TL;DR: What you call your "reality" is but just a hologram, or, more clearly, a waking dream. A waking dream with more of a time delay between what you call your "thoughts", your "beliefs" (about reality), your "expectations" (about what will occur next)...and your actual "reality" aka creation or manifestation. And yet, this hologram, this waking dream, is entirely and SOUL-LY under YOUR control, YOUR command, in no different a way than how your thoughts immediately create or affect the dreams you dream while you're asleep.
Knowledge of this particular fact is exactly why someone such as Jesus (or various saints and sages throughout the ages) have been able to perform their miracles. And so, when you truly recognize this fact and this understanding, and re-arrange your beliefs (about what's going on) as well as your expectations (about what is to occur next), you begin to rapidly shift your reality into something that is more to your liking. And in the end, you wake up and become the Neo that can see right through The Matrix, because indeed, you are the One.
N-E-O => O-N-E
Hidden in plain sight, is it not? ;)
Neo: What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge bullets?
Morpheus: No Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to.
Have you ever had that creeping feeling that tells you that the rest-of-the-world simply isn’t waking up FAST ENOUGH? Or that far too many people are continuing to remain stuck in that sleep mode, or, dare I say, “SHEEP mode?”
Well congratulations! For you’ve now seamlessly identified the root cause of your problems successfully indeed!
Because you see, SO very powerful are you – that even the TINIEST of your BELIEFS about “reality” – whether they’re hidden (from you) or not – manifest themselves AS your very reality!
So if you even have the TEENSIEST of negative beliefs about OTHER people – such as – “Why is EVERYONE still asleep?”, “Why are all the CHILDREN still suffering?”, “Why is so and so negative AGENDA still existent?”, “Why can’t the truth disclosure processes SPEED UP?”, “Why haven’t the conditions for ET disclosure and reunion with our star families REAL-IZED yet?”, “Why is the arrival of global peace and prosperity taking SO very long?”, “Why won’t people heal their divisions and traumas ALREADY and find LOVE?”, “Where is all of that EQUALITY that we were promised?” – and so on and so forth – well, guess what, so very POWERFUL are your thoughts that you end up creating exactly just THAT.
But that’s okay. It’s only human to make this particular mistake. I should know – I was making it only until just a few MINUTES ago.
Well, not ANYMORE.
And so, here’s the NEW thoughts that I’m now conditioning myself to think and loop-think on a regular basis instead…
“EVERYONE upon this planet is waking up faster and faster”, “ALL children upon this planet are being RETURNED to LOVE, JOY, PROSPERITY, FUN, FREEDOM and PEACE that they’ve FOREVER deserved”, “ALL negative agendas are now RAPIDLY DISSOLVING by the power of GOD”, “ALL disclosures of truth are now RAPIDLY RAMPING UP left, right and center”, “ALL disclosures of ETs and reconnections with our Star Families are now EVERYWHERE ONE LOOKS”, “PEACE is growing everywhere we look”, “PROSPERITY and EQUALITY for ALL BEINGS is growing everywhere we look”, “ALL divisions and traumas within humanity are being RAPIDLY healed”, “SUPER ADVANCED healing chambers, replicators and free energy devices are coming to life EVERYWHERE ONE LOOKS”, “the ENTIRETY of our very PLANET, its AIR, WATER, and SOILS, and ALL BEINGS upon it are being HEALED and RESTORED to their very HIGHEST forms”, and anything ELSE of beauty and benevolence that you may wish to add to THAT mix.
And now, here’s a fun little thing: I want you to say all of the above given (positive) sentences either mentally or out loud. And then, if at ANY sentence you feel that you’re LYING to yourself somehow, I want you to keep REMINDING YOURSELF (until the fact sinks in) that you’re in a DREAM being dreamed by none other than YOU, so the TRUTH is what YOU decide it to be. Because what you’re facing, in that moment of feeling “defeated” by something OUTSIDE of you, is a hidden (or partially known) Negative Belief of some kind that tells you that “reality” is being created by something OUTSIDE of you. Which it SO ISN’T.
So DO INDEED make it a point to spend some time finding out the (known or hidden) negative beliefs that are causing you to think in this way – giving your power away to an outside source – and then, SURRENDER, RESOLVE and TRANSMUTE the said negative beliefs by discarding them and sending them right back to GOD. And that is ALL you even need to DO, here.
Finally, you could also say the above sentence – “This DREAM REALITY is only and ONLY what I WANT it to be. PERIOD.” – out LOUD as many times as it takes for that TRUTH to sink in and become a PERMANENT belief of yours. Do this until there is not a SINGLE SHRED OF RESISTANCE left to rise up within you when you make the previously mentioned POSITIVE statements or affirmations about reality.
And THAT’S HOW you flip this game on its very HEAD.
Last but by no means the least, WATCH YOUR EXPECTATION.
This bears repeating because it’s super SUPER important…
Watch your expectation. Watch Your Expectation. WATCH your EXPECTATION.
If you SAY you want more and more PEACE in the world but EXPECT a bunch of wars to start up because your favourite Alternative News Source or Channeled Entity or Tarot Reader told you so (or said that it was in humanity’s highest interests) – only what you EXPECT to happen WILL BE what ultimately ENDS UP happening.
You can’t SAY you want all division to heal while internally EXPECTING things like “I hope that political party (that I hate) and its supporters get destroyed” or “I hope this religion (or group of people) that I dislike loses everything” and things like that.
You can’t have it both ways.
You can’t ride on two boats (going in opposite directions) all at the same time.
You can’t HAVE your cake and EAT IT too.
And yes, I’m not saying it’s impossible for something NEGATIVE to happen PURELY as a part of the DIVINE PLAN. But you must let the DIVINE INTELLIGENCE decide that, and NOT YOUR Ego or Mind.
Expect only and ONLY the most POSITIVE – the most BENEVOLENT things – to happen everyday, and only THOSE things shall happen.
Make hatred a thing of the past. Make negative expectations a thing of the past. Make negative BELIEFS a thing of the past.
Accept. FORGIVE. Grow up. LOVE.
And the REST shall TAKE CARE of ITSELF.
(And in more and more INCREDIBLE ways than you can even really IMAGINE, as of yet.)
Finally, I can’t even BEGIN TO TELL YOU how very CRITICAL it is for this message to reach the MAXIMUM numbers of people at this time. So please, PLEASE do EVERYTHING in your power to SPREAD IT ALL OVER.
TALK about it. TELEPATHICALLY THINK-SEND IT to ALL OF HUMANITY. Make it ACCESSIBLE for the learning or reading disabled. Set an INTENTION TO SHARE IT ASTRALLY (in the dream-planes) with ALL OF HUMANITY just before you go to sleep.
Make EVERY LAST EFFORT to SPREAD THIS MESSAGE EVERYWHERE. Because it can literally change EVERYTHING for this planet and its peoples. But you already know this, having read this message.
Let’s stop SABOTAGING ourselves through our OWN thoughts, words, actions, beliefs and EXPECTATIONS.
Let’s make a HIGHER reality HAPPEN.
Where We Go ONE, We Go ALL.
Enjoy the show.
Jesus Christ operated the manifestations of the holy spirit which were upon him. There were 7 he was able to operate. This is how he performed supernatural works and they were directed by God. Cheist did not just decide where to apply the power. He did the Father's will. Your description requires the person do it by self will. Just so you know the Devil has power. Gives it to men and they operate it through self will and possession. The Devil is the great counterfeiter of God's works.
