People are coming to terms with the fact that we are engaged in a spiritual war against evil. Conversations like these are happening everywhere.

Jesus is the only way.
A lot of people think I'm crazy for this view, but the original mission of Jesus was to END CHILD SACRIFICE. John 3:16 is all about it! Put an end to any religion that thinks God wants dead kids, and to seal it forever, God sacrificed his OWN CHILD (... To himself?) to negate the precieved need for any other human henceforth thinking this is still needed.
(of course then I get to wonder if child sacrifice used to be legit until Jesus came?)
I think limiting His mission to one thing or another is extremely near-sighted. Jesus' mission was all things. To break us free from the bondage of sin and end it once and for all.
I wouldn't say the mission is limited to only one thing, but it is true that Christianity uniquely appealed-to and made-sense-to pagan religions of sacrifice. In those religions, the gods/priests are always making demands that the people must fulfill. Whereas in Christianity, the demand is considered fulfilled already. Also, in Christianity, the sacrifices of the people are considered "not good enough" and this is why God had to provide his own sacrifice. So not only should the people not offer a sacrifice, but they are unable to. Instead God asks them to "sacrifice" by doing good deeds for their fellow man and by having a contrite heart before God.
It's honestly so brilliant, it's godlike, and even atheists would have to admit the brilliance.
I mean. Jesus can't just demand they stop doing it. He has to set the stage and rewrite the script. He has to steer right into the torpedo and hit it before it arms.
Combat tactics, Mr Ryan.
This actually makes me wonder about the 3 days in hell aspect....
Interesting perspective.
And the next question is: Why don't church higher-ups and scholars want us to know this?
It wasn't until I got into Q and deeply researched ancient cults did I realize the true context of Christianity and it completely blew my mind that I never thought of this aspect before. But youre right, it's even more mind blowing that preachers never ever brought it up in my entire life. On the surface it just seems so fucked up that God sacrificed his Son, like, that should be so ridiculous! But, in the context of the situation, it was so poetic and revolutionary, and completely shattered the "deep state" of yore. It got the PEOPLE to think for themselves and be better themselves. Sounds familiar
u/WWG0N3WGA , I completely agree with you. I used to wonder about this, too. FWIW, here's my take on it:
Many, many ancient cults were built around blood rituals, cannibalism, and human sacrifice, especially child sacrifice. This was happening all around the world. One of the most important things about the spread of Christianity was that it halted these practices
The people were told, in essence, "You no longer have to sacrifice your children, or any other humans, in an effort to appease your gods. God did that for you when he sent His only son to earth to serve as the final sacrifice. It's no longer necessary, so stop doing it."
The Eucharist is puzzling to many. Some ask, "Why would we drink his blood? Why would we eat his flesh?" The answer is: We aren't. That's the point.
The bread and wine take the place of the human flesh and blood, because Christ instructed us to substitute them. The bread and wine are just as good ("this is my blood you drink, this is my body you eat") as long as we remember the sacrifice that Jesus made so we do not sacrifice - and consume - an actual human ever again ("if you would remember me when you eat and drink.")
Christ was the final human sacrifice and it's supposed to stay that way. That's why He was called "the lamb of God." It was not because he was weak or foolish, as sheep are usually seen as being. It's because lambs were very commonly sacrificed in the rituals of Jesus' time, whenever human children weren't being used.
We should be friends lol
Jesus was a Buddhist monk
No he was not. He is the Son of God, the one true God. Bhudda was a good man, and brought some good teachings to people, but the world was younger, and the Son of God came at the right time for the people who would follow him and preach to those who had ears to hear The Word. Christians meditate too, but it is not to reach a level of enlightenment so that they hold themselves above others. We meditate on the Cross, and on HIS LOVE.
Well said.
That makes you a nudist punk. kek
Nothing kek about him, Jesus was Jesus.
Nice to see Cernovich opening his mind in this way. However, I still think he's a douche.
I was shocked. I never expected him to admit he was wrong. Time will tell, redemption arc?
I still remember when he responded to any and all criticism with "How's YOUR book doing?" and a screenshot of Gorilla Mindset sales numbers.
Profit =/= quality.
Yet ALL our churches and pastors are MIA. If any of them were in any way healthy we'd be having prayer vigils 24/7 everywhere right now.
Church hierarchies in every denomination are in on it. It is only the laity that truly seek Christ.
Oh please. That is FAR too simplistic.
We are in the fight of our lives, there is no turning back. We must never surrender or give up
God has His remnant church alive and well and engaged in this battle. We battle first in the spirit realm and then if necessary, in the physical realm as we walk arm and arm with those around us, even the normies trying to point them to the TRUTH which will make them free.
