How can anybody wade through this detached-from-reality, utter idiotic drivel that is reddit? Seriously, reading just a tiny bit of that shit drives me crazy. It amazes me how utterly insane some people can be.
I know, right? And because you see so much of it on Reddit, it's tempting to believe that a big chunk of the populace feels that way. And then I reality-check myself that these are the most vocal online tards, which is relatively small...perhaps 4-6% of the population? ;)
A lot of alphabet agents posing a real ppl, bots, and a small portion of cult members who only think and do as they are told. None of them think for themselves. No one will ever convince me mind control is not real.
Even when Biden was acting president, and things were at their lowest, we here believed in our own resilience, we never lost hope. What is driving the people that comment to this site to lose all hope. Is it the nature of the environment or the nature of the organism.
This reminds me of the deranged open death threats that are being made on Redditt here. Good news is that DOJ has launched investigation on some of them.
I agree with this post! Except, there were times when I totally thought I had lost hope, that I couldn't go on, but even though I lost hope I kept on moving along, having faith that one day all of our hard work would yield results. We had a few hail storms that looked like they wiped out the entire crop. And that was a long 4 years winter of the Biden presidency. My god that sucked. And now here we are!
"You have to understand. Most people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured and so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it."
Ridicule them into submission via finger pointing and horse laughing in their dumb blank NPC faces.
Seriously though, you're right TaQo. We continue the mission. Although, a good many will ultimately wake themselves as response to further habbenings on the timeline.
That's why I said, they're easy targets right now...
So yeah, laugh and point fingers while laughing and meme about them being laughed at ...
But after the dust settles - These people need guidance.
These people got fooled by the machine. Most were good people- but the devil tricked them into believing the bullshit. It's our job, whether you want to believe that or not, to get them on the path of living and thinking right again, and helping to restore sanity - before they were indoctrinated into wrong think
If WE aren't going to do it, who will? And if WE don't take responsibility ourselves, then WE will continue paying for it down the line.
Sometimes the only way for evil to win is for a good man to say nothing. SPEAK UP when you witness the bullshit and let everyone know it can't go on.
For instance:
Gray haired/bearded man went to buy a pack of smokes at a chain drug store and there was a line of 10 people...He got to the register, asked for the smokes, cashier required ID. Man asked how old you needed to be to purchase. Cashier said 18. Old man then asked if the cashier was unable to determine that he was over 18 years of age. Cashier insisted on seeing ID. Old man said, okay, keeping a firm grip on the DL while cashier unholstered a barcode scanner. Old man asked what the cashier was doing... Cashier said, I have to scan it. Old man said, no you don't. Proof of birthday printed right on the front - LOOK RIGHT HERE - Cashier said "the system" needs to scan it. Old man said, "the system" is the problem! - and then went on to tell the cashier that he didn't want to be in whatever database his information would be going into BECAUSE just like the Target debacle that fkd up everyone's credit cards for YEARS - because they were "hacked" - He didn't KNOW and certainly didn't TRUST where HIS information would be going. Then asked the cashier if HE could PERSONALLY GUARANTEE his data would be safe. (He was the manager, BTW) - So the cashier just MAGICALLY scanned the smokes, the old man paid and walked out to his truck...
While standing outside of his truck, enjoying his nicotine...NO LESS THAN 4 people who witnessed the "event" came up and thanked him for speaking up and how more of us need to speak up against this kind of bullshit... BECAUSE they keep intruding deeper and deeper and deeper and need to be PUSHED BACK!
So yeah... the moral of the story is that YOU are responsible for stopping the endless bs we encounter every day AND speaking up to empower others - letting them know it's NOT OKAY and essentially giving THEM permission to speak up for themselves and others as well. It's contagious.
Never underestimate your POWER to make a difference, even if it's something small.
Is the story of the man buying smokes true? It makes a good point.
The picture ID is not used to verify by photo that you are who you say you are. When they say, "I need a photo ID", try using you CCL license photo ID card that has no barcode. There heads will explode.
I agree^ think they're the tares. the Gnostics referred to them as Hylics...incapable of waking up.
makes sense to me, would explain So much about this strange world. I also think it's why there are political wax figures in Whitehat museums, etc. to hint at what we're dealing with. some people aren't really people...
"A considerable percentage of the people we meet on the street are people who are empty inside, that is, they are actually already dead. It is fortunate for us that we do not see and do not know it. If we knew what a number of people are actually dead and what a number of these dead people govern our lives, we should go mad with horror.
