I have painfully tried to explain to my sister how starbucks is expensive trash. She refuses to accept it. So if it goes under, she will cry at how much more fiat she has sitting around her bank account
the sad part is it's childishly simple to make good coffee at home once you know how... Hell, I make damn good coffee with store brand grounds in one of the 'hardest' machines to use, a coffee urn
I drink coffee every day. The last time i had store coffee was 2 days ago because it was free with the purchase of a pound of coffee beans at the locally owned coffee shop. Before that was atleast 2 years now since i am retired. I hand gring my coffee daily and only the amount needed. Coffee takes that much better. I even grind coffee and take on trips.
all I know is twenty minutes after I plug my urn in, I have forty cups of fantastic coffee, and that's with cheap coffee like folgers or the various store brands
GO woke? Starbucks never WENT woke, they were born woke, from day one. Not to mention the crappy "coffee" they serve. And overpriced. I can't say I'm sad to see them go.
Good point. They were woke from Day 0. And there are other companies that meet this criteria as well. Perhaps it's not a function of them "Going Woke", but rather the masses being able to identify the wokeness retroactively and say "Meh, fuck it." paired with a horrible/fake/propped up economic disaster.
these companies don't all of a sudden wake up and decide to embrace nonsense, they hit financial hardship, adopt woke policies to get major investment capital, and it drives their paying customers away.
Seattle's Best is the best. We drink the Breakfast Blend. Thank God Safeway still carries it. Was pissed when SB started to disappear and Starbucks was everywhere.
Who is the lady in the Starbucks logo?
Profile photo for Assistant
Nov 29
The lady in the Starbucks logo is a mythical figure known as a "twin-tailed mermaid" or "siren." The logo is based on a 16th-century Norse woodcut, and it has been stylized and modernized over the years. The siren is a symbol of the maritime nature of Seattle, the city where Starbucks was founded.
Profile photo for Anonymous
That is Ishtar or Sirius star
Ishtar(Babylon) /Isis(Egypt)
its other names are Canis or black dog or Anubis
Sirius was the most important star in the sky to the ancient Egyptians. The ancient Egyptian calendar was based on the rising of Sirius. It is established for certain that Sirius was sometimes identified by the ancient Egyptians with their chief goddess Isis
The companion of Isis was Osiris, the chief Egyptian god. The 'companion' of the constellation of the Great Dog (which includes Sirius) was the constellation of Orion. Since Isis is equated with Sirius, the companion of Isis must be equated, equally, with the companion of Sirius. Osiris is thus equated on occasion with the constellation Orion.
We know that the 'companion of Sirius' is in reality Sirius B. It is conceivable that Osiris-as-Orion, 'the companion of Sirius,' is a stand-in for the invisible true companion Sirius B.
Sirius is also known colloquially as the "Dog Star", reflecting its prominence in its constellation, Canis Major(Greater Dog)
'The Dog Star' is a common designation of Sirius throughout known history. The ancient god Anubis was a 'dog god', that is, he had a man's body and a dog's head.
In discussing Egyptian beliefs, Plutarch says that Anubis was really the son of Nephthys, sister to Isis, although he was said to be the son of Isis. Nephthys was 'invisible', Isis was 'visible'. (In other words, the visible mother was the stand-in for the invisible mother, who was the true mother, for the simple reason that the invisible mother could not be perceived.)
The chief god of Sumer/Babylon, named Anu, was pictured as a jackal, which is a variation of the dog motif and was used also in Egypt for Anubis, the dog and the jackal apparently being interchangeable as symbols. The Egyptian form of the name Anubis is 'Anpu' and is similar to the Sumerian 'Anu', and both are jackal-gods.
Statue of Liberty or Lucifer/Cupid bearing Sirius star/Ishtar/Black star on its torch
Bible Babylon Revelation
Passages from Revelation. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.
15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
You go to Starbucks because you want the sugar and you don't want to make it yourself.
But boy, instead of those $6-$8 coffees, you could skip a few of those and start your journey down sourcing beans from different places, finding a flavor that suits you, and learning to roast your own beans. If you skip a few more, you can get a decent coffee grinder, and a few more and you can even get a Keurig (bah) with a reusable K cup if you don't want to spend time cold brewing (my favorite) or the slow gentle brewing that keeps it from becoming too bitter.