Because alot of them are in on it too.
Not all. There is a remnant. Just gotta look and you'll find Him. You have to be open to things you might not understand, or have been taught by religion that it's bad. Prophets and speaking in tongues to point out a couple that tend to rub people the wrong way.
These churches also focus heavily on the Holy Spirit. We are more concerned about what He is doing vs. what the enemy is doing.
What you are talking about is Pentecostalism. Beware, the Charismatic Movement is dangerous theology, and it does not align with Scripture.
The Doctrinal Dangers of the Charismatic Movement
Charismatic Chaos
Strange Fire Conference
Most people who oppose the Charismatic or Pentecostal movement are afraid to even examine because of FEAR of CHANGE. Most of us don't want to admit we may have missed something that is clearly in the Bible so we just throw cold water on it instead of truly seeking God to see what HE says. And then we label as false those who DO UNDERSTAND. When I became humble enough to admit I "DIDN'T KNOW EVERYTHING" it was astounding how soon the Bible became REAL to me.
These people are under the same spirit the left is under. They will never look at contrary analysis but rather attack straw men. More concerned with doctrinal purity than actually doing something against the true enemy. I try to encourage someone to seek out God and im hit with a doctrinal warning and downvoted for speaking out against it. With allies like these, who needs enemies?
The real question is, did you look into the links provided earlier, or did you just ignore them and make yourself into a hypocrite?
Yes I have. Just like I've been fed leftist propaganda all my life. I know your position quite well. It's what kept me far from the church for most of my life.
Your msg clarifies exactly what I said about people teaching religion. I pray God will open your eyes to Truth. God is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Cessationism is a dead religion. It is powerless and of no relevance to society because of this. 1 cor 4:20
Good answer, Rekot24.
Yes, u/Rekot24. Some see, some do not.
Because this is the harvest that was prophesied. You're either a tare or wheat. The tares get thrown in the fire first. The meek shall inherit the earth. We all have to choose who we follow. Either way the choice is for eternity.
We are so blessed to live in the time of this verse fulfillment. Also will see the fulfillment of Prov 13:22 and many other amazing prophecies!
Everyone is on a spectrum when it comes to their spirituality and I fully respect that. I am far from being the most traditional/conservative/evangelical Christian on this board.
But for anyone who considers themselves agnostic or even an atheist or simply just skeptical about the nature of this war, you need to understand that this battle is indeed one for your very soul. The chess moves are played out in the physical world, but our enemy's goal is for you to cede your own spiritual autonomy and sever your connection with God.
It doesn't matter if you don't believe in the existence of your own eternal soul, THEY do. And they want control of it.
I gave a speech in college and said that "it does not matter if you believe in Satan, Satanists do believe and do evil in his name." That one speech took an A down to a B. My professor told me not to spesk on Satanisn or my grade would suffer. I choose to ignore her advice.
You should see a lawyer.
Ha! Good on you! I thank God for brave people like you. Professor can shove it.
Agreed. It is comparable to not believing in the existence of your own body. Better not encounter a bullet, or a hatchet.
I was away from the Catholic Church for almost 40 years and recently went back. I totally understand why so many despise the church as the same filth that is set on destroying the family structure are also part of organized religion trying to turn it into a radicalized liberal institution.
Thank God there are people like our Pastor who fights along with the great awakening. I have never asked him about Q stuff but I am convinced he visits this site or something close to it. He is under attack by the hierarchy as there is a war between flaming radicals and the traditionalists that has split the church into pieces.
I am not an apologist for the institution but I do know there are people who are willing to fight everyday for the side of Good and willing to stay even when it looks desperate. Somebody needs to stay behind and pick up the pieces and nudge the pendulum back to the other side. I am not a very good Catholic but the hour each Sunday allows me to place myself in the presence of the Almighty ( that’s not my couch) and pray for strength and forgiveness. I wrote a letter to the arch-bishop to let him know that closing the church during the pandemic nearly lost me again to the Church and it was the Pastor who brought me back by encouraging me not to let evil win
I grew up Catholic and eventually lost faith.
I am now being drawn back to God, but never the Catholic Church.
