I’m in Chicago. Have been going to a different restaurant every night this week just to get denied. I’m actually starting to enjoy it, forcing these people to actively discriminate me over a medical treatment that doesn’t do a damn thing is pretty fun. Also got booted from my gym. Most of my friends are deeply indoctrinated and refuse to see me, one made her entire family get a Covid test before seeing them this year.
Pray for those of us stuck in these places and trying to pushback. It’s not easy, but I trust that God is putting me in this current situation for a reason. Trying to make the most of it.
Keep pushing. I hope that our bare faces and voices of dissent are a new way of proselytizing.
Those who see and hear us may be brothers and sisters in arms the next day.
We don’t know how much pressure the system can withstand, but at some point the pressure will be too much and it will break. So we keep up the polite, firm, peaceful non-compliance.
It’s been a new way to toughen up. I had my child with me, and actually made a speech in line at the Dollar Tree about how pointless the masks are and how no politician will ever say “oh it’s safe now, no need to worry, take off your masks”.
People behind me took off their masks! It was so cool to be an example for my child. Be brave. Stand up for what you believe in.
Yes, keep pushing! I was in bible study this morning and one of the ladies is a retired anesthesiologist and said that it's unvaccinated people in the hospitals. I had to speak up and say that was untrue. And then another lady in this wonderful Christian group said, "Just don't treat the people that show up and haven't been vaccinated!" I was like, "That's not very Christian of you." And then 10 minutes later she's talking about judgmental people??? Oh hell no. I said, "WHAT?? Wasn't that judgmental what you said about not treating people in the hospital who made a different health choice than you?" I'm not gonna censor myself or keep my mouth shut. I never have in my life and now is not the time to start.
Same here in burbs just North of Chicago. I'm only going to places I know and won't ask for a Vax card. Il be in the city this weekend to see mom who still lives on Northside. I think Il try to go eat somewhere to see what happens
Good luck friend! I’ve been denied everywhere, businesses are being compliant. I’d stay to protest, but I just don’t care enough about this city. Have loved this place but this stuff typically gets worse before it gets better.
Actually in another state as we speak looking at homes. Illinois about to lose another tax payer here.
They have been breeding beta males, trannies, and compliant sheep for ages. It was only a matter of time before it caught up with us ( by design ). They are all bitches anyway cuz none of them have any balls.
The women on our side have more testosterone than the limp wristed soy boys on their side. They literally would give anything for their false virtue, starting with someone else's Freedoms first of course.
Someone here posted a meme/comment awhile back and it totally rung true ( like most do here ). It said something like the biggest loss for them during the planned-demic was the loss of respect for people who they used to find intelligent and respect.
It totally blows my mind still how someone can be a literal rocket scientist, but dumb as a box of rocks in so many other matters.
NPC, Bots, Drones, Zombies. I seriously feel like a genius and then dumber at the same time by even interacting with them.
They literally would give anything for their false virtue, starting with someone else's Freedoms first of course.
This is so true. They don’t even care about “Freedom”. They think they are free and right and kind and tolerant. They cannot see THEY are the totalitarians.
The ongoing war on men was for this moment, to have no one that wouldn't bend a knee. The people that put that psych war in place hated Trump "something extra" because he was precisely the type of man they had hoped to eliminate.
I would also argue that most of the people you meet are not actually insane but are captured in the trance.
Reverend Sheen puts it beautifully in this lecture https://youtu.be/K8qqZup3Bg4 about the rise of communism in Russia during the time of Dostoyevski. Dostoyevski compared Russia to the man described in the Gospels as being possessed by many demons. Dostoyevski's prayer was that one day Russia's story would parallel that of the demoniac: she would be found in her right mind sitting at the feet of Jesus.
Hopefully our culture can return to its senses. Ultimately there is only one powerful enough to cast out the devils that have it under control right now. Pray that we can see it in our day.
I'm thinking more along 15-20% lost forever. There are stories of parents that had their kids injected with the clot shot, the kid dies, and the "parent" said they'd do it again. Those people are disconnected from reality, logic, and deep emotions. Because of a decision they made, they literally killed their child.
That would put some people in the hospital. Others would kill themselves. How fine of a line are we willing to walk?
I think that they cannot cope with the guilt and the
I’d do it again” is part of the rationalization that they didn’t make a mistake and that the couff is SO SCARY DEADLY that they made the right decision.
It may take a bit longer to capture some of these folks as the dam breaks…but we will get some.
It takes an unusual person to be strong enough to acknowledge and live with the fact you hurt your kid.
But the unusual person who is strong may also be one who is SO furious with the lies that they end up proselytizing to other parents.
And there will be a handful of those people who are SO SO furious they will not shut up until everyone knows the truth.
Yep I got it from my son on Xmas Day (alcohol involved), & then my partner joined in who I always had thought supported me but proceeded to tell my son that I believe all this crazy stuff blah blah. Huge apologies the next day but it ruined my xmas day totally, went to bed in tears
This is a very divisive post and is a great example of the type of attitude that we DON'T need.
I would go so far as to say that if you hold this position you are just as hypnotized as those who take the government's word at face value without asking questions.
People chose to get inoculated for a variety of reasons. Clearly getting the inoculation was a mistake, and if these people had known then what they know now, many would have chosen differently. Is there no forgiveness for this mistake?
What about the titans who are now strongly speaking out about the inoculation: Dr. McCullough, Dr. Malone, Steve Kirsch? All of them got inoculated also but are now risking their lives, livelihoods and fortunes speaking out against the inoculation. Are they also to be cast out into the darkness?
If these very informed people could be fooled into getting the inoculation, are you going to hold it against the common folk who were also duped?
Hopefully OP will just delete this post. It is just the wrong stance to promote.
I agree. Everyone in my circle has taken the jabs because they thought it was in their best interests (and for no other reason), just as I did NOT because I thought it was in MY best interests to not do so. It’s called freedom of choice.
Right or wrong, we all must live with our decisions. Categorizing people as human versus cattle is very shortsighted, at the least.
Yeah but where they scared of Corona or scared of their own government and/or social shaming.
Its important to shame people for very bad decisions, because most people just follow along with the herd and rely on others to set the standards. We have ceded that moral obligation to the political elite and corporate press, do you not see the awful consequences of that?
I honestly do not have a lot of faith / see much probability at all, that someone who is STILL asleep at this point in the game, will EVER be fully awake.
I'm not saying it's not possible....just not probable....
Have hope! I am finally seeing some movement with my contacts.
Keep an eye on the booster uptake. After the full on omicron freakout, the number of people passing on the boosters will be a good indication of how much progress has been made one way or another.
Anyone or anything that just follows in my experience is "Cattle"...Its Not meant literally of course, but to make a distinction between Free thinking and blindly following ...to make a point...
Whatever it takes...Especially as they think its safe to vax small children because they had their "other" shots before and there's nothing wrong with them now....
I already warned a family member about doing this to their kid... told me they were probably gonna do it when their kids birthday comes... I may have to disown them as family.
Its mean, but anyone warned and shown evidence who decides to jab a 5 year old with experimental gene therapy is committing child abuse.
Anyone can feel free to disagree... I am standing strong, and dont care.
I have an aquaintence , a VietNam vet, a Ranger captain who led men in battle tell me his rationale: "it is free and the VA offers it to me" I pointed out NOTHING is free and who am I to improve on my God given immunity??? I have noticed a decline in memory-it is sad, I've learned so much only to very likely lose him this winter...
Agree we should caution against saying “these are the people I want nothing to do with” as our mission is unity.
