At the risk of being attacked and is my conversation with GOD today on my way home from shopping.
"Please give me a sign...anything to prove that Q and the plan has NOT been the NWO a way to keep the Patriots at bay while they take over the World."
I'm still waiting and if I see or hear or read anything that proves to me we have not been played I will post it here.
Even the Prophets I listen to seem to have lost steam in their hope for the world.
One good thing I heard this morning was this question...Other than a brief short video of GW Bush which I believe was an old tape, have you seen or heard from Jeb, Laura, or George since the old man's funeral?
Perhaps they were arrested that day-I can only pray.
Came in here to say exactly this. For it is the truth. At this point- after following Q since 2017, reading it on the metro home after work, and watching Q move from platform to platform, then coronavirus, then losing the election, then Jan 6….I am done; laying on my back in five inches of mud I can hear the tracks of the bulldozer approaching to just bury me alive.
The camps will be for us. “Trust the plan” reminds me of that old Twilight Zone episode - “We Serve Man”.
Having read the EO, it appears that any person who is designated as a "terrorist threat" can be "legally" transported and incarcerated. It is never far from the minds of the Bolshevik/Leftists in the world that The Gulag is essential to their rule.
I’m praying this is setting the narrative for a complete overhaul of our country. People in power have been abusing our laws for decades and it’s time to bring down Mjölnir on their butts.
"With all labor and materials flown in, the project is an expensive one and, by latest estimates, would start with a contract awarded in April 2019 with an anticipated 900-day construction period meaning the soonest it would be done is in September 2021."
Seems FEMA had the right idea during oblamers regime- so, traitors to south, low level scum bags to revamped prisons and stunned snowflake crazies to the camps???
Here is the contract details (You only get a few opportunities to look at this site before they put it behind a paywall so you may need to clear your cookies and browser to view multiple times)
I could be wrong, but my understanding is the original contract with Vectrus Systems has built-in options to continue working on specified projects. The April 22, 2021 agreement was exercising option one.
So this appears to be a project started under Trump now being fulfilled under Biden's "presidency"."
If that were the case, Adam Schiff would not have very recently tried to get it closed... Because that sends false signals. Do they want it or not? I don't believe the Deep State wants it. So, this is likely for the bad guys.
Monkey Werx on YT (military plane tracker) does videos 3 x week. I've been watching regularly. UPTICK in activity at GITMO for about 6-7 months now. The planes usually fly down from DC to a Military/Air Force Base near Ft Lauderdale, FL. Then they travel to GITMO for 1-2-3 days, then back to Ft. Lauderdale.
Sometimes Monkey Werx even has the type of plane and the inside passenger's seating arrangements (no names though). The ones on the planes are spanned out, which could be an indication of prisoner/attorney or prisoner/military police (handcuffs, etc). It's fascinating! Check out Monkey Werx;
And then there are the tens of thousands of poppies already here, being processed. Some reports say the men are going to military camps, the women and children elsewhere.
The optimistic part of me would love to think that it means habbenings. The realistic part of me believes that it would mean the door is closed to initiate Devolution actions, but immaterial to those already in progress.
The calendar you linked to also shows U.S. v. Khalid Shaikh Mohammad, et al. They have been flying news media people down there to observe the proceedings.
If the faggots were in control, they would have put us in lockdown, rolled the tanks out in every major city and confiscated every gun.
I mean, if this shit is "meant for patriots" what's the play? Disappear 100 million of us slowly? How long before too many go missing?
And that's assuming they can abduct anyone at all. Imagine one of us going down in a gunfight and the MSM struggling to keep the story straight as to why there was a gun fight in the first place.
They have to get someone to roll up our driveways. Afghan? Chink? Big problem for them. Could they just flush America, salt the earth and live on the other side or the planet?
Monkey Werx on YT (military plane tracker) does videos 3 x week. I've been watching regularly. UPTICK in activity at GITMO for about 6-7 months now. The planes usually fly down from DC to a Military/Air Force Base near Ft Lauderdale, FL. Then they travel to GITMO for 1-2-3 days, then back to Ft. Lauderdale.
Sometimes Monkey Werx even has the type of plane and the inside passenger's seating arrangements (no names though). The ones on the planes are spanned out, which could be an indication of prisoner/attorney or prisoner/military police (handcuffs, etc). It's fascinating! Check out Monkey Werx;
If Patel Patriot is posting this, it must be a White Hat Operation. I've seen reports that GITMO is in control by the White Hats, otherwise Biden would have had it closed on Inauguration Day!
Therefore, GITMO must be part of DEVOLUTION and PATEL PATRIOT'S research on Devolution.
I've heard that the main reason Obama or Biden haven't been able to truly close it down is that it would take an official act of Congress to close the site down and isn't just something the President themselves have direct control over exactly.
Republicans get Quarinitnes camps! Outfitted with the latest in Masonic Technology these camps feature 100 guillotines that can be operated 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The camp features communal ovens and a deep pit for heads to roll into. Masonic torturer gets their choice of victims to save for a night.
