The stones are about 30 miles from where I live. They've been getting graffiti like this for 20 or more years. There's a trust set up for maintenance so they get cleaned up occasionally. But the good guys always return and graffiti them up again.
That's been tried. A man came to the bank in Elberton, GA with the plans for the stones and paid for them along with setting up the trust. He only dealt with the bank manager and the bank manager seemed to know who the man was representing but he would never divulge his knowledge. He took the name to the grave with him.
"America Unearthed" did a fairly decent show on them. That part about the stones starts at around 18 mins in:
That documentary was from 2015. The America Unearthed segment was filmed in 2013 and the bank manager said RC Christian was dead at that time. I haven't watched the documentary but if they were saying he was alive in 2015 someone is lying.
In Minecraft, I've seen miners drill a hole into granite, pour in a solution that I believe is relatively cheap, that then expands as it dries with the result being that the boulder splits - in Minecraft, of course.
Let's leave it be for now, then once all this shit has been revealed to the general public, every vile, scum-sucking, satan-worshipping, pedophilic one of then gets crushed with one of these stones dropped from 25 ft. No wasted ammo, let the whole group watch while the ones before them in line get smashed to death. Poetic Justice Served
If the FBI isn't all over it maybe its another sign patriots are in full control?! They sure remained quiet after lin wood called them out by name as human traffickers which is odd...
News just in. Police are on the lookout for a well built, 6ft 3in white man,with strawberry blond hair and an orange like complexion. Police believe he is between the age of 60-70. If you have any information please give us a tip over at
It is real, there was a YT vid of someone walking around it, it was a few years old. Glad to hear it's a regular occurrence.
They really need to be destroyed though, by any means necessary. That will be such an FU to the cabal and would be a warning shot that would frighten them for the first time. Don't forget how important their symbolism is to these freaks.
Even freakier was drone footage showing red splotches and splashes on top of one of the roof stones, and a tiny outlet drainage hole like you get on mortuary tables ?
A friend of mine and i used to do a podcast covering mad news a few years back. We covered this and the murals in the denver airport a few times. I was a heavy skeptic on how theyd find a way forward on this plan. Covid and the vax changed my mind.
Why aren't they toppled? I mean this is 2021 and that's how we treat things we don't like right? Destroy them with no consequences? Or is that only one side that gets to do that?
They've been getting graffiti painted on them for at least 20 years that I've seen and no feds have ever been involved. It's a private monument on private property (5 acres), although open to the public. There's no official affiliation with county, state or federal government. If, big IF, the proprietor reported the vandalism then the county sheriff's department would get involved. Problem is, no one knows who the proprietors are and they seem to want to stay anonymous.
There was something about there being a direct line to something in NYC. I forgot what it was. Wall Street? I don't remember. And a line to CNN, I think.
I remember that post, I think it was the UN building ? I might have saved that post, I'm going to look, I want to say it said it was 666 miles from the United Nations building in NYC.
It's really small fry stuff, if you ask me - and everybody in this thread is getting all roided up about some stones with writing in someone's back yard. MUST SMASH BAD THOUGHTS!!
I saw a bulldozer with a hydraulic jackhammer attachment for destroying roads. These things are granite and need a rock crusher as well. Scatter to the winds. In minecraft.
Graffiti doesn’t do crap- we need these things pulled out & demolished! We need trucks & chains & cranes to pull these things out & then drag them & bury them at the bottom of a river or lake. Then we need to pray together on that sight begging the Lord for forgiveness of our indignation of Him. Nothing will change until We The People demand it.
The stones are about 30 miles from where I live. They've been getting graffiti like this for 20 or more years. There's a trust set up for maintenance so they get cleaned up occasionally. But the good guys always return and graffiti them up again.
Need to find out who the trustee is and pay them a minecraft
I think Ted Turner is involved somehow
Relevant pic of Ted Turner with Fauci, Bill Gates Sr, Soros, David Rockefeller, and others:
Also, Gates Sr was on the board of Planned Parenthood.
That's been tried. A man came to the bank in Elberton, GA with the plans for the stones and paid for them along with setting up the trust. He only dealt with the bank manager and the bank manager seemed to know who the man was representing but he would never divulge his knowledge. He took the name to the grave with him.
"America Unearthed" did a fairly decent show on them. That part about the stones starts at around 18 mins in:
Dr Herbert H Kersten, Fort Dodge Iowa
That documentary was from 2015. The America Unearthed segment was filmed in 2013 and the bank manager said RC Christian was dead at that time. I haven't watched the documentary but if they were saying he was alive in 2015 someone is lying.
RC = Rosicrucian's
That was a good one
Like painting on a fucking stone is reversing their plans...
No, it's just letters on stones. Destroying them does nothing to the people who hold those ideals.
We could nuke it from orbit. It changes nothing. Pseudo-symbolic wins are not wins.
The Freemasons, aka Satanists, aka the cabal/deep state that Q refers to.
Which post?
"in minecraft"... you made me choke on the pixy stick I was eating
In Minecraft, I've seen miners drill a hole into granite, pour in a solution that I believe is relatively cheap, that then expands as it dries with the result being that the boulder splits - in Minecraft, of course.
made me laugh
Pepe needs a dozer ride.
Graffiti isn't good enough vandalism, needs a stick of dynamite. Try cleaning THAT up.
But then people wouldn't be aware of what the stones signify. You destroy it after we win, in celebration.
Hell yes
Someone needs to fucking paint that asap
I don't know. I'd keep it there as a reminder that there are evil people who have power and influence and must be opposed. We must be ever vigilant.
