Starseed Traits
- You feel intrinsically different from other people.
Everyone feels different from everyone else. But the kind of difference that starseeds feel goes deep into their bones. They feel profoundly separate. Who they are at the deepest level cannot be mirrored by others or really understood by others.
They have a hard time finding close friends, let alone finding a group to truly belong to. Although some of them are socially active and seem to be popular, on the inside they feel utterly alone.
- You feel stranded on planet Earth.
Since childhood, you’ve felt uncomfortable about living here on Earth.
You felt you had somehow fallen from a higher realm into the low realm of Earth-human life. Was it a celestial world? A star world? You couldn't remember, but you remembered the feeling of having lived in a world full of love, beauty, and joy in the company of souls who could effortlessly understand you.
As you grew up, it was impossible to recreate such a high-level existence here on Earth, so you felt stuck in unpleasant, even hostile existential situations, like an alien on Earth, not knowing how you got here or how to get out.
- You feel homesick no matter where you are.
Most starseeds feel a sense of homelessness that stays with them everywhere they go. They are homeless wanderers in search of places where they truly belong.
Many of them were born into difficult family situations, which only intensifies these feelings.
The few who had normal happy childhoods still experience the strange sensation that their parents are not their real parents, that their physical homes are not their spiritual homes.
Many of them have spent their lives moving from place to place, from relation to relation, from religion to religion, in search of a perfect environment where they can finally say “home at last!”
- You yearn for outer space.
Ever since you were a kid, you've been gazing at the stars with a yearning too deep for words. Sun, moon, and stars could move you to tears. As you grew up, you developed a keen interest in sci-fi, fantasy, or spiritual literature.
You immersed yourself in anything otherworldly.
You've indulged yourself in fantasy travels, wishing that a flying saucer could land on your house’s front lawn and you could hop on it and fly away.
- You're carrying the sense of an unfulfilled mission.
“Why am I here? What is my mission in life?” This question eats at you but no matter what you do, you can't find a clear answer.
You know you were born for something great, something more important than getting a job, getting married, and having kids. Yet this “something important” has stayed vague and elusive in your mind.
Like an amnesic super agent who has lost the memory of his assignment, you don’t know what your task is.
Not knowing is a constant source of torment. While others just let it be, you’d do anything to find out what your mission is.
- You seek freedom.
Easily frustrated by the limitations of physical existence as well as the constrictions of social norms, you are a freedom seeker.
The material world feels too heavy, the status quo too antithetical to your existence. Professions that require strict adherence to regulations don’t appeal to your heart. Situations that most people see as stability look like imprisonment to you.
It’s difficult for you to hold a 9-to-5 job in a rigid hierarchical structure. You can’t stand following rules set by others. Instead, you want to do things your own way. Many starseeds are mavericks.
- You are ultra-sensitive.
Many starseeds suffer physical allergies. Their bodies tend to be hypersensitive, overreacting to pollen, dust, foods, or chemicals.
They demonstrate an extremely low tolerance level to noises. Normal everyday sounds that others don't even register can be torturous to starseeds.
They are psychically sensitive to the vibrations of others, hearing people’s thoughts and sensing their feelings.
Most of them are empaths, with paranormal abilities to perceive others’ inner states. This ultra-sensitivity is both a strength and a weakness. For self-protection, starseeds often put up a solid wall around themselves or withdraw into a hard shell. If they don’t, they’d be in pain.
- You love being in nature.
If being around people causes pain, being in nature brings joy.
You feel at ease in the natural environment. You feel happy taking a walk in the woods or taking a swim in the sea. You take refuge in nature, even though you feel that planet Earth is not your ultimate home.
You follow and honor nature, seeking company in trees, flowers, and animals. You yearn to climb mountains and visit caves. Earth is sacred to you, and the spirit of Earth speaks to you. You are a born environmentalist.
- You are driven to create.
Creativity is an essential part of all humanity, but starseeds find themselves driven by a stronger urge to create something new, to innovate. Whatever profession they're in, starseeds are usually the inventors who introduce new ideas, set new courses, or start a revolution.
They don’t always understand where their inspiration comes from, or why it seems to come more easily to them than to others. They have a huge desire to make something out of nothing and to change what exists. They’d always rather create than copy.
- You are prone to addiction.
Because of their psychic openness, starseeds are susceptible to lower-vibrational influences. They're easily pulled into heavy vortices of energy, finding it difficult to get out.
Their lack of strength to safeguard their vibrational sovereignty, combined with their need for spiritual escape, can easily result in addiction: drugs, alcohol, gaming, gambling, relationships.
Depression is a common experience for starseeds, and some are driven into suicide. Many starseeds find themselves going though the Dark Night of the Soul again and again, and they blame themselves for it.
- You are a wounded healer.
It's not uncommon for a starseed to begin this lifetime in a difficult family or social situation. This is because starseeds are here with a mission to open paths from realms of darkness into the light.
Many of them had volunteered to be (re)born into a dark scenario in order to assist in the collective task of creating trails of light. Their souls have agreed to take on abuse, to be wounded in childhood so that they can become healers in their adulthood.
If they understand this deeper collective reason behind their personal traumatic experiences, they may develop their inborn healing abilities and turn from victims into healers. A part of their mission in this lifetime is to heal humanity, starting with themselves.
- You are a visionary.
You are brimming with original ideas and visions about what the future will or could be like. You see the big picture and feel a sense of responsibility for the destiny of humanity and planet Earth.
You might not call yourself a utopianist, but you’d call yourself an idealist. You have vivid visions of a peaceful and vibrant planet, but these dreams clash with what exists out there in the current establishment.
Starseeds are usually souls coded with a blueprint of civilization. The inner blueprint shines from within them, experienced as dreams, visions, and ideals. If starseeds could understand that their personal visions come from this grand blueprint, they’d become more daring in their creativity and more assertive in their expressions.
Personally, every single item on this list describes me. So much so, that I cried when I first finished reading this.
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God.
This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already.
Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us.
By this we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error.
1 John 4:1-6 ESV
We ARE aliens in this world; our true home is with God in Heaven.
Were just passing thru, running the race.
YES! This! Sojourners! “My sheep hear my voice”
And he sets us apart
So one way of looking at it:
The satanists are killing off humanity.
