I always thought that Hefner WAS a clown and a precursor to Epstein. Hefner showed how it could be done, Epstein improved on it-- yet the reality was the same: Elites preying on others for their kicks & jollies because, somehow these elites believe they are better than the victims they prey upon.
IMHO, I think Hefner was one of the bad guys attempting to sniff out other bad guys via blackmail and/or coercion (just like Epstein), so that he could be the one Black Lord to rule them all.
Her mother brought her there voluntarily and was at the home when the incident took place I believe. She was there for a "modelling" gig.
No need to smuggle the kid in when the parents are evil pieces of shit willing to sell their kids' innocence for a buck.
I’ve read that before. Do you always believe the media? ‘There’s no way that cabal would fabricate a socially acceptable backstory for their asset who sets people up for blackmail and who undermines traditional culture’ haha
Why should I try what you suggest? So that I become more vulnerable to accepting blackmail and pornography as being supposedly Midwestern Protestant endeavors? Seriously, what would be the payoff for not noticing jewish cabalites and perverts?
“Fantasies” haha. You sound like the cabal talking about Q.
Not all jews are evil, but all jews who are blackmailers, pornographers, and probable child abusers are evil. If Hefner looked like a jew and acted like a jew, well then… And not acting in a garden variety sense like ‘is babied by his mother and talks about money a lot’, but acts specifically evil-jewish such as being a ringer in a mossad surveillance and dirt-collecting scheme, and being the frontman of a publisher that attacks American Christian family values.
From Al Goldstein’s bio:
In his book XXX-Communicated: A Rebel Without a Shul, Luke Ford wrote about a conversation with Goldstein, in which Ford asked Goldstein why Jews were dramatically overrepresented in the porn industry. He answered, "The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don't believe in authoritarianism. Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream (and is no doubt consumed by those very same WASPs), its subversive character becomes more charged.
So if a person is raised in Christian home they won’t ever do bad?! Going to church & saying you are a Christian family or a Christian doesn’t make you a saint! Katy Perry is just one example of being raised in a Christian home. There’s many people in jail that were most likely raised in Christian homes. Anyone can stray. Especially if abuse happened to them.
So are Christians, Muslims, mormons, hindu, pagans, shintoists, atheists, agnostics, scholars, mothers, fathers, teachers, plumbers... Etc.
But those of us who are 'apatheist' though... We're not part of the problem. J/k. Plenty of us are part of the problem, too.
Orthogonal to the betterment of mankind is those who blindly follow what they're told without question. And all sorts of people fall into this category. It's a conspiracy, no doubt: a universal conspiracy of those who don't think for themselves vs those who do. It's as old as humanity and I wager it's here to stay for a very long time.
Best we can do is be ever vigilant in thinking for ourselves, and always fight to keep group-think and it's associated ills to a minimum.
I know someone that worked child welfare cases in Hollywood during the 70s and 80s. According to my friend Hefner was just as dirty as Epstein and just as protected by individuals in law enforcement, Los Angeles District attorney office and in child and welfare.
At this point sadly I’m not shocked at anything.
I’ve been following a survivor & she says she was trafficked from her foster home & from school. If the teachers, SS & cops weren’t involved they looked the other way for their own protection. I don’t remember what school she went to, it was public school, “of arts or something” not the ordinary public school, Says there’s tunnels under school, Getty & she’s been to Playboy mansion through tunnels to Oprah’s house for party. I’m trying to find Oprah’s house in the tunnel layout. I haven’t heard her mentioned in the playboy stuff.
Wasn't he? I thought he made training videos for MKUltra. He made movies on how to torture kids/people, put them in a near death state to split their minds/personalities. Sometimes it would go too far..The kids would die. Just like Jon Benet. It was thought that that was an MKUltra training that went too far.. I think he was indeed CIA
In the 1960s Hefner had a video tape recorder systems installed to feed video of recorded TV shows throughout the mansion. You could have a different program in a different room playing which would mean a separate system for each program you wanted to play. And, he had a full time engineer (or engineers) to run this. In the 1960s VTR machines (as they were called then) were almost exclusively used by TV broadcast companies because of their high cost and complexity of operation. Some schools had them too. But Hefner had one, perhaps one of the few civilians to do so. Is it unfathomable to think that he also had hidden video (closed circuit TV) cameras installed? Video cameras sent the feed back to the recorder(s) which meant they were quiet. Blackmail films until this point were made thru 1-way mirrors in an dark adjacent room or through a spyhole. It had to be done this way because a film cameras are noisy.
