Are they really going to Project Blue Beam soon? Sure seems like it
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I hope they named them Fake and Ghey.
This comment wins the internet today
I second that.
Fake as shit! They look like E.T. from the 80’s movie🤣🤣!
No, but, not aliens. See my stickied comment.
Come on. GPT? LOL. It's nothing but a highly flawed data aggregator. GPT and Lex are about as ghey as those fake aliens.
it was Dr. Nolan who did the genetic testing, frog
Damn … beat me to it 😂😂. This is fakeasfuk
They are probably pinatas. If they hang them up and beat them with a stick Reese's Pieces will will probably come out.
Sorry to sticky-jack this (might as well to get ahead of this narrative that's clearly designed to protect Biden), but, I have been following the Peru stuff for years. These bodies are real, they actually exist, but they are human. They are the results of a genetic disease (caused by evolutionary/reproductive pressures that increased inter-breeding, thereby reducing the genetic pool).
Lex Friedman just had the famous Dr. Garry Nolan on his show and it was pretty interesting, but this nugget stands out. His paper? The elongated head aliens were human, and had DYSPLASIA. I used GPT to generate an "alien autopsy" with this diagnosis that is medically accurate. It would look like this:
The v-blog with this discussion is here:
For further information on these bodies, this Brien Foerster guy (NEVER got on any of his Peru tours) does a good job:
OK now, here's where it could get interesting:
You might be asking, "Why is this on GAW?" Well, around the 10-minute mark, the video takes a fascinating turn to discuss "The Prehistoric Alignment of World Wonders" equator, first noticed by researcher Jim Alison. Seriously, check it out here. It's mind-blowing stuff about how the Nazca lines, the pyramids in Egypt, and Easter Island all align with this unique 2-day orbit, 31 degree inclination.
And don't miss out on Michael Tellinger's work on ancient gold mines in South Africa. It's both creepy and super verifiable.
A Little Humor to Lighten the Mood:
On a related thread, someone asked where these skulls were found, and the reply was:
I would agree with you.
But also, I think 2024 CANNOT happen. Trump is going to crush everyone and they know it. I think they're going to prevent an election with some HUGE event.
Since the cabal is on their heels, they have to pull this out of their hat. They know it.
That's why I believe if there was ever a time to pull Blue Beam, it is right before the election. No one is falling for the virus hoax again. They need something bigger.
it would be substitute masks for fighting against fake&gay aliens
But they've added something to our atmosphere that harms us! Climate change aaaahhhh
I personally think they are going to preserve the 2024 election with some HUGE event, but, we're along for this ride, aren't we, LOL
This sounds like just what a flat Earth denying alien trying to hide their identity would say! I'm on to you, Catsfive! Bleep blorp trumzurupur!
Curses... FOILED AGAIN!!!
The arms with just hands and no shoulders harkens back to thalidomide. Some one intentionally using that shit again?
From his own words, it’s an incredibly bad ‘roll of the dice’ to have all these genetic abnormalities. About 7 year old child corpse -
So who’s gathering all these kid corpses together and displaying them as novelties?
The incredibly 'bad roll' of the dice can be explained by geographical isolation and reproduction pressures that lead to inter-breeding, leading to these kinds of extreme genetic abnormalities.
Do you believe the inbreeding was a result of scarcity or an intentional program attempting to develop traits (higher intelligence) since physics prowess was unlikely based on the corpses.
I’m still reviewing your equator video.
I believe that it was caused by the destruction and sudden climate change caused by the Younger Dryas Event. From GPT:
For more on this, pls also add this to your queue! :)
Where are the results of the lab work on these bodies?
Find it. I listened to the podcast and was happy with that
I’m just asking if they have released those results. I don’t need to see the actual report.
!!!! Mexican government is going full MIB! They should’ve gotten Will Smith to come slap those dead aliens. LOL! Welcome to Earth!
Keep my planet's name out yo fuckin mouf!
They look mundified, which makes it even harder to discern if they're even real or not. I know what u/catsfive says in their sticky, but it still looks fake and gay from the naked eye.
yep, they could have been created on a three D printer yesterday for all we know.
That's because it is F and G
I’m not here to say fake or not fake. But whatever they are, why aren’t the people in the room wearing protective gear? Like a bio hazard suit or something.
Apparently it’s at the Mexican Congress. So perhaps they decided a room full of politicians was expendable in the event of Alien Uber Plague.
Very good. Very, very good !
or even a mask, cause covid, ya just never know.
Mexicans have natural immunities we don't have. That's why they don't need vaccines to attend our public schools.
Maybe they're long dead and not a biohazard
"ET, Go home".
It's a spitting image of Steven Spielberg's ET!
Didn't some whistleblower say, " they could take E T home now"? Well it's the decent thing to do. lol
yep it's amazing how they could land humans on the moon decades ago, but some how they couldn't ever do it again. they truly do think we are stupid.
It's amazing how people don't read history. We could do it again (and are doing it again, albeit with a less functional NASA), but the problem was that no one wanted to PAY for going back---and the public had lost interest. "They" couldn't care less if you are stupid.
i don't care one bit about space. never have and probably never will. so no, i have not done any research on it, why would i? i was simply stating what i had heard. i didn't say it was truth.
why can't you ever be polite? can't make a statement/point without attacking someone's intelligence?
this is a forum to discuss and learn about what we have been lied to about for decades. i'm truly hoping you were never a teacher because you certainly wouldn't win over any students hearts or minds with your attitude.
