Pay attention Anons and Patriots please! This is an obvious False Flag event, but the type of event to coax a Civil Conflict. The Cabal is further pushing for that Civil War, and guaranteed they will have agitators, even armed ones dressed as “MAGA Supporters” and/or ANTIFA to brawl or cause a firearm use event.
We Need to get the educated Heads Up going about social media and to our Patriot groups to avoid this “event” at all costs, but we will need Patriot cameras on. Set and rolling at a decent time before and during to capture the “set up”, event, and any aftermath if stupid takes place.
God bless you all Anons. We Are The News Now. WWG1WGA
And the cameras cannot be hooked up to the internet, because NSA, or whoever, just goes in and removes videos and pictures. (Several people said their videos on Jan 6th were removed right off their phones, because they countered the narrative so much.
Anyway, better to be safe than sorry and use a regular camera.
Yes. True. One person had a video of the crowd outside the capitol singing "This little Light of Mine". That video disappeared from the phone. In her same group, two other people said videos disappeared. We know there tech can do that, so it seems likely.
Safer to use a regular camera/regular video camera, then archive it afterwards.
Alright. We will see. I talk to others on the other side of politics and they laughed at it and agreed it probably is, "those fox news boomers will totally over react to it". It makes a lot of sense to me. I don't trust anyone but God, so there's that
"Good" FBI's are probably not inleadership positions. And the other ones are mental retards that actually believe the disinfo.The whole thing needs to be closed down.
Who is funding the transsexual assault on society? These people are very dangerous and are mentally ill. How dangerous are they? We are starting to see only the beginning of their terrorism. It is nothing new. They were used against Christianity in the 1945-1960s in eastern Europe by the Bolshevik communists to exact revenge against the Christians of eastern Europe and to topple Christain based society.. Read Louis Marschalko's "The World Conquerors" to learn the censored story of Christians being lit on fire, tortured, beaten, and murdered by the tens of thousands when transsexuals, pedophiles, lesbians, and sodomists were appointed commissars in eastern Europe. Biden has done the same by by appointing these sick individuals in positions of power. Look at what we have in our current government. It may be laughable to some, but don't underestimate this.... It's not a joke. With power, comes the ability to abuse such power. The danger we are facing is real.
This person did a deep dive a few years ago on the money aspect. She got banned from Medium after the article had been up for a couple of years. (Whoops! Can't have THAT out there!) Don't necessarily agree with all of her conclusions, but she did her homework on following the money...
Hey Joys1!!! I’ve been struggling a bit but going to try to be here more often. So weird…I was just thinking about you!! Talked with Mary and it got me missing all my old Frens. April will be HUUUGE regarding the Great Awakening…can you FEEL IT?!!
I love you all too Joy. Just sick of feeling sick is all…whenever I feel bad (almost daily), I get mad at the faceless cabal trying to kill us all. If it wasn’t for Jesus Christ I know I wouldn’t be here. Of course the love and prayers from family & friends too 💕💯
Thanks Joy. Sorry it’s been 4 days I need to get on here more. Was just saying same to Mary. Do you know how to DM…that way this isn’t in public. I’ll send you one & you can respond anything to that thread, ok?
Ive spoken about the pendulum in many posts over the last couple years. the pendulum always swings back in proportion to how far it swung forward. That is my fear. It has swung very far left and if the backswing includes right wing death squads I want no part. Our biggest test will be temporing our response to include Justice without unhinged vengeance. If we cant find that balance, we are no better than they are.
Philosophical inquiry has forwarded the concept while historical context has confirmed it. Why would you bring physics into it? Did you take my comment literally?
I didn't disagree with anything you said, and I didn't downdoot you. I was just pointing out that we can control the swing of the pendulum, as I believe you were suggesting. I don't think you deserved any downdoots for what you said.
Thanks. I dont care about the downvotes. Just want to make sure I am understood as it seemed like many took my post the wrong way.
I agree we can control it but we must be aware of the dangers first. History is loaded with examples of genocide arising when an oppressed faction finally gains control. Take a look at what is happening in South Africa now.
I want want these evil satan worshipping, murderous, pedo bastards to pay. I don't care for the moral high ground. My children's generation can hopefully keep the blood off their hands. We are in the weeds my Fren and I fear at some point we'll have to do what we have to do. And I'm quite alright with that. I'm on record here multiple time volunteering to flip the switch, hang the rope, be on the firing squad, etc when it comes to these commie bastards. I stand ready to do what others won't. Many of us have not forgot our training. Operators are standing by.
All these comments. I guess I didnt get my point across very well.
