😃 American journalist sentenced to 11 years prison w hard labor by Myanmar military court for spreading “false news”
💥 B O O O O O M 💥
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Social media shows he is a fake news reporter with TDS.
Here is OMG'ing over some pee tape dossier fake news: https://archive.vn/Y7cp2
Nothing of value was lost.
This will s how professional liars should be dealt with everywhere
FAKE NEWS needs to be dealt with in the harshest manner!! The cabal wouldn’t have gotten this far w/out the corrupt media. The damage to the global societies wouldn’t have happened without THEM. Yellow Journalism is toxic poison. Pathetic gossiping losers EVERY ONE of them. Yikes I’d better calm-down?! 😂
I think we need the free press, but what we don't need is major news monopolies. Let's bust up the AP for starters and work down from there. Make local news work for a living, not copy-paste AP feeds. Follow the money. Money controls the reporters.
That said, sedition and working for foreign powers should have harsh penalties.
Damn watching it unfold in real time, you probably knew where it was heading. Did you imagine it would become what it is?
Yep because who reports the misdeeds of the reporters?
We don't need the msm ..we have us reporting for us...evidence taken straight from the incident filmed with no agendas.
Great points!!! Don’t forget Reuters? 😉
Remember when they lied about Benghazi and a video? Then they went on foreign stations and did an apology tour?
The Truth behind everything in Libya is mindblowing.
They NEED to prove they can be trusted from here-on out.
In fact, I hope this is foreshadowing for what is to come for our fake news media.
The ol’ Addition by subtraction
yes,, hopefully it is a Wake Up Call,, for the professional liars...
I didn’t even need to look him up to know he was a fake newsie. Myanmar was taking some type of financial action against Baggy Eyes Soros. I used this information to make a determination that Myanmar was just in their actions. Case closed
They also arrested their fake election government lol.
Oh, but it was an ELECTED government...........surely you're mistaken! LOL!
If only our military cared about America
He still "peelieves," lol fucken moron
ZOMG! r u cn dis! Like for realz yo dat nazi is goin dn
It effin BETTER?!!?!
Needs to be celebrations in the street once that starts here
We are hearing about this because Myanmar is not controlled by the federal reserve system.
You got a permit for that license?
You got a bribe for that permit?
We have the best humorfags at GAW.
Should read "Fake news propagandist for international crime organization ..."
Myanmar with so many wins recently.
Let us hope this message is heard well by the communist propaganda arm of the democratic party here in the U.S.
It is. As an instruction manual.
Soy fueled, Soros funded leftist rabblerouser and bolshevik propagandist.
Good riddence to bad rubbish!
American my ass, look at the nose.
Mentions the hard labor, which CNN strangely omits 🤔
Reached their word count quoting people from the Human Rights Watch about how "journalism isn't a crime, yada yada".
Not that anyone's disputing that journalism isn't a crime. 😉
Switches to US VPN...
Archived: https://files.catbox.moe/4gvwnw.pdf
I wonder who his CIA handler was. Could of have been the Ambassitor.
Good question 👍🏽
Ah, dyslexia rools, OK.
Shame its not happening elsewhere as well.
This is what some would call foreshadowing
Work will set you free
Oh, someone said it :D
"The trial was conducted in a military court inside Insein Prison with proceedings closed to the public."
Insert Guatinmo Bay Prision. Think mirror. 🤔
those pesky heebs spreading their fake news like parasites. Get what deserves! I only hope our American "journalists" are imprisoned for no less than 25 years without bail
I'd prefer a good hanging, if not these parasites should be jailed for life.
I say no time for trials! Shoot first, ask questions later!
Legally and lawfully or it won’t work…
Crooked journalists going to prison for spreading lies. Can I have some more please, sir?
Wish I could see the trial
This is the way
From the article: "incitement under section 505a of Myanmar's Penal Code, which makes it a crime to publish or circulate comments that "cause fear" or spread "false news.""
We don't have anything as such in place right? Am I wrong in thinking it may be a good thing, especially with how MSM has been the past several years?