The only way to escape is to go back home.
I like to think Home is the Kingdom of Heaven and when we stop caring about satanic things, we will see it.
I like to think it's right here right now, just a higher vibration.
We'll raise our vibrations so high that we will see and enter the Kingdom while still in the body.
The satanists won't be able to see us, though. We'll be beyond their reach.
Sounds like Celestine Prophecies.
That book was interesting, and I actually apply some of it to my life. But, I would rather believe fully in the gospel and the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. Our own awakening and efforts to develop will never give us what his forgiveness can give, just by us repenting and inviting him.
Analogy...We are like the oil on a dish. God is like the water. He is holy; we are not, so we do not mix. God wants us with him, but our sin separates us. Jesus is like soap, because he is both God and man, the way soap is both oil and water. He brings us together the way soap joins the oil and the water to clean the dish. We just need to see our need, repent, and ask.
However, God made everything...all science, quantum physics, etc. I passionately love to study quantum physics, which is fair game, since God created it. We can improve our health and our skills for operating in this world by studying his science. Everything we do in faith works because of God's creation. He gets the glory, but we can enjoy the excitement of learning to use it.
Example...manifesting. When we have faith, we expect the thing for which we are praying, see it as already answered, and have the joy now, as if it is already answered. It is like we have already read a book and know the ending. So, the second time we read it, we don't feel stress during the middle of the book. We can relax and even pay attention to all the details.
For me, it works even better if I don't pray with a plea or a statement, but pray with a question instead. If you make a statement or a plea, the limbic system of your brain will see images of the reality right now, and keep manifesting the same. To get the limbic system to produce images of what you desire, ask a question, like, "Why is it so easy for me to...", or, "I don't know how, but I am so glad...". Your subconscious will try to answer the question with images from the past (when you felt that need was met). Then, the images become your goal, so your limbic system starts highlighting stimuli that will lead you towards that goal. This is just one way it can work. God can answer prayers however he wants, of course. I personally just think there is always a science behind it.
Another example...healing. We can learn to allow God to heal through us. We don't give ourselves any of the credit because God is the source of the healing. But, we can pray, lay on hands, and visualize his healing moving through us to the person (or to our own body). We can practice this. I practiced visualizing by learning to bend spoons. At the very least, it is stress reduction and practice at focusing...which are very good for us.
So, the gospel comes first, yielding our will to God's, so he can do a work in us, comes second, and neither of those should stop us from learning how to operate best in this world by studying his creation and how it works.
Love you're input!
How's the progress on the spoon bending?
Thanks. 😃 I was taught by a lady who volunteered in the 70's for McDonald and Douglas, who held a hundred classes with 100 people in each class. 70% of the students could do it. She said when the bent spoons are put under a microscope, the cells look elongated, versus the way they look when they have been forceably bent or heated.
The technique is to hold the neck of the spoon between your fingertips and imagine pouring energy into it in a particular way. Then, after 10 or 15 minutes, you open your eyes, muster all the passion you can, and yell at the spoon to bend. Then you take both ends of it and try to twist the spoon in a circle. At first, it feels impossible. Then, all of the sudden, there is this "ahah" moment where it gives and feels limp. That is when you twist the neck of the spoon, before the moment passes. My 16 yo son was better at it than I was.
The lady who taught me said the purpose is not to ruin your silverware, but to practice focusing and learn to apply it. Haha.
A few years later I had wrist surgery. It seemed impossible to get my motion back. So, I used this technique before I would do my stretches. I definitely did gain motion.
During that time of recovery, while my wrist was very weak, I tried to talk my sister into going to the class with me. She didn't want to. So, I brought her 2 very thick twisted spoons (twirled at the neck) and taught her to untwist them. She couldnt do it, so I untwisted both, which kinda shocked me, since my strength was gone in that one hand. The technique must work.
The teacher also taught us to bend the neck of the spoon without using our hands. We just held the spoon at the end. I could tweak it a little, but not anything dramatic. She showed me spoons other students bent this way that were very skewed.
I rarely practice bending spoons, but as a physical therapist, I always have my hands on the patient, praying for them as I help with their exercises, imagining God's healing energy going into them. I guess it is God's choice at that point. In the meantime, it can't hurt anything to practice focusing, while praying.
I also think we're going somewhere else, something beyond this place, another realm.
and just in case you think Jfk Jr. is involved, this is one of my favorites, gives me lots of hope for our future. especially since he mentions the 'trump' of God:)
And a quick reminder that when Robert Kennedy was asked by someone in a video chat "if JFK Jr is alive, touch your nose", he immediately touched his nose.
yes that's a good one, if there's anyone that would understand JFK jr. I think it would be him/they both lost a father.
good one/haven't seen it before, lots of coincidences! like how they pointed out the 17 mile flight/attendees at funeral, means the accident was all part of the plan, shows how big this is.
Thanks for sharing. I believe. I think about The Apprentice days and wonder how that all ties in...if at all, I guess.
Vibrations, what?? Now this wording sounds cultish and that is the first time I have said or felt like that on here.
LOL @Christians making cult references. Doesn't your deity coerce you with threats of violence and fear?
That's some fucking irony.
Those who refuse to repent and turn away from EVIL and seek God will reap their just rewards if that’s what you mean
That's what they say!
Try just once picking up a Bible and reading it, you will find just how ignorant you really are, although your colors just seriously glowed neon there
That's precisely why I'm at where I'm at. You'll find that there are many people that disagree with it from reading it. It's not like this universally "good" book its adherents believe it is.
Lord Jesus, Please open and unveil this persons eyes, unstop their ears, sharpen and waken their minds, convict and soften their heart and draw them to you. Make yourself real and known to them, show them your love for them and draw them to you. Bring into their lives a godly mentor who woll lead and guide them. Draw them in such a way that they cannot deny your existence or love for them or the blessings and protection you provide for those who love and follow you.
In your Awesome, Almighty, All Powerful name, Amen
To you Okie Bowhunter, You have many friends on here who know and lov the Lord and know firsthand of the Awesome things God does in the lives of those who know and love Him. I will continue praying for you and am happy to answer questions or discuss God anytime, I know others will also.