Shortly before Hefner died it was reported he dumped 100s of hours of tapes into the Pacific. I think this was on CDAN. Some of the tapes were returned over the years to the stars that made them. But many were not. The tapes that he dumped into the ocean were rumored (I hate rumors but it's all I have here) to be of dead Hollywood stays only. The ones that weren't dumped allegedly of politicians. Is it too big a leap to think that those would have ended up with the Clowns?
Use Google Maps satellite view with the address for the Empire Polo Club at 81800 Avenue 51 Indio CA. I found Merv griffin’s estate before the answer was posted here based upon the cleared land description. On Avenue 54. Something weird was happening the day of that satellite picture too. I assume it’s a riding arena?
You have to read what's written and read it exactly. Not an actor, "long time entertainer who was A+ list.". That name was previously in the comments. There are no comments now, they're all gone. Interesting. A few years ago you would have also gotten the alleged name from a duckduckgo search using points from the blind. Those are gone too. Also interesting. Further, if you search the blind title within the site it does not even come up now. Even more interesting -
You could make an educated guess or even search that exact phrase on DDG then with the blind distance details start looking. That's what I just did and found something interesting. Took me 10 minutes. Not being coy here, this is low-level anon sleuthing. Put some focus on it and see what happens.
Could it be a music entertainer? It doesn’t say actor. Oh lord I hope it’s not who is coming to mind! But I know nobody is an angle or saint, fame corrupts people & more than likely demons! I’m not naive it’s just gets to be a little much.
****> One is the famed home of a long time entertainer who was A+ list and continues to make tons of money even after death from the empire he established.
Thanks for the info. I’ve heard of Bohemian Grove all my life & always thought it was an imaginary place. Little did I know!
Interesting, I’m old enough to remember Merv. I immediately thought of Elvis but I didn’t think it was him. To my knowledge he only had one other home than Graceland, I think Beverley Hills. It’s in a neighborhood surrounded by other homes. I’m not stupid I know anyone that good looking & with his charisma wasn’t the “southern choir boy” just hoping he wasn’t into demonic & sex torture, etc. I’m learning nobody is as they appear.
I remember reading on reddit a while back a post where a user said that Elvis had taken his sister on a date (she was like 16 and he was an adult already. From what the post said, Elvis essentially raped her quite roughly and dropped her off home disheveled.
It's funny coz I'm pretty sure I remember this because of comments to this post (which I had read some time back), yet there are no comments now. Deleted perhaps?
I don’t either! I feel like I’ve been fooled most of my life. I’ve gone to so many concerts over the years & some artists I’ve seen multiple times. I’m beginning to question them all. I don’t think it’s just one genre. I do feel better that I haven’t followed the pop & rap artist.
I’m adding more links as I find them to my original comment. There’s a lot of info about Bohemian Grove on DuckDuckGo.
Wow, that is sketchy as f**k. To be honest, nothing surprises me anymore with these Hollywood freaks. I hope and pray that there will be some big arrests coming soon. WWG1WGA
IKWYM. Things have been that mental anything is possible. I know cdan has posted blinds in the past about human trafficking and yachting. They’ve also done stuff alluding to baby farming/surrogacy set ups run by a husband and wife A list couple of homies (B&J). There’s also been blinds about a house on St Charles in NOLA that was used as a honey trap blackmail hub and loads about underage kids being abused in hellyweird.
I remember that^ and, not necessarily Playboy, but all the Calvin Klein pictures with Brooke Shields, AND Blue Lagoon. pedo references everywhere! and makes me wonder about Calvin Klein, especially after his creepy ads in the nineties. don't even want to post the link it's so weird, but its still on YT 'Calvin Klein banned ads'.
This makes me so sick... Jack Nicholson? Wtf man its bad enough to be a young child about to be raped but seriously by that scary fucking disgusting man? What a shit show fucking nightmare world this is. We live in hell! God save our children!
Yeah I am aware that the rape that went public was not conducted by Jack. My suggestion is that he has raped many who have not been public, hence the tunnels directly going to his house.
