The concept that "the Jews did it" is a running theme in history. The problem with that idea is that it contains a built in association fallacy. Because there are a few Jews that are repeating a pattern through the millennia, that all the Jews are doing it.
On the contrary, the greater part of the people who call themselves Jews are just as clueless as the rest of the world on who is manipulating them, and killing them.
For example, in the early 1900s a group of very rich people (Schiff, Rothschild, Warburg, Goldman, Sachs, Cohen, etc.) funded and managed a couple little wars we call WWI and the Bolshevik Revolution. The takeover of Russia by a group of very rich Jews was actually a long series of efforts starting right after Karl Marx (third cousin to the famous Rothschild brothers) published his Das Kapital, and Abraham Mapu, one of the noted inspirations for the Russian Revolution published his "fictional literature" that is stated as "serving as the basis for the Zionist movement," which just so happened to have been run by the same rich people that called themselves Jews that funded the Russian Revolution. One of the primary efforts of both WWI and the Zionist movement was to take Israel from the Ottoman Empire and give it to these same rich people that called themselves Jews, to end the "diaspora" (which was 2000 years old by now), and help them fulfil their Utopian prophecies.
The problem with ending a diaspora that is 2000 years old, is that the vast majority of the millions of people who were diaspora'ed don't give a fuck. They are perfectly happy to live where they and their families have lived for centuries.
Enter WWII and the "holocaust."
As it turns out, it was also the exact same rich people that called themselves Jews that funded the second world war during which many Jews were killed and sterilized, even if a closer look at primary evidence suggests there weren't quite as many Jews killed as official history states. The reason the Jews were persecuted leading up to WWII was to make it uncomfortable for them to live where they lived. In addition to making it uncomfortable, they also made deals with the Nazi's to promote emigration to Israel. They made deals with the rest of the world to shut off the borders, giving the larger group of people who called themselves Jews little option but to move to Israel. I'd say "back to Israel," but they had never lived there. Their grandparents, great-great grandparents, etc. had never lived there. In the broader Jewish communities no one talked about the diaspora except occasionally in Synagogue. They didn't care. Only the super rich people did.
The reason that Jews were killed and sterilized during WWII were because A) many of the rich people that called themselves Jews didn't want certain groups of Jews counted amongst their ranks (that link is a pro-eugenics book with numerous quotes from rich Jews) and B) they needed the world to buy that the State of Israel (a land area owned by the Ottomans and inhabited by the Arabs) needed to be created as a place just for "The Jews."
Again, the "holocaust" (6 million Jews killed in gas chamber/ovens) isn't well supported by the evidence, but that Jews were killed, in many cases slaughtered en masse (often by the Soviets themselves, but sometimes by the Nazis) and were sterilized (along with any other "degenerates" AKA the feebleminded, or disabled, or impoverished, etc.) is well supported by the evidence. Thus the "holocaust" happened, as in, there was a targeted attack on the Jews, and many were killed and sterilized. It just wasn't anywhere close to the numbers stated, nor was it for the reasons stated. However, this targeted attack provided the framework for the narrative that allowed the people of the world to accept "The State of Israel" and the United Nations which were essential step towards the final fulfillment of Zionism and the NWO, respectively (though really, Zionism and the NWO are the exact same "Utopia") .
TL:DR; The Pattern has not been perpetrated by "The Jews," but rather by Rich People that call themselves Jews. My research suggests these people may be the Priest Class of Jews (the sons of Aaron), an Aristocracy.
Well... I think the Khazarians are the Jews, as in, I think they are a group of people that migrated from Israel after the Roman Diaspora (or possibly the Babylonian Diaspora) into Scythia (later called Tartary) and set up shop there (i.e. the Khazarian Khanate was both a "Tribe of Scythia" and a "Tribe of Israel").
The original Jews (from which the Twelve Tribes of Israel were descended) were, I think, originally a Scythian outpost (or at least descended from the exact same group of people), thus moving back there makes perfect sense, since they had open border agreements.
Relatedly, The Scythians (or possibly a subgroup of Scythians) are the Magogians (the lost tribe). It may even be that the Magogians are the Khazarians (though there is conflicting info there). It is the Magogians, who will, according to prophecy, be there at Megiddo for the "Last battle of Megiddo" (which is what "Armageddon" means). Thus... "Saving Israel for last."
