Executive Orders... a slippery slope.
I admit, I don't know much about EO's. But when I read that Trump reversed (canceled) the affirmative action EO from LBJ, I immediately wondered things like...
Who will cancel Trump's EO's?
When will that happen?
Won't a future President take it even further and do 500 EO's the first day?
The President is not a law maker... he/she is a law signer, so what precedent is trump setting?
Are EO's Constitutional?
Anyway, I like being on the winning side of these EO's, but I also don't want to somehow someday be on the losing side of them.
EO’s only direct executive branch employees on policy, behavior and expectations. They don’t apply to regular citizens. They are memo’s from the boss. He can’t issue an executive order to make us peeps do anything.
They also effect any org that gets money from the govt
Then the deep state?
EO's should probably be gotten rid of. Hopefully Trump's last EO is a referral to Congress to make EO's illegal. "Dictator for a day"
Are EO's Constitutional?
Eliminating Executive Orders entirely would require a fundamental shift in our system of government. The President, as the head of a unitary executive branch, possesses inherent authority to direct and manage the executive departments. Executive Orders serve as a crucial mechanism for the President to exercise this authority, ensuring consistent and unified policy implementation across the vast federal bureaucracy.
Look at the EOs as the boss telling the minions what is demanded of them. In a system of governance with a unitary executive branch, there must be a structured way for the boss to do this.
Hm. Thank you for the insight! I need to study up on these
I get what you're saying, but they actually can apply to us in a pass-through sort of way. Executive Orders are orders from POTUS to the Executive Branch (only) that they have to implement and follow. There are 2 problems with them though... They are usually overturned by the next POTUS because they are not codified into law, and whatever POTUS is ordering his people to do will almost always hit us in some way.
It may be good, as in giving us savings because he eliminated a program, regulation, or agency. It may be bad, like Biden trying to forgive student loans that we could have to pay for. It may even be catastrophic - like the AG creating the FBI in 1908. Trump just ordered federal workers to go back to the office. They are of course members of the executive branch, but their families are also affected so the EOs can reach others outside of the branch.
If a father works from home so he can get his young kids on the school bus in the morning and get them off the bus in the afternoon and suddenly he can't anymore, he will have to get someone else (wife, grandparents, friend?) to do that.
The orders themselves are absolutely (like you said) for executive branch employees and agencies. They can't order us citizens to do anything without a law. But they can help or hurt us. I do think we got added protection when the Chevron Deference was overturned though.
Personally I think there should be very few EOs, and those that are important should be codified into law by CONgress. Like eliminating the DEI offices - write a bill for CONgress to outlaw them in government and push to get it passed. If it can't, then an EO will work until the next Dem kills it, but it is effectively only a temporary band-aid until the next "doctor" comes along and changes it.
100% this ^^^
"If a father works from home so he can get his young kids on the school bus in the morning and get them off the bus in the afternoon and suddenly he can't anymore, he will have to” ... get a cushy job in the PRIVATE sector job market...
There, I fixed it for you.
Except that depending on who’s in office example daca and student loan forgiveness
...and border policy
That’s why Congress needs to act and enact laws that can be signed and codified and not reversed
EO's are the Presidents way around a Congress filled with swamp creatures.
It is the American people's job to see that no POS ever gets into office that will take us back to the cabal's plan.
Your concerns are very valid. There are means of making EO's difficult to undo, but most can be undone by the next administration.
There is also some disagreement amongst legitimate Constitutional scholars on the legitimacy of Executive Orders.
That being said, I imagine that President Trump has far grander plans to transform this country in the coming 4 years. Many of those plans will be reliant on Congress to pass proper laws, but I strongly suspect he is eyeing Constitutional amendments as well to add additional safeguards and limits on the Federal government.
The Executive Orders are simply a means of undoing the controlled damage of Puppet Joe, and to jumpstart this term with a message to everyone that he means business.
But again, I agree with you and share your concerns. You may not know much about EO's, but your gut is spot on (IMHO).
The president is the boss of federal employees and agencies. He has as much power as they have. We can limit the power of executive orders by limiting the size and power of the federal government.
You're right. But this is him rolling back and restoring common sense from the decades of attacks against us by EO.
It is all changing... we are now under the original constitution and common law and back to being a Republic. The Evil is gone and humanity is embarking on a new golden era free of corruption.
Don't think for a minute then evil is gone. For the moment their influence is highly diminished. The devil ain't dead yet.
Evil will never be removed from this world but it can be thwarted. We are going to see a fundamental change in our entire system which will help keep the criminals from infiltrating and gaining a foothold again for a very long time. Election integrity and draining the swamp will set them back 50 years. (IMO)
There’s no such thing as a permanent anything in government. It’s just different rates of change. It’s hardest to overthrow the government (a possibility the founders envisioned in writing), hard to amend the Constitution, routine but politically challenging to pass changes to laws, easier to change regulations, and one person can write executive orders. This is the current moment, and our current president is setting a course through a set of executive orders that are within his power. Future elections can express the will of the people on what Trump is doing today. And among these executive orders are moves to secure those elections.
