FDR and Wilson are tied. They completely destroyed the planet. Everything before was a set up, everything after was just playing the game. Those two did all the heavy lifting for the Cabal.
LBJ also started the welfare system if I'm not mistaken which heavily aided in destroying my fellow black community, fuck LBJ with the fire of a thousand suns.
Ain't nobody talking about how LBJ had JFK whacked to even get into office, just how disastrous he was after being sworn in standing next to the blood-stained widow...
The gold standard ended in 1933. FDR made it illegal to own more than 5 oz of gold. Nixon just ended the part of the Bretton Woods program where we could trade gold with other countries for $35/oz. This allowed Gold to fluctuate and allowed for inflation to become a more impactful thing (a tax on savings). It was not nice and very destructive, but it allowed us to buy gold again. The actual gold standard (where paper dollars were tradable for gold) ended in 1933 with FDR and the confiscation of gold (which he gave to the Fed).
This confiscation (eminent domain, and proof of a sovereign dictatorship) of all of American's gold was done because the Fed couldn't increase the money supply (a necessity to get out of the Great Depression) because they had to keep 40% of the money supply in gold reserves. Now of course they had been decreasing the money supply for years (the cause of the Great Depression, totally intentional), so where did the gold go that they had before that they needed an influx of more? That is a great question. I think the answer is, they funded the Nazi rise to power, though I can't find source evidence of that. Regardless, it went somewhere.
They also could have just lowered the reserve requirement, which they did almost immediately after the gold confiscation, but the whole thing was obviously planned to steal all of the gold from America.
The Fed still has that gold today (according to their documents). Of course they "gave it back" to the Treasury, except its still in the Fed vaults (NY Fed). Our government can't even get it back from them because the Fed is a sovereign entity (as an agent of the BIS). We have no jurisdiction over them according to our own laws.
So not LBJ, and not Nixon. It was FDR that ended the gold standard.
I really don't think that's what happened, though I'd have to really dig into the law to be sure. The Fed is a sovereign entity. Congress would have had to get rid of laws on the books to have any actual influence over them. Having input for some fund with the Federal Reserve Board has nothing to do with controlling the Fed. The Fed is completely independent of the Federal Reserve Board. The FRB and the FOMC are advisory entities only. They can't tell the Fed Banks what to do at all, they can only advise.
Unless you have evidence that suggests that the laws that make them sovereign have been overwritten, I think this is a misinterpretation.
That link tells me nothing unfortunately. They say a lot of things, but they don't site their sources and thus don't explain how they come to the conclusions that they have.
At some point I will dig deep into the law and compare it to other laws I have done deep dives into (Federal Reserve Act, Bretton Woods, Laws relating to the Bank of International Settlements, etc.) and see if it changes those laws explicitly. If not, then I don't think their conclusions are accurate.
Making up a story and not supplying evidence is not the way to the truth. It doesn't mean they are wrong, but they offer zero evidence to support their story. Which means I am no closer to finding the truth about this.
You define it as a LAW, when in fact the Fed was NOT a federal extension. The IRS , founded at the same time, has corporate HQ in Puerto Rico. They are both more like a mandate than a law. For decades, people have challenged just what law is broken if you don't pay your income taxes-only the grandfathered POWER of the IRS has intimidated its way through the argment.
The Fed has a charter like any bank and has been allowed to function unlike most banks with currency production and "regulation". IT MUST BE BROKEN UP in order for the Republic to be restored. Mandates are the symptom of mob rule democracy..
Yes, interesting, but there is still more here than meets the eye I think. As I said, I need to dig into the law itself. There are too many other things that don't jive with that article, unless the law says a lot more than is suggested.
You're not entirely correct about that. All 3 presidents ended the gold standard. I'm a guy who's collected coins for over a decade now, so us numismatists know LBJ is definitely partly to blame, if anything he was the worst of the three for it (at least in my opinion)
Yes FDR did shellack America's gold standard in the 1930s (precisely why the 1933 double eagle is worth so much) but LBJ completely fucked our monetary system by eliminating the gold cover. Therefore our money is no longer backed by gold. It's been progressively losing value ever since. Our money was still backed by gold under FDR even if he confiscated private gold holdings and ceased production of new gold coins. LBJ also quit production of any precious metal coin for general circulation, thus introducing the era of "clad" (copper nickel) coinage. Prior to him, most American coins were made with 90% silver.