Oh yes, lots of static noise made by whatever source… but farms, content farms, whatever. I see lots of them where I am looking to protest. Just parrots. It’s lovely when I ask them for sources of their claims and they come up with MSM sources. Just makes me 😑😑😑 every time.
Look, I hear and respect what you're saying. I really like and follow your posts reguarly. More importantly -- Jesus tells us (I'm paraphrasing) to forgive 70 x 7. I GET that. But I'm so tired of my feelings, beliefs, political worldview being steamrolled because of these tards...I've stayed silent for a LOONNG time. I am no longer. And if these people (which, I might add, I have a fair amount of family and friends among them...most of which have severed ties with me and mine) -- I no longer care if they're red-pilled or not. They haven't listened up to this point...and a fair amount of them never will.
Thank you, I just go "one day at a time". We all have something to deal with, but I believe we are getting closer to the point where most people will see the world as it really is.
We've been beat down so often for so long, that it's time that we realize how much power each of us has and USE IT!
Reminds me of the Lion story...Neville Goddard illustrates:
There's a fundamental difference between knowing something
intellectually and recognizing it as your very being.
Let me illustrate this with a story that perfectly captures this truth:
A lion cub was raised among sheep
it bleated like a sheep ate grass a sheep and thought itself to be a sheep.
One day an adult lion saw this peculiar sight and roared with laughter the Cub frightened tried to bleat and run away, the adult lion caught him and dragged him to a clear pool of water & for the first time the Cub saw his own reflection alongside the adult lions.
In that moment of recognition, something profound happened. The Cub didn't become a lion. He simply recognized that he had always been one.
This my beloved friends is exactly what must happen to you. You are not
becoming God; you are recognizing that you have always been the very expression of God himself. This is why scripture declares, know ye not that ye are Gods?
BTW - For anyone that does not know this, if you are having a hard time reading the small print, just hold down you mouse button over the graphic, and drag to the right to resize until large enough to read.
I have a fan. He/She likes to follow my comments and posts, and tell me how much he/she loves me by downvoting anything I write. It's really quite flattering.
Excellent advice, thank you, frog. What I do on mobile cuz I select open image in new tab and then I have just the image there, and I can just pinch the zoom it around
It reads as though most of these crying victims are on the LGBTQ rainbow.
They are afraid they are no longer going to be praised, celebrated and made to feel special. They think the world is ending. Hopefully, in a few months, they'll realize that nothing has hurt them and their life is somewhat better.
Except, I hope that their world where they expected to be praised depend on their dopamine hits for celebrations of their grotesque sexualities comes to a screeching halt, here
And yet, "ThEy FeAr FoR tHeIr LiVeS!!!" I get so fucking tired of their melodrama. None of the rainbow mafia were killed during Trump 1.0 adminisration, due to the man OR his policies...and none of their odious lot will be killed because of HIM this time around either. GOD. I wish they'd just move to a rainbow friendly country and give the rest of us a break.
Unfortunately it is real to a degree. I had to mute one of my only "friends" on Facebook because I could not read the delusion anymore. The media and social media confirm and reaffirm their beliefs as to what is happening. They truly believe they are good people speaking on behalf of humanity.
The weight on Trump is massive. Trump has to in less than two years, put the US into a realm of peace and prosperity it has never seen before. That is the ONLY way that most of these people will see the light. It also has to be sustained, and for the most part, benefit the lower and middle class more than it does the high.
Otherwise this delusion will never heal. After the known criminals and terrorists get deported, ICE needs to scale back and focus on more on internal measures, and less on public activity. I know many of you get a kick from Homan, Noem, etc parading on TV but you have to realize..
Normies, even well meaning ones, have been conditioned into viewing life through the lens of an ASPCA commercial. Yes, they can acknowledge their lawn guy broke the law coming here but the second you put the imagery of deported people looking sad on TV they feel immense pity and feel guilty for even thinking what they did is wrong
I could care less how bad they feel. They are deluded and blinded by hate and fear and none of it is legitimate. The left are nothing but professional victims. I quit caring what they think or what happens to them.
My based, mentally ill wife has a weekly phone call with a psychiatrist. The Doctor was late calling her last week by over 2 hours. She apologized, explaining that “she is overwhelmed by people in crisis due to the current Administration”. The Doctor practices in Northampton, MA which is full of looney tune Leftists.
