I’m sorry. This BS of “It was staged” is exhausting. It was a miss, period. You don’t shoot from 130+ yards and only nick and ear. No one I know is that good.
It was an assassination attempt. The guy was rushed and missed.
Even the MSM was hoping for a red mist shot. Let’s put this to bed.
The question is, would Q pull off a psyop that uses the same tactics as the cabal has used.
For instance, with the cabal, school shooter psyops have crisis actors and fake deaths.
If Q would do that, then it certainly could have been staged.
Assume for a moment this hypothetical ...
The firefighter was a trained crisis actor who would be given another identity
The shooter never actually shot anything and given another identity
Trump had a blood squib squirt from his ear
If Q decided they would do that, planned and executed with military-grade precision, then there would be no way to disprove it.
So again, the question becomes "Would Q do that?" I think with all that is at stake, they would -- and I don't see any moral dilemma with it if it actually happened that way.
The humor factor. All my coworkers are normies and it’s hysterical to overhear them talk about crisis actors and basically become Red-pilled after decades of them mocking us for suggesting that OBL death and Sandy Hook were staged. I think this attempt is to create cognitive dissonance in those opposed to the Great Awakening. The media spent years mocking Q, saying there was no military plan, and now the media is saying Q is real and Trump is staging attempts against himself using military snipers to kill his own supporters.
Do they think crisis actors were involved because the logistics of what happened were legitimately janky, OR do they think crisis actors were involved because their media controllers told them “crisis actors were involved!”
What doesn’t sit well with me in this situation is how God is used so much in the Q saga but yet they’ll use this kind of deception and manipulation? I understand this is war but is deception part of what Jesus would do.
Any anon that has better insight with biblical references please enlighten me. Maybe I’m just not paying enough attn to Bible stories.
God hates deceit: Proverbs 6:16-19 lists seven things that God detests, including a lying tongue and a false witness who breathes out lies.
Deception leads to wrath: Ephesians 5:6 warns that empty words can deceive and lead to God’s wrath against those who are disobedient.
Deception blinds and deceives: Satan uses various forms of deception, including flattery, to blind people to the truth of God’s word (2 Corinthians 11:3).
Godly people are scarce: Psalm 12:1 laments the lack of faithful and godly individuals in the world, making it difficult to find trustworthy examples.
If Christ wasn’t used so much with Trump and Q, I would say fair enough. But just seems hypocritical to espouse Chris is King and to go completely against what I though was a basic tenet.
Um... You DO know about all the sanctioned spying and lying in the OT, right? And you DO know the difference between bearing false witness and fibbing, yes? Like the difference between murder and killing?
I don’t think you understand what I’m trying to say.
The ends do not justify the means.
Faking an assassination to manipulate and deceive is propaganda anyway you slice it. If Obama did it you wouldn’t stand for it. So no I hope q team did not fake it.
Do they think crisis actors were involved because the logistics of what happened were legitimately janky, OR do they think crisis actors were involved because their media controllers told them “crisis actors were involved!”
and I don't see any moral dilemma with it if it actually happened that way.
We are at war, a 5th generation evolution of war, we've been told, so if this was a military operation in this war then absolutely no moral dilemma. We're not trying to simply win an election, we're trying to save humanity from the evil that despises us because we dare to live as free people.
For Starters..I Love the "Handle"...FuckNewsom! Secondly, I AGREE with everything you said. I think Q said something about ..watching a Movie? The Psyops run "Both" Ways folks...We ARE in a War. I take the viewpoint of- It May have happened OR it may not have happened...WHAT did we all see on the Tell A Vision? I will say this..Whatever happened, did not pass the "Smell Test".
And there's nothing wrong with having this theory. Was the victim another Ashli Babbit? Certainly could have been, though its interpreted as being inhumane to even mention, keep in mind we only observe reality from a three dimensional perspective.
The firefighter and his family deserve honor and reverence for what they have suffered. Anyone who denies this comes off as unhinged, regardless of their feelings towards Trump.
Which is why it's potential for being a psyop is so powerful. There's no counter to it. It's already destroyed many on the left.
I clearly don't know my description of the potential psyop is the case, it would be unknowable by the public. But regardless if it is or isn't I respect the family -- either way they're making a huge sacrifice.
Edit: I have come to understand that I completely misunderstood the post I was responding to. I have apologized for my error and retract this and my follow up statements. I will keep it, both as a penance for a "mia culpa," and because I hate deleting information.
