AIDS is not an organism, AIDS is a syndrome that results from HIV. You don't get an AIDS test, it is diagnosed by the progression of symptoms indicating the the failure of the immune system. There is no AIDS test, there is HIV testing. If immune deficiency is caused by a vaccine, you should not have a positive HIV test as the vax is corona virus. That said if CV is mfg'd with a portion of HIVs genetic material, that still would not cause a vaxxed individual to test positive for HIV, it would be due to the viral infection, but I would suspect the chances of that are close to zero. I would add that reports to this point indicate that CV is attacking different cells in the immune systembthan HIV does, which again suggests a different organism that would not be the HIV that current tests register. Just a little critical thinking.
while this is true, people who are HIV+ get tests on a regular schedule to monitor certain key indicators that they may be developing full blown aids. I can't remember what they are, like a T-Cell count and a WBC count... something like that. And if certain markers are well below/above where they should be, they treat it like you've basically got aids.
So while you can't just "get an aids test", you could get tested for the same things they test HIV+ people for.
That’s a viral load test. There is Alonso a genotype too. Lots of people AIDS are resistance to all treatments because of their long treatment and they spread it.
They say now that if you have hiv but you get it to an Undetectable level than you can’t spread it. BullsHit.
Lots of things have made people sick over many decades that were falsely attributed to viruses. It is not just one thing.
Polio was caused by toxins that were used in pesticides and in cities. First, it was lead arsenic, and then that was replaced with DDT. Once DDT was outlawed, polio went away. However, polio still exists in some parts of Africa where DDT is still used.
Chicken Pox is likely a detoxing process of maturity, similar to baby teeth falling out, the onset of puberty, etc.
Common cold/flu is a detoxing process that most people go through from time to time (due to poor nutrition and other external toxins). Happens primarily at different times of the year in different parts of the world, which would not be the case if it was a virus floating around when we have modern world travel.
This detox generally occurs during OCT-MAR in the Northern Hemisphere, during APR-SEP in the Southern Hemisphere, and during the rainy season in the tropics. What do all of these have in common? It is the time of year with the least amount of sunshine, and lowest levels of Vitamin D, which may be the trigger for the body to cleanse itself (to the extent it can, in our modern, unhealthy world).
Some people are so unhealthy, due to their lifestyle or other poisons in our world, that their body cannot cope and they die. This is rare in terms of numbers, but happens with unhealthy old people mostly.
HIV is a scam. The entire thing is fake, and created to make money (and to some extent, to discourge unmarried sex).
Covid is the exact same scam as HIV. Anyone who was sick had a cold, flu, or similar sickness. Most of the people are claimed to have "died of Covid" were sickly people -- obese, unhealthy people, and especially old people in nursing homes (as happens every "cold and flu season" every year).
It was created and perpetuated for several reasons, but the main reason was probably (IMO) to deceive people into believing they needed to take an injection of a mystery drug multiple times per year for the rest of their lives. The question is not is what is in these drugs? The question is: What are they planning to put into these mystery drugs in the future? First, you get people to believe they should take them forever. Then, you fuck around with what you put in them.
Dr Peter Duesberg was at the forefront of the AIDS debate and proven conclusively that HIV does not cause AIDS and AIDS is a lifestyle disease caused mainly by poor nutrition and excessive drug consumption (poppers mostly). Unfortunately, the gay community had a lot of political clout and they were demanding answers and cures. They were fobbed off with a lie, then sold AZT which was what did the real damage, killing many people. This was Fauci's first attempt at genocide.
Kary Mullis once joked that if you wanted to be cured of HIV, go to Africa and retake the test (the cycle count for the HIV / PCR test is much higher in the US than Africa).
Luc Montagnier—the guy in this picture who won the Nobel Prize for his work on HIV/AIDS—said at the very beginning of the pandemic that HIV’s genome was spliced into COVID-19. He was mocked and lambasted for it immediately in 2020 despite being lauded as an HIV expert before SHTF.
