You shouldn't confuse the post heading with me having a full grasp of the plan. That's not what I am saying or trying to imply.
Rather, to me, it appears the plan has either been compromised or is stalled somehow.
If you look pay attention to what's happening with the younger generations, it's like watching food rot. There's no reversing it once it starts and it appears to be right into the core.
At what point are these kids a lost cause? Their little puppets in their so called entertainment industries get bigger and bigger and they aren't allocated to domestic populations. They are global.
You ever think you'd see kids in Pakistan openly dancing to Kpop on social media like a bunch of sissies? This is even becoming normalized in the hardest countries.
Now remove yourselves from your immediate family or circle of patriots and think about the general pop. Are these people ready? Are they even willing to question the system?
I don't think they are even close.
The central bankers are in complete control. How could the plan not account for things like SDR's (Special Drawing Rights)? Central Bank Digital Currencies (which are being drawn up as we speak) and Digital ID's.
I do not recall any mention of these 3 major issues mentioned by Q.
While the "elections" appear to the main focus, the government is passing bill after bill after bill that just gives them the power to do, spend and intrude on whatever they want.
What about "climate change"? They are moving full steam ahead with that one which also includes "supply chain issues", "shortages" and a bunch of other nonsense.
In my honest opinion, covid fucked the plan up big time. I really do believe this. Why? Because we got to truly see just how fast people were willing to submit not only their bodily autonomy, but their children's as well. Right to the state.
That was the test. And normies failed. Big time.
Now you can argue that it also woke up many people but we all know they can never get everyone on board. Because the system, once integrated digitally into the currency (currently happening), will put the majority into a situation where they have to comply or lose what they have. This is no different than covid QR codes. And that was for jobs, not spending on everything.
IF they (Q and whoever else the plan is) don't address this or we don't see some massive news in that regard, then it's over.
I'm not here to burst any bubbles or be a doomer. It is what it is. These are just my thoughts and observations as time goes on.
And I know down votes are coming but get a grip.
Q is right on schedule. Watch the next 3 months.
Q knew that they would unleash a man-made pandemic back in 2017. It changed nothing.
The problem with the schedule is that the rot is occurring in society faster and faster.There was an anon here who used to argue with people that Q had to do things according to the letter of the law. Well, this may be one of the major problems.
Watch the zoomers in Europe crack under the pressure during the gas shortage this winter
There's a feud brewing in the LGBT+= "community", see "Gays against Pedos"
More people are regretting covid vaccination with every "side effect" they experience
Wait until China invades Taiwan, TikTok will get mass boycotted under #SaveTaiwan
We'll see. But I don't believe an invasion of Taiwan will happen. I think these fear porns are purposely put out there.
Gays vs pedos is meaningless. That whole culture and lifestyle is incompatible with the great awakening. Homosexuality being accepted in society in any capacity outside of private residence will lead to the same thing over and over.
You ever looked into what commonalities dying empires had? Inflation, Homosexuality, sex obsessed societies, gluttony and degenerating morality.
I think the energy crisis in Europe for the winter is fear porn as well. It's a classic tool to pump up revenue and profit.
This! ☝🏻 Those who do not remember history are destined to repeat it and what does history tell us about sexuality? Sexual degeneracy is the precursor to every great empire’s downfall and western civilization already took that degenerate yellow brick road, no thanks to all the flower children in the 60’s. 🤷🏼♀️
I don’t think it ever went away. Weimar Republic in Germany right before ww2 had trannies and all sorts of degeneracy too. And of course we go back to Ancient Greece and Rome you can always read about famous political figures or writers with their “boy companion”.
True, but I would say during WWII it wasn’t widely accepted throughout western civilization. “Shotgun wedding” didn’t become a saying b/c people were having babies out of wedlock. And definitely there was sexual degeneracy during Ancient Greece and Roman times but I believe when Rome started to fall/fell was when the degeneracy was wide spread and accepted w/ orgies going on, etc. Sexual degeneracy, crime, corruption, murder, etc., have always existed b/c of the fallen state of man. However, I think a key difference is whether societies as a whole accept and normalize those things vs individuals being sexual degenerates/evil. If that makes sounds logical in my head. 😜🤷🏼♀️😂😂
Makes total sense
The Parable of the Weeds 24 Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26 When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.