But in context of the post, it’s fair to examine the great divide between those who fell and those who still stand, and those — like McCullough, who rose up.
It matters if you’re hiring someone to lead or manage. It matters when you’re choosing a spouse. It matters if you want to send your kids to school vs indoctrination. And regarding elected/appointed officials, it’s a matter of life and death.
"People chose to get inoculated for a variety of reasons. Clearly getting the inoculation was a mistake, and if these people had known then what they know now, many would have chosen differently. Is there no forgiveness for this mistake?"
Zero. Not even a little. They should have known they were being lied to long before this point. It's their fault for being blind.
Right, and when we tried to share vital information regarding the clot shot they laughed and or got angry with us. That right there is why I’m having trouble just letting it go. They get mad at us for trying to share the light.
Have you listened to Dr. Desmet's theory of mass formation? Them ridiculing the facts you presented them with strongly supports his theory.
In short, they have been captured in a mass hypnosis and so they are unable to process facts that you present them, so they feel the only option is to ridicule the information you show them.
They are victims, not enemies. The problem, and it seems to be a large one, is how to break through the trance and get them awake. Hopefully "the plan" includes a way to wake people up because many people are deeply entranced right now.
Up to now no one has been able to offer an explanation for why some people get captured by the hypnosis and some people don't.
Can you explain why you were not captured while others you know who seem to have very similar profiles to your own ended up getting deeply ensnared by the trance?
The fact that you were given eyes to see what others cannot is a GIFT! It is not something to be arrogant about or to use to belittle others less fortunate than yourself.
Those who got suckered in to taking the vaxx are not your enemy, they are VICTIMS of your enemy. Don't get confused and lose focus of who the enemy actually is.
And that's the problem, isn't it. The people trapped in the hypnosis are victims, but at the same time they are dangerous to us even as we try to help them.
"From the fears that long have bound us, free our hearts to love and praise. Grant us wisdom, grant us courage, for the living of these days."
arrogant about or to use to belittle others less fortunate than yourself.
Not my intention at all...
Those who got suckered in to taking the vaxx are not your enemy, they are VICTIMS of your enemy. Don't get confused and lose focus of who the enemy actually is.
No, I absolutely agree, but there is a difference between "suckered" into taking it and those that Actively engage in pushing the vax to EVERYONE else like we are the problem...
Can you explain why you were not captured while others you know who seem to have very similar profiles to your own ended up getting deeply ensnared by the trance?
The only way I can answer that is by saying its common sense to me...I've always been told to use 3 tools and they have never let me down...Common sense, logic and critical thinking...Can't go wrong
From God, I would imagine...One thing I have seen over the years is that its not Common anymore nowadays...it seems to be the Exception....Why is that?
Little Example...Since I was a kid (and all the kids I grew up) with, if we were given a hot beverage we knew NOT to pour it (boiling hot liquids) on ourselves because it fucking hurts bad...For how long now have you seen the BIG Warning messages on Take away coffee cups...HOT LIQUID...DO NOT POUR OVER YOURSELF or something to that effect...! How many Snowflakes and entitled youth have you seen come from the "Obama" years generation...(SJW's...Antifa and BLM)just an example...
I think that our culture has been designed to intentionally ensnare most people in the hypnosis - of which the C19 mass formation is just the deepest and clearest example.
I think that being awake is somewhat like being an Old Testament prophet - the people they warned had eyes but could not see and ears but could not hear. Being a prophet must have sucked, and yet they could not / did not remain silent.
I am “editing” people from my life. This has revealed the true kernel of character and who someone is in the deepest, sometimes hidden parts of oneself.
Usually, it could take 10-20 years of friendship before an event comes up (severe illness, death, divorce) and show you who your real friends are. Remember when Trump said “someday I’d like to lose everything to see who Is loyal” or something along those lines?
This is like the movie Shallow Hal, where the main character can see WHO someone is on the inside reflected in their outer beauty.
the main character can see WHO someone is on the inside reflected in their outer beauty.
99% of obese people ARE a reflection of who they are on the inside. People with a lack of discipline and respect for their bodies. That doesn't mean a person with a Chad-bod is a good person, but outward beauty is a great heuristic of competence.
Rich kids can definitely fake competence through inheritance though.
Correct re obesity. In the movie though I distinctly remember a hot chick, who was a monster in the inside…that is more what I was thinking about in my comment.
Both sides of the bell curve—extremely underweight and extremely overweight —generally have non-medical issues as the root cause. Either true mental illness, or trauma in their childhoods—which they haven’t confronted and resolved.
To be honest, I must disagree. I have a very different take
One must remember that a mass formation psychosis implies a mass fear response. To claim all these people are disloyal is too harsh for me. Instead I look at it as a fear response. These people didn't see the reality of what is being done to them because of that fear.
fear of death from the disease
fear of losing their family & loved ones, and not being allowed to see them
fear of losing their livelihood
fear of losing their freedoms, and thinking "if I just submit I'll get them back"
fear of never returning to life before covid
It is easy to condemn those disabled by their fear. It is difficult for many to forgive them for being afraid. For me, I know such individuals are simply afraid, and simply need to be enabled to fight that fear.
To me, finding the way to disable that fear is the right path. Disassociating from these fearful souls is the easy one.
The problem is that people who exhibit this level of fear aren't just passively afraid: they are aggressively afraid. They want to take their fear out on a scapegoat, and that scapegoat is us.
I've never tried this, but I have heard that if you are trying to save a panicking person who is drowning and they grab onto you in their fear and threaten to drag you down with them, the correct thing to do is to dive deep under the water which will cause them to let go from you as they try to keep their head above the water.
It may be necessary for us to do this for a time with some people, but the ultimate objective should be to try and get as many safely back to shore as possible - even if we have to dive and separate multiple times in order to save some.
Your teacher sounds hard core. Isn't that test super dangerous for both parties? You waited for him to be low on air, and he was STILL supposed to fight you off at the BOTTOM of a lake? Daaaaamn.
When someone has dedicated an action to combat a response to fear, people who question that action will become targets of outrage because the underpinning fear still exists. It is impossible to rollback time to undo the action
I am grateful to the message Dune sent: FEAR IS THE MIND KILLER and a part of me knew during the lockdown and watching the responses of my elderly peer group at the 'seniors hour' at the Safeway across the street as they filed in in groups of five, following the arrows and maintaining "social distancing" that all this mumbo jumbo would not give them safety because they had lost their freedoms that day.
I continued to watch in amazement at the trickle down tyranny beseting my simple world, and refused to do the futile protocols since they did not place biohazard containers for used masks and gloves. Masks litter the landscape now, only to be washed into storm drains..
William Wallace: Aye. Fight and you may die. Run, and you’ll live...at least a while. And dying in your
beds, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days, from this day to that, for one
chance – just one chance – to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives [With
growing excitement] but they’ll never take our freedom!
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.
I agree 1000% it had to happen like this; to expose everyone so we know what we're dealing with. this way, we won't have regrets and worries of 'what could have been'.
The graphic is from the fall of Ceaușescu, the stinking commie dictator from Romania lost the support of people and was subsequently executed on Christmas day. An inspiring tale to be sure.
Yep. Ceausescu is a reminder to all people losing hope how things can change very quickly. He was making his speech as usual and everything was just like it had been since 1945. A few guys start heckling him. 4 days later he is in front of a firing squad.
And our side is growing. There will be people who got 2 shots who wake up and stop getting the rest. It will take 3 shots for some other people to wake up, or 5, etc. The longer they allow this madness to go on the bigger the momentum of the pendulum when it ultimately swings in the opposing direction.