End Edit.
People should not speak what they think or investigate certain clues or ideas because someone MIGHT have died? Really? Maybe we should be reporting our neighbors if they aren't of the right ethnicity. Let's do the whole concentrating camp thing again. It was so much fun the first time.
Anyone who tries to silence opinions or beliefs that differ from their own by appeals to emotion and "moral superiority" are either glowies or still completely stuck in the matrix.
Anyone who tries to silence opinions or beliefs that differ from their own by appeals to emotion and "moral superiority" are either glowies or still completely stuck in the matrix.
Pure irony.
Posting what you consider to be a morally superior opinion and attempting to brow-beat me into silence for projecting that I'm doing exactly what you're doing.
I wasn't calling you out for using morally superior rhetoric, nor was I attempting to silence you. I was calling you out for using someone's death (which may or may not have actually happened) to express righteous indignation to attempt to silence or shame someone to halt the entire line of legitimate investigation into the truth on this topic.
It is exactly the same tactic that has always been used to silence investigation into the Cabal, going back forever, which is why I called it out. It is essential that we not use these tactics to shut down conversations or investigations.
I think this is beyond the scope of what is possible and an unrealistic theory. I won't downvote you and am not morally opposed to your theory. I just think too many people would have to be in on it. I know people say that about every conspiracy theory, but the other team has swarms of operatives ready to detect something off. You need all the guys hauling out the bodies to be in on it, secret service (which is known to be compromised) to be in on it. You need youtube and google to be in on it judging from the way in which certain searches were recoded right after the event. Logistically, it is just not possible. I don't see it.
Trump got lucky. He isn't invincible. Similar to JFK, his hubris put him in danger. Even the way he jolted up, as heroic as it was, was lucky hubris. Likely another sniper was still active when he exposed his head and pumped his fist. I love him for it and believe God is on his side, but he got extremely lucky.
The only difference between him and JFK was that they missed. There could easily be an alternate universe where they missed JFK in Dallas. I Imagine, in that world, people accused JFK of staging the event because he was ten points behind in the polls to Goldwater at the time (which he was).
Here's the round literally ripping part of his ear off in slow mo. We have these insane shots because the media was ready for red mist but they missed.
Why was it the only rally CNN had live streamed?
It was a set up - they failed - people really died - Q knew it would happen and they would fail - Project Looking Glass. We have more than we know.
The difference from eye (dead) to ear (nick) is not much over an inch. Trump moves his head around during a speech (over an inch). The wind moves bullets around (varies with wind patterns and bullet BC & velocity), which we can discount for a tiny percentage of shooters and/or specialized military gear.
The only saving grace here is Trump moving around and bullet travel time.
I personally don’t like the staging theory either. But to your point, if it were a staged event I believe they would use blanks and trump would have a blood pack. And the crisis actor faked a death to make the thig more legit.
Another note about Brandon Herrera: he ran in the 2024 Republican primary runoff election for Texas’ 23rd Congressional District against incumbent U.S. Representative Tony Gonzales and had it stolen from him with only 500 "suddenly found" votes. Yeah a popular YouTuber came that close to primarying a swamp creature.
If you look at how a bullet moves, NOT from a side-profile, BUT from directly behind the bullet after its been shot.
The bullet does not perfectly go from the barrel directly to the crosshairs' placement; the bullet will move for lack of a better word, a scribble. The bullet wobbles all over the place until it reaches the target because of windspeed, wind-direction, humidity, bullet-drop, etc.
Claiming that it was staged is claiming that they have magical-god-like-superpowers over the path of the bullet. Claiming that it was staged is claiming that bullets behave like lasers.
Yep the reason why bullets move in straight lines when seeing high-speed footage of ballistic gel is because the gel itself stabilizes it's path by removing things like wind. Even still occasionally the bullet will deflect and change path through a gel block as shown on a lot of old Kentucky Ballistics videos.
No they do start wobbling not long after they leave the barrel, it starts with a slight wobble and grows into a tumble as the distance traveled increases. Anyone who has seen "keyholing" where a bullet tears a non-round hole in paper because it hit with it's side rather than point knows this. If you only shoot at paper at small distances you will unlikely see it but as you get out to 100+ yards the chances greatly increase.