27 “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’
28 “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.
“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’
29 “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”
The Parable of the Weeds Explained 36 Then he left the crowd and went into the house. His disciples came to him and said, “Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field.”
37 He answered, “The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. 38 The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the people of the kingdom. The weeds are the people of the evil one, 39 and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels.
40 “As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age. 41 The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. 42 They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 43 Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears, let them hear.
You are probably right, fren.
The plan, if it was a good, comprehensive plan and thoroughly thought out with all its consequences evaluated, had to include the "pandemic" and the "vaccines" and all of their consequences.
That means the plan provided for several billion people being vaxxed. Many of those people have died and very many more are going to die as the bioweapons do their work.
No one knows how many will have been killed by the vaxxes twenty years from now but from here it looks like the world is going to be quite different.
So what was/is the plan and how "good" is it?
Shall we ask the children whose parents were murdered? Shall we ask the parents whose children were killed? Shall we ask the lonely man or woman on his death bed?
There are millions of them to ask. Soon there will be billions.
That's quite some plan.
This is a valid concern fren.
What must be recognized is that we are at war.
We are in an information war.
We are in a bioweapons war.
We are in a psychological war.
Use Game Theory in your analysis of the Plandemic, and you will realize that we are on the only path through this madness that wouldn't result in the total collapse of the United States Republic, and the permanent loss of the American way of life.
You must realize that even though the vaccines have definitely killed millions of people, the complete communist takeover of America, and the Global Thermonuclear War that was planned under Hillary's coronation would have resulted in a complete eradication of every American patriot.
The key to sanity in this horror show is that President Trump always insisted on a choice. He never advocated for a mandate of the vaccine. His record is clean. He recommended it, but the mandates all came from Democrat communists and their tyrant overlords. This is a very important distinction to make, and will be a key part to the Nuremburg 2.0 trials that will come of this in a matter of time.
Another perspective that must be taken in order to maintain sanity is that this was the only way to bring down the behemoth pharmaceutical corporatocracy that rules over the west. Imagine the countless lives that have been lost over the past hundred years from Big Pharma and their corrupt money grubbing "scientists" who rubber stamp any and every treatment that rakes in the cash. The goal always had to be a complete and total collapse and demolition of the tyrannical medical industry and their corporate interests.
In order for Big Pharma to collapse, people had to be shown their corruption. Q told us many times that you cannot simply tell people this information, you have to show them, demonstrate it to them, and lead them to the consequences of ignorance. The fact of the matter is that people were told about the harmful aspects of the vaccine, and they still went out and got it. Many made a concious decision to trade their medical sovereignty for a temporary reprieve of the medical martial law of 2020.
The innocents that I do agree deserve none of this are the children who could not give their consent. I do pray for them every day. Make no mistake, there will be hell to pay for those behind this sinister genocidal plot.
Lots of people here throw game theory and "Hilary would have" without really understanding what they are saying.
Why would Hiliarys reign have been any different? I would argue under Trump it worked out better for them post covid.
A lot of people are forgetting the woke movement entirely. Trump, white man. Biden, white man. Both elderly.
Both of them were mocked by social media, the media and the general pop for acting like fools and saying retarded shit regardless of context.
If I were running the show and wanted to tire the pop of these "old white men", I would pump Trump, create a "successful economy", which it was not. Why? Because Trump followed the printing of money just like Obama did. Biden followed that up. Trump also kept pointing to the stock market as a sign of success. It's not. The stock market was pumped from Obama printing to Trump printing and even pumped during Bidens first printing rounds.
I would then pump covid during Trump, divide the pop with jabs and mandates, tire them out and install implement the QR code (test run for digital ID).
No, I am not convinced Hiliaries reign would have been the "communist globalist hell fire" people seem to think it would have been in.
The jab plan was told to us in the 80's under 'conspiracy theorists"
People act like these plans are just punted last minute.
Nah. Not convincing enough, fren.
This should be stickied. People keep getting angry at the amount of people hurt by the vax. But how many more would have died had they continued the Lockdown for 5-10 years? What would happen to the rights of people then? While this scenario is not good, the other scenario is way worse. Also, what would have been another way to prevent any deaths? I have yet to hear anyone else come up with a better plan other than “ well trump shouldn’t have pushed the vaccine”.
The problem with the schedule is that the rot is occurring in society faster and faster.