Prophesy, Word of knowledge, word of wisdom. Discerning of spirits, faith (beilieving), miracles and gifts of healing. 1 cor 12 list them and 2 additional that born again believers are able to operate. Christ was not born again he had spirit upon him. We have it dwelling within us.
All operations of rhe holy spirit he had upon him when a dove descended upon him and God said this is my son in whom I am well pleased.
All believers who have received the gift of holy spirit can "operate" these manifestations or evidences of the presence and indwelling power of rhe holy spirit. A great book on the Holy Spirit field if you can find it is "receiving the Holy Spirit today" pre 1986 printing. Victor Paul weirwille.
Agree, the description jumps at me as, "I will do my will" as opposed to "I will do my Father's will". One will have a lasting positive outcome because God's will is good. The other will have either a short term positive or completely negative outcome because we as humans are shortsighted.
I stopped reading when he equated Jesus as being on par with both saints and sages. Jesus is God, not another prophet or something. He IS God.
I read the whole thing, and it sounds like the messages Alice A. Bailey channeled from Djwal Khul, whom she referred to as D.K. or "The Tibetan" for short.
1 Timothy 4:1
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils
Alice A. Bailey and her husband founded Lucifer Publishing Company, which published the many books that now form the basis of the United Nation's educational platform.
When the largely Christian public caught on in the early 1920s, Lucifer Publishing Company changed its name to Lucis Trust. At one point in time, Lucis Trust's offices were located at 666 United Nations Plaza.
Some of the buzzwords which will tip you off to Bailey's influence are "sustainable development," "people of goodwill," "self expression," "self realization," "self fulfillment," etc.
Alice A. Bailey had a 10 point plan to usher in a New World Order.
I will post an article below which "debunks" this so called plan. Keep in mind this plan was put together by parsing her writings and she never presented it in black and white like this. You will need to read her books such as The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Education in the New Age, and The Seven Rays of Life in order to verify if she supported this platform.
(Note: I've read parts of these books and have verified this for myself, but don't have any quotes handy as this was years ago.)
You can listen to this for more information about Alice A. Bailey (she is presented in a positive light here by some devotees) -
Here's the counter argument-
Re-visiting Alice Bailey’s 10 Point Plan
I’m delighted to share this article by theosophical teacher and thinker, and dear friend Patrick Chouinard in which he addresses the broader issues underlying the so-called Ten-Point Plan circulating among conspiracy theorists opposed to Alice Bailey.
Compare the language in the message below with OP's post.
An Invitation to People of Goodwill
World Invocation Day is a day of prayer, of focused spiritual contact, when people of all faiths and spiritual paths join together to make an invocative appeal to Divinity. This united appeal, focalized through the sounding of the Great Invocation, calls for light and love to flow into human consciousness so that the soul of humanity can be born on earth.
To many today, the world situation seems dire, and indeed a variety of interlocking political, economic, social, and ideological crises have come to the fore. Underlying these crises, however, are crises of consciousness and of values that are propelling humanity towards a higher expression of its spiritual potential. What appears to be a strengthening of darkness is really an intensification of ancient conflicts: between the past and the future; between selfishness and group welfare; between collective karma and spiritual destiny.
The mass desire for a world based on the values of goodwill, sharing, cooperation and unity has created a state of spiritual tension. When this desire does not just become part of humanity’s collective wish life, but is concentrated and propelled upwards into an invocative call to the spiritual realms, it can bring about great changes in consciousness, enabling humanity to act on its highest values.
Ultimately, the world’s problems are of humanity’s making and they are for humanity to solve. But the essence of the spiritual life lies in knowing that we are not alone. The energies of Divinity are abundantly available and, when the Enlightened beings who occupy the realm of soul are invoked, this higher love flows through us into the world. Through widespread use of the Great Invocation on World Invocation Day, humanity becomes the bridge between spirit and matter, transmitting spiritual energies and distributing them to the entire planetary life.
World Invocation Day is an opportunity to make the spiritual world a dominant reality in human consciousness. We invite you to join the many thousands around the world in observing this day through the use of the Great Invocation. Together, we can release energies which will enable humanity to give birth to a new civilization, bringing illumination to the darkness, and unification to that which has been divided.
The Power of Invocation
Invocation flows out of the natural evolutionary urge to reach upwards towards the light. It is the cause of all progress upon the path of expanding consciousness. This is true of a plant pushing its way out of the darkness of earth into the light of the sun, of a child extricating itself under the life impulse from the womb of its mother, of the human being pushing into realms of greater knowledge, of the aspirant and disciple driving forward on the way of liberation, and of still greater beings penetrating into realms of divine life beyond the human being’s comprehension. All comes about through invocation and evocation, appeal and response.
Invocation gives form to the power which is latent in life itself. This is the power to evolve, to transform, to redeem, and to resurrect those forms through which the One Life cannot yet adequately express. The act of invocation elevates all life forms, relating them to their spiritual essence, their soul.
The kingdom of the soul forms a great planetary center known by some as the Spiritual Hierarchy. The Hierarchy, which is the heart of the planetary Being, the Earth, maintains the divine circulatory flow of life throughout all grades of matter. This great heart draws spirit downward and raises matter upwards, merging through itself all aspects of the One.
The Hierarchy is composed of those members of humanity who have triumphed over matter and who have achieved the goal of self-mastery by the same path that individuals tread today. These enlightened beings are no longer centered in the individualized consciousness but have entered into the realization of the planetary whole. This includes all stages of consciousness on our planet, from that sense of social responsibility of the man or woman taking their first steps upon the path of spiritual maturity, to the supreme compassion of the Christ Himself.
The universal Christ, embodying the Principle of Love, is the head of Hierarchy, and oversees all aspects of its work. As the ‘Coming One’, the World Teacher, He works for all humanity – people of all religions and those of no religious persuasion at all. He represents the fullest expression of divinity to which human beings can aspire. When the Great Invocation invokes the Coming One, it invokes this potentiality.
The Great Invocation
The Great Invocation is a world prayer, and when sounded with heartfelt intent, it draws humanity closer to the center of divine love from which the great agents of divinity have, down the ages, come forth. It expresses humanity’s need and pierces through all difficulties, doubts, and despairs straight to the Mind and Heart of the One in Whom we live and move and have our being.
The Great Invocation expresses a number of central truths: the truth of the existence of a basic Intelligence to Whom we vaguely give the name of God; the truth that behind all outer seeming, the motivating power of the universe is Love; the truth that a great Individuality came to earth, called by Christians, the Christ, and embodied that love so that we could understand; and the truth that both love and intelligence are effects of what is called the Will of God.
The true power of this mantram lies in its potential to transform not just the individual consciousness but the consciousness of all humanity, and therefore the planet itself. Humanity’s role in the Divine Plan is to mediate those higher spiritual potencies into expression on earth, thus aiding the evolution of the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms.
The Great Invocation belongs to all humanity and not to any one religion or group. It has been translated into around 80 languages and dialects. On World Invocation Day, we invite you to use the Great Invocation and to aid in the evolution of human consciousness and the elevation of the Planet.
This is straight up demonic in every way. Alice Bailey was entirely demonically oriented. Demons talking to her at every turn. Stay away from this drivel.
This is one of the scariest things I’ve read. It’s scary bc the wording she uses SOUNDS nice, and I can see how sheep will fall for it
Same. Got my spirit all distressed. One cannot possibly think that the Word of God made flesh, God Himself walking among His own creation, can be equated to anybody else in history. He is the Messiah...
Yup. There is no one "such as Jesus"... He is unique and Supreme over all.
