I understand you need to make a living.
I so very much understand individual choice.
But has anyone feel like they can't trust vaccinated people?
I don't know what it is. But I am having a difficult time trusting them.
I understand you need to make a living.
I so very much understand individual choice.
But has anyone feel like they can't trust vaccinated people?
I don't know what it is. But I am having a difficult time trusting them.
Call me crazy whatever. But I’m sure some people have experienced this themselves
But the vaccinated people are TURNING CRAZY. Like people that was politically inactive and normies that watch the news from time to time .
They are defending the state no matter what and the vaccines and they think it’s for the “Greater Good TM” like there has got to be mind controlling mechanisms in that jab. Anyone else seen that this or had similar experiences.
I think it's because they're slowly realizing they've been duped. So, everyone needs the jab because that will make them feel less stupid.
I also honestly believe that some people are pissed because they genuinely didn't realize "no" was an option.
I agree with this
Tucker Carlson reported that at least 200 million people in the US have received the vaccine, whether that’s actually accurate we don’t know for sure, we have several Trump supporters in our family that have taken it too, so it hasn’t just been Libtardians and sheeple.
If that 200 million number was true they wouldn't need to make vax mandates across multiple industries.
It depends. If it's truly a kill event, or if they have some sort of future mind control abilities from the shot, they would still want as many people to take it as possible.
Where I live, I'd say well over 70% of adults are vaccinated.
200m seems high, but I'd say we're nearing that with all the mandates, etc.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers comes to mind... hissing and shrieking and mimicking human speech...
Truth. They lie about the number.
My one and only conservative friend from college got the jab too. I was so upset, I told her she should have told me beforehand, but she wouldn't listen and said that if her dad says she should get it then she would. Her dad's a doctor, but he's a surgeon, his word on any vaccine is useless. I'm worried for her. She got the moderna one. I'm afraid I will lose her soon.
I’m going to be honest here. I don’t think this vaccine is the kill shot/mind control/whatever crazy claim people make. People are treating Covid like it’s a religion on both sides. We have to remember God Almighty is in control, not the left, not the cabal, not even Q/Trump, and we should all be thankful that God is the one in control. God placed Q/Trump in their roles for a specific purpose?, yes. If Trump pushed the vaccine and took the vaccine, he knows many people also will do the same, the (R) sheep. How does this play into this community? Well, we know of the hazards of the vaccine, so it is then our duty to educate others by any means available, and we use this forum to bounce our ideas off of each other. Will there be a kill shot or mind control shot coming down the pike, if Q/Trump does not succeed, I believe yes. I can’t believe this is the one. People who have become Covidians treat unvaxxed like Jews treated Gentiles, and that’s wrong, yet the unvaxxed treating the vaxxed like lepers is also wrong. Those in power seek to divide us. Don’t let them. WWG1WGA.
Fear of losing her is a waste of your time.
Not everyone who got the Vax is going to die. Our side needs to be a little less fear porn too. Is it bad? Yes. Is it going to kill everyone? No.
There is likely therapeutics and quite frankly if there isn't then Q and everyone severely miscalculated and they can also go **** themselves because rebuilding a society with 1/5 the population is going to be so hellacious most won't want to live anyways. That is why I think we are going a little overboard on the fear porn
Exactly. I also don’t think the two shots are a death blow. I think it’s the boosters that will do it.
I have plenty of conservative friends who have taken it. One almost died in front of me (passed out, turned grey-green, and pissed on himself). Was seconds from starting CPR when he took a shallow breath. 2 days of hospital testing turned up nothing.
That may be for people with at least 1 shot. I saw recently that the fully vaxxed number is around 56%. Hopefully many are reconsidering after getting the first one and opting out of the second.
Much like someone who drinks too much always wants you to drink with them; or one of my girlfriends who eats/snacks too much always insists I eat the bon-bons with her, because that makes it seem like it's not so bad for them to be doing it...someone is doing it with them.
Cognitive dissonance. They can't reconcile their behaviors with still believing there is a DS conspiracy. They're choosing a side to try to sleep better, not lose face. I've lost a number of friends (temporarily, I hope) because of this. When this is all exposed, I can forgive, but never forget their positions/words/ostracizing, lest another round of this stuff comes our way in my lifetime.
They look at the unvaccinated with such contempt and hate, but it's really jealousy.
