Although I do believe this , I was listening to the martyr made episode on inhumans about the Germans Romanians and other Christian Europeans who were brutally (understatement) massacred after ww2 by Russians. I wonder if they were thinking the same thing and how is this any different
I think I'll send this to my friend, who recently actually demanded to know why I support Trump. She only ever calls him a fascist, and has clearly already made up her mind (although she denies it). I choose to not engage, as the effort would be fruitless.
This video, however, is chock full of high speed memery, and I shall invite her to hit pause to get a good long look at what's in some of those images. People like her clearly have no idea, and I don't feel that it would be mean of me to suggest that if she truly wants to understand...this is a good way to spend an elongated 6 minutes or so.
I'm not worried, God wins, and I'm ok if I pass away on this side of things. I feel honored God has me here at this point in time, and I hope that I can do whatever he wants of me.
Did anybody read the part where the 2020 election HAS to be overturned before November 5? Military and SCOTUS?? I hope this happens since Red October is upon us and Congress is on break and can be held accountable as in arrested for treason. Less than 40 days to find out!
Did anybody read the part where the 2020 election HAS to be overturned before November 5? Military and SCOTUS??
I didn't, and I can't read it. Dang! It's easier to read the micro-printing in the signature line on my personal checks. Please share with the group what it says, thanks buf!
SCOTUS, Military Action, and Restoring the Republic
The next official step is the reconcilation of the 2020 election. With the fraud fully exposed, SCOTUS and the military must legally resolve the election before November 5th, to secure the future of the Constitutional Republic. The deadline looms large as the final moves are made to restore the Republic from the corporate shadow government that has been running parallel to the legitament government for decades.
The military's actions, backed by legal precedents like EO 13818 and 13848, are designed to dismantle global corruption, expose foreign influence, and reestablish control over the Republic. By maintaining EMS superority, deploying PSYOPS and leveraging military assets like Starlink and Space Force, the military is ensuring the Republic survives this moment of existential threat!
Did you read what it said. SCOTUS and Military would resolve the 2020 election BEFORE Nov 5. I do remember Trump saying in a speech around April something like he would be back in office after the election OR MAYBE SOONER.
Couldn't they have picked something else like broccoli or brussel sprouts or something... because damn I do love me some good pizza...NY/Philly thin crust made fresh with good sauce and real cheese... Lightly crispy crust... everything super fresh - hand tossed dough. Yanno - the good stuff. Italian... not Greek style with pans... no conveyor ovens... Blodgett or wood fired 🤤😋
Cook bacon in a skillet then pull it, pan fry the sprouts in the bacon grease, add butter if needed. Combine the sprouts with the bacon bits and crumble some goat cheese on it. Or throw some shredded parm on.
I remember when I was a kid, everyone kept a can of bacon grease on the stove. There was no Teflon then (good thing!), so you had to grease the frying pans with something.
Tin foil packet. Cut sprouts in half. Bacon cut to pieces with onions butter and some spices. Triple wrap in foil toss on a fire for 20 minutes bacon side down. Flip once bacon side up 15 min open and enjoy.
Agreed. Sharing GA with a friend and she asked what it was, what we believe etc. This sums up all the things I've learned since 2016 and why we are here. WWG1WGA
I was wonder8ng why obama was recently walked up on in a hollywood alley near a resyurant with his laptop in his suv. Dollars to doughnuts he was using the wifi and a vpn for some encrypted panic conversations
Six and a half minutes of my day very well spent. Thanks op for sharing this!
My 2¢...
Curious about the Age of Aquarius? This astrological age promises innovative new ideas, change, and transformation. Since the term gained popularity in the 1960s, it's also been associated with movements fighting for peace, equality, and liberation. But when will it happen and what does it mean for you and the rest of society? This article will answer your questions.
Age of aquarius lyrics:
Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In
The 5th Dimension
When the moon is in the seventh house
And jupiter aligns with mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of aquarius
Age of aquarius
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind's true liberation
When the moon is in the seventh house
And jupiter aligns with mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of aquarius
Age of aquarius
Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in
Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in
Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in
Oh, let it shine, c'mon (let the sun shine in)
Now everybody just sing along (let the sun shine in)
Let the sun shine in (let the sun shine in)
Open up your heart, let it shine on (let the sun shine in)
And when you're alone let the sun shine (let the sun shine in)
Got to open up your heart and let it shine on in (let the sun shine in)
And when you feel like you've been mistreated (let the sun shine in)
And your friends turn away (let the sun shine in)
Just open your heart, and shine it on in (let the sun shine in)
You got to feel it (let the sun shine in)
There is a sense of a bottoming out of the worst, now a plateu of lateral moves before going back up, but the morale or fight in people in australia even seems to be returning
so according to this guy starlink, elon's lovechild, is actually a DoD weapon. and he is also putting trump on a pedestal just short of the caliber of jesus christ's second coming, while trump is vehemently pro-israel and pro-(((banker))) above and beyond the call of zion, and more than eager to drag US into a war with iran on their behalf.
make it make sense. i'll take my fucking downvotes now.