JN had a weird upbringing. The woman that he thought was his sister was actually his birth mother and his mother was actually his grandmother and he was almost 40 before he found out. Or so the story goes. I tend to believe it though. After my grandfather died, we found out he wasn't my my dad's real father. My dad is a few years younger than JN, but I think we don't realize the stigma of having a child out of wedlock then vs. now.
On the A&E playboy documentary they talk about
Don Cornelius (Soul Train). He held two playmates at his home for several days. One untied herself & called the house mom. He brutally sexually assaulted both of them. Including using wood objects. They didn’t report it to the police as that was Hef’s rules, no cops. The lady telling the story said she felt like he knew about it but she didn’t tell him. The stories I’m hearing it’s very clear it took more than his security to keep things quiet. Also, the people that built the tunnels, were they quite, murdered or part of his organization?
In an interview he says he choose the bunny because it’s sexy. What a load of bill! I’ve lived in the country all my life & I’ve never looked at a bunny & thought that’s a sexy animal, or any other animal. Now I’ll say a car is sexy in a hot minute!
Natalie Wood died in 1981 after falling off a dinghy and drowning. She was aboard a yacht with Wagner [Robert Wagner, her husband at the time] and actor Christopher Walken, when according to sources, Wagner included, the married couple had an argument. She apparently tried to get away and took the dinghy but fell into the water. Wagner has always claimed he is innocent. He wrote in his memoir: “There are only two possibilities: either she was trying to get away from the argument, or she was trying to tie the dinghy. But the bottom line is that nobody knows exactly what happened.”
rumor has it there was a three way sex thing going on and natalie was upset that she was not the center of attention, as wagner was paying more attention to walken. the captain of the yacht was aboard at the time but claims he was really drunk at the time. walken and wagner refuse to talk about the incident and the authorities never looked too closely into what happened that night. at least that is what I remember from reading about this over the years.
Natalie Wood Was Raped by Kirk Douglas, Her Sister Alleges in a New Book In her memoir Little Sister, Lana Wood recalls the night of Natalie’s assault—and details why now is the time to name her sister’s alleged assailant.
“I remember that Natalie looked especially beautiful when Mom and I dropped her off that night at the Chateau Marmont entrance." Douglas raped Natalie in the summer of 1955.
Their mother, Maria Zakharenko, had reportedly scheduled Natalie’s meeting with Douglas, hoping that “many doors might be thrown open for her, with just a nod of his famous, handsome head on her behalf.” Lana, then about eight years old, remembers “it seemed like a long time passed before Natalie got back into the car and woke me up when she slammed the door shut.” She writes that Natalie “looked awful,” adding, “She was very disheveled and very upset, and she and Mom started urgently whispering to each other. I couldn’t really hear them or make out what they were saying. Something bad had apparently happened to my sister, but whatever it was, I was apparently too young to be told about it.”
According to Lana, she and Natalie never discussed what had happened until they were both adults. It was at that point that Natalie detailed her rape, telling her sister, “And, uh ... he hurt me Lana.… It was like an out-of-body experience. I was terrified, I was confused.” According to Lana, her sister and mother had decided that it would tarnish Natalie’s Hollywood standing to publicly accuse Douglas. “Suck it up,” were Maria’s words of advice to her daughter, per Lana.
In the past, Lana has shielded Natalie’s secret from the world. Now that Douglas and Natalie have both died, she believes the time is now to share it. “With no one still around to protect, I’m sure she’ll forgive me for finally breaking that promise,” Lana writes. Kirk’s son, Michael Douglas, responded to the allegation in a statement to the AP: “May they both rest in peace.”
Great observation! It does seem like Playboy Mansion was the beginning. Hollywood knew. They told us in The Godfather how it works. Drug a senator, put a dead hooker in his room, take pictures and you own him.
Additionally, I couldn't open the links on the Reddit post but good thing they got archived.
I know there's another link here somewhere that points to an article with more pics than what the tweets provided, but just wanted to provide the archived tweets.
A lot of ex-Playboy "bunnies" are coming out with their stories about what hapoened at their time there. i believe one is one that lived there for years when, they had a reality show.
Bullshit. The tunnels are NOT being dug up. The pics are from an old archive they found in the basement of the mansion. Still very bad. But there is no reason we should be spreading fake news. I read the article. The tunnels were used in the 70 and 80's and sealed up in the late 80's once Hefner got married. No one is digging these tunnels up. If they were smart they filled them all in when they sealed them up.
