Boob got elected by the usual precincts with 105% turnout and 100% democrat vote. The bot army pumping him up seems to have run out of money. Every FB post he now does is 90% savage attacks on his ability and agenda.
Ever here of the "Big Dig" in Boston? That multi-billion dollar project ended up being federally funded and was suppose to make Boston into a 15 minute drive. By the time they got done with that fiasco, traffic increased to a level that none of the Big Dig every mattered in helping out traffic congestion. It's worse than ever. 15 minute cities are the same thing. All that changes in the end is freedom is lost while control increases. Like GEICO's 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. You may get that, but try collecting when you get in an accident. GEICO is one of the worst insurance companies for personal injuries. Likewise with 15 minute cities. At best you'll end up with 15% of your liberty.
The concept is actually pretty good. Getting out and walking, and knowing your neighbors in this neighborhood, etc.--those are good things.
The problem is the restrictions and curtailing of freedoms.
Why can't they just design a great city as they're discussing, and let people be free to choose how they live within it, or how they traverse boundaries, etc.? Why the control? Well, we know why...
So, the scary thing actually happening here is that they are packaging something sinister inside a pretty attractive concept.
What did Nancy say? Just say No!
,.its all about control,.give them an inch theyll take a mile,,in britain if you drive in to another neighbourhood you face a170 pound fine about $ it will be easier to lock you down in a fake pandemic,.
That's only a proposal and only for Oxford city (for now). And your currency conversion is way optimistic! 170 GBP = 205 USD.
I based it on our currency which is 2 $NZ to the pound,.,but remember they are all taxes,so it will go up pretty quick,.I posted a link to a video on twitter but it didnt happen
Nope. Still dreaming. The alarm hasn't gone off yet.
Ahh...the convenience of 15 minute shootings ...sounds like quite the paradise...
without some level of civilized design, humanity would be a charlie foxtrot.
can you name one place where your vision has worked? I can name areas where it has not: anywhere rural where people get to do whatever they want. If we don't have some level of zoning and code, we devolve. Period.
99 percent of people are not capable of absolute freedom... simply because they have no consideration for others. So, I don't know what type of utopia you think is feasible with total freedom. But humanity would suffer.
I am not a planning nazi. I don't like the idea of boundaries. My only point was that a well-designed and planned community would foster neighborhoods, community, outdoor interaction, etc.
nope, not me... never heard of Downtown Westminster.
But to your points: of course I was exaggerating about 99 percent not being able to handle freedom. The truth is that just like absolute power corrupts absolutely, absolute freedom will always devolve to the weakest link among those who are free. That's why we have laws and LEO. Basic civility requires infrastructure, which includes everything from plumbing infrastructure to police.
Finding the right balance between a well-designed/planned community and the need to preserve freedom (and not allow encroachments on the freedom over time) is the job of patriots.
edit: by the way... I have never said that what they are planning with the 15 minute city of control is good, and in fact it should be stopped... just say no.
Westminster is pushing 15 min city? Amazing. Hadn’t heard of this though not surprised a sprawl hellhole in shithole Colorado is working towards it.
My first house was in WM many years ago.
Golden is working to be Boulder. Golden used to be a great little town and is now a woke crap hole wanting to be inclusive in the same way Boulder is. Trash. Homeless. Pay for parking. Big city woke shit that spoils everything.
I think you are correct, order is good but we just need good order
Nothing... I live in one. Love it.
Think about the average people that live in cities - at least the bigger ones. Also the concept of private property may not really exist in places like Baltimore, NYC, Detroit - lots of row houses, apartments, and section-8 housing. People living in big urban areas mostly just want to avoid getting robbed/killed, keep their heads down, and survive. Or they are just completely oblivious. That's why when news channels go interview people on the street and ask them easy questions like who is the president they have no clue.
Some of the things you outlined could work in suburban areas but even there you have the NAZI home owner associations, the soccer moms and Karens, and the people like me who don't want other people telling me what to do.
I guess the only place something like this would work is in an Amish area.
Excuse me Not even there.
Lancaster, PA is a perfect example of a city in very close proximity to the Amish chock full of shootings, robbery etc. White trash meth heads that block traffic on Rt30 because of whatever the latest thing is. Here's hoping climate change takes them the F out.