I honestly think it's making people's character darker inside.
My former sister-in-law and I had a great conversation about this, she won’t get it she’s a nurse, we talked for hours at a BBQ. She brought up that she believes those of us that are refusing have received a higher “ping” is how she described it. This is part of a higher plan, even if your not religious it’s something that has been set in us, that we just “knew” the vax wasn't safe and we want no part of it. She explained she has been listening to people who are explaining that we have been tapped into a higher plain. I can’t describe it, it’s a deep feeling just as your saying you feel you can’t “trust” them. Mike Adams spoke on this as well last week, it’s as though we are tapping into one big mind that’s passing on information. I believe in God but also this sounds plausible to me, that we are in tune with others that have gone before us, strange I know.
Ready to have your mind blown? What you're describing not only exists, but has been scientifically proven and studied for more than a decade by world-renowned Neuroscience Researcher Dr Michael Persinger, who authored over 200 peer-reviewed papers.
Dr Persinger suddenly died due to an unknown cause after open sourcing the plans for a simple device he developed based on this research, which allows transfer of thoughts between 2+ humans at extreme distances by assisting in the natural brain synchronization which happens locally at short distances during social interactions, and the site with the open source hardware and software went down at the end of 2019.
Dr Persinger explained the network of shared information which humans can naturally connect to, and provided insight into what he believed was possible in this talk he did 10 years ago.
I managed to recover the plans for the open source device he wanted the masses to have access to and posted them here.
These are some random quotes from Dr Persinger:
I was one of his big specimens. I spent many hours in the vault plugged in to his machines. Pure darkness locked in a bank vault which was soundproof. 45 minutes of talking to my girlfriend through mental projection. I was miked and expected to vocalize the experience. They liked me when I quit because I would fuck with the machinery. Got bored and figured if the were monitoring me through electrical impulse that it could go both ways. Good times, especially trying to get all that goop out of my hair so I could run to work.
Wow, I will research this thank you!
This is the otherwise of the spectrum. There is a hive mind happening for the purebloods. God has entered into the big picture. Quantum mechanics and entanglement have also entered.
This is the Mike Adams segment I am referring to, Mike is a bit odd at times but he gets the message out.
I like Mike. It's hard to be interesting 365.
This made the hair on the back of my neck stand up
::meme of stuffed toy monkey looking wide-eyed, left and then right::
Graphene supposedly is electromagnetically charged and trackable, and purportedly they can activate it with 5G and program thoughts into your brain, make you hear things that aren't there, etc. No wonder the huge push for 5G, with the whole Huawei angle. But I guess the Communist Chinese would never try to make us more programmable, so that's crazy talk.
What used to be the stuff of tinfoil-hat legend is now the most likely true scenario. The purpose of the foil is to block the electromagnetic waves.
^^^ THIS ^^^
One of my wild conspiracy theories is that all those Chinese-made electronic items sold here have imbedded chips that are all programmed to short-circuit the devices, in every house, and business, and every other place, in the U.S., all at the same time, causing house fire EVERYWHERE at the same time, at a yet to be determined time in the future. Does anyone check out what is on every circuit board that is built into all those electronics? Would you even be able to recognize some little part of a circuit board that is included to do just that one little task?
I would find this plausible if the Chinese govt and industry was competent enough to perform such a feat. I have my doubts. I could very well be wrong though. Crappy built by design so no one investigates it.
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance.
Most people still in the Denial or Anger period and the none-vaccinated gets the anger for some strange reason.
Because we represent what they wanted to be but abandoned in fear and weakness.
You properly right.
There is chatter about the wakks altering peoples behaviour patterns, all obviously anecdotal but people are starting to notice it.
It is mostly likely a realisation, an understanding, oh sheit moment for some and I guess anger would be a big part of that moment?
My experience has been that the people who got the shot under duress are pissed they allowed themselves to be coerced into something they can't change.
Meanwhile the people who relished getting it are acting like they've just been baptized and born again and are super pissed that I don't want to join them on the GMO path to hell and lifelong health issues.
My husband and I were discussing this the other day. He said when they made God and the bible into taboo subjects over the years, there was a power vaccuum left behind that idiots chose to fill with politics and establishment-approved science. So by refusing the jab and not voting for their politician of choice, you're insulting their religion and they want you to suffer cancel culture's wrath for it.