IMHO, anon was not equating saints with Jesus in that expression, unless the word "or" is used in the sense of "The greatest hockey player in world history is Wayne Gretzky, or the 'Great One'." Right there, "or" is equating the name with the nickname.
In this example, I think anon meant there's Jesus; or, there are various saints and sages. I really saw no suggestion that he was equating them, although I can see in the usage a source of potential confusion.
I'd agree with you that it might have been clearer had he used "and" instead of "or".
"...Jesus AND various saints, etc."
One need not believe Jesus is God, or that it is even possible for a man to also be God, in order to understand Jesus is a figure completely set apart from saints and sages.
Not necessarily. There are different beliefs on how exactly to pray. Jesus said not to pray using vain repetitions like the heathens do. Prayer can be more than the words you utter to God. Your thoughts and visions you hold with faith in your head constantly can be considered a form of prayer.
Jesus is real. All these definitions and limitations people try to put on Him are not. You can't even see God and you think you can reduce Him to a formula?
I'm either confused or repulsed. Please help me understand your motive. God is Sovereign. He can say anything and it will happen.
LOL based on what? So it was God's will that Jesus go ice skating on a summer's day? That Peter follow him out of the boat and do it as well? That he turn that water into wine for the super divine purpose of saving someone's wedding party? Pray tell, whenever Christ or someone else performed a miracles throughout the Gospels, did Jesus praise God's will or did he credit faith?
I'm sorry. Your doctrine seems to come from literally nowhere. Likely someone trying to justify why THEY haven't seen any actual miracles in their life. They've made up this story that miracles only happen to Jesus, or whoever God gives special permission to, when the truth is they know they're just too chicken shit to accept that they lack the faith to work miracles.
I've seen miracles happen in my life.
When I was 5 years old, my younger sister stuck a McDonald's hamburger in my mom's face, which caused her to lose control of our station wagon on an icy road. It spun into the opposite lane of traffic and there was a semi-truck headed right at us.
Somehow, our car flew about two stories in the air and landed in a snow bank by a farm house, with absolutely no damage to the vehicle, other than it being stuck and needed to be towed out. The farmer's wife lets us wait inside and warm up and took care of us while we were waiting for a tow truck to come help.
My older sister mentioned how she loved the bedspread on the bed in one of the upstairs bedrooms. The farmer's wife was flabbergasted, as the bed was lower than the window and you couldn't see it from the street. She asked my sister if she'd been upstairs, and my sister said she saw it from our car when it flew off the road. In case you're wondering why I said it flew two stories, that's why.
Only thing that happened to me in that accident was I bit my tongue.
Another time, right after my parents separated, we had absolutely no food and no money and we were starving. My mom led us in prayer. Not even an hour later, we heard a knock on our door and when we checked it out, there was nobody outside but there was a picnic basket full of food. We lived in the middle of nowhere on top of a hill. It was so quiet we could hear a car pulling into our driveway, but we heard absolutely nothing but the knock. I also had looked out my bedroom window when I heard the knock and saw nobody outside in the driveway.
I became an agnostic several years after this, and this was something I had totally forgotten about for many years, but it came to my memory again after I became a Christian.
The picnic basket itself was extremely high quality. Pretty amazing for somebody to leave it with us and not even bother announcing their presence. It was an answer to our prayer, regardless of how it ended up on our doorstep.
I've seen glimpses of the immediate future a couple of times. They were just minor future events that happened around a minute after the thought entered my head out of the blue. At least one of them was a test of my obedience and since I knew the test was coming I was prepared. I believe those predictions were from the Holy Spirit affirming His presence. God is real, He loves his children, and the Holy Spirit dwells within every Christian.
I love it. Great stories. Especially the second one, because it seems to actually involve someone exercising faith. Which is what Christ always seemed to give credit to when miracles happened in his life.
Here's what I want people to consider: what if it's ALWAYS God's will that we exercise faith and work miracles? What if the problem is, and the reason we rarely see miracles, is that we don't understand this simple concept, that the doubt our minds are filled with about God's will fills us rather than faith, and thus, we go through life with very few miracles to speak of. That's my theory. I think God ALWAYS wants us to work miracles, whether it's to show a friend that anything is possible by walking on water despite him currenlty standing in a boat, or saving a friend from social embarrassment by proving him with wine he forgot to buy for his wedding party, to raising the very dead when someone passes on before we're ready (Lazarus), to causing a freaking axe to float when we drop it in the water (Elisha or was it Elijah?). I see no evidence in the scriptures that God's will ever waivers on this point, only man's willingness to accept that truth. If miracles cease, I do not believe it is because God will's it, but because men are led astray, and/or are unwilling/unable to believe.
Jesus Christ is the only way. God's Word tells us to trust in Him, have faith in Him, not in our own works or power. Anything else leads to deception.
☝️This. There is already a plan and if Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior you'll play a positive part in it (Rev 21 and 22). If not, you'll spend eternity separated from Him. All you need is Christ, not Christ plus anything else.
Colossians 2:2-3
2 so that their hearts may be encouraged, having been held together in love, even unto all the wealth of the full assurance of understanding, unto the full knowledge of God’s mystery, that is, Christ Himself, 3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
The advice from the Tao Te Ching and Lord in the Bhagavad Gita are just as potent spiritual advice as the Bible.
Too many fundamentalist Christians in this community with “Jesus only” blinders.
Luke 6:27-36
When you learn to stop paying attention to the endless monkey chatter of your mind, EVEN FOR A FEW SECONDS, God's grace will wash over you where you feel genuine compassion for your enemies. You come to realize that all the world is a stage and YOU and your enemy are one in the same in the spirit which animates it is possible to LOVE YOUR ENEMIES and your neighbor as yourself, while simultaneously HATING their CHARACTER (the character they are playing in this life) - You see?
Your lie is a rail straight to hell.
How compassionate is it to pretend that those on their way to hell are not going to hell? And failing to warn them? THAT's where the need for compassion comes into play.
It's not for you to say who goes to hell, now is it? So judgement - not being our job - is God's alone. In the meantime, Christ has instructed us to love both our neighbor and enemy as ourselves. That is an impossibility UNLESS you have experienced Christ consciousness and understand, experientially through God's grace and not 3rd party or just believe what a books says. It makes no sense otherwise. So no, judging who's going to hell and being compassionate for erroneously being a proxy for God's judgement is not correct. FYI - I forgive you for being wrong.
Christ Consciousness is a New Age, esoteric concept, although it tries to sound like Christianity.
"...lest ye be judged..." doesn't mean no judging. It says that those who judge should expect to be judged by the same standards.
Common misconception for folks who haven't really studied the Book. Never claimed a right to act by proxy; best use of judgement is whether to discount the words of those who purport to be Christians but offer heretical doctrines or live immorally.
I have a problem with this. With loving evil subhumans like Fauci, Clintons, Epstein, Hunter, the list goes on for miles, really anyone who rapes children or babies, or commits genocide such as with the faxine and the cover-up of the murders from it.
I have a problem "forgiving" them. They are making our world a hellhole. I see it as disrespectful and wasteful of love to shower it on the undeserving, the demonic, the satanic among us.