Lancaster has leftist activists? I'm familiar with route 30 but more around Gettysburg,
Yup...Not so much where all the tourist shit is, but along the 30 corridor between Lancaster and Hershey.... Mt Joy etc. Total trash. It's like they've filled in the gaps between the rural areas with these animals.
"The concept is actually pretty good."
It's a concentration camp you dumb fuck.
You obviously didn't read my comment
I did. What you're talking about is incrementalism.
Lol... I think what I pointed out was that they are packaging something evil inside of something nice, so it needs to be stopped.
15 min cities = Smart Cities.
Quiet part said out loud. Last paragraph
Read Agenda 2030 Paragraph 33.
Plus if you know anything about Cleveland, it's that people fucking HATE each other, but also force each other to play "Midwestern Nice".
A lot of trafficking going on in Ohio too. Top 5 states in the nation and just as bad as New York. So much for being "nice".
It's a pretty safe bet that any car being attended by several cops and being searched is suspected (actually already known to be) trafficking. See it all the time on the freeways.
And think about the how the lack of competition would affect commerce and prices. A gulag.
You seem to think that I am supporting the controls within their concept. I am not.
All I said is that the ideas of walking, building community, etc. are healthy ideas. But you should not be forced to do them.
Great planning without forcing/controlling is the balance that we need.
So, I’d be fined if I wanted to go to Joe’s pizza & sandwiches because it’s outside my area? That’s bs. This is America and we are free people.
Don't be a doomer.
You ARE free if YOU DEMAND to be free.
Those people you complain about are nothing but people. They have no inherent right or authority to tell you what to do.
Just live your life demanding what rightfully belongs to you, and insist that others do the same.
They only have authority over people who submit to them.
I think his point is that situations like the J6 prisoners have been in solitary for 2 years. I am fairly certain that none of them "submitted" to this situation. Of course, they could have gotten into a gun battle with the SWAT teams that arrested them, but that would have resulted in their deaths AND proved the point of the government stance that they were dangerous, or at least this is what would have gone out in the media.
Yeah, you're right. On an individual level, not submitting is not going to have any effect.
It'll have some effect, depending on how many you take with you. They will spin it how they want, but the doorkickers will be more cautious and a bit more scared for the next time.
Not that long ago, and i mean within the last couole decades, Cleveland had forced bussing for schools. This would take kids from one neighborhood, and bus them all the way across town to go to school. This was in the name of integration. Why? Because Cleveland was one of the most segregated cities in the country. Bussing is gone, thankfully, but it is still one of the most segregated coties in the country. There is East Side, and there is West Side. So we have come full circle. From segregating the city, to trying to forcefully integrate it, to re-segregating it. Awesome
And this idiot said the quiet part out loud. (See bottom paragraph)
The plan all along?
You bet!
Government, please GTFO and let freedom ring.
There is no chance Cleveland can fund a project like his. Hate the break it to you but Cleveland is a brokie city. Ain’t go no money to do anything like a 15 minute city
Under construction since 1868. 🎶
This is why the idea of 15 minute cities is ridiculous and will never gain traction. The economics absolutely do not support it for the majority of neighborhoods, no matter what city you're talking about. Any neighborhood rich enough to support it already works this way.
The clip stats that "there is no better time to tap into federal funds".
Broke until Soros funds it, and takes complete control of the project because it's his $$$
LMAO, you are so right. The dweeb in the video is softer than wet toilet paper. Try this crap with SO MANY small rural areas in Ohio that are already establishing second amendment sanctuaries by county. I'm not that far from Cleveland. Trust me, those rich folk in Westlake, Bay Village, Rocky River also won't be denied their vehicles or freedom to move
News ·25th January 2023 15 minute city plans cause controversy Martin Alfonsin Larsen
15 minute city zones that have been proposed by Oxford City Council as part of the Local Plan 2040 have garnered significant controversy. The plan, which will see traffic filters installed on six roads as part of a £6.5m trial, is set to commence in 2024. Under these new filters, residents will be able to drive freely around their own neighbourhoods but will be fined up to £70 for driving into other neighbourhoods through the filters. The plan’s aim is to create neighbourhoods in Oxford where ‘essential’ facilities are accessible by a walking distance of up to 15 minutes. These facilities were determined by a 2022 civilian consultation of over 5,000 stakeholders.
