Too many dickheads with zero humor or good sense here. What do you call it when you think you're awake but your indoctrination credits have only transferred?
I think people are likely downvoting the comments because they're puerile and shallow. The man in question is someone that's provided a lot of information over the past couple of years and at every turn has called out some very bad people.
Is he as advertised? I won't pretend to know. But speaking only for myself, I find your brand of comments to be, as the kids call it, retarded.
I still am all in that pence is a white hat. The dems would never go along with steal unless they thought pence was on their side and Miller said they were running the most complicated spec ops in the "history of the United States armed forces"...that's a bold ass statement if you even know 1/10 of some of the spec ops operations we have run.
"Police said McGreevey reported that a man was forcing a young girl, 10-12 years of age, to perform sex acts on male customers at an adult bookstore where McGreevey worked in Edgewood.
Police said they did not find any evidence that his claims were valid."
Something seems suspect here, I'm sure more to come.
He is an undercover informant. If you know anything about McGreevey, you know that's what he does. He was stationed at this bookstore watching a drug ring when he saw this thing go down with the girl. He called the authorities who did nothing. Listen to the podcast likened linked below that gives all these details.
Apparently some articles are say he claimed he got the job as part of a Law Enforcement sting operation.
Of course almost nothing can reliably be verified as 100% fact. Given the nature of the people involved and what and who they’ve been involved with or at least claim to have been involved with in the past.
This is realistically going to come down if you like Lin Wood. Your probably going to believe it’s an attempt to shut this guy up.
If you don’t like Lin Wood. You’ll probably be happy because it undermines Lin.
I listened years ago when he was interviewed and said this is how they can frame you.. (interview was with Santa surfing by the way 🙄). Tons of questions around this guy.. edit: in that interview he said he was tortured and had kerosene poured down his throat. Santa Surfing was physically crying on air. He said Rod Rosenstien was the mastermind behind it.. Maybe someone archived it. Was on U-tube
RFK Jr.’s voice is from the Hepatitis B “vaccine“. As a health care worker, I was “strongly” encouraged to take it. My last shot caused vocal cord damage and diaphragm weakness resulting in spasmodic dysphonia. His is far worse than mine, but I believe him when he says that is the cause of his vocal difficulties.
In the scheme of things, it could be worse. I went to an acupuncturist in Mississauga, Canada (my husband happened to be doing business up there at that time) and the acupuncturist used needles in my vocal cord to electrically stimulate them. My voice was immediately 99% normal and the diaphragm fatigue went away permanently. However she advised twice a week treatments, which I couldn’t keep up d/t residing in the U.S. and having a full time nursing job back here. She also gave me herbs to steep into a tea to drink. My voice is far from perfect and is still affected by stress, lack of sleep, and weather, but I can live with it. Strangely I have never been healthier-rarely a cold or flu. I wish as a nurse back then, I knew what I know now. There is no way I or my children would ever be vaccinated. I count my blessings that I have my health, and my vocal issues are minor compared to the health issues that many people have. So I feel a God has been good to me, and never gives you more than you can handle. Thanks for your kind words, friend.
Another reason for loss of normal speech is from damage during surgery. My husband had an aortic dissection in 2018 and had surgery a year later. When they went in to repair the damage, they nicked one of his vocal cords and destroyed it. He had to have an implant put in in order ti be able to talk again but it has not been normal since and he lost his amazing singing voice.
I also know an elderly lady who has had throat cancer who barely has a voice anymore. I don’t know what she sounded like before as I haven’t known her for very long but I am sure it couldn’t have been like this.
Vocal cord damage can also happen during anesthesia if the ballon that blows up with air (to keep the breathing tube secured) isn’t inserted far enough. It can press against the cords during the procedure and paralyze them. So sad.
Yes. You can also have damage from intubation for anesthesia, if the vocal cords are damaged during the intubation from incorrect advancement/placement/or forceful placement.
I had two of the 3 doses in the mid 90s and now believe it caused my neuropathy in my feet as I was and am fairly healthy with no other comorbidities. I never thought about that possibility until the last few years with all of the information about what is in the "vaccines". Thank God I haven't had any jabs since then.