If God wants to love them instead of sending them to hell, that's his business. :)
I get exactly what you are saying & I may have said the same exact thing 5 or so years ago. I would go so far to say that during normal, every day, playing the game of life consciousness, I want to see them hung until dead in the town square, dropped into a wood chipper, burnt to ash, then dumped in the ocean; possibly even piss on them at some point... However - and don't take this the wrong way - 99.99% of the population is addicted to constant distraction and never ending thought. They NEVER suspend their attention to the perpetual monkey mind chatter that is impossible to stop. They never just STFU long enough to perceive their own presence in the moment of now - that literally means, shutting the fuck up and not paying attention of every thought that pops into your mind, including, and often especially, thinking about not thinking. It is what monks and meditators spend their entire life trying to achieve - and many never get it. Most here will never get it and in turn, downvote the shit out of this post. I don't care. It's not something that can be conveyed via language or words - it is of the Spirit and it is experiential. No drugs. No mantra. No religion. No teacher. No student. Nothing. If you can learn to be quiet and stay quiet - even for only 30 seconds - all the questions of the mind become irrelevant, burnt up instantly because they are 'of the game' and of no concern. You see the world with compassion and communion with God - and you get that all is One - because God is One. God's consciousness is literally everywhere and everything. Understand that you are consciousness playing the role of person. You are playing a character, which may or may not be shit. You don't have to love the character - but the idea is, you love that which is unified in eternal Spirit. You come to understand that you are an eternal being - you have ALWAYS existed and you CANNOT be destroyed - the body will die, but you will live forever. You experientially KNOW this. Then, if you're anything like me, you come to hear the words of Christ in a new light, with deep understanding. The puzzle of loving your enemies is no longer at odds, because you get that Christ was speaking to Spirit and not character, through the lens of the mind. So that is what I meant...and I doubt that many will truly 'get it', but it will ring true to those who know.
I think that I get what you are trying to say but we will only live forever after we are truly saved. You cannot save yourself by saying a prayer, not by attending every church service, not by staring at your navel for hours at a time or by just shutting up and listening. That's not to say that it can't happen while doing any of those things but the Spirit moves as the Spirit moves.
**John 3:7,8 7 You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ 8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” **
Being saved is the only truly supernatural experience I have ever had and it didn't happen because I was necessarily looking for just happened and my life changed immediately. This doesn't happen to everyone. When it did happen, it is not because of ANYTHING I had done but solely through God's grace.
**Ephesians 2:8-9 8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast. **
This all feels extremely false and wrong. Strong satanic vibes. No thanks. My trust is in Jesus and Him alone.
You've just exemplified the difference between black (lefthanded) and white (righthanded) magick.
The cabal uses 'positivve thinking ' in their own ways.
Being a relative term.
Also why 'positive thinking' gurus are claiming it's no longer valid on it's own.
They're losing control.........the key word here.
While it isn't 'wrong', it's 'taking MATTER into your own hands" to 'do what thou wilt.'
These are the two arms of the cross.
One's 'take' on what IS, creates a self, for sure, but that self is illusory and apart from what 'just is'. which includes all of the above.
Yes, be positive. But calling the daemon's name 'casts' it into a form that will hide when exposed or it will be destroyed. Like feeding it's own frequency back on the subject.....something Q is doing now as a throwing down of snakes.
After this, positive will go back to being it's own thing, rather than a reaction to a negative example. (light imitating its own shadow)
Good post, keep up the good work/positive attitude, stay vigilant.
Positive thinking isn't enough on its own. And that's why most forms of manifestation pushed by people is rubbish. There is a formula laid out by Jesus, even moreso in some of the Gnostic texts iirc. Simply put you need to see your vision clearly "Positive thinking", have absolute faith that God has already delivered these things, and most importantly to take constant action in working towards achieving your vision. But at the same time we are in a collective dream shared by other dreamers. So that's why The Great Awakening is so important. It is up to the collective consciousness to shatter their vision of the matrix and begin to wake up.
Excellent comment, thank you.
Did you write a script to add all those stars to enable the green highlighted words? Or did you do it manually because...
That's exhausting
"Let do as thy will be the whole of the law" it. Did you just finally read/watch "the secret"?
Or Aleister Crowley?
yup..."be like god and create your own universe"...and Mormons thought they were hot shit get'n their own planet!
Have a few mushrooms, sit back.... "Hey, have you ever actually BEEN to San Fransisco? No? How do you know it's really there?" ..."Far OUT, man!" ....
Oof. Not what he was communicating at all. Too many of you read Paul when you should be reading Matthew.
So my take agrees with the writings of Paul, but not Matthew? How so?
I think it's clear throughout Matthew that Jesus did not view himself as the saving idol that Paul depicts him as. I think it's clear from most of what we read in the 4 gospels that Jesus believed everyone to be sons and daughters of God, just like him, and that his goal was to elevate their faith to achieve the reality he had achieved. I think the story of Peter walking on water may illustrate that concept best. I feel like Paul is actually just Gospel commentary, and I don't buy his take, and I don't buy his sincerity, no matter what history claims about him. He was a Pharisee. They were Satanists. Jesus said shortly after him wolves in sheep's clothing would come claiming things he never said and would deceive even the very elect. I can think of nobody more likely to meet that description than the Satanist, Paul. I doubt every word of his conversion, and every word he ever spake about the man we call Christ. I think he just re-tooled that Satanic Old Testament idolatry and gave it a new face. Christ is the idol now. Our salvation is easy peasy, no need to listen to the advice on the Sermon on the Mount. No need to listen to all those hard to read parables. No need to truly be born again. Just say this guys' name, invite him into your heart, and maybe wear this cross around your neck and...poof. You're good. Sure smacks of idolatry to me. No effort needed. No teachings needed. Paul is who people study now. Jesus' words have become a side note by comparison. Just as, I suspect, the Synagogue of Satan wanted.
Good Lord.
Apostle Paul isn't the famous CONVERT on the Road to Damascus...he continued to be a Pharisee-Satan-worshiper?
And of course....Never mind Jesus own words that he came to DIVIDE (Luke 12:51)....Pick a side. Hell is real. Justice is coming. No, YOU have found that Jesus REALLY meant that we are all saved!
You offer so MANY lies wrapped in ONE run-on, multi-topic paragraph. That's not a mistake, or poor writing or even poor reasoning. Its an attempt to deceive and lie and confuse.
Your take: "Jesus believed everyone to be the sons and daughters of god, just like him [small H, sic],and that his [H] goal was to elevate their faith TO ACHIEVE THE REALITY HE HAD ACHIEVED [italics mine]."
You are completely full of shit, a New-Age lying cultic disinformant. Paul was a satanist and the approx HALF of the NT he wrote should be ignored? LOL.
I’m with you
Me too. There's so much of this new age nonsense on this board.
I think Satan is playing both sides to a large extent. The left gets "woke", the right gets "awakened", but the Christian gets "born again".
Amen to that
Apparently, tobeselfevident is now responding with downvotes rather than humiliate himself publicly with more ridiculous doubletalk. Too late though. He already showed his ass.
LOL I've been replying up and down this thread. And I haven't been downvoting any of you. You have something you'd like to say?
Thank you brother.
So he claims. Hence why I said I don't buy his CONVERSION.
Jesus do you read?
You discount the Bible's description of Paul being converted, and by extension, eliminate 13 or 14 books of the New Testament believed to have been written by Paul. You then try to suggest I need help with reading comprehension while you REJECT the plain words of the Bible, attempting to make it conform to your own position. Asinine
Acts 15 and Galatians 2 show that Peter and James absolutely accepted Paul was a Christian with Peter even accepting admonition from Paul. So the better question is do YOU read?
Ahhh, the anger begins. Your argument is clear: the Bible as it stands is authoritative and nobody, not even God or his Holy Spirit, can say otherwise. Your words are dead if they have not life in them. Your anger is your tell. You defend your dead prophets the way the Pharisees did. New prophets come to you and you would stone them just the same.
