No... Let's go Brandon is actually a genius movement with serious tier 1 red pilling potential on multiple fronts. It's the world's biggest inside joke. When people around you go on and on about a joke you aren't in on, what's your first instinct?
Research. Clueless normies might ask what they're talking about or what Lets go Brandon means. Personally, when I don't know something that I feel like I should know, I research on my own so I don't appear incompetent or uninformed. This is the perfect opportunity for people to hit their normal channels of information and get wildly conflicting information everywhere they look. From that numbnuts at NBC sports doing the Nascar interview and desperate cultists clinging onto a fictitious alternate reality where being outspoken against public officials justifies use of the Patriot Act, all the way to ACTUAL PATRIOTS all over the world piling on the mockery and stoking the flames.
Forcing people to get to the bottom of the constant LETS GO BRANDON echoing around them introduces them to the framework and concepts necessary to break away from their spoonfed narrative because nothing adds up, and it's innocent enough on its premise that they aren't swayed by hyper-partisanship.
While it equates to a profane meaning, it isn't. It's infinitely more likely to be used and heard everywhere normies aren't appreciative of explicitives.
Kids repeating LETS GO BRANDON as kids do with everything in meme culture, introduces the phrase to checked-out zombie parents who otherwise wouldn't think twice about hearing it from others. It gets the gears going.
TLDR; Let's go Brandon = Fuck Joe Biden and so much more
This! Well said! It’s how all of us that weren’t on 4chan learned about Q. You hear something enough and human curiosity compels you to research on your own to better understand what all the hype is and why a particular subject or phrase has gone viral.
The one who gets off trying to put others down, instead of adding anything intelligible to the conversation.
The one who has no rebuttal, except what a 3rd grade bully would find appropriate.
I pity you Pepesee. I am not that insecure that I go out looking for ways to bring others down.
Have a good life mate. I hope you find the peace you need.
I think people should just say it like it is, regardless of "red-pilling normies". I respect it but I respect saying how it is more.
Fuck Joe Biden.
Don't make it pg rated, this is all of your fucking livelihoods at stake. This is your fucking survival and you're reduced to toning down the language. Say it as it is and get seen on the tv saying it.
Where are the rest of the libertarians??? Rand Paul love him or hate him has been steadfast against the losing of any of our liberties. Pretty libertarian of him. The rest of you vaxxed or pureblood "libertarians", can kiss my ass.
It's why a lot of right wingers clowned on them as being dudeweedlmao types. All of a sudden a lot of them became regular lefties once they got their legalized pot.
Furthermore, I consider that the traitors should be destroyed.
I have smoked weed since 1971 I am as conservative as it gets My deadhead friends refer to me ás republican John Weed has nothing to do with liberalism
Agree, it's God's medicine and can't get more conservative than that. I live in a recreational/medical state and get to grow my own meds. God doesn't make mistakes, cannabis is not a mistake.
Refreshing to hear It seems like most on here have the same attitude my ww11 parents had I graduated high school college and was professionally employed for 30 yrs. Personally I am against stores as the govt has no moral right to profit . Total decriminalize and leave it to the hippie Mafia as always
This cracked me up same boat! It’s always been about the music with me, but never could bond with most of those people. I was a silent outcast-outlaw in a way & growing up in New England surrounded by them solidified my stances. Conservative Constitutionalist to the core. 👊🏼
Better not ass+u+me...I've been a conservative Republican since I registered to vote. Smoking weed isnt liberal. Its smart. It's a benefit . Thousands of times better than drinking. As a bartender....the worst are the ones who drink n dont smoke. Full of vitriol.
Please dont talk about libertarians like this. They are not regular lefty stoners. They believe in solid economics and personal rights as much as any based conservative as a whole.
Free adults in a free society can choose what to put into their bodies. Period. Govt has nothing to say about it.
Sorry if my liberty offends Joe Sixpack with the 1930s understanding of cannabis and an animus against "stoners" but a fridge stocked with cold brouhaha
Well, once they got their drugs, we don't hear much from them. They used to be all over the discussion boards, now where. For the record, I agree with them on most things. It's just like many were single issue people. Once that was resolved mostly to their liking, the slipped back into the comfortable shadows.
Gunna have to disagree on that. I was introduced to libertarianism by a neighbor about 18 years ago, and he held gatherings for many local libertarians (in the most libertarian state in the country). Almost every one of them despised weed and thought it rotted the brain, but agreed that it should be your choice whether or not to do that to yourself.
While this legendary "only libertarian cuz weed" person might exist, I have never met one. And I know a lot of libertarians.