Wish my parents and I had know the damage that vaccines can do. I had childhood vaccines and my kids as well before learning about damages caused. I warned my girls and shared articles with them especially on the fact that aborted babies were used to create most vaccines. They both refused to ever vaccinate their kids after that.
Probably. It's been awhile since I saw them, so I don't remember where it was. Odyssee is another spot where this stuff gets uploaded. It was an interview done before Lin made him famous.
Not sure if I have the video you're speaking of. I'm currently uploading it to Rumble. It's about 1 hour and 47 mins long (I believe). Once that's done, I'll follow up with a new reply to your comment.
Of course, you know because I'm deaf, I don't know what's going on in that video but because I wanted to archive everything possible in case of anything, I archived that interview with JohnHereToHelp and I believe it was the one with SantaSurfing or whatever his handle was.
Have you always been deaf? I have been losing my hearing gradually since my teens from constant ear infections which never healed and doctors kept giving me the same antibiotics which I told them numerous times weren’t working. All of it caused by everything was allergic to being in our house. It gets worse when I go back to WA to visit as the fluid builds up in my inner ears which caused the damage to my ear drums. I have hearing aids that I hate wearing and it doesn’t feel like they help much and the constant white noise drives me nuts so I rarely wear them plus my husband can’t get no latter how many times I tell him that they don’t help when someone’s on the other side of a wall or walking away from you 20’ away or have alot of noise next to you or you head in a hole repairing or retrieving something. Since no one in my family knows sign language nor anyone else I am around it wouldn’t do me much good if I tried to learn more than the basics that I know from years ago when I worked with developmentally disabled kids, some of whom were deaf.
Hey, sorry for the late reply but yes I've been deaf since I was a baby. I had spinal meningitis, which most likely caused my deafness. I was born hearing until the spinal meningitis.
Your ear infection condition sounds so much like my wife's ear condition. She is deaf and has been since she was a baby and the cause is unknown (ear infection, genetics or something else?) but she have had a lot of ear infections, to the point where treatments like antibiotics she assume she have had, didn't work.
Her mother took her to a specialist, for which I believe was an ENT specialist and they installed tubes in her ears. From the installation to when she was 5 years old, it was successful until one of the tubes fell out of her ears. Since then as she's an adult now, she haven't had a lot of ear infection, but when she does, it's usually in the ear that don't have the tube in.
Totally understand where you are coming from on sign language and I don't blame you.
If you have always been able to hear for a long time until you started losing hearing, maybe cochlear implants (CI's) may be a good alternative for you? I am not a strong advocate of CI's but that's for when you've been deaf your whole life so getting CI's is not ideal for you.
Your situation may be different as if you have been able to hear, your brain still have the auditory memories so you should be able to pick up on the sounds faster than a deaf person who have never been able to hear properly their whole life, like me for example. I've met two hearing people who have CI's and they say they are able to hear well with CI's due to them being able to hear for the most part of their lives so that's why they're able to use CI's effectively than deaf people.
I had the same issue as you on wearing hearing aids and hearing white noise. Later on, I've developed tinnitus, which was so bothersome, I had to stop wearing it.
I don't know what to suggest on the communication part but like you mentioned, there isn't anyone in your vicinity that knows sign language so ASL isn't beneficial for you. Maybe install an app on your phone that will transcribe the conversations for you so you can reply back?
I have Live Transcribe on my Android phone that works pretty well enough for me to communicate with anyone, including my kid, who's hearing. My kid knows ASL but sometimes when my kid don't know how to spell the word as well as the sign for that word and we don't know what my kid is trying to say, we use the Live Transcribe app then we teach our kid the sign as well as how to spell the word. It's a great tool for us so it should help you out as well!
Ask me any questions you may have and you can PM me if it works better for you!
Thanks, that is helpful. I did get tubes put in my ears when I was 21 but they were so painful, I had them removed almost immediately. Tinnitus is the ringing noise right? I have had the ringing off and on most of my life.
I have a 2nd cousin who is deaf that happened after he had a super high fever when he was two and he had already begun speaking so he knew some words. His wife is deaf as well but their two daughters are hearing. They live next door to his wife’s folks, so they get help in that area which is nice. I think he recently got cochlear implants put in. Schools always treated him differently and sent him off to a school for handicapped.