When they claim that the fireman didn't really die then ask them when they suddenly believed in crisis actors and if they still insist that Sandy Hook was all real.
Sandy Hook was staged crisis actors. 6 of the 7 Challenger astronauts are still alive (older, two claim to be twins of the "deceased", but still alive). Other "events" that claim innocent deaths may actually not what they seem. We're assuming real bullets and not crisis actors with digital trickery were involved, mostly only because we trust Trump & the white hats. That's all fine, but remember the evil we're dealing with and what they are capable of. This is training camp for the future patriots that can step up and help run the place.
Jul 16
edited Jul 16
We don't have to convince them that Trump is the solution to all of America's problems.
We should only try to convince them that the ones they were "taught to trust the most" are not trustworthy and never have been.
The fact they are questioning the "official narrative" is a good sign. It means they're asking questions and dipping into conspiracy thought. They are being forced to become the very thing they have been taught to ridicule this entire time. They are becoming conspiracy theorists.
The Cabal, at all costs, cannot have their hypnotized subjects be roused. Once awake, there's no going back to sleep. It doesn't matter what conclusion they draw once awake, so long as the chains have been severed.
At the very least, they now know the Government and the Media are absolute liars. The more this looks staged, the better. The more they question the MSM, the better.
The Media+Government collusion is the Greatest Threat humanity has ever faced. They can literally convince people the sky is purple. You can't just buy that power, and it isn't something that can be dismantled in a day.
Have faith, if not in God then in the fact people are too angry to trust anyone anymore.
There is no way Trump and his security detail entered a kill box unknowingly. Trump has been working with military intelligence and private security for 8+ years, knows what to look for. He had to notice the lack of police, dogs, security, etc. This is 100% managed theatre. The lack of drones, only 4-foot female SS agents, several patsies, and the dead faggot flew his own drone over the fairgrounds the day before. Trump wasn’t blindsided. It was managed. I think Q team rigged an apparatus to shoot a projectile at his ear from the teleprompter. The guy who died in the stands, the firefighter Comperatore, was either an actor or a bad guy acting as spotter. It was all theater. No danger. Badlands EYE OF THE STORM had an episode the day before predicting an attempt would be made. lol.
I mean, I cannot deny that it was staged. Im certain it is plausible.
These days, people who weren't there have 0 idea if this rally even happened. This could ALL be theatre. AI, cameras, etc.
It all does seem very perfect for Trump. The raising of the hand "fight fight fight" was definitely beast mode, but man, this whole fucking thing even with Biden seems like a damn movie.
The only thing I get from the staged theory is that hollyweird has completely dumbed down the population, and people are buying into the narrative, because the demonrats don't want people to know how evil they are..
Simple math and ballistics shows how difficult it is to stage anything at distance, let alone hit a moving target.
For an AR15, typical bullet velocity is going to be about 3000 ft/sec. Yes it can be higher, but that's assuming a lighter bullet, which typically isn't used for precision shooting.
At 3000 ft/sec, it takes the bullet 0.2 sec to go from gun to a target at 200 yds.
Let's say the target at 200 yds is walking across a field, and no compensation is made for that. At a typical walking speed of 4 mph, the target is moving at 5.87 ft/sec, or 1.17 ft (1 ft 2 inches) during the bullet flight time. That's a complete miss on a body shot. So a slow moving target, at 200 yds and moving at a constant speed, requires quite a bit of anticipation for a center of mass hit.
They are not saying that… They are saying it looked like it was done like a movie set…how the movies would do it! It was all so fucking strange…watch it again….it looked like a bunch of acting…
After Trump stood back up it especially looked like acting. In what world would SS let him expose his head and upper body like that? I mean, yeah, it made for an incredible video clip with the FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT scene, but come on.
I don't believe it was staged. Today I've seen people talking about the bullet's trajectory first rising and then falling to hit Trump. Some think it was fired from the building (where the 3 snipers were inside), rather than the roof. It will take time to digest all of the information and work through the science of it all. But I don't believe the kid took what would have been the kill shot if Trump hadn't turned his head. He'd been shooting at a gun club for what, a year?
All bullets follow a parabolic path, the shape, mass, and speed of the bullet determines if it has a mostly "flat" trajectory or one so steep that you need to adjust your aim up or down to compensate for how far away the target is in respect to that ballistic arc. The bullet leaves the barrel, rises as it flies and then comes back down due to gravity and losing speed.
