You know, there are days when I think I am nuts and that I am reading way too much into everything because I am tired/angry/stressed/depressed And then these lovely little items pop up like daffodils....
The wizards and warlocks will not allow another Satanic Evil POS to control our country.
This means:
Biden is not a Satanic Evil POS, or
Biden is clearly not controlling our country, or
Oops, plans went sideways, we OBVIOUSLY never the fuck meant for him to actually get inaugurated! Just the election theft of Nov. 3 and the televised coup d'etat of Jan 6 were enough treason to put them all down for good. But, they threatened a nuke attack if we intervened, so dang it...4 years of pseudomedical authoritarian communism, plus soaring violent crime and runaway inflation, plus open borders, inviting in 2 million new democrat voters per year...oh well, sorry! Or...
Gotcha! We of course DID allow it, we aren't who you morons thought we were, and now you're fucked, Qtards!
I think we can safely rule out 1 and 4 immediately.
But, they threatened a nuke attack if we intervened
I think they've been threatening this from the start and threaten again every time something might go against them. Would explain a lot, such as the AZ audit going poof and the Trump's picks for SCOTUS suddenly turning leftist.
Let's see what happens with the WI de-cert. I'd say odds are good it will just vanish into thin air, too, like so many other things. And the threats are why.
What's interesting here is that depending on where the Telescope is in its orbit relative to the Earth, (which means important listening stations all over the world BTW) there is a time factor for how long the message is travelling. It effectively captures the noise coming from Earth and makes a record of what occurred in the past.
Think mirror ? It is a way to catch stuff that is promptly deleted in real time, for example. Of course the military is interested in such a capability.
Read Slag's Government in Exile series and Patriot Patel's Devolution series for more details. Biden is scarcely in control of his faculties and bodily functions.
I've read half of Patel Patriots series. Its definitely good. However I've yet to see a compelling rationalization for how Biden does not have at least some control over the country (regardless of its rapid disintegration in Devolution theory).
He's recognized by the military, law enforcement, and his mandates recognized by the corporations he influences into forcing employees to choose between an experimental injections or losing their livelihoods.
He shut down the border wall construction, and his relaxed border policies lead to an influx of illegal immigrants (and consequent Flux in violent crime). He also shut down the Keystone XL pipeline, causing the US to lose its status as a net exporter of oil and gas prices have been increasing as a result.
Many people were coerced into getting jabbed against their wishes in order to preserve their livelihoods. One cannot deny the very real negative consequences puppet Bidan's actions are having on the citizenry.
Can’t really rule out #4 just yet, especially while the pedo cabal is still in power, not in GITMO or heads roll, and POS liberal media and Hollywood hold most of mainstream’s attention. Not to doom, but we’re still waiting on 2020’s election to be rectified, or at the very least acknowledged for the steal and degradation of democracy itself, and this was the reason behind January 6th..
That would be nice. However, I think the most realistic, optimistic outcome to wish for at this point is for us to successfully be able to prevent the Democrats "voting rights" legislation from passing so that 2022 can't be stolen. It truly does seem like the Dems are truly afraid of not being able to utilize mail in ballots to push fraudulent votes through like they hoped.
Something to think about: Obama had curtailed the NSA's ability to spy on the deep state. Then Trump was sworn in January 20th, 2017, and he could immediately remove Obama's restrictions on the NSA. The NSA's RETRO tool allows for the collection of data going back one month. This means the NSA had the ability to spy on Obama and the deep state going back to December 20th 2016. Any criminal activity they were engaged in during that time was collected.
In my opinion, Hussein wanted to curtail the NSA BUT was not able to because they knew he was a traitor, so they ignored him.
Intelligence agencies are kingdoms unto themselves. Can be good like the case above or horrible like CIA and FBI + God only knows how many other agencies we're paying for but know nothing about. This is something huge that POTUS must address.
This is a gem, thanks. So much we can’t see going on under the surface. Q truly figured out a way to get info to people so we could have hope and hold fast.
Every time I start to doubt Putin and his part in this charade, I remember the soccer ball and am content to sit back again, relieved, and let it play out.
Putin is a wild card.
Hes definitely not a great guy, former KGB, total Communist dictator, that removes competition.
The only thing we can hope for, is his hate of the Satanist deepstate, is greater than his will to remain in power.
There's something there maybe only him and 45 understand.
