Is Joe no longer doing any Presidential duties? How is it that he spends all of his time at the beach and in his home in Delaware? The Hawaiian shirt-clad Secret Service guys have to check to make sure he's still breathing. He is useless and should be removed with Amendment 25.
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Weekend at Bidens.....Need we say more??
When did the movie "Weekend at Bernie's" take place?
It took place on Labor Day weekend.
You stole my thunder. This really does look like a movie.
Honestly who cares, leave him pres and as long as he's doing nothing the country is actually doing okay. Plus we don't have to say president Harris which would be a complete joke at that point
Yes, but just who is running the U.S. right now then?
Same as the past 3+ years.. that hasn't changed.
Basturd Obummer
I thought Trump was secretly still in charge. Him and the White Hats.
Whether he is or not it's always nice to have an excuse to type Basturd Obummer.
I’ll upvote that!
That’s a theory but not proven. Lot’s of that, wish we truly knew.
Some people believe this, but it clashes with another prominent theory (devolution) and people have different opinions about what is true which is natural.
The same people from day one.
Remember the first year ChinaJoe would say something and his people would come out and "clarify" what the policy really was. His first day signing those EOs he said he didn't know what he was signing.
From day one brother, from day one.
Same people who've been running it since Jan 2021
This is your country.
Sheesh. What impact does the President have on your life anyways? It should be zero. It should always be zero. The idiot should sit there and worry about national defense and nothing else. They should be on a beach chair 80% of the time.
"running the U.S.'
please. that's why we have a budget that can't be balanced and inflation that never ends.. because people allow some elected idiot to act as the "king of america."
This facile ideology is strictly unAmerican.
That's what I was thinking - we're better off if he literally does nothing.
And aren't these the exact type of workers who shoot to top management positions in private companies? "make no waves"
GOP are worthless cucks!
Demand they revisit the impeachment!
sleepy joe is watching the water
I think he is demoralized, impotent and humiliated, such that he cannot do much more than this. Jill is probably out there shopping and spending taxpayer money as quick as she can.
dude..this is a movie. I wouldnt read into Biden's feelings.
I have a good imagination.
I don't know if you remember, but a while back Gen Flynn hinted that they had a "person" in the white house who will initiate the 25th on Biden.
Note, Flynn said "person" and not man.
I have wondered whether he actually meant Kamala.
Interesting. But if Kamala, how does that help us?
Sorry, I don't know!
She’s shopping for curtains.
To sew into a dress
I wish he'd go for a swim.
That can't happen. Kamala was set up to fail. If she was elevated to President they would not be able to take her out and replace her. Nah... Joe is safe and he knows it.
They're programming the subconscious of the masses to forget about him. He's been almost completely out of the news cycle and Harris has been the main focus. This is to normalize him not being around so that when they finish removing him and kamala takes over, people won't even care because they've already gotten used to him being gone.
Republicans are spineless. It isnt going to happen, we wait till 11-4.
CMON MAN if I was the REAL President would anyone let me just hang on my own at the beach! Meanwhile Trump travels with 50 car motorcades!
He acts like he's on vacation and the military personnel have been saluting Kamala as she gets off of AF1. Who's really in charge?
Yeah, I wondered about that. One video I saw, she gave a weak, unprofessional half-effort salute back. I was ashamed to see her do that.
The military is supposed to salute the Commander In Chief, not the VP.
Good heavens, not the 25th! That would make Kamalamadingdong the incumbent.
Of course, that might raise the eligibility thing yet again…
When Biden was away with "covid" he handed over some administrative powers to yellen and blinken. And when he got back from "covid" he was 6 inches taller. He used to be a hair shorter then bibi, but was a few inches taller when bibi was here for his bizarre 1984 "clap on" Congress speech. Seems like biden died/got taken out.
If Kamala was made president at the time, she would have lost her tie breaking vote in the senate. She'd also be directly blamed for all the shitty jewish policies they pass in this country, hurting her election chances. And she is a puppet to Israel. So instead of saying Joe died and giving her Presidental powers, it was handed off to who really runs this country - the Jews.
And good luck finding the articles about Biden giving his administrative powers to them. It was keep rather quiet the day it happened. Only a few pieces of media reported on it and it looks like Google scrubbed it. Maybe someone here will have better luck than me.
Edit: It's a start
Didn't they pack him off to Kommiefornia?