I want blood too. There are tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of evil treasonous bastards in this country alone that deserve death and worse. I wont shed a tear for these fucks. I will supply the rope, pull the trigger. I have stated such dozens of times in my posts here.
That is Justice and they will reap what they sow.
What we must guard against is the roaming death squads meting out street "justice" in a frenzy of revenge and bloodlust, exterminating the innocent along with the guilty. It is very easy to slip into such a scenario and there are many examples of such in world history. That is what I want no part of.
Sheesh guys. I thought I had a long enough track record here at GAW that I wouldnt be misunderstood as being soft on these criminal deviants.
Trans people are violent, because they are hateful. They hate themselves. They believe no one loves them. That is at the heart of why they want to change. Then, they take hormones that don't belong in their body, and it triggers the hell out of them. Especially the women taking testosterone. They are not built to handle it. Period. This shit needs to end immediately.
They are definately more violent than most people, and the way they rationalize and justify it is just…
Me: why do you feel this way?
Trans: they reject me for being trans!
Me: well, can you blame them? There really isnt a sexual orientation thats into trans people… have you considered all the amazing benefits of pretending to be normal?
Some of them think they have a "right" to 'dating options.' As laughable as that seems, they do seem to believe they have a right to other people's bodies.
I took my brother in law to a gun range near me that does skeet shooting as well as rifle sighting and all kinds of stuff. When we got there we were told a group had rented out the entire range. We shrugged and headed back to the car and I noticed most of the cars were small compacts with LGBT stickers and stuff. My BiL went back into the range to ask who had reserved the whole place and the dude behind the counter told him it was the "Pink Pistols" which is an LGBTQ gun club in our area.
Mentally ill people should not own firearms. It's time to call people what they are. Mentally ill. America needs to stop pretending these people are stable. They are not.
Yeah its a tricky situation. Its a double edge sword where if you remove a right from someone as soon as they seek help, your going to have fewer people getting the help they need.
The problem is that anyone can be labeled "crazy" by authorities in order to remove their rights. They did it in the days of Communism by labeling any "dissenters" as crazy. Heck, Jordan Peterson is dealing with this in Canada at the moment.
Is there any group that has a higher suicide rate than trans? I’m curious if those who have had diagnosed suicidal thoughts even approach those numbers.
I read many years ago that the trans suicide rate was, by far, the highest of any group. Now, throw in some justification from the left and we have what we have now. Suicidal trannies taking out as many people as possible before dying themselves. Sick.
I don't know. If these people start actually getting MORE violent, something will have to be done. Either ban the procedures, or ban them from having weapons of any kind. They do not respect life like regular people.
Well that still goes back to how would you regulate banning them? Theoretically a person on medication can still go into a gun store and buy a gun. You can't ban them without requiring everyone to provide their medical records to gun clerks, including you and I
Do you want to submit your health records to every gun store you buy from?
Go ahead. Do what you gonna do. Step off in it. This ends poorly and swiftly for you. I’ll be cozy at home with my popcorn watching the show. Dumbasses.
This is narcissistic rage that we're seeing. They know it's all falling apart, they've gone too far, people are pushing back on them and - worst of all - they're having to admit that it's not possible to "change your sex" no matter how much drugging and mutilation you do to yourself.
When narcs are backed into a corner and they realize their bullshit doesn't work on you any longer - that's when they lash out in pure rage and they WILL destroy you for daring to stand up to them.
There are enough extremely disturbed people with enough money and access to training vids to pull off anything. And access to 4chan where this crap was incubated.
The antifa communities are being paid to wreak havoc. They've let up becuase now the trans communtiies have taken over that social mayhem agenda.
She was under psych treatment. There are loose nuts in every society.
Liberals and their violence. I had a discussion with a liberal once and she was telling me how upset she was to hear a man in a grocery store loudly protest the wearing of masks. She said she was considering going and getting a gun. I had to explain to her that guns are only for self defense.
Liberals have taught themselves that a gun is something that you buy when you want to go out and kill someone you don't like. I suppose once the murder has been committed the liberal can simply blame it on the gun, because guns kill people. Now you can hear them ginning up their vengeance, because the poor innocent trans activist got shot in a school by the bad police. Perhaps they will start shooting mainstream media people because they can't figure out what to call he she it.
Pay attention Anons and Patriots please! This is an obvious False Flag event, but the type of event to coax a Civil Conflict. The Cabal is further pushing for that Civil War, and guaranteed they will have agitators, even armed ones dressed as “MAGA Supporters” and/or ANTIFA to brawl or cause a firearm use event.