Hef was"given" his business for the same reason it was started in the first place. He himself was blackmailed and they used him to record every encounter in that house. Knowing that he would never come forward of course.
This latest episode of the Playboy expose series on A&E dealing with the drug/narcotics trafficking aspect of Hef's empire was likely the least surprising of all the revelations.
Dude absolutely was the prototype for Epstein's model.
Hrm… it seem obvious now but I wonder why I never dig deep into playboy mansion. I just assumed everything there was to know about it was out in the open.
What if Hugh Hefner was /a Clown In America?
What is a honeypot?
Define blackmail.
How could this be applied?
Fantasy land. - https://qanon.pub/?#158
I always thought that Hefner WAS a clown and a precursor to Epstein. Hefner showed how it could be done, Epstein improved on it-- yet the reality was the same: Elites preying on others for their kicks & jollies because, somehow these elites believe they are better than the victims they prey upon.
IMHO, I think Hefner was one of the bad guys attempting to sniff out other bad guys via blackmail and/or coercion (just like Epstein), so that he could be the one Black Lord to rule them all.
Honeypots don't have to be set by the good guys.
They're also used to blackmail people. If the good guys were using kids as honey pots to catch people then the good guys weren't such good guys.
A honeypot is an instrument of tradecraft ("spycraft") and can be used for good or evil purposes.
Attract a mark into a compromising situation with a male or female that is attractive to the mark, is the general approach.
thank you I was going to write this.
Concise and succint. Freaky af.
Tune in next week for my description of the Double Irish with Dutch Sandwich.
No honey pots are anything that lures a person in for compromise.
Her mother brought her there voluntarily and was at the home when the incident took place I believe. She was there for a "modelling" gig. No need to smuggle the kid in when the parents are evil pieces of shit willing to sell their kids' innocence for a buck.
And, like Even Chandler and Michael Jackson...
They have been around for far longer than Hue Hefner. Look at the Khazarian Mafia and Emperor Tiberius of Rome.
“Hugh Hefner might've been the Jeffrey Epstein of Hollywoodland.”
Hefner had the same hook-nose and nasolabial folds as Anthony Weiner.
It either is or used to be called that. I saw a clip the other day of bill saying he hates kids. Makes sense that a pedo would hate kids.
Maher could be lying when he says he hates kids.
He's been saying based things lately, especially about the Covid jab. Could be trying to salvage something when the truth is revealed.
No, I think pedos really do hate kids.
You can't rape, beat, murder a child unless you hate it.
Saw that too & was gonna say Maher KNOWS STUFF.
Yes. Kid Love Productions.
I’ve read that before. Do you always believe the media? ‘There’s no way that cabal would fabricate a socially acceptable backstory for their asset who sets people up for blackmail and who undermines traditional culture’ haha
Why should I try what you suggest? So that I become more vulnerable to accepting blackmail and pornography as being supposedly Midwestern Protestant endeavors? Seriously, what would be the payoff for not noticing jewish cabalites and perverts?
“Fantasies” haha. You sound like the cabal talking about Q.
Not all jews are evil, but all jews who are blackmailers, pornographers, and probable child abusers are evil. If Hefner looked like a jew and acted like a jew, well then… And not acting in a garden variety sense like ‘is babied by his mother and talks about money a lot’, but acts specifically evil-jewish such as being a ringer in a mossad surveillance and dirt-collecting scheme, and being the frontman of a publisher that attacks American Christian family values.
From Al Goldstein’s bio:
Minor nitpick;
Not all jews are evil, but the VAST majority of banksters, communists, pornographers, etc ARE JEWISH.
I mean; fucking marx was a jew.......
did you read the Q drops? familiar with European history without the cabal's version? the holodomor does play a role in this.
Sadly you're wrong, there is a common theme with the evil ones
Look how many of the bad actors in USA gov are dual citizens - Is rael
Not all Jews are being included in this, but there is a group/cult within Judaism for sure that are the primary offenders and puppet masters
Drop Joo and replace with Zionist.
