It looks to me like Nancy is on one of her word salad ramblings, President Trump is looking at her with a WTF is this mad woman screeching? expression and Milley is asking himself how the fuck he let these lunatics compromise him so thoroughly he has to side with nonsense.
Lol Trump looks like he wants to laugh and while asking her what she's flapping her gums about. Should told her to behave and she'll get a ice cream bar at the end of this. Along with some vodka.
"Look at me holding my human children with my human hands eating normal human food such smoked meats, water, floral plant flesh bulbs, insects, grasses, and ethylene glycol. I always brush my human hair with my human comb and stand to urinate with my human genitalia and sit to defecate with my retractable human anus. I make sure I have proper human nutrition and eat at least 6 gastroliths to help my perfectly normal human digestion. After 6 months of pregnancy I lay my unfertilized eggs in a cold damp place and the male human excretes his spermout of his anus like a normal human man to fertile the eggs which hatch in 6 weeks to go on to find a host and control their body like all normal humans. I like star wars episode one better than the originals and think snl is funny but not Dave Chapelle because he is a racist white supremacist."
I don't have any kids myself, but I have plenty of friends who do indeed have several under 5. It's sometimes like a circus but they are such sweet kids.
Remember when, I believe before the election and definitely before results were known, McEnany’s Twitter profile described herself as “former White House press secretary”?
This feels like it’s in a similar vein, and definitely points to things being not what they seem.
That sounds exactly like something an illuminati reptilian lizardman ai robot grey alien extra dimensional ginger golem Astral projecting dream raping pedophile space energy vampire annunaki giant devil donkey goat witch succubus would say to pose as one of us...
wow that's super creepy. thanks - i learned something today lol.
When we smile, a genuine happy smile, there will be symmetry of emotion on the face even though our faces are not in and of themselves symmetrical. So even though both sides are slightly different, true emotions will be seen equally across both sides of the face—in essence, emotional symmetry. In other words when we are either truly angry or truly happy, both side of the face reflect that emotion.
However, oftentimes, when we are experiencing multiple emotions at the same time or when there is an attempt to hide an emotion, we are betrayed by the emotional asymmetry of the face—what I call facial chirality (pronounced ki ra li ti). Chirality is a term that comes to us from the Greek language and is used to describe two objects that may appear identical but when folded over onto themselves they are not symmetrical.
Animosity, anger, fear, as well as other emotions, appear freely on both sides of the face as we truly experience them. However, when there is suppression of these emotions, when there is an attempt to beguile others as to how we really feel, or there are hidden issues or feelings, oftentimes, we see that emotion displayed only on one side of the face and not the other. The fact that we are seeing a chiral emotional display should serve as a warning that something is wrong.
In 2012, Psaki returned to political communications as press secretary for President Obama's 2012 reelection campaign.[20] On February 11, 2013, Psaki became spokesperson for the United States Department of State.[20] Her hiring at the Department of State fueled speculation that she would replace White House Press Secretary Jay Carney when he left the White House,[21] but, on May 30, 2014, it was announced that Josh Earnest would replace Carney. In 2015, she returned to the White House as communications director and stayed through the end of the Obama administration.
Also, what mom calls t̶h̶e̶i̶r̶ her children humans?
We know how much she lies, so it's safe to assume: not humans.
Made at the same factory.
The ginger is not human for the ginger has one less soul than the human.
Lizard person certified.
David Icke enters the chat
What’s he been up to?
Stiff being a grifter no doubt
How many kids total?
It’s code, meaning they aren’t sprogs.
I think it's beautiful that she owns two human children
It’s prob because it looks like Nancy is giving it to DJT
It looks to me like Nancy is on one of her word salad ramblings, President Trump is looking at her with a WTF is this mad woman screeching? expression and Milley is asking himself how the fuck he let these lunatics compromise him so thoroughly he has to side with nonsense.
Yeah he has that, "are you fucking high?" look on his face.
Lol Trump looks like he wants to laugh and while asking her what she's flapping her gums about. Should told her to behave and she'll get a ice cream bar at the end of this. Along with some vodka.
