Why am I asking this question on a Q board? Because Q people are probably a lot smarter than the other internet forums I frequent. Besides that, I don't think Q would mind anyway.
The vitamins subject is a deep rabbit hole. I don't have time to go down that rabbit hole, so I figure starting a thread and asking the Q community would be way quicker.
I've been feeling tired all the time for several weeks now. I'll throw in fatigued and lethargic too. I've got my mind made up that it's a vitamin deficiency. I think all of us could benefit from this knowledge about vitamins. I've heard that taking vitamin D3 can boost energy levels. What other vitamins are important?
B complex
Yep there's a reason why most energy drinks have a ton of B12 in them.
Or eat red meat. Beef is full of b vitamins
Don't get the kind made with cyanide!
make sure the formula isn't synthetic Bs. Get yourself Folate instead of Folic Acid. Etc.
C, B12/complex, D3 with plenty of water and sunlight, zinc, and quercetin have done wonders for my energy levels and immune system.
The RDA of Vit C is considered to be way too low, especially by the Linus Pauling Institute who recommends around 450mg/day which is at least 4 times what people generally get. You may think you get a lot of vitamin C until you read the label on orange juice and see how little is actually in a glass of it. Just be careful taking more than 500mg at a time as it can easily cause diarrhea in unaccustomed people.
Plus your body does not absorb Vit C well thru ingesting Vit C vitamins. It needs liposomal variety or IV
Correct. Lipisomal VitC with NO CARBS because sugar/carbs create competition for absorption with VitC. Small protein only with C to optimize.
In this same vein, anything over 50mg of zinc can give some wicked headaches
Exactly what I take, plus a big ol hit of b6
Drink more water...
100% this. Hydration is the most important thing in health.
i second this.. so many people underestimate the power of water. Some don't even drink it, choosing juices, sodas, and other processed drinks (often packed with sugar, though not always)
Almost all the juices, carbonated beverages, and many bottled waters contain added fluoride (hydrofluorosalicic acid- TOXIC WASTE) SO DO YOUR HOMEWORK.
Maybe some times take a little bit of Celtic salt and dissolve it your mouth first before drinking water, so as the water gets into your body better.
Add electrolytes.
Clean water. Distilled re-mineralized with alkaline pack is best. Blood needs to be alkaline for immune system and metabolism to function properly. I was still getting exposed to toxins in water, even with filter.
If storing or buying in plastic, then NAC supplement will help purge microplastics. Cilantro or extract is the binding agent to help purge heavy metals (cadmium). Zeolite to capture/purge aluminum oxide. Still working on glyphosate detox protocol.
Soda is OFF THE CHARTS acidic. Destroys the immune system with acidity and metabolism with refined sugars which are 8x more addictive than cocaine.
B complex was my go to before I switched over to carnivore. After about a week on carnivore and high fat I haven’t needed anything for energy, its crazy.
Fasting too. Insane levels of energy for free!
So true! I did a 72 hour fast, several times now and the energy really is insane!
I have decided to stop taking vitamins unless i feel i need them.
Generally my thought is two-fold:
1: we don't know what they're putting in them.
2: we can get all the vitamins we need by eating meat and vegetables and fruits, things that God designed, and maybe men cut, but not what men processed to rip out the nutrients and package it up in a new form with in a crinkly package.
Point 1 is very underrated
Hydrate Iron and B12.
If these are depleted fatigue kicks in.
Personally I seek it naturally instead of *medication
Red meat, black strap mollasses
I love molasses!! with peanut butter and banana on ancient grain bread.
Unless you're eating little meat there's no reason to need to take iron, you should be exceeding the RDA easily and there is such a thing has having too much iron, my hematocrit was through the roof several months back.
I'm stomachless. I don't absorb nutrients like the average person
Felt 20 years younger switching to keto. Keep your carbs under 25 and you might not need vitamins. Good luck.
Iodine drops
Yes. Iodine for the thyroid to rule that out as the problem. Pills are good too.
And try this unrefined salt: https://redmond.life/collections/real-salt-coarse
It has better mix of the correct minerals for our bodies. Refined salt gets some critical components reduced.
See Dr. Brownstein books such as “Salt your way to health”. He tackles the detox issue as well as explaining why unrefined salt is better.