Part of the reason Ivermectin works on COVID is that it inhibits the HIV-esque proliferation activity of the virus.
If we take the critical thinking further, we see that a “new variant” of HIV that supposedly leads to critical disease faster and is more transmissible is now circulating the Netherlands, which has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world.
Why could that be? If we consider that COVID has part of the HIV genome in its spike protein, that COVID has mutated and ~supposedly~ been able to pick up information from other coronaviruses/infect people at the same time as other viruses, and that mRNA vaccines cause your ribosomes to continually make spike protein that includes part of HIV’s genetic code…well, we may truly be dealing VAIDS.
Part of the reason Ivermectin works on COVID is that it inhibits the HIV-esque proliferation activity of the virus.
Has any researcher ever proven that and pubished a paper?
I doubt it.
If we take the critical thinking further,
Just making a statement that you THINK is true, is NOT "critical thinking."
What EVIDENCE do you have to support your thesis?
we see that a “new variant” of HIV that supposedly leads to critical disease faster and is more transmissible is now circulating the Netherlands, which has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world. Why could that be?
I dunno. Maybe one or more of the vaxx drugs has something in it that shows up as "positive" on a fake HIV test, but is otherwise meaningless.
That would be a GREAT way to control people, if you think it through.
If we consider that COVID has part of the HIV genome in its spike protein
It does not.
First off, you are talking about SARS-CoV-2 (the so-called "virus") and not Covid (the so-called illness caused by the so-called "virus").
We KNOW that there is no HIV genome in the SARS spike protein because the spike protein DOES NOT EXIST.
If the virus does not exist, then it cannot have a spike protein. If there is no spike protein, then it cannot have anything in it (HIV-related or otherwise).
Critical thinking.
Or as Q would say: Logical thinking (same thing).
that COVID has mutated
It has not.
Again, you mean to say SARS-CoV-2, and no Covid.
But something that does not exist cannot mutate to something that does.
Logical thinking.
mRNA vaccines cause your ribosomes to continually make spike protein
ALL just rampant speculation.
Let's throw all that out, and get down to the BASICS:
Viruses do not exist (see the recent experiments of Stefan Lanka, and his associates, Tom Cowan and Andy Kaufmann).
Because we now KNOW that viruses AS A MATTER OF FACT ... DO NOT EXIST ... we can say that ALL of the speculative theories about SARS-CoV-2 are ... ALL WRONG.
in a study on infected human cervical adenocarcinoma cells (Hela) showed that ivermectin in high concentrations (25–50 µM) has an inhibitory effect on the proliferation of HIV-1. It does this by inhibiting the transfer of viral proteins between the host cell cytoplasm and its nucleus, which is dependent on IMP α/β1.
This is from June 2020, after Montagnier came under fire for saying IVM and HCQ would stop proliferation.
I’m not responding to the rest of your comment because you’re clearly unfamiliar with the literature and unwilling to consider evidence in opposition to your already formed opinion.
People who clot shot get VAIDS. Vaccine induced aids..that was circling weeks n weeks ago....that should already be on your radar. . Coincidence that Fauci was front and center on AIDS and on coronavirus? There are no coincidences.
I wouldn't call it "a made-up fantasy" by any means because the t-cell counts of these people is very low, and this is at the very least, precisely why they get "various illnesses"...
Is it not true that "IMMUNE DEFICIENCY" is what puts the I.D. in both AIDS & VAIDS...
On the Kennedy website, Mikovits is quoted as saying:
I took a job at the National Cancer Institute. I was under the direction of Frank Ruscetti. **I isolated HIV from blood and saliva confirming Dr. Luc Montagnier’s earlier isolation and description of HIV as a possible causative agent of AIDS.** … When Frank Ruscetti was out of town, I received a call from Dr. Fauci and he demanded that I give him our manuscript on the isolation and confirmation of HIV, while it was still in press. I refused to do that because it’s unethical. These manuscripts are confidential and only authors can give him a copy. … When Frank Ruscetti returned a few weeks later, he gave the manuscript to Dr. Fauci, and Dr. Fauci purposely delayed the publication of our manuscript in order that his crony, Dr. Robert Gallo, could copy our work and submit a competing manuscript and get it into press before ours.