Ah I see, sorry the tubes didn't work well for you.
Yes, tinnitus is the ringing in the ear(s). I sometimes get it when my blood pressure spikes but I got it under control most of the time, especially now that I don't wear my hearing aid anymore.
My wife have several deaf relatives and the cause of their deafness is also unknown but they all suspect it's more of a genetic/hereditary thing than any symptoms they had when they were babies.
As for schools, yeah I've been noticing that in many areas, like the state I'm living in right now, who mistreat deaf people in the education system. That is very unfortunate as I went through one of the best education systems in America (that may be my opinion but how they treat the deaf students were top-notch as we received a lot of assistance and attention). My wife went through one of the worst deaf education systems ever but she came out of it fine with some minor issues but her classmates weren't fortunate enough as they've struggled to get by with the hearing people (i.e. communicating/socializing and working with hearing people).
I hope you have this figured out soon but like I said, don't hesitate to ask me any questions you may have!
Thanks. Personally I believe the entire public school system needs to crash and burn, but that’s an entirely different topic…
One of my nieces on my dad’s side and a cousin’s daughter on my mom’s side both had same issue as me I found out, where our ear canals grew straight out rather than a downward slope like most people which didn’t allow for proper drainage of fluids like normal folks, causing hearing and speech struggles when they were growing up.. Thankfully tubes helped both of them.
A candidate running for U.S. Senate in Maryland is facing charges after investigators said he lied to deputies about child sex trafficking.
The Harford County Sheriff's Office arrested 54-year-old Ryan Dark White, also known as Dr. Jon McGreevey, on Friday.
Police said McGreevey reported that a man was forcing a young girl, 10-12 years of age, to perform sex acts on male customers at an adult bookstore where McGreevey worked in Edgewood.
Police said they did not find any evidence that his claims were valid.
White is being charged with false statements to a law enforcement officer. He is currently being held at the Harford County Detention Center.
Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler issued a statement on the arrest: "It is shameful that a candidate for public office would make up such a story and use it to further his own political agenda. It is even more appalling that another individual, who is running for a law enforcement position, would embrace such an obviously false narrative in an effort to gain political traction – nothing more. I am beyond grateful this young girl is safe, but extremely disappointed someone would attempt to discredit and disparage the work of the dedicated men and women of the Harford County Sheriff's Office and Child Advocacy Center. Fearmongering and antagonism caused wasted time and energy by our personnel, whose time would have been better served protecting the citizens of Harford County, instead of investigating lies."
Proof like that is almost impossible to come by, until it's found. Delay judgement. No body knows for sure what's going on with anything except the people involved in the crimes, corruption, and cover ups, and those that are hunting the conspirators down. Seems to me that there are those in power trying to keep this man down. Then again, he could be a raging nutter.
Look up "Bush River Books & Video" in Edgewood Maryland. Looks like something out of Twin Peaks, and more of a hookup/swinger/whatever spot than a book store.
FP5V+M8 Abingdon, Maryland, USA
"Gonna be at bush river tonight about 1130. Hoping to hook up with another female and have some fun"
"Heard some good things, anyone still use this place right now? Maybe today?"
"Three stars because it's trashy. Which is good. Need new couches. Plastic covers would be perfect"
"Might try this place out is it good for hook ups, im 22 and a cd bottom"
"Is there there any ladies going tonight let me know"
"Went with my husband after the gold's gentleman club Saturday night may 29th 2016.. worset experience ever... total sausage fest. no couples or women. very dark.. very gross.. not clean one bit. definitely NOT SAFE. if your looking to get swarmed by a bunch of creepy old men be my guest. previous reviews of this book store are totally bogus.. would NEVER GO BACK. don't even really want to give it 1 star.. only good thing about that place is the gentleman that works there.. very honest and nice. thank you for your honesty. BEWARE OF BUSH RIVER.. NOT COOL AT ALL."
I remember during the later Clinton and early to middle Obama first term when those in officialdom or msm that questioned or accused the regime of wrong doing, would suddenly have cheese pizza "found" on their computers.
No trials. Just arrests and then gone.