Timeline 2:
Welcome Antifa, Democrats, and fellow pedos err... RINO's to GITMO!
Let's hope it is not being set up for We the People who are now designated as white supremacist terrorists.🤔
If it were for us, this fool wouldn't be demanding it be closed permanently
Yeah, the leftist have never said one thing publicly and done something different in private before.
No sir ree Bob, never have.
Using this logic we can simply ignore all data points.
Is Adam Schiff saying something considered a data point or just a bunch of malarkey?
upvote for using AS and malarkey in the same sentence.
He will be the very 1st one in line for tribunals the bastard & he knows it
Adam be ded.
That became the logic once "disinformation is necessary" was accepted.
While true, it stands to reason that if it were for us, he and others would have no problem speaking it publicly, given their fervor over J6.
Well there is always that.... do you really think we have been played?
No. We know too much now.
At the risk of being attacked and is my conversation with GOD today on my way home from shopping. "Please give me a sign...anything to prove that Q and the plan has NOT been the NWO a way to keep the Patriots at bay while they take over the World."
I'm still waiting and if I see or hear or read anything that proves to me we have not been played I will post it here.
Even the Prophets I listen to seem to have lost steam in their hope for the world.
One good thing I heard this morning was this question...Other than a brief short video of GW Bush which I believe was an old tape, have you seen or heard from Jeb, Laura, or George since the old man's funeral?
Perhaps they were arrested that day-I can only pray.
Like I'm cooperating.
Came in here to say exactly this. For it is the truth. At this point- after following Q since 2017, reading it on the metro home after work, and watching Q move from platform to platform, then coronavirus, then losing the election, then Jan 6….I am done; laying on my back in five inches of mud I can hear the tracks of the bulldozer approaching to just bury me alive.
The camps will be for us. “Trust the plan” reminds me of that old Twilight Zone episode - “We Serve Man”.
Thank you. Another set up backfire and more delay in plan trusting.
Having read the EO, it appears that any person who is designated as a "terrorist threat" can be "legally" transported and incarcerated. It is never far from the minds of the Bolshevik/Leftists in the world that The Gulag is essential to their rule.
Хочешь свою пулю сейчас, товарищ?
So basically everyone who is unvaxxed when leftists are in power.
Сначала водка
Cyka Bylat
Его воля будет выполнена
Водка! Да! Капиталисты Нет! -- ах, подождите минутку, Водка Да Все время и трахни остальной мир!
I’m praying this is setting the narrative for a complete overhaul of our country. People in power have been abusing our laws for decades and it’s time to bring down Mjölnir on their butts.
I have a hard time believing the o'biden regime has any legit authority over what's taking place at their (God willing) new and final resting place.
Agree, plus Q told us Gitmo and other detention centers were being prepped - Is Gitmo going to be used for US citizens (cabal)?
(3) detention centers being prepped. Monitor funding. Q - Don't care about your sentence structure. Just care to know how full GITMO is gonna be?
Max cap. [1] other prison being prepped. Q
edit: additional info- Article link in Q post #2523 no longer works but was able to find it here -
"With all labor and materials flown in, the project is an expensive one and, by latest estimates, would start with a contract awarded in April 2019 with an anticipated 900-day construction period meaning the soonest it would be done is in September 2021."
Your link from post #2523 is broken, pede. (You typed a t in the front of it).
Actual link -
Archived here -
Thanks fren, fixed it and saved your archive link
Tierra del Fuego?
😳😳 September 2021
u/#q2623 u/#q740
"monitor funding" hey ? just to see that work is ongoing, or to see who is funding it, I wonder
September 2021 eh? Interdasting...
Seems FEMA had the right idea during oblamers regime- so, traitors to south, low level scum bags to revamped prisons and stunned snowflake crazies to the camps???
Very, very good point
From some earlier posts on PatelPatriot's Telegram:
However he never succeeded in getting it shut down."
Biden set out to close Guantanamo From a Feb 12, 2021 NPR article:
The DOD is again doing something different than what the Biden Admin is publicly saying they want."
Here is the contract details (You only get a few opportunities to look at this site before they put it behind a paywall so you may need to clear your cookies and browser to view multiple times)
I could be wrong, but my understanding is the original contract with Vectrus Systems has built-in options to continue working on specified projects. The April 22, 2021 agreement was exercising option one.
So this appears to be a project started under Trump now being fulfilled under Biden's "presidency"."
There sure does seem to be a lot of things that started under Trump that’s being fulfilled under Biden’s so called “presidency”.
If that were the case, Adam Schiff would not have very recently tried to get it closed... Because that sends false signals. Do they want it or not? I don't believe the Deep State wants it. So, this is likely for the bad guys.
Ed Zachary, anon.
May he be the first to go
Really, it can be used against anybody the military wants to use it against. It's a double edged sword, really.
