Folks, please remember, there is a lot of smokes and mirrors and illusions, both by Cabal and White Hats. Whatever is happening there we will never get the full picture. This thread is to piece together the best picture we can. I just believe that by the end of all this, the Cabal will be exposed in Ukraine and it will be one of the last pieces of the Plan.
Are you still doubting whether this is an invasion or liberation?
Here is a video of Ukrainians celebrating with Russian troops happy to be liberated after 8 long years of torture
Transcript of Putin addressing the current situation and providing updates (Credit u/DeusVult2)
Updates (credit : u/EchoLight)
Looks like there are seperate operations being carried out by the separatist forces in Donbass, and the Russian military, as as planned.
This is a good summary of where we are at right now
For those wanting clues that this is liberation not invasion, consider the section about Crimea and the availability of fresh water:
Head of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov reported that desalinators in the Crimea will not be needed and gave the order to prepare the North Crimean Canal to receive Dnieper water.
More detailed news about this from Interfax
Another source for news (needs translation):
34 live webcams from Ukraine shows no damages to people or buildings confirming this is an operation, not invasion. (Credit u/JFKsBoatBell)
Map of Russian strikes in Ukraine (Credit u/Primo17)
Putin Launches "Special Military Operation" In Ukraine, Kiev Calls It "Full-Scale Invasion" (credit u/StageL3ft)
Kiev's foreign minister has declared that full scale invasion of Ukraine is underway.
Putin authorizes special military action against Ukraine.
Ukrainian president Zelensky addressed in Russia vowing to fight Russians without turning their backs.
UN secretary General pleads President Putin, stop your troops
Estonia reports NATO Article 4 Consultations are being held. This would be discussions as to how to respond to the Russian attack, and whether to invoke Article 5 - starting WW3.
Situation Room | LIVE (thanks to u/MAGAhhh_igetit)
Good source for breaking news:
Another good source Russel Bentley from the ground.
Good source for clips from the battle area
Video from Kharkiv after first attacks against it. Picture of a massive explosion there.
Crude oil has shot up as expected. Crypto have taken a tumble. Stock market futures are down.
Q has posted many hints related to Putin. Its worthwhile going through these: Q posts about Putin and Q Posts about Ukraine. The breadth of the things they link to, is fascinating.
The situation is Ukraine is directly related to Uranium One, which while most of us have forgotten, I believe will become relevant. Check out the movie "Sum of All Fears" one of the signatures posted by Q.
Don't forget Q post 4822
Please keep posting up to date info.
Thanks for that; quality post.
Locations of Bio-Labs in relation to attacks from Russian Military
Reddit is a confirmation bias propaganda shit-show right now, not really bothering to engage right now but once things break that place will become very entertaining...
Wow, great post and links. This should give me plenty to read/look over and try to make sense of all this. Thanks for the work.
Interesting MSM is saying all airports “attacked”. Ask yourself why would anybody put airports so close? Why would Russia “attack” Chernobyl?
What was truly attacked were US Biolabs and Chernobyl was a sex-trafficking location (and is not radio-active)
Nothing surprises me at this point but any rabbit holes to point me towards w/ this? I’m a nuclear medicine tech so the nerd in me is fascinated by the Chernobyl story 😬 but I’m now equally intrigued about it being a sex trafficking site that’s not radioactive. It would certainly provide the perfect “cover” for them carry on with their nefarious and disgusting crimes w/o any detection or investigation and I put nothing past the elites of this world.
I was unaware of US Biolabs in Ukraine? Chernobyl was a surprise also
Apparently Russians have siezed this small island in the Black sea from Ukraine called Snake Island also known as Serpent Island. Its such a tiny nothing island, couldnt sustain airforce/army or any kind of naval installation. I wonder the purpose? Also has some ancient ruins from a Temple of Achilles on it. Could be nothing but it peaked my interest.
First Time hearing, will do some digging
Maybe a spot for rituals for the elites of the cabal?
Hacker group Anonymous has started a cyber attack against russia and have taken down some websites and news station RT News. They are on twitter bragging about it
Anonymous is a front of the deep state
Good to know, I was always suspicious of them.
Why did the deep state take out (sorta) Scientology?
Anonymous was legit back in the day. It was just a bunch of random autists. Around the time the group started making videos is when a lot of people think it became a clown show
Hmmmm ... I am intrigued. Do tell.
I'm not telling, I'm asking.
Look up Operation Chanology if you're not familiar with it.