Do you really think the Vatican would allow a real Bible to be sold in stores or read in churches? You're reading Cabal written perverted nonsense. The real texts are under the Vatican catacombs, and likely never read by a single human outside of the upper level elites and Masons.
If that were true, then it would agree with everything the cabal is doing and wants to do. That is the opposite of the case. Nice trying pushing trash though. Try reading the Bible and asking God for discernment.
It literally describes mark of the beast and microchips. It's classic predictive programming. They started a long time ago. But it was all planned. Jus not by god.
It's new age bullshit, don't be deceived by it.
Kind of what I was thinking
The Kingdom of Heaven exists for now in the realm we are unable to perceive, but it will come to Earth and the Satanists will ultimately be destroyed forever in the fire.
How do you raise your vibration?
Yes, this. Star seeds are also in pagan stories talking about being taken over by an evil mind or being that is like God so yeah, it shouldn’t be something of God.
Amen! u/Mutoto2
Yes Anons, this seems to be off Q subjects but some feel the E.T.s are part of The Great Awakening. And who knows Anons, maybe they are, or maybe not. Don’t forget, Trump did say we have help, and he wasn’t just talking about Christ our Lord. So we shall see as the Ingersoll watch ticks forward.
Now angels, I can believe but not reincarnation.
No! Not the Anti-Christ! The Anti-Christ comes in several forms or people as Revelations says. And they’ve already been here in the forms of Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, or Mark Suckerburg.
No the person helping Trump, that is behind the coded information of Q, is doing something the Anti-Christ wouldn’t even attempt. The Anti-Christ would not save the world, but do some good to get people to like him/them while he actually stabs mankind in the back, leading to their deaths. The vaxx’s of Covid is that tool along with the tool of war, and the destruction of world economies in the name of “climate change”.
What Trump, what the real Christ, whom I have faith is behind Q’s intel, would do is step beyond the vail of comprehension to save us all world-wide. And without worrying about ANY time Repercussions of the information given, to fulfill his continued promise to save us all.
A deeper explanation of my Q-Theory is here:
Thank you
What if you just hate people and have crippling social anxiety lol. I feel like 99% of the frens here at GAW would share most of these “star seed” traits just by their (our) nature of being free thinking contrarians; many of the traits listed intersect and manifest naturally. Interesting subject tho, thanks for posting.
It’s different. I’ve been told I’m one of these by a Christian past life reader. If I truly am a star seed/they exist, I can tell you it’s not social anxiety/hating humanity.
I love connecting to people, but I frequently make them uncomfortable because they either immediately want to tell me their life story or feel like I make them have to examine the worst parts of themselves just by being in the room.
Starseeds deeply want to help humanity, but we don’t understand humans. We don’t follow their logic, we don’t understand why they can’t handle truth/require “social niceties,” and we tend to suck up the emotions of the people we are around. No matter how many times we get spurned, we can’t help but try to help.
I hear ya on all of this, my son can’t adhere to social norms and niceties, much like you describe. He’s very much an empath and has been since his toddler years, but he is totally awake and yet he is unapologetically honest. This especially presents a problem when you’re not an adult. The starseed concept is completely new to me, but I am open to at least learning about it. I do believe in God and am a Christian, but I do believe we’re not being told the whole truth. It’s my belief that the Great Awakening will reveal a thing or two about creation and the perversion/bastardization of religion over the centuries. I hear it will be Biblical, after all 😁.
It sounds like you, and others like you, have been given a gift. It sounds like there’s an aura (not a chakra guy but do believe humans emit perceptive energy) that attracts others to you in search of meaning, help, truth, or a nonjudgmental ear that will listen.
Yeah, I am also a Christian first and foremost. It sounds like I had a similar childhood to your son. It’s definitely a slightly difficult existence, with a lot of push and pull.
I became introduced to a lot of this after my injury at a Christianity-centered chiropractic office that has healed me far more than anything else I’ve done post-injury. Some of what they have taught me has felt true to my intuition, other things have not. Your son probably has a solid understanding of what is true to God and what isn’t in a similar manner. Unfortunately, school and your peers aren’t usually on board with hearing the truth. It took me a while to embrace my gifts/myself after covering it all up to “fit in” at school; I hope your son doesn’t feel pressured to do the same. You can’t be exceptional without being the exception.
I have always felt far more connected as an individual to Christ and God than I ever did in the churches of my childhood. I get a sense of dread whenever I’m in Catholic Mass, which also started when I was a kid. I’ve always felt that the services I’ve been introduced to—aside from Bible study—haven’t been fully rooted in God’s truth in a way I can’t completely describe. That’s not to say I believe everyone is intentionally leading people astray; I just feel there’s more to the story.
Upvoted for username causing me to spit out my soda mid-drink.
Wow, you just described my life so many people l meet will tell me their life stories, it’s so weird yet I listen. When my mother in law passed away, I saw her in a dream the night she passed she came to say good bye, she kissed my husband as he slept good bye, then she looked at me and said “ Bye!” I was being held in place so I couldn’t go and I couldn’t talk. The next thing I woke ... the phone was ringing my husband got up to answer it, it was the hospital telling us she had passed.
Hello, fellow potential starseed! I unfortunately am trying to reconnect with my psychic gifts like the ones you mentioned here due to suppressing them for so long—I’m glad to hear people have them later in life!
My family members have said I conversed with dead relatives and predicted the month of the death of one of them as a young child. I also knew a bunch of facts as a toddler/preschooler that shouldn’t have been feasible for someone so young.
There’s definitely something to it, I’m just not sure it’s “being from a different galaxy/dimension” as yet.
Yeah, lots of people confess their life stories to me, or weirdly seek my approval as a complete stranger.
I work doing renovations, so I'm at a new house on average at least weekly. One of the guys I trained even commented on it. I've had neighbors wander up to me and ask if it's okay for them to date because they've been a widower for a few years, and women ask me if it's okay going on a date years after their divorce because of their teenage child. I have people walking down the street do it. I was bowling tonight and had a kid do a 180 to me (trying to get out through a crowd) and ask me how you choose your ball weight. I never see this happen to other people when I'm around, I'm a magnet.
The random people who've showed up at my door looking for help is weird, no one on my street gets it, I've asked lol. I've had several people panicked at my door and have ordered them cabs and waited with them to make sure they got in safe.