I told the wife to tell the Doc that we have plenty of trees and rope, if that will help…
You totally have to be willing to "go out on a limb" for these deranged leftists, but damn it I'm willing to make that sacrifice and climb a tree if it helps one of them move along
These guys have no idea how much they repressed ordinary Americans over the last 4 years.
They don't know who the bullies are.
Precisely, fren -- and their ability for projection and self-UNawareness is off the charts amazing.
And they think they are normal and represent American values. Lol, yeah....i don't think so🤣
I literally hate these people. Their tears are better than any drug out there.
I hate all of them at this point. From the pink haired retarded useful idiot that parrot the propaganda to the Cluntons and everyone in between.
How can anybody wade through this detached-from-reality, utter idiotic drivel that is reddit? Seriously, reading just a tiny bit of that shit drives me crazy. It amazes me how utterly insane some people can be.
I know, right? And because you see so much of it on Reddit, it's tempting to believe that a big chunk of the populace feels that way. And then I reality-check myself that these are the most vocal online tards, which is relatively small...perhaps 4-6% of the population? ;)
Probably all bots
A lot of alphabet agents posing a real ppl, bots, and a small portion of cult members who only think and do as they are told. None of them think for themselves. No one will ever convince me mind control is not real.
Wow! From what I've read so far, these are a group of broken people. I hope they get help soon.
Tears glorious tears
Even when Biden was acting president, and things were at their lowest, we here believed in our own resilience, we never lost hope. What is driving the people that comment to this site to lose all hope. Is it the nature of the environment or the nature of the organism.
This reminds me of the deranged open death threats that are being made on Redditt here. Good news is that DOJ has launched investigation on some of them.
I agree with this post! Except, there were times when I totally thought I had lost hope, that I couldn't go on, but even though I lost hope I kept on moving along, having faith that one day all of our hard work would yield results. We had a few hail storms that looked like they wiped out the entire crop. And that was a long 4 years winter of the Biden presidency. My god that sucked. And now here we are!
Well soldiers... I guess we've got some work ahead of us....(Long fking sigh)...
Who's responsibility is it to shepherd these people out of their delusional wrong think and into the Light?
Ask yourself that question.
The devil and his machine led these people down the wrong path. After all the teasing is done, ARE YOU GOING TO SHOW THEM THE WAY?
They're easy targets right now... but they need serious red pilling because their world view is extremely distorted.
Will you provide them the clarity to see reality and WHY we stand with Trump?
If not YOU, then who, soldier?
Nobody. 4-6%.
I’ve tried and tried on several occasions. There is nothing anyone can say to them to help them.
"You have to understand. Most people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured and so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it."
What's the alternative?
Slay them all (probably not a viable option)
Continue to endure their satanic bullshit and noise pollution going forward
Re-educate them via red pilling
Those aren't necessarily the 4-6%.
Seriously though, you're right TaQo. We continue the mission. Although, a good many will ultimately wake themselves as response to further habbenings on the timeline.
That's why I said, they're easy targets right now...
So yeah, laugh and point fingers while laughing and meme about them being laughed at ...
But after the dust settles - These people need guidance.
These people got fooled by the machine. Most were good people- but the devil tricked them into believing the bullshit. It's our job, whether you want to believe that or not, to get them on the path of living and thinking right again, and helping to restore sanity - before they were indoctrinated into wrong think
If WE aren't going to do it, who will? And if WE don't take responsibility ourselves, then WE will continue paying for it down the line.
Sometimes the only way for evil to win is for a good man to say nothing. SPEAK UP when you witness the bullshit and let everyone know it can't go on.
For instance:
Gray haired/bearded man went to buy a pack of smokes at a chain drug store and there was a line of 10 people...He got to the register, asked for the smokes, cashier required ID. Man asked how old you needed to be to purchase. Cashier said 18. Old man then asked if the cashier was unable to determine that he was over 18 years of age. Cashier insisted on seeing ID. Old man said, okay, keeping a firm grip on the DL while cashier unholstered a barcode scanner. Old man asked what the cashier was doing... Cashier said, I have to scan it. Old man said, no you don't. Proof of birthday printed right on the front - LOOK RIGHT HERE - Cashier said "the system" needs to scan it. Old man said, "the system" is the problem! - and then went on to tell the cashier that he didn't want to be in whatever database his information would be going into BECAUSE just like the Target debacle that fkd up everyone's credit cards for YEARS - because they were "hacked" - He didn't KNOW and certainly didn't TRUST where HIS information would be going. Then asked the cashier if HE could PERSONALLY GUARANTEE his data would be safe. (He was the manager, BTW) - So the cashier just MAGICALLY scanned the smokes, the old man paid and walked out to his truck...