Putin understands that a good and strong monarch is the best rule. Whether he is perfect or not can easily be questioned, but what he’s done is consolidated power to himself by any means to save and solidify his country against many threats around him. I think Russia out of all countries is the one with the most enemies. Everyone around them wants to crush them but can’t, but still try to destabilize them at every turn.
What if China Russia and USA are working together covertly to end this madness stranglehold on our countries. I have heard rumors Xi is a whitehat old friend of new Saudi prince, I think there has to be some restraint held over china and Russia otherwise they would be a lot more active
Maybe Trump helped him get out of the grips of whoever he was being controlled by, and in return Putin is doing his part to help take out the DS. Maybe that “4th family” that was removed?
Payseurs, Merovingians, Lis and Collins are at the top of Russia imo. I know what you’re referring to, but I think he was just referring to the families that controlled Russia. He probably meant the Collins bloodline. Trump probably cleaned out the CIA agents and made sure the Collins family doesn’t control Russia. I’d wager the first three still have some steak in Russia, I’ll be it, much less than before due to the Collins influence being decreased.
Damn thats spicey with no reaching into the vapor to force fit something to a Q drop. This shit lines up and the extra commentary is a solid bonus. Great work OP!!!
Nope, that one is a radio telescope based on earth; the James Webb telescope is a million miles away in an L2 orbit, and is reflective by means of the largest segmented mirror for far distant views of the universe using different filters and cameras to see in infrared...
Interesting dig. There are a few other things that Q has hinted at more directly:
In the Snowden movie (Hollywood propaganda piece), there's an NSA employee who introduces himself as being with "No Such Agency. Gabriel Soul. I'm the 50-lb brain from the council of Wizards and Warlocks".
Kinda sorta. NSA direct reports to DoD, FBI reports to AG (where shit gets internalized as corruption) and CIA doesn't report to anyone. The NSA has heftier checks and balances
No such agency is on a whole different level.
It is absolutely the largest of all the intel agency's.
To me, when Q says "we have it all" thats because of the NSA.
DIA has a huge role as well.
Remember that Admiral Rodgers was director of NSA and went to President elect Trump against the wishes of oblamer to let PDJT that Trump Tower was bugged, wired and vulnerable-the next day he moved his operation to his NJ facility.
So if nsa is comprimised., what are we left with?
Flynn and the DIA?
At some point the NSA was used to obtain info on the DS.
I'm not sure all are aware of how large the NSA is.
Who is privy to the intel they've collected is the question, and how will it be used.
You know, there are days when I think I am nuts and that I am reading way too much into everything because I am tired/angry/stressed/depressed And then these lovely little items pop up like daffodils....
🤯 when revealed, I suppose it will be far beyond our current comprehension.
Even then, hour by hour updates, there is too much for a single human brain to process.
Stickied because it's u/SemperSupra. Didn't even read.
MODS! I would like to request a "double sticky" for this OP! Please lol
...cause you didn't need to...We know it's a Quality post!
This means:
Biden is not a Satanic Evil POS, or
Biden is clearly not controlling our country, or
Oops, plans went sideways, we OBVIOUSLY never the fuck meant for him to actually get inaugurated! Just the election theft of Nov. 3 and the televised coup d'etat of Jan 6 were enough treason to put them all down for good. But, they threatened a nuke attack if we intervened, so dang it...4 years of pseudomedical authoritarian communism, plus soaring violent crime and runaway inflation, plus open borders, inviting in 2 million new democrat voters per year...oh well, sorry! Or...
Gotcha! We of course DID allow it, we aren't who you morons thought we were, and now you're fucked, Qtards!
I think we can safely rule out 1 and 4 immediately.
::flips coin::
OK it's No. 2. Trump FTW!
I was worried until your coin flip.
Yeah, I was hovering between the up and down vote with baited breath. He got me... Again.
OP: Nice work. Straight forward, no comment. o7.
Might want to lay off of the sardines... 😆
But, but, they're really GOOD sardines!!! 😊
Bigger fish?
Implies you have eaten the bait though, which has dubious results, usually.
I think they've been threatening this from the start and threaten again every time something might go against them. Would explain a lot, such as the AZ audit going poof and the Trump's picks for SCOTUS suddenly turning leftist.
Let's see what happens with the WI de-cert. I'd say odds are good it will just vanish into thin air, too, like so many other things. And the threats are why.