Why do you think "Tartaria" has been removed from history? Tartaria is, according to every historian prior to the 20th century, actually Scythia, and understanding the Empire of Scythia/Tartaria, which ruled most of Asia and Europe for millennia leads to a better understanding of everything.
The evidence suggests that all of the peoples from that entire region (all of Asia and Europe really, except maybe China and a subset of people from India) emigrated from the region that later became known as Scythia. In other words, Ur, Sumeria, Babylon, Bactria, Iran, Arabia, Israel, Gaul, Greece, Rome, Scotland, England, Ireland, Spain, blah, blah, blah, are all descended (emigrations or intentional outposts) from the same group of people that were later known as the Empire of Scythia. That is why the genetics, languages, and even the religions and cultures (even though people won't admit it) are all so similar.
Scythia had many "border expansion periods," so "what is Scythia" depends on when you are talking about. There were many times when Scythia contained almost the entirety of Asia and Europe, and even into Egypt. There were also times that, rather than expand (or maintain) their borders, they just demanded Tribute from previously dominated settlements (thus a distinction of culture, through the separation of time, but still a "tributary"). Indeed, that seems to be how their whole government worked, with all the internal tribes paying Tribute to whatever Royal Scythian (a member of the Aristocracy) had shown enough strength to demand it and get away with it.
Among those that expanded the borders were Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan, though there were quite a few other "Khan of Khans" that won that title through political maneuvering and show of strength. Those are just a couple more recent ones that most people have heard of.
What I call "Scythia proper" (areas that were pretty much always considered "internal" to Scythia) is pretty much exactly the region that was the former USSR.
That is not coincidence. The Rus Khanate (Moscovians) were a Scythian Tribe, thus the takeover of that region by the USSR was exactly the same as other Scythian takeovers (a Khan of Khans winning an "election year"). It was the USSR that wiped Tartaria (and thus Scythia) from history. See Russia and her Colonies by Walter Kolartz, 1952, pages 31-41 (though specifically page 39).
The USSR also happens to have been created by the same people that were the Khazarians.
The Magogians are the Scythians. This is a wikipedia reference, but there is a ton of supporting evidence elsewhere.
Britain (the original Celts of Scotland, Ireland and Britain), was originally a Scythian outpost, so maybe there is a connection there, but pretty much everything I could find, going back millennia, says that the group that the bible references as the Magogians are the Scythians (or a subgroup of them).
The Scythian Empire, which ruled most of Europe and Asia for between 3000 and 5000 years (or more) has been purposefully wiped out of history (see my other post in this thread). Any analysis that doesn't account for that is wrong, simply by missing that essential context.
That's the problem with standing purely on the research of others.
Now you're just being rude. I "stand" on nothing. I showed you a reference and stated that there were many more. I am happy to show you more, but only if you are willing to actually look, because it takes time to dig them out since I haven't written up that particular part of my investigation formally.
Your reference isn't in any way contradictory to mine btw. On the contrary, I stated explicilty that the Celts (of which Gogmagog is a Celtish Legend) were the Scythians. So it is entirely possible that that giant (if indeed he existed and indeed his name was "Gogmagog" and not "Cawr-Madog" as your reference states) was a Scythian, perhaps THE Scythian who founded the Scythian outpost on the Island, or otherwise subjugated the indigenous population.
Regardless of that, you have by no means shown me anything that suggests that the giant Gogmagog is in any way tied to the "Mogogians" of the Bible. The very reference you cited states explicitly that it is likely a confusion of names (not that I believe that, but you haven't shown me evidence to support your case).
Also known as the Khazarian Mafia. Among other names.
"jew" is a misnomer and inaccurate, but has an element of truth to it. They hide behind that. They have also appropriated some not-so-great aspects of that world view, e.g. chosenism. Permanent victim status also suits them (they hide behind it).
Where as most of the information you cite is true, there is a fundamental problem with the underlying premise that is a "a few rich jews" perpetrating it all (not to mention the many, many names left out but nonetheless), as recently as a 1 WEEK AGO, Israel Parliament passed the teaching of Jesus inside of Israel with an overwhelming 90% majority vote. Benji knew it was bad optics and thus wouldn't sign it into law. So what did the majority do? Riots all over Israel.