Drug legalization is less harmful than prohibition. The idea is to do less harm.
Either way the people who want to do drugs are going to get them and do them. I believe we have to stop tearing families apart and imprisoning people for victimless crimes.
Ultimately I think decriminalization is the answer. It doesn't have to be "legal" necessarily, just not criminal. No more overcrowded prisons with non-violent offenders.
The gang problem is a side effect of prohibition. They exist because of the black markets that rise from prohibition. Even Mexican cartels have said they only thing that allows them to exist is Americas drug policies. If we decriminalized they would disappear practically overnight.
I have lived in areas with large homeless populations. Much of that is people with mental issues that we no longer help as a society. Reagan did that in the 80's. He defunded all the asylums and there was nowhere for those people to go. Drug abuse comes along with that territory. That isn't an excuse but we as a people should be caring for our sick. We don't and that is a reflection of us. At least in the United States anyways.
Drug and alcohol abuse is going to exist no matter what. We should treat it as a sickness and not a criminal act.
I remember being so stupid, thinking he was a total ass for his resisting the patriot act. I mean, did he want us to DIE?! I was the hugest ASS. I’m ashamed at how duped I was.
Everyone here has had his/her eyes opened. Or should have. And we were humbled. I remember breathlessly sending Q posts around, similar to the I just got jabbed wasn't it wonderful parties that went on. We were so sure of a lot of things. Now I am much more discerning, believing nothing I read until it passes my own smell test and being (a little, I'm only human don't you know?) more tolerant of the regular normies out there for not getting it. We find truth where we find it and know what it is. Were better at it now, I think.
I wish there were 99 more like him in the Senate. I didn't always like him, but I've been quite impressed with the balls he's been showing lately. At least he's standing up for what is right.
That's a valid point - like when people find God and buy a gun because they've been carjacked or robbed. It's a shame that such a violent event is needed for some to find their common sense (and cajones) but I'm glad he wasn't really harmed and that it brought this out of him. We need so many more to get on that train.
Oh I didn't realize. Well I guess he's good and pissed now - shame it had to come to that, but at least some good came from it. Thanks for the correction - appreciated! :)
Right...I remember the thing about his neighbor getting violent with him, but I didn't think that was Antifa or BLM, it sounded like it was just your run of the mill, unhinged jackass.
Ouch that is a low blow Rand! Didn't you know alcoholism is an illness, not a failure of willpower?
This is every libertarians dream speech. It'll be great if Americans find their independent spirit again and laugh this corrupt government out of existence.
Rand Paul's heart may be in the right place, but the truth is all of Congress is exempt from taking the COVID-19 Vaxxine. In fact, the exemption list will ASTOUND you. Why isn't anyone talking about this?
Ignoring evidence presented by "the other side" is your prerogative as a free, and thinking human being. However, doing that does not help find the truth, but obfuscate it. It certainly doesn't help the person trying to present their evidence to you. You saying, "I won't look at your evidence because of the format" is nothing more than sticking your fingers in your ears and saying, "Na na na na na."
Again, that is 100% your free right, but it isn't helpful to the GA, and I assert it is harmful. The truth can only be achieved through consideration and debate. Many minds are >> the sum of individual minds in discerning truth, especially in a disinformation war.
From what you stated, you seem to have a psychological issue when it comes to watching videos. I'm giving you permission that you are entirely free not to watch it. I'm sure there are other sources available for the transcript of this short video.
Yes, he said it about 2 days after Biden’s speech that mandates were coming within days. Rand spoke big, but he hasn’t done anything to follow it up.
I’m at the point where everyone we think seems to be a patriot talks big, but doesn’t do shit. I’m hoping the white hats are telling them to stand down while the DS play their cards, but I hate watching our Patriots friends talk with no action.
Paul is my Senator and is better than most GOP Senators but remember, this guy has said nothing about the 1/6 political prisoners and certified obviously fraudulent electors that have allowed this tyranny to take hold. Same old playbook, go along and play nice and once the damage is done then start to resist. He must be worried about hi election next year.
Every time we use a Federal Reserve note to buy groceries we play the game.
Every time we watch the "news" and get upset with "the left" we aren't just playing the game we are perpetuating the fraud.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
We are all a part of this game. None of the adults on this planet are innocent, and none are separate. We are United as one people (and always have been), just most don't realize it. We are too busy, sitting in the corner, playing the game of Division they told us to play while they sit at the table playing their game of Monopoly.