So if a person is raised in Christian home they won’t ever do bad?! Going to church & saying you are a Christian family or a Christian doesn’t make you a saint! Katy Perry is just one example of being raised in a Christian home. There’s many people in jail that were most likely raised in Christian homes. Anyone can stray. Especially if abuse happened to them.
Gotcha, I didn’t catch what you were saying. I should have read the thread from the beginning. Glad I could help.
a conspiracy involves a group of people there is a conspiracy against mankind
Jews are part of the problem.
So are Christians, Muslims, mormons, hindu, pagans, shintoists, atheists, agnostics, scholars, mothers, fathers, teachers, plumbers... Etc.
But those of us who are 'apatheist' though... We're not part of the problem. J/k. Plenty of us are part of the problem, too.
Orthogonal to the betterment of mankind is those who blindly follow what they're told without question. And all sorts of people fall into this category. It's a conspiracy, no doubt: a universal conspiracy of those who don't think for themselves vs those who do. It's as old as humanity and I wager it's here to stay for a very long time.
Best we can do is be ever vigilant in thinking for ourselves, and always fight to keep group-think and it's associated ills to a minimum.
I know someone that worked child welfare cases in Hollywood during the 70s and 80s. According to my friend Hefner was just as dirty as Epstein and just as protected by individuals in law enforcement, Los Angeles District attorney office and in child and welfare.
At this point sadly I’m not shocked at anything. I’ve been following a survivor & she says she was trafficked from her foster home & from school. If the teachers, SS & cops weren’t involved they looked the other way for their own protection. I don’t remember what school she went to, it was public school, “of arts or something” not the ordinary public school, Says there’s tunnels under school, Getty & she’s been to Playboy mansion through tunnels to Oprah’s house for party. I’m trying to find Oprah’s house in the tunnel layout. I haven’t heard her mentioned in the playboy stuff.
I believe that.
It fits.
Zero doubts.
Anybody got the CDAN post where the narrator goes to the mansion and is shown the library of surveillance tapes?
Found it! I remembered this story but couldn't remember where it was.
You're welcome. When I saw this thread I immediately thought of this. You remembering cdan helped me find it. So thank you!
Wasn't he? I thought he made training videos for MKUltra. He made movies on how to torture kids/people, put them in a near death state to split their minds/personalities. Sometimes it would go too far..The kids would die. Just like Jon Benet. It was thought that that was an MKUltra training that went too far.. I think he was indeed CIA
In the 1960s Hefner had a video tape recorder systems installed to feed video of recorded TV shows throughout the mansion. You could have a different program in a different room playing which would mean a separate system for each program you wanted to play. And, he had a full time engineer (or engineers) to run this. In the 1960s VTR machines (as they were called then) were almost exclusively used by TV broadcast companies because of their high cost and complexity of operation. Some schools had them too. But Hefner had one, perhaps one of the few civilians to do so. Is it unfathomable to think that he also had hidden video (closed circuit TV) cameras installed? Video cameras sent the feed back to the recorder(s) which meant they were quiet. Blackmail films until this point were made thru 1-way mirrors in an dark adjacent room or through a spyhole. It had to be done this way because a film cameras are noisy.
Shortly before Hefner died it was reported he dumped 100s of hours of tapes into the Pacific. I think this was on CDAN. Some of the tapes were returned over the years to the stars that made them. But many were not. The tapes that he dumped into the ocean were rumored (I hate rumors but it's all I have here) to be of dead Hollywood stays only. The ones that weren't dumped allegedly of politicians. Is it too big a leap to think that those would have ended up with the Clowns?
Opposite Streisand Effect, no one went looking for more info.
/oy gevalt
DeGenerate helping Jesus Campos along after the LV shooting -
Not "what if," he was. He was in the Army as a war correspondent during WWII.
And while we're at it, let's get another one in here -
Use Google Maps satellite view with the address for the Empire Polo Club at 81800 Avenue 51 Indio CA. I found Merv griffin’s estate before the answer was posted here based upon the cleared land description. On Avenue 54. Something weird was happening the day of that satellite picture too. I assume it’s a riding arena?
Do we know who this A list actor is?
You have to read what's written and read it exactly. Not an actor, "long time entertainer who was A+ list.". That name was previously in the comments. There are no comments now, they're all gone. Interesting. A few years ago you would have also gotten the alleged name from a duckduckgo search using points from the blind. Those are gone too. Also interesting. Further, if you search the blind title within the site it does not even come up now. Even more interesting -
OTOH, there are bread crumbs in that post...