But thats not the "thing" left out. The omission is that for generations, they have been taught that we are cattle (goyim) and are to be eliminated. Not only that but the entire premise of Judaism is to be questioned.
The Star of David is found nowhere in the Bible. The ONLY time a 6 pointed star is refererenced is in the Book of Acts referring to Solomon and his turning his back on God. The tent of Moloch & Star of Remphran (Ie Star of Saturn or Star of Satan) was the idols they brought from Egypt. The Star of David is The Star of Remphran, who they worshiped in the desert for 40 years. Acts 7:41-43
None of what you say is a "fundamental problem with the underlying premise." On the contrary, it is direct supporting evidence of it.
That there are Jews that are "anti-Christian" (or anti-Goyim) is a function of the manipulators, not those being manipulated. For example, there are Christians that are anti-Jews, or anti-Muslim, etc. That doesn't make them "bad," or "the problem," any more than the "anti-Goyim" Jews are "bad" or "the problem". It is the people that create those beliefs in the population that are the problem.
People, and their beliefs are led by propaganda. Propaganda is usually the truth, just not the whole truth, True or not however, all propaganda is designed to create population wide beliefs that motivate action. That the larger body of Jews are led by propaganda IS the underlying premise.
It is the actual manipulators, that lead people by creating beliefs that are the real problem. There is no group of people on this planet that is NOT being manipulated by propaganda from these same people. Each group gets its own version, all designed by the same manipulators. The System is designed to create opposing beliefs, to create division, to lead to subjugation of everyone by the same manipulators.
Condemning people because they have received opposing brainwashing to our brainwashing is doing exactly what they want you to do.
WhoBuilt, I was stunned by what you shared about the star of David. Two days ago I saw an advertisement to buy a necklace with the star of David on it. As I began thinking I would order one, I heard the Holy Spirit say, "No, don't buy it" and I had a knowing in my spirit that there was something wrong with it, but had no clue what it was. I was just shocked by the whole thing, so thank you for sharing your information. Will do further research. Thanks, very interesting.
But how long until the FDIC runs out of funds since it went over its limit for each acct with the first bank collapse. Also the I figure most of the people that are shareholders and investors are kind of like Congress and see it coming and act accordingly
Exactly. That’s what I was thinking. They’ve lost nearly half their holdings this year alone already, from what I’ve read. If this year keeps going like this, they gonna be down to zero, and then what? Print more money? It wouldn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.
So the fed prints/invents more cash and spreads the recovery expense/cost/devaluation/inflation across everyone worldwide who uses US currency to conduct their business.
This works when the vast majority of the world is uses the Dollar, but as we are seeing many countries are pushing away from the dollar to insulate themselves.
BRICS has already started replacing the dollar for trading of goods and are changing their currency why would it take a long time for the US to change it if we have the gold to back our currency?
Silent, possibly yes. But they do exist. Christ had many Jewish followers. Satan is cunning. He will, and has gone after God’s chosen people, and mostly likely has had success in doing so. As he goes after every Christian. The fight is real. Deliver us from evil Lord.
I have some messianic Jews in my church. I'm doing a podcast with one of them next. It's gonna be amazing.Also my church rents out a section of our building to orthodox Jews.
The problem with the banks that are collapsing is that other banks that are known for being tied to the masters of jekyll island (e.g. Rothschild and crew) are gobbling them up. The fed reserv is also continuing to raise rates and drive banks into the ground.
All of the banks are soon to be controlled by the #1 enemy of the world.
The Khazarian Jews doing their part to push along the engineered bank failures, facilitating the consolidation of banks in order to make the move to CBDC more controllable & without small bank resistance.
Step 1: Artificially lower interest rates, making it difficult for smaller banks to earn yield.
Step 2: Wait for smaller banks to buy longer-term maturities to get higher yield.
Step 3: Artificially raise interest rates, which lowers the value of the longer-term maturities.
Step 4: Get your (((friends))) to convince large account holders to pull their funds out of the bank, due to potential insolvency of the bank.
Step 5: Small bank implodes, since they are no longer a bank if they do not have deposits.
Step 6: Have your (((friends))) at the big bank buy up the assets of the small bank, for pennies on the dollar, and with the government (i.e. tax slave) guaranteeing any losses, and with the printing press also assuring that the big bank will only make profits, not losses.
Step 7: With all assets in a few hands of big banks, usher in a new system -- for the "good of the people," doncha know?