Nixon got us off the gold standard for international transactions, but at that point it was just finishing what was already done.
Yeap, 1964 and earlier quarters and dimes are 90% silver and you can hear it when you handle them. That ping is nothing like these fucking zinc atrocities.
Ah, I see. We are talking about two different things.
You are talking about bank accounting. Yes, after taking out the gold reserve requirement and international trading agreement (Bretton Woods) the inflation dial was able to be turned much farther. Also deficit spending was allowed to run rampant. As I said above, those were big deal fuckeries, but they are not the gold standard. They are bank accounting procedures and an increase in economic manipulation capacity.
The gold standard means that money IS gold. Paper money = physical gold. They can be interchanged. They are identical. That is what it has meant for over a thousand years, ever since they first started issuing bank notes. That ended in 1933. Bringing back the gold standard has nothing to do with bank reserves. It has nothing to do with trading gold with other countries, or even economic dials. It means that what we use as an intermediary for barter is a tangible asset, in this case the element Gold at a set value per measure.
More than that. People recently found him down the block or around the corner from where JFK was killed, at the time it went down. He later told the commission that he was in DC the entire day and not in Texas.
Don't forget that they drug Jackie, still dripping in blood and brain matter to the immediate swearing in of LBJ. From the pictures I've seen she was shell shocked. LBJ and GHWB get my top votes. After them I'd say FDR and Wilson.
Anyone who thinks that killing JFK was the most important thing that happened in the past 250 years of our country is missing so many things. That was inconsequential to about 100 other things that happened.
Things that were worse, just in the beginning of the 20th century:
The Fed
Rockefeller Foundation
1918 Plandemic
Great Depression (by design of the Fed)
1933 confiscation of gold (to give to the Fed)
Funding of Nazi's
Trying to take over the U.S. and install a eugenics Fascist government in 1932 (See Smedley Butler)
The IRS (1933 or 1952(ish), not sure yet)
Income Tax 1913
Pearl Harbor to manipulate Americans to go slaughter other people who were also manipulated to kill "their enemy", none of which were actually enemies.
The creation of the CIA by merging the OSS with the Nazi Intelligence agency
Operation Paperclip
League of Nations/UN/WEF/WHO/Red Cross/CFR/Trilateral/...
Jesus, I could do this all day.
Yes, JFK's murder was terrible. Yes, if he had been able to make his silver standard stick that would have been great, but it wouldn't have really changed anything. The machine was already built. His tenure was never going to change what had already been put into motion.
The entire world was taken over in 1913. It was completely solidified NWO by 1933. Everything after that was going through the motions; building the machine. Setting us up with The Matrix to lead us into oblivion. One man was never going to change that. It took an entire team 50 years to set up the Q coup.
Wilson gave us the Creature from Jekyll Island, without which, NONE of the current problems would be possible. It set up everything that we see in our various govt's in America today. Without that, we wouldn't even have a central banking system today.
agree about Woodrow Wilson the woke shit we are seeing is the end result of 100 years of his brand of progressivism festering within government and academia,
Learn about Cecil B Rhodes and Edward Mandell House.
Wilson was a punk. He didn’t do anything nefarious he w a just a moron.
Look at Edward Caycee even sat with Wilson in NUT Stories and plotted out the League of Nations. Total horse shit.
Presidents - largely gave away their abilities.
FDR & Wilson def stowed away the presidency but also we’re echoes of the men that ran them.
I blame
They sold out the Entirety of the US Constitution by enacting the National Security Act of 1947 and removing the US Constitution.
Folks wake up.
You don’t live in a Constitutional Republic and you never have.