^^^^^ Best reply so far
This is 100% true. It always kills me how gullible voters can be when a political party (either side) says something like "Elect us and we'll make those tax cuts permanent" or "Elect us and we'll permanently roll back all the changes the other side made to this bill". They know damn well they can't make anything permanent - even if it is a Constitutional Amendment. If they did something, someone else can undo it. Makes for great political promises though, so they can get re-elected and go back to business as usual.
Thank you for your insight.
EO's that over the course of several years prove to be massively effective and that establishes a way of doing things that is better and more effective than anything previously seen.
Kinda hard to remove the foundation of a house once you have several stories on top of it.....
Maybe he is just trying to keep the left busy.
I agree with your concerns, since we know that Biden reversed a lot of Trumps previous Executives Orders. I do believe and hope he’s got a lot more plans coming for changes, like permanently removing the worst of the scumbags, removing the stranglehold of blackmailing lobbyists on our congress, doing something to require voter ID and remove the election fraud voting machines. I think this whirlwind of Executive Orders is his way of getting things rolling, showing the people he means business, etc.
I have been saying this sinxe obummer. The president is supposed to be CIC and head of the executive branch of our REPUBLIC. The president was never supposed to run the country. Each state was supposed to be its own "country" with the federal government only to provide defense of the REPUBLIC.
Many of those EOs need to be codified through congressional action. However our best bet is to not go back to sleep and allow the deepnstate and their minions back in ever.
That's the point.
Here: https://x.com/repbrianbabin/status/1881824488678957249?s=61
I don't either truth be told, and beyond that it stands for Executive Order I don't think I know anything further.
Something that came to mind while Trump was signing them, was it was said Biden had no idea what he was signing. I got the impression Trump may not either the way they read them out and his reaction, seemed superficial kind of, or just for show, theatrics.
But it did make me wonder, who writes them, Biden obviously didn't write his, and no way Trump wrote all his.
Good point there, and now I'll read the comments...
This is long but it was a lot of fun putting it together.
Trump and his team worked on these executive orders over the last several years together. He wouldn't be able to do that by himself - that's why he has experts. The difference between him and Biden is Trump will make the final decision based on what his people told him, and what he wants in there as well. Biden was basically controlled all 4 years so it is highly likely his people wrote what they wanted and he signed it. They could tell him anything about the EO and he wouldn't know if they told him the truth or not. Just like he would read whatever was on his teleprompter. He was the Ron Burgundy of presidents.
Now that Trump is POTUS again, he can finally sign the orders he and his team worked on for so long. Do you think he can remember the order in which dozens of EOs were placed on the table in front of him? You think maybe he wants the people around him, the press, and the people watching on TV to know which one in that big stack he is signing?
I know if I were him and my aide read out which one I was signing at the time I would react the same way when a big one popped up. "Sir - you are now signing to kill the CBP One app... OOH! Yes I've been waiting on that one!"
You said "or just for show"... Of course it is. We waited a long time to see this (just like him) and Trump is the ultimate showman. I for one wouldn't want it any other way. You also said "Biden obviously didn't write his, and no way Trump wrote all his.". Of course neither one of them did. Trump likely drove the process and contributed while Biden likely did not. What I want to point out is the same thing goes for CONgress. The reps do not write most (and I mean nearly all) of the bills they introduce. Every once in a while one of them will write a bill, but it pales in comparison to the multi-thousand-page bills the lobbyists give them to introduce.
Note - Trump does the same thing with his tweets/truths. Some he will fire off on his own (and they are often glorious!). Others he will have a team around him firing off ideas/wordings while one person puts it into a document so they can edit as more ideas come forth. When they all agree the person typing will cut and paste (after proofreading) into Truth Social or X. Here is a GREAT example of him tweeting on Kamala during the DNC. Talk about seeing how the sausage is made - this is the best example I've ever seen: https://x.com/BehizyTweets/status/1851419171420045524
Here is an example of a bill Matt Gaetz introduced 2 years ago, and now has 10 sponsors and was moved to another rep since Matt is gone. It is a one-liner called "H.R.374 - Abolish the ATF Act". It reads (in FULL): "This bill abolishes the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. ". That's it. Honestly I wish more bills would be this simple. Unfortunately it almost never happens that way. https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/374
Trump knows what he is signing. Trump has been working on these orders for 8 yes at least. To compare Trump with Biden indicates a lack of understanding and a late arrival to this battle.
WE THE PEOPLE VOTED FOR TRUMP TO TAKE THESE ACTIONS. He campaigned on these EOs . WTP demanded Trump do these Orders . Trump is doing as WTP requested.
That "Dictator" meme is more psyop smear tactic. Americans have every right and tool to protect its people and borders.
This is why we need to immediately audit the past few elections. We could kick the congressmembers out and replace them with the republican true winners. Then, with our majority, we could write these EOs into law.