AFTER reading through all of the comments, there is NOT ONE LINE OF REFERENCE if this is being done or not...AND "RELATED" by overrun DOESN'T CUT THE MUSTARD...
Thinking of prophecy everyone interprets Israel as a where but it might be a who and not who we think is “Israel” which are khazars but the lost 10 tribes as true Israel.
When polite society is categorically prohibited from discussing J(j)ews under the cloak of antisemitism, this distinction fails to make the populous radar.
Christians everywhere are being duped the most by automatically setting aside all jewish (mis)behavior by giving the named population a free pass.
Very difficult to call a jew a jew when the yarmulke fits. jew lives matter and all.
The key to convincing the majority of Christians is to prove to them that the people they believe as Jews are NOT the descendants of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob (aka Israel). Full stop.
If you can't be convincing in this, then a lot of Christians tend to let them slide, especially given most of the hardcore issues we talk about here are done by a small percentage of the population who are identified as Jews.
Making strong assertions is not proof. This is a serious topic, which requires strong evidence, not tinfoil hat theories. (not directing this at you in particular) Want to champion this cause? Overwhelm people with evidence proving this key thing.
I've wondered what this meant as well. I'm beginning to believe it has to do with the collapse of the Rothschild fractional reserve banking system. This represents the uni-polar world. What does this have to do with Israel? Israel is a Rothschild created entity and is the loadstar of the Rothschild empire and the long planned seat of world government. When the fractional reserve banking system collapses and world governments adopt the multi-polar financial system, Israel will be left with a very diminished influence.
In addition, people find it hard to believe that the United States has no military pact with Israel or ever did. However, this is most certainly true. There is no agreement that Israel would defend the United States if we were ever attacked. Yet, there is overwhelming support in the US to defend Israel and provide them billions of dollars of foreign aid each year. I read somewhere that the amount given to Israel equates to a 65-thousand dollar salary for every Israeli citizen. This figure was from many years ago and may be much more today.
Could this possibly be a white hat operation somehow given that we are compiling a list of banks already? Could we eventually have a list similar / as vast as the List of Rothschild banks spanning the globe posted by Q? Post 135:
Unpopular hot take, perhaps they mean to remove the senior leadership of Israel that have been suppressing Israelis for long enough time also. I've worked with and worked for Israeli organizations and I just simply do not see evil in the normal folks I've engaged with. And I know AJ has an association with massage but I'm just double questioning if that's good or bad? It's commonly understood as being bad but then again some of the biggest hackers I know, since that's essentially my profession, were ex-massad and total white hats.. just trying to think objectively frens....
To withdraw the money you need … the money on the account.
Are we assuming that “crisis response center” (an institution) from one country has existing bank accounts and funds in all the US local banks, in amounts that their withdrawal can make these banks to collapse?
Every. Single. Time.
^Unfortunately, seems to always be true! Sad.
The concept that "the Jews did it" is a running theme in history. The problem with that idea is that it contains a built in association fallacy. Because there are a few Jews that are repeating a pattern through the millennia, that all the Jews are doing it.
On the contrary, the greater part of the people who call themselves Jews are just as clueless as the rest of the world on who is manipulating them, and killing them.
For example, in the early 1900s a group of very rich people (Schiff, Rothschild, Warburg, Goldman, Sachs, Cohen, etc.) funded and managed a couple little wars we call WWI and the Bolshevik Revolution. The takeover of Russia by a group of very rich Jews was actually a long series of efforts starting right after Karl Marx (third cousin to the famous Rothschild brothers) published his Das Kapital, and Abraham Mapu, one of the noted inspirations for the Russian Revolution published his "fictional literature" that is stated as "serving as the basis for the Zionist movement," which just so happened to have been run by the same rich people that called themselves Jews that funded the Russian Revolution. One of the primary efforts of both WWI and the Zionist movement was to take Israel from the Ottoman Empire and give it to these same rich people that called themselves Jews, to end the "diaspora" (which was 2000 years old by now), and help them fulfil their Utopian prophecies.
The problem with ending a diaspora that is 2000 years old, is that the vast majority of the millions of people who were diaspora'ed don't give a fuck. They are perfectly happy to live where they and their families have lived for centuries.
Enter WWII and the "holocaust."