Brandon really fucked up hard making this video. WTF was he even thinking?!
The attempt was staged in the way it was set up by the alphabet agencies to take him out. It was NOT staged by the good guys! They don't' murder innocent people like the DS and Dems do. So in that sense it was staged by the bad guys.
I’m sorry. This BS of “It was staged” is exhausting. It was a miss, period. You don’t shoot from 130+ yards and only nick and ear. No one I know is that good.
It was an assassination attempt. The guy was rushed and missed.
Even the MSM was hoping for a red mist shot. Let’s put this to bed.
The question is, would Q pull off a psyop that uses the same tactics as the cabal has used.
For instance, with the cabal, school shooter psyops have crisis actors and fake deaths.
If Q would do that, then it certainly could have been staged.
Assume for a moment this hypothetical ...
If Q decided they would do that, planned and executed with military-grade precision, then there would be no way to disprove it.
So again, the question becomes "Would Q do that?" I think with all that is at stake, they would -- and I don't see any moral dilemma with it if it actually happened that way.
The humor factor. All my coworkers are normies and it’s hysterical to overhear them talk about crisis actors and basically become Red-pilled after decades of them mocking us for suggesting that OBL death and Sandy Hook were staged. I think this attempt is to create cognitive dissonance in those opposed to the Great Awakening. The media spent years mocking Q, saying there was no military plan, and now the media is saying Q is real and Trump is staging attempts against himself using military snipers to kill his own supporters.
Here’s the question:
Do they think crisis actors were involved because the logistics of what happened were legitimately janky, OR do they think crisis actors were involved because their media controllers told them “crisis actors were involved!”
And this is certainly a legit reason why Q MIGHT choose to a psyop of this nature.
What doesn’t sit well with me in this situation is how God is used so much in the Q saga but yet they’ll use this kind of deception and manipulation? I understand this is war but is deception part of what Jesus would do.
Any anon that has better insight with biblical references please enlighten me. Maybe I’m just not paying enough attn to Bible stories.
God hates deceit: Proverbs 6:16-19 lists seven things that God detests, including a lying tongue and a false witness who breathes out lies.
Deception leads to wrath: Ephesians 5:6 warns that empty words can deceive and lead to God’s wrath against those who are disobedient.
Deception blinds and deceives: Satan uses various forms of deception, including flattery, to blind people to the truth of God’s word (2 Corinthians 11:3).
Godly people are scarce: Psalm 12:1 laments the lack of faithful and godly individuals in the world, making it difficult to find trustworthy examples.
If Christ wasn’t used so much with Trump and Q, I would say fair enough. But just seems hypocritical to espouse Chris is King and to go completely against what I though was a basic tenet.
Um... You DO know about all the sanctioned spying and lying in the OT, right? And you DO know the difference between bearing false witness and fibbing, yes? Like the difference between murder and killing?
I don’t think you understand what I’m trying to say.
The ends do not justify the means.
Faking an assassination to manipulate and deceive is propaganda anyway you slice it. If Obama did it you wouldn’t stand for it. So no I hope q team did not fake it.
Here’s the question:
Do they think crisis actors were involved because the logistics of what happened were legitimately janky, OR do they think crisis actors were involved because their media controllers told them “crisis actors were involved!”
We are at war, a 5th generation evolution of war, we've been told, so if this was a military operation in this war then absolutely no moral dilemma. We're not trying to simply win an election, we're trying to save humanity from the evil that despises us because we dare to live as free people.
For Starters..I Love the "Handle"...FuckNewsom! Secondly, I AGREE with everything you said. I think Q said something about ..watching a Movie? The Psyops run "Both" Ways folks...We ARE in a War. I take the viewpoint of- It May have happened OR it may not have happened...WHAT did we all see on the Tell A Vision? I will say this..Whatever happened, did not pass the "Smell Test".
This. It's an info war where the stakes include prevention of civil war.
And there's nothing wrong with having this theory. Was the victim another Ashli Babbit? Certainly could have been, though its interpreted as being inhumane to even mention, keep in mind we only observe reality from a three dimensional perspective.
The firefighter and his family deserve honor and reverence for what they have suffered. Anyone who denies this comes off as unhinged, regardless of their feelings towards Trump.
Which is why it's potential for being a psyop is so powerful. There's no counter to it. It's already destroyed many on the left.