If Trump didn't lose on Jan. 6th; if the electoral college didn't play out exactly as it did, the GA would have never happened. That event was a victory for We The People. In that light, Rand Paul did what needed to be done to bring about the greatest event in human history.
And you want to condemn him for it.
The only question about that event and RP's part in it is, did he do it knowing the outcome, through white hat coercion, or because he thought it would bring about a DS victory? I don't know, but because it could be any one of those, he, like everyone else that day, gets a pass for that one event.
Does "you" mean me personally, or the collective "we"?
For me personally I am perpetually mindful of the game, and partake as little as possible. I still use a Federal Reserve note to buy groceries, but I no longer wear a mask while doing so despite signs on every door saying that masks are "mandated." The one time I was told I must wear one or they wouldn't serve me (Starbucks) I lectured them on the harms of masks, that mandates are dictates by a dictator and not laws (that one shocked the barista a little bit I think), and then walked out.
Then again, I had to take a flight a couple weeks ago and I wore a mask while going through TSA and when boarding the plane, so I am complicit in the fraud. But I didn't wear one the entire rest of the time I was in the airport, despite the constant loudspeaker telling me it was the law (which it might actually be in an airport due to the jurisdiction an airport falls under, more research needed).
So yes and no. I look for every opportunity I can to not play the game, and to show others that the game exists, and they are choosing to play it.
I fear no law. What are you talking about? Are you talking about me complying with the masks while going through the TSA checkpoint?
I didn't want to be denied entry onto the plane. It wasn't a fear, it was a practicality. Sure, I could have fought it, but that was not my hill to die on, so I complied for all of about 3 minutes. As for it possibly being "legal" it might be a legal, since the TSA may have legal jurisdiction over the airport (again, not sure, I'd have to look it up). That doesn't mean I think it is lawful. Obviously its not lawful, its unlawful as fuck, but that was never part of my statement. It might be legal to have to wear masks in an airport. I'm not sure, more research is required (which I don't care to do atm, bigger fish to fry).
It is not legal to have to wear masks in any other place, such as a grocery store, or Starbucks, etc. There is no law there. The jurisdiction for that place is clear, its the state that gives a corporation its power, therefore any mandate by a store that goes against the States laws is illegal. There are no state laws anywhere requiring masks, therefore, in that jurisdiction, there is no law.
Regardless of if there were a law there though, that would only make it legal, not lawful (i.e. it would be against the constitution of both the State and the Country, therefore it would be an unlawful statute).
At no point did I say or imply that I was afraid. I fear nothing. I just recognize which battles to pick as being meaningful. Being stuck a few thousand miles away from home, not working on my larger project, is not the battle I want to have.
Totally not dogging you pede, but like me, I didnt have a better plan. If you did you shoulda spoke up.
Someone else did so this is the plan we have. Too late to complain, just gotta ride with it and like the rest of us, help minimize the damage by staying united, prepairing best you can, and dont lose sight of the goal.
I'll have to re-watch the franchise. I didn't remember their loss at the end of Infinity War was intentional. Of course, the good guys do win in the end of the series and hopefully we will win this real life fight.
Correct. If he gave away the plan then it would not have worked, that is what he alluded to. Same thing here.
Funny, I want to know someday if these movie stories were leaked on purpose or not.
Funny, it seemed that when a movie was made about something, it had a bit of magic to it. If it made social commentary, the issue then became a moot point to a degree.
I am not in any way declaring anyone guilty or innocent of treason. That is not my job. I am saying the events of that day played out exactly as they had to in order for the GA to happen. If they hadn't played out exactly as they did we would likely be still on the path to an eternity of slavery for all of mankind.
For that one event, everyone gets a pass. No one knows the motivations, or which side anyone was playing for for that one event because of its necessity for the GA.
If there is other evidence that supports treason, this pass in no way discounts that. If there is evidence of which side they were playing for during that event, their pass is rescinded; not because of that one event, but because of the other evidence.
What I mean by "a pass" is that there is no way to know, based on what happened that day with regard to the electoral votes, who is playing for which side, since it absolutely had to happen for the human race to be saved. Other evidence may change that, but that is not the action of certifying the election itself, but evidence of other actions.
We are in the middle of a disinformation war. This war has multiple sides and ALL are putting forth disinformation. Discovering the truth requires all of us looking at all the evidence, discussing, debating, and keeping an open mind; never closing the book on anyone (until real trials happen).
I have no idea about Pence. I think its entirely possible he is pure Deep State. I have seen some convincing evidence to support that. But there is no way to know for sure (from what I have seen). For his part on 1/6 however, I don't blame him at all. It might have been an incredibly brave act of self sacrifice. Alternatively it could have been a part of his plan to help the PTB takeover the world. There is just no way to know his motivations from that single piece of evidence (him not decertifying).