As it turns out, it was also the exact same rich people that called themselves Jews that funded the second world war during which many Jews were killed and sterilized, even if a closer look at primary evidence suggests there weren't quite as many Jews killed as official history states. The reason the Jews were persecuted leading up to WWII was to make it uncomfortable for them to live where they lived. In addition to making it uncomfortable, they also made deals with the Nazi's to promote emigration to Israel. They made deals with the rest of the world to shut off the borders, giving the larger group of people who called themselves Jews little option but to move to Israel. I'd say "back to Israel," but they had never lived there. Their grandparents, great-great grandparents, etc. had never lived there. In the broader Jewish communities no one talked about the diaspora except occasionally in Synagogue. They didn't care. Only the super rich people did.
The reason that Jews were killed and sterilized during WWII were because A) many of the rich people that called themselves Jews didn't want certain groups of Jews counted amongst their ranks (that link is a pro-eugenics book with numerous quotes from rich Jews) and B) they needed the world to buy that the State of Israel (a land area owned by the Ottomans and inhabited by the Arabs) needed to be created as a place just for "The Jews."
Again, the "holocaust" (6 million Jews killed in gas chamber/ovens) isn't well supported by the evidence, but that Jews were killed, in many cases slaughtered en masse (often by the Soviets themselves, but sometimes by the Nazis) and were sterilized (along with any other "degenerates" AKA the feebleminded, or disabled, or impoverished, etc.) is well supported by the evidence. Thus the "holocaust" happened, as in, there was a targeted attack on the Jews, and many were killed and sterilized. It just wasn't anywhere close to the numbers stated, nor was it for the reasons stated. However, this targeted attack provided the framework for the narrative that allowed the people of the world to accept "The State of Israel" and the United Nations which were essential step towards the final fulfillment of Zionism and the NWO, respectively (though really, Zionism and the NWO are the exact same "Utopia") .
TL:DR; The Pattern has not been perpetrated by "The Jews," but rather by Rich People that call themselves Jews. My research suggests these people may be the Priest Class of Jews (the sons of Aaron), an Aristocracy.
Those who call themselves Jews and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan. It's the Satan worshippers. Every.Single.Time.
This needs to be its own post. Well done
100% well said. i also buy into the khazarian theory that these are not biblical jews....but ppl who call themselves jews
Well... I think the Khazarians are the Jews, as in, I think they are a group of people that migrated from Israel after the Roman Diaspora (or possibly the Babylonian Diaspora) into Scythia (later called Tartary) and set up shop there (i.e. the Khazarian Khanate was both a "Tribe of Scythia" and a "Tribe of Israel").
The original Jews (from which the Twelve Tribes of Israel were descended) were, I think, originally a Scythian outpost (or at least descended from the exact same group of people), thus moving back there makes perfect sense, since they had open border agreements.
Relatedly, The Scythians (or possibly a subgroup of Scythians) are the Magogians (the lost tribe). It may even be that the Magogians are the Khazarians (though there is conflicting info there). It is the Magogians, who will, according to prophecy, be there at Megiddo for the "Last battle of Megiddo" (which is what "Armageddon" means). Thus... "Saving Israel for last."
Why do you think "Tartaria" has been removed from history? Tartaria is, according to every historian prior to the 20th century, actually Scythia, and understanding the Empire of Scythia/Tartaria, which ruled most of Asia and Europe for millennia leads to a better understanding of everything.
fascinating. what about the bible saying Abraham is from Ur (Iraq)??
The evidence suggests that all of the peoples from that entire region (all of Asia and Europe really, except maybe China and a subset of people from India) emigrated from the region that later became known as Scythia. In other words, Ur, Sumeria, Babylon, Bactria, Iran, Arabia, Israel, Gaul, Greece, Rome, Scotland, England, Ireland, Spain, blah, blah, blah, are all descended (emigrations or intentional outposts) from the same group of people that were later known as the Empire of Scythia. That is why the genetics, languages, and even the religions and cultures (even though people won't admit it) are all so similar.
where is Scythia? like modern day? Iran? Ukraine?
Scythia had many "border expansion periods," so "what is Scythia" depends on when you are talking about. There were many times when Scythia contained almost the entirety of Asia and Europe, and even into Egypt. There were also times that, rather than expand (or maintain) their borders, they just demanded Tribute from previously dominated settlements (thus a distinction of culture, through the separation of time, but still a "tributary"). Indeed, that seems to be how their whole government worked, with all the internal tribes paying Tribute to whatever Royal Scythian (a member of the Aristocracy) had shown enough strength to demand it and get away with it.
