Whenever I'm feeling down and depressed, I return to this video to look upon Jeb Bush's reaction. Daddy Bush spilled the beans on the Deep State, and little Jeb just can't believe that their treason was found out and that justice is coming for them and their kind.
These creeps would throw their mothers under a bus to save themselves. Daddy figured he was going to die, but his name would be protected. I got news for him, his name is going to be remembered but not the way he was hoping.
Question is why you (white hats) would hold there word to this scum. They should just say yer ok well preserve your your public appearance if you snitch then once there dead release the info?
agree & this actually might be a time to use chat gpt since it’s a short phrase. if you put too much of a drop into the search it detects ‘conspiracy’🤡
That's the million dollar question! Nobody knows for sure, but whatever it was almost gave Jeb and George Jr. a heart attack right there in that service.
Many theorize that it was a simple message; something along the lines of Bush Sr. letting them know that he spilled the beans and told the White Hats everything.
I think so too! Jeb only looks at it for a split second, and then stares like the devil after the coffin carrying Bush Sr. Whatever was on that envelope was clear, simple, and NOT expected by any in attendance.
Or another Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes entry.
My dad would get so mad every time my mom took the time to fill that crap out and send it back. He always said he'd be happy if he could just get his stamp money back.
def something short and sweet because Jeb just had a second or two of a glance before Laura dropped it back down to her side and Jeb looked like he had seen a ghost.
Here's the thing, though, W knew already what was in the envelope for Laura - I think she asked him something and he nodded, not curious at all about what was in the envelope.
It's something similar but different for each of these vermin. Instantaneous reactions like Jeb and Laura seem to be images while Hillary took some time to absorb and process without reaction like the sociopath she is. So it was mixed according to their reactions. The video is worth watching numerous times to sift out the essence of what is unfolding. Whoever is behind this set this up to be totally visible and very telling.
I think one of the most hilarious moments is when everyone is looking at their letters, and Jimmy Carter is looking all around for his. I guess they figured he is two old to worry about him.
Hillary looks pretty smiley 32 seconds into this video. The Bush boys look like their dad just died. Biden looks confused. Michael Obama looks like reading hurts and Barack has his usual smug look on.
It's driven by a desire to grasp onto absolutely anything that suggests these people might pay for what they did. I think as time wears on we before even more desperate for any perceived victory.
If Hillary was replaced on the infamous September 11th date in 2015 when she was chucked like a side of beef into a van, then how was she also given a secret envelope 3 years later? I guess maybe they gave her double an envelope for show? How many there could have also been doubles? I don't know. So much doesn't make sense when we can't see the entire picture.
Hmmm maybe protocol. Can’t image items pass to a President or former President without going though secret services hands. Threats or Anthrax.
An FBI report concluded that the Army microbiologist mailed anthrax-filled letters that killed five people in 2001. In February 2010, the FBI closed its investigation into the anthrax attacks after more than eight years, issuing a 92-page report that concluded that Ivins carried out the attacks entirely on his own
One thing I always found strange is that whatever they are showing to each other, they do not seem too terribly concerned that someone might see over their shoulder. Suppose it was a picture of someone hanging, as others have suggested; do you really want to show that with others looking at you? Someone could recognize such a picture from across the room. Yet they seem utterly unconcerned. I find that terrifyingly spooky. As if they do not care. As if everyone else in the room already knows and they know that and it does not matter to them. Thoughts?
yes I think that’s odd too & that some of them might be acting rather than ‘reacting’ that’s why the timing is different… genius HRC studies hers & foolish Jeb can just glance?🤔
What is it that (1) you can tell at a glance what it means, (2) it is important and likely not public information (and not good news), and (3) you do not seem concerned at all that someone else in a busy room might also glance at it and also tell (at a glance) what this important not-public information is?
This is definitely one of my top 3 rabbit holes! What if each recipient was given a message specifically for them? It would explain the difference in reactions.
I remember that moment too but am still wondering what in the world was in those envelopes that would cause those reactions. Obummer and Michael seemed to be the most discombobulated in the bunch.
It’s not what’s in the letter that I dwell on, the fact is, it fuck up a few minds. That’s granted. What I think about is the motivation behind the letter. Was there a group sitting around a card table drinking and smoking and all of a sudden someone said hey hold my beer watch this shit,,,,then a lot of laughs
Oh what a thrilling moment that was...YUGE!