Imo, the one to be digging into in this is the Sheriff.
Just because something doesn't get reported don't mean it didn't happen.
And, we all know damn well that a lot of what does get reported on specific issues never makes it to the database.
What he said re the episode in the store could be 100% sex trafficking truth and "they" want the story buried. And as far as Rosenstein and WEISSMAN) They are so freaking guilty of evil deceptions
I will add Lin's comments below from his TG channel on July 16th for your consideration:
I just betcha that the Deep State operatives are going to use this development regarding whistleblower Jon McGreevey to attack me.
I stand by what I said about Jon. I found him to be a nice man and a credible whistleblower. I felt his information merited investigation by law enforcement. I have not changed my mind on those points.
The games the Deep State plays.
Identify the individuals or entities who attack me or try to demean me because of my brief association with Jon.
They are Deep State operatives.
Make sense to you? It sure does make sense to me.
After I met with Jon McGreevey, I discussed his story with Garrett Ziegler (who I have not followed in months).
Garrett told me he had also met with Jon and found him credible and had safely secured Jon’s documentation in an offshore location.
Who was getting played? Me? Jon? Both. Or just me.
Time will tell.
I know a couple of months ago, Jon told me for the first time that he had talked with Sidney Powell about possibly having information that could help Mike Flynn before he ever contacted me. He said he was looking for a lawyer and Sidney said she might help him after he sent her the information. He said he sent it to her and never heard back from her. He sent me screen shots of his contact with Sidney by Twitter DM.
As I said, I did not know about this interaction with Sidney when I met with Jon.
I do know that Jon’s story made a lot of sense and I felt strongly that it should be investigated to see if it was true, but it has never been investigated to this day as far as I know.
Jon McGreevey told me that he loved Jesus Christ. I believed him. His story was heart-wrenching.
I understand Jon will have a lot more to say about what he believes is a fake charge against him.
I will extend him grace as we all should until we hear his side of the story about this interestingly-timed criminal charge.
Seem like the right thing to do, wouldn’t you agree?
After all there are 2 sides to every story. Someone tell that simple TRUTH to ALL the Deep State operatives who interviewed Kyle Rittenhouse after his “alleged acquittal” to let him falsely accuse me nationally
and abroad without ever contacting me to get my side of the story.
The Deep State never wants the TRUTH to get in the way of its self-created propaganda.
Weird choice of pictures. Surely not his arrest picture. Red background and shadowing from above. Is this picture from a membership card to the satan club?
I'm not making any judgements because I don't know the truth. I saw his testimonies, nothing came off as being bullshit.
It could go both ways tho. It could be that deep state is trying to silence him. Who knows anymore.
I agree đź‘€ on...! I wish I had that interview archived.
Here are some that I saved: (Interview transcript of whistleblower JohnHereToHelp aka Ryan Dark White re: Rod Rosenstein, Pence, Judge Roberts, and others many crimes) Part 1 (Audio Volume Fixed) Part 2 Part 3 (Video of interviews with whistleblower JohnHereToHelp aka Ryan Dark White re: Rod Rosenstein and others many crimes)
Thank you !
He's a Ballchinian or maybe a Nutneckian.
Well, you are what you eat after all.
That's crazy. Had to scroll back up to see the picture, but then, first coffee spit-up of the day for me.
Too many dickheads with zero humor or good sense here. What do you call it when you think you're awake but your indoctrination credits have only transferred?
I think people are likely downvoting the comments because they're puerile and shallow. The man in question is someone that's provided a lot of information over the past couple of years and at every turn has called out some very bad people.
Is he as advertised? I won't pretend to know. But speaking only for myself, I find your brand of comments to be, as the kids call it, retarded.
So, we’re judging people on looks now? Isn’t that as bad as judging by color of skin?
Well, yea. Mostly funny look'n folks.
....he could also use a hat....but not one that makes him look more like a dick....that would also not be a good thing
And what is that? A landing strip on his chin??
I still am all in that pence is a white hat. The dems would never go along with steal unless they thought pence was on their side and Miller said they were running the most complicated spec ops in the "history of the United States armed forces"...that's a bold ass statement if you even know 1/10 of some of the spec ops operations we have run.
