*potus twitter removal*- not twitter removes potus. twitter is looking pretty close to removed right now.
🤔💭 Theory 😲💡
let's get back to basics and look at the drops anons. u/#q4414
Youre right, Phrasing matters
Is this our first Phrasing Fag??
Allelujia! PRAISEFAGGING is still ok!
Do they lead to PHASEFAGGING for those moving into a new energy as they awaken.
Me like!
Semiotics is the academic term, FYI.
Thanks for the new word! Upvoted
I looked it up and got "the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation", so it's more than mere phrasefagging :) Great word!
Probably not the first but id say its a good bet youre the first to use the term. Phrasing fag is the new grammar nazi
Time will tell if this is a good analysis or not & I am excited to see either way LoL
Double meanings exist. ~ Q
Interdasting. Which would make sense for RED2; when twatter goes down they have no choice.
“My fellow Americans…”
Site is removed, replaced with a landing page that says.
"My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......."
Stop! I can only get so erect!!!
I'm looking forward to those words...
And Dr. Biden would drop her breakfast taco...
Speaking of fish tacos and climbing the ladder, what's the latest with heels up harris?
Man, I like fish tacos. Or liked.
Sorry to ruin that for you
Updoot for keklarious comment! 🐸 u/EarOfCornpop
Um, tacos are pretty rare it seems.
I read that and now ozzy is on the radio saying 'phrasing'.
Going off the rails on a phrasing train!!
GAW doesn't disappoint hahah
This post brought some fun chit chat.
This is amazing. Thank you
Thank you. It's almost impossible to come up with something the OGs haven't already.
A blessing in disguise. All the obvious stuff has been found out. Any more real connections made are big booms
AND...multiple meanings exist.
That also implies multiple memings.
Could this lead to multi-dimensional quantum shitposts?
Sometimes Twitter removes the Potus, sometimes the Potus removes Twitter.
There's a Soviet Russia joke just waiting...
Double meanings
Damn nice catch, the phrasing definitely matters!
Sure. Sounds good.
But it also still reads as potus twitter removal, as in the event of potus twit being removed.
I hear ya but that was quite awhile ago. Don't the REDs have to happen close to each other?
Who said they had to happen next to each other.?...but you're right that it makes sense they would.
Interesting thought on the phrasing.
They are more like "If this happens, do this." No order, just a counter move when a red.line is crossed. The drop shows the red line, but not the counter move .
If it meant removing Twitter, or would just read:
RED1: twitter removal.
No need to mention POTUS at all. Nice idea, but I disagree.
Good point.
Yeah, and "twitter" is lower case; meaning an account; not the company which is spelled with a capital T.
I refuse to believe we were just sitting at RED 1 for over a year. The whole post makes me think everything happens in a short time span.
What if bidan removes twitter due to all the leaks
oh, this makes sense!
Interdasting !
“Think mirror” kek
Random idea, might not mean anything buttt...
What if it's counting down backwards, since some countdowns do that.
Red 6, Red 5, Red 4, Red 3, Red 2 and Red 1
I myself am wondering if they'll all happen right after the other. Like rapid 🔥
twitter is CIA so it does seem like something a great POTUS could remove.
Thanks for playing Twitter, not that you had much choice. It was very informative.
So how does that fit in with "my fellow Americans..."?
Interesting take
I can't wait to see if the SEC really does anything about their false reporting.
Shit stock now🤣
Interesting…good catch.
QUESTION: Do you think potatus et al are still broadcasting from Castle Rock? I've heard mixed coms about DC/WH being empty. Thoughts? Sauce? 🤔
Are we still WH watching on the cams?
The eyes of my eyes have opened - e.e. cummings
Did you really utilize "y'all's" after trying to troll people for being retarded, or worse?
Holy shit
The really obvious shills don't last long, it's more satisfying smacking down the ones who have worked on it awhile.
You seem triggered. You’re standing out like dog’s balls mate! :D
Meh. You're reading into it too far and getting more out of it than I put in. people can believe whatever they want.
I think this is only the second time I've posted any opinion about Q posts. The only other time I can recall someone posted a similar excerpt/post that was somehow even more vague than this one.
I said something along the lines of it seems impossible to distinguish 'real' q posts from a fake satire one because they are all totally void of anything concrete or sensible. I see supposed q posts all the time where the highlight timestamps to act like that proves anything other than trivial coincidences. Like ohhhh my gods that means trump wrote it say there watching the clock and waited for just the right second to post it and hope that there wasn't an extra second of latency between the time he clicked post and the contents actually going into whatever social garbage media database. At first I thought this whole Q thing was a joke and people were only ironically playing along, but some of you people seriously seem to think there is something to it?
I'll continue to look at the so called evidence as it gets posted but I've never seen a single one so far that stood out as being worth paying attention to. In some ways it reminds me of the dalai lama. All these idiots look up to him like he's something special, but every time I've heard him talks he says nothing insightful useful or even intelligent. As for now I give Q even less credibility than the dalai lama because at least he put his inbred face out there in the open. Who knows if Q even has a face or how many people are responsible for the word salad posts that are credited to him.
I've been wrong before. About a whole lot of things. If I ever see anything convincing from Q I'll give it an honest look. But notice how noone here has attempted to refute anything I've stated? Since some of .... Ahem..y'all seem hell bent on making people believe this nonsense how about trying to convince me with links to anything sensible that very clearly predicted /anything/ that would take place before it did.
I grew up in the south. Is y'all improper? Yeah. But it's also nice to quickly weed out the bigotry. If that's the best response y'all have to my post I think it's more an illustration of your lack of substance than it is my education or intelligence so, have a good one y'all. But seriously, anyone got convincing Q posts for me? I'm all eyes.
Just For Fun, Y'all
Here's y'all's sauce:
Y'all is a widely used second-person plural form in English and subjectively sounds less 'ignorant' than others, e.g., youse, youse guys, or y'uns (western PA). It's part of a Southern regional dialect, and y'all's is the possessive form.
Remember, just for fun :)
all y'all's
I know what it is, not really the point
Okie dokie, Smokey
I can't believe you typed that. Geezel peetz
When trying to rip on people, I, for instance, probably wouldn't utilize my jersey dialect lest I sound like a moron as well.
Are youse guys serious? Get da fuck outttta here
Get outa here, over here!
It makes sense if you think about it:
You singular and you plural are not differentiated like they are in other languages.
Sometimes one needs to make a distinction, and instead of saying all of you, one simply drawls a friendly y'all.
I'd call it a ball to drawl a y'all!
I know right? A bit of rhyming slang ... well almost.
Relax smooth brain.