The US Constitution has been dissolved and you live in a post-constitutional totalitarian regime which is why you’re Covid bullshit and Operation Lockstep is on your necks.
We’ve been in a State of Emergency since when again? Oh more states of emergency with Covid?
Trump was elected because after the GOP thoroughly rigged the primaries in 2008 and 2012 LOTS of us got involved and changed things sk they couldn’t rig 2016. Nationally they could rig but only to a certain level and Trump hit a stride against a HRC that polled terribly.
Post constitutional doesn’t mean elections are gone. Fair elections? Yes. Explain 2020.
Now would you say our government abides by the constitution or do we have multiple agencies and otherwise directly acting outside of the constitution and asserting power over the country and world unchecked?
JFK even said “I do not have control over the CIA. They are beholden to nobody.”
2008-2016 were some of the worst years in my memory and Obammy being in charge just made it worse. Now the idiots who voted for Biden are all like "This is great! A return to 'normalcy'!" Yeah if you consider the Recession a "normal" thing to be in, though to be honest what we're going through now is 10x worse.
I still know several that are DIE HARD fans for Biden and his policies only because he's NOT Trump. The cult is alive and well in these people's minds.
Warpspeed was a tactical move to force implementation before the full weapon could be welded. Like when Captain Mancuso in the Hunt for Red October turned directly into an enemy torpedo to impact it before it's timer armed it for explosion.
It's far too tall an order to just pick one. There are several that are giant sacks of shit. Barry, both bushes, Clinton, FDR, LBJ, and Wilson are my top picks.
One more, pede, and you could have a double ass-end of Mt. Tushmore.... May I humbly suggest Jimmuh Carter, esrtwhile peanut farmer and nuk-u-ler ex-spurt?
Founding fathers, maybe Jackson, JQ Adams, Lincoln, Grant, maybe Teddy Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, Carter might be a good person at heart, and Trump.
No wonder he was demonized. My theory is the masons co-opted the anti Masonic party in order to demonize Jackson. His legacy as a power hungry maniac never went away, despite all the good he did. When presented with the Indian removal act, he knew manifest destiny meant settlers would move west weather you wanted it or not and he signed the act, knowing the Natives would be wiped out. Van Buren decided to move them in the trail of tears. Jackson even adopted a Native American child after he was found on the battlefield with his dead mother.
Jackson was the most badass President ever. Beat his own would-be assassin with a cane. At Jackson's funeral, his pet parrot had to be removed from the service because it would not stop cussing out the mourners.
Grant is a POS, he ended up demonitizing silver and removing it as our monitary standard b/c he signed an 11 page bill he conveniently didn't read. We weren't on a gold, but a silver standard until he signed that bill.
Which president was it that was the only one in history to actually pay off the US national debt? Whoever it was I would consider him to be good for at least that reason, but maybe he did other shady things that brings that accomplishment down.
Not Nixon. He was a pedophile according to this MK Ultra victim of his. Happened on a military hangar in Australia on an airplane. I can't recall if it was the Air Force One.
GHWB removed the CIA Asshat: Noriega. Although he was really just "fixing" the screw up from when Noriega and USA Inc killed Torrijos.
GHWB just fixed that by reclaiming their asset. That said, the US did honor the Carter era treaties. Even if the CIA did everything they could to drag the process. Reagan did nothing for Panama or against it.
GHWB is FBI, right? Operation Just Cause was the FBI removing a CIA root. This opened Panama up to near invasion by the ChiComs. Thankfully, Panama has had many presidents who have helped slam the door on that. Trump also helped a bit.
How about the one that demolished the Republic with that internal war? Reduced the states to counties? And shredded the constitution? Demonstrated the ease of torching the free press and imprisoning free speech? Expanded the central government power by a thousand fold? What was his name again, I forget…?
I honestly have a hard time believing Bush Jr is just a puppet tbh. All the bloodlines link up to him and he’s related to so many people through out American and world history. That has to mean something given how much these “people” care about bloodlines. I think 43 had a larger role than he gets credit for tbh.