Even if you throw out all "new age" angles. Paul's teachings come off as quite different than the direct accountings attributed to Jesus. Paul placed much more emphasis on submitting to authority.
Also, if you think the word has not been altered by the powers at be over the many preceding centuries, then I think you would be highly mistaken. That's why I have trouble reconciling with the concept of taking the scriptures as the literal words of God.
Even the scriptures of "in the beginning was the Word" is already proof of these bastardizations. When you go back to the Greek texts it was "in the beginning was the logos", which on the surface seems similar enough but has a profound difference in meaning.
I've also seen some takes on that translation as being "in the beginning was the verb." Calls to mind a lot of different ideas when you start jumping languages like that.
Indeed it does.
The God of Creation couldn't preserve any accurate version of a book that He repeatedly indicates we should study and learn from? Do you know what the term "God" means?
There is one version that isn't owned by ANYBODY. I think its that one.
It's not about couldn't. Its that he didn't. When you dig through history and notes of translators you can find many examples of them altering the texts. This one I could be very wrong on. But from memory, I don't recall Jesus ever talking about the importance of this book that was going to drop centuries after his demise.
There was no Bible in Jesus's lifetime. There was only the old testament Canon. There was no instruction by him to construct this book. And what of all the Christians that lived in the era before any of the works of the New Testament were curated? Now again I could be far off base, but I don't recall Jesus ever talking about this upcoming holy book. But he did tell us he was sending us the Holy Spirit.
Also, what makes Paul and his scriptures any different than any other Christian book written in later times that were divinely inspired by the spirit? Paul was not a direct disciple, he didn't walk with Jesus physically. He had just as much access to the spirit as any other Christian walking the earth after Jesus left. Why should that be considered the direct unadulterated word of God?
Also one more note. Every single text we have, every single version has been altered in some form or the other. And there have been many texts that were excluded. Who decided this? Who had the authority to make these decisions? The Romans were also well known for killing anyone teaching from texts they considered not to be canon. As well as collecting and destroying these texts. Sound familiar?
You should read the gospel of John. Jesus repeatedly asserts His deity.
Yes. And in John he also asserts YOUR deity.
"Is it not written in your law that God said 'You are Gods?' If he called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God came—and Scripture cannot be set aside—what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’?" -John 10:34-36
You're a God, bro. Jesus said so himself. But that makes you queasy, so you move on and stick with Paul's idolatry, yes?
Ok, all in board with the part about Jesus until you threw in star families and ET. I believe them to be Nephelim (aka fallen angels mixed with human or animal or demonic fallen angels.) True, the bible doesn’t talk about other planets or beings, however we are warned and spiritual powers of darkness and also told of angels. Determining good vs evil is key. Until I witness something that tells me otherwise.
Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
James 1:5,6
5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. 6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.
2 Corinthians 11:14 But I am not surprised! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
Is it bad that I won't be satisfied without a bloodbath? Like, if they're punished discreetly but their crimes are covered up and normies are allowed to be blissfully unaware of just how unhinged the elite became because of their refusal to see facts... I'm not ok with that.
Please don't take this the wrong way, because it's perfectly natural to feel like that after what has happened - just know that it won't actually move you closer to enlightenment and peace.
I used to have terrible problems with harboring dark thoughts against people who have wronged me over the years - it just turns to poison in your gut and undermines your life.
I decided to focus on the moment and what was best for me and mine - regardless of whether it meant those others got their comeuppance or not. It took a while to subdue the dark thoughts, but it has been so worth it.
As a bonus, it seems that by freeing myself from any energy links to those people in my life who created that negativity in me the Universe decided to punish them anyway*. I have to observe such things without emotional attachment but it does help me validate my choice to move towards the light.
*Not just on the odd occasion, like - every time. Example: I was sacked from a job 1 day before my 2 year anniversary where I would have been entitled to redundancy. I took them to court for unfair dismissal, but when the court date came round it co-incided with the first day of my first contract as a freelancer.
Deciding to move forward and let go I forewent the court appearance and set out on my new (much more lucrative and boss free) career.
The bonus? They didn't turn up either and I was awarded 2 months salary, and then I found out that 6 months later the entire firm went bust.
I myself couldn't have put this any better than you, Jonathan. The thing to realize is this: Is it natural and normal to feel angry? Yes. Is it worth it to make a sincere attempt and genuine effort to transcend the said anger? Beyond a shred of a doubt.
Because the anger that we think we are putting out there isn't exactly going towards our "enemies." Instead, it is going towards us. Poisoning our own lives. Fucking up our own relationships. For instance, imagine a family in which even just one family member is perpetually angry or depressed. Just that one person is capable of ruining other people's days, being angry at someone for no reason and pissing them off in turn (who in turn become angry at even more people in their lives --- creating a perpetual anger-motion or anger momentum of sorts) and all.
Not only that, the said anger is stored in our own aura, our own energy field, becoming a powerful magnet for disease, disaster, accidents, trauma,
Holding on to negative emotions and judgements (and anger, trauma, pain, hatred, jealousy, sadness etc.) is no different than keeping an open bag full of poisonous scorpions and wasps on you 24x7. It is literally holding on to darkness, pain and doom. Far better to forgive it all, focus on healing oneself from one's wounds and hurts, and moving on.
Many people have some weird idea that if they don't hold on to all of that anger, hate, pain, sadness etc., that God or the universe would somehow forget what evil people did (or the intensity of their crimes) and whatnot. And to these ones, let me assure them very, very, clearly...
YOUR forgiving someone and healing yourself has nothing, absolutely NOTHING to do with the course (and the perfection) of that which is DIVINE Justice.
There is NO ESCAPING Divine Justice.
So then, why hurt yourself for no reason whatsoever?
Enjoy the snow.
On the contrary, Christians are commanded to forgive others, even their enemies.
Proverbs 25:21-22
21 If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink:
22 For thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head, and the Lord shall reward thee.
Christians have the best example of forgiveness.
Luke 23:34
Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.
2 Corinthians 2:9-11
9 For to this end also did I write, that I might know the proof of you, whether ye be obedient in all things.
10 To whom ye forgive any thing, I forgive also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ;
11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.
And if we forgive others, why would the Savior hold that sin against them, assuming they themselves repented of it?
Chance would be a fine thing - it's the middle of a heat-wave in the UK right now :)
You learned that wrestling with a pig gets you both dirty. But the pig loves it.
Kek, nice analogy :)
I mean, I don't personally want to do anything to them but I just can't accept some of these "people" getting a pass. I expect justice.
They will get their measure, have no fear of that.
I get positivity and avoiding black pills. I think this is your intent, but it’s way too much like “the secret”, which is no bueno
And why is it no bueno? "the secret" is very incomplete, but many of the core ideas are there.
What you describe is essentially how Mary Baker Eddy, and her core group of followers, were able to do what they did.
Thank you for caring enough to share!
Not sure what the issue is here, why anyone would call you out for saying what you have, it was said today through Julie Green that “He is waiting on us, and not us on Him” or something to that effect ... anyways if your focus is love, light and kindness towards your fellow man in following Our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus, I can’t find fault. He has repeatedly said “to focus on Him and His word, not what they are doing or saying.” Thank you God Bless.
But I subjectively believe in objective reality.
tl;dr Quick question. If my reality is mine then are you all even really in it? If my thoughts can change reality to my liking then what happens when 2 peoples' thoughts are in contradiction to each other?