Hence "The military is the only way"
not "State legislatures/election officials/supreme courts are the only way"
Politicians and judges and their corruption are the problem; they can't be the solution
It's like expecting the OIG at FBI to investigate and prosecute crimes within FBI
U got it for sure. Makes perfect sense.
What's interesting here is that depending on where the Telescope is in its orbit relative to the Earth, (which means important listening stations all over the world BTW) there is a time factor for how long the message is travelling. It effectively captures the noise coming from Earth and makes a record of what occurred in the past.
Think mirror ? It is a way to catch stuff that is promptly deleted in real time, for example. Of course the military is interested in such a capability.
That could also had been a diversion tactic too. You know look here not there
The yo-yo nuclear attack. There are rumours of the Brits doing a nuclear ff in Ukraine. Seems to be losing its 'yo'.
How is Biden not controlling our country though? I've seen some very real firsthand adverse reactions from the poison jabs.
Read Slag's Government in Exile series and Patriot Patel's Devolution series for more details. Biden is scarcely in control of his faculties and bodily functions.
I've read half of Patel Patriots series. Its definitely good. However I've yet to see a compelling rationalization for how Biden does not have at least some control over the country (regardless of its rapid disintegration in Devolution theory).
He's recognized by the military, law enforcement, and his mandates recognized by the corporations he influences into forcing employees to choose between an experimental injections or losing their livelihoods.
He shut down the border wall construction, and his relaxed border policies lead to an influx of illegal immigrants (and consequent Flux in violent crime). He also shut down the Keystone XL pipeline, causing the US to lose its status as a net exporter of oil and gas prices have been increasing as a result.
Many people were coerced into getting jabbed against their wishes in order to preserve their livelihoods. One cannot deny the very real negative consequences puppet Bidan's actions are having on the citizenry.
Well said. I can certainly agree with that!
highly questionable
Biden isn't in control. Obama is
Can’t really rule out #4 just yet, especially while the pedo cabal is still in power, not in GITMO or heads roll, and POS liberal media and Hollywood hold most of mainstream’s attention. Not to doom, but we’re still waiting on 2020’s election to be rectified, or at the very least acknowledged for the steal and degradation of democracy itself, and this was the reason behind January 6th..
That would be nice. However, I think the most realistic, optimistic outcome to wish for at this point is for us to successfully be able to prevent the Democrats "voting rights" legislation from passing so that 2022 can't be stolen. It truly does seem like the Dems are truly afraid of not being able to utilize mail in ballots to push fraudulent votes through like they hoped.
You must be new
Years ago Q informed the world that "Wizards and warlocks" is simply the NSA white hats' own slang term for themselves
Can we speculate the James Webb telescope now in th L2 orbit might have some "intelligence" capabilities that are not known to the public? Kek
It would be in a great position to observe Any erf arrivals and departures. u/#Aliens
The entire existence of this "telescope" gives huge comm vibes. Beyond what i've seen before.
About halfway down if you wanna skip right to the telescope.
I clicked on this for the telescope quick; and it turned into about 3 hours of rabbit hole. This stuff is amazing. Thanks for sharing.
You're very welcome. This is powerful information, be careful with it.
Welcome to the dark side.
Where does Putin stand on Snowden?
Was it white or black hats that placed Webb as head Wizard on 1/14/2022?
Tippy top shape man
Something to think about: Obama had curtailed the NSA's ability to spy on the deep state. Then Trump was sworn in January 20th, 2017, and he could immediately remove Obama's restrictions on the NSA. The NSA's RETRO tool allows for the collection of data going back one month. This means the NSA had the ability to spy on Obama and the deep state going back to December 20th 2016. Any criminal activity they were engaged in during that time was collected.
In my opinion, Hussein wanted to curtail the NSA BUT was not able to because they knew he was a traitor, so they ignored him.
Intelligence agencies are kingdoms unto themselves. Can be good like the case above or horrible like CIA and FBI + God only knows how many other agencies we're paying for but know nothing about. This is something huge that POTUS must address.
The hunters (BO) had no idea they were being hunted
With so much focus on space force I didn't understand that there are still potent white hat Intel elements in the mil and nsa. Great post as always.
This is a gem, thanks. So much we can’t see going on under the surface. Q truly figured out a way to get info to people so we could have hope and hold fast.
Did i read "time travel"
I had forgotten about this Q post saying that Putin is controlled by one of the 3 remainings (DS/Cabal) families.