Agreed. I'm not seeing many vaxx related deaths either. At least not yet. But that doesn't change the fact the vaxx is not a vaxx at all, does have dangerous side effects and most of all, doesn't even work. The jab could be perfectly efficient and safe, but I'm still not taking it for a virus that 99.9% survive and for which there are existing highly effective treatments.
No threat exists at all. Every year people die..they call it a flu virus. No viruses have ever been proven to exist and when asked for evidence of an isolate they confess they have none.
As kary Mullis said in his foreword to a book by Peter duesburg called inventing the aids virus....he said there is no scientific evidence that aids is a disease caused. Y a virus HIV. There is no scientific evidence demonstrating that this is true
There is tons of evidence to prove all viruses are cons...unless we can spread this truth and stop being frightened of an airborne something then the 260 new vaxx waiting to jab us is going to take us all out ...
People re sick only from the terrain..germ theory v terrain..your body is the terrain..germ theory was debunked over hundred years ago by Louis Pasteur himself as incorrect. If the fish get sick you change the dirty water. We are surrounded by chemicals in the water food vaxx and alcohol and bad air. Our immune system amounts a response to get rid of the toxins people call it flu or covid. They get another jab. The body mounts a response. Rinse and repeat until your bodtpy dies of exhaustion
Well, how would you hear about vaxxed deaths anyways? Who is going to report that?
The vaxxed deaths are hidden because they call a freshly jabbed person who gets deathly sick after the jab, but isn't past his 14 day window yet, unvaxxed.
Within the perifery of my contacts I am starting to get reports of sudden death or conditions that sound like serious vaxx injuries. Thankfully no one close to me yet, but they are on the radar.
Although this might be true but it is divisive and makes you live a forever alone life. Maybe we should forgive those around us who got coerced, offer them solutions and move on eventually... idk
I struggle with this a bit. I'm ashamed to say where I don't struggle is the hardcore leftists who worship government and now Fauci.
Where I struggle with this are the otherwise conservative, patriotic Americans that were terrified into getting the jab. I can't look at those people and say "que sera sera". Especially in light of the data pointing to an increasingly dark future for those who have been jabbed. Worst case scenario, we could be looking at a 2/3 population reduction in the western world over the next 10 years.
That being said, what I don't understand is why the elites would want to remove everyone from the planet EXCEPT the most hard-headed, critical-thinking, angry motherfuckers (that would be us). Do they really think they can rule us when we're all that's left?
Jackie, the problem is that the people who folded are not just making mistakes that impact them; they are making mistakes that impact us too: stripping away our freedoms, putting more pressure on us and stealing our livelihoods.
Damm good point you make..."That being said, what I don't understand is why the elites would want to remove everyone from the planet EXCEPT the most hard-headed, critical-thinking, angry motherfuckers (that would be us)."...It doesn't make too much sense...
I think that you need to recognize that most of the hardcore leftists are hardcore leftists because they are most deeply trapped in the mass hypnosis. They are victims - even some of the ones who should hang for the harm they have caused.
The problem is that unless these people can be brought back to their right minds, they are a very real danger to the rest of us because they are programmed to destroy us.
There are many on ‘Our” side who got the shot early, because they were older, or just assumed it was “Safe”.a number of them my friends—
But they were also ones who though trump lost because of mean tweets and there wasn’t significant voter fraud.
The evidence has stacked up and there isn’t much to talk about anymore. It hurts more than the left, because we thought they would have our back. And they just don’t. They hate trump more than they love the constitution and freedom. A real gut punch.
I don't turn my back on my vaxxed friends, and why should I, 75% of them are vaxxed. 100% of my family is vaxxed.
Divided we are weak.
It is We the people VS Darkness
But I get what you're saying. I started a new job on october, 30% of people are not vaccinated, it is obvious how i can speak to them about the stuff hidden in plain sight. It feels even natural, cause I know they didn't get the shot so i know that they know something is not right. At this point, people who are not vaccinated ARE awake, it's just the very beginning of their awakening.
It is Harsh and is meant to be...In my experience, trying to inform people/friends/family...push them in the right direction and just give them facts Just to have a look at Doesn't work...I Always stressed that its NOT my facts and that they can see with a 5-minute search on https://vaers.hhs.gov/ that something is not right...They still can't/don't see...What do you do? It is what it is...
Have you not been following Dr. Desmet's theory of mass formation? It seems to very closely describe what we are seeing around us today. According to Dr. Desmet, these people are literally hypnotized, and no one has a great answer for how to break the hypnosis.
Facts can NOT break the trance although they may prevent people from going even deeper into the trance.
If you listen to Dr. Desmet, he explains that the mass hypnosis was formed by a series of circumstances of which high anxiety and lack of social connection were very important. Then the group attaches its anxiety to a particular focus, and it becomes entranced and no longer is able to think rationally in the area being focussed on.
In our culture we have seen years of high anxiety and increasing lack of social connection, so many people have attached their anxiety to C19 and have looked to the government solutions as a way to eliminate their anxiety. Because their desire to rid themselves of anxiety is so great, they are unable to hear any other solution than what the government has proposed.
It strikes me that some (and those proposing ideas like the ones in your initial post fall into this category) who escaped the mass formation around C19 may be getting ensnared in a secondary mass formation. Rather than attaching anxiety to C19, they attach their anxiety to the vaxxed and those who go along with the government 'solutions'.
If this is hypothesis is true, then this group is in real danger of becoming just as entranced as those they fear. The two groups will have attached their anxiety to different objects, C19 or 'the vaxxed', but their hopes of ridding themselves of their anxiety are both poorly placed. Eliminating these groups will NOT get rid of the anxiety because these groups are not the cause.
Rather than risk getting entranced, I would like to suggest two things:
Recognize that the old normal is gone. It died in March 2020 or shortly thereafter. Regardless of what happens moving forward, those days are never coming back.
Focus on building the new normal. We are currently at a crossroad. Our normal way of life has been destroyed by the psychopaths who created and released the virus and then imposed the bizarre measures which dismantled the old way of doing things. What will this new normal look like? How can we make it exceptionally good?
That is Dr. Desmet's answer but it has been pointed out that this solution risks being again manipulated into another mass formation.
I think that Rev. Sheen's presentation of Dostoyevski's solution is much more wholesome, but I fear that we have a long way to go before we receive such grace and freedom: https://youtu.be/K8qqZup3Bg4
You need to recognize that the "old normal" died in March 2020 or shortly thereafter. This can only mean that there MUST be a new normal.
The question is what will that new normal look like. The globalists have already explained what their new normal will be like: you will own nothing and you will like it.
However, that does not have to be the new normal that comes to pass. We can make it better than what we had previously in our lifetimes. Hopefully we will prevail.