This is somewhat tricky to explain, and trickier to understand, but I'll give it a shot. Think of every soul as its own universe. You are your own universe, your own dream. I am my own universe, my own dream. And yet, have we all made contracts to intersect our dreams with one another.
Now consider another analogy. Imagine an ocean. That ocean is what we call God. What we are - as individuals - can be considered as waves. A wave, if seen from a point of massive magnification, can be considered an ocean in its own right. For example, what you call a small wave, can well be no different than an ocean to ants. (Hence the understanding that we are all made in God's image). So we are all miniature oceans in our own right, if you will, as individualized waves.
And yet, taking this a bit even further, a wave is also the ENTIRE OCEAN by itself too. There is no separation between the ocean and the wave. They are one. A wave is just the ocean temporarily in (appearing to take on the) form as a small wave.
Just as a wave can decide whether it wishes to go left or right or up or down, so can you as an individual choose your life path, and what you wish to create in your reality, your universe, your dream. And yet, because all is ONE, all waves are eternally CONNECTED, and so, if you bring good energies into the world by the virtue of your choices, they all steer the rest of the ocean (and, by virtue of it, all waves in it) into more good, more happy, more joy-filled directions. And if, instead, you choose to focus on the negativity and manifest negative realities for yourself, so do you change the course of the entire ocean (no matter how very infinitesimally), towards the negative.
So it is actually a responsibility that we have towards creating a more loving, more joyful, more prosperous, more beautiful and more united world by dreaming-it-into-creation, because what we do, affects ALL. Hence where we go ONE (wave), we go ALL (ocean).
Is this making some sense here?
And yes, you are entirely the dreamer of your own dream. But when you're on Earth, this realization needs to be built up slowly and gradually and responsibly (i.e. without harming others or becoming a danger to yourself or all others). You know, with great power comes great responsibility and all that. Which is where your Higher Self comes in (I'll explain this in a bit). Your Higher Self basically holds your full power until you rise up to claim it fully for yourself. At which point, your entire dream comes under your control no differently than how it is when you have a Lucid Dream. Full. Control. Of. Your. Universe.
As for the Higher Self part, imagine yourself as an iceberg. What you think you are, as an individual with highly limited power and wisdom, is but the tip of the iceberg. The rest of you, which means your full self with your full power and your full wisdom, can be said to be the rest of the iceberg, which is the Higher Self, which is the very TOTALITY OF "YOU." So the Tip Of The Iceberg (the small "you" that you think you are on Earth / the Lower Self) + the Rest Of The Iceberg ( "You" = your Higher Self) = (the full) "YOU."
Is this making any sense at all? I'm literally grasping at straws to explain this concept here lol.
If i started with tl;dr on my first post do you really think I'm going to read all THAT?
Spot on..."Hence where we go as ONE (wave), we go ALL (ocean)."
Watch the water
I was introduced to intention about 15 years ago. It seemed silly and impossible, but I set aside my doubts and played around with it, to see for myself. That was an important and humbling turning point in my life. I'm embarrassed at how certain I was about things back then and how stagnant my thinking was.
Good post. Good point. Needs repeating occasionally.
THIS. This is the approach I want people to take with these ideas that I bring forth. Definitely not blindly accept what I or anyone else says, but instead, have an open mind and give things a chance.
If only everyone understood this - that we don't know everything there is to know yet - our world would change faster than the blink of an eye.
Whatte beautiful comment. Definitely a must read for everyone. And also, thank you so much for being vulnerable and open and truthful about your mistakes --- although there are really no "mistakes" really, only and only learnings. Thank you once again for sharing.
Thank YOU for the post.
This quote is one that I replay in my head regularly: “Uncertainty is an uncomfortable position. But certainty is an absurd one.”
― Voltaire
Very good's 'obvious' to those of us who have sought truth with their whole being their entire life.
QUESTION: Why not take it one step further and focus your vision to a laser point and share that vision with the group so that we can ALL collectively manifest a single thought/vision/rote/idea/vibration? With the powers that be always seeking to divide and conquer, UNITY is the people's energy weapon. By thinking, feeling and essentially, vibrating at the same frequency of thought and emotion, the GENERATIVE principle of the UNIVERSE (one vibration...unity) - we can steer what is going on in a positive manner. For those that have read this far, none of what I just said is in opposition to any don't be a pea brain. Instead of putting your face in a phone when standing in line, waiting for your order, brushing your teeth etc, think about the goal we all want, AS IF IT'S ALREADY HERE. This is exactly how to steer reality your/our way. By 'vibrating' at the frequency you want, reality will change to support your thought/emotional vibration IF YOU DO IT, KEEP DOING IT and DON'T STOP, every chance you get. So, I guess the BIG QUESTION IS: What EXACTLY is it that we want? (and as appealing as it may seems on face value, them hanging in the street is NOT a valid, positive 'mantra' when it comes to invoking the Generative law of the universe) Thoughts? Comments? FU's?
What I've experienced is that too much effort, intention-wise, tends to be counter-productive. Simple, clear, easily-repeatable intentions work best. When I've tried to combine a lot of desired criteria into one hoped-for outcome I've gotten what I asked for but with unintended baggage.
My new neighbours are a great example. It really does seem as though reality has a sense of humour. We had a long checklist of who we wanted our new neighbours to be and we eventually got them. But we apparently weren't clear enough because now we're eager for them to leave.
You're not wrong...but I'll add, that CLARITY of intent is VERY important. That is to say, if you don't FULLY believe in your intent, then the universe won't take you seriously - that means your head AND heart need to be all in. Case in point: A friend is moving and you pipe up, "I'll help you move" and immediately a part of you says, "Dude, WTF, I don't want to do that!" - head and heart aren't all in on the idea. Same with being wishy-washy - you must be SPECIFIC just like you are granted 3 wishes from a genie or whatever. Be careful what you wish for..."I want all the money in the world!" - Then, because YOU have all the money and nobody else does, it's worthless...So, CLARITY is important and focusing that idea AND emotion to a laser point is essential.
You are very, VERY right. Hundro is also very right about that "too much effort" part. It kind of is like us getting into our own way, in a way. I myself am still trying to learn this process and its balances better myself :)
I agree with all of this. Being wishy-washy can also mean that you are clear and focused, but your spouse isn't. If the intention is for something that affects more than one person, it's important to have a unified vision.
You are perfectly on point here. Basically, the greater the number of people gathering together with a single, unified, powerful intention, the faster and more powerfully such a reality manifests. In other words, if I were to explain it more mathematically so to speak, just 3 people coming together to meditate upon a single benevolent outcome, each with a power of 10 units of energy (saying this to simplify things), would end up producing NOT 10 + 10 + 10 = 30 units of energy, but instead, 10 x 10 x 10 = 1,000 units of energy. So here, just 6 people are enough to increase the manifestation power by a millionfold. 9 people a billionfold, and 12 people a whopping trillionfold.
What we need to do to create this is firstly agree upon a common set of energetic intentions (such as love for all, peace for all, abundance for all), agree to a fixed timing, and go right about it. Even better if the mods are willing to join this little initiative, and have a dedicated thread daily (at a given chosen time agreed upon by all), for all to collectively manifest their intentions together.
And our world would change faster than what we'd ever even imagined.
I would say here that rather than trying to come to agreement with various viewpoints (about what is right, what isn't etc.), prejudices, opinions, perspectives and biases and such --- it is far, far simpler if we could agree to project specific energies / intentions that are equally desired by all.