Such facilities in a prospective 15 minute city include shops selling food and other essentials, parks and green spaces, postal services, health services including a GP and pharmacy, social and hospitality outlets like coffee shops, and banking services. The Local Plan 2040 also aims to address issues relating to disparities in service provision, with the council stating that they want to ensure that ‘areas of the city such as Barton, Blackbird Leys and Rose Hill have all the essential services that areas such as East Oxford and Jericho already have’.
The City Council has asserted that the plan’s intent is not to coerce residents into staying in one neighbourhood, but to address ‘awful’ congestion in the city centre which it argues is making public transport in Oxford ‘unviable’. The traffic filters will not take the form of physical barricades; instead, new traffic cameras which can read number plates will be installed. These were first introduced in 2015 as part of the Oxford Transport Strategy, with Magdalen Street being covered by one. Filters will operate on St Cross Road, Thames Street, Hythe Bridge Street and St Clements from 7am to 7pm, with more on Marston Ferry Road and Hollow Way operating from Monday to Saturday.
These assurances have not stopped the plan from being criticised by a plethora of stakeholders and political commentators. Online media personality Jordan Peterson has criticised ‘idiot tyrannical bureaucrats’ who ‘decide by fiat where you’re “allowed” to drive’ and labelled the filters ‘part of a well-documented plan’, while far-right commentator Katie Hopkins labelled the plans ‘coercive’, drawing parallels with tyranny that she perceived in COVID lockdown laws.
Peterson’s labelling of the 15-minute city zones as part of a ‘well-documented plan’ has been linked to debunked conspiracy theories regarding a ‘great reset’, which claim that elites and groups like the World Economic Forum, which convened in Davos, Switzerland from January the 16th to the 20th, aim to take away basic rights from citizens in the new post-COVID world. Some residents have also critiqued the plan, with 3,400 signing a petition against new filters for Marston Ferry Road and Hollow Way. Another 1,700 people have signed a petition asking the Council to reconsider, over fears Botley Road in the west of Oxford will be inundated with traffic. A protest was also organised by Not Our Future, a right-wing populist pressure group, which has labelled leading politicians as part of a ‘Blob’ that has conspired to deprive political power from ‘the people’. Over 250 volunteers were confirmed.
However, it is important to note that travel to other areas of Oxford will be permitted by alternative routes, such as the ring road surrounding the city, at any time. Residents will also be able to apply for permits to drive through filters and into other neighbourhoods for up to 100 days a year, while Oxfordshire residents will be able to secure permits for up to 25 days a year. Free travel through filters will be allowed by bus, bike, taxi, scooter, and walking. Exemptions will also be provided for carers, blue badge holders, business, and emergency services. This element of the plan is indicative of its aims to incentivise sustainable private and public transport, with Oxfordshire County Council wanting to make such modes of transport ‘the natural first choice’.
The City Council has received death threats and online abuse as a result of the inaccurate claims regarding the proposal. Duncan Enright, Oxfordshire County Councillor and cabinet member for travel and development strategy, told the BBC he felt ‘bruised’ and ‘cautious’ due to the threats he had received.
So.... bigger prisons.
This is basically damage control; the post
Baseless claims of debunk. Two can play that game.
DeWiner now wears a boot!
why be surprised ? Laws are for the MAGA crowd not the Dims, laws are to oppress any resistance, This is a part of their "Rules Based System", where laws are only used against the opposition, their rules are invented to suit any occasion.Laws are not for them.
How about cities where we lock up all the corrupt politicians, feed them nothing but crickets, and test experimental vaccines on them?
yep thats what needs to happen %100 but you and me both know that wont happen ,.the WHOLE,..SYSTEM, Corrupt af..
Rosa Koire warned us - Agenda 21 / 2030: They do it from the bottom up. They introduce all the bullshit in the communities and cities. We have to fight at the local level.
The concept is sound, we already have a city like that in Ohio that I live in and we literally have 2 of everything and it's super convenient.