I clearly don't know my description of the potential psyop is the case, it would be unknowable by the public. But regardless if it is or isn't I respect the family -- either way they're making a huge sacrifice.
Edit: I have come to understand that I completely misunderstood the post I was responding to. I have apologized for my error and retract this and my follow up statements. I will keep it, both as a penance for a "mia culpa," and because I hate deleting information.
End Edit.
People should not speak what they think or investigate certain clues or ideas because someone MIGHT have died? Really? Maybe we should be reporting our neighbors if they aren't of the right ethnicity. Let's do the whole concentrating camp thing again. It was so much fun the first time.
Anyone who tries to silence opinions or beliefs that differ from their own by appeals to emotion and "moral superiority" are either glowies or still completely stuck in the matrix.
Which are you?
Pure irony.
Posting what you consider to be a morally superior opinion and attempting to brow-beat me into silence for projecting that I'm doing exactly what you're doing.
I wasn't calling you out for using morally superior rhetoric, nor was I attempting to silence you. I was calling you out for using someone's death (which may or may not have actually happened) to express righteous indignation to attempt to silence or shame someone to halt the entire line of legitimate investigation into the truth on this topic.
It is exactly the same tactic that has always been used to silence investigation into the Cabal, going back forever, which is why I called it out. It is essential that we not use these tactics to shut down conversations or investigations.
I literally have no idea what you're even talking about.
You probably either misread a comment I made or are replying to someone else.
The family was in on it too??
I think this is beyond the scope of what is possible and an unrealistic theory. I won't downvote you and am not morally opposed to your theory. I just think too many people would have to be in on it. I know people say that about every conspiracy theory, but the other team has swarms of operatives ready to detect something off. You need all the guys hauling out the bodies to be in on it, secret service (which is known to be compromised) to be in on it. You need youtube and google to be in on it judging from the way in which certain searches were recoded right after the event. Logistically, it is just not possible. I don't see it.
Trump got lucky. He isn't invincible. Similar to JFK, his hubris put him in danger. Even the way he jolted up, as heroic as it was, was lucky hubris. Likely another sniper was still active when he exposed his head and pumped his fist. I love him for it and believe God is on his side, but he got extremely lucky.
The only difference between him and JFK was that they missed. There could easily be an alternate universe where they missed JFK in Dallas. I Imagine, in that world, people accused JFK of staging the event because he was ten points behind in the polls to Goldwater at the time (which he was).
Here's the round literally ripping part of his ear off in slow mo. We have these insane shots because the media was ready for red mist but they missed.
Why was it the only rally CNN had live streamed?
It was a set up - they failed - people really died - Q knew it would happen and they would fail - Project Looking Glass. We have more than we know.
What makes a good movie?🍿🍿🍿
At 130+ yards Trump would've had to turn his head AFTER the shot was taken. These people watch way too much TV to believe it could happen like that.
You're correct, Trump turned his head after the bullet was already on its way.
Are we considering the possibility that it wasn't a bullet that went through Trump's ear?
It is getting old.
The difference from eye (dead) to ear (nick) is not much over an inch. Trump moves his head around during a speech (over an inch). The wind moves bullets around (varies with wind patterns and bullet BC & velocity), which we can discount for a tiny percentage of shooters and/or specialized military gear.
The only saving grace here is Trump moving around and bullet travel time.
I personally don’t like the staging theory either. But to your point, if it were a staged event I believe they would use blanks and trump would have a blood pack. And the crisis actor faked a death to make the thig more legit.
It’s not impossible to fake it.
awww... c'mon man!!! it worked on Crocodile Dundee when Mick shot Walley to mess with the drug dealers!!!
Crocodile Dundee 2.
Just as much of a great film as Crocodile Dundee.
Another note about Brandon Herrera: he ran in the 2024 Republican primary runoff election for Texas’ 23rd Congressional District against incumbent U.S. Representative Tony Gonzales and had it stolen from him with only 500 "suddenly found" votes. Yeah a popular YouTuber came that close to primarying a swamp creature.
If you look at how a bullet moves, NOT from a side-profile, BUT from directly behind the bullet after its been shot.
The bullet does not perfectly go from the barrel directly to the crosshairs' placement; the bullet will move for lack of a better word, a scribble. The bullet wobbles all over the place until it reaches the target because of windspeed, wind-direction, humidity, bullet-drop, etc.