Fauci stole her research to claim it as his own, put Mikovits in jail without charges and a 5 year gag sentence. Then he destroyed her career, reputation and finances.
Judy Mikovits is a liar. I think she might actually believe her own lies, as many virologists do, but they are still promoting lies.
I isolated HIV from blood and saliva
She NEVER did this. NOBODY has EVER done this.
Andy Kaufmann called her out on Zoom conference call (posted on Rumble), and she admitted that she did NOT isolate and purify HIV from anything else (which is the definition of isolate and purify).
Instead, she mixed it with other things, and CLAIMED (maybe because she really believed) that she had HIV in a test tube.
But, like almost all virologists these days ... she does NOT understand that her "research" did NOT prove what she claims it did.
I would not be surprised at all if Gallo's "work" was stolen from Mikovitz and/or others.
However, that does not change the fact that Mikovitz is WRONG.
"Here, we report the case of a man living with HIV who, having previously achieved stable viral suppression, experienced a transient period of non-suppressible viremia after receiving a dose of COVID-19 vaccine."
On the Joe Rogan podcast with Dr. Robert Malone or Dr. Peter McCullagh, one of them mentioned in an Australia COVID Vaccine trail all the participants tested positive for HIV, even though they did not have it.
Yep, it was a locally developed vaccine that they pulled because of the "false-positive HIV tests". They explain that it contained HIV protein fragments to "stabilise the vaccine".
That claim raised some alarm bells early on with me, especially after the genome sequence analysis from India that found HIV fragments. Now why would HIV have anything to do with covid?
Both the SARS-CoV-2 and the HIV tests are fraudulent.
All they would have to do to claim that someone has both would be to change the genometic sequence they are "looking for" -- and both sequences are MADE-UP (not taken from an actual virus, because NOBODY IN THE WORLD has a sample of either virus).
In fact, THIS is WHY the CDC is "switching" its so-called testing method for Covid. They want to eventually move to an "all-inclusive" test where they can diagnose MULTIPLE viruses with ONE test.
The test, of course, is not valid. But they will claim it is, and hope the sheeple eat it up -- and of course, march like lemmings off the cliff.
Anyone else remember when Australia had to terminate their development of a Vax because phase one trials participants had false positives on hiv testing. They claimed that further testing proved they were not and it would take a year to fix so they terminated it all together. December 2020
Many many Drs .. all who are posted on here and those who' the majority of us respect and listen to have already said this and proved it scientifically. It's not knew news .. this guy or who ever posted this is just saying what most are waking up to .. AIDS simply Is a wrecked immune system , u cannot fight off any kind of disease (boils ,cysts ) viruses flus etc , you are a walking disease producer and your immune system is shot , most fir from pneumonia, so you rot and then die from sickness that our bodies were made by God to fight .. the jab is destroying immune systems which is really what aids is !
Fauci killed millions this way , as I'm sure you know !
Oh yes , I totally agree , not even sure who that is , why don't people just use the Drs and scientist who have said this , those memes would be more powerful anyway I would think ,, than again anyone still going along with this demonic satanist plan are Beyond brainwashed and possibly lost forever , I pray more wake up but damn not sure what more it would take ,
A new highly transmissible and much more damaging strain of HIV has just been discovered in the Netherlands by scientists working with Oxford University. They're calling it the "new virulent subtype B" - or "VB", for short.
But perhaps more importantly: patients infected with the VB strain also demonstrated an increased risk of transmitting the virus to other people.
The reptiles DID add part of the HIV virus into the Covid-19 jab. I don't know if it's possible for that to morph into a variation of HIV.