We Need to get the educated Heads Up going about social media and to our Patriot groups to avoid this “event” at all costs, but we will need Patriot cameras on. Set and rolling at a decent time before and during to capture the “set up”, event, and any aftermath if stupid takes place.
God bless you all Anons. We Are The News Now. WWG1WGA
Copy that
Fyi, tweet was deleted for violating twitter rules
That means this is a legit false flag
Separately, quite apropos that it’s being planned for April Fool’s Day
Yep. Andy Ngo is a very reliable source/person.
And the cameras cannot be hooked up to the internet, because NSA, or whoever, just goes in and removes videos and pictures. (Several people said their videos on Jan 6th were removed right off their phones, because they countered the narrative so much.
Anyway, better to be safe than sorry and use a regular camera.
Really? I hadn’t heard that
Yes. True. One person had a video of the crowd outside the capitol singing "This little Light of Mine". That video disappeared from the phone. In her same group, two other people said videos disappeared. We know there tech can do that, so it seems likely.
Safer to use a regular camera/regular video camera, then archive it afterwards.
But what if it's an April fool's joke? This looks to be some serious bait if I've ever seen any
Don’t be dumb Anon haha. It’s not a joke, and Andy Ngo is certainly honest on his reporting.
Alright. We will see. I talk to others on the other side of politics and they laughed at it and agreed it probably is, "those fox news boomers will totally over react to it". It makes a lot of sense to me. I don't trust anyone but God, so there's that
These are the ones the FBI should be going after.
"Good" FBI's are probably not inleadership positions. And the other ones are mental retards that actually believe the disinfo.The whole thing needs to be closed down.
Still pining for the "good" rank n' file. Still no sign of their existence. Abolish it.
I suppose maybe not. Doesn't look like much happened on April 1
You too!
Who is funding the transsexual assault on society? These people are very dangerous and are mentally ill. How dangerous are they? We are starting to see only the beginning of their terrorism. It is nothing new. They were used against Christianity in the 1945-1960s in eastern Europe by the Bolshevik communists to exact revenge against the Christians of eastern Europe and to topple Christain based society.. Read Louis Marschalko's "The World Conquerors" to learn the censored story of Christians being lit on fire, tortured, beaten, and murdered by the tens of thousands when transsexuals, pedophiles, lesbians, and sodomists were appointed commissars in eastern Europe. Biden has done the same by by appointing these sick individuals in positions of power. Look at what we have in our current government. It may be laughable to some, but don't underestimate this.... It's not a joke. With power, comes the ability to abuse such power. The danger we are facing is real.
The same people funding the tranny agenda , funded feminism, gay rights, LGBT. And on deck cannibalism, animal fucking, necrophilia.
Uuuuuggggghhhhhh 😫
You suck 🤣
oh, and my all time favorite,
the Geri-Phobe!
thats what its called when someone refuses to date elderly people.
The phobe part always got me. So, I’m scared of it? That’s why I won’t accept it?
Naw…they just nasty & I want nothing to do with them
Quite right you are. The slide toward conquest and destruction is accelerating........
who? and why are we not allowed to name them?
Well if they mandate that stuff I call dibs on the mermaids...
This person did a deep dive a few years ago on the money aspect. She got banned from Medium after the article had been up for a couple of years. (Whoops! Can't have THAT out there!) Don't necessarily agree with all of her conclusions, but she did her homework on following the money...
Thanks, I'll give it a read.
"Medium" was a terrible tv show. She's probably better off .
Wow & thanks…I didn’t know that historical tidbit.
How are you Phish? Been missing you fren! 🙏💕
Hey Joys1!!! I’ve been struggling a bit but going to try to be here more often. So weird…I was just thinking about you!! Talked with Mary and it got me missing all my old Frens. April will be HUUUGE regarding the Great Awakening…can you FEEL IT?!!
Yes, I can!! Feel we nearing Durham's release and YUGE things to come!
You have been in my thoughts and prayers... slightly we worried, but I know you will come through this! 🙏💕
Please stay in touch fren!
I love you all too Joy. Just sick of feeling sick is all…whenever I feel bad (almost daily), I get mad at the faceless cabal trying to kill us all. If it wasn’t for Jesus Christ I know I wouldn’t be here. Of course the love and prayers from family & friends too 💕💯
Don't give up! Never doubt that Our Father is carrying you! I know you will get through this! God is in change and cleaning His World!
Sending prayers and hugs! 🙏💕
Thanks Joy. Sorry it’s been 4 days I need to get on here more. Was just saying same to Mary. Do you know how to DM…that way this isn’t in public. I’ll send you one & you can respond anything to that thread, ok?