James Buchanan - allowed Democrat sore losers to engage in widespread, organized insurrection and rebellion, ultimately resulting in all out civil war... there's also evidence that he was aware the state department had been disproportionately reinforcing southern military installations from 1857-1860 under the guise of "fearing slave revolts", when in reality Democrat slavers were prepping for their own rebellion. What makes Buchanan such a shit, is that he sent an army to Utah to get the Mormons in line over bigamy yet as the deep south conspired to plunge the nation into war, he not only let it happen but implicitly condoned it.
Had Buchanan crushed the fireeaters immediately, perhaps the subsequent events are prevented and we never end up with massive shits like Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Willy and Hussein.
Tyler and Polk are up there as well... Tyler literally made himself President and Polk provoked war with Mexico for the sole purpose of gaining territory to open up to the expansion of slavery.
Tyler, Polk, Fillmore, Peirce, Buchanan.... all puppets and/or conspirators. Poor Zach Taylor got in their way so he was "stomach illnessed" away... sound similar to William Henry Harrison eh? Btw, check out the connections between Buchanan and our friend John Slidell.
Slidell was being sent to allegedly broker a treaty with Mexico and yet at the same time Polk orders Taylor to move into the disputed zone. Perhaps Clay wasn't fully aware of Slidell's behind the scenes maneuvering but somehow I doubt that.
A related topic- was Nixon gotten rid of bc there were some things that he wouldn't do? I'm not saying he was good per se, but was he not playing ball with the cabal to some degree? Or was Watergate just a case of crooks messing with other crooks?
Looking back at Nixon, lots of the things he did seemed somewhat decent.
FDR and Wilson are tied. They completely destroyed the planet. Everything before was a set up, everything after was just playing the game. Those two did all the heavy lifting for the Cabal.
Spot. On.
I'd add LBJ as a close third because he got us off the gold standard and caused our currency to become more and more worthless
LBJ also started the welfare system if I'm not mistaken which heavily aided in destroying my fellow black community, fuck LBJ with the fire of a thousand suns.
Yep the "war on poverty"
The immigration act was horrible for all people here prior. We've been iinvaded for ~ 50 years
Ain't nobody talking about how LBJ had JFK whacked to even get into office, just how disastrous he was after being sworn in standing next to the blood-stained widow...
And winking at the Congressman after completing the oath.
And aided in the murder of JFK. Tough to argue with LBJ.
LBJ had his own personal hit man even prior to gaining national office. Guy’s name was Mac Wallace. Had three kills that are known of.
Totally Agree looks like FDR, Wilson and LBj.
The gold standard ended in 1933. FDR made it illegal to own more than 5 oz of gold. Nixon just ended the part of the Bretton Woods program where we could trade gold with other countries for $35/oz. This allowed Gold to fluctuate and allowed for inflation to become a more impactful thing (a tax on savings). It was not nice and very destructive, but it allowed us to buy gold again. The actual gold standard (where paper dollars were tradable for gold) ended in 1933 with FDR and the confiscation of gold (which he gave to the Fed).
This confiscation (eminent domain, and proof of a sovereign dictatorship) of all of American's gold was done because the Fed couldn't increase the money supply (a necessity to get out of the Great Depression) because they had to keep 40% of the money supply in gold reserves. Now of course they had been decreasing the money supply for years (the cause of the Great Depression, totally intentional), so where did the gold go that they had before that they needed an influx of more? That is a great question. I think the answer is, they funded the Nazi rise to power, though I can't find source evidence of that. Regardless, it went somewhere.
They also could have just lowered the reserve requirement, which they did almost immediately after the gold confiscation, but the whole thing was obviously planned to steal all of the gold from America.
The Fed still has that gold today (according to their documents). Of course they "gave it back" to the Treasury, except its still in the Fed vaults (NY Fed). Our government can't even get it back from them because the Fed is a sovereign entity (as an agent of the BIS). We have no jurisdiction over them according to our own laws.
So not LBJ, and not Nixon. It was FDR that ended the gold standard.
The Fed was folded into the U.S. Treasury in April 2020, so guess what....What Trump decides, happens..