While standing outside of his truck, enjoying his nicotine...NO LESS THAN 4 people who witnessed the "event" came up and thanked him for speaking up and how more of us need to speak up against this kind of bullshit... BECAUSE they keep intruding deeper and deeper and deeper and need to be PUSHED BACK!
So yeah... the moral of the story is that YOU are responsible for stopping the endless bs we encounter every day AND speaking up to empower others - letting them know it's NOT OKAY and essentially giving THEM permission to speak up for themselves and others as well. It's contagious.
Never underestimate your POWER to make a difference, even if it's something small.
Is the story of the man buying smokes true? It makes a good point.
The picture ID is not used to verify by photo that you are who you say you are. When they say, "I need a photo ID", try using you CCL license photo ID card that has no barcode. There heads will explode.
Yes. Yours truly...
Just let them live in their bubble/echo chamber/vacuum. I can ignore them and plan on it.
Ron White's Grandma: That boy...
It will get easier, most of MAGA is still asleep. Wait until the rest wake-up, then these people will go into hiding or finally begin to see, too.
I agree^ think they're the tares. the Gnostics referred to them as Hylics...incapable of waking up.
makes sense to me, would explain So much about this strange world. I also think it's why there are political wax figures in Whitehat museums, etc. to hint at what we're dealing with. some people aren't really people...
"A considerable percentage of the people we meet on the street are people who are empty inside, that is, they are actually already dead. It is fortunate for us that we do not see and do not know it. If we knew what a number of people are actually dead and what a number of these dead people govern our lives, we should go mad with horror.
George Gurdjieff"
Oh yes, lots of static noise made by whatever source… but farms, content farms, whatever. I see lots of them where I am looking to protest. Just parrots. It’s lovely when I ask them for sources of their claims and they come up with MSM sources. Just makes me 😑😑😑 every time.
Look, I hear and respect what you're saying. I really like and follow your posts reguarly. More importantly -- Jesus tells us (I'm paraphrasing) to forgive 70 x 7. I GET that. But I'm so tired of my feelings, beliefs, political worldview being steamrolled because of these tards...I've stayed silent for a LOONNG time. I am no longer. And if these people (which, I might add, I have a fair amount of family and friends among them...most of which have severed ties with me and mine) -- I no longer care if they're red-pilled or not. They haven't listened up to this point...and a fair amount of them never will.
Well. my wife will not see, but I do not intend to give up. Oh, it's very difficult, but we have three young boys, so I'll do whatever it takes.
Will pray for you, man. That's a tough situation, even tougher than what I've dealt with.
Thank you, I just go "one day at a time". We all have something to deal with, but I believe we are getting closer to the point where most people will see the world as it really is.
Amen, brother!
I do not sign-in very often, but I had to, just to upvote this comment. We are in this together.
Thanks man. I appreciate the support.
We've been beat down so often for so long, that it's time that we realize how much power each of us has and USE IT!
Reminds me of the Lion story...Neville Goddard illustrates:
There's a fundamental difference between knowing something intellectually and recognizing it as your very being.
Let me illustrate this with a story that perfectly captures this truth:
A lion cub was raised among sheep it bleated like a sheep ate grass a sheep and thought itself to be a sheep.
One day an adult lion saw this peculiar sight and roared with laughter the Cub frightened tried to bleat and run away, the adult lion caught him and dragged him to a clear pool of water & for the first time the Cub saw his own reflection alongside the adult lions.
In that moment of recognition, something profound happened. The Cub didn't become a lion. He simply recognized that he had always been one.
This my beloved friends is exactly what must happen to you. You are not becoming God; you are recognizing that you have always been the very expression of God himself. This is why scripture declares, know ye not that ye are Gods?
BTW - For anyone that does not know this, if you are having a hard time reading the small print, just hold down you mouse button over the graphic, and drag to the right to resize until large enough to read.
Or just right click and open the image in a new tab. Unless, of course, you're on a goofy phone. In that case, good luck.
updoogle for "goofy phone".
Some butt-ass voted you down. It wasn't me.
Downdooter probably worried about forced removal of IUDs
I'm too lazy to look up what an IUD is.
Isn't that the bomb the jihadists use for instant amputations or something?
That's IED (Improvised Explosive Device), lol
Birth control device.