Awesome post qa!
One of the coolest parts of the movie. I wish WHs would have done stuff like this.
edit: done MORE stuff like this.
WH's did this!
Q was asked in a Q & A on the chans, "what was in the envelopes?"
"Our promise to counter" - Q
That was sweet.
I missed one key word "MORE" I wish WHs would have done more stuff like this. Typo
Ok... heehee...it happens all the time to me!
Who do you think did it?
Whenever I'm feeling down and depressed, I return to this video to look upon Jeb Bush's reaction. Daddy Bush spilled the beans on the Deep State, and little Jeb just can't believe that their treason was found out and that justice is coming for them and their kind.
Didn’t Q say he repented on his deathbed (like they all do)
These creeps would throw their mothers under a bus to save themselves. Daddy figured he was going to die, but his name would be protected. I got news for him, his name is going to be remembered but not the way he was hoping.
I know this will likely be the same for Biden
Question is why you (white hats) would hold there word to this scum. They should just say yer ok well preserve your your public appearance if you snitch then once there dead release the info?
But then maybe that discourages others...
Because unlike their opponents, the WHs have ethics.
I hope that he did.
Not. Hillary
Guess Laura JUUUUUST might be finding a new hubbie...somehow?????
Satan, maybe
OK, OK, OK, --- I get it...You guys crack me up!!!!!!!!
So what's in the envelopes?
I guess we should focus on the word 'counter'...
tik tok
agree & this actually might be a time to use chat gpt since it’s a short phrase. if you put too much of a drop into the search it detects ‘conspiracy’🤡
That's the million dollar question! Nobody knows for sure, but whatever it was almost gave Jeb and George Jr. a heart attack right there in that service.
Many theorize that it was a simple message; something along the lines of Bush Sr. letting them know that he spilled the beans and told the White Hats everything.
I bet it was a picture...
I think so too! Jeb only looks at it for a split second, and then stares like the devil after the coffin carrying Bush Sr. Whatever was on that envelope was clear, simple, and NOT expected by any in attendance.
I am thinking it was a picture of their dad showing the punishment that was doled out to him after being found guilty of treason.
I hope it was this! 👆
To me, this makes the most sense. Jeb's reaction says to me that they had more than just words in the envelope.
Or it could have been just two words.. YOU'RE NEXT.
I think everyone got a different message.
I think Bush and Laura got a photo of either HW Bush or W standing with bin Laden.
That's an image that would tear the world apart.
Do you really think they'd risk a photo like that in public?
Bush Sr.hanging?
Maybe it was Sr hanging from the end of a rope? Okay, probably not, but it would explain Jeb looking like his heart skipped a few beats.
Actually that’s what I think makes the most sense. Remember HW (like NoName) were military officers.
Tribunal for treason = rope.
Didn’t Trump reinstate the death penalty?
Or maybe it had two pictures: Barbara Bush hanging and Bush Sr. They were both traitors. Babs had died only a few months prior to Sr Bush.
Or maybe their special "code word."
🤔, Q?
Agreed, what else would bring such a ghastly look from Laura so quickly but something shocking from a photo.
Or another Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes entry.
My dad would get so mad every time my mom took the time to fill that crap out and send it back. He always said he'd be happy if he could just get his stamp money back.
Or maybe a pic of big Mike's dick
Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!
you mean dong, dong , dong?
That’s horribl....ly awesome!!
Well... ding, ding, ding, when Barry hits the gong with dick. When Mike hits it with his... dong, dong, dong.
Nice try. Not a big enough envelope for that.
Now thats funny
def something short and sweet because Jeb just had a second or two of a glance before Laura dropped it back down to her side and Jeb looked like he had seen a ghost.
Here's the thing, though, W knew already what was in the envelope for Laura - I think she asked him something and he nodded, not curious at all about what was in the envelope.
It's something similar but different for each of these vermin. Instantaneous reactions like Jeb and Laura seem to be images while Hillary took some time to absorb and process without reaction like the sociopath she is. So it was mixed according to their reactions. The video is worth watching numerous times to sift out the essence of what is unfolding. Whoever is behind this set this up to be totally visible and very telling.