Not meaning to be a doomer but.... anyone have any leads on jobs for the non-vaxers? The 'no vax' job boards listings are almost non-existent..
Has anyone else started thinking that the Illegals are purposefully being deposited into every state in this country so that they can replace American workers who refuse the jab?
Tax dollars are already being planned to educate and train those replacements! Will these illegals soon be replacing us in our homes too?
Lets Go Brandon!
Just say
Fuck Joe Biden...
No... Let's go Brandon is actually a genius movement with serious tier 1 red pilling potential on multiple fronts. It's the world's biggest inside joke. When people around you go on and on about a joke you aren't in on, what's your first instinct?
Research. Clueless normies might ask what they're talking about or what Lets go Brandon means. Personally, when I don't know something that I feel like I should know, I research on my own so I don't appear incompetent or uninformed. This is the perfect opportunity for people to hit their normal channels of information and get wildly conflicting information everywhere they look. From that numbnuts at NBC sports doing the Nascar interview and desperate cultists clinging onto a fictitious alternate reality where being outspoken against public officials justifies use of the Patriot Act, all the way to ACTUAL PATRIOTS all over the world piling on the mockery and stoking the flames.
Forcing people to get to the bottom of the constant LETS GO BRANDON echoing around them introduces them to the framework and concepts necessary to break away from their spoonfed narrative because nothing adds up, and it's innocent enough on its premise that they aren't swayed by hyper-partisanship.
While it equates to a profane meaning, it isn't. It's infinitely more likely to be used and heard everywhere normies aren't appreciative of explicitives.
Kids repeating LETS GO BRANDON as kids do with everything in meme culture, introduces the phrase to checked-out zombie parents who otherwise wouldn't think twice about hearing it from others. It gets the gears going.
TLDR; Let's go Brandon = Fuck Joe Biden and so much more
Upvote for the badass response
This! Well said! It’s how all of us that weren’t on 4chan learned about Q. You hear something enough and human curiosity compels you to research on your own to better understand what all the hype is and why a particular subject or phrase has gone viral.
Memes Ready
1000000% agree -- In fact I was pretty excited the minute I saw the original Let's Go Brandon happen.
By the morning some of my middle-of-the-road friends were texting "Let's Go Brandon!" at each other, and I knew it was gold.
Equating to a profane meaning =/= profane meaning in the mind. There is literally no downside to having a codeword for FJB that no one can censor.
Until, you know, the ADL swoops in and says Brandon is a white supremacist.
Poor Brandon. He did Nazi that coming ....
(Silly autocorrect)
You're killing me....kek kek kek
It just sucks when that is your name and it becomes tied with that degenerate, senile resident pedophile.
Oh well, shit happens. Let's win our war and take back the world.
Now you know how Karen feels.
You're right. That's gotta suck worse.
F that, Karen deserved it.
Sisters Karen she deserves it.
You are a little pathetic aren't you? Did you not read the giant ass comment encouraging people of all the reasons to use it?
I was simply pointing out 1 negative reason to counter theirs. Noone needs your pissy pants pessimism.
The one who gets off trying to put others down, instead of adding anything intelligible to the conversation.
The one who has no rebuttal, except what a 3rd grade bully would find appropriate. I pity you Pepesee. I am not that insecure that I go out looking for ways to bring others down.
Have a good life mate. I hope you find the peace you need.
Totally agree, fren.
Let's Go Brandon is so much more effective.
We aren't just swearing at a corrupt criminal.
We are mocking the media. We are mocking the cabal. We are humiliating them.
Mockery is a powerful tool.
Fuck Joe Biden...clap clap clap...Fuck Joe Biden
I think people should just say it like it is, regardless of "red-pilling normies". I respect it but I respect saying how it is more.
Fuck Joe Biden.
Don't make it pg rated, this is all of your fucking livelihoods at stake. This is your fucking survival and you're reduced to toning down the language. Say it as it is and get seen on the tv saying it.
Fuck Joe Biden.
Missed the point entirely about redpilling when normies look up Lets Go Brandon?
Not really, I'm just tired of people pussy footing around all of these points.
All of what points
Settle down there, Gruden.
hehehe, "Let's Go Brandon!"
Let's all go random!
I see what you did there. LOL
WOOOOT!!! 😎💥
Be still my heart - that is pounding out of my chest with excitement!