And... How are they going to get 100 million well armed pissed off patriots into the trucks?
& another 100 mill who are not as well armed. Don't forget the majority of Biden's electorate are already in cemeteries & have been for years.
Monkey Werx on YT (military plane tracker) does videos 3 x week. I've been watching regularly. UPTICK in activity at GITMO for about 6-7 months now. The planes usually fly down from DC to a Military/Air Force Base near Ft Lauderdale, FL. Then they travel to GITMO for 1-2-3 days, then back to Ft. Lauderdale.
Sometimes Monkey Werx even has the type of plane and the inside passenger's seating arrangements (no names though). The ones on the planes are spanned out, which could be an indication of prisoner/attorney or prisoner/military police (handcuffs, etc). It's fascinating! Check out Monkey Werx;
And let's not forget Shifty Shiff's recent tweet of desperation to have GITMO closed.
Perhaps right before he made that tweet the White Hats transported old Shifty-Schiff down to GITMO for a good old military 'shake-down!'
Here's Catherine Herridge on the expansion of Gitmo, with a special guest...🐸...
There are apparently 7 planes full of "Americans" in Kabul waiting for permission to leave (x22 last night).
And then there are the tens of thousands of poppies already here, being processed. Some reports say the men are going to military camps, the women and children elsewhere.
What about the fact that the EO expires in a few days? This is the same one I'm thinking of, correct?
no. the one that expires is 13848
The optimistic part of me would love to think that it means habbenings. The realistic part of me believes that it would mean the door is closed to initiate Devolution actions, but immaterial to those already in progress.
Baseless speculation on my part, of course.
I hope it is habbenings.
We all do.
They only have one case on the calendar: U.S. v. Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri. They must anticipate more cases coming up.
The calendar you linked to also shows U.S. v. Khalid Shaikh Mohammad, et al. They have been flying news media people down there to observe the proceedings.
Between this and Newsome's seeming terror of recall I'm passing out from hopium. I'll enjoy this high while I've got it.
Thanks for making a list of who needs to be investigated.
If the faggots were in control, they would have put us in lockdown, rolled the tanks out in every major city and confiscated every gun.
I mean, if this shit is "meant for patriots" what's the play? Disappear 100 million of us slowly? How long before too many go missing?
And that's assuming they can abduct anyone at all. Imagine one of us going down in a gunfight and the MSM struggling to keep the story straight as to why there was a gun fight in the first place.
They have to get someone to roll up our driveways. Afghan? Chink? Big problem for them. Could they just flush America, salt the earth and live on the other side or the planet?
Maybe that's where they are gonna stick all us unvaccinated, white supremacist in. What's the building of a court house for too?
Its for the new Taliban aka Trump Supporters. Or anyone not going along with the VAXXXX.
What about the political prisoners that have done nothing and are being held in a DC prison…, could they move those prisoners to Gitmo???
I know of an Arthur name Patel I wonder if this is the same guy
In fairness, it's the Indian "Smith/Jones/Brown".
I don't believe he's Indian himself, though. Just inspired by Kash Patel.
Monkey Werx on YT (military plane tracker) does videos 3 x week. I've been watching regularly. UPTICK in activity at GITMO for about 6-7 months now. The planes usually fly down from DC to a Military/Air Force Base near Ft Lauderdale, FL. Then they travel to GITMO for 1-2-3 days, then back to Ft. Lauderdale.
Sometimes Monkey Werx even has the type of plane and the inside passenger's seating arrangements (no names though). The ones on the planes are spanned out, which could be an indication of prisoner/attorney or prisoner/military police (handcuffs, etc). It's fascinating! Check out Monkey Werx;
Don't forget about the navy prison ships! I'm under the impression GITMO is a White Hat facility...
If Patel Patriot is posting this, it must be a White Hat Operation. I've seen reports that GITMO is in control by the White Hats, otherwise Biden would have had it closed on Inauguration Day!
Therefore, GITMO must be part of DEVOLUTION and PATEL PATRIOT'S research on Devolution.
I've heard that the main reason Obama or Biden haven't been able to truly close it down is that it would take an official act of Congress to close the site down and isn't just something the President themselves have direct control over exactly.
Both sides get camps!
Timeline 1:
Republicans get Quarinitnes camps! Outfitted with the latest in Masonic Technology these camps feature 100 guillotines that can be operated 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The camp features communal ovens and a deep pit for heads to roll into. Masonic torturer gets their choice of victims to save for a night.
Timeline 2:
Welcome Antifa, Democrats, and fellow pedos err... RINO's to GITMO!
The first team to set up camp wins! GO!
Plot Twist: They are taking the unvaccinated to Gitmo.
This is going to be used against Patriots...
Thanks, Eeyore.
Lol when reading those types of comments, I always think of Marvin from Hitchhiker's Guide, but Eeyore is good too 🐸👌
I'm sure that would make him depressed😁
Where’s your proof?
And your reasoning.