FTFY fren!
A picture of goatse (seasoned anons know what this is)
"they know everything". Sorry poppy
No way that's what it said to get the reactions it got. JEB shit his pants.
Whatever it was shook the bushes to their core. I pray we find out one day.
I believe GWB's envelope said GEORGE FLIPPED
It still flips me out that Hillary had NO REACTION whatsoever. This battle-ax bitch absolutely has cyrogenic ICE in her veins
As one of satans minions hildabeast has no feelings
Will never forget this and i would LOVE to know what was written in those envelopes
Biden don't look as the same "Biden" of today
It was then I realized that Q was legit. All of the planning and forethought of cameras, angles, and pageantry…oh the pageantry!!
What is coming needs to get here soon!
Christmas 2024...
done in 60 (rotations of the Q clock)
durum boat crossing the Delaware.
it's going to be a long year.....
The best video in slow motion with commentary here:
Reminder that this was the Hillary double, hence the lack of reaction. Hillary was six feet under by this time. Everybody else reacted accordingly.
How do we know she was/is six feet under?
Kufu is a bitch of a disease
I think one of the most hilarious moments is when everyone is looking at their letters, and Jimmy Carter is looking all around for his. I guess they figured he is two old to worry about him.
Killary smirked. Dibs on pulling her trap door release at her hanging
It's OK Jimmy, you don't really want one.
Hillary looks pretty smiley 32 seconds into this video. The Bush boys look like their dad just died. Biden looks confused. Michael Obama looks like reading hurts and Barack has his usual smug look on.
It's driven by a desire to grasp onto absolutely anything that suggests these people might pay for what they did. I think as time wears on we before even more desperate for any perceived victory.
If Hillary was replaced on the infamous September 11th date in 2015 when she was chucked like a side of beef into a van, then how was she also given a secret envelope 3 years later? I guess maybe they gave her double an envelope for show? How many there could have also been doubles? I don't know. So much doesn't make sense when we can't see the entire picture.
Hillary was known to use body doubles.
Damn it's been 5 years already since that happened ?!?!? Doesn't feel like it
It’s the wives that got the envelopes. There’s reason for that
Did Jill look at hers? Joe had one...
Part of watch the wives. I think the wives are always sending comms just like Melania and her clothes
Hmmm maybe protocol. Can’t image items pass to a President or former President without going though secret services hands. Threats or Anthrax. An FBI report concluded that the Army microbiologist mailed anthrax-filled letters that killed five people in 2001. In February 2010, the FBI closed its investigation into the anthrax attacks after more than eight years, issuing a 92-page report that concluded that Ivins carried out the attacks entirely on his own
One thing I always found strange is that whatever they are showing to each other, they do not seem too terribly concerned that someone might see over their shoulder. Suppose it was a picture of someone hanging, as others have suggested; do you really want to show that with others looking at you? Someone could recognize such a picture from across the room. Yet they seem utterly unconcerned. I find that terrifyingly spooky. As if they do not care. As if everyone else in the room already knows and they know that and it does not matter to them. Thoughts?
yes I think that’s odd too & that some of them might be acting rather than ‘reacting’ that’s why the timing is different… genius HRC studies hers & foolish Jeb can just glance?🤔
What is it that (1) you can tell at a glance what it means, (2) it is important and likely not public information (and not good news), and (3) you do not seem concerned at all that someone else in a busy room might also glance at it and also tell (at a glance) what this important not-public information is?
The funniest answer I have heard, by far, is that Laura showed Jeb the catering invoice for the reception.
Or maybe it was MOHAP?
5 years and still nothing has been done, sadly.
This is definitely one of my top 3 rabbit holes! What if each recipient was given a message specifically for them? It would explain the difference in reactions.
Two more weeks
I remember that moment too but am still wondering what in the world was in those envelopes that would cause those reactions. Obummer and Michael seemed to be the most discombobulated in the bunch.
I could watch this on endless replay.
I'd love to see exactly what those envelopes held. Nobody is showing them.
this is one of favorite video to watch.
I stumbled upon this in my archives...
That is very interesting. Thank you for posting this!
I always wondered if they got Jelly of the Month subscriptions.
That’s the gift that keeps on giving
I hope we find out one day!