That's where the Guy Fawkes masks came from. Basically it started out as pranks and hacking, and then Mark Bunker (scientology critic) suggested protesting them and trying to get their tax exempt status revoked since that would actually hurt them.
OVER 9000 protesters around the world went out the first time.
It seemed pretty natural to me, and I can't figure out how that would help the Deep State, unless they just wanted to tell Scientology that THEY weren't the deep state and should stop trying to be one.
That whole process was essentially a mini Great Awakening. People went out and red pilled people about Scientology, and pretty soon tons of their key members were defecting and starting anti scientology websites and even TV shows.
Before it started you'd get sued into oblivion for even suggesting that Scientology wasn't perfect.
Russian leader states the rational for going into the Ukraine. Russia has many grievances with West corruption. The Russian Bear is not going to take it any more!
Very helpful speech.
NATO is woke men in skirts having periods. What a bunch of Moroons.
When Putin says the West, he means the deep state.
GA, I love you frens. So thorough!
Sounds very interesting, I will check them out. I have been looking for some unbiased and truthful reporting about Stalin, because niether of the picture that has been painted by the main stream is believable. My gut tells me he cleaned up the Cabal in the Soviet and eventually caused them to collapse the USSR. Hopefully this book sheds some more light.
Surely Stalin was part of the cabal: they funded the revolution (via the Red Cross), he visited the Tavistock Institute (as did Hitler), murdered millions like Mao and other DS puppets. Satanic, evil tyrant - how did he clean up the cabal?
Remember the purges where he started getting rid of top communist leaders?
The main stream narrative was that he became paranoid and crazy. When mainstream cannot offer a credible explanation beyond crazy, my BS antennae tingle. (Similar to media portrayal of Kim Jong Un and the family members he supposedly purged because he was "paranoid" and "crazy")
Various things I have read has supported the conclusion that he was getting rid of the Trotsky's faction - and Trotsky has been documented to be funded by the central bankers, but thats not just that, he had a rich "capitalistic" uncle who was well connected to the London circle and funded his nephew's "communism hobby".
That made be wonder whether Stalin was actually purging the deep state from USSR?
Lets see what happened after Stalin died in 1953? We had Kruschev who was exactly anti-Stalin. Remember his "secret speech" where he demolished Stalin's legacy and steered USSR ostensibly towards relaxation? He stuck around for 8 years or so and his presidency culminated in the ultimate power move by the Cabal - Cuban missile crisis.
After Kruschev came Breznev who 10 years after Stalin's legacy was completely decimated in the soviet collective consciousness, steered the country back to Stalinism and "repression" etc. There were two liberal writers who were tried in a "show trial" that became the epitome of repression under Breznev. Looking back, those writers were probably typical frankfurt school kind of liberals who have crushed American education system under their heels.
After Breznev we have a few sort lived presidents culminating in Gorbachev who essentially did the Bankers' bidding of destroying the USSR.
So from a 40,000 ft view, my naive interpretation is:
Bolsheviks funded by the Globalists under Trotsky
Stalin comes in as an agent of the Cabal, but eventually turns against them in his latter years (similar to Hitler)
Stalin becomes anti-Trotsky, anti-Globalist, purging deep state agents
Power struggle by the Globalists to maintain control through Kruschev
Lost control when Breznev came into power
Took USD off of Gold Standard allowing printing infinite amount of fiat money
Use the fiat money to fund the space race and arms race: essentially Central banks forcing USSR to spend themselves to oblivion. This is where the Cabal decided they cannot control USSR and decided to pull the plug.
Collapse of USSR.
Thanks for that, you have a deeper knowledge than I do. Seems he did more than purge the opposition though; murdering so many people seems like satanic globalist depopulation, no matter how you look at it. I will read through all this carefully and maybe get the book you recommend.
Too bad I don't have Putins phone number... just to ask... Have you spoken to Biden? What's is going on there from your perspective....
Our media is 💯 propaganda.... I don't believe anything they
What is this link? I get an error
I can't get there either. I don't get an error, the browsers just sit there spinning. I can ping and dns appears to be working but the requests time out.
edit: a trace route only gets so far then it times out.
Try this:
This is Putin's latest address, today. Well worth the read and it looks like its being censored by many service providers.
Thank you. They are all taking forever to load for me... I'll try again in the morning
Do you use VPN? I have issues with archive whenever I use VPN
His disappointment with NATO and US response... because everyone in authority wants to start a war.
He needs to use other ways of communicating, and not depending on the corrupt media, who is skillfully turning hearts and minds here into thinking getting involved in a war is inevitable & justified.