Among those that expanded the borders were Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan, though there were quite a few other "Khan of Khans" that won that title through political maneuvering and show of strength. Those are just a couple more recent ones that most people have heard of.
What I call "Scythia proper" (areas that were pretty much always considered "internal" to Scythia) is pretty much exactly the region that was the former USSR.
That is not coincidence. The Rus Khanate (Moscovians) were a Scythian Tribe, thus the takeover of that region by the USSR was exactly the same as other Scythian takeovers (a Khan of Khans winning an "election year"). It was the USSR that wiped Tartaria (and thus Scythia) from history. See Russia and her Colonies by Walter Kolartz, 1952, pages 31-41 (though specifically page 39).
The USSR also happens to have been created by the same people that were the Khazarians.
Scythians - Rise and Fall of the Original Horselords DOCUMENTARY | Kings and Generals
The Magogians are the Scythians. This is a wikipedia reference, but there is a ton of supporting evidence elsewhere.
Britain (the original Celts of Scotland, Ireland and Britain), was originally a Scythian outpost, so maybe there is a connection there, but pretty much everything I could find, going back millennia, says that the group that the bible references as the Magogians are the Scythians (or a subgroup of them).
The Scythian Empire, which ruled most of Europe and Asia for between 3000 and 5000 years (or more) has been purposefully wiped out of history (see my other post in this thread). Any analysis that doesn't account for that is wrong, simply by missing that essential context.
Now you're just being rude. I "stand" on nothing. I showed you a reference and stated that there were many more. I am happy to show you more, but only if you are willing to actually look, because it takes time to dig them out since I haven't written up that particular part of my investigation formally.
Your reference isn't in any way contradictory to mine btw. On the contrary, I stated explicilty that the Celts (of which Gogmagog is a Celtish Legend) were the Scythians. So it is entirely possible that that giant (if indeed he existed and indeed his name was "Gogmagog" and not "Cawr-Madog" as your reference states) was a Scythian, perhaps THE Scythian who founded the Scythian outpost on the Island, or otherwise subjugated the indigenous population.
Regardless of that, you have by no means shown me anything that suggests that the giant Gogmagog is in any way tied to the "Mogogians" of the Bible. The very reference you cited states explicitly that it is likely a confusion of names (not that I believe that, but you haven't shown me evidence to support your case).
Also known as the Khazarian Mafia. Among other names.
"jew" is a misnomer and inaccurate, but has an element of truth to it. They hide behind that. They have also appropriated some not-so-great aspects of that world view, e.g. chosenism. Permanent victim status also suits them (they hide behind it).
Satanists, basically.
See my other comments in this thread that address the Khazarians.
Where as most of the information you cite is true, there is a fundamental problem with the underlying premise that is a "a few rich jews" perpetrating it all (not to mention the many, many names left out but nonetheless), as recently as a 1 WEEK AGO, Israel Parliament passed the teaching of Jesus inside of Israel with an overwhelming 90% majority vote. Benji knew it was bad optics and thus wouldn't sign it into law. So what did the majority do? Riots all over Israel.
But thats not the "thing" left out. The omission is that for generations, they have been taught that we are cattle (goyim) and are to be eliminated. Not only that but the entire premise of Judaism is to be questioned.
The Star of David is found nowhere in the Bible. The ONLY time a 6 pointed star is refererenced is in the Book of Acts referring to Solomon and his turning his back on God. The tent of Moloch & Star of Remphran (Ie Star of Saturn or Star of Satan) was the idols they brought from Egypt. The Star of David is The Star of Remphran, who they worshiped in the desert for 40 years. Acts 7:41-43
None of what you say is a "fundamental problem with the underlying premise." On the contrary, it is direct supporting evidence of it.
That there are Jews that are "anti-Christian" (or anti-Goyim) is a function of the manipulators, not those being manipulated. For example, there are Christians that are anti-Jews, or anti-Muslim, etc. That doesn't make them "bad," or "the problem," any more than the "anti-Goyim" Jews are "bad" or "the problem". It is the people that create those beliefs in the population that are the problem.