Claiming that it was staged is claiming that they have magical-god-like-superpowers over the path of the bullet. Claiming that it was staged is claiming that bullets behave like lasers.
Yep the reason why bullets move in straight lines when seeing high-speed footage of ballistic gel is because the gel itself stabilizes it's path by removing things like wind. Even still occasionally the bullet will deflect and change path through a gel block as shown on a lot of old Kentucky Ballistics videos.
Also, specifically for an AR round, it tumbles.
All bullets spiral due to the rifling inside a barrel. Bullets do not tumble unless they impact something and mushroom. Then it may tumble.
No they do start wobbling not long after they leave the barrel, it starts with a slight wobble and grows into a tumble as the distance traveled increases. Anyone who has seen "keyholing" where a bullet tears a non-round hole in paper because it hit with it's side rather than point knows this. If you only shoot at paper at small distances you will unlikely see it but as you get out to 100+ yards the chances greatly increase.
Exactly. Bullet ballistics gets crazy when any long range shooting is involved.
Claiming it was staged is claiming there was no bullet.
If the assassination attempt was staged, then why did they kill the fireman?
When they claim that the fireman didn't really die then ask them when they suddenly believed in crisis actors and if they still insist that Sandy Hook was all real.
I'm not saying I think Corey wasn't a real hero, but crisis actors are a thing and good guys can use them too
Sandy Hook was staged crisis actors. 6 of the 7 Challenger astronauts are still alive (older, two claim to be twins of the "deceased", but still alive). Other "events" that claim innocent deaths may actually not what they seem. We're assuming real bullets and not crisis actors with digital trickery were involved, mostly only because we trust Trump & the white hats. That's all fine, but remember the evil we're dealing with and what they are capable of. This is training camp for the future patriots that can step up and help run the place.
Love the answer I got from @SleepyDude substack:
sleepydude Jul 16 · edited Jul 16 Author We don't have to convince them that Trump is the solution to all of America's problems.
We should only try to convince them that the ones they were "taught to trust the most" are not trustworthy and never have been.
The fact they are questioning the "official narrative" is a good sign. It means they're asking questions and dipping into conspiracy thought. They are being forced to become the very thing they have been taught to ridicule this entire time. They are becoming conspiracy theorists.
The Cabal, at all costs, cannot have their hypnotized subjects be roused. Once awake, there's no going back to sleep. It doesn't matter what conclusion they draw once awake, so long as the chains have been severed.
At the very least, they now know the Government and the Media are absolute liars. The more this looks staged, the better. The more they question the MSM, the better.
The Media+Government collusion is the Greatest Threat humanity has ever faced. They can literally convince people the sky is purple. You can't just buy that power, and it isn't something that can be dismantled in a day.
Have faith, if not in God then in the fact people are too angry to trust anyone anymore.
I am so out of the matrix and sometimes try to think like I used to but can’t…you are right, once your out there is no going back…
There is no way Trump and his security detail entered a kill box unknowingly. Trump has been working with military intelligence and private security for 8+ years, knows what to look for. He had to notice the lack of police, dogs, security, etc. This is 100% managed theatre. The lack of drones, only 4-foot female SS agents, several patsies, and the dead faggot flew his own drone over the fairgrounds the day before. Trump wasn’t blindsided. It was managed. I think Q team rigged an apparatus to shoot a projectile at his ear from the teleprompter. The guy who died in the stands, the firefighter Comperatore, was either an actor or a bad guy acting as spotter. It was all theater. No danger. Badlands EYE OF THE STORM had an episode the day before predicting an attempt would be made. lol.
Corey Comperatore is Anagram of
ACE Promoter : a person or company that finances or organizes a theatrical production
Given name Corey is anagram of COYER meaning shifty and evasive
I mean, I cannot deny that it was staged. Im certain it is plausible.
These days, people who weren't there have 0 idea if this rally even happened. This could ALL be theatre. AI, cameras, etc.
It all does seem very perfect for Trump. The raising of the hand "fight fight fight" was definitely beast mode, but man, this whole fucking thing even with Biden seems like a damn movie.
If this whole thing was a movie, how would you rate the movie on a scale of 1 - 10 ?
The past years, 0.
If it ends as we hope it will, it will be the 2nd greatest story ever behind that of Jesus Christ and the Bible.
It is
I'm beginning to think so
Trump had no need to stage something like that.
Maybe, see Kingslea's two responses below.
