Unless proven with court documents, at the time of Kamala’s birth, her parents were not U.S. citizens. They were foreign students. At the time of her birth, she was the daughter of non-citizens. This makes her an anchor baby. She is not eligible to hold the office of President.

I don’t believe Obummer was either, especially after his birth certificate was analyzed.
The birth certificate says Obama's Father was a Kenyan citizen when Obama was born. That disqualifies him even if he was born in Hawaii.
"The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens." - Law of Nations
Kamala is not even legal to be Vice President, per the 20th Amendment. If Republicans had ANY ballz, they would invoke the 25th Amendment on Biden and simultaneously remove Kamala for ineligibility, making Speaker Johnson the President.
Here's more about Kamala's situation. It also applies to Vivek Ramaswamy, Ted Cruz, Barack Obama and Marco Rubio.
Kamala Harris is not a Natural Born Citizen of the United States Not eligible to be President or Vice President https://www.dagnyintel.com/home/kamala-harris-is-not-eligible-to-be-president-the-natural-born-citizen-requirement
https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/169/649/ This court decision defined “natural born citizen .” Kamala Harris is unfortunately a “natural born citizen.”
What did the Wong Kim Ark case say about "natural born citizen"? The exact words:
'The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights. The society is supposed to desire this, in consequence of what it owes to its own preservation; and it is presumed, as matter of course, that each citizen, on entering into society, reserves to his children the right of becoming members of it. The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children;' US v. Wong Kim Arkenactments conferring citizenship upon foreign-born children of citizens..." United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649, 702-703 (1898)
The case did not DEFINE "natural born citizen", it RECOGNIZED the actual definition and determined that Mr. Ark is NOT a "natural born citizen".
So, the Judge had to resort to the 14th Amendment to try to make Mr. Ark a citizen by birth. Even that was incorrect, since the 14th Amendment was worded to exclude anyone born with foreign allegiance, its purpose being to give citizenship to the freed slaves who had no foreign allegiance but were not US Citizens either.
Wong Kim Ark, Dred Scott and the Venus cases all acknowledged the definition of "natural born citizen".
Kamala harris is NOT eligible to be President or VP.
Do that and the damn Democrats would win the election in November. You know full well it would get spun as Republicans playing dirty political tricks. Which is why I know none of the powers that be in DC are actually in power, because that's exactly what RINOs would try and do right now with Trump running away with it. Throw the damn Democrats a lifeline. Hell no. Here's a lot of rope... Have fun.
United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898) Argued: March 5, 1897 Decided: March 28, 1898
Long opinion, here is the bottom line:
[Holding:] The evident intention, and the necessary effect, of the submission of this case to the decision of the court upon the facts agreed by the parties were to present for determination the single question stated at the beginning of this opinion, namely, whether a child born in the United States, of parent of Chinese descent, who, at the time of his birth, are subjects of the Emperor of China, but have a permanent domicil and residence in the United States, and are there carrying on business, and are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity under the Emperor of China, becomes at the time of his birth a citizen of the United States. For the reasons above stated, this court is of opinion that the question must be answered in the affirmative.
I gave +1 for the research. I think the Great Awakening principle is that we are going back to Founding principles. U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark was a 14th Amendment citizenship case, and I think the direction of judicial philosophy we need to go back to includes natural law — The Law of Nations as written by Emer de Vattel, published in 1758. ”The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.” ____The 14th Amendment did not alter this constitutional requirement which had a clear purpose as understood by the Founders when the Constitution for the United States of America. Vattel, “The Law of Nations” Book 1, chapter 19, section 212 ____ Link to online book: https://oll.libertyfund.org/titles/whatmore-the-law-of-nations-lf-ed
James Kent, author of “Commentaries on American Law” vol. 2 (pp. 18ff in pdf link) did not intend to exclude “of parents who are citizens” from his definition of natural-born citizenship, and neither did Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story in his “Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States” volume 3, sections 211-213. Each author merely focussed on the aspect of the territory of birth, but their discussions do not imply that we should neglect Vattel and his complete definition. ____ Kent: https://lonang.com/wp-content/download/Kent-CommentariesVol-2.pdf. Key statement p. 22 The staute of 7 Ann., c. 5. was to the same general effect; but the staute of 4 Geo. II. c. 31. required only that the father should be a natural born subject at the birth of the child, and it applied to all children then born, or thereafter to be born. Under these statutes it has been held, [28] that to entitle a child born abroad to the rights of an English natural born subject, the father must be an English natural born subject, the father must be an English subject….” ____ Kamala is not a natural-born citizen, it appears based on Vattel and Kent.