If you like cold brew, it takes like a minute to put your morning coffee together and you can even do all the sugary bits yourself in that period of time.
But most people don't like the coffee... they like the sweetened and flavored caffeine. They haven't yet woken up (HAH) to the fact that you can achieve better, deeper flavors at home.
I buy a tub of Yuban from Sam’s or Costco... prior to covid/Biden stolen election the tub would cost $7 bucks now it’s up to $12. (almost, but not quite double). The tub will make 3 months of daily pots of 12 cups of coffee. Even at its most expensive it’s costing .13¢ a day to make a full pot of coffee for 3 months.
I can’t wrap my head around the fact that for basically the cost of a single trip to Starbucks people could be saving hundreds. I know a person who goes to Starbucks every single day spends roughly $7 each visit. In the same 90 day time period while I spend $12 for my tub of coffee they are spending $630.
Holy shit. Thats their CEO? Even if the rest of the world is great Starbucks will burn. I bet money he is clueless as to what is really going on and why. "Action plans" . FFS. If a CEO where I was employed talked about "Action Plans" Id leave.
“Selected” cabal retard to be CEO. Like most executives, sub 90 IQ and can’t manage their way out of paper bag without army of assistants and handlers doing it for them.
Oh dear. There's going to be a whole bunch of college graduates this year who won't be able to find a job. Gender studies degrees are going to be hard hit.
Not for nothing, sbux always promoted the war on Christmas by refusing to say or have any Merry Christmas on their cups. When Trump got elected sbux was saying they will hire refugees to work for them instead of Americans. I had sbux 1x when they first came to where I live which was 20 years ago and have not had a drop since. I rather have coffee made from toilet water. Another pacific northwest liberal company.
Starbucks was very specific and intentional in telling the country that they DID NOT want conservatives and Trump supporters as customers. So, ok. I stopped going to Starbucks.
Starbucks funds the mutilation of children's genitals. I hope they do more than sink...I hope they suffer extreme pain. Gods revenge will be greater than mine.
I knew something was wrong when they couldn't even supply the most popular item on the menu. Almond croissants were the hottest selling item and they stop it. What could it be?
Just a cautionary note; This is the result of muslims boycotting the company after they stood with israel. Think about that. 2 billion + customers is a lot of market sway. Do you see now why so many companies now market to muslims?
Starbucks going down does not make me sad. The coffee is disgusting as is the woke attitude.
When will the left understand that they can play woke games all day long but the people they cater to don't have the money to support their businesses?
Was in the hospital the other day and wanted hot tea. I have never been a Starbucks type and years ago would occasionally go in one and get a black large coffee to annoy the high and mighty Starbucks employee. They do not have a large they have —- with an eye roll.
At least back then they knew what they were doing. This last time I asked for a medium mint tea and the dei hires both stared at me like I spoke a foreign language. Then they broke the tea bag.
I prefer the original employees who would try and act all high and mighty and you are beneath their ego but knew how to actually make a good drink than these new who believe we should now tip them or else and yes I still drank the broken tea bag tea. I like mint flakes :)
Oh you are a true rebel. Now I have not been in there forever but my family members (blessed their hearts), like to give me StarBucks gift cards for presents. I used to drink lots of them and eat their almond croissants.
And Another One Bites The Dust. BYE BYE Vanguard Blackrock and Statestreet!
Nice to see, huh?
YEP and all those new coffee shops on the horizon.
I love coffee, but I don't like StarBucks coffee.
I get better coffee at a circle K or 7/11, without the woke bullshit, that will be $1.59 not $7.00.
I have painfully tried to explain to my sister how starbucks is expensive trash. She refuses to accept it. So if it goes under, she will cry at how much more fiat she has sitting around her bank account
I get good coffee at 7-11
the sad part is it's childishly simple to make good coffee at home once you know how... Hell, I make damn good coffee with store brand grounds in one of the 'hardest' machines to use, a coffee urn
I drink coffee every day. The last time i had store coffee was 2 days ago because it was free with the purchase of a pound of coffee beans at the locally owned coffee shop. Before that was atleast 2 years now since i am retired. I hand gring my coffee daily and only the amount needed. Coffee takes that much better. I even grind coffee and take on trips.