I was polite. Never made an aspersion against anyone's intelligence. I only pointed out that "they" had no respect for anyone's intelligence.
You remarked about how "amazing" it is that we haven't returned to the Moon. It is only "amazing" if you don't know the history. I suppose the implication is that you failed to learn that history, which is the outcome of doing no research. No conspiracy necessary. You pose a false picture of the situation as an excuse to feel resentment about it. ("...They truly do think we are stupid.") And what have you done to dispel that impression?
So, I taught you about something that you thought you had been lied to, and you don't like the message. Truth is always difficult to digest if you are not expecting it.
I have successfully taught in various circumstances. I once had to teach a class in system engineering for two weeks to officials from the South Korean department of defense procurement, where English was for them a second language. They were attentive and congratulated me afterwards. They had a desire to learn, and no preconceptions.
A little while ago, I wrote a seven part series called, "UFO Disclosure And The Last False Flag Card" that addresses what Werner Von Braun described as being the "last false flag". I believe the UFO narrative has long been developed for this purpose. I provide the many indications of this actually occurring. You might find it to be an interesting read. The proceeding articles of the series are linked at the end for your convenience.
imagine while they faking it real ones show and try to get us.... uhhhhh
Oooh.. great movie plot. ; )
Yup. Plus Psalm 19:1 on his headstone...Why would he quote that???
"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands."
Why wouldn't a God-fearing man who dreamed his whole life about traveling into space quote that? Nothing to do with space aliens.
I have read a lot about von Braun over my lifetime, and I have never found that he alluded to space aliens or false flags. I understand that some woman who claimed to be his last confidant alleges these things, but I think it more credible that she exploited her relationship with von Braun in order to grind a personal axe.
"some woman"... "who claims.... "It's like the Geico commercial says.... "It's what....." Yet, that's just it. And I'm pretty sure it'll be the only one [like this] too.
Some don't believe it be like it is; but it do.
I can't figure out what you are trying to say. I only remember the Geico commercials for the emu and the jerk with the mustache, so I don't get the reference. I suspect I might agree.
"I only remember the Geico commercials for the emu and the jerk with the mustache, so I don't get the reference. I suspect I might agree."
The emu commercial is Liberty Insurance. Not Geico. You just clarified your position.
That's right. Geico is the gecko. That's how much attention I pay to the product being sold. They have their clever commercials, and I notice that one remembers the shtick, not the product. But what "position"? I'm still unclear as to your reference.
Ayy lmao
ET lost his way again! FFS! Recycling movie props? Damn they hate us and believe we are complete morons. However, that being said, most of this world are morons, so I guess it works.
They're keeping aliens on the backburner, but I somewhat expect PBB to happen before the election even. If IndictmentGate doesn't work, Covid23 doesn't work, this may be their last straw at preventing Trump.
Those look like little tiny poorly sculpted out of clay versions of ET laughing my ass off
Hey, I payed a dollar to see those two at the state fair 10 years ago, personally I thought the half man, half alligator was better though. Good to see they’re doing well working for the CIA.
I'm sure that aliens are real enough. But I'm equally sure that the deep state is slowly slipping a fake "alien invasion" narrative into the propaganda "news."
Does it have to be? Or it could be the ultimate declass. Everything coming out now - DS corruption and the fact that aliens were hidden from us for decades
I knew I had already seen these 2 fake aliens somewhere.
About the video... yeeah.. idk.. i'm not convinced.
Pls see my stickied comment
Now I know who stole my ET doll in 1983. Damn Mexicans!!
lol why does it look like a clay model of ET lol
see top comment
A lot smaller than I imagined. Almost have an 'Egyptian' look about them.
Right, like 3 feet tall. Very spindly bones. Crazy to think it’s a result of genetic mutation as it would be quite difficult to keep such an individual alive.
I’d be interested in seeing if there is evidence of fractures and other injuries caused from an incompatible environment -
They’re saying about 7 years old, in that video cat shared, but I’d like to find out more.
how in the hell could they know the age of an alien?? FFS. they have nothing to go by with aliens and how they age.
They are saying they are human and it’s a genetic abnormality, they are using bone density - and it’s only speculatory.
An Egyptian ET? They couldn't even come up with an OG design lol
2 humans with a genetic abnormality...
Probably a midget tossing contest gone wrong.
When Velcro fails, on the next Maury...
BTW, tell Congress, Don't eat the patê...
They pulling the ayy lmao now?
It would make for a nice change of pace as far as distractions go.
I like the fossilized eyebrows.
They're humanoid looking. How did that happen? Do we have common descent, or did they separately evolve to look like us.
It looks like the little alien form MIB
Where's the meme with the aliens waiting to go on stage, when you need it?
Display these Aliens. Somewhere prominent for all to glare at. We'll see then what holds up. No experts necessary. Naked eye tests
Awww ET turtle guy
The Aliens Are Coming! Get to your RV and head to the desert for the show!! What a circus. Enjoy the show!
real disclosure is approaching
Does anyone else have concerns about Joe sniffing and grabbing these aliens like he does with children of the same size?
The masses have been brainwashed to reject anything outside of mainstream science. That’s why when something potentially real slips in, nobody buys it. ET’s exist, they’ve been here for a long time. Wether these two boxes of fun are alien or not, who knows. They do ironically resemble what Hollywood has told us grey aliens look like…
They look made of paper-mache, not of protoplasm.
Poke it with a stick!