They have everything from the infamous Buffalo Shaman to the angry FBI agent in a Q shirt. There's even an ultra-rare Vincent Fusca that transforms into JFK Jr, and a power-action Codemonkey Z with kungfu-keyboard-grip.
A strawman built up by media to make easy attacks on the movement through its more naive followers like the ones that go to "QAnon conventions." It's effectively the "horse dewormer" hoax before "horse dewormer" was a thing.
They're collectible plastic models with kung-fu grip. They have everything from the infamous Buffalo Shaman to the angry FBI agent in a Q shirt. There's even an ultra-rare Vincent Fusca/JFK Jr transformer. Collect all 17.
someone needs to do this^. my grandson would love to have some Q action figures; General Flynn, President Trump, etc. sure many other kids would like them too. something they can look up to, instead of robots and aliens.
Color me shocked that a mainstream outlet actually reported that anons were warning against attending. I would have assumed they would be blasting headlines like "Qanon figures excited to prepare for explosively violent September 18 rally" everywhere.
Well, that's a sure a sign as any that those dumbasses lurk here. Sad thing is, they don't pay much attention or they'd know how we have a clear line of "Q" and "Anon".
some people here on this site are pushing lockdowns harder than democrats. If the deep state wants to do a FF, they don’t need us around to do it. You know how to fuck up false flag plans? By being there and not being a hired actor going along with the FF. Why hasn’t there been a false flag at a Trump rally? Too many good guys. That’s what we need, anyone saying to stay home because of false flag warnings either do not know how false flags work and it’s history or is a shill.
But antifa will be there in force no matter how peaceful Trump people are they will attack us not afraid of glow in the dark methheads but they could suck is into deepstate narrative
So... a false flag created entirely with crisis actors is harder to investigate and reveal than a false flag with many innocent people hurt with false flag actors being the only ones interviewed? I find your math hard to follow.
What's a Qanon figure?
idk....... some kind of action figure???
Collect all 4!
Collect all 17!
They have everything from the infamous Buffalo Shaman to the angry FBI agent in a Q shirt. There's even an ultra-rare Vincent Fusca that transforms into JFK Jr, and a power-action Codemonkey Z with kungfu-keyboard-grip.
Stored in an Authentic Horse Paste box to fool your normie friends and relatives into thinking you are a Horse!
OMG. The Fusca to Junior is hilarious.
Frens on here r fkn funny aren’t they
Damnnnnnnnnn!! I forgot to submit my own entry for the contest!
Good one , you think fast !
Collect all "less than ten"!
Do they all have a kung-flu grip?
Batteries not included!
"Here's yours Daddy!!"
I only need 1. WWG1WGA.
McDonald's has a 4 glass set of Q-Action Figures. Buy a large fries and get a Q glass. Not a bad deal.
If only you didn't have to buy non-food to get it.
Mine has the kung-fu grip!!
Wifeyanon: I don't get it, John. you've never been so passionate before....
Hubbyanon: Why, my dear, it's because of your qanon figure! I find it irresistible!
IDK, but if it comes with the "Kung Fu grip" and is fully poseable, I want one!!!
An 8 laid on its side...
For $1.99 add this black 8 mask to blend in with the FBI Operative Action Figures 8-)
Is it a new action figure? 🤣
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
If you fool me you can't get fooled again
Lmao fucking W
Right omg that fkn demon idiot
Meet the new boss
Fool me three times...ohmygosh, like, stop being such a jerk! D:
I read that in Roger Daltreys singing voice..
So it's an idea only when it comes to antifa...
antifa , blm, the media take your pick
They are probably down to doctor's offices and airplane fodder.
I don't speak cricket but I think they are saying they do.......... wait.......... can crickets read?
Ha, old NEWSWEAK.... I didn't even realize they are still around and causing mischief.
Preeety sure they got evicted from the storage unit.... the smell was ruining other customers stored goods.
What is a QAnon?
It is probably the same as 4chan, "he may have been a system administrator who knew his way around and how to hack things" -CNN Analyst
Who is this... FOUR CHAN??
He's oriental! Don't be so raaaaacist, mang!
A strawman built up by media to make easy attacks on the movement through its more naive followers like the ones that go to "QAnon conventions." It's effectively the "horse dewormer" hoax before "horse dewormer" was a thing.