I won't say I agree with this post entirely (not that I think most of us do). But there is a lot of truth here. In general, this is true. I was talking to a friend of mine fairly regularly, and another based friend, we convinced the guy to NOT get the vaccine. He drinks 1 beer and gets pressured into it, takes the shot, then suddenly becomes super pro-vaccine, saying, I got it, I'm not dead, I feel fine. I only wanted to die one night, the same day I got the shot, why are you willing to lose your job and time in the reserves over the shot. I said, it's A. not worth losing my freedoms over (caving to the elites), B. the shot is long-term untested, so because you feel fine now, doesn't mean it's "safe and effective", and C. my wife and I are in complete agreement that we are against getting this vaccine. He sends a text months later (other conversations in between, with me dropping red-pills) at 1130 at night, its in a group text that a friend died from covid, gets buried by the time I saw the texts in the morning, I didn't scroll up because it looked like they were talking about playing a game the next day. In 2 phone calls with him that day, he did not mention his dead friend. He sends a text after the 2nd phone call about how he's ashamed of us as friends not sending condolences about his dead friend. I got a hold of him (he blocked me, my wife, and my friend over this) finally (he's bipolar, so we're trying to cut him slack), and he said he thought we were making a political stance by ignoring his dead friend, when I told him I never saw it, and it was an honest mistake, he said, I guess I can give you the benefit of the doubt, said he'd call later to talk to us, and has YET to this day to call me. This all happened before Christmas. Not gonna lie, at this point, our friendship, our brotherhood of service together is over. If someone's willing to throw a relationship away that is very deep (or was) because they missed one text, because you think they value a political belief to ignore death, then maybe that friendship isn't meant to be. I've never been an a-hole to someone, not sure why he thought I would start here. that all being said, I think we better be careful of the aforementioned attitude, soon these currently "fully vaccinated" people will realize, they will never be "fully vaccinated" and will pour into places like this seeking truth. IT IS OUR JOB TO HELP THEM, TO SHOW GRACE AND COMPASSION, not to be an a-hole to them for making the wrong decision, until then, we must carry on, the battle we have to face won't be an easy one. This friend I've lost may come back one day, because I left it off on a note of forgiveness and grace. I ask others here to have that same mindset.
soon these currently "fully vaccinated" people will realize, they will never be "fully vaccinated" and will pour into places like this seeking truth. IT IS OUR JOB TO HELP THEM, TO SHOW GRACE AND COMPASSION, not to be an a-hole to them for making the wrong decision, until then, we must carry on, the battle we have to face won't be an easy one.
I fully agree with this...Once they have realised because until then you can't really help them...
A little harsh in my opinion. When your conditioned in a system of control from birth it's not as simple as seeing the dark and light as we are at this point and everyone awakens at their own pace.
I get the gist of the message but it's not a unifying one by any means.
I am so fucking sick and tired of all these so called medical professionals denying the efficacy of tried and true medications because the fda or cdc say no. They're a bunch of spineless pieces of gutter filth and I can't wait for the Nuremberg trials to begin anew. Like at the end of WWII, the I was only doing as I was told won't save any of them from the gallows and I want a front row seat... Fuck all of them to the fiery pits of hell that they so justly deserve...
I was giving my daughter Ivermectin because she was fluish. Her pediatrician filed a complaint against me with dcf and I was forced to take her to the er to have her checked out for toxicity levels. Never mind that I gave her the right amount for her body weight and it helped her within hours to feel better.
The Big Lie is so intrusive that health care 'professionals' have discarded the Hippocratic Oath for their own financial security.. Tik Tok dance routines are a fun way to pass time while the wards are empty...
Last night my husband and I watched the movie “Downsizing” of course it was the climate change narrative, would people save the world if they all downsized to 5 inches, resources, etc? what struck me more about this 2017 flick was the lay out of plans, all of it. They pushed out the science that if all of the world’s population would “shrink” themselves the world could possibly survive, mankind would survive and not kill the planet, of course the divisions came to the fore, (similar to non vax and vaxxed) mostly Libtards went small, families divided. Had they came out with this let’s make mankind small to conserve the world, it would have gone exactly the same, lol. Food for thought, no matter what they try and push we aren’t buying it.
I heard the same blandishments from the VA and my PCP was very surprised when I told him NO! on his offer-his reaction to a small flaw in my mask in a face to face was truly scary-his fear is sadly evident; I have a face to face coming up and changed it to telehealth-he agreed faster than I have ever seen. I AM legend.. 😒
On a purely superficial level, I like the label "sheep" better than "cattle" and heres why. Some western that I saw long ago was about a place where the cattlemen hated the sheep ranchers for some reason that I forgot, but left me with the notion that cattle were in some way superior to sheep. So, sheep is how i think of the ones this guy is talking about.
I think the vax narrative is dwindling, it’s now moving to climate change what humans are doing to the planet it’s always been control the human race, keep the planet for them. The vax is just more of the propaganda and yes many have accepted that reality nothing we could have done that we didn’t try and give those we cared for the info they were lacking. It’s how they can control us through whatever crisis they can create, jobs, economic collapse, c 19, healthcare, shortages, fuel, food, fertilizers all of it.
I know good people who took it, because they were lied to about its efficacy and what it would do. I know people to this day that think the vaccine can prevent transmission/prevent getting COVID 😑
You’re focusing on the victims of lying and blatant msm manipulation. Sure, there are steps or things they could have done to prevent getting the vaccine, but that doesn’t change that people should be able to trust their government. I know that sounds laughable here, but We The People should have faith in our representatives in our republic.
Family members who were deceived by mainstream media. Friends in my church who were lied to that the vaccine would prevent catching and transmitting COVID-19.
Not everyone has seen behind the curtain. People who are awake now, were asleep at one point.
Yep, I never realized how cucked my own brother was, it's crazy too because he was more awake then me in his 20s, he would show me all the conspiracy videos and shit. Then he went into the Navy and actually shook Trumps hand before the 2020 election and he was almost on board with maga, now he's basically reverted back to government knows best and I'm just a working plebe who plays video games and works, it's all he cares about.
He actually told me, you should expect to lose certain rights for the greater good of society. And he also said, wouldn't your life be so much easier if you just got vaccinated? Why are you being a martyr for this, seems dumb, you're just making it harder on yourself... :/
idk, it's sad to me really, he thinks me and our mom are basically nuts. The level of sheep in some people just blows my mind
This is how I feel. Absolutely alienated from everyone. I feel like a crazy person but I know I am not the crazy one.
And if not insane...cowardly. I’m utterly shocked at how rare boldness and bravery are.
Few leaders...many followers. We are leaders.
I’m in Chicago. Have been going to a different restaurant every night this week just to get denied. I’m actually starting to enjoy it, forcing these people to actively discriminate me over a medical treatment that doesn’t do a damn thing is pretty fun. Also got booted from my gym. Most of my friends are deeply indoctrinated and refuse to see me, one made her entire family get a Covid test before seeing them this year.
Pray for those of us stuck in these places and trying to pushback. It’s not easy, but I trust that God is putting me in this current situation for a reason. Trying to make the most of it.
Keep pushing. I hope that our bare faces and voices of dissent are a new way of proselytizing.
Those who see and hear us may be brothers and sisters in arms the next day.
We don’t know how much pressure the system can withstand, but at some point the pressure will be too much and it will break. So we keep up the polite, firm, peaceful non-compliance.
It’s been a new way to toughen up. I had my child with me, and actually made a speech in line at the Dollar Tree about how pointless the masks are and how no politician will ever say “oh it’s safe now, no need to worry, take off your masks”.
People behind me took off their masks! It was so cool to be an example for my child. Be brave. Stand up for what you believe in.
We cannot lose, for we won’t stop until we win.
Yes, keep pushing! I was in bible study this morning and one of the ladies is a retired anesthesiologist and said that it's unvaccinated people in the hospitals. I had to speak up and say that was untrue. And then another lady in this wonderful Christian group said, "Just don't treat the people that show up and haven't been vaccinated!" I was like, "That's not very Christian of you." And then 10 minutes later she's talking about judgmental people??? Oh hell no. I said, "WHAT?? Wasn't that judgmental what you said about not treating people in the hospital who made a different health choice than you?" I'm not gonna censor myself or keep my mouth shut. I never have in my life and now is not the time to start.