People are testing positive for HIV after the Covid jab. At this time, they are reassuring people it's a false positive. How can they be sure? They lie all the time about everything.
Use your common sense, you don´t get immunisation two seconds right after a jab, it doesn´t take a genius to know that, it takes a couple of weeks, 14 days.
AIDS is not an organism, AIDS is a syndrome that results from HIV. You don't get an AIDS test, it is diagnosed by the progression of symptoms indicating the the failure of the immune system. There is no AIDS test, there is HIV testing. If immune deficiency is caused by a vaccine, you should not have a positive HIV test as the vax is corona virus. That said if CV is mfg'd with a portion of HIVs genetic material, that still would not cause a vaxxed individual to test positive for HIV, it would be due to the viral infection, but I would suspect the chances of that are close to zero. I would add that reports to this point indicate that CV is attacking different cells in the immune systembthan HIV does, which again suggests a different organism that would not be the HIV that current tests register. Just a little critical thinking.
while this is true, people who are HIV+ get tests on a regular schedule to monitor certain key indicators that they may be developing full blown aids. I can't remember what they are, like a T-Cell count and a WBC count... something like that. And if certain markers are well below/above where they should be, they treat it like you've basically got aids.
So while you can't just "get an aids test", you could get tested for the same things they test HIV+ people for.
That’s a viral load test. There is Alonso a genotype too. Lots of people AIDS are resistance to all treatments because of their long treatment and they spread it.
They say now that if you have hiv but you get it to an Undetectable level than you can’t spread it. BullsHit.
I encourage everyone to read ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ by RFK Jr - your perceived facts about AIDS may change
Because AIDS does not exist. It is a made-up fantasy for $$$$$$$$$$$.
Nobody spreads AIDS, because AIDS does not exist.
Also, nobody spreads HIV, because HIV does not exist, either.
This was proven by the 10-Year Study. Married couples, one of which was tested as HIV+ and the other HIV-.
After 10 years and thousands of "unprotected" sexual acts and ... ZERO who were HIV- became HIV+.
There has NEVER been ANY proof that HIV/AIDS is transmissible through sex.
If HIV exists, it is likely transmitted from mother to child during childbirth.
But there is NO proof that HIV exists at all.
Then what is making them sick?
Lots of things have made people sick over many decades that were falsely attributed to viruses. It is not just one thing.
Polio was caused by toxins that were used in pesticides and in cities. First, it was lead arsenic, and then that was replaced with DDT. Once DDT was outlawed, polio went away. However, polio still exists in some parts of Africa where DDT is still used.
Chicken Pox is likely a detoxing process of maturity, similar to baby teeth falling out, the onset of puberty, etc.
Common cold/flu is a detoxing process that most people go through from time to time (due to poor nutrition and other external toxins). Happens primarily at different times of the year in different parts of the world, which would not be the case if it was a virus floating around when we have modern world travel.
This detox generally occurs during OCT-MAR in the Northern Hemisphere, during APR-SEP in the Southern Hemisphere, and during the rainy season in the tropics. What do all of these have in common? It is the time of year with the least amount of sunshine, and lowest levels of Vitamin D, which may be the trigger for the body to cleanse itself (to the extent it can, in our modern, unhealthy world).
Some people are so unhealthy, due to their lifestyle or other poisons in our world, that their body cannot cope and they die. This is rare in terms of numbers, but happens with unhealthy old people mostly.
HIV is a scam. The entire thing is fake, and created to make money (and to some extent, to discourge unmarried sex).
Covid is the exact same scam as HIV. Anyone who was sick had a cold, flu, or similar sickness. Most of the people are claimed to have "died of Covid" were sickly people -- obese, unhealthy people, and especially old people in nursing homes (as happens every "cold and flu season" every year).
It was created and perpetuated for several reasons, but the main reason was probably (IMO) to deceive people into believing they needed to take an injection of a mystery drug multiple times per year for the rest of their lives. The question is not is what is in these drugs? The question is: What are they planning to put into these mystery drugs in the future? First, you get people to believe they should take them forever. Then, you fuck around with what you put in them.