Always, Pete
Great recommendation on the read. Highly suggested, as well.
...the pendulum is preparing a return "arc"....
Ive spoken about the pendulum in many posts over the last couple years. the pendulum always swings back in proportion to how far it swung forward. That is my fear. It has swung very far left and if the backswing includes right wing death squads I want no part. Our biggest test will be temporing our response to include Justice without unhinged vengeance. If we cant find that balance, we are no better than they are.
Luckily though, metaphorical pendulums aren't bound by the laws of physics.
I have to say I love your comment!
Philosophical inquiry has forwarded the concept while historical context has confirmed it. Why would you bring physics into it? Did you take my comment literally?
I didn't disagree with anything you said, and I didn't downdoot you. I was just pointing out that we can control the swing of the pendulum, as I believe you were suggesting. I don't think you deserved any downdoots for what you said.
Thanks. I dont care about the downvotes. Just want to make sure I am understood as it seemed like many took my post the wrong way.
I agree we can control it but we must be aware of the dangers first. History is loaded with examples of genocide arising when an oppressed faction finally gains control. Take a look at what is happening in South Africa now.
I wish that the downdoots didn't affect me but they do. I'm not up to speed on South Africa. SO much going on right now.
Thanks for being cool.
Btw it wasnt me who negged you either.
I want want these evil satan worshipping, murderous, pedo bastards to pay. I don't care for the moral high ground. My children's generation can hopefully keep the blood off their hands. We are in the weeds my Fren and I fear at some point we'll have to do what we have to do. And I'm quite alright with that. I'm on record here multiple time volunteering to flip the switch, hang the rope, be on the firing squad, etc when it comes to these commie bastards. I stand ready to do what others won't. Many of us have not forgot our training. Operators are standing by.
All these comments. I guess I didnt get my point across very well.
I want blood too. There are tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of evil treasonous bastards in this country alone that deserve death and worse. I wont shed a tear for these fucks. I will supply the rope, pull the trigger. I have stated such dozens of times in my posts here.
That is Justice and they will reap what they sow.
What we must guard against is the roaming death squads meting out street "justice" in a frenzy of revenge and bloodlust, exterminating the innocent along with the guilty. It is very easy to slip into such a scenario and there are many examples of such in world history. That is what I want no part of.
Sheesh guys. I thought I had a long enough track record here at GAW that I wouldnt be misunderstood as being soft on these criminal deviants.
...pray for a dampener event....
You've lost before you started. Thank God Trump doesn't go into every battle qualifying what he won't do.
Thank God.
AHHH Ashland, for a pendulum to swing correctly there MUST be something attached to the outer most length of the arc and pendulum...
NOW my question is: "What would it be?"
...doggy winks...
Trans people are violent, because they are hateful. They hate themselves. They believe no one loves them. That is at the heart of why they want to change. Then, they take hormones that don't belong in their body, and it triggers the hell out of them. Especially the women taking testosterone. They are not built to handle it. Period. This shit needs to end immediately.
They are definately more violent than most people, and the way they rationalize and justify it is just…
Me: why do you feel this way?
Trans: they reject me for being trans!
Me: well, can you blame them? There really isnt a sexual orientation thats into trans people… have you considered all the amazing benefits of pretending to be normal?
"Trans rights are human rights" is the most BS slogan ever. Compelled speech is not a right retards.
Some of them think they have a "right" to 'dating options.' As laughable as that seems, they do seem to believe they have a right to other people's bodies.
I took my brother in law to a gun range near me that does skeet shooting as well as rifle sighting and all kinds of stuff. When we got there we were told a group had rented out the entire range. We shrugged and headed back to the car and I noticed most of the cars were small compacts with LGBT stickers and stuff. My BiL went back into the range to ask who had reserved the whole place and the dude behind the counter told him it was the "Pink Pistols" which is an LGBTQ gun club in our area.
Mentally ill people should not own firearms. It's time to call people what they are. Mentally ill. America needs to stop pretending these people are stable. They are not.
How do you regulate that though?
Yeah its a tricky situation. Its a double edge sword where if you remove a right from someone as soon as they seek help, your going to have fewer people getting the help they need.
The problem is that anyone can be labeled "crazy" by authorities in order to remove their rights. They did it in the days of Communism by labeling any "dissenters" as crazy. Heck, Jordan Peterson is dealing with this in Canada at the moment.
Anyone w zipper tits or bottom guns
I asked the same thing!