"famed music festival in the desert"
You could make an educated guess or even search that exact phrase on DDG then with the blind distance details start looking. That's what I just did and found something interesting. Took me 10 minutes. Not being coy here, this is low-level anon sleuthing. Put some focus on it and see what happens.
Ryan Seacrest. Merv Griffin estate.
The hunger games was on that field.
Hunger Games as in where they filmed the movies or an actual real life hunger games?
i read the latter.
Haven’t found that yet.
Could it be a music entertainer? It doesn’t say actor. Oh lord I hope it’s not who is coming to mind! But I know nobody is an angle or saint, fame corrupts people & more than likely demons! I’m not naive it’s just gets to be a little much.
****> One is the famed home of a long time entertainer who was A+ list and continues to make tons of money even after death from the empire he established.
Could it be Sonny of Sonny & Cher? At this point it could be anyone that’s dead!
Thanks for the info. I’ve heard of Bohemian Grove all my life & always thought it was an imaginary place. Little did I know! Interesting, I’m old enough to remember Merv. I immediately thought of Elvis but I didn’t think it was him. To my knowledge he only had one other home than Graceland, I think Beverley Hills. It’s in a neighborhood surrounded by other homes. I’m not stupid I know anyone that good looking & with his charisma wasn’t the “southern choir boy” just hoping he wasn’t into demonic & sex torture, etc. I’m learning nobody is as they appear.
Thanks 😊
I remember reading on reddit a while back a post where a user said that Elvis had taken his sister on a date (she was like 16 and he was an adult already. From what the post said, Elvis essentially raped her quite roughly and dropped her off home disheveled.
Just hearsay, of course, but doesn't surprise me.
I heard Elvis was actually twins.
There were two of them who played the role of Elvis.
No idea if that's true.
But it is intriguing.
I remember this blind and Merv Griffin was absolutely decided to be the entertainer, with lots of sources offered. (Books, interviews etc).
Merv was alleged to be a billionaire. Created "Wheel of Fortune."
Actually, it was revealed and they removed it.
Oh, I see. It may be a musician. I'm learning a lot of famous people are corrupt. I don't look at them the way I used to. :(
I don’t either! I feel like I’ve been fooled most of my life. I’ve gone to so many concerts over the years & some artists I’ve seen multiple times. I’m beginning to question them all. I don’t think it’s just one genre. I do feel better that I haven’t followed the pop & rap artist. I’m adding more links as I find them to my original comment. There’s a lot of info about Bohemian Grove on DuckDuckGo.
I'm getting:
"This Tweet is from a suspended account."
Over the target much?
Wow, that is sketchy as f**k. To be honest, nothing surprises me anymore with these Hollywood freaks. I hope and pray that there will be some big arrests coming soon. WWG1WGA
Iirc CDAN had blinds about the Getty museum also https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2020/12/blind-items-revealed-1_30.html?m=1
IKWYM. Things have been that mental anything is possible. I know cdan has posted blinds in the past about human trafficking and yachting. They’ve also done stuff alluding to baby farming/surrogacy set ups run by a husband and wife A list couple of homies (B&J). There’s also been blinds about a house on St Charles in NOLA that was used as a honey trap blackmail hub and loads about underage kids being abused in hellyweird.
Interedting, I didn't know either were so closee.
Lets go to Montecito and the Harpo estate
Thanks fren 🐸
Tweet archive: https://archive.ph/ayidv
Playboy also had nudes of kids and they use the black tape to cover it. They were trying to normalize pedophilia and stopped because of the backlash.
Yeah i know. I've heard a lot of terrible things. It's why I'm here.
Bill Cosby was a frequent guest at the Playboy Mansion.
He was also friends with Hefner up to his death.
I remember that^ and, not necessarily Playboy, but all the Calvin Klein pictures with Brooke Shields, AND Blue Lagoon. pedo references everywhere! and makes me wonder about Calvin Klein, especially after his creepy ads in the nineties. don't even want to post the link it's so weird, but its still on YT 'Calvin Klein banned ads'.
This makes me so sick... Jack Nicholson? Wtf man its bad enough to be a young child about to be raped but seriously by that scary fucking disgusting man? What a shit show fucking nightmare world this is. We live in hell! God save our children!