Dr Peter Duesberg was at the forefront of the AIDS debate and proven conclusively that HIV does not cause AIDS and AIDS is a lifestyle disease caused mainly by poor nutrition and excessive drug consumption (poppers mostly). Unfortunately, the gay community had a lot of political clout and they were demanding answers and cures. They were fobbed off with a lie, then sold AZT which was what did the real damage, killing many people. This was Fauci's first attempt at genocide. Kary Mullis once joked that if you wanted to be cured of HIV, go to Africa and retake the test (the cycle count for the HIV / PCR test is much higher in the US than Africa).
Hiv is aids jr there's like one person hiv positive who didn't develope aids
HIV causes AIDS but it is not aids. Alcohol isn't liver failure but it causes it. Other things cause liver failure as well.
They get tested for HIV, but those tests are fraudulet, such as the PCR test and antigen tests.
Same exact scam that has been done with SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19.
EXACT same scam.
Luc Montagnier—the guy in this picture who won the Nobel Prize for his work on HIV/AIDS—said at the very beginning of the pandemic that HIV’s genome was spliced into COVID-19. He was mocked and lambasted for it immediately in 2020 despite being lauded as an HIV expert before SHTF.
Part of the reason Ivermectin works on COVID is that it inhibits the HIV-esque proliferation activity of the virus.
If we take the critical thinking further, we see that a “new variant” of HIV that supposedly leads to critical disease faster and is more transmissible is now circulating the Netherlands, which has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world.
Why could that be? If we consider that COVID has part of the HIV genome in its spike protein, that COVID has mutated and ~supposedly~ been able to pick up information from other coronaviruses/infect people at the same time as other viruses, and that mRNA vaccines cause your ribosomes to continually make spike protein that includes part of HIV’s genetic code…well, we may truly be dealing VAIDS.
They use fragments of the HIV protein to glue the spikes on.
People were testing positive for HIV.
Has any researcher ever proven that and pubished a paper?
I doubt it.
Just making a statement that you THINK is true, is NOT "critical thinking."
What EVIDENCE do you have to support your thesis?
I dunno. Maybe one or more of the vaxx drugs has something in it that shows up as "positive" on a fake HIV test, but is otherwise meaningless.
That would be a GREAT way to control people, if you think it through.
It does not.
First off, you are talking about SARS-CoV-2 (the so-called "virus") and not Covid (the so-called illness caused by the so-called "virus").
We KNOW that there is no HIV genome in the SARS spike protein because the spike protein DOES NOT EXIST.
If the virus does not exist, then it cannot have a spike protein. If there is no spike protein, then it cannot have anything in it (HIV-related or otherwise).
Critical thinking.
Or as Q would say: Logical thinking (same thing).
It has not.
Again, you mean to say SARS-CoV-2, and no Covid.
But something that does not exist cannot mutate to something that does.
Logical thinking.
ALL just rampant speculation.
Let's throw all that out, and get down to the BASICS:
Viruses do not exist (see the recent experiments of Stefan Lanka, and his associates, Tom Cowan and Andy Kaufmann).
Because we now KNOW that viruses AS A MATTER OF FACT ... DO NOT EXIST ... we can say that ALL of the speculative theories about SARS-CoV-2 are ... ALL WRONG.
Nature has a systematic review regarding all of ivermectin’s antiviral effects.
This is from June 2020, after Montagnier came under fire for saying IVM and HCQ would stop proliferation.
I’m not responding to the rest of your comment because you’re clearly unfamiliar with the literature and unwilling to consider evidence in opposition to your already formed opinion.
People who clot shot get VAIDS. Vaccine induced aids..that was circling weeks n weeks ago....that should already be on your radar. . Coincidence that Fauci was front and center on AIDS and on coronavirus? There are no coincidences.
There is NO scientific evidence to back it up.
Did you know that no study ever proved that HIV caused AIDS?