He is not depending on corrupt media. He is depending on the truther communities like ours to spread the word to others. Once the Awakening happens, then people will finally realise how corrupt the media is. Until then, we are the spreaders of the truth.
No VPN And sorry, your link worked... when I was trying to click on anything there that was what was taking forever
it's responding now
Thank you!
I am pretty sure there was a DDOS attack on that site. People were talking about it on gab and telegram as well.
Just heard something about Crimea and water that Ukraine is denying it. Crimea has lost most of its farmland which would have been supporting Crimea's population. Now Russia must find a way to supply the food and lost billions in water projects that used up the water too fast
I guess they can Crimea river!
… I’ll see myself out.
Just posted this to the mega thread. Check this news:
Could starving people like that be considered genocide?
Hell yes. This is how they control people.
Will Pedo Biden's graft payments be suspended due to a hot war in Ukraine? Asking for a friend.
Here's how to see all TSQ posts!!
Question. Russo-American War or stage setting for the scare-event?
What's the scare event?
Unsure. Presumably “Russia answers American military escalation in Ukraine by preparing nuclear launch. ICBM attack on the US imminent”
That’ll get the normies in a tither
Gettting there. My guess is, it will feel much worse than anything we can imagine. Brace yourselves!
Yep have your bug out bag ready to go at a moment's notice. When things pop off, the normies are literally going to go crazy in a very bad way
Didn't Q say something about having to get to the precipice? I don't think people realize how bad things will have to get for there to be a real precipice. We ain't seen nothing yet.
I agree its probably going to get a lot worse. They (our normies) are not hungry yet. The lights are still on. We have a long haul, I suspect.
Yep, we are nowhere near close enough
My money is on stage setting. Russia does not want war with us because he knows his time will come when a real patriot replaces Xiden
Would they warn of nukes from Russia, nuke us themselves, then blame Russia?
If that happened i wouldnt be suprised but i dont think the DS will launch nukes.
My hope is that the Russian Federation will also help liberate my country from the JewNeoConComplex. Blessings in Christ to my Czar Vladimir
Which country fren?
Dont worry, its all part of the plan. US will be liberated once all the Cabal strongholds are liberated and they have no where to hide/
shits retarded. people killing each other. children caught in the middle of missiles and gunfire because of some old men. you would think humanity learned its lesson.
honestly tho, who really wants to be killing each other at this point? anybody ever ask themselves like "gee fucking wiz, life was great all up until like 2 days ago when fuck head decides to invade other fuckheads."
now america could possibly get involved?
im a marine (out now) but holy shit you would think our military would be like "yo wtf? why? now i have to get shot at all of a sudden?"
shits fking stupid i hope people just stop playing these games for our shithead leaders. life could be so easy
sorry for the rant frens lmao
“Now America could possibly get involved?”
Seriously friend, you really need to sit back and read/listen if you are posting something as foolish as this. Why you ask? Because Ukraine is a fucking wholly owned subsidiary of the Mafia govt of the United States...! Why all the foreign aid to them? To stop Putin and the threat of communist expansion? Bullshit. We give Ukraine taxpayer money to our puppet govt there who then gives a large portion of the corrupt money back to our politicians by offering Nancy Pelosi’s son, Mitt Romney’s son, John Kerry’s son, Joe Biden’s son and other bagmen jobs as chairmen of the board of directors for gas/energy companies in Ukraine for which they have neither the experience or any qualifications to hold. It’s taxpayer fraud.
Our corrupt govt is BALLS DEEP in every single aspect of Ukraine including having dozens of military grade ‘biotech’ (laymen’s term biological weapons) facilities all over the country.
What do you think Putin is shelling right now...?
Tell you right now, these strikes are self-defense against the US and Putin will need not have one single soldier cross any border. There will be no occupation or threat of territory takeover. But he’s gonna she’ll the crap out of deepstate miltary targets all over the place.
Spoiler Alert: Right now the US govt is about to start bombing hospitals and schools and churches (IN UKRAINE) with CNN and the rest of their henchmen airing this 24-7 to ‘JUSTIFY’ US intervention .
Modus Operandus and has been for decades if not centuries.
This was probably the most insightful comment I read. Thank you fren
Why are you getting downvoted? You're right on the mark.
No worries friend. Truth is often painful to hear and cognitive dissonance is real. Just look at all things ‘Ukraine’ over the past 10 years and tell me that place isn’t a dirty pigpen for US politicians. Schiff is balls deep there too. No doubt a hotbed of US deep state corruption.