Lets not get into red flag laws. Slippery slope.
Fine. Outlaw trans surgeries and hormone treatments. Something has to be done.
Is there any group that has a higher suicide rate than trans? I’m curious if those who have had diagnosed suicidal thoughts even approach those numbers.
I read many years ago that the trans suicide rate was, by far, the highest of any group. Now, throw in some justification from the left and we have what we have now. Suicidal trannies taking out as many people as possible before dying themselves. Sick.
I heard the trans suicide rate was around 70%. Hormones are powerful. Definitely higher than Veterans.
While they are higher than the average population, it's nowhere near the trans rate of suicide.
How can we ensure that only qualified people buy firearms? Right now, pretty much anyone can buy a gun without too much hassle
You wouldn't be a democrat by any chance, would you? That sounds like "Gun Control" talk, to me.
The user I replied to said that mentally people should not own firearms. How would that be enforced?
I'd start by saying if you're on any psychoactive medications, you probably shouldn't own firearms.
Alcohol is considered a psychoactive drug since it is a depressant. Just saying.
Right would that be enforced? Would people have to submit their medical records to gun shops?
I don't know. If these people start actually getting MORE violent, something will have to be done. Either ban the procedures, or ban them from having weapons of any kind. They do not respect life like regular people.
Well that still goes back to how would you regulate banning them? Theoretically a person on medication can still go into a gun store and buy a gun. You can't ban them without requiring everyone to provide their medical records to gun clerks, including you and I
Do you want to submit your health records to every gun store you buy from?
No, but I also don't want extremely mentally unstable people buying firearms.
Disproportionate members of Antifa are PEDOPHILES. Call it what it is.
Ah, April 1st...fool's day...a huge joke...
Go ahead. Do what you gonna do. Step off in it. This ends poorly and swiftly for you. I’ll be cozy at home with my popcorn watching the show. Dumbasses.
I mean the leading killers of trans people are trans people, so it's kind of a circular logic situation
They are literally the only ones killing trans people.
Trans hookers get killed when found out
tweet removed from twitter, violated rules. F Twitter
I say let the trannies riot in front of a major government building, it will only further damage their image in the eyes of the public.
If you were to do it, wear a disguise to blend in somehow....
A fursuit would probably work; there are enough trans furries out there that you would expect at least one to show up at a pro-trans "protest"
if these fairies were actually hardcore and actually serious they'd do this shit in Iran.
This is narcissistic rage that we're seeing. They know it's all falling apart, they've gone too far, people are pushing back on them and - worst of all - they're having to admit that it's not possible to "change your sex" no matter how much drugging and mutilation you do to yourself.
When narcs are backed into a corner and they realize their bullshit doesn't work on you any longer - that's when they lash out in pure rage and they WILL destroy you for daring to stand up to them.
Keep your eyes open.
Did this tweet get taken down? Any archives?
Sorry, I didn’t archive or screenshot either. Checked Andy’s twitter and it is no longer there.
I’m sorry, I didn’t archive it or screenshot either.
Here's a news article about it a couple weeks ago.
Shortage of khaki shorts incoming!
Aaaand its gone.
Time for a new book burning
Are there enough flip boys to mount an attack? Will their wrist be strong enough to hold a weapon besides a dildo?
There are enough extremely disturbed people with enough money and access to training vids to pull off anything. And access to 4chan where this crap was incubated.
The antifa communities are being paid to wreak havoc. They've let up becuase now the trans communtiies have taken over that social mayhem agenda.
She was under psych treatment. There are loose nuts in every society.
4chan hates troons
Liberals and their violence. I had a discussion with a liberal once and she was telling me how upset she was to hear a man in a grocery store loudly protest the wearing of masks. She said she was considering going and getting a gun. I had to explain to her that guns are only for self defense.
Liberals have taught themselves that a gun is something that you buy when you want to go out and kill someone you don't like. I suppose once the murder has been committed the liberal can simply blame it on the gun, because guns kill people. Now you can hear them ginning up their vengeance, because the poor innocent trans activist got shot in a school by the bad police. Perhaps they will start shooting mainstream media people because they can't figure out what to call he she it.
Funny that it's scheduled for Fool's day.
The most important security gear you can carry is a body cam on at all times when you are out like LE has.
Day for fools confirmed.
This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules. Learn more
damn its been nuked - what did it say??
Andy Ngo is boots on ground. Great man and pay close attention to what he says.
True journalism...he gets beat up by antifa but won’t stop.
He is the real deal.
He has almost died many times, got his ass kicked more times, but still ventures out.
He is a beast.