What if HIV itself has always been the "cover" for past VAIDS?
True. Glad to see someone on here who understands this.
There is no "VAIDS" because there is no AIDS. It is a made-up fantasy.
Now, if you want to say that previous vaccines have caused various illnesses, that is quite possible.
They certainly don't provide any benefit.
Vaccines have been primarily to make money.
The FACT that they DO cause harm to some people is IGNORED by doctors, because they would rather have the MONEY than to have healthy people.
Sick, and obnoxious, but also ... true.
I wouldn't call it "a made-up fantasy" by any means because the t-cell counts of these people is very low, and this is at the very least, precisely why they get "various illnesses"...
Is it not true that "IMMUNE DEFICIENCY" is what puts the I.D. in both AIDS & VAIDS...
"Just a little critical thinking" vs. the reality
Didn't I read somewhere earlier about the ramping up of production in a company making HIV tests?
That’s right someone posted about a massive order of Lateral Flow tests for AIDS....
Ready by end of the month.....
Here ya go fren ...
Thanks fren.
And there’s been a ton of aids commercials
Yes, it was posted in the last two days.
There is no evidence that HIV causes AIDS.
On the Kennedy website, Mikovits is quoted as saying:
What a scumbag
Fauci stole her research to claim it as his own, put Mikovits in jail without charges and a 5 year gag sentence. Then he destroyed her career, reputation and finances.
That guy deserves the worst.
I'm thinking: Ant hill, Honey, Rope and Peg Anchors.
Bullet ants
L.A. BEAST vs The Worst Pain Known To Man (Warning: Funny, but Multiple Man Tears)
Judy Mikovits is a liar. I think she might actually believe her own lies, as many virologists do, but they are still promoting lies.
She NEVER did this. NOBODY has EVER done this.
Andy Kaufmann called her out on Zoom conference call (posted on Rumble), and she admitted that she did NOT isolate and purify HIV from anything else (which is the definition of isolate and purify).
Instead, she mixed it with other things, and CLAIMED (maybe because she really believed) that she had HIV in a test tube.
But, like almost all virologists these days ... she does NOT understand that her "research" did NOT prove what she claims it did.
I would not be surprised at all if Gallo's "work" was stolen from Mikovitz and/or others.
However, that does not change the fact that Mikovitz is WRONG.
"Here, we report the case of a man living with HIV who, having previously achieved stable viral suppression, experienced a transient period of non-suppressible viremia after receiving a dose of COVID-19 vaccine."
On the Joe Rogan podcast with Dr. Robert Malone or Dr. Peter McCullagh, one of them mentioned in an Australia COVID Vaccine trail all the participants tested positive for HIV, even though they did not have it.
Yep, it was a locally developed vaccine that they pulled because of the "false-positive HIV tests". They explain that it contained HIV protein fragments to "stabilise the vaccine".
That claim raised some alarm bells early on with me, especially after the genome sequence analysis from India that found HIV fragments. Now why would HIV have anything to do with covid?
Both the SARS-CoV-2 and the HIV tests are fraudulent.
All they would have to do to claim that someone has both would be to change the genometic sequence they are "looking for" -- and both sequences are MADE-UP (not taken from an actual virus, because NOBODY IN THE WORLD has a sample of either virus).
In fact, THIS is WHY the CDC is "switching" its so-called testing method for Covid. They want to eventually move to an "all-inclusive" test where they can diagnose MULTIPLE viruses with ONE test.
The test, of course, is not valid. But they will claim it is, and hope the sheeple eat it up -- and of course, march like lemmings off the cliff.
Who said this?
I'm not saying that the WHO said this, I'm trying to figure out if this came from Luc Montagnier.
I'd really like to know this as well....
The meme implies that it does, but does not expressly state that it does.
Good question. Could be a false attribution.
they'll blame the UNVAX'd for it
Thank you!