With how much cream and sugar people put in the coffee the quality doesn’t matter.
You are correct. Circle K has good coffee.
Me Too
We've taken to calling it Charbucks
Support your local coffee roasters (unless they're communist)
Great name. Charbucks they are.
Their cinnamon latte is good, but I can make better at home. Only thing Ive like from there. Ever.
Used to love their almond croissants. I would buy 4 at once so I don't have to go in for several days.
2 years ago, they discontinued. I have not been back since.
It’s burnt and bitter
hope the new coffee shops don't serve burnt coffee. starbucks coffee sucks. bought one cup, one time, took one sip and threw it out.
...I can't prove this, but I'm convinced that nine times out of ten, "burnt" coffee isn't burnt, they just used too many grounds...
halve the manufacturer's reccomended amount and tweak as necessary, all I'm saying.
Arabica should be roasted at different temps depending on the bean color, size, and quality and Starbucks doesn't do that.
Starbucks roasts the beans at a higher temperature to process them more quickly and maintain consistency.
all I know is twenty minutes after I plug my urn in, I have forty cups of fantastic coffee, and that's with cheap coffee like folgers or the various store brands
No more burnt beans is nice. Charcoal Coffee
Yes. You got it.
🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊😊 YES!!!!!
I don't know about that. They have both sides of a couple different wars to fund. Big interest
Yup another Indian ceo. You know these guys climb to the top not organically. Indian blackmail ala Epstein is the only explanation that makes sense
Offering employees gender surgeries broke the bank ?
yep, letting the crazies serve the customers wasn't such a good idea now was it?
not for normies . . .
I am thinking supporting leftish agendas and your stores get vandalized so much no one will visit.
All of their baristas are dying from the VAX.
Love it. I don't like StarBucks overpriced trash coffee.
Put the CEO in prison for 5 years for “no cash” policy. Just need Grand Jury to indict on 18 USC 241/242.
Go woke...
GO woke? Starbucks never WENT woke, they were born woke, from day one. Not to mention the crappy "coffee" they serve. And overpriced. I can't say I'm sad to see them go.
Good point. They were woke from Day 0. And there are other companies that meet this criteria as well. Perhaps it's not a function of them "Going Woke", but rather the masses being able to identify the wokeness retroactively and say "Meh, fuck it." paired with a horrible/fake/propped up economic disaster.
...besides, it's not get woke go broke
it's "go broke, get woke, eventually croak"
these companies don't all of a sudden wake up and decide to embrace nonsense, they hit financial hardship, adopt woke policies to get major investment capital, and it drives their paying customers away.
Start woke. Stay woke.Go broke
Never recover. If you never have Seattle's best coffee b4, try it, it's good. StarBucks monopolized and they were gone.
Seattle's Best is the best. We drink the Breakfast Blend. Thank God Safeway still carries it. Was pissed when SB started to disappear and Starbucks was everywhere.
Yes. I love Seattle's Best
Who is the lady in the Starbucks logo? Sort Profile photo for Assistant Assistant Bot · Nov 29 The lady in the Starbucks logo is a mythical figure known as a "twin-tailed mermaid" or "siren." The logo is based on a 16th-century Norse woodcut, and it has been stylized and modernized over the years. The siren is a symbol of the maritime nature of Seattle, the city where Starbucks was founded.
Profile photo for Anonymous Anonymous 5y That is Ishtar or Sirius star
Ishtar(Babylon) /Isis(Egypt)
its other names are Canis or black dog or Anubis
Sirius was the most important star in the sky to the ancient Egyptians. The ancient Egyptian calendar was based on the rising of Sirius. It is established for certain that Sirius was sometimes identified by the ancient Egyptians with their chief goddess Isis
The companion of Isis was Osiris, the chief Egyptian god. The 'companion' of the constellation of the Great Dog (which includes Sirius) was the constellation of Orion. Since Isis is equated with Sirius, the companion of Isis must be equated, equally, with the companion of Sirius. Osiris is thus equated on occasion with the constellation Orion.
We know that the 'companion of Sirius' is in reality Sirius B. It is conceivable that Osiris-as-Orion, 'the companion of Sirius,' is a stand-in for the invisible true companion Sirius B.