People, and their beliefs are led by propaganda. Propaganda is usually the truth, just not the whole truth, True or not however, all propaganda is designed to create population wide beliefs that motivate action. That the larger body of Jews are led by propaganda IS the underlying premise.
It is the actual manipulators, that lead people by creating beliefs that are the real problem. There is no group of people on this planet that is NOT being manipulated by propaganda from these same people. Each group gets its own version, all designed by the same manipulators. The System is designed to create opposing beliefs, to create division, to lead to subjugation of everyone by the same manipulators.
Condemning people because they have received opposing brainwashing to our brainwashing is doing exactly what they want you to do.
WhoBuilt, I was stunned by what you shared about the star of David. Two days ago I saw an advertisement to buy a necklace with the star of David on it. As I began thinking I would order one, I heard the Holy Spirit say, "No, don't buy it" and I had a knowing in my spirit that there was something wrong with it, but had no clue what it was. I was just shocked by the whole thing, so thank you for sharing your information. Will do further research. Thanks, very interesting.
The mods will say thats WRAYCIST!!!11 🙄
The mods don't have to. The virtue-signallers around here beat them to it.
Yikes. America's closest ally, huh ... 🙄
Back stabbers by their very nature. They are are closestr ally because they fill the halls of congress.
Interesting to say the least. It seems the anti Christ satanic Jews know their time is short.
So for all the normal people who lose everything in this... what happens to them? Where is the protection of the people?
But how long until the FDIC runs out of funds since it went over its limit for each acct with the first bank collapse. Also the I figure most of the people that are shareholders and investors are kind of like Congress and see it coming and act accordingly
Last I checked, FDIC only had $180 billion. The total bank deposits are 100 times that.
Exactly. That’s what I was thinking. They’ve lost nearly half their holdings this year alone already, from what I’ve read. If this year keeps going like this, they gonna be down to zero, and then what? Print more money? It wouldn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.
So the fed prints/invents more cash and spreads the recovery expense/cost/devaluation/inflation across everyone worldwide who uses US currency to conduct their business.
This works when the vast majority of the world is uses the Dollar, but as we are seeing many countries are pushing away from the dollar to insulate themselves.
BRICS has already started replacing the dollar for trading of goods and are changing their currency why would it take a long time for the US to change it if we have the gold to back our currency? even
These are NOT the Jews of My Lord and Savior.
Where might I find those?
Very silent bunch, they are...
Silent, possibly yes. But they do exist. Christ had many Jewish followers. Satan is cunning. He will, and has gone after God’s chosen people, and mostly likely has had success in doing so. As he goes after every Christian. The fight is real. Deliver us from evil Lord.
I have some messianic Jews in my church. I'm doing a podcast with one of them next. It's gonna be amazing.Also my church rents out a section of our building to orthodox Jews.
I am not liking this more and more each day...
The problem with the banks that are collapsing is that other banks that are known for being tied to the masters of jekyll island (e.g. Rothschild and crew) are gobbling them up. The fed reserv is also continuing to raise rates and drive banks into the ground.
All of the banks are soon to be controlled by the #1 enemy of the world.
Well maybe that what they mean saving Israel for last? Imagine USA joining BRICS with gold/silver after that lmao
It would kill the last bank and the fed in one day.
Yes. The greed is going to leave them holding fed toilet paper in the end.
I have also heard that the Sinola cartel was withdrawing their own monies as well.
Is that Katie Hobbs' cartel?
Yeah. Not sure if she personally owns it, or is just part of the cartel.
Yeah, I meant "hers" like her team, her squad, her brothers & sisters...
The Khazarian Jews doing their part to push along the engineered bank failures, facilitating the consolidation of banks in order to make the move to CBDC more controllable & without small bank resistance.
Step 1: Artificially lower interest rates, making it difficult for smaller banks to earn yield.
Step 2: Wait for smaller banks to buy longer-term maturities to get higher yield.
Step 3: Artificially raise interest rates, which lowers the value of the longer-term maturities.
Step 4: Get your (((friends))) to convince large account holders to pull their funds out of the bank, due to potential insolvency of the bank.
Step 5: Small bank implodes, since they are no longer a bank if they do not have deposits.
Step 6: Have your (((friends))) at the big bank buy up the assets of the small bank, for pennies on the dollar, and with the government (i.e. tax slave) guaranteeing any losses, and with the printing press also assuring that the big bank will only make profits, not losses.