I really don't think that's what happened, though I'd have to really dig into the law to be sure. The Fed is a sovereign entity. Congress would have had to get rid of laws on the books to have any actual influence over them. Having input for some fund with the Federal Reserve Board has nothing to do with controlling the Fed. The Fed is completely independent of the Federal Reserve Board. The FRB and the FOMC are advisory entities only. They can't tell the Fed Banks what to do at all, they can only advise.
Unless you have evidence that suggests that the laws that make them sovereign have been overwritten, I think this is a misinterpretation.
That link tells me nothing unfortunately. They say a lot of things, but they don't site their sources and thus don't explain how they come to the conclusions that they have.
At some point I will dig deep into the law and compare it to other laws I have done deep dives into (Federal Reserve Act, Bretton Woods, Laws relating to the Bank of International Settlements, etc.) and see if it changes those laws explicitly. If not, then I don't think their conclusions are accurate.
Making up a story and not supplying evidence is not the way to the truth. It doesn't mean they are wrong, but they offer zero evidence to support their story. Which means I am no closer to finding the truth about this.
You define it as a LAW, when in fact the Fed was NOT a federal extension. The IRS , founded at the same time, has corporate HQ in Puerto Rico. They are both more like a mandate than a law. For decades, people have challenged just what law is broken if you don't pay your income taxes-only the grandfathered POWER of the IRS has intimidated its way through the argment.
The Fed has a charter like any bank and has been allowed to function unlike most banks with currency production and "regulation". IT MUST BE BROKEN UP in order for the Republic to be restored. Mandates are the symptom of mob rule democracy..
Remember Q saying "20% seen 80% unseen?? We have just the bare bones of what actually transpired..
Q#3904 confirms that it was part of the plan.
Check the linked tweet on the Q post.
Yes, interesting, but there is still more here than meets the eye I think. As I said, I need to dig into the law itself. There are too many other things that don't jive with that article, unless the law says a lot more than is suggested.
You're not entirely correct about that. All 3 presidents ended the gold standard. I'm a guy who's collected coins for over a decade now, so us numismatists know LBJ is definitely partly to blame, if anything he was the worst of the three for it (at least in my opinion)
Yes FDR did shellack America's gold standard in the 1930s (precisely why the 1933 double eagle is worth so much) but LBJ completely fucked our monetary system by eliminating the gold cover. Therefore our money is no longer backed by gold. It's been progressively losing value ever since. Our money was still backed by gold under FDR even if he confiscated private gold holdings and ceased production of new gold coins. LBJ also quit production of any precious metal coin for general circulation, thus introducing the era of "clad" (copper nickel) coinage. Prior to him, most American coins were made with 90% silver.
Nixon got us off the gold standard for international transactions, but at that point it was just finishing what was already done.
Yeap, 1964 and earlier quarters and dimes are 90% silver and you can hear it when you handle them. That ping is nothing like these fucking zinc atrocities.
Ah, I see. We are talking about two different things.
You are talking about bank accounting. Yes, after taking out the gold reserve requirement and international trading agreement (Bretton Woods) the inflation dial was able to be turned much farther. Also deficit spending was allowed to run rampant. As I said above, those were big deal fuckeries, but they are not the gold standard. They are bank accounting procedures and an increase in economic manipulation capacity.
The gold standard means that money IS gold. Paper money = physical gold. They can be interchanged. They are identical. That is what it has meant for over a thousand years, ever since they first started issuing bank notes. That ended in 1933. Bringing back the gold standard has nothing to do with bank reserves. It has nothing to do with trading gold with other countries, or even economic dials. It means that what we use as an intermediary for barter is a tangible asset, in this case the element Gold at a set value per measure.
Nixon was a pedophile. Likely a Luciferian.
He's not the only one...
Throw a stone in the house of Presidents and hit a Satanist.
The house of cards is crumbling. Soon to be destroyed.
Some people now think that George Bush who was in the CIA at the time actually ran the operation that killed JFK in front of the whole world.
I believe this as well, he had to have known.
