About a year after Q began posting, Posobitch, Tim Pool, AJ, and several other streamer paytriot fags began an obfuscation attempt at claiming Q was a social media user named Microchip. The false narrative lasted for months.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11203717/Donald-Trump-flies-DC-wearing-GOLF-SHOES-surprise-trip-thats-sparking-questions.html I found this article strange. He was in his golf shirt and shoes. They say he has a golf course in Virginia, but the weather is rainy. Seems he left in a hurry straight from the golf course?.
Also, Gregg Philips said he was in DC. "Arrived today. DC is not prepared for us" and True the Vote posted on TS, "I’m writing to ask all prayerful patriots reading this to please pray for a meeting that is happening tomorrow, early afternoon (9/12). Please pray for the courage to act on the truth that we will present."
Lord Jesus,
Reveal the truth for all to see and let JUSTICE PREVAIL. Protect, Surround, strengthen and embolden President Trump and his legal team, family and supporters. Place Your army of angels with flaming swords to surround and flank them on all sides.
In Your Almighty name,
Gregg also responded to a question on Truth about who they were meeting with TFG. Had to look that up, it’s an MSM created term to disrespect President Trump by calling him The Former Guy. I guess Gregg was being sarcastic.
Was it Gregg that two weeks ago said something huge was going to happen, and in the spring said something big was going to happen in Georgia? That may have been that jaun o Savin guy.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wduhgudI7-4 This guy tracked the plane and filmed its landing and says it's his. Plus, look at the Secret Service detail drive him off. It's him.
TTV: “Please pray for the courage to act on the truth we will present”
Also TTV/Gregg: doesn’t present anything.
Just your friendly reminder that TTV, Gregg, et al. Still haven’t pulled the Ripcord, have not distributed info to sheriffs nationwide like they said they would, and massively overhyped the Pit.
EDIT: downvote all you want, doesn’t change the facts.
Gregg exploded at someone on TS for daring to suggest that the CIA might, just might, be compromised. Anyone care to explain why Gregg is simultaneously so naive and such a dick?
Dude we are not in the censorship game, we pick apart mis and disinfo for a living now, but a healthy "Reminder: Q told us this guy is Mossad" is a good PSA to drop
I am unfortunately the wrong anon to know that off the top of my head lol but I believe you can search for "mossad" (or however you spell it if that is the wrong spelling) on one of the Q aggregator sites. Same post should be the one saying "AJ" is mossad too and we take "AJ" to mean Alex Jones
Could be presenting evidence from TTV and a summon for Trump on the RICO case he has with clinton foundation. It probably went federal after FBI raided mar a lago, escalating it from FL state case to federal
Hmm I know it was rumored to be but I haven't personally seen confirmation on it. He posted on TS about him being in DC, but I wasn't aware he had a "golf course" there. I thought for a second that was code for "his other house (the White House)" since mar a lago sits near a golf course. But apparently he does. I'm sure we will find out soon why he showed!
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who roam about the world, seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
So, as part of the cover, PDJT let's Poso know to post some criptic tweet that makes it seem like Trump is there for some other reason that the DS should be scared of? Does not compute.
What if I told you its so unbelievable that you won't believe it upon the first and second hearing. That You will finally accept it when you see trump himself tell you whats up.
What if I told you its so unbelievable that you won't believe it upon the first and second hearing. That You will finally accept it when you see trump himself tell you whats up.
OK, go ahead and fill us in then, even if we won't believe it. I'm ready.
No really, tell us what is so unbelievable we won't believe it upon first and second hearing? What will we finally accept when we see Trump himself tell us what's up?
I guarantee Jack doesn't know either.
Looks like he accidentally used his real estate agent av.
We'd be surprised how many clowns are also into real estate.
He's speaking to Mossad.
poso is a certified fag
There's a certification for that?
I heard you don’t need to study butt the exam is painful
It's a real pain in the ass
Unless you take the oral exam instead.
I hear they shove an object up there.
Laughing so hard I can't breathe!
Comment of the day - hat tip, fine sir
The Island of missfit Toys and Soap on the rope
monkey pox on your face is certification
It's call a Tel Aviv Certificate.
Monkey Pox?
There you go.
Sure thing... Mr 19 days
Poso tooted the "Q is muh microchip!" horn like he was the alt news towncrier. Once a snek always a snek.
The what?
About a year after Q began posting, Posobitch, Tim Pool, AJ, and several other streamer paytriot fags began an obfuscation attempt at claiming Q was a social media user named Microchip. The false narrative lasted for months.
Was a big lame habbening IRT.
Hm interdasting...never saw that one.
Gotta get those clicks though
There are many things Jack doesn't know, and this (gestures vaguely to everything) is one of them.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11203717/Donald-Trump-flies-DC-wearing-GOLF-SHOES-surprise-trip-thats-sparking-questions.html I found this article strange. He was in his golf shirt and shoes. They say he has a golf course in Virginia, but the weather is rainy. Seems he left in a hurry straight from the golf course?. Also, Gregg Philips said he was in DC. "Arrived today. DC is not prepared for us" and True the Vote posted on TS, "I’m writing to ask all prayerful patriots reading this to please pray for a meeting that is happening tomorrow, early afternoon (9/12). Please pray for the courage to act on the truth that we will present."