To a donor (aka "highest bidder")'s house.
Surely him doing nothing is better than doing anything!
True, but now the Cabal people behind the scenes have full reign to do even worse, with no one to stop them.
He never did any duties.
He was Obama's puppet for Obama's 3rd term. Now Obama wants a 4th term using Kamala to finish off America.
Kamala can't take over for Joe because they need her as the tie-breaker vote.
Makes sense! But wait. Wouldn't she just be pres and then Walz could be the tie breaker?
Let the clock run out on Joey, otherwise kamalablabla will slip into the oval office and there is still enough time before Trump takes over for her to do some serious damage to our country.
He doesn’t live at the WH. That is why so much time away.
What do people who work at the WH think? Many of these people have been there for years - even generations. They are very tight lipped * but they have to be thinking WTF.
*I read a book a couple of years ago that interviewed the staff that work there - the butlers, maids, etc. Many have worked for multiple administrations - one guy interviewed had started when Eisenhower was in - and see their roles as to provide a home for the First Family. Some of it was a behind the scenes look at what was going on during pivotal moments - one story was about the night before Nixon resigned and he asked one of the pages to take a walk around with him. Some were more humorous. A maid shared that she had walked into the private residence to find Reagan out of the shower in all his glory. He was surprised. She was mortified and ran out of the room. The next day, he sees her in the hall and says to her, "Hey, who was that guy?" to put her at ease.
After Jan 20th, the vast majority of the time there was only staff and security in the WH. It was interesting to watch what came out of the WH in the wee hours of the morning. It included a horse and a casket along with several rounds of children being whisked away. Staff and security are famously tight lipped, but I think they had to take it to a new level and were likely monitored.
I remember that. We never got an answer for what that was.
It seems that Biden is sliding into deeper decrepitude, with his naps bordering on coma. He may be well beyond the criteria for the 25th Amendment, which means he is being used as a Wooden Indian (in the closet), something like Brezhnev became. This is bad enough, because he may be cognitively and physically incapable of manipulating the nuclear arming codes should the necessity arise. If anyone else is privy to those codes and directions, that would be an overthrow of government.
What could be worse is if he simply dies in place. Then what would they do with him? By the Constitution, Harris would become president. The military would have to be aware of this. If there is any irregularity in her assuming office, they would be aware of that also. Given her not-too-bright, impulsive, and panicky nature, would she rip loose from her puppet strings to do what seems best for HER? Would she appoint Walz as replacement VP and submit him for confirmation? And what if he is not confirmed? Open game? If he is confirmed, would that give them the confidence needed to suspend elections in the event of a "national emergency"?
Right now, we have a sitting president that is only a Sitting President, with moderately steady seas. The future of Ukraine is steadily going south, however, along with everything the Deep State has been trying to protect, preserve, and conceal. War between Iran and Israel may break out, which could go nuclear (I'm not so concerned about Iran's arsenal, but Israel has had undeclared nuclear weapons for years and had developed a fully operational intermediate-range ballistic missile, Jericho III.) Biden's somnolence would not be tenable if the world went "hot".
I'm not arguing for any conclusion to draw, except possibly that things are festering which would make the Deep State vulnerable, highly reactive, and unpredictable. The failure of the sales campaign for Harris might be another aggravating element. Time is running out, along with their list of backup plans.
If you look closely, the Secret Service guys nudge a mirror under his nose off and on to see if he fogs it. IF so, they standby. He is just placeholding so Commiala can wander the country recruiting the stupdi and insane...
“Decaying fossil Joe Biden hasn’t left his beach chair since this morning.”
What did they do, stick a catheter in his wanger? Is he just pissing in his diaper?
Good question.
Leave him on office or Kamala becomes POTUS.
Why so Kamala will be president for the next 5 months. Do you have any idea how much damage she can do in 5 months.
Be careful what you wish for. If biden is out, Kamel toe is in. Then she recommends her vp (I believe). Better to leave ol joe right where he is and the country on cruise control till after the election.
He's useless but serves a purpose. He draws attention daily to the corruption of the Democratic party.
This is a acually sad. Im a very empathetic person and what they have done to this man is very evil. Hes either completely gone or incredibly doped up 100% of the time. Granted i know hes done some evil shit hinself but this is a weird way of paying for the shit hes done.
Yeah —officially placing K at the helm..