Bush was in Dallas on the day it went down wasn't he?
More than that. People recently found him down the block or around the corner from where JFK was killed, at the time it went down. He later told the commission that he was in DC the entire day and not in Texas.
yes. bush also has a lot of connections to the drug epidemics (cocaine and heroin). probably mkultra before that.
Don't forget that they drug Jackie, still dripping in blood and brain matter to the immediate swearing in of LBJ. From the pictures I've seen she was shell shocked. LBJ and GHWB get my top votes. After them I'd say FDR and Wilson.
Anyone who thinks that killing JFK was the most important thing that happened in the past 250 years of our country is missing so many things. That was inconsequential to about 100 other things that happened.
Things that were worse, just in the beginning of the 20th century:
Jesus, I could do this all day.
Yes, JFK's murder was terrible. Yes, if he had been able to make his silver standard stick that would have been great, but it wouldn't have really changed anything. The machine was already built. His tenure was never going to change what had already been put into motion.
The entire world was taken over in 1913. It was completely solidified NWO by 1933. Everything after that was going through the motions; building the machine. Setting us up with The Matrix to lead us into oblivion. One man was never going to change that. It took an entire team 50 years to set up the Q coup.
Not to mention killing off JFK. He was the point man according to E Howard Hunt, on his death bed.
i thought it was nixon that took us off the gold standard.
Nixon gave us the EPA and trade with China.
I thought Bill Clinton gave us trade with China.
I thought Joe Biden gave us to China.
I thought China gave us Joe Biden.
Lolllll never a truth spoken
He gave China our missile tech.
Through Doral Space Tech ? Can’t remember that ass-holes name atm
Nixon took us off internationally, domestic gold standard was already dead thanks to FDR and LBJ
In addition started the downward spiral... https://www.alternet.org/2015/06/how-richard-nixon-destroyed-american-manufacturing/
Wilson gave us the Creature from Jekyll Island, without which, NONE of the current problems would be possible. It set up everything that we see in our various govt's in America today. Without that, we wouldn't even have a central banking system today.
agree about Woodrow Wilson the woke shit we are seeing is the end result of 100 years of his brand of progressivism festering within government and academia,
Beat me to it. Roosevelt had more of Stalins agents in his govt than Stalin had supporters in his!
Surprised no one has said Xi Xinping yet
T Roosevelt and his Bull Moose party helped put Wilson in the WH, so he is a contender just for that.
Woodrow Wilson - Creator of the League of Nations, Federal Reserve, WWI, "Spanish Flu" plandemic under his watch - all-around Cabal POS
He was a teacher and knew shit about shit.
Learn about Cecil B Rhodes and Edward Mandell House.
Wilson was a punk. He didn’t do anything nefarious he w a just a moron.
Look at Edward Caycee even sat with Wilson in NUT Stories and plotted out the League of Nations. Total horse shit.
Presidents - largely gave away their abilities.
FDR & Wilson def stowed away the presidency but also we’re echoes of the men that ran them.
I blame
They sold out the Entirety of the US Constitution by enacting the National Security Act of 1947 and removing the US Constitution.
Folks wake up.
You don’t live in a Constitutional Republic and you never have.
The US Constitution has been dissolved and you live in a post-constitutional totalitarian regime which is why you’re Covid bullshit and Operation Lockstep is on your necks.
Wake up.
And why do we still have guns?
I have my facts straight.
We’ve been in a State of Emergency since when again? Oh more states of emergency with Covid?
Trump was elected because after the GOP thoroughly rigged the primaries in 2008 and 2012 LOTS of us got involved and changed things sk they couldn’t rig 2016. Nationally they could rig but only to a certain level and Trump hit a stride against a HRC that polled terribly.
Post constitutional doesn’t mean elections are gone. Fair elections? Yes. Explain 2020.
Now would you say our government abides by the constitution or do we have multiple agencies and otherwise directly acting outside of the constitution and asserting power over the country and world unchecked?
JFK even said “I do not have control over the CIA. They are beholden to nobody.”