I talked to my grandad the evening of his funeral, I didn't get to be sad because my mom was breaking down. I talked to my friends aunt the day she died.
This right here. And we do love humanity deeply, it just gets overwhelming sometimes and we have to retreat and ground and recharge.
Lol exactly. Can’t see the truth when it’s hitting them in the face.
The people in the office are practicing Christians. This one is highly empathic, and claims to be able to see past life stuff coming up for people in readings when they’re stuck in life.
Again, I’m not 100% a believer. Nor do I put what they said above God and His Word. But there were a couple of things that came out of it that resonated with me in terms of things in my life that never made sense—and that I never mentioned to this person before—that the explanation for it clicked.
Past life reading/Christian? No!
This wasn’t a medium. We didn’t consult astrology charts. She didn’t tell me what my future would hold through divination. Will never touch a ouijia board because I know how bad those are.
I prayed about it for a long time before I chose to get a consult. And I’m not suddenly worshiping the person who did it.
I do take a little offense to the medium thing, considering I used to speak to my dead grandma as a kid without any knowledge of such practices.
Sometimes God gifts us unusual gifts but the ways we use them for him, for others, personal gain is what we MUST continually seek the Lord in.
Matthew 6:33 33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
Thank you u/uncontrollablequeef, that's a good point
If you mean Christlike character that is set apart, then Yes, I have always felt out of placebin “this world”
This new age BULL SHIT is popping up now. It is an infiltration. Deceitful distraction. Moderators should be wiser.
I’m with you. I don’t follow this. It seems against the nature of the Bible and plays on people’s weaknesses and insecurities, convincing them it’s is because they are not of this world. This doesn’t make sense, much like life on other planets and space. They cannot coexist with the Bible. God wrote the Bible through men to display God's story. Ultimately, those who trust in him are saved and those who don’t will perish. The only reason earth isn’t home is because heaven or hell is your eternal dwelling. This idea that everyone who is X is a “star seed” and Y is (I’m not sure about a term here) NPC, is simply ridiculous. How do people continue to wake up to the evils around them at various stages. I’ll tell you, not because some are star seeds from out of this planet, rather, God is removing the scales from their eyes. God has placed eternity in man’s heart. This is what the star seed follower suffers from. You have a God sized hole in your heart, and you can feel as if it was filled (by your own self) because you can vindicate these strange feelings within. You should take all of these things to God in prayer. For you are to be in the world, yet not of the world. You are “aliens” (that is, strangers like that of a far off land) to the world because ultimately, you ought to be in heaven with God. But narrow is the path and few find it.
If this becomes the direction of this site, i will exit stage left.
I would be sad to leave, and your shitty attitude is not the kind of attitude that should be promoted here. The great awakening of the 1700's was all about a return to Christianity. I cannot be, in good conscience, a part of a "Great Awakening" that denies the gospel truth in favor of some new age bullshit. Not sorry.
My shitty attitude? Just for disagreeing with "God's chosen" I get flamed for it. Personal attacks for just asking questions. It does your faith no favors and only further delegitimizes it.
Better than the old age bullshit.
Yes, your shitty of attitude of telling someone to leave this site which until yesterday was not about this dumb content. So I'm not making an attack on you, I feel pity for you for now 2 things. Hmmm, new age blow with the winds or aged like fine wine, that which is unchanging. Yes, I'll go with the unchanging. If you look at the ESV or geneva Bible, you will see that the Bible itself is unchanging, Catholics and Mega-churches have changed the Bible to suit there own selfish and evil desires. Catholics of the 300-400AD were on the right path, until a thirst for power took over, corrupting Christianity for ~1,000 years. Enter the Reformation. They (saints of the ~1500-1600AD) who bravely contended the beliefs of the catholics by... using their original beliefs were all murdered, martyrs of the faith. So many today who think of Christianity (and conflate it with Catholicism or many other varieties that don't believe the most basic core tenets of the Christian faith), think of hypocritical, thieving, power hungry, money hungry tyrants who DO NOT represent Christian lifestyles. If you want to know what the modern Christian life looks like, look at the (now dead) R.C. Sproul or really anyone in Ligonier Ministry, look at John Calvin or Martin Luther (Middle Age Christianity), St Augustine (Young Christianity), or best yet, the life of Jesus Christ.
Look at new age trash, people like Joel Olsten has leeched millions of dollars for his trash output. Many mega churches built on the same premise. Look at the catholic church, the largest laundering of dirty money in the world. Look at reformed churches following the gospel, oh wait, they are lucky to keep the bills paid, while supporting 50 mission fields. The pastor is not some well known millionaire, but makes a reasonable amount of money for his duties. It's almost like that's the way it's supposed to be.
Things like Yoga, promoted nowadays, is literally invoking demons unto yourself. Does that really seem like a good idea?
Look man, I'm sure you're a cool dude (all Q people I've met have been). But we're on different sides of the galaxy when it comes to this issue.
If I could offer any words of advice. Buy some GameStop and HODL.
You guys have no room for other perspectives out there... Tyrants just like the deity you serve.
Also, God is not a tyrant. He is required, by perfect justice as being the judge of all things, that He condemns the evil ones, and does not punish the righteous. He is a perfect God, untarnished by sin and evil. He cannot tolerate evil if He is to remain a perfect God. The only way mankind, sinful by nature, can be saved is through a mediator. The mediator cannot be an animal sacrifice, because no animal can bear the weight of man's sins. The mediator cannot be another fellow man, because each has their own sins to pay for, so how can one take on another's? This leads to the beauty of Christ's sacrifice on the cross. God became man, Jesus (the Christ [that is to say, mediator {spoken from the Old Testament promises}]) who took our sins and bore them on the cross, so that He would be able to forgive an unlimited amount of sins. This does not mean that all sins ever are forgiven, so live however you want. No. Much of the Bible speaks about living a life of fruit, a life that shows we belong to God. Primarily is this, we must be thankful to God for this free gift of grace. If someone gave you a blank check, guaranteed to cash, and you were not thankful for that check, than F___ you, you worthless piece of human trash. If you decided to be thankful, that's the attitude you ought to have, and makes you a decent person. The same is nearly true with how the gospel works, as no analogies are ever perfect, and always fall short. I hope and pray that God works in your heart and changes it, to a true belief in Him and His Son.