Where are the rest of the libertarians??? Rand Paul love him or hate him has been steadfast against the losing of any of our liberties. Pretty libertarian of him. The rest of you vaxxed or pureblood "libertarians", can kiss my ass.
I agree! His questioning of Fauci was classic!
They got their legal use of marijuana. That's all most libertarians really wanted.
It's why a lot of right wingers clowned on them as being dudeweedlmao types. All of a sudden a lot of them became regular lefties once they got their legalized pot.
Furthermore, I consider that the traitors should be destroyed.
I have smoked weed since 1971 I am as conservative as it gets My deadhead friends refer to me ás republican John Weed has nothing to do with liberalism
Agree, it's God's medicine and can't get more conservative than that. I live in a recreational/medical state and get to grow my own meds. God doesn't make mistakes, cannabis is not a mistake.
Refreshing to hear It seems like most on here have the same attitude my ww11 parents had I graduated high school college and was professionally employed for 30 yrs. Personally I am against stores as the govt has no moral right to profit . Total decriminalize and leave it to the hippie Mafia as always
He was brilliant. Thanks for sharing!
This cracked me up same boat! It’s always been about the music with me, but never could bond with most of those people. I was a silent outcast-outlaw in a way & growing up in New England surrounded by them solidified my stances. Conservative Constitutionalist to the core. 👊🏼
You’re in NE too!? I thought you were in Norway hahaha. Maybe I’ll see you at a show.
No, I grewup there...I'm down South these days. (Norwegian-American)
Deadhead here. Used to be a liberal though.
A drugged up populace accepts communism more easily.
So ban alcohol now
Oh wait
Tried that
Weed is a psycho Active drug not an opiate or barbiturate I am a control freak and wouldn't do any drug that compromises that
Better not ass+u+me...I've been a conservative Republican since I registered to vote. Smoking weed isnt liberal. Its smart. It's a benefit . Thousands of times better than drinking. As a bartender....the worst are the ones who drink n dont smoke. Full of vitriol.
You missed my point.
Please dont talk about libertarians like this. They are not regular lefty stoners. They believe in solid economics and personal rights as much as any based conservative as a whole.
Free adults in a free society can choose what to put into their bodies. Period. Govt has nothing to say about it.
Sorry if my liberty offends Joe Sixpack with the 1930s understanding of cannabis and an animus against "stoners" but a fridge stocked with cold brouhaha
You will find Anons are some of the biggest pot heads here. I was shocked. “Be sober and watch” 1 Peter 5:8
Lmao. You really that's stupid? Conservatives passed the legal mj here in Nevada. A republican governor signed it. Sheriff endorsed it etc.
The problem with libertarians is they want to be U.S senators and president instead of getting the mayor offices and school board positions locally.
Ass backwards
Always have been.
Well, once they got their drugs, we don't hear much from them. They used to be all over the discussion boards, now where. For the record, I agree with them on most things. It's just like many were single issue people. Once that was resolved mostly to their liking, the slipped back into the comfortable shadows.
Gunna have to disagree on that. I was introduced to libertarianism by a neighbor about 18 years ago, and he held gatherings for many local libertarians (in the most libertarian state in the country). Almost every one of them despised weed and thought it rotted the brain, but agreed that it should be your choice whether or not to do that to yourself.
While this legendary "only libertarian cuz weed" person might exist, I have never met one. And I know a lot of libertarians.
Look at all the downvotes. Them Libertarians are mad.
They're just high.
Libertarians: Worse than Liberals.
Liberals = Predictable outcome, visible banner.
Libertarians = You have no clue whose side they are on until it’s too late. 90% of the time? Betrayal.
Sigh, clueless comments.
Really clueless
Drug legalization is less harmful than prohibition. The idea is to do less harm.
Either way the people who want to do drugs are going to get them and do them. I believe we have to stop tearing families apart and imprisoning people for victimless crimes.
Ultimately I think decriminalization is the answer. It doesn't have to be "legal" necessarily, just not criminal. No more overcrowded prisons with non-violent offenders.
The gang problem is a side effect of prohibition. They exist because of the black markets that rise from prohibition. Even Mexican cartels have said they only thing that allows them to exist is Americas drug policies. If we decriminalized they would disappear practically overnight.
I have lived in areas with large homeless populations. Much of that is people with mental issues that we no longer help as a society. Reagan did that in the 80's. He defunded all the asylums and there was nowhere for those people to go. Drug abuse comes along with that territory. That isn't an excuse but we as a people should be caring for our sick. We don't and that is a reflection of us. At least in the United States anyways.