"Police said McGreevey reported that a man was forcing a young girl, 10-12 years of age, to perform sex acts on male customers at an adult bookstore where McGreevey worked in Edgewood.
Police said they did not find any evidence that his claims were valid."
Something seems suspect here, I'm sure more to come.
Maybe that he works at an adult bookstore🤷‍♀️
So this whole time JohnHereToHelp was a creep working at an adult bookstore? That’s disappointing
He is an undercover informant. If you know anything about McGreevey, you know that's what he does. He was stationed at this bookstore watching a drug ring when he saw this thing go down with the girl. He called the authorities who did nothing. Listen to the podcast likened linked below that gives all these details.
Oh thanks appreciate the info
TONS of places hiring, and he chooses a porn book store 🙄
Apparently some articles are say he claimed he got the job as part of a Law Enforcement sting operation.
Of course almost nothing can reliably be verified as 100% fact. Given the nature of the people involved and what and who they’ve been involved with or at least claim to have been involved with in the past.
This is realistically going to come down if you like Lin Wood. Your probably going to believe it’s an attempt to shut this guy up.
If you don’t like Lin Wood. You’ll probably be happy because it undermines Lin.
An agent invigilating the local contact channels of pedophiles?
I listened years ago when he was interviewed and said this is how they can frame you.. (interview was with Santa surfing by the way 🙄). Tons of questions around this guy.. edit: in that interview he said he was tortured and had kerosene poured down his throat. Santa Surfing was physically crying on air. He said Rod Rosenstien was the mastermind behind it.. Maybe someone archived it. Was on U-tube
RFK Jr.’s voice is from the Hepatitis B “vaccine“. As a health care worker, I was “strongly” encouraged to take it. My last shot caused vocal cord damage and diaphragm weakness resulting in spasmodic dysphonia. His is far worse than mine, but I believe him when he says that is the cause of his vocal difficulties.
Bloody hell... thanks for the info. Sorry you're suffering from asshoe science
In the scheme of things, it could be worse. I went to an acupuncturist in Mississauga, Canada (my husband happened to be doing business up there at that time) and the acupuncturist used needles in my vocal cord to electrically stimulate them. My voice was immediately 99% normal and the diaphragm fatigue went away permanently. However she advised twice a week treatments, which I couldn’t keep up d/t residing in the U.S. and having a full time nursing job back here. She also gave me herbs to steep into a tea to drink. My voice is far from perfect and is still affected by stress, lack of sleep, and weather, but I can live with it. Strangely I have never been healthier-rarely a cold or flu. I wish as a nurse back then, I knew what I know now. There is no way I or my children would ever be vaccinated. I count my blessings that I have my health, and my vocal issues are minor compared to the health issues that many people have. So I feel a God has been good to me, and never gives you more than you can handle. Thanks for your kind words, friend.
Another reason for loss of normal speech is from damage during surgery. My husband had an aortic dissection in 2018 and had surgery a year later. When they went in to repair the damage, they nicked one of his vocal cords and destroyed it. He had to have an implant put in in order ti be able to talk again but it has not been normal since and he lost his amazing singing voice. I also know an elderly lady who has had throat cancer who barely has a voice anymore. I don’t know what she sounded like before as I haven’t known her for very long but I am sure it couldn’t have been like this.
Vocal cord damage can also happen during anesthesia if the ballon that blows up with air (to keep the breathing tube secured) isn’t inserted far enough. It can press against the cords during the procedure and paralyze them. So sad.
Yes. You can also have damage from intubation for anesthesia, if the vocal cords are damaged during the intubation from incorrect advancement/placement/or forceful placement.
I had two of the 3 doses in the mid 90s and now believe it caused my neuropathy in my feet as I was and am fairly healthy with no other comorbidities. I never thought about that possibility until the last few years with all of the information about what is in the "vaccines". Thank God I haven't had any jabs since then.
Wish my parents and I had know the damage that vaccines can do. I had childhood vaccines and my kids as well before learning about damages caused. I warned my girls and shared articles with them especially on the fact that aborted babies were used to create most vaccines. They both refused to ever vaccinate their kids after that.