He is a tyrant. I exist, therefore I must play the game by his rules. He owns my every breath. Oh and I'm cursed and inherently bad. If you ask me, holding billions accountable for the fuck-ups of two losers in paradise isn't kind. Do you hold others accountable for the actions of strangers? But your god does! Isn't that nice? Isn't that fair? Isn't that just? LOL
Again, not an ideology or deity worthy of my endorsement. Move onto others who can't think for themselves. Ya know, someone just like you.
You exist, therefore God is a tyrant, great logic. 2 losers in paradise? Like you could do any better. Adam was a representative for humanity, much like in a republic, you have elected representatives that make the rules for you.
God is perfect, he must reside with perfection, if you could be perfect, you could reside with him.
You speak of "fair" so I will tell you what is fair. You deserve hell and damnation. God has offered the life of His own dear Son so that you may receive eternal life. That is about the most unfair (and great) blessing you could ever receive. I ask God, not for justice, but for mercy. For this is why you must come boldly before the "mercy" seat through the name of Jesus his son.
Not sure why you keep bringing up "endorsement" like anyone here, including God, cares.
Pray without ceasing? Don't entertain doubt? Keep the sabboth? He wants money too?
So you believe in hell. Since you endorse torture for wrong-think, should we have the cops sent out to your place? You don't have a torture chamber in your basement do you? You're not torturing anyone due to them not believing you're really a good guy, are you?
I mean, you worship a deity that does... So, your standards sound like they're dangerous to those around you.
The commands are not mandatory do this or you will rot in hell, it's a guideline of how to live a thankful life for being saved.
My belief in hell, and the torturous life one would be exposed to is not the kind of action taken by believers to unbelievers. I seek to convert those by offering them the olive branch of God's love. Albeit as imperfectly as I am able to. If they choose to not believe, it does not weigh on my conscience, so long as I have given an honest effort. I'm sorry you don't see things the same way as I do.
Yes, because anything that promotes me to God's equivalent is wrong. Wrong leading to eternal damnation. That is not a game I'm willing to play. All sins boil down to seeing yourself as God's equal. That is why each sin is deserving of hell. God has given you his Word. If you choose to ignore it, I cannot help you, if you seek to believe in the God over all things, pray that the Helper, the Holy Spirit will come into your heart, to give you a saving faith. For then, in that child-like trust in the Heavenly Father, there will be much rejoicing in heaven.
No thanks. Your god isn't worthy of my endorsement.
This isn't about my god or your god, this is about the God. If you choose death, so be it, let your own evils fall upon your own head. If you think you can achieve perfection on your own, good luck.
Also, to think that God is looking for man's "endorsement" whatever that even means, is laughable. God does not need you, it is you who needs God (in both ways in your case).
Yes, I'm choosing death because I don't believe in your god. Muslims likely say the same thing to "infidels." Both positions are equally illogical.
Like I said, bible-god is not getting my endorsement whether wanted or not.
Again, not my God, but the God, do your own research. If you have questions, ask. If you do not ask, how can you get an answer, I cannot read your mind. Again, God needs no "endorsement". I pity your choice.
Sounds very "Indigo Children" doesn't it?
Any lefty could read this and say the same thing. It's like we both absorbed the same propaga...
"intuitive empath"
"Bullshit" how do you know? Have you looked into it?
Normies think Q stuff is "Bullshit".
This is another layer of truth to break out of the matrix. Things are not what they seam.
You actually think we are alone? That the current human civilization is the peak?
What do you think?
From everything iv been gathering, to put it short...
Humans were genetically engineered by creator beings as a perfect lifeform and experience for the individual soul. The ultimate experience... but experiments take unexpected turns and humanity was downgraded from having 12 stranded DNA to 2.
Basically humanity reached hyper advanced state with psionics. Individual's physical body lived for hundreds of years. Atlantis was the name of the hyper evolved human civilization.
Tales like the magic carpet and mermaids are based in legend. Atlanteans would use carpets as a base to use their psionics on. Basically making it levitate with their mind and use it as a transport. Crystal tech was used in combination with psionics to amplify power. People communicated with telepathy, genetic modifications could be made with the mind. Hence mermaids and minitours
But humanity was not mature and the golden age didn't last because the dark energies infiltrated the planet. Tools that were used for healing became tools of pleasure. Individuals saw themselves as gods and had the power to back it up... any life form below them, in their eyes could be used for anything. Super fucked up genetic modifications could be made with individuals focusing their mind to manipulate the DNA. They created monstrosities the still haunt the deepest parts of our forests.
The dart energies lead to the self destruction of the Atlantean civilisations.
We are now repeating the history to fix past Karam mistakes. The dark forces are doing the same thing now. This time it will be different. Instead of self destruction, we are going to learn from our mistakes and the great awakening is happening. From what i gather, Earth is the show to be watching. Imagine the universal equivalent of pepe popcorn flying meme.
can read more about it here.
Big Mike.
Top kek! 🤣
More like skinwalkers, Wendigo type beings
We're not alone....there are hordes of demons and demonic entities that pose as beings of light all around us. When 'channeling', how can you be sure you're talking to who you think you're talking to? I heard King Solomon used magic coins to force entities to identify themselves so he would know who he's 'channeling'. Personally, when I ask for identification the entity peaces out.
I think we can all agree that things are not what they seem and that civilization is not at its peak, but I wouldn't put much stock into any New Age belief. Take a look at this video by George News:
George News used to have a video that goes into more detail, but this one still hits the key points.
Edit - Here is the first one I was talking about:
Oh yes. I have looked into it deeply. I have read every channelled book server written. 3 years with "a course in miracles" the Urantia book. Seth, Ramtha, you name it. I was a believer but it is all end time deception. It is BULL SHIT.
This site is falling apart, amazing how downvoted you are
Why do you think these demons need adrenochrome? Human beings don't need it. Why do you think all this has happened and will happen?
Are you aware that the powers that be cloak themselves in what might appear as BS? It's a way to hide in plain sight.
And dark spirits cloak themseves to appear as Beings of Light in order to deceive.
I believe in starseeds and I believe that humanity originated elsewhere. I also believe that this does not conflict with the Bible, if you read about its own origins.