Here's where you and I disagree. I do not believe the rot is occurring (or spreading) faster and faster. I believe we have begun noticing it more and more as it is pulled out from under cover.
A visualization attempt. Imagine you're checking on someone with a wound covered with a large bandage. The bandage is dirty and crusty (as we used to be limited in seeing the situation), but as the bandage is pulled back, the uglier, nastier and more grotesque the wound is shown to be. Full blown gangrene. Limb will have to be amputated.
Before the reveal of removing the bandage, you could only guess at how bad things might be underneath the bandage's cover. Now, the bandage is off and its all there to see.
Q and all the happenings since, were the bandage being removed.
Now we see it all for what it really is.
And now we can begin to wrap our heads' around what has to be done.
There is a lot of mixed messaging around that last bit. "What has to be done".
Winning elections is intensely more difficult when they cheat and have no accountability, for example.
Protesting is intensely more difficult when they send their goons out to infiltrate and divide.
Firm and violent action is against what Q has implied a myriad of times, and would be difficult to gain public approval for.
Changing laws will always be restricted by X judge or Y supreme court, or blocked by the illegitimate "reps in name only" types.
So, it's tough for people to wrap their heads around "what must be done", because "what must be done" is not a clearly defined thing.
For now, we are here to act as digital soldiers to consume and disseminate information and be ready to guide people to answers for their questions.
I'm not sure what, beyond any of the above that the plan specifically has for us to do.
How many times do we have to be told what our part in this is for people to shut the fuck up, settle down, and get to work on it?
Spread! The! Word!
Nothing durable can be done. Nothing of value can be accomplished, unless and until enough of our fellow citizens are awake to the issues so that they can not only avoid getting manipulated into going into the streets to "prevent a coupe" and thereby protect the deep state, but also know enough to keep an eye on shit to make sure it doesn't just start all over again.
Is our assigned task.
The whining and whinging is like a private soldier, fresh out of bootcamp, whining and moaning because he can't figure how the war will be won.
"Sometimes you have to SHOW them."
Oh noes, the chaff is rotting, what ever will become of the wheat now?
I'm thinking it's going to be ok. Let's see how it plays out.
To break the cabal's plan to completely control the human race, it requires the society to go back a few hundred years, which normies and even us aren't prepared to do.
Their digital currency and digital ID + chip can only work if the power grid and Internet are both up. If we take it down, they have no power.
Example: In Canada, Rogers network went down on one of the days in July, it crippled half of the country, including banking and transportation and government services. Cash was king that day.
Practically speaking, almost none of us are prepared to go back to the Middle Ages to escape the totalitarian digital control. Hence, I somewhat agree with you that the Plan was f---ed.
Well.. I'm not so sure. If they have it all, they know of all the ones in charge of said cabal. It shouldn't be difficult to remove them from the equation and work their way down.
When you cut off all heads of the hydra at once, the body starts flailing in pain and panic.
Why is this stickied? Because GAW can handle this kind of discussion and benefit greatly from coming together to focus our collective picture of what's happening down to a fine laser beam. Breathe. We got this. We do this all the time.
Well done; we should be able to question and discuss without being vilified.
Good point. This is an open discussion board.
The American Revolution only took 1-5% of the population at the time to pull it off. The other 95% didn't help at all, and yet, here we are.
All it takes is that small 1-5% to get pushed to the precipice for the change, which you just admitted will happen soon. Once the choice is truly either forced submission or revolt, everyone here will choose the latter
I used to think that. But back then Gold and Silver could get you whatever you wanted. Digital ID did not exist neither did digital currencies under the control of your bank. Different world.
People were hardened, not soft, fat and over fed.
They also had the help of France.
How much is gold worth in a shit hits the fan scenario, when alcohol, water, food, ammo and medical supplies make a king?
Lots. People will always take gold. Always. There were many shit hit the fans situations throughout history and gold was hoarded by those in the know.
I think there are more fit people in today's world than ever before. I know the exercise industry is booming (people start and stop real soon in that field--the ones working out) and a lot of the people getting fit stay with it for many years. Just like normal society, some keep things going and some stop things, sitting on the couch like couch potatoes. We will have enough to fight if it should come to one, hopefully and prayerfully it doesn't.