For example, whether you're a Democrat or a Republican, a Black person or a White one, you can all collectively agree that we want a world of more peace, more love, more abundance, more kindness, etc. In this way, we all collectively agree to focus on what type of energy / experiences we want in our world, rather than the never ending debates and conflicting viewpoints of how to get there or who can make it happen and how and all such conflict-causing idea battles that take us nowhere.
Also, excellent comment!!! 👏👏👏
Yes! What immediately popped up in my face is the proverbial mirror...what thoughts and emotions am I putting out there as I read the headlines/stickies? It's a tightrope...The proverbial warrior in me wants to put foot to ass and I use that bitter angst as fuel - but the greater part of me just wants us all to get along, live right, make the choices that a child of God would be expected to make (grow the F up) and be left to live in peace.
Change yourself and youll change the world
People who live by this philosophy are a burden on the world.
Right thinking is predicate to right action, but right thinking alone accomplishes nothing.
Please grow up… the world needs you.
Thoughts become words, words become actions and actions become our future. He's not just saying right thinking. He's talking about managing our thoughts (which can be tough) because the rest of our lives are downhill from there.
How would someone with that style of thinking be a burden on the world? If you wake up with bad thoughts, it will affect all your interactions that day and you'll wind up with a bad day. It affects how you approach problems, how you interact with others, how you react to anything that occurs and your body language.
Whenever you've had a bad day, you should ask yourself - Did you really have a bad day or did you let your thoughts run uncontrolled for 15 minutes or so and that gave you a bad vibe for the rest of the day? If you're honest, most of the time, you let your thoughts run unfettered and it brought the rest of your day down.
Furthermore, how we interact with others has an affect on their mood as well. Random stranger smiling at you can perk up your day etc. People prefer to be around positive people, therefore will do what they can to be around those people and they will have more opportunities (law of attraction). Same thing with more negative people. It attracts negative people and negative experiences. Self-fulfilling prophecies and all that.
Ultimately you need to curate your thoughts. Encourage the good ones and dismiss the bad ones. So again, how is that philosophy a burden on the world?
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Phillipians 4:8
Curate your thoughts? Easier said than done, as you say, this does sound like philosophy to me, a useless occupation.
Prayer is much better than any philosophy any day.
Man today is really the gold standard day for comments or something, looking at some of the incredible comments written in this thread today. Very beautifully described a LOT of what I wanted to say, but in a far, FAR better way. Thank you :) :)
Reminds me of this:
“The mind is everything. What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.”
Dr. Wayne Dyer's restatement of the concept:
“As you THINK, so shall you BE,"
"I AM what I THINK," and
“You become what you think about all day long, and those days eventually become your lifetime.”
So men who think they are women really are women?
He also said that enlightenment isn't for everyone. Source: Buddha by Karen Armstrong
Saying or thinking something does not make it so. That is a delusion. Delusional thinking is not good. We do not make reality. It is good to try to apprehend it, though. We can not make a higher reality happen, as instructed above. What does a "higher reality" even mean?? This is all just words, which do not make reality.
Ok so this is where we're at now. I stopped at star children.
Quick with the downvotes of anyone who doesn't agree with what you're trying to float I see.
Well that does nothing to convince people. For me it has the opposite effect.
Please downdoot away.
LOL. As expected, I knew the majority of the comments would be tearing this post apart. OP, you do realize the vast majority of GA are Christians... do you not? =D Star family reunion? Ya, this was not going to go well... LOL! Even though most of what you said is CORRECT... it will fall on deaf ears here. Most believe Jesus is the way and submit to that belief. Any attempt to sculpt things to your will, well that's evil. I respect that, and disagree. They don't realize they created their entire realities from their belief/thought loops. In my 40+ years of observing this plane of existence, I see the "Law of Attraction" at work absolutely everywhere I look and in everything. My constant experience of it serves as daily proof. Everything is energy. That which is like unto itself is drawn. By thinking the thoughts about what YOU DO WANT and feeling the presence and satisfaction of that in your life NOW (which feels really good)... you do indeed magnetize more of THAT into your life. By thinking the thoughts about what you do not want, which feels bad, you indeed magnetize more of THAT into your life. What you focus on expands. Simple as that. As you focus on getting rid of bad things, you attract more of like kind into your life. I do believe 100% that the path forward isn't to focus on winning the "war against the cabal", being angry and them for stealing so much from us.... but to focus on our freedom and liberty. By imagining a government by the people and for the people. By imagining a government that serves it's people and realizes their limited place. By focusing on a world that is more than anything else, one of love and peace. By focusing on a world of truth, where the dominant understanding is that we receive the most reward by uplifting and spreading love and liberty to others. These are just examples of thoughts, that when focused on FEEL GOOD. That will lead to more powerful thoughts of like kind. That will lead to solutions that will ultimately SUCCEED in bringing about the desired outcome that is being focused upon. As long as we are at war with "the bad people", there will always be war against "the bad people". If we focus on what we actually want (i.e. freedom, truth, the principles our nation was on), that "problem" will fade away into nothingness by grand design. That doesn't mean we sit on our asses and do nothing. It means that the proper focus will lead to inspiration and ideas that will drive us to act on them... these actions, being in alignment with our desired outcome, will be immeasurably more productive towards achieving the desired outcome than anything that could ever come out of focusing on stopping what we don't like. Thank you for your post OP.
Come on man, this is the wrong site for posts like this. It is stuff like this that gives us the reputation of being bat shit crazy.
I've been through the gamut of self-help books and positive affirmations. In the past I've done the affirmations in first and second person, several times daily, with energy and intensity, for years. When it didn't work, I felt foolish for believing it would.
Then I found a solution that fixed the problem.
Instead of affirming what I want "as if" it already existed (when it doesn't), which literally every resource insists you must do...I switched to affirming that "I NOW CHOOSE (fill in blank with positive attribute or outcome)."
That was a game changer, because it's no longer lying.
In that moment, I actually AM CHOOSING to feel, do, or manifest xyz. I'm not lying to myself and saying it's already there when I can plainly perceive the opposite; I'm merely affirming the truth about my choice, in that moment, which the subconscious mind can't disagree with.
It's like I'm affirming that I'm simply CHOOSING fish and chips right now from the menu—not that they're ALREADY on my table!! Game changer.
I'm not affirming that children everywhere are loved and free of abuse, because that's obvious bullshit; only that I now choose for that to become the case. I'm telling the Universe/Nature/God that I'm in accord with that idea.
If this helps even one anon, I now choose to be happy about it :)
Ohhhh. I like that. Thank you. My dad was big on positive affirmations when I was growing up and I always struggled with them for this very reason. Instead of saying "I'm a straight A student" which may or may not have been true at any given moment, if I were to say "I choose to be a straight A student today" I think that could have made a lot of difference. Thanks for the tip.
Cheers anon
IMHO it's corrosive to the mind and soul to constantly lie to yourself. It sets up an atmosphere of self deceit where you can no longer trust anything you tell yourself, because your internal lie detector is afraid you're at it again.
Take 4's YouTube but this 4 min aint gonna make em rich...
Its very logical and straightforward.
You may start at 1:50 to save a little time.
OP, this is an epistemic mess. How we attain true knowledge was not resolved by a 1999 Warner Brothers film production that rehashed third rate college metaphysics. Don't bring Jesus into this, his works and teaching have nothing to do with this "you are the ONE" pandering to the masses full of doubts and anxieties.
Message for self saver, the other thread is full
The pharisees made up their own doctrine. I follow the doctrine as God spoke it, without questioning His Word. Like satan did, yea, hath God said. That's you bro.