Thanks friend!
I supplemented for a couple years trying this and that. None worked for me. Started carnivore and boom, there's my energy!
Do a CBC test (Complete Blood Count) ... check your, Hemoglobin and Iron levels, you could be anemic. Talk to your doctor about it.
I was anemic three months ago (hemoglobin down to 5.7). Tired, fatigued, weak, no appetite, you name it! My doctor prescribed Ferrum Hausmann 100 mg iron tabs for a month and that set me right.
Add some pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds to a cupful of yogurt for breakfast. Load up on protein (meat, fish, beans, lentils), fruits and vegetables.
Read up on Mitochondrial deficiencies and supplements. If you find it convincing, you might want to try this:
Don't forget your vitamins ... B12, C, D3, E ....
Just going to say, lots of BS claims in that linked product. Not only is it very expensive per dose and you could get those ingredients separately for cheaper but "More Effective Than Creatine HMB" is crap. Creatine and HMB are different substances that do different things in the body. Creatine doesn't increase energy directly but it can improve muscular endurance, it allows the muscle to hold more water which means more glycogen and it has neuroprotective effects. HMB does nothing for energy, it's an anti-catabolic that holds off muscle atrophy. None of those ingredients replace Creatine or HMB as they don't even do what those things do. That price for 30 days worth of those pills can get me 2 pounds of Creatine that will last me the entire year.
Ginseng and Green Tea.
Get a blood lab done for vitamins, minerals, and hormone levels. Then you'll know what you need to recover your energy levels. When you make the correct adjustments, its amazing.
Get blood lab panel done for vitamins, minerals and hormone levels. Then you'll know exactly what gaps to fill. It is amazing to recover energy and attitude!
I'm 47 I take 8000 IU of D3, 1 capsule of K2&D3 mixed, 700 MG of DHEA which boost the Testosterone,and 2-3,6,9 fish oil pills, and I'm full of energy the DHEA is on Amazon for like 20 buck for 240 pills it has raised my Testosterone about 300 and points and I only drike water
42 here and I've spent a lot of time on the topic: nothing you take actually raises testosterone production, you're just fixing your deficiencies that were holding back your production of it. Also assuming those things are on point (magnesium is a major deficiency that is overlooked) your body will only produce as much T as it needs to support your needs so if you're not lifting often it will be reduced, if you're not having sex it will be reduced, and so on. Also people who fuss about T-levels ignore the androgen sensitivity that varies from man to man which is how you can have "low-T" guys who still pack on muscle and "high-T" guys who are still hardgainers. The Team3DAlpha channel on YouTube has over a decade of videos on this topic (he is not remotely PC either and expect some language being dropped time to time, which is probably why he's not a big influencer.)
You really seem to know your stuff. Would you be willing to help me with my aunt? If so, please DM me for details. If not, no worries. Thanks, fren.
Try this fermented cod liver oil: https://www.swansonvitamins.com/p/green-pasture-products-blue-ice-fermented-cod-liver-oil-120-caps?
I switched to this brand to get my D3 and vitA in one supplement. It appears to be a better quality natural source than what I was supplementing previously.
This is a more expensive but genuine longterm solution, worked for me and the wife:
Forget "vitamins" per se and find something that is full-spectrum nutrition superfoods, like Juice+ or Brickhouse nutrition or something... there might be something you are lacking in your regular diet that you are unaware of, but is causing sluggishness.
The reason being that when you are eating actual food, your body does a better job of processing and absorbing the various vitamins and nutrients you want.
When you look into it, you'll find a lot of supplements and vitamins we take don't even get processed when we take them in tablet form; we just crap it right back out.
Also, look into minimizing electro-magnetic pollution. Turning off the wifi at night, putting the phone further away, grounding mats - you might be shocked to find your sleep is more restful even though you are getting the same amount.
Dude I was gunna say D3. Ive been getting more and more depressed even though my life has been getting better and i couldnt understand why. I was lethargic and had very kittle energy. I thought i was over working myself, but it seems I was deficient in vitamin D and started taking 10k IU D3 daily, and my depression went away and my energy levels went back to normal. I also sleep better at night and am more joyful during the day. Even when bad things happen, I stay more calm and less stressed out about it. It's crazy
What brand of Vitamin D did you take?