This seems to happen every time you think🤔
The vast majority of banks don't have any money and the few that do usually have less than $100,000 in cash on hand, that's why large withdraws take days as they request the money to be delivered.
lol I'm all with you on that last part. The more time moves on, the more I think to myself that the only way left is one way.
However, with that thought also comes "that's what they want"....
Interesting times
Big difference is Britain didnt care that much about keeping us. They still had Canada so it wasnt a total loss. Cabal is psycho and they know they either win or they die
Those fancy tech and weapons worked great against the sand people with their armored mandress and tactical flip flops and century old weapons
I don't see why the otherside would play nice either.
What's to stop the Americans from siding with cartel at that point. And lower morale by posting videos of the torchering of traitors slow agonizing death.
The police will be first in line to subjugate us. That's what they dream of.
bAcK tHe bLuE
Here is something not to forget.
We have to let the country fall while we are awake.
There is a major difference between letting a country fall while they are asleep.
Letting a country fall while they are awake.
The great reset needed to happen while the mass majority of the world was sleeping.
That way they can put their system in place. The mass majority would just go along with it.
Let's say they get their wish and install the CBDC.
How many Trump supporters would openly go along with this now?
I think that's what Trump's main goal was.
To wake up millions of people about what is going on.
That way... if they put it in their system. How long would that last?
It's one thing about installing a new system. It's another thing about keeping it in place.
The problem with CBDC's is that once implemented they will be implemented at a federal level. States won't have the power to do anything about it. Not only that but what are you gonna do if you can't buy or sell?
Digital currencies and Digital ID is the end all for the whole game. If that's not addressed soon and they begin adoption, there is no stopping it. And I believe the QR code was the test.
can't buy or sell, unless of course you take the mark of the beast.
You summed it up. This is my worst fear. It really is. On this earth that is. I am not willing to do this no matter what.
Indeed. Signs of the times, fren. Amen. I love you too, brother.
So get your barter game tuned up.
Who's got what you will need? What can you offer?
Fear won't solve your problem. Nor will considering inevitable something that can never be allowed to happen. Attitude adjustment time. Get to work.
States will move to their own block chain.
Ask yourself what is backing the CBDC currency. Nothing of value is backing it up.
The states could set up their blockchains with digital currency. They then could ban stores from accepting CBDC.
There is no nation on the planet that has different currencies for the same land. Even with their own blockchain to verify transactions and supply, you'd have chaos with interstate commerce. That wouldn't work.
They could do it for sure. The technology is there. Also, keep this in mind.
If they put in the CDBC. Trump could have to convert his cash into it.
Do you think Trump wants the fed to control his money?
Well how would they do that? Supply is controlled by the Federal Reserve which is then controlled by Acts of Congress. And the currency they ultimately want, according to the 2030 UN plan is a world currency. Not to be mistaken by a reserve like the US dollar. But rather a world currency. This is where SDR's come in.
That's correct.
The point of a blockchain is to decentralize the money supply.
Yes... new inner state commerce rules would have to be created.
I just don't see deep red states not allowing an alternative to CBDC if implemented.
No way is Trump going to allow FL to accept CBDC only. They would freeze Trump's assets the moment he switched over.
I'm all for the opposition. But I guess we'll see.
Yes there is. Cuba has one currency for residents and a different currency for politicians and tourists. You cannot easily exchange one for the other.
Cuba is not the example I was looking for. You wonder why there are two currencies lol
As far as we know, Fauci still walks the earth. Hospital admins, politicians, corrupt "law enforcement," Soros, Gates, etc. The Founding Fathers threw tea into the Boston Harbor over a 3% tax. They fought off what was at the time the greatest empire in the world.
What are we doing? Watching football and drinking beer. We're not a hard people.
I see your point. This isn't a physical war.
What is the biggest weapon of our enemy???
LIES and DECEPTION are their weapons.
You cannot defeat an enemy that controls the minds and hearts of the world. They could easily lie and paint you as the bad guy.
In order to beat them for good.
We have to war with Truth Vs Lies. Once their system is exposed to enough people.
They cannot win permanently.
All of their victories are temporary wins.
great points, and the words 'sleep' and 'awake' reminds me of this. which for me, takes Q to another level.
Q said 6 years left in 2018….next 2 years are gonna get pretty crazy. NCSWIC
Might've meant 6 more years of Trump's presidency in 2018, stretching to 2024.