Sirius is also known colloquially as the "Dog Star", reflecting its prominence in its constellation, Canis Major(Greater Dog)
'The Dog Star' is a common designation of Sirius throughout known history. The ancient god Anubis was a 'dog god', that is, he had a man's body and a dog's head.
In discussing Egyptian beliefs, Plutarch says that Anubis was really the son of Nephthys, sister to Isis, although he was said to be the son of Isis. Nephthys was 'invisible', Isis was 'visible'. (In other words, the visible mother was the stand-in for the invisible mother, who was the true mother, for the simple reason that the invisible mother could not be perceived.)
The chief god of Sumer/Babylon, named Anu, was pictured as a jackal, which is a variation of the dog motif and was used also in Egypt for Anubis, the dog and the jackal apparently being interchangeable as symbols. The Egyptian form of the name Anubis is 'Anpu' and is similar to the Sumerian 'Anu', and both are jackal-gods.
Statue of Liberty or Lucifer/Cupid bearing Sirius star/Ishtar/Black star on its torch
Bible Babylon Revelation
Passages from Revelation. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.
15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
i think it's time that our kids are taught about 'their' symbolism.
Collapse of it would be a great thing. Thanks for that knowledge. I only know about the revelation part.
lol who can afford $8 coffee?
Correct. Heavy, addictive corn syrup sweetener/flavoring used intentionally.
You go to Starbucks because you want the sugar and you don't want to make it yourself.
But boy, instead of those $6-$8 coffees, you could skip a few of those and start your journey down sourcing beans from different places, finding a flavor that suits you, and learning to roast your own beans. If you skip a few more, you can get a decent coffee grinder, and a few more and you can even get a Keurig (bah) with a reusable K cup if you don't want to spend time cold brewing (my favorite) or the slow gentle brewing that keeps it from becoming too bitter.
If you like cold brew, it takes like a minute to put your morning coffee together and you can even do all the sugary bits yourself in that period of time.
But most people don't like the coffee... they like the sweetened and flavored caffeine. They haven't yet woken up (HAH) to the fact that you can achieve better, deeper flavors at home.
I buy a tub of Yuban from Sam’s or Costco... prior to covid/Biden stolen election the tub would cost $7 bucks now it’s up to $12. (almost, but not quite double). The tub will make 3 months of daily pots of 12 cups of coffee. Even at its most expensive it’s costing .13¢ a day to make a full pot of coffee for 3 months.
I can’t wrap my head around the fact that for basically the cost of a single trip to Starbucks people could be saving hundreds. I know a person who goes to Starbucks every single day spends roughly $7 each visit. In the same 90 day time period while I spend $12 for my tub of coffee they are spending $630.
$8 of charcoal coffee. We don't support them and they are going bye bye.
Holy shit. Thats their CEO? Even if the rest of the world is great Starbucks will burn. I bet money he is clueless as to what is really going on and why. "Action plans" . FFS. If a CEO where I was employed talked about "Action Plans" Id leave.
“Selected” cabal retard to be CEO. Like most executives, sub 90 IQ and can’t manage their way out of paper bag without army of assistants and handlers doing it for them.
Of course it’s some curry pajeet picked by small hat tribe jews.
Brahmin? Zionists of India, believe they are “born to rule” over all “as gods”. Ref CEOs of MSFT and GOOG.
Pajeets are just jew wannabes
Brahmin went extinct 2000 years ago. These are pajeets that assumed the position without understanding it.
They are going down just like Bud Light.
I can burn coffee at home for a lot cheaper than Starbucks.
It won’t hurt my feelings if it goes to ZERO…never been a fan.
I want to see Seattle's Best take its place.
Oh dear. There's going to be a whole bunch of college graduates this year who won't be able to find a job. Gender studies degrees are going to be hard hit.
Not for nothing, sbux always promoted the war on Christmas by refusing to say or have any Merry Christmas on their cups. When Trump got elected sbux was saying they will hire refugees to work for them instead of Americans. I had sbux 1x when they first came to where I live which was 20 years ago and have not had a drop since. I rather have coffee made from toilet water. Another pacific northwest liberal company.
Oh wow. I didn't know anything about how bad or blue hair they are.
Up small in premarket trading today. Let's see if the stock drops at the open?