There IS laws in place for spreading false information: 18 USCode. Most of this particular section deals with hoaxes, outright lies, and fake news. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1038 There is just one of many pertaining to the fake news. Happy reading…
Circulate comments that 'cause fear'? The potential for abuse on that one is far too... frightening. I think you're wrong. I think there needs to be another type of fact enforcement (probably an effective social one), because this is a form of attack on free speech. Free speech and discernment was a great combo before liberals took over schools and dismantled discernment. You can't legislate away 'fake news' without killing 'uncommon knowledge', 'unpopular news', and 'anti-legislator news'. No organization will ever be qualified to designate news as true or false, or to accurately analyze its delivery for biases - it's a job we each have to do for ourselves. That's the only way it isn't tyranny and corruption the second a 'news regulator' gets their hands on it.
Yeah, cause fear is too easy to abuse, but false news would be nice.
According to all of the most authoritative fact checkers, this entire site is false news.
Just because there are no consequences for fake news in America doesn’t mean other countries won’t provide them.
The charge is incitement, which is illegal even in the US. I'm glad they threw the book at him.
Now do here!
This is perfect!! I love it!! When I read this article here is what I see: an enemy of the good People of the World has been dealt with by Myanmar Military Tribunal. Hopefully, this will awaken some of the snoring folks and dull the impact of our own round of tribunals for the fragile of heart/mind. This also should effect the DS by showing them that if a journalist in a little known country can be sentenced by military courts to over a decade in prison, how much more can the military of a powerhouse like America do to all of them. We must be very close to kickoff here if we’re catching wind of a military tribunal halfway around the world and it’s a Fake News Media twit. Hmmm… I wonder if his charges include lies about COViD… no, I don’t think so because of the length of time of his imprisonment… unless he took a deal to stave off execution for Nuremberg violations… so many Q’s, so little time. I would love to read his docus and court papers. I wonder who else is going down courtesy of our FREE People of FREE Myanmar? What a time to be alive! I’m patient… I’ll wait… if it takes a decade before all these monsters meet their maker… I will wait… but they WILL be dealt with one way or another and I’ll be watching… and waiting 😁🍿
Good bye faggot… lol
Ok now do Jim Acosta
bRIan stelzer or whatever his name is
A jew spreading misinformation? What else is new?
Always has been
1 down, many more to go...
11 years is not fair. Not long enough!!!
I will be surprised IF this spineless punk survives Myanmar prison. They don’t believe that prisoners have any rights and are big on forced labor.
You mean he won't be able to vote for Hillary?
Basically lol
Do US journalists now!
Reading this story makes me wonder what we are going to do about fake media in this country. We have freedom of speech, freedom of the press being a manifestation of that, which must be held in highest esteem, but we have seen such extreme real world destruction cuased by fake news, culminating in the whole media driven fear of covid cuasing worldwide shutdowns, that there is obvious infringement on others rights. Yet we can't just arrest reporters for saying stupid things we don't like, and how do we hold accountable those who deliberately misreported? Perhaps we can make news outlets put a statement on their reports that "portions of this piece may be editorial opinion" unless the outlet can show the piece to be based on rock solid good faith sources to the best of their knowledge. This would alert consumers that the piece may not be all true news, but opinion.
We are at war. The corporate media is disseminating propaganda on behalf of the enemy. Extrapolate from there.
It's a good point.
It's the whole point.
This editor, despite what CNN slathers on about "freedom of journalism" was arrested and tried for crimes unrelated to journalism, although he committed these crimes under the blanket of, and for the purpose of furthering, his "journalism".
He was found guilty of acting in concert with organizations deemed "terrorist" by the Myanmar military.
Read the Devolution Series if you haven't. I believe this very topic is covered in an earlyish episode re: assets of foreign powers during war.
Myanmar, on a whole, feels like the Advanced Copy of The Script.
He was a 🤡🤡🤡
Hopefully a taste of what's to come here.
Well, if it's fake news then he's not exactly innocent...