Q3387 is hard for me to interpret that way.
Do you have a post number?
Thanks for the post number. But the date says 09-July-2019, not 2018, unless the date is off?
It’s in the context of the DJT election video
6 years left of what?
The plan
Where did Q say this?
To deliver on promises from video that would get djt elected. Q3387
Q is never early and Q is never late.
Q arrives precisely when he intends to.
Q isn't God. It's just a man or group of people. I'm not gonna worship it lol
I made no reference to Q being God. This is a quote from Gandalf in LotR.
Well, Gandalf is part of a pantheon of gods lol
For pity's sake, get a grip, frens. It's a movie reference, not an endorsement of "Gandalf for God." Gandalf was a wizard. Period. End of story.
ACKCHUALLY, it was a book.
But Gandalf was also a sort of godlike being in that book, but you'd have to read the Silmarillion for that bit IIRC.
But I gotchu!
nice ackchually lol
Yeah it was a book, but I was thinking of the scene where Galdalf said this in the movie.
Oh, I was just playing around lol
I see what you did there.
Roe v Wade ending under the Biden administration should be indicator enough that everything is going as intended especially with Q momentarily surfacing to remind us that it HAD to be this way.
But I'll indulge your post for a moment and say, you've been spending too much time in the MSM. The internet isn't real life and is a shit metric for gauging things. It's a tool, but not the end all be all. What you see being presented is all theater. It's not real. I am apart of various online communities, ones with real people and a lot of them are disenfranchised with Hollywoke. A lot of people are seeing the fake emptiness that is celebrity culture and are gravitating towards things that are more genuine, independent and organic. Don't belive me? Check out Youtubers like Narcotic, Overlord DVD, The Critical Drinker, Geeks n Gamers, Valiant Renegade and even Star Wars Theory to name a few. These aren't particularly MAGA types, but that's not the point. They are fed up with the slew of shit content and are sick of political posturing and preaching in just about all media.
Don't get me wrong. There will always be people who buy into the fake pop culture. That will never change. And seeing this stuff in places in Pakistan is a good sign. It means the Islamo fascist faggots are losing control. Now the trick is to stop the pendulum from swinging too hard in the opposite direction. I believe the answer lies in our founding documents: break the pendulum. No one should be ruling anyone or dictating culture one way or another. Let people be people. As long as consent isn't violated, really what anyone does with their lives is their business.
So no... I don't think the plan or rather plans are compromised. We probably did lose some battles legitimately. That's how warfare works. You don't win every single fight. But for getting to see Roe v Wade end, something the MSM and many in my RL social circles thought would NEVER happen, was my moment of absolute peace and proof. It should be everyone's, but I get it. We still have a ways to go and it seems like it's never ending. In those moments, go outside, smell the roses and take it easy. You can't realistically do anything more than what you already are and if you feel the need to, then get involved in local politics. Otherwise, you're not alone when the doom and gloom tries to creep in. I have my bad days too. Thanks for sharing yours.
Actually, my observations were from spending time away from here and MSM. I actually haven't really dove into any of this stuff for a long time. I'm observing what's going on out there in the world and the impact on the ground. I'm also watching more what central banks are planning and doing. None of which is every mentioned on social media or MSM.
The plan for me personally ends when Digital ID's are normalized and CBDC's are implemented. Till then, yes of course hope. I just don't have the same level of hope I used to have.
I totally forgot to address your central banks concern. That's on me. We actually NEED the financial system to collapse. That, I believe is part of the plan.
But to understand why, please take the time to hear this man's perspective:
Buy, DRS and hold Gamestop.
WELL said. Thank you.
I've seen counter arguments that Q is a pacification op.... gets the 15% of the population who love the Constitution to trust the plan instead of taking action themselves.
Sounds like a David Brock counter narrative 🤔
I've seen counter counter-arguments that say that only 3-5% are required for a revolution.
EDIT: Whoops, there it is
Well, maybe. But it awakened far too many people who can't go back for that to occur. It makes sense to me that covid messed it up. I don't think people here grasp just how insane covid was and how fast people complied and just how divided we became out there.
Normalization is the goal. It's like training a dog.
You give it cookies for paw, then you take away the cookie because the dog expects a cookie. But by the 10th time his body has simply normalized raising his paw when told "paw". Not cause he expects a cookie, just does it.