This is worrisome, especially given the latest warmongering. (Possible disinfo?)
I think he is flipped. He gave that soccer ball to Trump, remember.
He is playing a role, making DS think they still control him.
Every time I start to doubt Putin and his part in this charade, I remember the soccer ball and am content to sit back again, relieved, and let it play out.
Putin is a wild card. Hes definitely not a great guy, former KGB, total Communist dictator, that removes competition. The only thing we can hope for, is his hate of the Satanist deepstate, is greater than his will to remain in power. There's something there maybe only him and 45 understand.
Putin understands that a good and strong monarch is the best rule. Whether he is perfect or not can easily be questioned, but what he’s done is consolidated power to himself by any means to save and solidify his country against many threats around him. I think Russia out of all countries is the one with the most enemies. Everyone around them wants to crush them but can’t, but still try to destabilize them at every turn.
What if China Russia and USA are working together covertly to end this madness stranglehold on our countries. I have heard rumors Xi is a whitehat old friend of new Saudi prince, I think there has to be some restraint held over china and Russia otherwise they would be a lot more active
The Alliance? I mean, it could be. This material is pretty heavy on the mind and spirit.
Excellent read; THANK YOU!
... u can add India and Italy to the mix
Italy is run by China. Any italian will tell you that.
Maybe Trump helped him get out of the grips of whoever he was being controlled by, and in return Putin is doing his part to help take out the DS. Maybe that “4th family” that was removed?
THIS! u/IsdQ!
Agreed, but still a thorn in my brain.
Are the remaining three families the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Payseurs?
Payseurs, Merovingians, Lis and Collins are at the top of Russia imo. I know what you’re referring to, but I think he was just referring to the families that controlled Russia. He probably meant the Collins bloodline. Trump probably cleaned out the CIA agents and made sure the Collins family doesn’t control Russia. I’d wager the first three still have some steak in Russia, I’ll be it, much less than before due to the Collins influence being decreased.
Let them eat bugs
Gotcha. From Russia's point of view. Makes sense. Putin said he fears Madam Blavatsky more than anyone...
These memes remind me of my old data dives when it was fresh, and do a much better job of summarising it.
Dear God, I don’t want to sound heretical when I say this post gave me the hope I get when I read your Quantum Bible. Brilliant post. Brilliant hope!
Damn thats spicey with no reaching into the vapor to force fit something to a Q drop. This shit lines up and the extra commentary is a solid bonus. Great work OP!!!
Similar telescope? Same telescope? Is this where they shot GoldenEye (1995)?
Nope, that one is a radio telescope based on earth; the James Webb telescope is a million miles away in an L2 orbit, and is reflective by means of the largest segmented mirror for far distant views of the universe using different filters and cameras to see in infrared...
Interesting! Thanks for the information
Someone help. Smooth brain here. I need a simple version.
Wow! Thank you. Proof of comms
The telescope traveled approximately 33,333.3333 miles per day to reach its orbit. I just thought that was worth noting.
Interesting dig. There are a few other things that Q has hinted at more directly:
In the Snowden movie (Hollywood propaganda piece), there's an NSA employee who introduces himself as being with "No Such Agency. Gabriel Soul. I'm the 50-lb brain from the council of Wizards and Warlocks".
Also the Space Force personnel are referred to as "Guardians".
YES another piece. YUGE. My next one is going to be watch the water, what bout urs?
This is great work SS-OP!! Got my wheels soinnin 👍🏽😎
The lightning bolt between the plane and "satellite" is the secret
Did we ever figure out who that "4th family" was?
Kinda sorta. NSA direct reports to DoD, FBI reports to AG (where shit gets internalized as corruption) and CIA doesn't report to anyone. The NSA has heftier checks and balances
No such agency is on a whole different level. It is absolutely the largest of all the intel agency's. To me, when Q says "we have it all" thats because of the NSA. DIA has a huge role as well.
If the deep state controls the NSA, were fucked.
Remember that Admiral Rodgers was director of NSA and went to President elect Trump against the wishes of oblamer to let PDJT that Trump Tower was bugged, wired and vulnerable-the next day he moved his operation to his NJ facility.
So if nsa is comprimised., what are we left with? Flynn and the DIA? At some point the NSA was used to obtain info on the DS. I'm not sure all are aware of how large the NSA is. Who is privy to the intel they've collected is the question, and how will it be used.
Then explain why DIA has Dong and Biden didn't know