Well illustrated. That very much sounds like Mass Formation:
Without God, they have lost a fundamental sense of purpose and meaning.
In place of a wholesome faith, the people who relished the shot have been baptised into the Church of Jecovid's Witnesses, and proclaim a Spiky Gospel from the Blighthouse.
too good not to share:
Mass-Formation by Dr. Mattias Desmet
Professor of Psychology, University of Ghent
Posted on August 28, 2021 by thomascasey
I came across this information about Mass-Formation and how we are being socially engineered en-masse into totalitarianism worldwide. It’s from a psychology professor at the University of Ghent in Belgium. Anyway I took notes of what Professor Mattias Desmet who also has a master’s degree in statistics observed about the way we are being induced into this sort of Mass-Hypnosis with regards to Covid-19 Plandemic. It really explains a lot about how things got to where we are now. A lot of this is paraphrased from what Dr Mattias spoke of so please go to him as the source.
Gustave le Bon’s book is available on guttenberg but I will also post it here.
Mass-Formation by Dr. Mattias Desmet Professor of Psychology University of Ghent – Master’s degree in Statistics
Gustave Le Bon – Crowds
Le Bon theorized that the new entity, the “psychological crowd”, which emerges from incorporating the assembled population not only forms a new body but also creates a collective “unconsciousness”
4 conditions need to be present to create Mass-Formation
Free-Floating Anxiety is the most painful psychological phenomena to experience and leads to panic attacks. In this state of unfocused anxiety the mind tries to connect it’s anxiety to something, an “Object of Anxiety”. The next piece of the puzzled is a strategy to deal with this Object of Anxiety.
So when these pre-conditions are highly present within a population and then the media provide a narrative which indicates a focal-point for this anxiety while at the same time describing a strategy to deal with this object of anxiety then all the anxiety connects to this object of anxiety.
If a large segment of people are willing to follow this strategy to deal with this object of anxiety no matter the cost, then in a second step people start a collective & heroic battle with this Object of Anxiety and in that way a new kind of social bond emerges & with that a new kind of “sense making” or purpose. Suddenly life is all directed towards battling this Object of Anxiety. This creates new sense of connectedness with others in the Mass-Formation.
This sudden and radical switch from the negative state of lack of social-connection to the opposite, a massive increase in social connection leads up to a mental intoxication.
Similar to hypnosis people in this hyper-focused state are narrowly focused. In hypnosis only the hypnotized are focused in this way. The hypnosis expert is not narrowly focused. In Mass-Formation leaders emerge which are even more narrowly focused than the followers.
When people experience this mental intoxication it no longer matters if the narrative is wrong or even blatantly false. What matters is that it leads up to this mental intoxication. This is why they will continue to go along with the narrative.
The resistance to understanding the narrative is false or wrong is driven by the fear of returning to the state of Free-Floating Anxiety and wanting to continue to experience the mental intoxication.
This explains why arguing based on facts will not work. Facts no longer matter to them. Given the facts, they are be unable to come to sensible conclusions, even in their own best interests.
Mass-Formation is also similar to mass-hypnosis in terms of people’s willingness to put up with things normally intolerable.
Standard hypnosis is used in place of anesthesia during minor surgeries and the subjects experience no pain as they are being cut into. In Mass-Formation people do not get egotistical at all, rather to the contrary, Mass-Formation focuses the attention so much on one point that you can take everything away from people, their physical well-being, their material well-being and they won’t even notice its absence.
In Mass-Formations people become radically intolerant of dissident voices. This person threatens to wake the people up and they get angry when confronted by the initial anxiety and discontent they experience by challenges to the official doctrine.
The crowd direct all their aggression at dissident voices.
At the same time they are radically tolerant of their leaders who pronounce the mainstream narrative. These people can lie and cheat and do everything they want and will always be forgiven by the crowd. All the lying, dishonesty and misbehavior is seen by the crowd as doing it for their own safety.
So knowing the nature of the control mechanisms Mass-Formation exerts what to do to wake them up?
[....there the article ends—and our job begins...]
Just a couple of points to throw in here----I'm not sure that this is the best way to analyze the situation, if we hope to use social theories to mount an opposition.