God is with us. Not afraid, can’t wait!
Although I do believe this , I was listening to the martyr made episode on inhumans about the Germans Romanians and other Christian Europeans who were brutally (understatement) massacred after ww2 by Russians. I wonder if they were thinking the same thing and how is this any different
"How is this any different?" 2nd Amendment
I sold my cloak…
Fuck ya. I did consider this as well. Just glad to hear someone else is as reassured by it
Not even one apology, I call fake and that Taiwan #1!
Put in this for safe measurements:
Bolsheviks...are not exactly Russians.
Khazarian Bolsheviks?
If you have faith in God, none of this matters. Heaven is your kingdome come.
Pedophile Tunnels are real. Just look at the revelations coming from Diddys Mansion and Epstein Island.
All underground tunnels. Washington DC has a underground tunnel network. Pizzagate is for newbs at this point.
Absolutely. Praise be to God.
Powerful summary of everything. I just wish I could have copies of all that he flashes on the screen.
You might have to video it and then look at it that way.
Screen capture for movies. That'll work.
To rip down the video
Pause, snipping tool to capture it. =D
To be fair, not all of it is legible but most of it is..
Yes, tried that... but zooming in makes it illegible. I'll have to try to track this guy down and see if his stuff is somewhere online.
How the hell can you even read it without an electron microscope ;p
I think I'll send this to my friend, who recently actually demanded to know why I support Trump. She only ever calls him a fascist, and has clearly already made up her mind (although she denies it). I choose to not engage, as the effort would be fruitless.
This video, however, is chock full of high speed memery, and I shall invite her to hit pause to get a good long look at what's in some of those images. People like her clearly have no idea, and I don't feel that it would be mean of me to suggest that if she truly wants to understand...this is a good way to spend an elongated 6 minutes or so.
Thanks, OP.
Be ready with an answer for when she says something like this is BS, nobody can read it
Good idea. Thank you all.
Indeed. Reminded me of Donnie Brasco. "It's a fugazi!"
This is a BRILLIANT Red Pill! This Patriot crammed so much information in his video! Thanks abrax! 👏
Props for callin shit fake and gay. I salute you, patriot. 😂 🫡
Ridiculously Epic. He crammed tons of bombs in that fireball and even snuck a few nukes in. Great find. Saved.
very well said.
I'm not worried, God wins, and I'm ok if I pass away on this side of things. I feel honored God has me here at this point in time, and I hope that I can do whatever he wants of me.
Did anybody read the part where the 2020 election HAS to be overturned before November 5? Military and SCOTUS?? I hope this happens since Red October is upon us and Congress is on break and can be held accountable as in arrested for treason. Less than 40 days to find out!
(At 5:03 read the top left page!)
I didn't, and I can't read it. Dang! It's easier to read the micro-printing in the signature line on my personal checks. Please share with the group what it says, thanks buf!
THIS is what it says!
SCOTUS, Military Action, and Restoring the Republic
The next official step is the reconcilation of the 2020 election. With the fraud fully exposed, SCOTUS and the military must legally resolve the election before November 5th, to secure the future of the Constitutional Republic. The deadline looms large as the final moves are made to restore the Republic from the corporate shadow government that has been running parallel to the legitament government for decades.
The military's actions, backed by legal precedents like EO 13818 and 13848, are designed to dismantle global corruption, expose foreign influence, and reestablish control over the Republic. By maintaining EMS superority, deploying PSYOPS and leveraging military assets like Starlink and Space Force, the military is ensuring the Republic survives this moment of existential threat!
Did you read what it said. SCOTUS and Military would resolve the 2020 election BEFORE Nov 5. I do remember Trump saying in a speech around April something like he would be back in office after the election OR MAYBE SOONER.
I did read what you said, hence why I am asking you to provide greater detail because I am interested.
I uploaded a screenshot here.
Couldn't they have picked something else like broccoli or brussel sprouts or something... because damn I do love me some good pizza...NY/Philly thin crust made fresh with good sauce and real cheese... Lightly crispy crust... everything super fresh - hand tossed dough. Yanno - the good stuff. Italian... not Greek style with pans... no conveyor ovens... Blodgett or wood fired 🤤😋
These bastards have to literally ruin EVERYTHING
Brussels Sprouts are bomb lol.
Cook bacon in a skillet then pull it, pan fry the sprouts in the bacon grease, add butter if needed. Combine the sprouts with the bacon bits and crumble some goat cheese on it. Or throw some shredded parm on.
All that to make them edible?
Right? A waste of good bacon grease and goat cheese...
you can even boil them, drain and add a couple oz of cheese
Saute them in olive oil. Add onion powder and garlic. It's very good.
That takes 20 minutes tops.