The evil comes in when they start pushing down draconic policies that tell you you can't leave the city, which is completely unconstitutional on multiple fronts.
Want a 15 minute city, go for it. Want to fine me for travelling anywhere in the US while I'm a US citizen? You can suck on my Glock.
Or Smith, or SA, or Beretta, or FN, or Sig, or Walther, or RIA, ……….
Definitely fight against this as a top down dictate. Fight for those dollars to fund bottom up, grassroots initiatives that promote small businesses to fill a neighborhoods needs. Without a doubt some cities will use this “idea” to claim eminent domain and take people’s property, only to turn it over to big businesses.
Having said all that, this is more than likely another idea that will morph into nothing more than a money laundering scheme. The funds needed to retrofit buildings and infrastructure will be off the charts expensive. There probably isn’t enough budgeted to accomplish this in one medium sized city. But, there is probably enough to spread around to rig elections.
America already had 15 minute cities. We were built on them.
They were called: small town, usa. I’m in one. You had schools, churches, stores, a doctor, a dentist, a few places to eat and drink, a grainery (farm supply), a working train depot, a few offices, a theater, library, city hall, post office, sheriff, a few boutiques and a nice farm market—all a few blocks from an area where a couple small factories or mills sat. My town had a skate rink, bowling alley, ice cream parlor, gym and public pool once. The dime store, butcher, barber, shoe store, pharmacy and hallmark were there. We had a florist who operated from a local house. Small home offices hung out a shingle, in case you need a CPA or piano lessons. The grocer would make deliveries. The doctor home visits.
If you lived in this town 40 years ago you could walk or bike everywhere minutes from your house. Surrounding farms supported us, and we supported them. You didn’t need a big city visit unless you needed cancer treatment or a lawyer. It really was heaven.
Then they shipped the jobs overseas, let Walmart kill the mom-n-pop merchants, shuttered the mill and told all the kiddos they should move off to the big shit filled democrat run cities—because—really you haven’t experienced life until you’ve been robbed at gunpoint and smelled a crackhead.
My long winded (sorry) point is: if they wanted this—greener life, less travel, sustainable rich neighborhood experience, they would not be killing small towns.
Go look at who fought WalMart and who let them take everything from us. You'll be surprised.
It is easier to control 15 minute cities, also, it is easier to systematically vaccinate, starve, and depopulate a country when it is divided into 15 min. cities.
Another point to process is that if people want 15 minute cities, they are gonna go move to ones that already exist. For example, Lakewood is an inner ring suburb of Cleveland. It has an extremely high population density…something like 10,000 people per square mile. It is a place you can live and literally never have to leave. Afvantages over Cleveland include safety, schools, housing stock, and government services.
Cleveland is already losing population by the bus load. Main causes have nothing to do with walkability, climate change, LGBTQ friendliness, or length of commute. The schools suck. Infrastructure is crumbling. Roads are shit. Crime is rampant. The government and associated services are corrupt and unchanging. Meanwhile, suburbs like Westlake, Avon, North Olmsted, Bedford, etc, are building and expanding their capabilities as great neighborhoods to live in. Then you have places like Lakewood, Cleveland Heights, Euclid, Parma, Garfield Heights, etc, that are suburbs but basically just neighborhoods of Cleveland. These are run much better than the city itself, with an enormous increase in safety and schooling that make them very attractive to urban residents.
Like someone else said, this will just be another big money laundering scheme. Spend it on infrastructure, safety, emergency services, small business, and things that will actually ATTRACT people to the city and youd be on the right path. Trying to trap people in their own shit neighborhoods is just garbage. Nevermind the fact that it seems like a fancy form of gentrification, where the people who can really benefit from the help will actually be pushed out as cost of living rises to support all the money being spent to upgrade.
I used to live in Cleveland. This will never fly because they could never afford it and the scofflaws will make a mockery of it. Cleveland is not Switzerland, heir Schwab. DeWine is fooked.
But they just can't kill the beast Last thing I remember I was running for the door I had to find the passage back to the place I was before "Relax," said the night man "We are programmed to receive You can check-out any time you like But you can never leave!"
~The Eagles
No more free-range Americans. We're too unruly.