Additional, Sir William Blackstone, Commentaries: on the Laws of England” p. 239 “ To encourage also foreign commerce, it was enacted by statute 25 Edw. III. st. 2, that all children born abroad, provided both their parents were at the time of the birth in allegiance to the king, and the mother had passed the seas by her husband’s consent, might inherit as if born in England; and accordingly it hath been so adjudged in behalf of merchants.(a) But by several more modern statutes(b) these restrictions are still further taken off: so that all children, born out of the king’s ligeance, whose fathers (or grandfathers by the father’s side) were natural-born subjects, are now deemed to be natural-born subjects themselves to all intents and purposes….” ____Difficulty: does the USA follow the Continent— Vattel (Swiss)— or English on this subject? Blackstone p. 239 The children of aliens, born here in England, are, generally speaking, natural-born subjects,15 and entitled to all the privileges of such. In which the constitution of France differs from ours; for there, by their jus albinatus, if a child be born of foreign parents, it is an alien.(c)16 ____ link http://files.libertyfund.org/files/2140/Blackstone_1387-01_EBk_v6.0.pdf. ____The Dissent in Wong Kim Ark knew that some Congressional promoters of the 14th Amendment intended to make it so birth on US soil would confer citizenship, but Chief Justice Melville Fuller and Justice John Marshall Harlan” did not agree with the majority opinion and some of the 14th Amendment promoters in Congress.
He definitely was not a U.S. Citizen. Atomic-level Ammo. This truth will cause a complete implosion. Has to be used at the right time. "How do you get evidence on the record?" Run for public office. Oops.
Lorena Fuddy knew the truth.
She was in the same cult as Obama and his mother (Subud Worldwide), so of course she knew the truth.
Biggest scam in American history was that non American commie pos pretending to be “President”
If true wouldn't that make her an illegitimate vice president as well. I suppose in one more additional way on top of the other reasons.
She had no business running as VP; been saying that for 4 years....same with the kenyan.
The Kenyan may have an Indonesian Baby Daddy or Frank Marshall (at least this communist was a citizen)
Already been litigated. Ive had this same convo 4 times this weekend with normies. As much as I hate it, she is “official”. Supreme Court made that distinction around the turn of the century (1898). It has been argued however that the case never really disagreggated the difference between a “Citizen” and a “Naturalized Citizen”. Both citizens, almost identical, only one has a tiny number of limitations.
Yes I was able to dig that up. Do you know if that would be different should her parents have owed allegiance to a different country or been agents of?
Either way, we know she didn't actually win
Agreed. They 100% did not win shit. I think you are on to something with the allegiance thing. If I recall correctly, if a parent is aligned with a foreign “adversary”, that would preclude the citizenship birth right by proximity. I gotta say, I despise that rule. It may have made sense 200 years ago, but that “rule” has been insanely abused. It needs to go.
Why aren't we hearing more about this? Maybe because of the fraud surrounding Obama's eligibility?
Because no one cares….Congress would simply change the rules and make a special exception.
She is ineligible, like Obama…but we know how that went.
Is Vivek eligible? We know Ted Cruz was not eligible.
It's not a "rule", it's in the constitution so if they want it changed they'll need a constitutional amendment...not likely.
I was using “rules” generically….but 100% nothing will happen from this. We know Obama got away with it, and so will Kamala…heck, Ted Cruz would too.
But what about as # 17 in the American Republic ?
And yet right above people are citing a Supreme Court case from the 1890s defining what is or is not a natural born citizen. No amendment needed there.
Is it because Cruz Daddy something? /sarc
Your mistake is assuming this matters. If it mattered, it would've mattered when she was approved as VP.
The 12th Amendment states clearly: "no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to the office of Vice-President of the United States."
It's clear that the current Congress and the public at large believe she is eligible and already determined as much.