The "war to make the world safe for democracy".
Ima sticky this for a while. Some great history being shared.
Thanks! I always love conversations on my posts :)
I appreciate that. Thank you for your service sir.
Bathhouse Barry
With big Mike schlong in a thong.
Phaleaseee don’t draw gross pictures with words in my mind! 🤢 Barfing
Not even an American. Fuck.
2008-2016 were some of the worst years in my memory and Obammy being in charge just made it worse. Now the idiots who voted for Biden are all like "This is great! A return to 'normalcy'!" Yeah if you consider the Recession a "normal" thing to be in, though to be honest what we're going through now is 10x worse.
The majority of people who voted for Biden have been in graveyards for decades, silly & some of the few that really did are realizing their mistakes
I still know several that are DIE HARD fans for Biden and his policies only because he's NOT Trump. The cult is alive and well in these people's minds.
He conspired in the release of COVID, the rigging of an election, and toxic vaccines.
He set back race relations in the USA by 80 years or more.
Warpspeed was a tactical move to force implementation before the full weapon could be welded. Like when Captain Mancuso in the Hunt for Red October turned directly into an enemy torpedo to impact it before it's timer armed it for explosion.
Is this why people say some are placebos?
It's far too tall an order to just pick one. There are several that are giant sacks of shit. Barry, both bushes, Clinton, FDR, LBJ, and Wilson are my top picks.
Very tough call to pick one. Got to have Wilson and FDR in there. I'd include LBJ and Dubya.
One more, pede, and you could have a double ass-end of Mt. Tushmore.... May I humbly suggest Jimmuh Carter, esrtwhile peanut farmer and nuk-u-ler ex-spurt?
Barry. And Biden doesn't count cause this is Barry's 3rd term.
Hussein (that’s what Q calls Obummer)
Edit: Pedo Xiden too
Lol. That’s his middle name. Barack Hussein Obama II
Yes, I’m aware.
I think Obama might eclipse this since he's a commie
In my lifetime Im gonna say Black Barry.
son of Subud.
Bath-house Barry...
Founding fathers, maybe Jackson, JQ Adams, Lincoln, Grant, maybe Teddy Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, Carter might be a good person at heart, and Trump.
Definitely Jackson. He is one of the only leaders in history to shut down a central bank and live. That alone makes him one of the greatest.
No wonder he was demonized. My theory is the masons co-opted the anti Masonic party in order to demonize Jackson. His legacy as a power hungry maniac never went away, despite all the good he did. When presented with the Indian removal act, he knew manifest destiny meant settlers would move west weather you wanted it or not and he signed the act, knowing the Natives would be wiped out. Van Buren decided to move them in the trail of tears. Jackson even adopted a Native American child after he was found on the battlefield with his dead mother.
Jackson was the most badass President ever. Beat his own would-be assassin with a cane. At Jackson's funeral, his pet parrot had to be removed from the service because it would not stop cussing out the mourners.
Grant is a POS, he ended up demonitizing silver and removing it as our monitary standard b/c he signed an 11 page bill he conveniently didn't read. We weren't on a gold, but a silver standard until he signed that bill.
Which president was it that was the only one in history to actually pay off the US national debt? Whoever it was I would consider him to be good for at least that reason, but maybe he did other shady things that brings that accomplishment down.
That was Jackson, and they tried to kill him for it.
Calvin Coolidge and Chester Arthur as well.
Not Nixon. He was a pedophile according to this MK Ultra victim of his. Happened on a military hangar in Australia on an airplane. I can't recall if it was the Air Force One.
There are some pictures of him drawn by her as a kid. Really nasty stuff.
Is there any other evidence of that? I’m not saying Nixon was totally a good man but it’s gonna take more than one article to change my mind.
Barry Sotero
That's a pretty fucking solid list...
I would l prbly swap bush / lbj tho
GHWB removed the CIA Asshat: Noriega. Although he was really just "fixing" the screw up from when Noriega and USA Inc killed Torrijos.