Staged in what way? Your headline should really distinguish that.
Incompetence or set up by the deepstate. Either one works.
Texas gun nut? What did he ever do to you.
The only thing I get from the staged theory is that hollyweird has completely dumbed down the population, and people are buying into the narrative, because the demonrats don't want people to know how evil they are..
Simple math and ballistics shows how difficult it is to stage anything at distance, let alone hit a moving target.
For an AR15, typical bullet velocity is going to be about 3000 ft/sec. Yes it can be higher, but that's assuming a lighter bullet, which typically isn't used for precision shooting.
At 3000 ft/sec, it takes the bullet 0.2 sec to go from gun to a target at 200 yds.
Let's say the target at 200 yds is walking across a field, and no compensation is made for that. At a typical walking speed of 4 mph, the target is moving at 5.87 ft/sec, or 1.17 ft (1 ft 2 inches) during the bullet flight time. That's a complete miss on a body shot. So a slow moving target, at 200 yds and moving at a constant speed, requires quite a bit of anticipation for a center of mass hit.
But I'm from the area and Corey did die. His coworkers and family are devastated.
There is no way ANYONE would have the security clearance to shoot Trump in the ear. This is a stretch.
They are not saying that… They are saying it looked like it was done like a movie set…how the movies would do it! It was all so fucking strange…watch it again….it looked like a bunch of acting…
After Trump stood back up it especially looked like acting. In what world would SS let him expose his head and upper body like that? I mean, yeah, it made for an incredible video clip with the FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT scene, but come on.
He did it after "shooter down" was shouted multiple times. Watch it with sound.
Seriously how do people keep missing this detail?
Been saying this all week.
Well, that WAS their second string that day because... Jill.
My other question is :
If the secret service counter snipers used the same bullet that's in this video, then why is Crooks' head still fully intact?
Because corn starch isn't muscle and skin.
I don't believe it was staged. Today I've seen people talking about the bullet's trajectory first rising and then falling to hit Trump. Some think it was fired from the building (where the 3 snipers were inside), rather than the roof. It will take time to digest all of the information and work through the science of it all. But I don't believe the kid took what would have been the kill shot if Trump hadn't turned his head. He'd been shooting at a gun club for what, a year?
All bullets follow a parabolic path, the shape, mass, and speed of the bullet determines if it has a mostly "flat" trajectory or one so steep that you need to adjust your aim up or down to compensate for how far away the target is in respect to that ballistic arc. The bullet leaves the barrel, rises as it flies and then comes back down due to gravity and losing speed.
The fact is it happened. If one says this is staged, then was the intent to be killed the real goal and they missed?
Would Trump sign off at this on either side of that thought? I do not think so. What does he say a lot? Common sense?
This being an assassin attempt from within with the added mysteries surrounding the event and the miracle of this miss is all by itself amazing.
The propaganda and money being sent to throw every theory out there to distract from the facts is something real too.
They seem to be very, very unhinged about trump being the next POTUS and arguably still the POTUS of the people and military.
It is such an amazing thing to see. Will they conceive or become more violent in their pride? This year is ending and their Biden is exposed.
Could we see Obama being exposed at a level of him fleeing USA before the end of this year? That would be awesome.
Love it.
Brandon really fucked up hard making this video. WTF was he even thinking?! The attempt was staged in the way it was set up by the alphabet agencies to take him out. It was NOT staged by the good guys! They don't' murder innocent people like the DS and Dems do. So in that sense it was staged by the bad guys.
Anyone who thinks the attempt was somehow staged to benefit Trump is a complete smooth brained moron.
I don’t know if there is anyone on the planet who could hit intentionally graze an ear from 130 or so yards.
Yet another example of how stupid and brain dead the Left is as a result of their TDS.
I can see it being faked. The reason I say this is because what would be a perfect way to show other people that the Media is lying?
The non "conspiracy" people would then be Conspiracy Theorists. Which is a good thing. They would finally see exactly what we are seeing with Biden.
Actually a good play move.
Finally nice to hear people actually questioning this show we watched.
I didn't watch it yet. Does he address claims of the water tower theory?
Maybe this has been adressed , but I failed to find in search bar.
Have ballistics been performed , have bullets been recovered. Shooters gun match ??
Who's this guy work for Hillary Clinton?
Fucking morons. There was at least three shooters. This guy can just juggle mahh plums. What a fuckface