Drug and alcohol abuse is going to exist no matter what. We should treat it as a sickness and not a criminal act.
Drugs can be legal if alcohol is.
Alcohol is lethal and addictive. And legal.
So, whether it's lethal and addictive must not be how we decide what free adults get to put inside their body in a free society.
Maybe it's based on the natural human right of freedom of choice.
Well more harm handing the cabal the right to grow weed. Like they have your best interests at heart.
Your words are abusive to me, but my fists in your mouth is not abusive. People who want to take away your rights will always find a way.
Libertarians are to the right of Republicans on the true political spectrum.
All your statement does
is confirm how dire the situation is
when Gary Johnson is to the right of Republicans.
Republicans or RINOs? There is a difference.
Libertarians want even less government control than Republicans.
In other words - Legalized child prostitution.
Pshh, no! You're an idiot.
No they're not.
The idea is you leave me the fuck alone and I leave you alone.
The farther left you go it seems, the greater the desire to fuck around in everyone else's life.
And the further right you go, the same thing happens. Churchy Nancy Reagan types want to dictate what you do in the privacy of your own home.
I remember being so stupid, thinking he was a total ass for his resisting the patriot act. I mean, did he want us to DIE?! I was the hugest ASS. I’m ashamed at how duped I was.
Everyone here has had his/her eyes opened. Or should have. And we were humbled. I remember breathlessly sending Q posts around, similar to the I just got jabbed wasn't it wonderful parties that went on. We were so sure of a lot of things. Now I am much more discerning, believing nothing I read until it passes my own smell test and being (a little, I'm only human don't you know?) more tolerant of the regular normies out there for not getting it. We find truth where we find it and know what it is. Were better at it now, I think.
Little "l" libertarian here. Gone full MAGA.
Gigantic difference between MAGA and the GOP.
That's a big 10-4 solar. You got that right!! I am now more "l" than GOP for sure.
After that I Love him! (no homo)
I wish there were 99 more like him in the Senate. I didn't always like him, but I've been quite impressed with the balls he's been showing lately. At least he's standing up for what is right.
He shifted gears when Antifa attacked him and his wife.
That's a valid point - like when people find God and buy a gun because they've been carjacked or robbed. It's a shame that such a violent event is needed for some to find their common sense (and cajones) but I'm glad he wasn't really harmed and that it brought this out of him. We need so many more to get on that train.
He has been physically attacked more than once, and he has suffered physical harm from it.
Oh I didn't realize. Well I guess he's good and pissed now - shame it had to come to that, but at least some good came from it. Thanks for the correction - appreciated! :)
Right...I remember the thing about his neighbor getting violent with him, but I didn't think that was Antifa or BLM, it sounded like it was just your run of the mill, unhinged jackass.
He is always behind those he claims to lead.
Libertarians have been fighting the lie from day one. Nice of rand to join us.
"Drunk with power reign over the Capitol..."
Ouch that is a low blow Rand! Didn't you know alcoholism is an illness, not a failure of willpower?
This is every libertarians dream speech. It'll be great if Americans find their independent spirit again and laugh this corrupt government out of existence.
Rand Paul's heart may be in the right place, but the truth is all of Congress is exempt from taking the COVID-19 Vaxxine. In fact, the exemption list will ASTOUND you. Why isn't anyone talking about this?
don't have time to watch a video. is there a printed list somewhere?
This is a 1:40 minute video. Are you kidding me?
then it should be a short list!
NO, I'm NOT kidding, I'm at work.
so there's no list? got it. thanks
Ignoring evidence presented by "the other side" is your prerogative as a free, and thinking human being. However, doing that does not help find the truth, but obfuscate it. It certainly doesn't help the person trying to present their evidence to you. You saying, "I won't look at your evidence because of the format" is nothing more than sticking your fingers in your ears and saying, "Na na na na na."
Again, that is 100% your free right, but it isn't helpful to the GA, and I assert it is harmful. The truth can only be achieved through consideration and debate. Many minds are >> the sum of individual minds in discerning truth, especially in a disinformation war.
Is it diaper time already?
If she sent you an article would you read that?
I don't really understand how a person is supposed to convey a complex message more quickly than with a video.
At least that's a second or two longer than a goldfish.
From what you stated, you seem to have a psychological issue when it comes to watching videos. I'm giving you permission that you are entirely free not to watch it. I'm sure there are other sources available for the transcript of this short video.
Really. I'm giving you permission not to watch the video. Now, move along. There's nothing more to really say. You are free.
Can you post a video instead of 7 comments?