There are QAnon conventions??
Just like the KKK.
QA = quality assurance QAnon = non-quality assurance
QAnon = Q Always never organizes nincompoops."
Mystery solved! KEK
Well Qanon isn’t real.
QAnon = Fake News
The only thing it proves is they are aware of Q, and they are reading various message boards to track the communication.
And yet ... they NEVER report on the crimes that Q has revealed.
Hmm ... why is that?
Co-conspirators in the crimes?
Maybe one will sacrifice them all to allah
September 18 Rally will be a gathering of Antifa, BLM, CCP, CIA, FBI and NWO.
I hope they don't serve people as snacks.
Wifeyanon: I don't get it, John. you've never been so passionate before....
Hubbyanon: Why, my dear, it's because of your qanon figure! I find it irresistible!
qanon lmao
Oh sorry my dolly can’t come out to play. Has the flu, the coof. Boo hoo
Unfortunately, I believe we will be proven right yet again, come 9/18.
Get your Qanon Anonfigures here:
Ha! Fuckers forgot to mail out the RSVP ballots to get an accurate count by dominion.
Who the fuck are QAnon figures?
They're collectible plastic models with kung-fu grip. They have everything from the infamous Buffalo Shaman to the angry FBI agent in a Q shirt. There's even an ultra-rare Vincent Fusca/JFK Jr transformer. Collect all 17.
someone needs to do this^. my grandson would love to have some Q action figures; General Flynn, President Trump, etc. sure many other kids would like them too. something they can look up to, instead of robots and aliens.
Lol Idk wtf Qanon is but there will be a lot of crickets there. RuhTards.
I take pleasure in knowing these bastards are here reading our posts. They know we know. They know we know they know. It is fantastic.
Ah yes, the hacker known as QAnon caught on to the obvious glow scam eh?
WOW what is this QAnon I keep hearing about?
Wow sounds all official like we have a hierarchy and all that. I feel alittle proud.
The only "QAnon" (sic) figure that comes to mind is
These people are STUPID! And . .. "WHAT rally? We all know that's another Soros Day Camp for Morons."
Color me shocked that a mainstream outlet actually reported that anons were warning against attending. I would have assumed they would be blasting headlines like "Qanon figures excited to prepare for explosively violent September 18 rally" everywhere.
Written by a Communist Figure
I just hope they aren't projecting.
Ha ha ha
QAnon "figures"
Sucka’s We the news now bitch!
DS keeps trying for civil war and mad that we won’t fall for it.
Well, that's a sure a sign as any that those dumbasses lurk here. Sad thing is, they don't pay much attention or they'd know how we have a clear line of "Q" and "Anon".
well we are the news now, so there you go
Curse you meddling kids and your frogs!
I don't know who will be at the 9/18 rally, but I know who won't.
Am I the only one that like the term they given us?
QAnon make sense believers of Q and they anon.
Deplorable = causing or being a subject for censure, reproach, or disapproval; wretched; very bad
They keep coming up with all the cool names
some people here on this site are pushing lockdowns harder than democrats. If the deep state wants to do a FF, they don’t need us around to do it. You know how to fuck up false flag plans? By being there and not being a hired actor going along with the FF. Why hasn’t there been a false flag at a Trump rally? Too many good guys. That’s what we need, anyone saying to stay home because of false flag warnings either do not know how false flags work and it’s history or is a shill.
But antifa will be there in force no matter how peaceful Trump people are they will attack us not afraid of glow in the dark methheads but they could suck is into deepstate narrative
So... a false flag created entirely with crisis actors is harder to investigate and reveal than a false flag with many innocent people hurt with false flag actors being the only ones interviewed? I find your math hard to follow.
That’s cause it’s not math, nice argument to (someone) I’m not sure who you’re talking to. However, it is clear that you don’t know what a FF is.
Would I find your reasoning hard to follow be better for you? My point stands though, your argument why people should show up doesn't hold water.
I am not making an argument, I’m stating a fact! And it doesnt care about your feelings waterboy
Ok, your statement of "fact" doesn't make any sense. Care to address that fact or just continue with the childish insults?
I don’t care to explain further to lockdown shills
Fair enough I suppose. Although I am no lockdown shill, you certainly are under no obligation to defend your position. Good evening to you.