I'm not saying you're wrong, only that a lot has to be done before it matters. For example, in the past Trump has discussed birthright citizenship, saying that the 14th Amendment has been misinterpreted- "all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States ..." by ignoring the "and subject to the jurisdiction" section. This means that being born here and then growing up in another country, not subject to US jurisdiction, would not qualify as a right to citizenship. But the courts disagree with that interpretation as of today. But Trump is right. There may be a court case waiting for this, but I haven't seen it.
Probably sitting in a back pocket somewhere waiting for timing and optics to be set.
But she identifies as a woman of color, black I think, and she is a female. The only thing she doesn't have going for her is being gay😎😎
Until she’s outed a man named kamal ;). Or is called dead naming? I won’t remember they/their silly rules…
And nowadays being gay gives you instant asylum status. She has enough time to go for the bonus category. (Maybe her husband can take one for the team and switch sides.)
Maricopa County Sheriff proved that Obama birth cert fake--media ignored
That was THEN....things are changing.
I hate to break it to you but I think being born in USA establishes citizenship independent of parental status or at least those that issue foreign visa's think so about those people born her 60 odd years ago. I know someone who happened to be born here to Greek students 65 or so years ago and was, of course raised by his parents back in Greece, after, which is usually the case with things like that.
When he became an adult & all, he also went on to study & at some point in his studies he needed to come here for some reason so he applied for a Visa. The Visa took a lot longer than usual, he was worried it wouldn't come through for some reason & then, to his surprise he was granted an American Passport instead of a visa!
Nope, not for eligibility to run for VP or president. Anchor babies should be absolutely refused anything. It's because of ignorance about constitutional qualifications that these abominations occur.
What’s with the “AMENDED 1 OF 2”? Was the birth certificate amended twice and if so why… what was amended on it?
I wondered that too. For one thing, I thought her middle name was Devi, not Iyer.
Does the document state either of the parents were not US citizens? I'm not arguing that they are/were but I would like to see actual documentation of this before I pass on the info. Thanks
The mother was born in India and the father was born in Jamaica. Case closed.
I once worked with an unmarried guy who was born in India and later he became a US citizen thru proper channels so I was just asking.
You're correct that foreign-born people can become naturalized citizens but they may NOT run for president or VP. So many are entirely unaware of this. 👍
When Kamala was born, her mother asked her what she wanted. Kamala looked up at her mother and said, "Fweedom". If that's not presidential material right there, I don't know what is!
Yeah... That will matter as much as it did for 8 years of Obama.
Oop. Looks like they want Kabbalah Harris out of the way. There were reports last night that Biden had a “health incident” last night. The Rothschilds are telling me that it was fake news, which means A. He’s dead or B. They replaced him with a more compliant clone, either way he’s not making it to the election.
Biden's inauguration was fake, it happened in the capital that was surrounded by barbwire / 25,000 national guard, the city was shut down. The public did not attend the inauguration, he was sworn in 15 minutes before noon, he didn't receive the 21 gun salute. Traditions were broken, Air Force 1 was not sent to bring Biden to DC and Trump flew away with the nuclear football on Air Force 1.
Does any of this make you believe Biden is our real president? We were told patriots are in control. That means Joe was intentionally paired with Kamala for the reasons we are talking about today. When Joe is forced out, order of presidential succession puts Kamala next in line, she is ineligible because she is not a natural born citizen. This will be hashed out and the SC will rule on it. Clarence Thomas will give another detailed explanation about natural born citizens just like he did with the immunity ruling. This will immediately put Obama's time in office under question. Fraud vitiates everything. Remember, Trump was one of the original birhters questioning Obama's birth certificate.
Speaker Johnson will be next in line. I have suggested this is why Johnson is bending over for the democrats. The democrats will be more likely to agree with the move of Johnson into the President's seat if they think they can control him, as we have witnessed with the spending bills and money to Ukraine.
Johnson will take office and do some clean up before Trump takes over in 2025, the Scaramucci model will be used again.
What's that?
Anthony Scaramucci was Trump's White House Communications Director for 11 days. While in office he got Reince Priebus to resign.