Plenty of hypocritical nominal Christians like to throw "the Bible says not to judge" when it actually doesn't say that.
Judge not that you be judged also
One reason I may never identify as Christian. When it comes to certain things, they can be just a hypocritical as the left.
And awomen 🤣🤣
Good for you! Me to a masked stranger recently: Masks don't stop viruses. Stranger: Oh, yes they do! (in a condemning tone of voice).
I tell them:
“Take of your mask and smell the bullshit.”
I Do and yes he has....You're not alone, don't forget.
Same here in burbs just North of Chicago. I'm only going to places I know and won't ask for a Vax card. Il be in the city this weekend to see mom who still lives on Northside. I think Il try to go eat somewhere to see what happens
Good luck friend! I’ve been denied everywhere, businesses are being compliant. I’d stay to protest, but I just don’t care enough about this city. Have loved this place but this stuff typically gets worse before it gets better.
Actually in another state as we speak looking at homes. Illinois about to lose another tax payer here.
They have been breeding beta males, trannies, and compliant sheep for ages. It was only a matter of time before it caught up with us ( by design ). They are all bitches anyway cuz none of them have any balls.
The women on our side have more testosterone than the limp wristed soy boys on their side. They literally would give anything for their false virtue, starting with someone else's Freedoms first of course.
Someone here posted a meme/comment awhile back and it totally rung true ( like most do here ). It said something like the biggest loss for them during the planned-demic was the loss of respect for people who they used to find intelligent and respect.
It totally blows my mind still how someone can be a literal rocket scientist, but dumb as a box of rocks in so many other matters.
NPC, Bots, Drones, Zombies. I seriously feel like a genius and then dumber at the same time by even interacting with them.
This is so true. They don’t even care about “Freedom”. They think they are free and right and kind and tolerant. They cannot see THEY are the totalitarians.
The ongoing war on men was for this moment, to have no one that wouldn't bend a knee. The people that put that psych war in place hated Trump "something extra" because he was precisely the type of man they had hoped to eliminate.
Yes. It happens to me all the time. I feel like all got the jabs.
We are the last of our kind.
We are LEGEND!!!
Leaving the door open is vital.
I would also argue that most of the people you meet are not actually insane but are captured in the trance.
Reverend Sheen puts it beautifully in this lecture https://youtu.be/K8qqZup3Bg4 about the rise of communism in Russia during the time of Dostoyevski. Dostoyevski compared Russia to the man described in the Gospels as being possessed by many demons. Dostoyevski's prayer was that one day Russia's story would parallel that of the demoniac: she would be found in her right mind sitting at the feet of Jesus.
Hopefully our culture can return to its senses. Ultimately there is only one powerful enough to cast out the devils that have it under control right now. Pray that we can see it in our day.
Wow—amazing imagery in that Dostoyevsky…thanks will check the lecture out too.
I'm thinking more along 15-20% lost forever. There are stories of parents that had their kids injected with the clot shot, the kid dies, and the "parent" said they'd do it again. Those people are disconnected from reality, logic, and deep emotions. Because of a decision they made, they literally killed their child.
That would put some people in the hospital. Others would kill themselves. How fine of a line are we willing to walk?
I think that they cannot cope with the guilt and the I’d do it again” is part of the rationalization that they didn’t make a mistake and that the couff is SO SCARY DEADLY that they made the right decision.
It may take a bit longer to capture some of these folks as the dam breaks…but we will get some.
It takes an unusual person to be strong enough to acknowledge and live with the fact you hurt your kid.
But the unusual person who is strong may also be one who is SO furious with the lies that they end up proselytizing to other parents.
And there will be a handful of those people who are SO SO furious they will not shut up until everyone knows the truth.
Yep, half my family thinks I’m a conspiratorial nut job.
Yep I got it from my son on Xmas Day (alcohol involved), & then my partner joined in who I always had thought supported me but proceeded to tell my son that I believe all this crazy stuff blah blah. Huge apologies the next day but it ruined my xmas day totally, went to bed in tears
That sounds awful.
You aren’t crazy.
Cause if you are crazy, that means I am crazy. AND I AM NOT CRAZY!!!
What a bummer that your partner disrespected you like that.
This is a very divisive post and is a great example of the type of attitude that we DON'T need.
I would go so far as to say that if you hold this position you are just as hypnotized as those who take the government's word at face value without asking questions.
People chose to get inoculated for a variety of reasons. Clearly getting the inoculation was a mistake, and if these people had known then what they know now, many would have chosen differently. Is there no forgiveness for this mistake?
What about the titans who are now strongly speaking out about the inoculation: Dr. McCullough, Dr. Malone, Steve Kirsch? All of them got inoculated also but are now risking their lives, livelihoods and fortunes speaking out against the inoculation. Are they also to be cast out into the darkness?
If these very informed people could be fooled into getting the inoculation, are you going to hold it against the common folk who were also duped?
Hopefully OP will just delete this post. It is just the wrong stance to promote.
I agree. Everyone in my circle has taken the jabs because they thought it was in their best interests (and for no other reason), just as I did NOT because I thought it was in MY best interests to not do so. It’s called freedom of choice.
Right or wrong, we all must live with our decisions. Categorizing people as human versus cattle is very shortsighted, at the least.
Yeah but where they scared of Corona or scared of their own government and/or social shaming.
Its important to shame people for very bad decisions, because most people just follow along with the herd and rely on others to set the standards. We have ceded that moral obligation to the political elite and corporate press, do you not see the awful consequences of that?
If someone is eventually able to wake up from this trance, my feeling is at that point the shame will be self-generating.
True, but their shaming of us causes harm and should be deflected with harsh criticism.
.......but the knife wont twist itself!
I honestly do not have a lot of faith / see much probability at all, that someone who is STILL asleep at this point in the game, will EVER be fully awake.
I'm not saying it's not possible....just not probable....
Have hope! I am finally seeing some movement with my contacts.
Keep an eye on the booster uptake. After the full on omicron freakout, the number of people passing on the boosters will be a good indication of how much progress has been made one way or another.
Very true....
I'm not totally, 100% writing off everyone who's not yet fully awake, but like I said; I'm also not holding my breath for them.
Well Said...Spot on.
Anyone or anything that just follows in my experience is "Cattle"...Its Not meant literally of course, but to make a distinction between Free thinking and blindly following ...to make a point...
Right, but calling them cattle is a way of shaming them into waking up. I think it is warranted.
Whatever it takes...Especially as they think its safe to vax small children because they had their "other" shots before and there's nothing wrong with them now....
Best example. They are putting our children in danger. Mean words to challenge them is the lightest response they can expect.
I already warned a family member about doing this to their kid... told me they were probably gonna do it when their kids birthday comes... I may have to disown them as family.
Its mean, but anyone warned and shown evidence who decides to jab a 5 year old with experimental gene therapy is committing child abuse.
Anyone can feel free to disagree... I am standing strong, and dont care.
I have an aquaintence , a VietNam vet, a Ranger captain who led men in battle tell me his rationale: "it is free and the VA offers it to me" I pointed out NOTHING is free and who am I to improve on my God given immunity??? I have noticed a decline in memory-it is sad, I've learned so much only to very likely lose him this winter...
govern me harder daddy
Agree we should caution against saying “these are the people I want nothing to do with” as our mission is unity.
But in context of the post, it’s fair to examine the great divide between those who fell and those who still stand, and those — like McCullough, who rose up.
It matters if you’re hiring someone to lead or manage. It matters when you’re choosing a spouse. It matters if you want to send your kids to school vs indoctrination. And regarding elected/appointed officials, it’s a matter of life and death.