We must be penned, tagged, and funneled through the kill chutes.
That's the only thing that will make the cabal happy.
Down here in the deep red states we've had the luxury of enjoying life mostly as we always have -- even through the covid lockdowns.
For years I've wondered, when will people in blue states draw the line? Will they ever push back against the globalist takeover?
Still wondering...
That's true. Ohio is basically a giant suburb connecting the big cities.
Urban areas enable massive election fraud.
If it provides convenience normies will sell their souls to the globalists.
The one thing that no one has considered is visiting Friends and Family, finding a date/spouse and working at large factories or businesses. The 15 min walk doesn't cover as much area as people think. Come to think of it, how many dates would you be able to go on before you ran out of women within 15min of your walking distance?
It's a dreamy eyed delusionalists ideal of Utopia. They always neglect to see the fascism required to implement it. This is a mental illness of people that have been indoctrinated out of any ability for self-reliance.
Imagine trying to haul groceries without a car, assuming others buy groceries like I do, like buying in bulk once or twice a month.
No worries. You will be told to order online, or through your phone, and then pay to have everything delivered.
Now you are both locked down and paying more for the privilege. See how nice that works?
Better invest in a wagon you can take on your walk/bike ride 🙃
What groceries? That's racis and climate denying!
Synthetic soy and bugs for you, peasant.
They are talking about a layout where each neighborhood has everything you need in it. This is a good concept. What the WEF is doing is taking that idea and then proposing to control movement between neighborhoods, bastardizing what was a good idea. So hopefully the city fathers will do what is right.
They won’t and they will be humiliated.
15 minutes city? What is that crap 💩? They can jail and kill anybody they want. Imagine in a plandemic or illegals in your 15 minutes city? Welp NO. I want my privacy and freedom.
heres the twitter link,.:
If it wasn’t as my town I will be screaming NOPE
Fuck off, commie faggot.
Isn't there a free commerce clause in the Constitution? Aren't there kidnapping and false imprisonment laws?
The first District 12 in the United States.
Isn’t everything you “need” already within the distance described?
I was honestly upset about that at first, but realize its not really a big deal. I was in the same camp as you, honoring the native american Louis Sockalexis from the Cleveland Spiders days. However, the other side of that was the Wahoo characiture with exaggerated features and some writings about how Sockalexis really wasnt being honored but just coincidence. I dont necessarily believe the latter, but that was the arguement. Either way, the change was bound to happen eventually due to the controversy. Its sports, so its inconsequential in the grand scheme, and the product did not change.
My ancestor was one of the first people in Cleveland Ohio. She was along with the Moses Cleveland expedition that explored the area for a settlement, then built two cabins for people to stay in "Cleveland" during that first winter ( While Moses Cleveland took his boats back East across the lake and spent the winter in comfort). 15 people stayed that winter including two women.
In spring, he came back across the lake and saw the cabins and people who stayed... then he named the area Cleveland.
That was probably the first time the F-word was said in Cleveland, Ohio.
Boob got elected by the usual precincts with 105% turnout and 100% democrat vote. The bot army pumping him up seems to have run out of money. Every FB post he now does is 90% savage attacks on his ability and agenda.
That guy came out of nowhere and was installed. Total WEF/NWO stooge.
Fucking carpetbagger.
"...human needs and desires are within a 15 minute walk..."
Dumbest thing I've ever heard. Human needs and desires are infinite. Good luck fitting that all that within 15 minutes walk.
Urban planners are assholes, trying to design your life.
Ever here of the "Big Dig" in Boston? That multi-billion dollar project ended up being federally funded and was suppose to make Boston into a 15 minute drive. By the time they got done with that fiasco, traffic increased to a level that none of the Big Dig every mattered in helping out traffic congestion. It's worse than ever. 15 minute cities are the same thing. All that changes in the end is freedom is lost while control increases. Like GEICO's 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. You may get that, but try collecting when you get in an accident. GEICO is one of the worst insurance companies for personal injuries. Likewise with 15 minute cities. At best you'll end up with 15% of your liberty.
The fines for traveling are preposterous.
That said, the idea of being able to safely bike or walk where I want or need to go sounds very appealing.