Listening to the Reiner Fuellmich interview with Desmet on Mass-Formation, I don't think that we meet the pre-conditions of having a population which has no "sense of meaning." (He used as evidence a survey of Europeans who thought their jobs were meaningless.) As we've seen, college, family, jobs can be extremely powerful motivators to get jabbed, which suggests that they are not unattached. (I would argue that "social control" theories are a more realistic explanation for what is happening now.)
LeBon was describing the dynamics of crowd/mob behavior, which is a fleeting phenomenon---at some point, people wake up and are amazed that they behaved in an uncharacteristic manner. The emotions resulting from "intoxication" cannot be sustained over a long period of time, and slowly, but surely, people come back to sobriety.
We need to take into account that much of the vaxx craziness is illusion. I have no doubt that human bots are being paid to drum up the perception of a huge number of "true believers." Biden gave the govt. billions to do just this.
So, what do we do, since we don't have leaders or the media to spread a counter-message? I've been doing a little reverse-psychology and telling people variations of how "it's such a shame that the vaccine is a dud," and try to chip away at their beliefs.
Sorry that I don't have better answers.
In Dr Zelenko's X22 interview, he stated something like "fear lives in the space in your mind where God is absent". I believe that is true.
Damn ... Nicely put. This is SPOT ON !!!
100 Updoots for you Fren.
Everyone has a religion. We can't help it. The only question is, what do you worship? God? Mammon (money)? Acceptance/popularity? Celebrity culture? Science? Sports?
Yes very good valid observations.
Your point No2 is very valid, lots of graphs now show a big upswing in infections since the mass injections started, Israel being one of the easiest to see but it's in other datasets as well.
Interesting point regarding Israel. I was surprised by their embrace of the vaccine as Jews often see themselves as a persecuted people, distrustful of government. There is a large Hasidic community not far from where I live, and I often read their online newspaper. At the beginning of the so-called pandemic I was astonished by the number of deaths in their community attributed to Covid. Many were in their thirties and forties. They kept their religious schools open and actively fought against the mandates to close. They also continued to hold large gatherings. such as weddings and other religious events, and were often visited by the police because of it. I applauded their collective finger to the authorities, but then they began to get vaccinated in large numbers. Most have ties to Israel and go back and forth from there on a regular basis, so that was probably a factor as well. In a closed community such as theirs, there is probably a lot of pressure on the individual to get vaxxed for the greater good. They should have stuck to their original stance.
How did you surmise this? Just curious.
This exactly, they have now lost their connection. 👆
Thanks for the reply. I used to meditate all the time it did a lot of chakra work. I even experienced a partial Kundalini (every chakra except my crown) and it was incredible and a little scary. Anyway, I was wondering if someone with my kind of experience got vaxxed and then couldn’t open their those 3 chakras you mentioned.
I don't think everyone is effected by it and I also don't believe everyone got a real "vaccine" either. They could not manufacture it fast enough so it's potency in some lots were very very low and some lots were very very hot,just so they could get the vax out and start making money. Remember, everything was done under EUA and every manufacture changed the ingredients several times but they don't have to tell anyone because EUA means they can basically do whatever they want.
I agree I’m hoping and praying many received saline.
It's pointing to that. The 3rd jab is not going to be good now that they got production of the poison at full capacity.
Don't let the Covarians bite you because their bodily fluids are saturated with spike proteins.
EDIT: It seems I have offended someone. Please understand that I wasn't trying to be mean and some of my best friends are COVID-vaccinated GMO fucked-up mutant-hybrids.
My family and I have not been sick once the last year and a half. Then my daughters best friend who is here all the time got vaxxed, and we are constantly sick now. I’ve told my daughter not to share any drinks or food with her, but who knows. They probably still do.
Same here. All good on our family farm perfectly healthy all last year. We stick to ourselves in the woods. My brother and mom get vaxxed early in the summer. Next thing you know my wife and I have micro clots and my uncle has lung problems now, my aunt has to get blood transfusions and thier down syndrome 10yr daughter almost died. She Had 0% available white blood cell count.
How did you find out about your micro clots
I'm unsure if you're familiar with the Dead Space games, but what the Harry Potter Banking Goblins have done to the vaccinated reminds me of the mutated necromorphs from that game: especially the "Wheezers" who are mutated into monsters with massive external lungs that do nothing suck in the air and exhale poison.