Between the AI, mrna "vaccine" plans and leaving Isreal and Ukraine off of the no money list, I am getting pretty apprehensive about this whole damn thing. Three things I directly voted against.
Great question u/changeagent !
I sure do love good Questions.
"Questions reveal answers"
Q said "biblical" many times. Hyperbole?
What if it was not hyperbole?
Taken to its logical conclusion?
All paradigm shifts throughout human history were preceded by some 'major event.'
Could an event big enough to wake up all but 4–6%
of people be the catalyst that causes all but 4–6%
of people to vote TRUMP as KING?
Biblical? Just take a minute to think about what that means...
"And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron..." Rev 12:5
"And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and the one seated on it was called “Faithful” and “True,” and with justice he judges and makes war." Rev 19:11
"...and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a Trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will show you things which must be hereafter.
And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.
And he that sat on the throne had the appearance of jasper and a sardius stone (both orange)..." Rev 4
Claimed time traveler John Titor from 2036 wrote coyly in 2001: "If/when (Christ) does return, do you think he will be a lamb or a lion?"
Ahhh yes frens, "the deeper we go the more unrealistic it all becomes."
It's a moot question because our Constitution does not provide for the People to have the ability to install a king.
They had a “Project Deepdream” back in 2014… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/DeepDream
Haven't we already been on the losing side of them? I find that waiting and watching rather than immediately being triggered by something he does is a better way to navigate this whole plan. We were told 40k ft view.
We already saw what it's like when the show is on the other foot. Sleepy signed a lot his first day. Reversing 4 years in hours
great topic - I love that GAW is more than just an echo chamber :)
This is a Critical Thinking site. Every post get weighed and measured on its truth.
I started having very similar thoughts about this. Slippery indeed. Trading in a chevy for a ford potential setup here. Spider senses started going off yesterday on this. Been bugging me ever since.
You mean a newer model for an older one?
Possibly. I more mean it's still a truck just different name. Ai as being presented with massive spending behind it, I get the logic for sure..but like income-tax back when it was proposed. It's was sold as only the rich, cater to the masses and now here we are 100 years later funding our near demise from the overlords we allowed to take control.
Q promised us the END OF THE D PARTY. This is the Great Awakening. There isn't going to be some liberal Jabroni in office ever again after this.
We still dont need the possibility of a single power stung dictator makng decisions for our USA
EO's became popular because Congress is lame and can't get anything done, they were intended to be temporary till congress can act but it has turned into a disaster.
EOs are vital to directing a federal bureaucracy to implement the President's policies and align with his will. Can a future President countermand Trump's EOs? Of course he can, and it is only proper.
Is it possible to believe Trump would be taking hundreds of actions that are unconstitutional?
We have to wonder what this man has to do to prove his patriotism, love and respect for the nation, the People, and the Constitution
I have become a huge fan of Badlands Media and I learn a ton from Gordon (Ghost of Based Patrick Henry.) while Patrick Henry has always been my favorite early patriot, I recently learned from Gordon that Patrick Henry didn’t get involved with/sign the US Constitution because he recognized that the Executive branch had too much power. It did not correctly balance the 3 branches. He chose instead to focus on the state of Virginia.
So I think that Trump and the white hats have leaned into that advantage to quickly enact change. I also think that they will work with the courts/Congress to enact laws so that this imbalance cannot happens again, once the size federal government has been reduced drastically.
God has given us executive orders, the wise implement them, the foolish to their own peril. Trump is not God, but he does have a mandate from the people, those who resist the will of the people, face being primaried. How much more those who resist the will of God in Christ Jesus!
I agree with OP in theory but, most of PDJT's EOs are undoing EOs in place from previous administrations. The policies were authorized under an EO and they need to be revoked or changed via EO.
EOs were never meant to be long term policies unilaterally created by the President.
EOs are more like "presidential orders" that dictates the priorities of the President and informs the rest of the executive what to do. More like marching orders.
By the time Trump is finished, all these changes should be enshrined in new bills / constitutional amendments as the case may be and we never have to worry about Trump's EOs being cancelled by someone else. Best if Trump revokes them before he leaves office, knowing fully well that it is well protected.
Just sticky your comment to the top. It is the correct answer.
EOs can be challenged by SCOTUS and they were never meant to be permanent. "Get the ball rolling" in that direction then let the process happen as with any other advancement of bill into law.
Good use of disingenuous technique.
If you voted for Trump you already knew what he was gonna sign.
We told him what we wanted and he landslid the anti American opposition.
Biden cut-off USA energy production. You weren't concerned about EOs then?
Work on that.
I will take a moment to reply to you, because your comment is so stupid.
I guess that's all I needed to say.
I believe that's the purpose of gutting the government. With smaller government, the people have they say in what's done and government can't slide by with corruption, but that definitely means "we the people" need to have free speech to be able to stand up
Great thoughts everyone regarding slippery slope of EOs.
But the real action will be when legislation is passed that will transform the USA and world.
But it will not be easy but this is why President Trump has assembled a great Avengers team for this task.