I'm not sure about these checklists, but I think that some of us may be more in tune with our true nature and our origins than others who are more attached to this world, and as Jesus said, be not of this world. It's a prison planet.
A lady told me that I am a Lyran/Vega starseed, which is interesting, but it's kind of like astrology. I don't know how we can really know exactly where we originated. I only know that we are from a great and vast place beyond Earth, and that Earth is under the control of dark forces, and that we should focus our energy on escaping its confines.
"This is the sequel to 'The Custodians'. The book contains some of the more complicated concepts in Metaphysics that Dolores Cannon discovered through twenty years of using deep hypnosis to explore the subconscious mind. Some of the topics explored in this book: The origin, knowledge and destruction of Atlantis; The explanations of Earth mysteries, including -- the Pyramids, Easter Island, the Bermuda Triangle, the Ark of the Covenant, Loch Ness Monster, Nazca Lines; Characteristics of other Planets, Parallel Universes, Parallel Lifetimes and Realities; Other Dimensions and much more. This book is intended for those readers who want their minds expanded by the more complicated Metaphysical ideas that border on 'Quantum Physics'. "
Can be self verified if you find one yourself, a hypnosis.
Thank you for the suggestion. I plan to read the Convoluted, but noticed the book shown to the right in the link, "Destiny of Souls" by Michael Newton. I have read this one and I highly recommend it.
Try the link between quantum physics and big theory of everything by Tom Campbell. This is a virtual reality and there are many of them. across the galaxies...
Tom confirms what Michael Newton says is correct
Tom got me into spirituality, he is great at convincing atheists
I shall check that out. Thank you for the recommendation. Something about the Newton book really struck a chord and felt truthful when I read it. I look forward to reading Campbell's book. Cheers!
You can read Tom book as a free pdf...very expensive to buy and of course lots of videos online where he answers questions etc
I went ahead and paid $7 to get it on my kindle. Dang it.
Did you get the three books in one or just first one? If you just go he one you get get the trilogy online free
Dolores Cannon is highly questionable as is the channeled "Abraham". Primrose path of helpful concepts until they begin telling you the same things luciferians teach. Watch out.
Dolores Cannon is basically a journalist. Doing her research. She records all her sessions then transcribes them. Finds parallels and wrote like 15 books talking about all the stuff she has discovered.
She even has a: "Conversations With Nostradamus: His Prophecies Explaned, Vol. 1"
She basically creates a channel between the individual's past life "now" and can communicate with those individuals in the "now". She can across Nostradamus that told her thinks to come. TO BE CLEAR, Nostradamus says these are POTENTIAL FUTURES!
In her books published in the 90s, one of the predictions is 9/11 and the pentagon.
"The most accurate interpretation of Nostradamus ever printed is contained in these three volumes.The second book in this series contains 143 additional quatrains written and deciphered by Nostradamus himself.This volume includes: * More about the rise and location of the Anti-Christ, including his horoscope. * The correlation of 666 (the mark of the beast) and computers. * More about the third world war and what countries will be affected. * Dangerous new technologies to control the weather and earthquakes. * Maps showing the portions of the continents that remain after the axis shift and the melting of the polar icecaps. * The role of Space Visitors during the time of tribulations."
I havent read these series, but her books were the closes to predicting 9/11.
Care to translate that?
lol shit spelling my bad.
Basically, one of her clients that was asking for help. When she put them under hypnoses in their past life, this individual was either Nostradamus or was close to Nostradamus.
She basically creates a channel to "now" of that individuals past life and can communicate with anyone around like they are in current time. Can have full blown conversations with people from the past or future.
Post life regression is a thing which shows potential future life times.
They sure do love their blood sacrifices!!! Just like the Elites!
More irony!
Good stuff! Currently reading through the Convoluted Universe books.
Viper TV on YouTube
"This has all hallened before, and will all happen again. So say We ALL."
In other words: you are a fallen sinful human and you need Jesus to bring you up to heaven. No star seeds.
I see no reason why starseeds cant follow jesus. Old souls that actively want to help humanity into new golden age. Whats so wrong about that? A starseed could and have had great impacts in christianity evangelism. Id bet a lot of great pastors in recent history were.
New golden age? Thats some new age BS. Exactly what the nwo/owo talks about based on false promises to people about a utopian world.
This site has gone bonkers.
Also a side question for you. You reject the idea of a new golden age of society. Isnt that what we all should be striving for? Whats the alternative? You want to live in hell on earth for eternity? If you believe in the apocalypse as defined in the bible thats one answer, were simply waiting for jesus to return and nothing matters until then, but when is that exactly? Could be 10 years, could be 10,000. Its entirely up to us what we do with that time. Starseeds choose to use that time to improve life for others.
Wanting to turn humanity back to God is new age bs? Wanting to take humanity to a new level of technology and understanding of how the universe works is new age bs? Youre severely misunderstanding what im saying. Actually i have no idea what youre accusing me of, thats how far off base you are. All starseeds are are helpers. You dont worship starseeds, most dont even know they are one, they might not even exist in the first place. The point is that these people have a strong desire to advance humanity in a positive direction, it doesnt matter what happened before they were born, that part is all speculation and theory.
Instead of calling me and many other kind hearted people crazy why dont you engage in the discussion and ask questions that you dont understand
You are talking more than just turning humanity back to God; you are preaching new age ideals and I sure as hell am not buying what you are selling. And very surprised to see this topic getting so many upvotes. Sure makes me question who/what is behind Q if this is what mods are pinning and upvoting around here.
Please explain what these new age ideals are because i have no idea what youre talking about.
Lots of indoctrinated religious folks here... They can't reason their way through their positions. It's all emotional.
I think what it is is they googled "starseed" and read a paragraph from some crackpot site that attempts to create a religion of sorts out of it. Its almost like what the left did with pepe. They took an innocent concept and drove it to crazy town.
They may SAY it, but they aren't actually. It's the good guys who are gonna be bring med beds and prosperity.
If Jesus is a Starseed then shouldn't you follow him if you are a starseed too?
No such things a sins. It's a made up concept of this egoic world.
lol wait till people realize Earth is the centre of a universal drama and that E.Ts from all over the galaxy and different dimensions are paying attention to the outcome of the great awakening.