In one interview, John said it felt like he had an unpopped piece of popcorn stuck in his throat all the time from his torture.
Probably. It's been awhile since I saw them, so I don't remember where it was. Odyssee is another spot where this stuff gets uploaded. It was an interview done before Lin made him famous.
Oh how awful !!
Not sure if I have the video you're speaking of. I'm currently uploading it to Rumble. It's about 1 hour and 47 mins long (I believe). Once that's done, I'll follow up with a new reply to your comment.
Of course, you know because I'm deaf, I don't know what's going on in that video but because I wanted to archive everything possible in case of anything, I archived that interview with JohnHereToHelp and I believe it was the one with SantaSurfing or whatever his handle was.
Thank you for the archiving!
Thank you !
Have you always been deaf? I have been losing my hearing gradually since my teens from constant ear infections which never healed and doctors kept giving me the same antibiotics which I told them numerous times weren’t working. All of it caused by everything was allergic to being in our house. It gets worse when I go back to WA to visit as the fluid builds up in my inner ears which caused the damage to my ear drums. I have hearing aids that I hate wearing and it doesn’t feel like they help much and the constant white noise drives me nuts so I rarely wear them plus my husband can’t get no latter how many times I tell him that they don’t help when someone’s on the other side of a wall or walking away from you 20’ away or have alot of noise next to you or you head in a hole repairing or retrieving something. Since no one in my family knows sign language nor anyone else I am around it wouldn’t do me much good if I tried to learn more than the basics that I know from years ago when I worked with developmentally disabled kids, some of whom were deaf.
Hey, sorry for the late reply but yes I've been deaf since I was a baby. I had spinal meningitis, which most likely caused my deafness. I was born hearing until the spinal meningitis.
Your ear infection condition sounds so much like my wife's ear condition. She is deaf and has been since she was a baby and the cause is unknown (ear infection, genetics or something else?) but she have had a lot of ear infections, to the point where treatments like antibiotics she assume she have had, didn't work.
Her mother took her to a specialist, for which I believe was an ENT specialist and they installed tubes in her ears. From the installation to when she was 5 years old, it was successful until one of the tubes fell out of her ears. Since then as she's an adult now, she haven't had a lot of ear infection, but when she does, it's usually in the ear that don't have the tube in.
It looks similar to this:
Totally understand where you are coming from on sign language and I don't blame you.
If you have always been able to hear for a long time until you started losing hearing, maybe cochlear implants (CI's) may be a good alternative for you? I am not a strong advocate of CI's but that's for when you've been deaf your whole life so getting CI's is not ideal for you.
Your situation may be different as if you have been able to hear, your brain still have the auditory memories so you should be able to pick up on the sounds faster than a deaf person who have never been able to hear properly their whole life, like me for example. I've met two hearing people who have CI's and they say they are able to hear well with CI's due to them being able to hear for the most part of their lives so that's why they're able to use CI's effectively than deaf people.
I had the same issue as you on wearing hearing aids and hearing white noise. Later on, I've developed tinnitus, which was so bothersome, I had to stop wearing it.
I don't know what to suggest on the communication part but like you mentioned, there isn't anyone in your vicinity that knows sign language so ASL isn't beneficial for you. Maybe install an app on your phone that will transcribe the conversations for you so you can reply back?
I have Live Transcribe on my Android phone that works pretty well enough for me to communicate with anyone, including my kid, who's hearing. My kid knows ASL but sometimes when my kid don't know how to spell the word as well as the sign for that word and we don't know what my kid is trying to say, we use the Live Transcribe app then we teach our kid the sign as well as how to spell the word. It's a great tool for us so it should help you out as well!
Ask me any questions you may have and you can PM me if it works better for you!
Thanks, that is helpful. I did get tubes put in my ears when I was 21 but they were so painful, I had them removed almost immediately. Tinnitus is the ringing noise right? I have had the ringing off and on most of my life. I have a 2nd cousin who is deaf that happened after he had a super high fever when he was two and he had already begun speaking so he knew some words. His wife is deaf as well but their two daughters are hearing. They live next door to his wife’s folks, so they get help in that area which is nice. I think he recently got cochlear implants put in. Schools always treated him differently and sent him off to a school for handicapped.