Lord Jesus, Reveal the truth for all to see and let JUSTICE PREVAIL. Protect, Surround, strengthen and embolden President Trump and his legal team, family and supporters. Place Your army of angels with flaming swords to surround and flank them on all sides. In Your Almighty name, Amen
Such a good prayer AMEN
AMEN!!! Hubby and I were just praying for exactly this.
Where two or more are gathered…..
…together, in My Name, there am I in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20 😇
Gregg also responded to a question on Truth about who they were meeting with TFG. Had to look that up, it’s an MSM created term to disrespect President Trump by calling him The Former Guy. I guess Gregg was being sarcastic.
Was it Gregg that two weeks ago said something huge was going to happen, and in the spring said something big was going to happen in Georgia? That may have been that jaun o Savin guy.
One of the rags reported him "bedraggled."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wduhgudI7-4 This guy tracked the plane and filmed its landing and says it's his. Plus, look at the Secret Service detail drive him off. It's him.
TTV: “Please pray for the courage to act on the truth we will present”
Also TTV/Gregg: doesn’t present anything.
Just your friendly reminder that TTV, Gregg, et al. Still haven’t pulled the Ripcord, have not distributed info to sheriffs nationwide like they said they would, and massively overhyped the Pit.
EDIT: downvote all you want, doesn’t change the facts.
Gregg exploded at someone on TS for daring to suggest that the CIA might, just might, be compromised. Anyone care to explain why Gregg is simultaneously so naive and such a dick?
Please stop posting this man
ikr, mossad loser
Dude we are not in the censorship game, we pick apart mis and disinfo for a living now, but a healthy "Reminder: Q told us this guy is Mossad" is a good PSA to drop
Which Q drop said he was Mossad?
I am unfortunately the wrong anon to know that off the top of my head lol but I believe you can search for "mossad" (or however you spell it if that is the wrong spelling) on one of the Q aggregator sites. Same post should be the one saying "AJ" is mossad too and we take "AJ" to mean Alex Jones
None, but he panned Q on OAN so not liked here
Asking kindly to please not post a certified faggot is not censorship.
Who is it? The post is deleted so I can't see the poster's name. It's good for us to know who to watch out for.
Shoot that messenger
Is it too upsetting, cupcake?
Greg Phillips said that he and Trump have a very important meeting this afternoon to plead their case and asked for prayers. SC meeting maybe?
Could be presenting evidence from TTV and a summon for Trump on the RICO case he has with clinton foundation. It probably went federal after FBI raided mar a lago, escalating it from FL state case to federal
Hmm I know it was rumored to be but I haven't personally seen confirmation on it. He posted on TS about him being in DC, but I wasn't aware he had a "golf course" there. I thought for a second that was code for "his other house (the White House)" since mar a lago sits near a golf course. But apparently he does. I'm sure we will find out soon why he showed!
Libs will probably say it's for his "trial" or to be arrested. Their ignorance is hilarious and mind-numbing at the same time.
They were going crazy saying stuff like that last night on Twitter
do we know what is was about then?
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who roam about the world, seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Amen! 🙏🙌
According to the shitlibs...
The walls are finally closing in and he has been arrested.
I almost wish they would do that. It would prove they have nothing left in legal options, and he would walk free, too, I'm sure of it.
Just checked TruthSocial. Looks like he is working at his golf club there, as of about fifteen minutes ago.
Wow good thing grifter Jack posted the super cryptic tweet to hype up a nothing burger happening.
The golf thing could be the cover story.
It appears that Trump is just actually golfing in VA.
Big nothing burger
Remember hole in one...?
So, as part of the cover, PDJT let's Poso know to post some criptic tweet that makes it seem like Trump is there for some other reason that the DS should be scared of? Does not compute.
I figured it was just paying respects on 9/11. Maybe something else?!?!?
He would have gone to New York for that
Unless he knows they knocked down our government in DC by ordering planes to apparently fly in to the Towers in nyc.
Right, and he didn’t land until 6 pm or so.
Wait people still follow this Mossad clown?
What if I told you its so unbelievable that you won't believe it upon the first and second hearing. That You will finally accept it when you see trump himself tell you whats up.
OK, go ahead and fill us in then, even if we won't believe it. I'm ready.
I'm ready
I'm just doing what all the carnival barkers do.
No really, tell us what is so unbelievable we won't believe it upon first and second hearing? What will we finally accept when we see Trump himself tell us what's up?
Because I believe it was golf. He played golf.
Actually I'm being as hyperbolic as all who claim Inside knowledge. Sarcasm if you will. Thought it was more obvious I guess it's a fail.
This guy is a tool bag. Don’t trust him!
Additional context here, with video.
Thank YOU, u/Matthew246Truth 👈🏻
I think he’s got a meeting with true the vote in DC later today.
I wanna know why.
Something to do with True the Vote also being in DC today.
Trump is in Virginia, but they can smell him in DC.
Perhaps he was there to give a deposition?
Ugh, Posobitch again?
This MFer reminds me so much of that Larping FBI faggot that tried to make people believe (some successfully) he was Q: Austin Steinbart.
Why did he go to DC?
Why don’t you tell us H(J)ack?!? Break the story, be a journalist. But, nooooo! Nothing but a teaser.
Face lift
As if Poser Bitch knows...
Never forget he's a traitor in conservative clothing - he plays the part well.
There's something about being named jack and being a really big faggot