McCullough never took the jab. He was referring to all the vaccines prior to these gene therapies.
Why should I forgive people who want me to lose my livelihood, freedom and even my life? Fuck 'em!
"People chose to get inoculated for a variety of reasons. Clearly getting the inoculation was a mistake, and if these people had known then what they know now, many would have chosen differently. Is there no forgiveness for this mistake?"
Zero. Not even a little. They should have known they were being lied to long before this point. It's their fault for being blind.
Right, and when we tried to share vital information regarding the clot shot they laughed and or got angry with us. That right there is why I’m having trouble just letting it go. They get mad at us for trying to share the light.
Have you listened to Dr. Desmet's theory of mass formation? Them ridiculing the facts you presented them with strongly supports his theory.
In short, they have been captured in a mass hypnosis and so they are unable to process facts that you present them, so they feel the only option is to ridicule the information you show them.
They are victims, not enemies. The problem, and it seems to be a large one, is how to break through the trance and get them awake. Hopefully "the plan" includes a way to wake people up because many people are deeply entranced right now.
You are so right about breaking that spell. Gotta do some digging regarding the principles of hypnosis.
Absolutely 100% spot on...WE DID...
Up to now no one has been able to offer an explanation for why some people get captured by the hypnosis and some people don't.
Can you explain why you were not captured while others you know who seem to have very similar profiles to your own ended up getting deeply ensnared by the trance?
The fact that you were given eyes to see what others cannot is a GIFT! It is not something to be arrogant about or to use to belittle others less fortunate than yourself.
Those who got suckered in to taking the vaxx are not your enemy, they are VICTIMS of your enemy. Don't get confused and lose focus of who the enemy actually is.
And that's the problem, isn't it. The people trapped in the hypnosis are victims, but at the same time they are dangerous to us even as we try to help them.
"From the fears that long have bound us, free our hearts to love and praise. Grant us wisdom, grant us courage, for the living of these days."
A great prayer from another era.
Not my intention at all...
No, I absolutely agree, but there is a difference between "suckered" into taking it and those that Actively engage in pushing the vax to EVERYONE else like we are the problem...
The only way I can answer that is by saying its common sense to me...I've always been told to use 3 tools and they have never let me down...Common sense, logic and critical thinking...Can't go wrong
And where did your common sense come from?
From God, I would imagine...One thing I have seen over the years is that its not Common anymore nowadays...it seems to be the Exception....Why is that? Little Example...Since I was a kid (and all the kids I grew up) with, if we were given a hot beverage we knew NOT to pour it (boiling hot liquids) on ourselves because it fucking hurts bad...For how long now have you seen the BIG Warning messages on Take away coffee cups...HOT LIQUID...DO NOT POUR OVER YOURSELF or something to that effect...! How many Snowflakes and entitled youth have you seen come from the "Obama" years generation...(SJW's...Antifa and BLM)just an example...
I think that our culture has been designed to intentionally ensnare most people in the hypnosis - of which the C19 mass formation is just the deepest and clearest example.
I think that being awake is somewhat like being an Old Testament prophet - the people they warned had eyes but could not see and ears but could not hear. Being a prophet must have sucked, and yet they could not / did not remain silent.
Your use of the word inoculation implies that these experimental injections actually confer some immunity to disease. In fact the opposite is true.
Yes, this has been what I call “The Great Edit”
I am “editing” people from my life. This has revealed the true kernel of character and who someone is in the deepest, sometimes hidden parts of oneself.
Usually, it could take 10-20 years of friendship before an event comes up (severe illness, death, divorce) and show you who your real friends are. Remember when Trump said “someday I’d like to lose everything to see who Is loyal” or something along those lines?
This is like the movie Shallow Hal, where the main character can see WHO someone is on the inside reflected in their outer beauty.
Exactly....Spot on ..
99% of obese people ARE a reflection of who they are on the inside. People with a lack of discipline and respect for their bodies. That doesn't mean a person with a Chad-bod is a good person, but outward beauty is a great heuristic of competence.
Rich kids can definitely fake competence through inheritance though.
Correct re obesity. In the movie though I distinctly remember a hot chick, who was a monster in the inside…that is more what I was thinking about in my comment.
Both sides of the bell curve—extremely underweight and extremely overweight —generally have non-medical issues as the root cause. Either true mental illness, or trauma in their childhoods—which they haven’t confronted and resolved.
Also any business that continues with illegal mandates even if they are swatted down by the courts are basically bad to do business with or work for.
Now we know as the veil has been dropped.
So many took it thinking it was a form of effortless heroism and it was an opportunity to virtue signal.
Correct...Couldn't wait to get it even though Young and Healthy...It still blows my mind.
.....and then got a tattoo to celebrate their smooth brain moment and a doughnut on the side.
To be honest, I must disagree. I have a very different take
One must remember that a mass formation psychosis implies a mass fear response. To claim all these people are disloyal is too harsh for me. Instead I look at it as a fear response. These people didn't see the reality of what is being done to them because of that fear.
It is easy to condemn those disabled by their fear. It is difficult for many to forgive them for being afraid. For me, I know such individuals are simply afraid, and simply need to be enabled to fight that fear.
To me, finding the way to disable that fear is the right path. Disassociating from these fearful souls is the easy one.
The problem is that people who exhibit this level of fear aren't just passively afraid: they are aggressively afraid. They want to take their fear out on a scapegoat, and that scapegoat is us.
I've never tried this, but I have heard that if you are trying to save a panicking person who is drowning and they grab onto you in their fear and threaten to drag you down with them, the correct thing to do is to dive deep under the water which will cause them to let go from you as they try to keep their head above the water.
It may be necessary for us to do this for a time with some people, but the ultimate objective should be to try and get as many safely back to shore as possible - even if we have to dive and separate multiple times in order to save some.
Your teacher sounds hard core. Isn't that test super dangerous for both parties? You waited for him to be low on air, and he was STILL supposed to fight you off at the BOTTOM of a lake? Daaaaamn.
There's a reason I've never tried it!
When someone has dedicated an action to combat a response to fear, people who question that action will become targets of outrage because the underpinning fear still exists. It is impossible to rollback time to undo the action
I am grateful to the message Dune sent: FEAR IS THE MIND KILLER and a part of me knew during the lockdown and watching the responses of my elderly peer group at the 'seniors hour' at the Safeway across the street as they filed in in groups of five, following the arrows and maintaining "social distancing" that all this mumbo jumbo would not give them safety because they had lost their freedoms that day.
I continued to watch in amazement at the trickle down tyranny beseting my simple world, and refused to do the futile protocols since they did not place biohazard containers for used masks and gloves. Masks litter the landscape now, only to be washed into storm drains..
William Wallace: Aye. Fight and you may die. Run, and you’ll live...at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days, from this day to that, for one chance – just one chance – to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives [With growing excitement] but they’ll never take our freedom!
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile, This day shall gentle his condition: And gentlemen in England now a-bed Shall think themselves accursed they were not here, And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.
And instead of an amazing speech like these, Trump shamed those who showed up to support him a year ago. I was so salty.
Yet, so much of what he has said and done WILL echo in eternity...
I agree 1000% it had to happen like this; to expose everyone so we know what we're dealing with. this way, we won't have regrets and worries of 'what could have been'.
The graphic is from the fall of Ceaușescu, the stinking commie dictator from Romania lost the support of people and was subsequently executed on Christmas day. An inspiring tale to be sure.