Rape was by Roman Polanski not JN
Yeah I am aware that the rape that went public was not conducted by Jack. My suggestion is that he has raped many who have not been public, hence the tunnels directly going to his house.
JN had a weird upbringing. The woman that he thought was his sister was actually his birth mother and his mother was actually his grandmother and he was almost 40 before he found out. Or so the story goes. I tend to believe it though. After my grandfather died, we found out he wasn't my my dad's real father. My dad is a few years younger than JN, but I think we don't realize the stigma of having a child out of wedlock then vs. now.
On the A&E playboy documentary they talk about Don Cornelius (Soul Train). He held two playmates at his home for several days. One untied herself & called the house mom. He brutally sexually assaulted both of them. Including using wood objects. They didn’t report it to the police as that was Hef’s rules, no cops. The lady telling the story said she felt like he knew about it but she didn’t tell him. The stories I’m hearing it’s very clear it took more than his security to keep things quiet. Also, the people that built the tunnels, were they quite, murdered or part of his organization?
Caaninite sex magick
With broccoli and potatoes.
Great twilight zone episode
How did we miss the playboy bunny rabbit reference. Good catch.
In an interview he says he choose the bunny because it’s sexy. What a load of bill! I’ve lived in the country all my life & I’ve never looked at a bunny & thought that’s a sexy animal, or any other animal. Now I’ll say a car is sexy in a hot minute!
Regarding Gitmo
Not surprised, Wonder what else they'll find.
In 2012, a commenter of a blind item story said Kirk Douglas raped a teenage Natalie Wood. It's believed that the commenter was Robert Downey Jr.
Natalie Wood died in 1981 after falling off a dinghy and drowning. She was aboard a yacht with Wagner [Robert Wagner, her husband at the time] and actor Christopher Walken, when according to sources, Wagner included, the married couple had an argument. She apparently tried to get away and took the dinghy but fell into the water. Wagner has always claimed he is innocent. He wrote in his memoir: “There are only two possibilities: either she was trying to get away from the argument, or she was trying to tie the dinghy. But the bottom line is that nobody knows exactly what happened.”
rumor has it there was a three way sex thing going on and natalie was upset that she was not the center of attention, as wagner was paying more attention to walken. the captain of the yacht was aboard at the time but claims he was really drunk at the time. walken and wagner refuse to talk about the incident and the authorities never looked too closely into what happened that night. at least that is what I remember from reading about this over the years.
Natalie Wood Was Raped by Kirk Douglas, Her Sister Alleges in a New Book In her memoir Little Sister, Lana Wood recalls the night of Natalie’s assault—and details why now is the time to name her sister’s alleged assailant.
“I remember that Natalie looked especially beautiful when Mom and I dropped her off that night at the Chateau Marmont entrance." Douglas raped Natalie in the summer of 1955.
Their mother, Maria Zakharenko, had reportedly scheduled Natalie’s meeting with Douglas, hoping that “many doors might be thrown open for her, with just a nod of his famous, handsome head on her behalf.” Lana, then about eight years old, remembers “it seemed like a long time passed before Natalie got back into the car and woke me up when she slammed the door shut.” She writes that Natalie “looked awful,” adding, “She was very disheveled and very upset, and she and Mom started urgently whispering to each other. I couldn’t really hear them or make out what they were saying. Something bad had apparently happened to my sister, but whatever it was, I was apparently too young to be told about it.”
According to Lana, she and Natalie never discussed what had happened until they were both adults. It was at that point that Natalie detailed her rape, telling her sister, “And, uh ... he hurt me Lana.… It was like an out-of-body experience. I was terrified, I was confused.” According to Lana, her sister and mother had decided that it would tarnish Natalie’s Hollywood standing to publicly accuse Douglas. “Suck it up,” were Maria’s words of advice to her daughter, per Lana.
In the past, Lana has shielded Natalie’s secret from the world. Now that Douglas and Natalie have both died, she believes the time is now to share it. “With no one still around to protect, I’m sure she’ll forgive me for finally breaking that promise,” Lana writes. Kirk’s son, Michael Douglas, responded to the allegation in a statement to the AP: “May they both rest in peace.”