Anyone else remember when Australia had to terminate their development of a Vax because phase one trials participants had false positives on hiv testing. They claimed that further testing proved they were not and it would take a year to fix so they terminated it all together. December 2020
Who's he and sauce to the op
hes a doctor/researcher, several good videos of him speaking out against the vaxx.
Is there legit sauce on him taking about it causing vaids?
not sure about that, but a lot of articles trying to discredit him, so wouldn't doubt if there's some truth to the claim.
Dr. Robert Willner Accused Anthony Fauci Of Genocide During The AIDS Epidemic (1980)
"Deadly Deception" by Dr. Robert E. Willner (1994) - digital formats available on the Internet Archive:
Where is the sauce for this quote?
Many many Drs .. all who are posted on here and those who' the majority of us respect and listen to have already said this and proved it scientifically. It's not knew news .. this guy or who ever posted this is just saying what most are waking up to .. AIDS simply Is a wrecked immune system , u cannot fight off any kind of disease (boils ,cysts ) viruses flus etc , you are a walking disease producer and your immune system is shot , most fir from pneumonia, so you rot and then die from sickness that our bodies were made by God to fight .. the jab is destroying immune systems which is really what aids is ! Fauci killed millions this way , as I'm sure you know !
We can't pass memes around with quotes attributed to people/experts that are totally falsified.
It undermines credibility. I don't disagree that VAIDS will become a thing, but it's a WAY bigger deal if Luc Montagnier actually said this.
Oh yes , I totally agree , not even sure who that is , why don't people just use the Drs and scientist who have said this , those memes would be more powerful anyway I would think ,, than again anyone still going along with this demonic satanist plan are Beyond brainwashed and possibly lost forever , I pray more wake up but damn not sure what more it would take ,
Thanks for the sauce!
From 10lbsBass link:
A new highly transmissible and much more damaging strain of HIV has just been discovered in the Netherlands by scientists working with Oxford University. They're calling it the "new virulent subtype B" - or "VB", for short.
But perhaps more importantly: patients infected with the VB strain also demonstrated an increased risk of transmitting the virus to other people.
If one fear-mongering idea doesn't get the sheeple scared enough, bring on another one.
None of it is real, though.
The reptiles DID add part of the HIV virus into the Covid-19 jab. I don't know if it's possible for that to morph into a variation of HIV.
People are testing positive for HIV after the Covid jab. At this time, they are reassuring people it's a false positive. How can they be sure? They lie all the time about everything.
No, there is NO PROOF of this.
There are only people making this claim.
PCR test? It is a fake test.
Antibody test? It is also a fake test.
I agree with a little you said. Other things you state I already know. Some things I don't agree with at all. Let's agree to disagree. ✌️
No, let's not agree to disagree.
Let's both pursue TRUTH.
Let's both use logical thinking, and ONLY arrive at conclusions that are supported with evidence.
The "HIV was inserted into SARS spike protein" is NOT based on evidence.
It is a fantasy claim, and should either (a) be proven or (b) if not, then it should be ignored.
I'm moving on.
Their definition of an UNVACCINATED PERSON:
"person who received a covid vaccine less than 14 days ago."
Most of the adverse events happen within 14 days.
wake the fuck up.
Without that DISGUSTING FRAUD, it would be 98% jabbed in the ICU.
True. After shot, 14 days don’t count. Still considered unvaccinated.
Read this…
this is great, thank you. talking to son about the risk/benefit of the vaccine as his friends are all in.
But the hospitals are not using that definition when they say “unvaccinated”. That way they can inflate the numbers.
Use your common sense, you don´t get immunisation two seconds right after a jab, it doesn´t take a genius to know that, it takes a couple of weeks, 14 days.
A lot of people have reported the "first 14 days after jab does not count as vaxxed."
r/churchofcovid is over on Reddit.
Everyone knows that it's the jabbed who are getting sick disproportionately.
Or is this article fake due to "Muh Joos" hmmm?
And what about the massively huge jump in all-cause mortality SINCE introducing mass jab?