I personally believe in this matter Putin will later be found to be on the right side of history. The fact that every global media MSM conglomerate constantly bashes him (like Trump) gets my spidey senses tingling that maybe, just maybe he is, in fact, one of the good guys. Or, it’s possible he doesn’t play ball with the IMF/WEF globalist plans and they need an excuse to start a war and overthrow him to install their own puppet regime. Doesn’t happen for this reason? Ask Ghadaffi and Saddam Hussein how it worked out for them.
this is literally the best answer thank you for not accusing me of being a fucking glowie
Your not a glowie friend, just a bit misguided about the real enemy. It’s those pulling the strings behind the US govt but using the Red/White/Blue as their global enforcer yet again. And the media is always more than complicit to paint another narrative for them portraying the US as a knight in shining armor.
thx bro
Well said fren.
For generations people have been expressing these sentiments. However, mere words nor the powerful emotions can stop the games being played by the puppets of the Cabal.
What we are seeing unfolding is the only way to finally make it happen. Its amazing how little the casualties are, and how precise this military operation is.
It will be glorious when all this ends and the Cabal is no more.
The war is much (much) bigger than this latest fucking BS.
COVID, stolen election, bogus impeachments, LIES LIES LIES from the "news"... I get you, but this is just one scene in a gigantic movie.
You sound like a glowie/journo moron. Stop makin shit up
I know many marines and you sound like a weak minded individual
man u guys are lost in the sauce big time
i sound like a weak minded individual why? because im simply pointing out the fact that our servicemembers are going to die for some shithead who has dementia? fuck outta here
You mean all the conservative service members that were booted for religion and vax status?
You mean the trillion dollar propaganda film studio in Europe?
I bet you also believe that afghanis really fell off a c130 hundreds of feet in the air, or that an entire group of fighting aged males stormed the tarmac and danced as they followed along side it preparing for take off.
I bet you also believe that being white is a privilege
If you’re that fucking scared go hide under the couch. Call the marines back up and tell them you want to put boots on the ground, put your life first.
This is a fucking worldwide liberation, nut up or shut up. Better go to Starbucks while you still can, soy boy
bro literally i got seperated from the marines u fucking goob you literally have no idea what you are talking about. this is the shit im talking about, snap the fuck out of it.
EDIT: for refusing the vax. snap the fuck out of whatever it is
Oh really? So you wouldn’t mind going on the record for an Internet article? I have your comment saved, I’ll use your story whether I have your permission or not, but it would be nice if you had a comment you’d like to give for the record...
Do you guys think Ukraine is the keystone? Its looking more and more like it hats the case to me. Id love some reply with your opinions. And maybe an updoot if u agree
I dont think I will call Ukraine as the keystone. Ukraine is definitely one of the important Cabal bases and most probably center for child trafficking along with other criminality. However, regardless of the word Keystone, its one of the crucial pieces of the puzzle, required to defeat the Cabal and we are now one step closer to victory.
One thing is for certain, we cannot believe any of what we hear or see on the MSM and most Alt Media outlets. Smoke and Mirrors is ruling the day and their companions propaganda and misinformation. We will know in the end....
He means it like Trump too
Where can I find that video?
Interesting that they are committing resources during an 'invasion' to a radio-active concrete tomb.
I wonder what they are looking for? Hmmmm....
I would think that a large bomb at the reactor could send massive amounts of radioactive material into the air. Im pretty sure the Russians wouldn’t want it to be sabotaged.
Probably looking for evidence that the cabal/deep state created the chernobyl disaster in the first place. Can't have a region being energy self-sufficient with nuclear power. Gotta get that choke hold on them by controlling fossil fuel. Putin would be aware of the plan as he's ex-kgb.
What if there was never such a disaster? and they faked it to have a handy "exclusion zone" where they could do all their dirty business unperturbed?
I wonder what has Putin got his hands on.
Wow..! Never even considered this avenue. Very possible and would be a great cover story to clear everyone out allowing them to do whatever they wanted in there. Great comment and possibility.
The answer is: good staging area for further ops. Can't be shelled and bombed by Ukrainians
Geographically it is in the straightest path to Kiev from Belarus as well.
seems wise to guard against dirty bombs... imagine what the Cabal could do with a dirty bomb false flag...
It essentially is a live radioactive source, just no reactor to keep it contained. The nuclear fuel has continued to fission over the last couple decades since the accident there. So in some ways it is a live nuclear site.
So we've been told by known liars.
