Almost like…. It’s a threat. I have a feeling why Trump raised his fist and said fight fight fight.
The cabal is gonna bring this entire house of Babylon down on Trump in 2025. Financial. Propaganda. Economy. Biological nuclear chemical attacks. Random Middle East type terror attacks. Random shootings in public and school. A total 117% shit show.
Looks like they may try to derail Trump with another scamdemic, but I don’t think they have the power anymore and Trump definitely won’t go along with it this time.
Ignore these clowns if they try to push another hoax. They have zero credibility."
From Wikipedia: "Hotez was born in Hartford, Connecticut to a Jewish family. His father Edward J. Hotez was a World War II veteran in the United States Navy."
Sounds like the wish list of a psychopath and this guy is a pediatrician? I sure as hell wouldn't advise any parents to let this monster treat their children.
So ironic that the tag is that JFK Jr is too dangerous for government. Gawd, taking about the pot calling the kettle black!! Who REALLY is too dangerous??? The freaking MSM and corrupt swamp creatures that's who.
Who cares, 2020 style hoaxes wont work on us any longer, far too many normies woke up and COVID is still a massive stinging point for them, so they are welcome to try but it will backfire BIGLY!
Arrest this fearmongering putz in a bowtie. Charge him with domestic terrorism. Then interrogate and threaten the bejesus out of him till he sings like a lovebird.
He was actually saying that all these diseases will come crashing down! At this point in the movie, this must be wishful thinking from a man clutching at straws or these disease will be exposed as manmade!
He actually said, "starting on January 21st..."
Wow. Remember when viruses carried tape measures to make sure you were 6ft apart? Now they're carrying calendars.
Almost like…. It’s a threat. I have a feeling why Trump raised his fist and said fight fight fight.
The cabal is gonna bring this entire house of Babylon down on Trump in 2025. Financial. Propaganda. Economy. Biological nuclear chemical attacks. Random Middle East type terror attacks. Random shootings in public and school. A total 117% shit show.
AND the Trump team knows it all and is ready. Bumpy ride ahead for a bit. Short term pain, loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong term GAIN.
‘The final battle’.
Biggest Q proof of ALL TIME.
Aside from calendars, they also know who is President.
And when Inauguration Day is.
Smart little buggers.
6 6 6
No coincidence there.
What a sniveling wimp. "Jumping from bats to people." Really, we are doing bats again? Chicken Little Dick.
Viruses don't jump from animals to people. That's fearmongering fake news.
You obviously haven’t had enough $cience deposited into your checking account.
I’m not going to argue with you, but look up spillover event.
Anyone know where Hotez goes to church? He's definitely not a Lutheran or Presbyterian. Almost like it's Every.Single.Time. 👃
Remember they are not warning us. It is a direct threat; and they will release these. All via proxies that can be covered up.
This is treason and crimes against humanity.
What if they can just flip the switch on the 5G towers and make all the vaxxed folks suddenly become ill?
You guys remember those self-assembling antennas seen in people's blood?
Uh wtf
I heard a report yesterday that some new virus has hit some remote place in Africa. The timing is just about right for it to be global in a few weeks.
Seems simple... we have the bills for this. We could just send SEAL teams to deliver the next batch of checks... and balances.
Isn't this the same quack doctor who said on Rogan's show that exercise does not help fight and prevent diseases?
Ooo, I'll bet Rogan loved that🐸
He refused to go on Rogan and debate RFK Jr. He instead resorted to slander, sanctimony and name calling.
Why even bother saying that?
Yeah, did someone say 10 jumping jacks, 2 pushups and squats would eradicate infections, cancer and heart disease? No? Didn't think so.
Pretty damn weak
Mega-thread on this demon
"Bird flu
New coronavirus
Mosquito-transmitted viruses
Oropouche virus
Yellow fever
Whooping cough
Looks like they may try to derail Trump with another scamdemic, but I don’t think they have the power anymore and Trump definitely won’t go along with it this time.
Ignore these clowns if they try to push another hoax. They have zero credibility."
Don Jr. said a few months back “do not comply!”
Clown world is probably terrifying to non-Christians.
May no plague come near your dwelling. Carry on.
FAFO asshole. I'd say biological assault on the country is treason, don't you?
Death penalty or declaration of war material.
From Wikipedia: "Hotez was born in Hartford, Connecticut to a Jewish family. His father Edward J. Hotez was a World War II veteran in the United States Navy."
I think you identified the root cause to all of this.
I'd consider this a threat if I were law enforcement.
He isn't wearing any pants while talking about this, is he?
Sounds like a threat to me.
Just shut this mf'er up. He is just a mouthpiece for the cabal!!
He’s talking but all I hear is a rope shattering his cervical spine.
Sounds like the wish list of a psychopath and this guy is a pediatrician? I sure as hell wouldn't advise any parents to let this monster treat their children.
When you look at this clown, does his appearance not scream "CHOMO"
Central Casting put out a call for a Crazed Mad Scientist, and this guy stepped forward.
Obvious NWO sellout mouthpiece is obviously obvious.
“We know viruses are jumping from bats to people” 😂
Compilation of Peter Hotez the "Vaccine expert" by Matt Orfalea :
Always better when it’s in their own words.
Good stuff! Everyone should watch this. Comical but sad at the same time. Anyone taking this guys advice is liable to "die suddenly".
Peter Hotez, Remember this guys name
Somebody stuff a sock in his mouth. And while your at it get him some new hair conditioner Geeeeeeeeeeeez you fugly
their idea is: release every biological weapon.
there is something mentally wrong with these people. There is no path to peace. it is literally enslavement or death for any diplomatic option
Have they have cooked up something horrible for us on the presumption everyone will say they are crying wolf and ignore it?
I pray that it will backfire on them
So ironic that the tag is that JFK Jr is too dangerous for government. Gawd, taking about the pot calling the kettle black!! Who REALLY is too dangerous??? The freaking MSM and corrupt swamp creatures that's who.
Who cares, 2020 style hoaxes wont work on us any longer, far too many normies woke up and COVID is still a massive stinging point for them, so they are welcome to try but it will backfire BIGLY!
new vaxx for each one.
lol Wow they sure are scared of Bobby K
Arrest this fearmongering putz in a bowtie. Charge him with domestic terrorism. Then interrogate and threaten the bejesus out of him till he sings like a lovebird.
Bow tie? Guess who else where's a bow tie? Bill Nye the Science Guy!
guy just ef'd. Save this.
He was actually saying that all these diseases will come crashing down! At this point in the movie, this must be wishful thinking from a man clutching at straws or these disease will be exposed as manmade!
Send him to Gitmo, find out his source, take corrective action.
Guys like this one are always wearing bow ties. Creepy.
Hang them.
Shouldn't like, he be arrested?