Magnetic evidence suggests that our plane is literally the center of the universe
Yes! This is the greatest show in the universe right now.
Honest question: All of creation fell with Adam. Christ came to earth only. So my question is….How can anything being created elsewhere get redeemed? They can’t. The vast expanse of the universe was so that eternal, fruitful, multiplying mankind could travel when this planet was at it’s proper potential. There would’ve been no death remember?
Also, we Are Not Of This World. In it, yet not of it. Well Christians anyway. And that explains not feeling like you belong.
I would say this puts a limit on God. We do not know His ways. Nothing about this discussion denies God. It just demonstrates our inability to be open to visualizing God as He is...All knowing, all powerful, more than we can understand. So we use familiar concepts to try to describe God.
I have this weird understanding that only earth was corrupted by the enemy, as in, they/he were “contained” to the earth, not able to soil anything beyond.
The truth is that the universe is not a vast expanse
I never knew anybody else felt this way. I truly have felt alone in this world. But I also believe that I lived with my heavenly parents before landing here on earth.
I did disagree with the addiction part because I truly don't use any drugs to numb my perspective but I do get a bit intense about my "projects", be it spirituality, politics, caring for others, etc. And caring for others is my "mission" here on earth. If I can help someone even a little to lighten or ease their path through this life then my mission is accomplished daily. NO not perfect because I also need others to help me along the way, which you, Heckles, have provided this day. Thank you
The prayer Garden could use help. Pray on this and see if God is guiding you to help us. If so please reach out, if not I pray God will guide you to your purpose. God bless u
I agree Slechta...prayer opens all doors.🙏
Yes it does. Once those doors start opening all things become possible. I'm so excited for the future. God is good. Christ is KING
Amen fren! I'm excited for the future, too! 🙏
Praise the Lord. 🙏🙏😁
You are very welcome!
Yes but I can clearly see God's hand at work in all of this. And with this everything makes sense.
Sounds like a description of hippie-yippie leftists to me. Makes me think of the people in "Independence Day" who went to the top of a high rise building to welcome the aliens, who then blasted the building.
Independence Day also told us that aliens will bring back Elvis.
In 2012(same director) the aircraft carrier John F. Kennedy is on a tidal wave that crashes into the White House, occupied at the time by a black president, wiping him out.(Watch the Water)
What the fuck is this and why is it stickied on GA? This site is becoming so low caliber...
You're still thinking too literally.
The prayer Garden needs all the help we can get. Please everyone pray on this and if u feel led to help please reach out. God bless u
I’m called to pray over others almost all my waking hours, I think it’s my purpose here on earth.
That is awesome. Prayer is our greatest weapon against evil and to help others. So for one I could personally use prayer to keep me humble, to lead the prayer Garden network, and to bring to fruition the many ideas God has put on my heart. We could also use prayer for the prayer Garden network and that God will send new people to join. We have many ways to connect and take part. You a free to join one or all or just be someone that prays over it for us.
truth social: @PrayerGarden
Main server: guilded
God is still working out all the pieces and I'm not 100% sure what role we are gonna play in all this. However he has been showing me that we are gonna be playing a role of some kind. My name is Ryan btw. I'm glad you responded because God has put it ib my heart to bring people together thru prayer so having prayer warriors in my corner is a huge blessing. All glory to God.
I have read this before and it’s resonated with me for years. My awakening was early 2012 and i have accomplished meaningful things, but I’m always at a loss for which path I need to take. Reading Kryon helped recently but it’s so easy to get pulled into depression and loss of motivation-especially now; feeling helpless is easy when you don’t know what you need to do. And I know what I need to do at this point but I don’t know how to get there 😮💨
Thanks for sharing this. I’m sure many if not all of us share the feeling and that’s why I think I take great solace and spend all my time on this forum.
May I ask what you are feeling called to do
u/starseed thought u might like this post 😁 Appreciate all your help you have given with the prayer Garden, maybe you can help guide others to join our network.
Anyone who resonates with feeling like theyre on this world in order to help with bringing humanity to its next golden age, wether that be spiritually or technologically, deserves to be able to act on those feelings. If you resonate with that then become a leader. Start small, build up friendships, relationships, business contacts. Form a strong financial base in order to secure a safety net. Depression is satan attempting to repress your instinctual desire to help. Meditation and healthy diet/ exercise is essential to keep vibrations high and away from satan.
Well said brother. God bless u. Excited to grow the prayer Garden with u and everyone that God brings together. Much love
This sort of person, whether star seed or no, can't lead. They drop out of social circles to fixate om the next thing.
Don't worry, there's a dome up there somewhere.
This website is really going down the tubes if trash like this is getting stickied. What does this have to do with literally anything? This place isn't for woo-woo positive thinking hippy bullshit. Take this garbage somewhere else.
From a very early age....
Ah yes, retardation at its finest.
This sure rings true for me too. How can I trust it? How can anyone trust anything?
They aren't "star seeds". Just little nuts.
Can confirm, I used to be one.
sounds like astrology to mean. A bunch of generalized statements that most people would relate to. Still cool but I dont think it particularly means anything.
Every single item describes humans per se.
this falls way short. yeah in the world not of it its simple not this shill filled bullshit
Jesus said we were ALL gods...
But, we were born into a trap. A slave matrix.
We had no choice, most still don't even know.
Its nearly impossible to escape.
There is nothing you can DO externally to break out off their construct.
The only way out.... is in.
Checked a lot of boxes. Now what?
The Prayer Garden could use some help. Pray and ask God if he is guiding you to join up with us. If so reach out to me. If not I wish you the best finding out your purpose. God bless you
I don't exactly know, my friend. Maybe try decoding this website?
Notice the blatant Q in the author's name.
Wow. This really speaks to me. I remember having a dream when I was young that I could see everything, I understood everything and it was beautiful. I only had that dream once and then things got darker in my life. I've always been open-minded about things I couldn't see. I am looking for my purpose. The past five years, my purpose seems to have been following Q and learning the truth about what humanity is up against. I spend so much time here and on Gab it's crazy. I can't stop reading and watching alternative news on BitChute and Rumble. So hungry for Truth and more hungry for Justice! My childhood was definitely not easy, but it did make me strong and independent. Thanks for posting this.