Yep. Ceausescu is a reminder to all people losing hope how things can change very quickly. He was making his speech as usual and everything was just like it had been since 1945. A few guys start heckling him. 4 days later he is in front of a firing squad.
I daresay this is why current president does his speaking in front of video screens and masked sycophants
"4 days later he (and his wife) are in front of a fireing squad"
......and he is photographed with his hat at a jaunty angle due to a bullet.
And our side is growing. There will be people who got 2 shots who wake up and stop getting the rest. It will take 3 shots for some other people to wake up, or 5, etc. The longer they allow this madness to go on the bigger the momentum of the pendulum when it ultimately swings in the opposing direction.
Agreed. I'm not seeing many vaxx related deaths either. At least not yet. But that doesn't change the fact the vaxx is not a vaxx at all, does have dangerous side effects and most of all, doesn't even work. The jab could be perfectly efficient and safe, but I'm still not taking it for a virus that 99.9% survive and for which there are existing highly effective treatments.
No threat exists at all. Every year people die..they call it a flu virus. No viruses have ever been proven to exist and when asked for evidence of an isolate they confess they have none.
As kary Mullis said in his foreword to a book by Peter duesburg called inventing the aids virus....he said there is no scientific evidence that aids is a disease caused. Y a virus HIV. There is no scientific evidence demonstrating that this is true
There is tons of evidence to prove all viruses are cons...unless we can spread this truth and stop being frightened of an airborne something then the 260 new vaxx waiting to jab us is going to take us all out ...
People re sick only from the terrain..germ theory v terrain..your body is the terrain..germ theory was debunked over hundred years ago by Louis Pasteur himself as incorrect. If the fish get sick you change the dirty water. We are surrounded by chemicals in the water food vaxx and alcohol and bad air. Our immune system amounts a response to get rid of the toxins people call it flu or covid. They get another jab. The body mounts a response. Rinse and repeat until your bodtpy dies of exhaustion
Well, how would you hear about vaxxed deaths anyways? Who is going to report that?
The vaxxed deaths are hidden because they call a freshly jabbed person who gets deathly sick after the jab, but isn't past his 14 day window yet, unvaxxed.
Within the perifery of my contacts I am starting to get reports of sudden death or conditions that sound like serious vaxx injuries. Thankfully no one close to me yet, but they are on the radar.
Although this might be true but it is divisive and makes you live a forever alone life. Maybe we should forgive those around us who got coerced, offer them solutions and move on eventually... idk
I struggle with this a bit. I'm ashamed to say where I don't struggle is the hardcore leftists who worship government and now Fauci.
Where I struggle with this are the otherwise conservative, patriotic Americans that were terrified into getting the jab. I can't look at those people and say "que sera sera". Especially in light of the data pointing to an increasingly dark future for those who have been jabbed. Worst case scenario, we could be looking at a 2/3 population reduction in the western world over the next 10 years.
That being said, what I don't understand is why the elites would want to remove everyone from the planet EXCEPT the most hard-headed, critical-thinking, angry motherfuckers (that would be us). Do they really think they can rule us when we're all that's left?
Jackie, the problem is that the people who folded are not just making mistakes that impact them; they are making mistakes that impact us too: stripping away our freedoms, putting more pressure on us and stealing our livelihoods.
Damm good point you make..."That being said, what I don't understand is why the elites would want to remove everyone from the planet EXCEPT the most hard-headed, critical-thinking, angry motherfuckers (that would be us)."...It doesn't make too much sense...
They are going to kill or neutralize us before the others die off.
Armed robots to deal with the survivors.
China is getting Sinovac, not the mRNA shots. Their army will survive and can clean up the stragglers.
Could be a combination of all 3
I think that you need to recognize that most of the hardcore leftists are hardcore leftists because they are most deeply trapped in the mass hypnosis. They are victims - even some of the ones who should hang for the harm they have caused.
The problem is that unless these people can be brought back to their right minds, they are a very real danger to the rest of us because they are programmed to destroy us.
There are many on ‘Our” side who got the shot early, because they were older, or just assumed it was “Safe”.a number of them my friends—
But they were also ones who though trump lost because of mean tweets and there wasn’t significant voter fraud.
The evidence has stacked up and there isn’t much to talk about anymore. It hurts more than the left, because we thought they would have our back. And they just don’t. They hate trump more than they love the constitution and freedom. A real gut punch.
This post is harsh.
I don't turn my back on my vaxxed friends, and why should I, 75% of them are vaxxed. 100% of my family is vaxxed.
Divided we are weak. It is We the people VS Darkness
But I get what you're saying. I started a new job on october, 30% of people are not vaccinated, it is obvious how i can speak to them about the stuff hidden in plain sight. It feels even natural, cause I know they didn't get the shot so i know that they know something is not right. At this point, people who are not vaccinated ARE awake, it's just the very beginning of their awakening.
It is Harsh and is meant to be...In my experience, trying to inform people/friends/family...push them in the right direction and just give them facts Just to have a look at Doesn't work...I Always stressed that its NOT my facts and that they can see with a 5-minute search on https://vaers.hhs.gov/ that something is not right...They still can't/don't see...What do you do? It is what it is...
Have you not been following Dr. Desmet's theory of mass formation? It seems to very closely describe what we are seeing around us today. According to Dr. Desmet, these people are literally hypnotized, and no one has a great answer for how to break the hypnosis.
Facts can NOT break the trance although they may prevent people from going even deeper into the trance.
If you listen to Dr. Desmet, he explains that the mass hypnosis was formed by a series of circumstances of which high anxiety and lack of social connection were very important. Then the group attaches its anxiety to a particular focus, and it becomes entranced and no longer is able to think rationally in the area being focussed on.
In our culture we have seen years of high anxiety and increasing lack of social connection, so many people have attached their anxiety to C19 and have looked to the government solutions as a way to eliminate their anxiety. Because their desire to rid themselves of anxiety is so great, they are unable to hear any other solution than what the government has proposed.
It strikes me that some (and those proposing ideas like the ones in your initial post fall into this category) who escaped the mass formation around C19 may be getting ensnared in a secondary mass formation. Rather than attaching anxiety to C19, they attach their anxiety to the vaxxed and those who go along with the government 'solutions'.
If this is hypothesis is true, then this group is in real danger of becoming just as entranced as those they fear. The two groups will have attached their anxiety to different objects, C19 or 'the vaxxed', but their hopes of ridding themselves of their anxiety are both poorly placed. Eliminating these groups will NOT get rid of the anxiety because these groups are not the cause.
Rather than risk getting entranced, I would like to suggest two things:
Recognize that the old normal is gone. It died in March 2020 or shortly thereafter. Regardless of what happens moving forward, those days are never coming back.
Focus on building the new normal. We are currently at a crossroad. Our normal way of life has been destroyed by the psychopaths who created and released the virus and then imposed the bizarre measures which dismantled the old way of doing things. What will this new normal look like? How can we make it exceptionally good?
"...and no one has a great answer for how to break the hypnosis."
You have to find something they fear greater than the fear that keeps them locked in their hypnosis.
That is Dr. Desmet's answer but it has been pointed out that this solution risks being again manipulated into another mass formation.
I think that Rev. Sheen's presentation of Dostoyevski's solution is much more wholesome, but I fear that we have a long way to go before we receive such grace and freedom: https://youtu.be/K8qqZup3Bg4
Unless my memory is failing, I think that Yuri gave a clear explanation of the problem, but did he offer a pathway out of this mess?
You need to recognize that the "old normal" died in March 2020 or shortly thereafter. This can only mean that there MUST be a new normal.