I think this moment earned Pelosi "the Shes Fuckin Crazy" award 😂
"It" being an outburst of dementia.
The look on his face "Jesus this woman is stupid"
It looks even worse for them, Pelosi screeching and admitting Trump is currently the real president.
Notice it doesn't mention her current "role" as WH press secretary.
Because it's her old acct
Last tweet was from 1 week ago. Still seems like she uses it to me, although not as frequently as her press sec. account.
I see that now! Very interesting!
Could be. Think she'd have a note referring people to her official account.
Look at Trump surrounded by all those assholes
I wonder what he thinks about his "right hand man" in this photo.
Worse than a backed up proctologist's waiting room. pun intended
Especially Millynothingburger.
Awesome she knows who the real president is.
Only photo she had, slow Joe hasn't had any meeting.
Yeah. Neither Jen or the Biden's are allowed in there
actor playing Joe isn't actually in the White House.
poor kids. their lives are gonna be fu**ked up!
Huh. Weird...
Strange. Good find!
"Look at me holding my human children with my human hands eating normal human food such smoked meats, water, floral plant flesh bulbs, insects, grasses, and ethylene glycol. I always brush my human hair with my human comb and stand to urinate with my human genitalia and sit to defecate with my retractable human anus. I make sure I have proper human nutrition and eat at least 6 gastroliths to help my perfectly normal human digestion. After 6 months of pregnancy I lay my unfertilized eggs in a cold damp place and the male human excretes his spermout of his anus like a normal human man to fertile the eggs which hatch in 6 weeks to go on to find a host and control their body like all normal humans. I like star wars episode one better than the originals and think snl is funny but not Dave Chapelle because he is a racist white supremacist."
She says "mom of two humans under five" like that's a big deal. It ain't honey. Try having 4 kids under five years old.
Lucky you ,congrats
I don't have any kids myself, but I have plenty of friends who do indeed have several under 5. It's sometimes like a circus but they are such sweet kids.
Both of them.
Remember when, I believe before the election and definitely before results were known, McEnany’s Twitter profile described herself as “former White House press secretary”?
This feels like it’s in a similar vein, and definitely points to things being not what they seem.
That sounds exactly like something an illuminati reptilian lizardman ai robot grey alien extra dimensional ginger golem Astral projecting dream raping pedophile space energy vampire annunaki giant devil donkey goat witch succubus would say to pose as one of us...
Sus impostor amogus blue vented eject
Not anymore.
Still up for me:
Thanks I was looking at her Press Secretary account. :)
Still up....
Can confirm... what in the fuck?
For future reference:
Why does it say "former WH comms chief" has she been stood down?
She was WH comms chief with Barry (Obama).
That's her acct prior to becoming Press Sec. Here is her current official Twitter acct:
So why would she EVER have a picture of GEOTUS on her Twit?
I was thinking she wasn't using it anymore after she was given the new one as press secretary. I see now that she is using both! Very odd
wow that's super creepy. thanks - i learned something today lol.
Careful, don’t get too close to it.
Trump’s face LOL it really is like WTH is this really happening?
Poor Trump, he's surrounded by traitors, and also Drunk Nancy is getting all uppity again. Where's her meds?
Does anyone know how long this has been her cover photo?
Fake acct.
It's a real one:
It's her personal account.
Why is she using a Trump admin photo ?!?
But what’s with the mother of three humans crap?
She probably doesn't want to assume their gender🐸
Ya think
It says former WH Comms Chief. When did she become "former?"
From CommiePedia:
lol commie pedia!!
The ginger soul sucker admits she's reptilian. /s "Two human children"
Only an android would call its kids that were placed in its care 'humans'
I want to smack Piglosi for finger pointing at our President I hate that crap, it’s rude forget Peppermint Patti she’s a nothing.
It's okay, only 3 more of her own are pointing back at her.
that means that someone slept with her... as much as she lies on a daily bases... those were fake orgasms!
Why in hell does she have 900k+ followers?!?!?!?!?
Most of those are probably bot accounts. Let's be real lol
twitter is not real dude