Yeah but honestly I think itd have been much safer to keep everyone completely asleep as they been doing. Q opened so many doors that can never be closed.
Young people seem to be too impatient. And they don't know what life was like before having a computer tethered to their pocket.
Only advice, Simplify. Work for yourself. Keep it small and efficient.
Let it all turn off forever. The world WILL keep spinning.
Sure, at 1,000 mph while hurtling thru space at 66,627 mph. Sounds reasonable.
(Sorry I had to, I agree with your sentiment about the on-topic though)
Plenty of people rely on entertainment and services to continue to function at any sort of reasonable level. There are people that laugh when they destroy their kids' entertainment, but nobody ever thinks that maybe that entertainment is what keeps that person sane. Anybody heard of 'idle hands are the devil's playground'? What would that depressed 21 year old do when their last or only grounding is destroyed?
It would be some interesting,welcome to the land of the real type shit to see.
Though I would miss you guys, I'm all for it.
Edit: idle hands? Pick up a shovel. There's work needs doing.
Agreed. I think more than likely what will happen is a massive divide. Patriot kids and families flooding to certain areas and the others flooding to wherever they flood to.
From what I can observe, the system is trying desperately and succeeding in many places, to remove children from the parents in terms of control.
That's why they don't you to know what they are teaching them.
I know the plan is not for everyone. So that may be it.
In the end you have to choose, right? That's what this is all about. Not just the plan, but life in general.
No one ever said all Americans would be in the game.
I think the plan has been completed, and was completed years ago. We just haven't been shown how good it is going to be. The reason I think the white hats are in control, and have been for quite some time is that if they weren't, DJT would not be alive. These evil people would have destroyed their own city if that is what it would take to keep him from stopping their plan. They had to have been taken off guard, and I think that was the 2016 election. That is why Q keeps telling us we are watching a movie. But, make no mistake, it can still be very dangerous. Just like a snake with his head cut off, it can still bite and kill you.
I think killing DJT would be a mistake on their part. I think they understand that. Attempting to discredit him and normalize the dirt on the ground would be more potent imo. That appears to be exactly what they are doing.
Ok, I'm out. Y'all have fun.
Something's gonna something. Or something. Whatever.
I hear ya. They are going after Trump hardcore. If they do end up arresting him, that's gonna send shockwaves as we're told "POTUS is insulated". Only time will tell.
I'm not even really worried about that. I think we all expected that at some point. Mine is more in reference to the degeneration of society as a whole but especially the younger ones. That and digital currencies from central banks, SDR's (look into this) and Digital ID (This one happens it's over I don't care what anyone says or decodes)
The only reason its over with those things is if you give up, which you clearly will do. Some woke ass government agent shows up to your door when you've already lost everything, and demands you come with him.
What do you do? Say, "oh well, they pulled off the digital ID and I have 0 credits to my name, guess I'll just go!"
I don't think you understood the post. You're thinking about yourself and maybe what you would or wouldn't do.
Think of the families or individuals who have worked toward a goal their entire lives. They rationalized the jab and QR codes like it was nothing.
Digital money will mean nothing since they've been using tap on cards for so long.
This post went over your head.
Could be. Though, I do see lots of Deltas coming through. If the Plan was thwarted or stalled, wouldn't the timeliness of those be impacted as well?
I don't know. Just my observations. Deltas can be interpreted in many different ways. Who knows what they mean or if they are even related.
I can't argue with that
I believe God has his plans while the white hats have theirs. I hope they're not arrogant enough to confuse the two, but regardless it's only the former that gives me hope.
You know who does win though? God. And if comes down to that then let's go! Either way, we win.
Yes, of course. God wins all no matter what. I was more referencing the plan itself from my observations.
Q team and Trump are bringing back gold-backed currency, just as Putin is doing for Russia. We are going to have a brand new monetary system and the central banks will be forever destroyed. I'm not worried at all about anything. I have been following Q from the beginning and my faith is only growing stronger that everything has been anticipated and planned for.
Put on the full armor of God and trust in our Lord and Savior. God wins!
My belief for about the last six months is that Trump would not return until after Jan. 20, 2023. Then he could be re-elected in 2024. I’m watching carefully to see what transpires until then in order for that to happen. It was a great hint today when Trump said put him in now due to the FBI deception in 2020, or hold a new election.