Here's an Amazon link
Are you getting enough sleep?
I keep a bottle of z stack on hand at all times in case I start to feel sick. Other than that, I take beef liver vitamins every morning and that's it. I also try to eat one beef liver every few weeks. Even though it tastes like shit, there's more micronutrients in that one liver than there is in 10lbs of vegetables. Hence why I take the pills every day. I've only been sick 1 time since 2020. In 2020 I got real sick for about 3 days and then was fine. Everyone told me it was covid. Was it? Dunno. Never got tested. I just got lots of rest and drank hot toddys. 3 days of a fever around 103 and I was back to work like nothing happened. I did however lose my taste for about a month.
Just grind the liver into ground beef, that will mask most of the taste especially if you make it into chili. Grind some heart in as well.
Great recommendation! I'm definitely gonna give that a go. I love hearts on their own actually but I've never thought about putting it in chili.
Brondo, it’s what plants crave
Shilajit or Fulvic acid for the minerals you need.
Just eat right AND on time.
Protein at every meal...or it isn't a meal.
Ask yourself this question, "Can the body make blood out of this?"
Supplements can't replace real live nutrition.
coenzyme q-10, ie ubiquinol. Check your thyroid.
Lots of great ideas here.
Vitamin B, and B1 specifically - the benfotiamine kind
You need a B complex with B3 and B12. B complex will also heal nerve pain because it helps to heal inflamed overworked nerves in the body and calms them down. I am a disabled veteran and learned a lot about how to control my chronic pain without medicines. You should really look into using ASEA. Powerful stuff and ASEA is the reason I am off all medications. I'm a 100% disabled veteran that was on MASSIVE amounts of opioids and phycological meds and ASEA helped me detox on my own at home after the Veterans Administration refused to help me. You can read about it here: aseaglobal.com
Take cold shower every morning(even in winter).
Magnesium is important for energy & magnesium deficiency causes those symptoms.
Magnesium can be difficult for the body to absorb. Chelated Magnesium is the most absorbable form of supplement.
Niacin is great. It completely wiped out restless leg syndrome with my first dose 2 years ago. As side benefits I no longer get drowsy during the day, I'm now far more alert during all my waking hours. Iodine, from which the thyroid hormone is produced, is now deficient in the American diet, leading to sub-grade thyroid hormone. Supplementation of Iodine should quickly lessen lethargy and fatigue as good thyroide hormone leads to improved mitochondial action at the cellular level. After 4 major surgeries Iodine did the most to put back the fire in my life. Many of the other recommendations below are also a part of my personal daily supplements. Try any/all and see what works for you.
It’s most likely more toxicity than deficiencies. I could go on all day about each, but look into different ways to detoxify the many heavy metals and effects from poisons in the food and water supply in your body. You should also do an anti fungal protocol and anti parasitic as these can also play a huge part in overall health. Also, if you happen to be a male over 40 then your testosterone is also be depleted year by year. You should definitely be doing testosterone support therapy as well. Unbeknownst to many, many “vitamins” are actually poisons posing as vitamins if they are not from a natural, non gmo organic food source. Most vitamin companies all get their raw supply from companies in India and the bags literally declare their toxicity and potential harm in human consumption. And as others have stated, make sure you’re getting plenty of good water each day as well.
You want a rabbit hole, here it is: carotenoids are toxic. Remove as much vitamin A and other carotenoids from your diet as possible and watch your health vastly improve steadily over the next five years.
I love to eat my fresh vitamins direct from the garden. I do not openly support the pill culture, even if they are necessary occasionally. Factory farms do not produce fresh vitamin packed foods and everyone can and should learn how to produce their own vitamin packed food.
Iodine helps. I use lugols.
Note that consuming carbs (sugar/bread) at same time as Vitamin C reduces absorption of VitC. Small amount of protein only with C supplement to optimize. Then wait 1 hour to absorb before eating anything else.
The experimental “heart disease protocol” shared here of 1000mg of VitC (no carbs) and then 1000mg L-lysine (no protein) an hour later, then repeat in evening cleaned out my arteries and lowered blood pressure over 4 weeks. This is where the VitC/carb conflict note comes from. [dose is double for emergency blockage reduction]. Protocol is from Linus Pauling’s work.