Why is this stickied? Stickies will move fast today, people. Run and gun! Eyes on, then on to the next frame in this movie. This is this movie's action scene!
I had seen someone suggesting each stickied post should have a note from the mod saying why this was stickied. At the time I thought its an unnecessary hassle, but thanks for doing this, it does help people (esp. those who just woke up) to get a context.
Somehow I don't think getting an envelope in the mail is the way this would be handled.
Armed agents along with some type of official would be much more impressive. it would also be a way to make sure the message was delivered and understood.
Playing devil's advocate, think about the only way government entities communicate with you, it's always by mail. Just my 2 cents. Could be a larp, but it wouldn't surprise me that they'd send letters with instructions out.
You wouldn’t want to alert an entire newsroom that the government is dictating what they can & can’t write. These are gossipy, snoopy, conspiratorial people by nature, regardless of political leanings. You would send the message to as few people as possible.
When the hammer falls, I vote for Roger Stone showing up with Seal Team 6 to rub the libtards' noses in their own idiocy, before dragging the traitors off to their perpetual Cuban Vacation - perpetual, up until that glorious day when they get to swingin' at the gallows pole.
Actually it would. Probably FedEx'd overnight mail, or even same day delivery. There are services that would do that. On top of signature verification and photo authorization.
They don't have enough mooks with guns. Of course this is how the the big newsrooms got the message, but the small outfits were no doubt mailed envelopes.
That's the part that sounded shady to me. You are in the news and you still don't know what is really going on after all of this time? You see the cover up every day and NOW you are saying this? They have all known all along that we were right. How can anyone working in a major news station NOT know after all of the slick tricks they pull everyday. Please.
I wonder if the peons in media are truly bewildered to the truth. Why would the elites at the top of these media corps risk some entry level journo learn info of great magnitude? The first one with an axe to grind would spill everything.
Same theory with hospitals, doctors, nurses. They only have the info they need to know. Their knowledge of COOF-19 only goes so far. Yet they will say what’s needed to collect their paycheck.
The great thing about all this is it doesn't take too long to find out if its a larp. It's the Aztec 2012 and climate faggots that lead you on for years.
Nothing against the person posting it. If indeed it is true he's probably is excited and wanted to share, but unfortunately there is no way we can verify this. If there is something really important that needs to be shared then whistle blow to Project Veritas or something. Random anonymous posts on the internet are worthless.
Even anonymous things like this bind to the hopium receptors in the brain and produce the dopamine and serotonin response of peaceful happiness and quiet bliss
Sounds too good to be true. Probably a larp.
Holy shit a thick manila envelope just flew over my house!
This gets me every time.
Take your updoot you magnificent bastard.
Hurry, make an official report w MUFON
Amazon drone delivery - comin in hot!
Agreed.. just more deep state trolling in my view.
Too hopium-ish to believe without some verifiable sauce. Enjoyed the read, glad it was stickied, but gonna file it away as too good to be true.
Sounds about right for how fake news operates with the swamp in the government.
I am not surprised by this claim at all.
i believe them
Hmm . . . Your negative comment wasn’t first, only second. You’re slipping.
Heard this in the tiny, squeaky voice of one who sees the negative in any situation
Prove me wrong, patriot
Why is this stickied? Stickies will move fast today, people. Run and gun! Eyes on, then on to the next frame in this movie. This is this movie's action scene!
Yep! I like the speed with which the stickies are moving today!! But none of my housework is getting done today.
haha, I have this visual of you making grilled cheese sandwiches for the kids with your iron
Yay - Cat is back and stickying! Missed ya fren!
I had seen someone suggesting each stickied post should have a note from the mod saying why this was stickied. At the time I thought its an unnecessary hassle, but thanks for doing this, it does help people (esp. those who just woke up) to get a context.
Diggin' it. Just got my teeth fixed in time for bushels of popcorn! WWG1WGA
Man this has been fun
I don't believe anything anymore til' I see it...I am out of hopium..something big better happen today or I am done.
“Never, ever give up.”
wanting verification of claims before making judgements isn't "giving up", it's "taking shit seriously"
I don’t take anyone seriously who says, “I better get what I want today, or I’m taking my ball and going home.”
Learn to read dick brain.
You obviously have dick on the brain. That’s something you’ll have to work out on your own. I read the previous comments correctly.
Praying that it comes in the nick of time for ya, fren. I'm frazzled but still based in faith and hopium.
We've all said that before...