Room 305/2 is heating up as of last year. Neutron radiation increasing...
I saw that too. Wag the Dog. People are so fucking stupid they will believe it too.
It was officially shut down in December of 2000. It's Still absolutely mind blowing that they let it continue to run for so long after the melt down!
Has anyone seen this video going around people are reposting of the fighter jet flying super low to house tops and releasing two missles that make, what seems like, no huge destruction or explosion sounds. And the people who are within... Idk, 50 feet, are able to keep recording, house still standing, no huge explosion, they somehow dont get hurt
High quality production I would say!
WW3 will be the biggest false flag, and will be fake.
EXACTLY ... This is a VERY bad attempt at Wag The Dog.
Someone called Clandestine posted a map of the US biolabs in Ukraine and then superimposed where Russia is bombing currently. And whatdoyouknow.
And he got banned for it
Wait, on this site!!!!? 😳
No on twitter
Can anyone confirm this to be legit? If so, who and where is it?
Uhh... If this is legit (and that's a BIG fucking "if"), I'm pretty damned sure those aren't conventional explosives. Very bizarre.
To me, it sounds more like a low yield explosive dispersal method for A2/AD, but I'm NOT an expert in that field (far from it).
Any Ordnance Specialist pede or somebody in MUNSS have any idea?
Looks fake as fuck. I posted in the thread about this too. So many people like david harris jr and charlie kirk reposting it. How do thoae two missles not cause MASSIVE destruction and the people go unscavrd, house still standing, and why in the world would a fighter jet be so close to the ground to release them. Does not seem real.
Explosions could be deep nstate blowing shit up to blame on Russia. Remeber how Hitler started it with Poland. Blew up his own radio station.
Yup. Wouldn't put it past the cabal, but Putin's not messing around either!
I hope this and the news of China invading Taiwan are the scare events Q talked about.
I think the scare even hasnt happened but will follow these shortly. I believe it involves a market crash, blackouts, etc
That wouldn't scare me.
Agreed because we know about Q and the plan but normies don't so they are frightened. Its our jobs to help them make sense of the new world once the plan is implemented.
My husband is real worried(retired air force) that our troops will be sent over there. I have been reassuring him that everything will be ok. He doesn't really understand why, but is slowly coming around. The info about the biolab bombings should really open his eyes.
10th Mountain has already sent troops
The timing of this invasion is interesting, occurring in tandem with Truth Social launch, a stock market decline, events in Canada, lessening covid restrictions, etc...
Its all happening in the military timeline
Yeah timing is suspect
it was just brought to my attention by a Ukrainian client of mine, that if you recall the Russo-Georgia war, it began on 08/08/08 and lasted for 8 days. One hell of a coincidence, if you ask me. Considering this started 02/22/22, let’s see if it lasts for 22 days.
or TWO days.
I think this is a smash and grab.
SMASH the 14 US funded Bio-Weapons facilities, and all military assets belonging to the scumbags that have been targeting ethic Russians in Ukraine.
GRAB whatever the fuck is in that Chernobyl concrete tomb that was important enough to commit significant military assets toward. One of my based bros dropped that thought grenade: Chernobyl might be the perfect hiding place for deep state fuckery. A radio-active, off limits, concrete tomb ... or is it?
Good theories forming here. I thought that maybe the DS could keep Chernobyl hostage as a sort of dirty bomb threat, so Putin was going in to neutralize that threat.
Readings are measurements of γ-radiation in units of (nSv/h)
I have the same thought. I have to wonder if it wasn't kept for a reason, and not just to isolate it.
I would prefer to see an in-and-out mission that lasts two days vs twenty-two, for sure. Chernobyl is important in this, there is no doubt. How important? Hopefully time will tell. My original comment was just to put a focus on the numbers. It's clear that someone making major calls in Russia certainly is.
That was my first thought as well. The Russians aren't attacking an empty radioactive concrete tomb because there is nothing there and it is abandoned.
Something is there and Putin knows what it is and won't stand for it on his border.
This reminds me of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
.. Maybe evidence? - repost on US biolabs in Ukraine by @WarClandestine
Ooh that is interesting
The western plutocrats don't care about Ukraine, they just wanted to use the country as a tool against Russia while plundering it. Looks like their plan is collapsing, and it enrages them.