Leave the monument alone ffs. It may be vile, but by destroying it you are no better than the left or revisionists.
Fuck no. The monument promotes the illuminati's eugenicist "solution" to Humanity, which they consider a plague on the Earth.
None of these sick fucks monuments should be left standing.
That is ridiculous. They are evil
Let's leave it be for now, then once all this shit has been revealed to the general public, every vile, scum-sucking, satan-worshipping, pedophilic one of then gets crushed with one of these stones dropped from 25 ft. No wasted ammo, let the whole group watch while the ones before them in line get smashed to death. Poetic Justice Served
Um you're a fool
About time. Guarantee the FBI will be all over this though
Hope so... bring in the Streisand effect! Everyone in America needs to be aware of this evil.
If the FBI isn't all over it maybe its another sign patriots are in full control?! They sure remained quiet after lin wood called them out by name as human traffickers which is odd...
It’s really become amazing wht they focus on & what they don’t. Lately the tide may have swung(?).
Legend says if you place a copy of Hunter's laptop at the edge of the basin the FBI will never see the markings at all.
Then the requestor identity would be foia available
News just in. Police are on the lookout for a well built, 6ft 3in white man,with strawberry blond hair and an orange like complexion. Police believe he is between the age of 60-70. If you have any information please give us a tip over at
And a 7’5 teenager
I want to see POTUS deploy Rods From God to obliterate them. That would be a fitting end to them.
This is what needs to happen.
Yes in every way!
I wonder what the kinetic energy difference is between those and a MOAB.
A LOT. One drops from tens of thousands of feet, the other drops from hundred of miles up.
Isn’t that a James Bond weapon? Or is it real?
Was his skin green?
Forget the spray paint, use a good ol' fashion hammer and chisel.
Always ftw
Barret .50 BMG @ 1000 yds.
Rods From God - with Trump's compliments.
What is that anyway, Tungsten Rods dropped from orbit?
Yes exactly this
What about sulfuric acid?
Naw, would take forever and would dry in minutes
Been waiting for this to happen, made my day!
I really hope so! Looks real.
If one gets caught trying to destroy the stone just say you were told it was put there by slave owners.
'Cuz it was.
It is real, there was a YT vid of someone walking around it, it was a few years old. Glad to hear it's a regular occurrence.
They really need to be destroyed though, by any means necessary. That will be such an FU to the cabal and would be a warning shot that would frighten them for the first time. Don't forget how important their symbolism is to these freaks.
Even freakier was drone footage showing red splotches and splashes on top of one of the roof stones, and a tiny outlet drainage hole like you get on mortuary tables ?
That’s awesome!!
A friend of mine and i used to do a podcast covering mad news a few years back. We covered this and the murals in the denver airport a few times. I was a heavy skeptic on how theyd find a way forward on this plan. Covid and the vax changed my mind.
Why aren't they toppled? I mean this is 2021 and that's how we treat things we don't like right? Destroy them with no consequences? Or is that only one side that gets to do that?
Bulldozer needed !
Oh shit!!!!!! That's hilarious. But I'm glad I don't live near there. It's gonna be crawling with Feds if it isn't already.
They've been getting graffiti painted on them for at least 20 years that I've seen and no feds have ever been involved. It's a private monument on private property (5 acres), although open to the public. There's no official affiliation with county, state or federal government. If, big IF, the proprietor reported the vandalism then the county sheriff's department would get involved. Problem is, no one knows who the proprietors are and they seem to want to stay anonymous.
I imagine it’s built on some site with occult significance.
There was something about there being a direct line to something in NYC. I forgot what it was. Wall Street? I don't remember. And a line to CNN, I think.
I remember that post, I think it was the UN building ? I might have saved that post, I'm going to look, I want to say it said it was 666 miles from the United Nations building in NYC.
Yes and the architecture of the UN is similar to the stones
It's really small fry stuff, if you ask me - and everybody in this thread is getting all roided up about some stones with writing in someone's back yard. MUST SMASH BAD THOUGHTS!!
While I don’t agree with defacing property, I would gladly donate to anyone if they were caught, for doing this.
Why has the cancel culture not pulled these down yet?
Who do you think is behind cancel rage?
Be like Antifa and set off fireworks in the middle of the structure, it's less destructive than setting them off in a crowded city that's for sure
If THEY can destroy our statues, WE can destroy their stupid faux Stonehenge.
Somebody needs to get a Bobcat, or some kind of bulldozer to smash those things. They need to be turned to dust.
I saw a bulldozer with a hydraulic jackhammer attachment for destroying roads. These things are granite and need a rock crusher as well. Scatter to the winds. In minecraft.
Jackhammer next! Replace with American flag and a cross!
I can only updoot once.?
It would be a good day if somebody practiced demolition on this monument. A little C4 goes a long way.
Graffiti doesn’t do crap- we need these things pulled out & demolished! We need trucks & chains & cranes to pull these things out & then drag them & bury them at the bottom of a river or lake. Then we need to pray together on that sight begging the Lord for forgiveness of our indignation of Him. Nothing will change until We The People demand it.
Love me some Free Speech.
I nominate this image for the next U.S. Postage Stamp.
Spray paint them with a crane and wrecking ball.
We should pitch in to rent a bull dozer.
Not a fan we don't destroy monuments and property THEY do
Smash them into pieces and scatter into the wind.
A nice sledgehammer or a wrecking ball should talk this down
This is the way.