... ah yes, Brussels sprouts. Known in the UK Royal Navy as "budgies' heads".
Fly Navy. Feel a man.
♪ In the Navy
You'll never leave your friend's behind ♫
Excellent. Bumps in to Skipper ...
"Just the roll of the ship Captain".
Takes the ‘hell’ out of healthy!!
Nothing wrong with bacon grease and butter
I remember when I was a kid, everyone kept a can of bacon grease on the stove. There was no Teflon then (good thing!), so you had to grease the frying pans with something.
I still keep my bacon grease.
Au natural
Tin foil packet. Cut sprouts in half. Bacon cut to pieces with onions butter and some spices. Triple wrap in foil toss on a fire for 20 minutes bacon side down. Flip once bacon side up 15 min open and enjoy.
They'll never ruin pizza for me, I eat it three nights a week and love every bite
After the justice, we take our words back.
Love that it ends on a powerful / positive note
I hardly ever watch these videos but I'm glad I watched this one. 2017 all over again.
Christ consciousness? I'll take it.
Soon? We'll see.
Excellent!! @ 6:20 there is a tiktok on this video as well.
Can all these images be made available and legible. This is GREAT data and I need to be able to read it all. Thank you in advance.
press pause. Ctrl +, to enlarge. copy and save as an image file.
Thanks, already tried that. It zooms to 500%, but can't read the text. Thanks for the help - God† bless.
From your lips to God's ears.
Best 6 min recap..I have ever seen!
Agreed. Sharing GA with a friend and she asked what it was, what we believe etc. This sums up all the things I've learned since 2016 and why we are here. WWG1WGA
Wait... WHAT???!!
HOW in the hell did I miss the Getty museum and 2 million trafficked for satanic rituals???
I was wonder8ng why obama was recently walked up on in a hollywood alley near a resyurant with his laptop in his suv. Dollars to doughnuts he was using the wifi and a vpn for some encrypted panic conversations
"Vice President John F. Kennedy Jr."??? Huh? Typo?
Six and a half minutes of my day very well spent. Thanks op for sharing this!
My 2¢... Curious about the Age of Aquarius? This astrological age promises innovative new ideas, change, and transformation. Since the term gained popularity in the 1960s, it's also been associated with movements fighting for peace, equality, and liberation. But when will it happen and what does it mean for you and the rest of society? This article will answer your questions.
Age of Aquarius - The 5th Dimension (lyrics) HD
Age of aquarius lyrics: Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In The 5th Dimension When the moon is in the seventh house And jupiter aligns with mars Then peace will guide the planets And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of aquarius Age of aquarius Aquarius! Aquarius!
Harmony and understanding Sympathy and trust abounding No more falsehoods or derisions Golden living dreams of visions Mystic crystal revelation And the mind's true liberation Aquarius! Aquarius!
When the moon is in the seventh house And jupiter aligns with mars Then peace will guide the planets And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of aquarius Age of aquarius Aquarius! Aquarius! Aquarius! Aquarius!
Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in
Oh, let it shine, c'mon (let the sun shine in) Now everybody just sing along (let the sun shine in) Let the sun shine in (let the sun shine in) Open up your heart, let it shine on (let the sun shine in) And when you're alone let the sun shine (let the sun shine in) Got to open up your heart and let it shine on in (let the sun shine in) And when you feel like you've been mistreated (let the sun shine in) And your friends turn away (let the sun shine in) Just open your heart, and shine it on in (let the sun shine in) You got to feel it (let the sun shine in)
Exactly, when one door closes another one opens…
The stage has certainly been set. Waiting for the final act to begin.
Strong content. I pray these innocents are safe and healed with Jesus. No pain and rewarded.
There is a sense of a bottoming out of the worst, now a plateu of lateral moves before going back up, but the morale or fight in people in australia even seems to be returning
Who has The Return of Pizzagate on their bingo cards?
Man how I wish those graphics weren't in 0.00017-point cellphone font
Most of the info presented is unreadable by humans
Still a super uplifting, hope-inspiring collection of data points and presentation of the Plan to Save the World
so according to this guy starlink, elon's lovechild, is actually a DoD weapon. and he is also putting trump on a pedestal just short of the caliber of jesus christ's second coming, while trump is vehemently pro-israel and pro-(((banker))) above and beyond the call of zion, and more than eager to drag US into a war with iran on their behalf.
make it make sense. i'll take my fucking downvotes now.
CERN seems to be doing evil shit from everything I have read
I guess every particle accelerator site has people outside at wee hours of the morning in front of statues chanting...
Our rulers certainly do. That alone should make one pause.
The boundless levels of evil associated with CERN are undeniable. I have done due diligence, as should you.
Everyone should be conCERNed.
aww , i saw what you did there , very clever
Yeah, I'll "Trust The Science..."
I understand your point, but your point is incomplete. Science and the spiritual realm exist simultaneously, and are incomplete one without the other.