GHWB just fixed that by reclaiming their asset. That said, the US did honor the Carter era treaties. Even if the CIA did everything they could to drag the process. Reagan did nothing for Panama or against it.
GHWB is FBI, right? Operation Just Cause was the FBI removing a CIA root. This opened Panama up to near invasion by the ChiComs. Thankfully, Panama has had many presidents who have helped slam the door on that. Trump also helped a bit.
Barry Sotoro, G.H.W. Bush, Bush, Jr. LBJ, Brandon Biden. Not necessarily in that order
O B U M A - he started the 16 year plan and Hellary dropped the ball.
A toss up between Bush Sr and Obama.
Andrew Johnson, add him to the list.
Good call
How about the one that demolished the Republic with that internal war? Reduced the states to counties? And shredded the constitution? Demonstrated the ease of torching the free press and imprisoning free speech? Expanded the central government power by a thousand fold? What was his name again, I forget…?
My choice as well. Everything changed after him.
In order of worst to less worse but still intolerable.
The guy from the independence day movie.
No name. Because hes a treasonous fucker.
He was "president" for a few hours when Bush Jr was getting a surgery of some sorts.
No name wasn’t VP under George W. Bush, Dick Cheney was. George H.W. Bush’s VP was Dan Quayle.
Edit to add: and Dick Cheney was really the president the entire time anyway... Bush was a puppet, Cheney was/is a warmonger.
I honestly have a hard time believing Bush Jr is just a puppet tbh. All the bloodlines link up to him and he’s related to so many people through out American and world history. That has to mean something given how much these “people” care about bloodlines. I think 43 had a larger role than he gets credit for tbh.
Youre absolutely right and i dont know why i had confused the two. My bad.
It’s okay, it’s easy to confuse all the treasonous fuckers... they all look the same to me.
James Buchanan - allowed Democrat sore losers to engage in widespread, organized insurrection and rebellion, ultimately resulting in all out civil war... there's also evidence that he was aware the state department had been disproportionately reinforcing southern military installations from 1857-1860 under the guise of "fearing slave revolts", when in reality Democrat slavers were prepping for their own rebellion. What makes Buchanan such a shit, is that he sent an army to Utah to get the Mormons in line over bigamy yet as the deep south conspired to plunge the nation into war, he not only let it happen but implicitly condoned it.
Had Buchanan crushed the fireeaters immediately, perhaps the subsequent events are prevented and we never end up with massive shits like Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Willy and Hussein.
Tyler and Polk are up there as well... Tyler literally made himself President and Polk provoked war with Mexico for the sole purpose of gaining territory to open up to the expansion of slavery.
Tyler, Polk, Fillmore, Peirce, Buchanan.... all puppets and/or conspirators. Poor Zach Taylor got in their way so he was "stomach illnessed" away... sound similar to William Henry Harrison eh? Btw, check out the connections between Buchanan and our friend John Slidell.
Have a read over this speech... Slidell pops up quite a bit
Slidell was being sent to allegedly broker a treaty with Mexico and yet at the same time Polk orders Taylor to move into the disputed zone. Perhaps Clay wasn't fully aware of Slidell's behind the scenes maneuvering but somehow I doubt that.
Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.
You mean FJB
George Soros
Wilson, FDR, LBJ, HW Bush, Obama
Bill Clinton
We all know Hillary was the real shot caller. Bill was just there to diddle interns.
My vote is for Hillary being the worst thing for America ever since her guns for cocaine trade years back in Arkansas.
George Herbert Walker Bush. For a lot of reasons some of which are yet to be known.
Obama, maybe Woodrow Wilson
Just because it’s easy doesn’t make it a trick question…Obama
A related topic- was Nixon gotten rid of bc there were some things that he wouldn't do? I'm not saying he was good per se, but was he not playing ball with the cabal to some degree? Or was Watergate just a case of crooks messing with other crooks?
Looking back at Nixon, lots of the things he did seemed somewhat decent.
I think Rodger Stone said that Nixon killed LBJ as revenge for JFK. Remember, allegedly the same guy that killed Kennedy wanted to kill Nixon as well.