Posted 2 hours ago:
The DPR and LPR have their own task, and Russia has its own
Very fast developments including the following:
This is also reported by Russian news agency Interfax:
For those who are aware, the only way that Crimea gets its fresh water for irrigation is overland from the Dnieper river via the North Crimean Canal. As we know, we had the Coup of 2014 and the Accession of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation. As a result, the Ukrainian authorities dammed up this essential supply link with a concrete dam, causing crops to fail in Crimea--essentially an international crime against humanity. The construction of the Crimean bridge helped ease some of the water supply issue but it wasn't enough to replace a fully-constructed canal.
Now it appears that Russian ground forces have made headway into the Kherson Oblast, and are making substantial changes that are going to stick, and stick for good, and not just be about "demilitarization".
EDIT: Added a link to a map with the following caption:
Machine Translated:
Really good stuff, thanks.
Those machines are getting better at translating ;)
This is an awesome post. 100 updoots for you Fren
🐸👍 Thank you, frog
After Juan O’Savin’s live Question/Answer session yesterday with David Nino ( )it’s so so clear he is deep in with the actual White Hats, not a regular civilian Truther. Yesterday Juan has made it clear the coming “Near-Death” experience we will all see of America and other Patriot Countries is more an “experience” than totally all true. Yes, there will be Real Death and Destruction done people! The Cabal is going to Fight Back Hard! Though for us Awake People it’ll be more Matrix-like. What I mean and understand from Juan, It’ll be real to us, but more controlled/expected, than being caught off guard like many others. Of course Juan didn’t say when, but he did say it’ll be very soon. Right before Trump comes back. I’m going to assume it’ll be at the bottom of the market, people will be freaking out, then the full weight of the Vaxx/Boosters will come out clear to all, then there will be a few riots in the large blue cities in blue states, with people freaking out more. Then all the election stuff/fraud will be revealed and accepted as fact. And then as people then freak out on that, Trump will be brought back in, the arrests/justice will start, and then NESARA/GESARA will be brought in as a jubilee to bring us all out of the dark. Yes, Juan For The First Time FULLY Confirmed Devolution and NESARA/GESARA! Again this is all so we together can see/face the justice taking place, to be okay with it, and for the rest of us to go Where We Go One, We Go All, together in harmony.
And Juan did state we are sure as heck fighting for and with God on our side. Let me be clear, Juan Did Not state this part. But through signs, and bread crumbs clearly left in Fall of the Cabal Part 10, and as I’ve theorized openly before, Q-Level information came from Christ our Lord, whom is soon to come again. Why would I state this? Q did not get 5 years of perfect, true Intel/Info through human constructed String or Game Theory. I am 100% sure it came from Christ our Lord or God himself. This Is Biblical. That’s my opinion/theory and as God is my witness, I am sticking to it. God bless you all Anons and Patriots. WWG1WGA.
JS is a larp. Nothing he said after the "election" had any truth in them. He even disappeared for some time. Now, he's back.
I agree with what you are saying but i also believe in the looking glass as well
Looking Glass is off line. Has been since 2012, when all Strings combined into 1 timeline. Q though, is something different, and wonderful.
First I've heard of Looking Glass being offline. If Q is a supercomputer AI that gets me thinking about how many other AI's are wargaming.
GPT-3 is accessible by us plebs and it is amazing.
Btw you might know, that V. Putin was baptized secretly as a child by an orthodox priest to whom his mother brought her baby, because the father, a communist, opposed to it. They priest wanted to give the name Michael, but the mother said, that the father had already filled the paperwork with Vladimir.
He attends Liturgy regular from what I understand as well. Recently they built a huge new cathedral for the armed forces. I wonder how corrupt Bart is though because him and the Russian patriach had a ton of issues which lead to the schism. 🤔
I also feel the hand of the Almighty in this. It's what keeps me hopeful and based.
Juan definitely has a breadth of knowledge that is amazing, in general. He's one of the only people whose opinion I've really valued throughout this whole thing and I would love to talk to him one day. It would be interesting to know his background, because it seems to be go deeper than just intel stuff.
My only complaint is David, who is hilarious, just needs to let the man talk! A few times he's gotten really close to some important topics only to be cut off and totally redirected by Nino in the past.
Because, certain things can’t be said yet, or maybe can still be censored.
That's true, but this has been one long wait - I'm ready for the good stuff!
34 Ukraine Live Webcams right here - everything looks normal as can be
EDIT 24feb2022 - 1343 EST: most/all Odessa camera feeds have been set to private. A lot more have been taken offline since I posted this link.
Just because...
Haha, these guys are such idiots
U/bubble_bursts... is there any way you could please assign me the joint smoking, red eyed pepe avatar??? Please???
Yes they are... KEKEKEK... ☕☕☕