Ah I see, sorry the tubes didn't work well for you.
Yes, tinnitus is the ringing in the ear(s). I sometimes get it when my blood pressure spikes but I got it under control most of the time, especially now that I don't wear my hearing aid anymore.
My wife have several deaf relatives and the cause of their deafness is also unknown but they all suspect it's more of a genetic/hereditary thing than any symptoms they had when they were babies.
As for schools, yeah I've been noticing that in many areas, like the state I'm living in right now, who mistreat deaf people in the education system. That is very unfortunate as I went through one of the best education systems in America (that may be my opinion but how they treat the deaf students were top-notch as we received a lot of assistance and attention). My wife went through one of the worst deaf education systems ever but she came out of it fine with some minor issues but her classmates weren't fortunate enough as they've struggled to get by with the hearing people (i.e. communicating/socializing and working with hearing people).
I hope you have this figured out soon but like I said, don't hesitate to ask me any questions you may have!
Thanks. Personally I believe the entire public school system needs to crash and burn, but that’s an entirely different topic… One of my nieces on my dad’s side and a cousin’s daughter on my mom’s side both had same issue as me I found out, where our ear canals grew straight out rather than a downward slope like most people which didn’t allow for proper drainage of fluids like normal folks, causing hearing and speech struggles when they were growing up.. Thankfully tubes helped both of them.
Here you go:
Hope I got the right one.
FYI Edgewood Arsenal is in Edgewood MD where this happened were MK Ultra classed drug experiments were carried out on soldiers, and more:
Just pointing out that longterm clandestine black hat operations were conducted in Edgewood since WWI/WWII to the present.
Props to realcleanupphilly
News Link:
This content is region locked.
I recommend using Mullvad if you need a VPN.
Proof like that is almost impossible to come by, until it's found. Delay judgement. No body knows for sure what's going on with anything except the people involved in the crimes, corruption, and cover ups, and those that are hunting the conspirators down. Seems to me that there are those in power trying to keep this man down. Then again, he could be a raging nutter.
100% Agreed.. let's see what happens !
Are all false statements charged? Do they have to run it by Soros or another deep state handler first?
Seems like it’s unevenly applied.
Kent Hovind got too close to the target and was arrested for evading taxes he didn't owe.
Then an easily-blackmailed jury convicted him and he spent a decade in prison.
100% l have his cd collection. Actually gave out my vhs collection.. Smart man very smart. He turned me on to Behold a Pale Horse 👍🇺🇸
I wonder why he got married four times, though. Granted, Trump himself was three times.
Not to mention that domestic-abuse charge that I'm sure was a lie.
So he has a right to defense and prove his statements are not false… How to submit evidence 101 in a corrupt court.
Pence IS a pedophile. And this IS what they do to whistleblowers.
Do we have proof?
Not that I’ve seen or heard…
Proof? What can be proved?
Look up: Pence Indiana child trafficking
See what u find.
I use to follow this guy. He seemed genuine. I guess this is one way to try and take him off the ballot and prevent him from winning.
Just so you know I'm not full of shit he had the pink pig as an Avatar on twit ....
In edgewood huh?
You say that as if Edgewood is significant. A quick word search here on GAW resulted in nothing. What's happened in Edgewood?
FYI Edgewood Arsenal is in Edgewood MD where this happened were MK Ultra classed drug experiments were carried out on soldiers, and more:
Just pointing out that longterm clandestine black hat operations were conducted in Edgewood since WWI/WWII to the present.
Look up "Bush River Books & Video" in Edgewood Maryland. Looks like something out of Twin Peaks, and more of a hookup/swinger/whatever spot than a book store.
FP5V+M8 Abingdon, Maryland, USA
"Gonna be at bush river tonight about 1130. Hoping to hook up with another female and have some fun"
"Heard some good things, anyone still use this place right now? Maybe today?"