Step 7: With all assets in a few hands of big banks, usher in a new system -- for the "good of the people," doncha know?
Obvious playbook.
How many in Congress are benefiting off this?
Insert "Everyone" meme.
AFTER reading through all of the comments, there is NOT ONE LINE OF REFERENCE if this is being done or not...AND "RELATED" by overrun DOESN'T CUT THE MUSTARD...
Please provide reference(s)!!!!!
it is likely the FED tipping off Israel to get out before the bank runs
Other way around. They run the FED
Don’t they get enough of our money via “government support” ??
Thinking of prophecy everyone interprets Israel as a where but it might be a who and not who we think is “Israel” which are khazars but the lost 10 tribes as true Israel.
When polite society is categorically prohibited from discussing J(j)ews under the cloak of antisemitism, this distinction fails to make the populous radar.
Christians everywhere are being duped the most by automatically setting aside all jewish (mis)behavior by giving the named population a free pass.
Very difficult to call a jew a jew when the yarmulke fits. jew lives matter and all.
The key to convincing the majority of Christians is to prove to them that the people they believe as Jews are NOT the descendants of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob (aka Israel). Full stop.
If you can't be convincing in this, then a lot of Christians tend to let them slide, especially given most of the hardcore issues we talk about here are done by a small percentage of the population who are identified as Jews.
Making strong assertions is not proof. This is a serious topic, which requires strong evidence, not tinfoil hat theories. (not directing this at you in particular) Want to champion this cause? Overwhelm people with evidence proving this key thing.
Wonder if Ron DeSantis is benefiting from this as well.
I've wondered what this meant as well. I'm beginning to believe it has to do with the collapse of the Rothschild fractional reserve banking system. This represents the uni-polar world. What does this have to do with Israel? Israel is a Rothschild created entity and is the loadstar of the Rothschild empire and the long planned seat of world government. When the fractional reserve banking system collapses and world governments adopt the multi-polar financial system, Israel will be left with a very diminished influence.
In addition, people find it hard to believe that the United States has no military pact with Israel or ever did. However, this is most certainly true. There is no agreement that Israel would defend the United States if we were ever attacked. Yet, there is overwhelming support in the US to defend Israel and provide them billions of dollars of foreign aid each year. I read somewhere that the amount given to Israel equates to a 65-thousand dollar salary for every Israeli citizen. This figure was from many years ago and may be much more today.
If one were to "Save Isreal for last" you would want them cornered there, wouldnt you?
Just keep taking the rope we're selling, black hats.
Source please? I'm not trying tp be difficult, but it would be really important to lay this out
Could this possibly be a white hat operation somehow given that we are compiling a list of banks already? Could we eventually have a list similar / as vast as the List of Rothschild banks spanning the globe posted by Q? Post 135: u/#q135
that is the question. It is either us under the cover that it's them or them under the cover that it's us.
found the anti semantics... or what ever the narrative is
No sauce... Dry and tasteless...
the federal reserve bank fiat money has to be drained and fail......duh
Unpopular hot take, perhaps they mean to remove the senior leadership of Israel that have been suppressing Israelis for long enough time also. I've worked with and worked for Israeli organizations and I just simply do not see evil in the normal folks I've engaged with. And I know AJ has an association with massage but I'm just double questioning if that's good or bad? It's commonly understood as being bad but then again some of the biggest hackers I know, since that's essentially my profession, were ex-massad and total white hats.. just trying to think objectively frens....
Will America have to crush Isreal or just slap it a bit to get it back in line, like a spoiled child?
To withdraw the money you need … the money on the account.
Are we assuming that “crisis response center” (an institution) from one country has existing bank accounts and funds in all the US local banks, in amounts that their withdrawal can make these banks to collapse?
They're fall will be utterly complete.
It'll be like they never existed.
Soros is off limits.
Wait, I thought it was Greatest Ally?
If not, why did I go half way across the world, put on a small hat, and stare at a wall for an hour?
Anyone got a source on this idea that crisis response centers are withdrawing billions of US dollars?
I may have heard somewhere that this is how Germany ended up in the state they were in before the N@z¡s took control.
Israel vs the world. Trying to remember where I read something about that. Russia.. hmm. Interesting times.