Intrauterine Device (IUD) a birth control device.
Was this suppose to be UID?
I have a fan. He/She likes to follow my comments and posts, and tell me how much he/she loves me by downvoting anything I write. It's really quite flattering.
or just click on the header once inside the thread
This is the way if you are on a “goofy phone” :) .. then zoom in and all is good.
Excellent advice, thank you, frog. What I do on mobile cuz I select open image in new tab and then I have just the image there, and I can just pinch the zoom it around
Great to know. I’ve had trouble for years. Thx
"Fearing for my life every single day" What, are you an illegal immigrant pedophile? If not you're probably fine. Stupid hyperbolic trashheap
It reads as though most of these crying victims are on the LGBTQ rainbow.
They are afraid they are no longer going to be praised, celebrated and made to feel special. They think the world is ending. Hopefully, in a few months, they'll realize that nothing has hurt them and their life is somewhat better.
Let's hope so.
Except, I hope that their world where they expected to be praised depend on their dopamine hits for celebrations of their grotesque sexualities comes to a screeching halt, here
And yet, "ThEy FeAr FoR tHeIr LiVeS!!!" I get so fucking tired of their melodrama. None of the rainbow mafia were killed during Trump 1.0 adminisration, due to the man OR his policies...and none of their odious lot will be killed because of HIM this time around either. GOD. I wish they'd just move to a rainbow friendly country and give the rest of us a break.
None were killed by conservatives, but quite a few of them killed innocents in their quest to avenge their angst.
They can all dial 1-800-WAA-AAAH and see if that works. HA!
Hello? Suicide hotline, how can I help you?
"I'd like to place an order"
Now THAT'S comedy right there!!!
Unfortunately it is real to a degree. I had to mute one of my only "friends" on Facebook because I could not read the delusion anymore. The media and social media confirm and reaffirm their beliefs as to what is happening. They truly believe they are good people speaking on behalf of humanity.
The weight on Trump is massive. Trump has to in less than two years, put the US into a realm of peace and prosperity it has never seen before. That is the ONLY way that most of these people will see the light. It also has to be sustained, and for the most part, benefit the lower and middle class more than it does the high.
Otherwise this delusion will never heal. After the known criminals and terrorists get deported, ICE needs to scale back and focus on more on internal measures, and less on public activity. I know many of you get a kick from Homan, Noem, etc parading on TV but you have to realize..
Normies, even well meaning ones, have been conditioned into viewing life through the lens of an ASPCA commercial. Yes, they can acknowledge their lawn guy broke the law coming here but the second you put the imagery of deported people looking sad on TV they feel immense pity and feel guilty for even thinking what they did is wrong
I could care less how bad they feel. They are deluded and blinded by hate and fear and none of it is legitimate. The left are nothing but professional victims. I quit caring what they think or what happens to them.
15 days in and this is what fast and furious looks like.
Hope these lost souls come around.....
The days of the Liberal Left Lost Democrat Dictatorships are over.
And Vance posted that the next four years are going to be exactly like this. No slowing down!
I find it hilarious the line that these NPC's keep parroting...
"They're throwing a COUP"
Soooo they don't know what that word even means???
President Trump WON. He's in control. He's in power. What COUP are they talking about?
Useful f***ing idiots, the whole lot of them.
My based, mentally ill wife has a weekly phone call with a psychiatrist. The Doctor was late calling her last week by over 2 hours. She apologized, explaining that “she is overwhelmed by people in crisis due to the current Administration”. The Doctor practices in Northampton, MA which is full of looney tune Leftists.
I told the wife to tell the Doc that we have plenty of trees and rope, if that will help…
You totally have to be willing to "go out on a limb" for these deranged leftists, but damn it I'm willing to make that sacrifice and climb a tree if it helps one of them move along
Imagine defending the people who keep you a slave. Do they even look at the receipts on USAID corruption, probably not.
I feel a little sad for their ignorance. Well, not that sad, but a little bit. 😂
forced removal of IUDs?🤔
it's like we've been speaking to the wind
they don't Listen at all. perhaps they don't have that ability; once stupid, always stupid...
Wonder how many people work at mediastouch? These are some of their people or bots for sure.
EPIC SALT is certainly not enough flair. GIMME MOAR!!!!!
“A little over 2 weeks in”
Lolz 😂
UNBELIEVABLE I can’t fathom these statements. UNBELIEVABLE 😳😵💫
I’ve always thought the left were mentally ill. These comments just proves my theory