Is that why their little wall street cabal is getting fucked right now? You know not what you speak of.
I think you read that somewhere and think you know what you're writing about. Where on wall street are they "getting fucked right now"? You mean the small capital firms?
We're in an economic downturn did you think capital wasn't going to exit some places and enter others?
Maybe you should follow superstonk on reddit. You are ignorant of the situation and actually I'm sure you aren't even open minded. You won't seek new knowledge.
Hedgies r fukt.
wen tendies?
Two weeks 🤣
Q said not everything will be clean. Things feel like they are picking up pace. The raid on trump's home was a big fail in terms of optics. My opinion is the plan is proceeding as predicted.
The waiting is the hardest part. Not the biggest Tom Petty fan, but he damn sure nailed that one.
You know Trump said today there should be another election for president in the mid terms. That is not an impossibility. It happened here in Canada where Trudeau called an election half way through so it is a very real possibility. As long as they have sown up the cheating then an election in November might be exactly what you need. That came straight from Trump maybe that was the plan to start with, knowing 2 years into the Biden mess the country would welcome a new election.
yea I saw that.
The error here is basing the zeitgeist check on the MSM and big tech. Dig deeper. See what is going on that they don't want you to see.
I could see why you'd think that but that's not what my observations are based. MSM does not talk about central banks other than headline news about rates.
They barely talk about digital currencies or digital ID's. They do not talk about the IMF and SDR's.
These are my observations about what people are willing to accept and resist.
Personally, I've gone from being active here to being more active locally in my community. Bible study. Festivals. Church. Farmers markets. Many more folks are awake now, so I am not necessarily relagated in finding truth community here. I think others have too.
I've also been watching habbening after habbening unfold as the veil upon the world falls. Very few people I know in my circles are still buying anything being sold to them from the elite... One really really messed habbening at a time.
Crops are almost ready and harvest season is just around the corner as far as I am concerned.
IMO: Get closer to god. He will fill that missing piece of the puzzle for you. Guide you. Sustain you. Pray often.
It looks to me when reading your replies is that you are really having an issue with the digital ID.
It reminds me how we were all going to be firces to get vaxxed ... but we weren't. Yet we worried needlessly for a year.
The digital ID and Central Bank Digital Currencies is the the final blow. I think the jab pressure was the test and I think they realized just how much power they have and exactly how they need to apply it.
Covid was insane.
Yeah. Well I think they realizes how less powerful they are and not only that bit woke up more folks in the process.
How many folks are actively getting all the boosters? Not a single person I know. And most got the fitsy booster.
It's convenient to forget that most people didn't get the jabs until they began talk of mandate and then mandating them for work.
Logically, the third wasn't mandated so of course it'll go back down in numbers.
You think people won't get the third if their job is on the line? That's not a good argument.
I'm firmly convinced it's time to begin a break away civilization. We know we won't comply with [their] "plan" any longer. [they] know it, too, yet are still going ahead. So, what do we do? Do we keep wasting time on waking up normies, or do we finally and truly take our power back by separating ourselves from that "reality" and build our own?
With you, fren.
Here's my two cents. I understand your feelings, I do, but as a member of the "younger generation" you're worrying about, let me just tell you. It's all manufactured like everything else.
What you see on social media is not indicative of my generation as a whole. Just like what you see of people on twitter aren't indicative of Millennials, and not all boomers are a walking stereotype. The tech tyrants who run all the social media empires manipulate things behind the scenes to push certain people to the forefront.
Combine this with fake polls and studies that are HEAVILY WEIGHTED in favor of the desired result, and you get the impression that everyone under the age of 30 is a kool aid haired, effeminate faggot who loves abortion, star bucks, BLM, and has mommy/daddy issues.
This is simply not true. Of everyone I've ever met in my life that's in my general age group, do you wanna know how many people I've met that meet that description? Eight, and of those many stopped that crap after high school since they figured out people in the real world don't care and they stopped caving into peer pressure to be "cool", since being a queer liberal is "trendy" in the media.
Once that magical number 19 comes around, its REALLY consistent in my experience that people in my age group overwhelmingly conservative, and actually quite religious.