What I’m now finding from people I know is they’re either Awakened, or in process of Awakening. And one coming event they’re all asking about is significant arrests. Not these little side election fraud Mules, or people “resigning” or “retiring” suddenly. Commonly they’re asking for actual arrests of significant politicians, judges, or “stars” that have fueled a lot of this crap the last 6 years on TV or social media.
I’ve also found myself, especially the last 2-3 weeks wondering; there is so much proof and data out here, how come not one of these high level stars, bureaucrats, or politicians have been led away in cuffs, kicking and screaming?
Of course Don I know it’s coming. But “when” is the common question. And on the same token of what Q, Juan, Dave on X22, and Trump have said, “Sometimes you can’t just tell them, you must show them”, that has now becoming common going through other direction. Anons and Awakened in the hundreds of millions, maybe billions now are asking, “When are these sick evil Cabal turds going to be held accountable and arrested? We NEED To See It Happen!”
Because even the Awakened need to be shown, not just told, more and more. But if what you’ve laid out here is what we must do more of, then Anons, WISH AND BELIEVE HARDER!! Wish and believe like never before these evil people WILL Be Arrested ASAP or be judged by God ASAP!
Have hope and faith in God it’ll all be done by his hand. So the way will be cleared for Where We Go One We Go All, together with Christ our Lord.
Utter bullshit.
Whenever someone says "my reality" or "your reality," you can be sure the person has no idea how to think critically.
There is only ONE reality. Reality is ALL THAT EXISTS.
We each have a PERSPECTIVE on what reality is, which is shaped by our education and experiences. You could say it is our personal PARADIGM about reality, but it is not reality itself.
Our perspective or paradigm might be close to the truth about reality, or completely off track.
We can determine whether a certain idea is based in reality (truth about that which exists) or not by using LOGIC and our ability to think critically.
Is a male capable of being a female?
There is only ONE answer that is consistent with reality because reality is OBJECTIVE and NOT SUBJECTIVE.
This is where the globalists/communists want to destroy the mind. They want people to believe that reality is subjective and, therefore, the TRUTH about reality can never be known. That belief leaves a person in a state of helplessness, as they can never figure out what to believe.
But that is only because they are not using their ability of critical thinking.
A "male" must be defined. It must have certain characteristics. Aristotle, the Father of Logic, called this the "Law of Idenity." A is A. A thing is what it is and not something else.
A "male" can be defined a certain way. A "female" can be defined a certain way. Once the definition is understood, THEN we can determine what is the truth about males becoming females. They cannot, because one IS one or the other, and not both, and it cannot be changed via wishes or surgery.
The globalists/communists want people confused so that they can be more easily controlled.
Get back to critical thinking and logic. Realize that any person might have a viewpoint (perspective/paradigm) about something that is or is not consistent with reality. It is the job of the individual to use critical thinking, via logic, to figure out if their viewpoint is consistent with reality or not.
This is done with facts and evidence, and logical thinking about cause and effect as we know it in the real world -- not in some individual's fantasy of how they think things could or should be.
We deal in how things ARE, which we KNOW from direct observation.
There is no "your reality" or "my reality." There is only "your perspective" or "my perspective" about reality, and we use logic to figuer out which perspective is closer to what is true about reality.
Holy shit, this was stickied? This is not the q research stuff I come here for
You can do nothing for this world, only Jesus Christ can.
We can focus on purifying ourselves is what we can do for this world.
Man has had 6,000 years to purify himself, helluva job he's done so far.
Let's try something different, call on the name of Christ.
People have been calling on the name of Christ for just as long. Satan is still here. Maybe what's more important is we all open up our minds and hearts to hearing the truth, whatever form it may come in, and stop being such dogmatic pricks with each other all the time.
People have been calling on the name of Christ for just as long
Yes and the Pauline epistles explain perfectly why He hasn't come yet. The time of the gentiles is yet to be fulfilled. No man knows the hour nor the day.
Maybe had people paid more attention to the Sermon on the Mount and less attention to Paul's idolatrous epistles, he might have returned already. But alas, here we are.
The Sermon on the Mount was addressed to people under a works based salvation. I'm under Grace.
What Bible version are using?
Ahhh. Grace. Yes. Paul loved that idea. Where did Christ teach it? That's right. You don't care what Christ taught. Paul taught you not to. Wolves in sheep's clothing. Saying things I said not. You don't need to say anymore, my friend. You've already said it all. Paul is your prophet. Christ is your idol. Well Christ is my prophet, and his teachings are my guide.
What a horrible idea. This is why I hate Paul of the Satanic Pharisees and doubt he ever truly converted.
2 Peter 3:15-16
15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;
16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
What's your point? You still think that after 1,000 years of being in Catholic/Cabal hands that the epistles of Peter couldn't have been altered? If I say the teachings of Paul smack of idolatry and don't fall in line with the teachings of Christ in the gospel, you think showing me some text that could have been written by the cabal in the 1,000 years that only they had their hands on it is going to convince me otherwise?
Discernment. Since words on pages can be altered, we must rely on the Spirit of God to discern truth from error. If we assume every word in the Bible is true we are ignorant of its origins and we're lazy to revelation. As I said, modern Christianity has made the teachings OF Christ a footnote in favor of the teachings ABOUT Christ. I feel very deeply that was a mistake.
The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls proves the Word of God hasn't changed.
Additionally, the Textus Receptus Koine Greek New Testament was preserved by the survivors of the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire. The Orthodox Christians fled from both the Roman Catholic inquisitors and the Muslim invaders who took over Constantinople and renamed it Istanbul.
The fact you claim Paul is teaching idolatry is proof you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about.
Haha ok.
Paul speaks out against idolatry in many of his epistles, but especially in the Book of Romans.
It speaks about how the Gentiles trusted in idols instead of God, in lifelessness instead of life, which lead to all kinds of sin and degeneracy. Even worse, they take pleasure in their unnatural behaviors in spite of full well knowing that behavior leads to death.
Romans 1:18-32
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Seems to describe bug chasers very well.
Do some people really want to get HIV? I spoke to ‘bug chasers’ around the world to find out
Ironic, isn't it? All good liars do this. They preach against the thing they're actually preaching for by giving it a new name. "Not that idol, this one."
Who knows, maybe one day Jesus Christ will appear on the road before you. He uses all kinds to do his will.
Maybe he will. But I think Paul is full of shit. And his doctrine more than proves it to me.
Which part of the doctrine do you not agree with?
Any part that implies that personal effort is not important. And that faith is merely putting your trust in Christ like an old testament idol for some esoteric notion of salvation in the world to come rather than exercising it in the here and now to work miracles and to live in greater harmony with mankind like Jesus taught. Jesus warned of false prophets coming in sheep's clothing. I think Paul fits the description. The best liars don't lie about everything all the time. They mix the lies in with the truth. What makes Paul so seductive is the way he elevates Christ, but the way he debases the rest of us seems to run completely contrary to the way Christ saw his fellow children of God. Paul was a Pharisee. He was a cannibal who worshipped Baal. I don't buy his conversion and I don't buy his idolatrous gospel.
Why did Christ die?
Why did any martyr die? Because if he was of the world the world would have loved him. But because he was not, because he spoke of greater things, the things of God, they hate him and seek to silence him and he thus willingly seals his testimony with his own blood. He died because men refuse to believe, but died willingly so that more might, and be saved. Not in the next world, although maybe there as well, but in the here and now, by hearing and practicing his teachings. By embracing faith, and embracing their Godliness as children of God, children of no limitation. Children of light. Children of Christ.
Why do you ask?