He said this about 4 weeks ago didn’t he?
Yes, he said it about 2 days after Biden’s speech that mandates were coming within days. Rand spoke big, but he hasn’t done anything to follow it up.
I’m at the point where everyone we think seems to be a patriot talks big, but doesn’t do shit. I’m hoping the white hats are telling them to stand down while the DS play their cards, but I hate watching our Patriots friends talk with no action.
OP does this a lot: Post old video and present it as breaking/current.
Hooked on rewardless points or sheckles. Tisk Tisk .idk
He's never read the gulag archipelago. Ron Paul is great though.
Paul is my Senator and is better than most GOP Senators but remember, this guy has said nothing about the 1/6 political prisoners and certified obviously fraudulent electors that have allowed this tyranny to take hold. Same old playbook, go along and play nice and once the damage is done then start to resist. He must be worried about hi election next year.
Unlike his dad, looks like Rand put aside truth for his career
You can tell he had a good father who loved him.
Downloadable video link:
Rand, can you please tell us how you resisted on Jan 6?
Trump had to lose.
Trump losing was the only path to victory.
Everyone gets a pass on 1/6, because any other option than a Trump loss was a victory for the DS.
Nobody playing the game gets a pass.
Who is playing what game?
Every time we pay our taxes we play the game.
Every time we use a Federal Reserve note to buy groceries we play the game.
Every time we watch the "news" and get upset with "the left" we aren't just playing the game we are perpetuating the fraud.
We are all a part of this game. None of the adults on this planet are innocent, and none are separate. We are United as one people (and always have been), just most don't realize it. We are too busy, sitting in the corner, playing the game of Division they told us to play while they sit at the table playing their game of Monopoly.
If Trump didn't lose on Jan. 6th; if the electoral college didn't play out exactly as it did, the GA would have never happened. That event was a victory for We The People. In that light, Rand Paul did what needed to be done to bring about the greatest event in human history.
And you want to condemn him for it.
The only question about that event and RP's part in it is, did he do it knowing the outcome, through white hat coercion, or because he thought it would bring about a DS victory? I don't know, but because it could be any one of those, he, like everyone else that day, gets a pass for that one event.
(He only committed Treason once, he won’t do it again!)
(We’ve only proven Jeffery raped one person, there’s no way he needs to be punished for more than that!)
(Surely this sweet, innocent rabid dog will not bite more than one person!)
You’ve spent lot of effort to justify being wrong.
Nobody gets a pass.
Spot on. NOW that we know, do you still play the game? That's the question.
Does "you" mean me personally, or the collective "we"?
For me personally I am perpetually mindful of the game, and partake as little as possible. I still use a Federal Reserve note to buy groceries, but I no longer wear a mask while doing so despite signs on every door saying that masks are "mandated." The one time I was told I must wear one or they wouldn't serve me (Starbucks) I lectured them on the harms of masks, that mandates are dictates by a dictator and not laws (that one shocked the barista a little bit I think), and then walked out.
Then again, I had to take a flight a couple weeks ago and I wore a mask while going through TSA and when boarding the plane, so I am complicit in the fraud. But I didn't wear one the entire rest of the time I was in the airport, despite the constant loudspeaker telling me it was the law (which it might actually be in an airport due to the jurisdiction an airport falls under, more research needed).
So yes and no. I look for every opportunity I can to not play the game, and to show others that the game exists, and they are choosing to play it.
You fear laws made by lawyers who partake in rituals for masons. Still you consent. Go ahead look up your law.
I fear no law. What are you talking about? Are you talking about me complying with the masks while going through the TSA checkpoint?
I didn't want to be denied entry onto the plane. It wasn't a fear, it was a practicality. Sure, I could have fought it, but that was not my hill to die on, so I complied for all of about 3 minutes. As for it possibly being "legal" it might be a legal, since the TSA may have legal jurisdiction over the airport (again, not sure, I'd have to look it up). That doesn't mean I think it is lawful. Obviously its not lawful, its unlawful as fuck, but that was never part of my statement. It might be legal to have to wear masks in an airport. I'm not sure, more research is required (which I don't care to do atm, bigger fish to fry).
It is not legal to have to wear masks in any other place, such as a grocery store, or Starbucks, etc. There is no law there. The jurisdiction for that place is clear, its the state that gives a corporation its power, therefore any mandate by a store that goes against the States laws is illegal. There are no state laws anywhere requiring masks, therefore, in that jurisdiction, there is no law.
Regardless of if there were a law there though, that would only make it legal, not lawful (i.e. it would be against the constitution of both the State and the Country, therefore it would be an unlawful statute).