I believe there are good Catholics but the Catholic Church as an institution is corrupted by evil. This shows with the Pope and all the abusers among the ranks, the demonic sculpture of the resurrection and the serpent hall, the obelisk in front. The Vatican is openly a branch of the Synagogue of Satan.
https://i.redd.it/y6odr0g1shkz.jpg - Reflected image of the sculpture forms a demon/Baphomet.
https://dailymysteries.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/klmftr-demon-prisera-2408278-kopie.jpg - Hall is a serpent's head with fangs
Also I had to go to Yandex to find these images because Google will no longer return them in search, especially the reflected demon head. Clearly being covered up.
I can’t argue against that but I believe the Good Lord knows what’s in my heart. Good luck on your journey fren
The Bible has survived the church and many antipopes through history.
If you read Machiavelli The Prince that time had a very corrupt and compromised pope. Catholics survive it and the church has safeguards.
That saying yes the current pope is troubling.
And there's this:
The Catholic Church was started by Jesus. You don't give up on Jesus because of Judas. The snakes can leave, not the believers. I urge you to reconsider. The Catholic Church is perfect, the people are not.
I will have to disagree. The Catholic Church as it is today is not what Jesus started. You have to remember that at the Council of Chalcedon in 451 AD the Oriental Orthodox churches split with the Western Churches.
The Western Churches then went on to split once again in 1054 into the current Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church.
So to say the Catholic Church is the one true church Jesus started is not quite correct, as many of the Coptic and Orthodox churches and even the Eastern Orthodox Church can lay equal claim as they were all once united under the same banner from the beginning. The Roman Catholic Church simply maintained the name yet adopted corruption and heresy over time which is what caused the others to split.
Here is a good resource that explains the history
The oriental and coptic churches if anything are the closest to representing the true teachings of Jesus as they were against the corruptions of the Catholic Church and stayed true to original apostolic teachings.
YES it is. It's called APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION. Look into that.
Judas' actions do not negate the work Jesus did with the rest of the disciples.
People think that was all ancient history and the most powerful religions of the time just went away. No, it just went underground.
Great to see people engaging in conversation about this. An awkward topic, but it’s sooo important to understand what spiritual warfare looks like and how to stand up against it.
On March 21 2019 religion found me. Only thing is, I wasn't looking for it. I woke up with new eyes and wanted to read the Bible.Before the Bible didn't make any sense, just words. That day and since, I understood what I was reading. This is an awakening, It changed my outlook on life.
Excellent expose' of the Great Awakening. It's sad it is taking so long. As the sacrifice of the unborn is lessened, evil retribution will increase.
I'd like to see some liberals talking about this, rather than 3 people already clearly awake to a degree
Unfortunately, the liberals aren't talking about it. It's hard not to get jaded when I'm around them. In fact, it's almost unbearable. Rattling off all the dumb shows they are watching on HBO, testing and boosting and then testing some more. It's honestly mental agony for me. How can you not be the least bit curious after all the shit we have been through the last three years? 🤡
I know. That has bothered me from the start. I don't blame people for not knowing what the hell is going on. But the total lack of curiosity and complete credulousness is really offending.
Looks like Q was correct; the people couldn’t be told (we’ve tried to warn them for years, to no avail) and they had to be shown. The Great Awakening continues.
Selling one's soul for money and power is as old as time itself. The idea of a Faustian bargain is as old as antiquity. Even the bible mentions it in the gospels. We DO know that Shrillary was very involved with witchcraft, at least when Bill was president. The nazis were heavily into the occult. It's not much of a stretch to imagine either of them engaging in some "ritual" to obtain worldly wealth and power.
It's because only the demon compromised will get to those positions.
"The great awakening"
Pizzagate is real
All that New Age shit that came into the culture in the 80's was a magic carpet ride for evil influence on folks. Satan doesn't want the depraved and obviously corrupted people, he wants to influence the confused seekers, the people who would rather find God in any way but the OG Book. I remember when I was with my ex husband, before my son was born, he wanted to go to hear this speaker at some event, the woman had this skull made of pure crystal, that she said could channel healing energy or some such horseshit. I agreed to go with him, healing has always interested me. The morning we were supposed to go, I had this nightmare about demons and dark clouds coming up from the ground and me and him were standing in the middle of it. When I woke up I begged him not to go, almost in tears. He agreed, thank goodness. That was God speaking to me through dreams, and I thank him always for making my path the right one, it is still in my daily prayer " Please Father put a light on the path you want me to take, in the name of the Father , The Son, and the Holy Spirit. He will too, if you ask him every morning.
In the seventies there was a dude called himself julius brother of joseph in Conn....Lots of kids followed him including some arty types from my school. They all swore it could be freezing out and he would make it sunny warm
been having this conversation with myself past year or two
Derp! ~{°¡°}~
What earthly powers? Like X-men powers?