By Savannah Walsh November 4, 2021
Great observation! It does seem like Playboy Mansion was the beginning. Hollywood knew. They told us in The Godfather how it works. Drug a senator, put a dead hooker in his room, take pictures and you own him.
I wouldn’t have understood that either. Wow. He knew.
Additionally, I couldn't open the links on the Reddit post but good thing they got archived.
I know there's another link here somewhere that points to an article with more pics than what the tweets provided, but just wanted to provide the archived tweets.
A lot of ex-Playboy "bunnies" are coming out with their stories about what hapoened at their time there. i believe one is one that lived there for years when, they had a reality show.
Hefner was an early Epstein character. He had black mail on EVERYONE and absolutely was a trafficker.
Bullshit. The tunnels are NOT being dug up. The pics are from an old archive they found in the basement of the mansion. Still very bad. But there is no reason we should be spreading fake news. I read the article. The tunnels were used in the 70 and 80's and sealed up in the late 80's once Hefner got married. No one is digging these tunnels up. If they were smart they filled them all in when they sealed them up.
Edit: And WHY are we linking Reddit?
Show me some actual proof instead of 50-year-old pictures, and I'll believe you.
I found the bot.
White Rabbit and Alice are comms symbols for child sexual ritual abuse.
It's not a coincidence that Heff picked the White Rabbit bust as his symbol and called his young models playmates and bunnies.
Okay but this isn't evidence.
Hef was"given" his business for the same reason it was started in the first place. He himself was blackmailed and they used him to record every encounter in that house. Knowing that he would never come forward of course.
This latest episode of the Playboy expose series on A&E dealing with the drug/narcotics trafficking aspect of Hef's empire was likely the least surprising of all the revelations.
Dude absolutely was the prototype for Epstein's model.
Down the Rabbit hole
Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon
Hugh Hefner is cousins with both George W. Bush and John Kerry. Prbly just a coincidence.
Seems the majority of them are related to the others, directly or down the family tree a couple generations/by marriage. Not a coincidence.
They all inter-marry...hwood, media, etc....they are all connected. That's how they get away with it.
Tweets won't open - This doesn't seem legit - Proof?
It says accounts have been suspended - Yes old news - thus the question why now?
Do you not know how to look up an archived Tweet?
Paste the url into https://archive.today in the box labeled "I want to search the archive for saved snapshots"
Here's a link to the first Tweet- https://archive.fo/ayidv
This is the TMZ Tweet KateAwakening linked to - https://twitter.com/tmz/status/1247378570386776065
Here's a link to the photo gallery mentioned in TMZ's Tweet- https://www.tmz.com/photos/image_jpg_20200403_c65eec0ec10840d6b4f7081983143dc4/
Here's a link to the second Tweet, which I had to find on https://archive.org, using the WayBack Machine-
Note the second Tweet is a reply to @Inevitable_ET, who was quoted in Q Drop #3887-
And here's the archive of that Inevitable_ET Tweet -
It's going to be Biblical.
Thank you and I hope so!!!!
The fact the accounts got suspended is a little bit of proof in itself. Over the target.
You can find the photos of the unearthing elsewhere. They aren't hard to find.
Someone added a CDAN link for Getty tunnels. Here is another part of the spider web. Read every blind for St Charles street. https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/search?q=House+on+st+Charles+&max-results=8
As a side note type “the creature” in CDAN search box- must be in desktop format to work-,
Great to see this re-exposed. I have seen this at least 3-4 years ago, it's good to know they are "digging" into it more now.
twitter has blocked all the pics
Good post...don't bother with the troll bots. They have farms of ppl doing this all over social media.
Tunnels map.
holly madison wrote a book called Down the Rabbit HOle.
Twitter account suspended… Of corse.
Reposting this for exposure.
This woman had a bail bonds company that promoted her business at the mansion.
Hrm… it seem obvious now but I wonder why I never dig deep into playboy mansion. I just assumed everything there was to know about it was out in the open.
Nice work - I’ll hop in tonight.
They put just enough out there to keep you from digging
I probably am late to the party but regarding this picture:
The man in the right, is that Terry Richardson?
He have photographed a couple of celebrities, both with clothes on and off. He's quite bizarre and kind of gives off a Hunter S. Thompson vibe.
I compared both pictures -- the man in the Playboy picture and Terry Richardson's and it could NOT be the same person but who knows?