Back in Spring 2020, I was working full time and me and just a few coworkers made plans to get HCQ. Also decided that No way were we going to a hospital but that was due to not being able to have an advocate from your crew with you. Didn't even know about vent protocol as much back then.
But all Intuition Hades broke loose when I saw our country do a Staged Over Reaction to the alleged George Floyd incident. I saw people in our society try to force you to say words, force you to kneel and disgrace our flag, cities burning and hoodlums and murderers not arrested or released the next day. CRT training came to be mandatory at work which was so wrong and hurtful to all Americans. I resigned.
Some of my family members are/were MDs and I could not understand why to this day they are pro Vax.
I made the incorrect assumption that they were keeping up with the data flowing out from other MDs and countries. I had mistakenly placed them on a societal platform due to a credential. No longer.
I found out that the AMA which stirs and serves the Kool aid, only has about 17% of practicing MDs in their membership but yield almost total control of that profession. Found another organization for MDs who want to be sure to retain the Dr./ Patient concept as number one and have less govt mandated rules and interference. And found out about American Frontline Dr's who are great a few months ago and use telehealth to guide and get appropriate prescription meds if necessary. We used the service and it worked well.
Since September I've noticed that something seems off in general with people almost appearing stepford like. As so much in our world is On Fire and Our Country is being eviscerated, a common statement is oh I don't watch the news....they do not even ask where they can get more info..more than a "flat affect". In September My daughter and I witnessed a bird jump out of one of our pool filters stop and just look at us for about 8 seconds and just hop not fly into woods. Saw a common house fly not use its wings and just crawled on floor. They did not appear injured physically but their core nature seemed altered.
Totally praying and lifting my soul up every single day as it feels like evil is becoming so much more evident but I also feel it is losing its strength as we all expose it and it begins the death rattle dance back to Hell.
Amen and WWGAWG1!
Yep. I'm having a hard time too. Now I know they're idiots and sheep, also wondering if the jab makes them an antenna or something. Definitely watch anything I say around the worst of them. We're not being paranoid, people really are out to get us.
I have lot's of family that got vaccinated. While I still trust them, I discount their opinions on most things.
Understandable. This is like dealing with a loved one who is struggling with addiction or getting entangled in a cult. Even though you love them and care—you cannot trust their judgement or actions. I’d never give them power over me or access to my home/family in a way they could harm me. I’d oversee every move they make like a muddy dog passing by my clean laundry.
It's an interesting possibility. Who knows how that shot affected their DNA. Like I read this article one time on how birth control can affect a relationship. The girl was on birth control when the couple met and they dated for years. After the couple got married she stopped taking her birth control and it turned out it was the drugs causing the dudes attraction to her. I mean birth control and this covid vaccine are in different spectrums but may have the same concept. I'd you catch what I'm trying to say.
The fundamental flaw in birth control is that fertility is evidence of good health and birth control eradicates fertility as if it were an illness. The Pill cures women of their good health.
Same here, ironic how you mention something like this. You can feel it, recently I even didn't feel that being around them is good and etc.
With good reason. If these people will follow whatever the talking heads on television instruct them to do, who the hell would trust them?
I have a relative who decided to get the vaccine. Our relationship truly ended then. I'm not wasting my time over someone who doesn't even regard themselves enough to make logical and well informed choices.
they are "giving off" something that unjabbed pick up on which gives the unjabbed an uneasy feeling.
Whether it is the "shedding" of the pike proteins or some sort of frequency emission caused by the graphene, not sure.
Regardless our bodies pick up on it subconsciously.
I don't trust doctors who tell their patients they should get the jab.
The vaxxed (and the masked) have proven that they are willfully ignorant. They are brain-washed and are NOT to be trusted. I am estranged from my two sons because they are not willing to let us see our grandchildren because my wife and I are not vaxxed.
I do not understand people that would put an unproven poisonous injection into themselves for a disease that has a 99.99x% survival rate. The MSM has brain-washed them - trust the science, trust your government.
I say trust God, trust your immunity system and turn your TV off - then Covid goes completely away - CV19 is one big HOAX.
Anyone who believes in Covid, vax and masks is a complete moron.
I agree. Talking to them about anything beyond casual talk makes me feel like they are NPCs. Their answeres sound redundant and rehearsed like they have been gas lit so bad they are now programmed to have a predictable common thoughtless response.