It's also very interesting the souls that were practically summoned by Q. I don't know anyone except my husband and one other friend that believe or can follow. I do believe we are very special and part of the plan. I'm ready to do anything to save humanity. God bless you all.
Same God bless!
I'm even more special because I am what they call a Starsneed.
Yes to all except the space thing - too cold
Another interesting topic which should be relevant to ideologies of a great awakening concept but as usual the thread is hijack by orthodox religion replies. Unfortunate since it derails the exchange of shared ideas and correlations that should occur.
Couldn't agree more. I foresee a great return to religion in the future, and from the looks of it, it'll be those that consider themselves the most religious that put up the greatest resistance to it. Ironic and unfortunate. I can talk to agnostics and athiests, I know how they think. I'm not sure how to approach those mired in dogma.
Well put. I am right there with you. Dogma describes what this thread derailed into. For me discussions with individuals that exhibit baseline paradigms and project presumptions/assumptions formed from emotional reactive conclusions, is no longer providing any growth or time well spent. This forum has value, aspects like this in nearly every thread i dont believe is contributing to a "great awakening" however contrarily is very narrow borderline obtuse and linear thinkscape.
On a side note, the concepts for star seeding tends to take a western astrological approach in some ways, but as many others alot of the points and descriptions provided as describe also resonate with me very closely.
Starseed = trans. Good luck with that, trolls lol. Utter BS. gtfo. Is this a Q board or a drugged out hippie love fest? Or just a place where shills can make a mock of everything Q is trying to do.
Here's a Q quote for you: USE LOGIC ffs. Wake the f--- up, mods.
I was born in this day :) “SN 1987A was a type II supernova in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a dwarf satellite galaxy of the Milky Way. It occurred approximately 51.4 kiloparsecs (168,000 light-years) from Earth and was the closest observed supernova since Kepler's Supernova. 1987A's light reached Earth on February 23, 1987, and as the earliest supernova discovered that year, was labeled "1987A". Its brightness peaked in May, with an apparent magnitude of about”
Get the fuck out of here with that Luciferian New Age shit.
Jesus is my Lord and Savior, friend.
You say that yet you spread the doctrine of demons.
He is clearly neither to you.
Clearly? Why? Because I posted something you may not agree with? No wonder religion is dying with fools like you stuck in dogma and judging others as more or less Christian than yourself. Sad.
It's super sad, some people here clutch the bible like their life depends on it. Anything outside the narrow perspective is automatically demonic.
It reminds me of people who watch CNN and think any other source of info is fake new.
It's a belief trap.
What you're saying 1) isn't Biblical and 2) a well known New Age trap. There's lots of occultists pushing these lies. You've fallen for a bunch of generalized statements that could apply to anyone. The way, the truth and the life is through Christ only and everything the Bible said is true. How am I so sure? I had some face to face encounters with demonic entities that proved it to me. You don't know fear until you stand in their presence. Big difference between believing and knowing, and I've seen it first hand. I hope you find the truth for yourself one day.
That said, oooooh boy has this board gone to shit. This is sticky worthy material now? No wonder the normies ridicule us. This is what being infiltrated looks like.
Assume for a moment that God is real and that He can hear us through prayer, but the Catholic Church has been corrupted for over 1000 years.
What if the belief that sin is what separates us from God is fake? The idea of being separated from God is the lie. The church wants us to believe that the church is necessary for us to reconnect with God. We just give our weekly donations so they can run things and help the poor. But do they really help the poor? How many churches are corrupt? How many churches/megachurches are really helping themselves, keeping themselves is wealthy and in power?
So if you can speak directly to God and be heard, then what do you need the church for? We praise the Father, and the Son, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, but what if, it was the church that was the one that added that last part?
What is confession, if not an opportunity for a corrupt priest to gain information to blackmail a parishioner?
Are you going to take advice about your marriage from a middle aged virgin?
If sex is dirty, why must you save it for marriage to give to the person you love most in life?
If you're told it's sinful to research astrology, doesn't it beg the question, that if it's not real, then what's the harm?
I think there's more to God, that what we've been led to believe. I think there's more to the bible than what we have been given.
And knowing that none of us has a complete picture, I'm willing to listen to anyone/anything and decide for myself if they're full of shit or not.
That all said, I think there are snippets of truth out there and they come from many places.
For example, there was an episode of Star Trek TOS where there were aliens that couldn't be seen because they were vibrating at a higher frequency, moving faster than the human eye could see. I think there's some truth in that.
That there's things physically on Earth that we cannot see, either because we're not equipped to understand those things or that simply we are blind to them because we're not ready to understand what we are looking at. Ghosts, werewolves, vampires, etc. to quote The Matrix.
What are Vampires? What is Adrenochrome? How do vampires live long and stay young? What is Hollywood? How many kids get off the bus for fame and fortune, but are never heard from again?
I don't think that the existence of aliens disproves God.
I believe what we know of the bible is what they let us know of the bible. Notice that the words/readings have changed subtly and not so subtly over the years. That doesn't even take into account what has been altered in translation.
I think our full understanding of God has been limited/controlled by the church.
Ask yourself about all the mentions of the Pope in the Q drops.
If the Pope is/was corrupt, what does that say about the church?
Our children are being taught racism under the guise of being against racism, being taught to hate each other, hate themselves for being white, for being men, for being the wrong gender, etc. Being taught that chemicals and hormones and self-mutilation are the path to happiness.
You can look at that as a form of child sacrifice, just like abortion to understand how anti-God the enemy is.
There is a great deception at work against all of us, not just our country alone.
View everything that seems wrong, as an attack against our country. They're not going to send an army, they're going to corrupt our current and future generations of children. Weak men in hard times are easier to defeat than strong men in good times.
It's up to you to determine how much or how little God is in your life. Not the church. Not some middle aged virgin. Not some rich guy with bad hair on TV asking for donations.
If everything, I mean EVERYTHING, we know could be a lie, then it's up to us to determine what is the TRUTH. The truth will set us free.
The world as we know it, is heading for a crash and it is only accelerating. Prepare yourselves. It's gonna be biblical.
No such thing as a sin. The idea of Sin is the ultimate ego form.