The question is what will that new normal look like. The globalists have already explained what their new normal will be like: you will own nothing and you will like it.
However, that does not have to be the new normal that comes to pass. We can make it better than what we had previously in our lifetimes. Hopefully we will prevail.
I agree with the general sentiment. However, I do not consider everyone in my life that faltered on this issue to be irredeemable sub humans.
Even family members that have disowned me I am still eager to forgive them should they ever seek it.
I won't say I agree with this post entirely (not that I think most of us do). But there is a lot of truth here. In general, this is true. I was talking to a friend of mine fairly regularly, and another based friend, we convinced the guy to NOT get the vaccine. He drinks 1 beer and gets pressured into it, takes the shot, then suddenly becomes super pro-vaccine, saying, I got it, I'm not dead, I feel fine. I only wanted to die one night, the same day I got the shot, why are you willing to lose your job and time in the reserves over the shot. I said, it's A. not worth losing my freedoms over (caving to the elites), B. the shot is long-term untested, so because you feel fine now, doesn't mean it's "safe and effective", and C. my wife and I are in complete agreement that we are against getting this vaccine. He sends a text months later (other conversations in between, with me dropping red-pills) at 1130 at night, its in a group text that a friend died from covid, gets buried by the time I saw the texts in the morning, I didn't scroll up because it looked like they were talking about playing a game the next day. In 2 phone calls with him that day, he did not mention his dead friend. He sends a text after the 2nd phone call about how he's ashamed of us as friends not sending condolences about his dead friend. I got a hold of him (he blocked me, my wife, and my friend over this) finally (he's bipolar, so we're trying to cut him slack), and he said he thought we were making a political stance by ignoring his dead friend, when I told him I never saw it, and it was an honest mistake, he said, I guess I can give you the benefit of the doubt, said he'd call later to talk to us, and has YET to this day to call me. This all happened before Christmas. Not gonna lie, at this point, our friendship, our brotherhood of service together is over. If someone's willing to throw a relationship away that is very deep (or was) because they missed one text, because you think they value a political belief to ignore death, then maybe that friendship isn't meant to be. I've never been an a-hole to someone, not sure why he thought I would start here. that all being said, I think we better be careful of the aforementioned attitude, soon these currently "fully vaccinated" people will realize, they will never be "fully vaccinated" and will pour into places like this seeking truth. IT IS OUR JOB TO HELP THEM, TO SHOW GRACE AND COMPASSION, not to be an a-hole to them for making the wrong decision, until then, we must carry on, the battle we have to face won't be an easy one. This friend I've lost may come back one day, because I left it off on a note of forgiveness and grace. I ask others here to have that same mindset.
I fully agree with this...Once they have realised because until then you can't really help them...
good addition^
Is this a reference to what dogs do? Striking imagery.
A little harsh in my opinion. When your conditioned in a system of control from birth it's not as simple as seeing the dark and light as we are at this point and everyone awakens at their own pace.
I get the gist of the message but it's not a unifying one by any means.
More sheep than humans is the sad sad news.
I am so fucking sick and tired of all these so called medical professionals denying the efficacy of tried and true medications because the fda or cdc say no. They're a bunch of spineless pieces of gutter filth and I can't wait for the Nuremberg trials to begin anew. Like at the end of WWII, the I was only doing as I was told won't save any of them from the gallows and I want a front row seat... Fuck all of them to the fiery pits of hell that they so justly deserve...
Absofuckinglutely agree...👌
I was giving my daughter Ivermectin because she was fluish. Her pediatrician filed a complaint against me with dcf and I was forced to take her to the er to have her checked out for toxicity levels. Never mind that I gave her the right amount for her body weight and it helped her within hours to feel better.
The Big Lie is so intrusive that health care 'professionals' have discarded the Hippocratic Oath for their own financial security.. Tik Tok dance routines are a fun way to pass time while the wards are empty...
I agree, these so called doctors and nurses as well as the paper pushers in the medical establishments are bought and paid for by big pharma... ☕☕☕
There are two exceptions that I would place on this: Children and Physically Enforced. In both cases, the decision is generally made for them.
One, can you say that factually? I know that you cannot.
Two, who said that I was only referring to the US?
Each one, for whatever reason, gave the sovereignty of their own bodies to the state,
That's deep!
No need then of Gom Jabbar and pain box.
Last night my husband and I watched the movie “Downsizing” of course it was the climate change narrative, would people save the world if they all downsized to 5 inches, resources, etc? what struck me more about this 2017 flick was the lay out of plans, all of it. They pushed out the science that if all of the world’s population would “shrink” themselves the world could possibly survive, mankind would survive and not kill the planet, of course the divisions came to the fore, (similar to non vax and vaxxed) mostly Libtards went small, families divided. Had they came out with this let’s make mankind small to conserve the world, it would have gone exactly the same, lol. Food for thought, no matter what they try and push we aren’t buying it.
It’s tough though when your elderly parents are scared and not really 100% in control of their faculties and get talked in to jabs by the VA.
I heard the same blandishments from the VA and my PCP was very surprised when I told him NO! on his offer-his reaction to a small flaw in my mask in a face to face was truly scary-his fear is sadly evident; I have a face to face coming up and changed it to telehealth-he agreed faster than I have ever seen. I AM legend.. 😒
Cooties rock! 💪🏽
On a purely superficial level, I like the label "sheep" better than "cattle" and heres why. Some western that I saw long ago was about a place where the cattlemen hated the sheep ranchers for some reason that I forgot, but left me with the notion that cattle were in some way superior to sheep. So, sheep is how i think of the ones this guy is talking about.
Sheep require fences,the cattlemen needed open ranges..interesting parallel here..
Exactly. Vaxx Freedom is the hill we need to fight and die on.
Can we make it the hill that THEY are going to fight and die on?
I think the vax narrative is dwindling, it’s now moving to climate change what humans are doing to the planet it’s always been control the human race, keep the planet for them. The vax is just more of the propaganda and yes many have accepted that reality nothing we could have done that we didn’t try and give those we cared for the info they were lacking. It’s how they can control us through whatever crisis they can create, jobs, economic collapse, c 19, healthcare, shortages, fuel, food, fertilizers all of it.
Just work on yourself in this life. And be nice. Can’t go wrong
So now what??
preach already
I know good people who took it, because they were lied to about its efficacy and what it would do. I know people to this day that think the vaccine can prevent transmission/prevent getting COVID 😑
You’re focusing on the victims of lying and blatant msm manipulation. Sure, there are steps or things they could have done to prevent getting the vaccine, but that doesn’t change that people should be able to trust their government. I know that sounds laughable here, but We The People should have faith in our representatives in our republic.
Family members who were deceived by mainstream media. Friends in my church who were lied to that the vaccine would prevent catching and transmitting COVID-19.
Not everyone has seen behind the curtain. People who are awake now, were asleep at one point.
Losing respect for friends and family has been the hardest part of this. Realizing that I’m truly alone.
Yep, I never realized how cucked my own brother was, it's crazy too because he was more awake then me in his 20s, he would show me all the conspiracy videos and shit. Then he went into the Navy and actually shook Trumps hand before the 2020 election and he was almost on board with maga, now he's basically reverted back to government knows best and I'm just a working plebe who plays video games and works, it's all he cares about.
He actually told me, you should expect to lose certain rights for the greater good of society. And he also said, wouldn't your life be so much easier if you just got vaccinated? Why are you being a martyr for this, seems dumb, you're just making it harder on yourself... :/
idk, it's sad to me really, he thinks me and our mom are basically nuts. The level of sheep in some people just blows my mind