Why just the other day, I had a conversation with an 18 year old acquaintance (not really a friend, we just know each other and are friendly when we see each other and meet), where I found out he refuses to accept transsexuals and openly dislikes homosexuals since it's a sin.
And this is a kid I've been under the impression was kind of liberal for several years. So just goes to show my point.
Either way, I wouldn't worry too much about it. The societal rot as you call it is not outside of God's power. When all's said and done, there will be some way to fix it, even though I don't think it's as bad as you and some others seem to believe. God always provides a way for his people to find success after all.
Last time I doomed I had to take a 10 day suspension.
I don't know what you "doomed" to get a 10 day suspension. Ouch!! I just know that ALL of this is painful to watch! Some are so high on HOPIUM they see victory around every tree. If only!!! I pray things change soon and I'm tired too!! Best of luck fren!! :-)
The end won't be for everyone.
We’re like a cancer patient. Will the chemo kill us or the globohomos first?
The prophecies in Revelations sound pretty terrible. We are not to the precipice. The precipice, to me, sounds like the edge of hell.
We will go there, but good will win. Many will be lost. There’s nothing the plan could do to change that.
Every generation has its rot. We are far from a lost cause.
Bruh, the "precipice" is not a hill you can walk down. We aren't there yet
The "precipice", fren, is food and security. That is historically when people snapped. This also happens to be the UN 2030 plan.
How do you think they are going to control the masses? It'll be through food and "climate change".
What is this precipice? When Joe Doe America has had enough with political corruption? Well their kids are being taught by pedos I guess that's not the precipice?
It's food and energy. Those are the only things people care about. Until that is gone, the system will rape whatever it wants to. And if you read the UN2030 agenda, you'd know they want that to happen and are actively working on it.
Roger that. They want violence, which will be used as a fulcrum to end freedom
Oh boy, another one is at their precipice I see.
It's going to get a lot worse really quick before it ends, because we need 95% at the precipice.
People get there sooner, some later.
Did you think puppies and rainbows were going to get people to the point where they realize Democrats and socialism suck?
Thankfully we were warned, you were told they have to be shown. You can't tell them, they have to realize it on their own.
Me, I'm sitting back, eating my popcorn, because I know patriots are in control.
All the bad news you see each day is meant for the anti-Trump crowd, not you.
It doesn't matter how bad it looks on appearance, it can always be turned around rather quickly when Trump gets back in the White House.
Forget about the central bank digital currency threat, it is not going to happen.
Forget about the ineffective weak woke military, it is all propaganda to scare you.
Do you think people join the military so they can get rainbow hair and wear pink uniforms? They joined to protect their country.
A majority of the military would disobey unconstitutional orders from a woke leader and stand with the American people.
Do you know where the largest military in the world is?
China and India both have around 4 million active military.
United State has just over 2 million.
Who is bigger? The armed American populous. We have almost 100 million patriots carrying over 400 million guns today. Do you think they want to fuck with us? They have been trying to get our guns for many years. They know it is an impossible task, the people would revolt if that occurred
The military and police forces combined would not stand a chance against us. Has any of the recent videos of unarmed people in foreign countries taking over their governments proven anything to you?
You know, the "precipice" has been mentioned here about 10 times now. It's also constantly mentioned through out the site.
So what is a "precipice"? What does it mean? It means the end of the line. A steep cliffs edge.
Ok. How is that any different than "Order out of Chaos".
The plan appears to be "showing" us the corruption and filth and only then will the masses have a "great awakening".
Ok, well that just happens to be exactly what "order out of chaos" is.
For the filth, corruption and degeneracy to get so out of hand and for people to get so tired that the system then puts forth a solution to get rid of the "chaos". A new system. A New World Order one might say.
There are many commonalities to the idea of precipice and order out of chaos.
Both of them require the masses to see and feel the filth and both of them only work in that scenario. Both of them offer a solution once that happens.
And you immediately think the American people will lean toward New World Order if they have a choice?
Not knowing the plan, how are we to tell if the plan is on track, steaming ahead, or stalled? It all comes down to our plan is not Q's plan.
Not a down vote from me. If the plan was not hijacked by covid (Pelosi and Fauci) Trump would be president. Trump losing to cheaters was not part of the plan. I'm sick of hearing the military is the only way. I said the plan crashed and burned election night 2020 and 2 years later I wait to be proven wrong.