I go to Starbucks once a year. Free coffee day. Just to do my part to effect their bottom line.
Oh wow. I am not even there for that. I don't waste my time.
And it is a time suck. That is how ridiculous it is. But I do it anyhow, just to take the cup and the swill for free. kek
Cramer pissed he didn't get a heads up on the tank so he could say BUYBUYBUY and shortshortshort.
Cramer is the biggest stock liar.
i have a few libtard family members who are gonna be mad! hahahahah!!!
Burnt, bitter and over priced.
Very true description
Starbucks was very specific and intentional in telling the country that they DID NOT want conservatives and Trump supporters as customers. So, ok. I stopped going to Starbucks.
We are the new power now. Just like Bud Light, StarBucks now bye bye.
I can’t wait to see these evildoers leaving for good.
Yes. I would love to see them gone for good.
And then goes on the Inverse Cramer Show to announce it?
That just cemented it. Starbucks going buh-bye.
StarBucks have been going downhill for a while. It is now final.
Don't think I've ever purchased anything from a Starbucks but I'm glad to see another woke company on the ropes.
Maybe soon you'll actually be able to go more than a quarter mile and not see one?
But but but they're doing boba this summer! That'll fix everything!
LOL. They are hiring bubbas and it won't make any differences.
Starbucks funds the mutilation of children's genitals. I hope they do more than sink...I hope they suffer extreme pain. Gods revenge will be greater than mine.
They are sinking like the Titanic.
I knew something was wrong when they couldn't even supply the most popular item on the menu. Almond croissants were the hottest selling item and they stop it. What could it be?
How did THAT guy ever become CEO of Starbucks?
Diversity hire?
I would believe so.
Supposedly there are only a few Indian CEOs.
It sure doesn’t seem like it.
Just a cautionary note; This is the result of muslims boycotting the company after they stood with israel. Think about that. 2 billion + customers is a lot of market sway. Do you see now why so many companies now market to muslims?
I see it. Thanks.
If there is such a thing as lizard people, this guy is definitely one!
They must have done some noticing and supported the Palestinian protestors.
They have been supporting woke for a while.
I get my coffee in my kitchen. Made to order and no soybean oil!
The best way.
I know I boycotted Starbucks for the last 8 years or so. Good riddance
I am glad they are down. My family have to find another gift card for me. I will tell them Amazon now.
Never had it, never will.
Good for you. I used to drink them a lot and eat their almond croissants. Now they are all going to shit.
Insane but really really fun. Now we need to get rid of the rest of the globalist "economy." Rookie numbers. Keep going.
Amen. Makes me happy here.
Just spitballing here, but my guess is one day, the alarm clock went off, people got out of bed, and decided $10 coffee wasn't worth it.
Now, if they were serving it at a 'hooters' style men's club, might be a different story ...
Starbucks going down does not make me sad. The coffee is disgusting as is the woke attitude. When will the left understand that they can play woke games all day long but the people they cater to don't have the money to support their businesses?
You are 100% right. We the customers have the money (the woke people don't). We prove that with Bud Light.
These companies will all go down.
Was in the hospital the other day and wanted hot tea. I have never been a Starbucks type and years ago would occasionally go in one and get a black large coffee to annoy the high and mighty Starbucks employee. They do not have a large they have —- with an eye roll.
At least back then they knew what they were doing. This last time I asked for a medium mint tea and the dei hires both stared at me like I spoke a foreign language. Then they broke the tea bag.
I prefer the original employees who would try and act all high and mighty and you are beneath their ego but knew how to actually make a good drink than these new who believe we should now tip them or else and yes I still drank the broken tea bag tea. I like mint flakes :)
Oh you are a true rebel. Now I have not been in there forever but my family members (blessed their hearts), like to give me StarBucks gift cards for presents. I used to drink lots of them and eat their almond croissants.
I have no choice now but to just use the cards.
Because charge too much for 'meh' coffee, honestly.
And they think they're justified in doing so because of their politics.
That's really all.
boycott works for their woke ideology. Now they are crying.
Go woke go broke!
So what you're saying is people don't want to buy flavored water for $9.00 from degenerates who think what they're doing is a career?
I am saying that the woke don't have the money to support them. We the people boycott them and they will fold.
We are the power.