Grab a backpack and go on a hiking trip. Helps clearing up the mind.
Guys I am the annon from this post. And I was larping.
This statement is as more believable since in his story we can actually verify gag orders.
Somehow I don't think getting an envelope in the mail is the way this would be handled.
Armed agents along with some type of official would be much more impressive. it would also be a way to make sure the message was delivered and understood.
Playing devil's advocate, think about the only way government entities communicate with you, it's always by mail. Just my 2 cents. Could be a larp, but it wouldn't surprise me that they'd send letters with instructions out.
I think USG paramilitary agencies get free postage, and they do love to use it!
You wouldn’t want to alert an entire newsroom that the government is dictating what they can & can’t write. These are gossipy, snoopy, conspiratorial people by nature, regardless of political leanings. You would send the message to as few people as possible.
When the hammer falls, I vote for Roger Stone showing up with Seal Team 6 to rub the libtards' noses in their own idiocy, before dragging the traitors off to their perpetual Cuban Vacation - perpetual, up until that glorious day when they get to swingin' at the gallows pole.
Actually it would. Probably FedEx'd overnight mail, or even same day delivery. There are services that would do that. On top of signature verification and photo authorization.
They don't have enough mooks with guns. Of course this is how the the big newsrooms got the message, but the small outfits were no doubt mailed envelopes.
We are now used to this and know it is a larp at a glance.
Why would they risk having such orders on papers.
Also either the higher ups are stupid or this LARP is stupid,
A gag order can easily be verified since it involves a federal judge.
The anon’s post is a larp.
Until they produce proofs on par with Q, I don't believe anything I read on the chans claiming to be from "insiders"
"you fuckers were right" no shit, sherlock
That's the part that sounded shady to me. You are in the news and you still don't know what is really going on after all of this time? You see the cover up every day and NOW you are saying this? They have all known all along that we were right. How can anyone working in a major news station NOT know after all of the slick tricks they pull everyday. Please.
I wonder if the peons in media are truly bewildered to the truth. Why would the elites at the top of these media corps risk some entry level journo learn info of great magnitude? The first one with an axe to grind would spill everything.
Same theory with hospitals, doctors, nurses. They only have the info they need to know. Their knowledge of COOF-19 only goes so far. Yet they will say what’s needed to collect their paycheck.
We are winning
Lots of cynical obvious shills out today. Know that attempted demoralization is about all they have left to cope with.
yep just look at the account age and activity. all u need to know
So am I a shill for pointing out gag orders can be verified or asking why would they risk having such orders on papers?
I came here today instead of staying on twitter because I was hoping for legit answers since I am confused with what is happening today.
Yea, very LARPish.
"Holy shit you fuckers were right"
Should be our calling card
Why does zerohedge report nothing was found? Besides procedural stuff
edit: this is a report on the leak. sorry...
All I can say is Project Veritas.
And Let Freedom Ring.
The great thing about all this is it doesn't take too long to find out if its a larp. It's the Aztec 2012 and climate faggots that lead you on for years.
I'm going to file this under "Want it to be true. Oh please be true."
That file is overflowing, and some of the stuff at the back of file is pretty stale. But I keep adding to it
blah blah blah. LARP. even if true don't give this dude the attention he is craving.
eyes on the prize and never eventfag or datefag.
Holy shit, this is big!
Wow! Thanks for sharing!
Cool story bro.
Nothing against the person posting it. If indeed it is true he's probably is excited and wanted to share, but unfortunately there is no way we can verify this. If there is something really important that needs to be shared then whistle blow to Project Veritas or something. Random anonymous posts on the internet are worthless.
I want to believe .jpg
Even anonymous things like this bind to the hopium receptors in the brain and produce the dopamine and serotonin response of peaceful happiness and quiet bliss
Why the fuck would a news agency willing to report on election fraud listen to a gag order from the government? Fake and gay.
I swear I read this months ago. Anyone else?
it reads like that 4chan LARP back at the end of May where theAnon said MIL have given Biden admin til 14th June to vacate Gov/WH etc. All BS
We shall see.
The government doesn't give media gag orders.
Could this be from a judge? That would mean the media is implicated in the coming charges.
sounds like blackout
Sounds fake. Some low level news employee isn’t going to know about upper management’s mail.
Anyone can say anything as an anon.
So all I can say is where's the sauce?
Yeah, I'm calling BS until this is corroborated.
Skeptical..... Cool if true!
I have faith that most people are good, just in bad spots in life. This is some hopium I can sniff.