"Three stars because it's trashy. Which is good. Need new couches. Plastic covers would be perfect"
"Might try this place out is it good for hook ups, im 22 and a cd bottom"
"Is there there any ladies going tonight let me know"
"Went with my husband after the gold's gentleman club Saturday night may 29th 2016.. worset experience ever... total sausage fest. no couples or women. very dark.. very gross.. not clean one bit. definitely NOT SAFE. if your looking to get swarmed by a bunch of creepy old men be my guest. previous reviews of this book store are totally bogus.. would NEVER GO BACK. don't even really want to give it 1 star.. only good thing about that place is the gentleman that works there.. very honest and nice. thank you for your honesty. BEWARE OF BUSH RIVER.. NOT COOL AT ALL."
Read last sentence...
I always said that dude was full of shit.......not that being charged is NECESSARILY proof of such becuase they could be trying to silence him.....
He "predicted" the 2020 steal..
Everyone knew it was coming
Didn’t really need to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out.
Yeah, but he posted very specific things like they will stop counting for 2 hours.
If he has any proof of pence being a pedo, guess what is about to get entered into court evidence......
I remember during the later Clinton and early to middle Obama first term when those in officialdom or msm that questioned or accused the regime of wrong doing, would suddenly have cheese pizza "found" on their computers.
No trials. Just arrests and then gone.
Imo, the one to be digging into in this is the Sheriff.
Just because something doesn't get reported don't mean it didn't happen.
And, we all know damn well that a lot of what does get reported on specific issues never makes it to the database.
Correct that's definitely one way they rid people !
For further context, consider this article:
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan: Mike Pence 'one of my closest friends' among governors
What he said re the episode in the store could be 100% sex trafficking truth and "they" want the story buried. And as far as Rosenstein and WEISSMAN) They are so freaking guilty of evil deceptions
Silver Fox or Silver Fuck? The Debate Continues
"You are lying to cops about powerful people being pedos. By the way we deleted your proof. We are now arresting you".
Seems par for the course with deep staye frame jobs.
I mean its possible he is lying. But 99 out of 100 times they arrest the honest people to protect the evil ones.
Should have a sworn duty to lie to agents of the government.
It’s all in what they do when they’re accused.
I will add Lin's comments below from his TG channel on July 16th for your consideration:
I just betcha that the Deep State operatives are going to use this development regarding whistleblower Jon McGreevey to attack me.
I stand by what I said about Jon. I found him to be a nice man and a credible whistleblower. I felt his information merited investigation by law enforcement. I have not changed my mind on those points.
The games the Deep State plays.
Identify the individuals or entities who attack me or try to demean me because of my brief association with Jon.
They are Deep State operatives.
Make sense to you? It sure does make sense to me.
After I met with Jon McGreevey, I discussed his story with Garrett Ziegler (who I have not followed in months).
Garrett told me he had also met with Jon and found him credible and had safely secured Jon’s documentation in an offshore location.
Who was getting played? Me? Jon? Both. Or just me.
Time will tell.
I know a couple of months ago, Jon told me for the first time that he had talked with Sidney Powell about possibly having information that could help Mike Flynn before he ever contacted me. He said he was looking for a lawyer and Sidney said she might help him after he sent her the information. He said he sent it to her and never heard back from her. He sent me screen shots of his contact with Sidney by Twitter DM.
As I said, I did not know about this interaction with Sidney when I met with Jon.
I do know that Jon’s story made a lot of sense and I felt strongly that it should be investigated to see if it was true, but it has never been investigated to this day as far as I know.
Jon McGreevey told me that he loved Jesus Christ. I believed him. His story was heart-wrenching.
I understand Jon will have a lot more to say about what he believes is a fake charge against him.
I will extend him grace as we all should until we hear his side of the story about this interestingly-timed criminal charge.
Seem like the right thing to do, wouldn’t you agree?
After all there are 2 sides to every story. Someone tell that simple TRUTH to ALL the Deep State operatives who interviewed Kyle Rittenhouse after his “alleged acquittal” to let him falsely accuse me nationally and abroad without ever contacting me to get my side of the story.
The Deep State never wants the TRUTH to get in the way of its self-created propaganda.
Just sayin.’
The games the Deep State plays.
Butt-holy chin, Batman!
Is this a case of openly arresting political adversaries? Maybe a little too close to the truth?
Weird choice of pictures. Surely not his arrest picture. Red background and shadowing from above. Is this picture from a membership card to the satan club?