Theory is, move someone in as an acting replacement, cause all sorts of hell and then they move on. Trump's hands would be clean, Johnson did all the dirty work. (there are many department heads that need to be fired, investigations started, evidence released, 9/11, JFK, ect, ect)
Okay, let's go with that story.
How convenient, this was obviously baked into their plan all along. Let's see here...
1st, we have a President looking for an exit. We had a 1st Lady with a package. Now we got a No. 2 that can never be No. 1.
Add this all together and you get a "packaged" deal!! Problem solved.
Anchor baby is the stupid shit.
I love how this was easily explained. Your parents have to have been born in the United States because the 'honor' of being an American citizen has to be passed down and inherited by two American-born/American-loving parents.
You can't have two foreign-born parents who might otherwise hate America, raise a child to hate America and then have that child become President. (like Obama)
That's why both parents have to be born here and presumed that their allegiance and love of America is ingrained.
Obama's admin will be abolished and ruled traitorous. That IS coming!!! The way this operation is being handled is mindblowing!!! They are drip-drip-dripping intel and people's brained-washed ideals are changing. Now they're openly talking about Obama being gay etc.........
It's a phucking phantasitc time to be alive!!!
She is not a legitimate VP according to the Constitution. One reason I think if Joe steps down or dies, Kamala will be passed on and Mike Johnson will be President!
Nope, she's already VP. Nobody is going to successfully challenge this, even if they did, her term would be long over by the time it hit any court.
If Joe steps down I'm betting she gets challenged!
Should be fairly easy to get copies of her parents citizenship paperwork.
Obama was not eligible, either, but see how that turned out?
We went this route with Obama and it's not going to work this time either. Our opponents do not follow the law.
In totally unrelated news the Wisconsin Supreme Court now says unattended ballot drop boxes are legal. They probably don't even have fire suppression systems, which means if they catch fire all those harvested ballots will be lost.
That's the least of her disqualifying attributes
Like any of that matters?
Same rule applies to VP, yet here we are.
Unfortunately, anchor babies are given citizenship when born. Not sure if that disqualifies you for President.
similar problem alleged in the vatican, the papal claimants from the last half century are argued to not have been Catholic, you need to be Catholic in order to be elected and become a pope
if it was proven for example Obama wasn't legally able to become president, then his official acts as president would become null and a current president would need to issue new acts to cover the gap that isn't accounted for; or if a current president claimant (like Biden) was proven to have been elected illegally, seemingly a new election would be required or the election would go to the next in line (I don't know what is specified legally if this is proven).
In a similar way, we think the "popes" since 1958 will have to have their positions considered vacated and a new pope would need to be elected to bring things up to speed to the current day.
in politics they may try to get away with this and succeed (kamala or obama) somewhat. in religion such attempts still can't produce a real pope so the illegal acts would have to be accounted for.
edit: in the last paragraph, I mean to compare this to the founding of America, which was technically illegal. in politics I think some technically illegal acts can acquire validity, but I don't think this applies in religion in the same way.
Well she shouldn’t have been selected as VP either. But there she is
Natural born citizenship is special and only relevant to people who want to hold the public trust of president or VP. If the natural born citizenship clause was completely disregarded, Russian, Ukrainian, Chinese, Iranian, N Korean, Israelis, Cubans couples could come stay in a birthing apartment in California (as Chinese do) on tourist visas, and have a kid raised under the influence of his parents who goes on to be president or VP. The Founders wrote the natural born citizen clause to prevent this.
The president of Georgia (former USSR) was born in Paris 1952 and by agreement between France and Georgia, received Georgian nationality in 2004. She barely speaks the language. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salome_Zourabichvili America was supposed to be held to a higher standard than this.
We all seem to know this...why doesn't anyone else seem to know this fact? Sheesh!
This is what a Natural Born Citizen & why this requirement was made. https://youtu.be/h9PxdDvgQks?si=4U2kQ6DgSidwEYdv
A 12 minute video and an excellent explanation.
Never stopped Obama 🤷🏽♀️
Neither was Obummer but you see how that worked out.
Unfortunately, she is a citizen of the United States “by birth “ which makes her a “natural born citizen.” Were she not eligible to be president, she would not be constitutionally eligible to be vice president.
Doesn’t seem to stop them anyways. Anchor babies should not be eligible.