I also have repeatedly felt side effects from being around the recently jabbed. Mainly headaches and foggy brain.
For these reasons, I don't trust them.
It’s their judgement and decision making skills that can’t be trusted.
They deny reality, which means they are not honest. Of course you can’t trust them. If these people cannot even be honest with themselves about their own health, how can they be honest with you? They can’t. Everything they say or do is predicated upon an entirely false system of beliefs. They have no possible way to recognize truth or speak truth. Furthermore, their belief system is self-perpetuating, and becomes less honest and more evil day by day.
The trouble is, they say the EXACT same things about us!
Can I ask, what about that is ‘the trouble’? What’s so troubling that they might say such things?
I have been accused by the vaxxers of denying reality, of being "brainwashed", so that makes it difficult to get them to see where they are wrong, if they think you are wrong.
It’s always one problem or another. Don’t let any of their objections carry any actual weight. You can’t take them seriously. Just keep prodding for weaknesses. Usually their weaknesses, where they might actually realise something about themselves, are much at much deeper levels. Metaphysical, spiritual, self. Politics is usually a waste of time because their beliefs there are supported by deeper ones. I like to see if I can get them to notice that their castles are built on pillars of sand… all the way down at their philosophical foundation.
laughs in Montana, where private employers can't mandate vaccines
They re turning nuts. 55 yo male nurse just shot up his floor in a hospital
Link to article about shooting:.
Something's weird about this, but it seems more about gun control than anything. Maybe he went crazy cause EGT (experimental gene therapy), but his guns had already been confiscated by a court, which means it's likely he was "already known to the FBI", which seems to actually mean that he was groomed and activated by the FBI. He was wearing a bullet proof vest, had multiple firearms on his person, and he shot one dude, fled in a U-Haul, then had a shootout with police. Interestingly, even after being shot in the neck, he survived.
I think we're going to see this and other similar cases, as well as "rising patient violence in hospitals" used to justify military presence at hospitals (and "quarantine" camps, once they get those up and running). It will also be used to take our guns, or at least to try and convince the public that it's necessary to take some people's guns.
They can be the type of people bound by a fear of rejection. I've witnessed people discover truth but have to reject it because they couldn't be the kind of person that believed that. Their friends wouldn't allow it, they would be rejected by their peers. So instead of accepting facts, they have to hide their belief in them due to the herd insisting they stay within their rails.
When you stop giving a crap if people are offended or of they accept what you think, you break these chains they put on you. A lot of people are afraid of breaking those chains.
They are very untrustworthy people. I hate every vaxxed person at work. All leftist scum in my opinion.
I usually err on the side of caution when dealing with stupidity.
So you are correct to feel this way
This sentiment is why, even if I get the vaccine, I will not reveal to anyone what my vaccine status is. Do people think the "Unvaccinated" are like dogs that will just sit there and take their beatings and berating and not push back? Retribution is coming to those that push and enforce vaccine mandates, and I don't want to be identified with that club.
Yes, they've gotten worse.
Conversations with my vaxxed friends has become very curtailed. These people seem more surly and uncomfortable. Divided households - you can smell the tension. MIL just forced a very close friend to get vaxxed, he's lapsing into self pity with patterns of self-destruction (heavy drinking) and fighting with his wife. I'm firmly convinced that there are psychoactive effects to the vax.
Trust freely given is worthless, trust is earned, on a case by case basis, that it needs a reason to exist is what gives it value....
It’s hard to take them seriously when it’s obvious their critical thinking skills are lacking.
Of course. They're either weak men who couldn't take a stand, hysterical women, or brainwashed sheep. I wouldn't trust any if the three.
They are possessed.
They literally injected dead baby and opened the door to let in Demonic Possession instead of trusting The Holy Ghost to carry them through.
Look. EIther you trust God or you don't. Either he made you perfect - or he fucked up and you need to fix it and be God yourself.
It's really not complicated.
"I made your perfect and in my image - actually, shit, you're going to need to inject new firmware every couple of weeks cuz I got some of this wrong."
They have failed at smelling crime.. and fraud.
I never liked the company of retards. This solidified episode of Clown World it.
Especially those in healthcare. I'm terrified some idiot will give me the shot while I have my necessary surgery. I survived one big surgery without that happening, but it still is in the back of my mind.