At no point did I say or imply that I was afraid. I fear nothing. I just recognize which battles to pick as being meaningful. Being stuck a few thousand miles away from home, not working on my larger project, is not the battle I want to have.
This movie seems more like Avengers Infinity War every day.
Is that the one where half the people evaporate at the end? Doesn't seem like the movie we want to play out.
Yes, they intentionally lost the battle to win the war.
Dr Strange intentionally lost. The rest got stuck going along with it.
Just like us...
Totally not dogging you pede, but like me, I didnt have a better plan. If you did you shoulda spoke up.
Someone else did so this is the plan we have. Too late to complain, just gotta ride with it and like the rest of us, help minimize the damage by staying united, prepairing best you can, and dont lose sight of the goal.
I'll have to re-watch the franchise. I didn't remember their loss at the end of Infinity War was intentional. Of course, the good guys do win in the end of the series and hopefully we will win this real life fight.
It was technically only intentional from the perspective of Dr Strange, so easy to forget.
Correct. If he gave away the plan then it would not have worked, that is what he alluded to. Same thing here.
Funny, I want to know someday if these movie stories were leaked on purpose or not.
Funny, it seemed that when a movie was made about something, it had a bit of magic to it. If it made social commentary, the issue then became a moot point to a degree.
I love the way GOD works!
Including Pence?
I am not in any way declaring anyone guilty or innocent of treason. That is not my job. I am saying the events of that day played out exactly as they had to in order for the GA to happen. If they hadn't played out exactly as they did we would likely be still on the path to an eternity of slavery for all of mankind.
For that one event, everyone gets a pass. No one knows the motivations, or which side anyone was playing for for that one event because of its necessity for the GA.
If there is other evidence that supports treason, this pass in no way discounts that. If there is evidence of which side they were playing for during that event, their pass is rescinded; not because of that one event, but because of the other evidence.
What I mean by "a pass" is that there is no way to know, based on what happened that day with regard to the electoral votes, who is playing for which side, since it absolutely had to happen for the human race to be saved. Other evidence may change that, but that is not the action of certifying the election itself, but evidence of other actions.
No disrespect it's my thought that if it had to happen like this then pence was playing his part. And if that is the case dude took lots of arrows
We are in the middle of a disinformation war. This war has multiple sides and ALL are putting forth disinformation. Discovering the truth requires all of us looking at all the evidence, discussing, debating, and keeping an open mind; never closing the book on anyone (until real trials happen).
I have no idea about Pence. I think its entirely possible he is pure Deep State. I have seen some convincing evidence to support that. But there is no way to know for sure (from what I have seen). For his part on 1/6 however, I don't blame him at all. It might have been an incredibly brave act of self sacrifice. Alternatively it could have been a part of his plan to help the PTB takeover the world. There is just no way to know his motivations from that single piece of evidence (him not decertifying).
Didnt he say this shit like a month ago too?
Not to be a doomer
You can look at past post. As a KYian I just feel Rand has words but no bite
This was from August I believe
This is from like 6 weeks ago
Go Rand Paul!!!
A great statesman. Well said.
Not meaning to be a doomer but.... anyone have any leads on jobs for the non-vaxers? The 'no vax' job boards listings are almost non-existent..
Has anyone else started thinking that the Illegals are purposefully being deposited into every state in this country so that they can replace American workers who refuse the jab?
Tax dollars are already being planned to educate and train those replacements! Will these illegals soon be replacing us in our homes too?
I think Gab has a few non vaxxed job boards.
Didnt he already say this like a month ago. Totally agree
No other politician has openly said BE AFRAID OF YOUR GOVERNMENT.
U need to catch up rand. 8ve been resisting from day one. And yku should have been calling for it since day one.
You are late to the party sir and won't get credit for standing up too late.
Already said no! Plus rand believes covid is real. No test no disease except in people's minds.
The police will do their damnedest to arrest everybody.
Lord protect him !
Become ungovernable, do not comply, do not back down! And yes, LET'S GO BRANDON!!!!!!!
he said it months ago
My boss thinks the CDC is wonderful. Wears the mask everywhere and threatens employees with termination if they don't wear the mask.
Freedom Boner!
May God continue to bless and protect Senator Rand Paul, his family and all who follow you, dear Lord. Amen
"Drunk with power Nancy Pelosi..." - you know that Rand pointedly chose his phrase on this one -
Good for Rand for speaking out. The Patriots have already been doing this. He is just a little late to the party. Better late than never. 🥳🎉