Agree — similar enough to make you do a double-take, especially given the odd behavior. But, imo, ultimately it just looks like someone who kinda looks like her.
That said, it wouldn’t surprise me if I was proven wrong. Because nothing surprises me any more.
Tbh, this speculation is bordering on the Vincent Fusca/JFK Jr comparison. No offense, but just saying.
I watched that stuff happening on J6 with Babbit. My opinion is that it was FAKED.....It would not surprise me to see her reappearing like the SH kids.
Oh believe me, that whole situation looked fake and completely manufactured from the very beginning. There was a slo-mo video early on showing how fake it looked.
What I’m mostly reacting to is the recent commentary here about posts that are supposedly verboten on this site, and instead belong on
If you look at just the nostrils you can tell they are much wider on Ashley. An argument could be made that she had surgery, but the lady at the rally has a more narrow lower nose.
Sure, plastic surgery is a thing, but are we going to compare 2 different looking people and try to form some kind of connection by surgery? It just doesn’t look like her to me. 🤷🏻♂️
Me neither, I don’t think it’s the same but i acknowledge that it COULD be.
I don’t think she’s dead I saw the blood bag malfunction I saw the fake medical aide being rendered. She was carted off and memory holed HOPEFULLY by white hats. Hopefully people like her and princess dianna are going to be revealed as alive and well someday. Doubt it but I do desire it to be true.
Yeah, he notices the cameras, suddenly looks concerned and dips his head, says something to her and she drops out of the shot. Then, his eyes are darting around like he knows they've been caught. I don't know if it's her but, it's very suspicious.
Can understand suspicion towards the behavior though. Her just slinking down and the older gentleman's facial expressions and eye movements are very odd.
Do agree that not everything is a conspiracy though.
Mods... please sticky this... for the reason that Anons need to dig on this, especially the people she is surrounded by. Is this Ashley, or not? Can we discern the truth by digging on the other people? Thanks for considering.
Agreed. May or not be her, but for the sake of exploring all avenues, it would be wise to get more eyes on this. The similarity is uncanny and her behavior is just bizarre.
It could definitely be someone who simply looks like her who really needed to pee.
I think it definitely looks like her well enough to deem further study, but my question is why she would be on stage like that? The couple above look like they're just being friendly. The wife definitely was paying attention to a younger/slimmer woman talking to her husband. Perhaps they were acting uncomfortable since they were on the risers and not wanting to be disrespectful to Trump, engaging in idle conversation.
Who did she come with? Why did she leave?
Was it a clue she's not really dead? Or was it a look-alike who just had to pee and talked to the people behind to try and figure out how to leave gracefully.
My bet is on the latter, but she does look similar.
Yeah there was a bunch of videos amd posts right after shooting going over footage amd angles. Like the cop wasnt pointing directly at her, a bag was placed right at the post behind her so when she fell back she didnt crack her head, no visible blood, and the crowd had known paid agitators in it including the 'Maga/Antifa' guy Sullivan that CNN paid big bucks to be there.
Then some possible instagram posts showing her alive the next day that got deleted etc.
All very fishy.
Like an op designed to make pateiots angry and start attacking cops
My Cop friends Roared with LOL's at the "COPS" in that Video....I am also quite sure...If I was within Feet of someone getting shot...I would be ruuunin faster than Forrest Gump away from there...NO ONE MOVED??
Yeah suss feom top to bottom.
And in the OP video...the guy who bemd over to talk to her had real fear in his eyes. And she immediately ducked behind the guy beside to jet out.
The body labguage screams 'I dont want to be on camera' not 'i need to go pee'
I watched a video showing how this was faked with footage from event. Can even see them busting the fake blood packs open, and how neatly they placed her head out of view of what I assume ‘state sponsored cameras’ pushing fake narrative of event.
Having one of the Capital Hill Police (could be an impersonator too) giving a thumbs up after she is on ground ‘dying’ doesn’t help optics of situation either.
Don’t have link for this video and wouldn’t be surprised if they scrubbed video out of existence either, but this shit was definitely faked (as usual).
I'm not convinced it's her nor am I convinced that Ashley Babbit was killed on January 6. But I'll play along. The people around her sure as hell acted kinda goofy.
I think everyone has a twin out there. I get told all the time I look like Lou Diamond Phillips though I don't think he's aged as well as I have HAHAHAHA. Maybe he just ain't drinking enough beer 🤔
Yep I have a twin that lives just 70 miles from me. Met him at a car show. All my friends pushed me to him. It was weird to say the least but funny too. We don’t sound alike though. My wife did too when she was in high school. Another girl at the same school/time looked almost identical to her. Only difference was hair length and my wife at that time didn’t always wear reading glasses but this other girl did. She has her kinda forever documented in her 3 HS year books and it’s still kinda creepy to see the pics here 20 years later.
Personally I don't think it is her. But the people around her have unusual body language. The guy in red looks really guilty/paranoid. The guy in black barely moves, it's creepy. The brunette lady hides behind her sign and then shakes her head no seemingly randomly.
His reactions are exaggerated, it screams to those who happen to notice "look at us not trying to be noticed!" This looks staged. Why, I have no idea. Just another example of what Angleton called a "wilderness of mirrors" ?
Don't know who she is but honestly more interested in WTF did she go? Should be memed for anons, Down the rabbit hole! That's how Anons just disappear down them.
Sure looks like her to me. And it sure looks like they are reacting to something, and then she is getting the hell out of dodge. What does not make sense is, if they faked her death, and I believe it's a real possibility, why would she be showing her face in public? If there is anyplace she would be recognized it's at a Trump rally. And you DEFINITELY don't want to sit behind the camera where you are on TV for the next hour and a half. Maybe we are so close to the end of this they just don't care anymore. I don't know. All I do know, is almost everything they tell us is a lie.
I consider myself pretty knowledgeable about firearms and ammo. In the 90’s I did quite a bit of testing in North Carolina, shooting pig skulls exc.then examining them in the lab. My guess is the ammo used by Capital Police is something like the +P Hydra-shok. I am saying right now that if Ashley Babbit what shot with a round like that at ten feet, it would have been a bloody gore festival. Given where she was shot in the neck, I don’t see how the round would not have penetrated through exiting out the back. She was moving afterwards so the round didn’t hit her spine. Very weird.
I thought the same thing. The only possible conclusion I came to was that they were shooting FMJ and it was extremely clean entry and then got routed down into her abdomen or something.
99% of the time, when someone gets hit in the neck, it’s a horror show. If they were shooting any type of frangible or hollow point ammo, I would expect a fairly gruesome injury. But we didn’t see that.
Bullets do weird shit. They may have been using FMJ. Potentially that could explain it.
Feds even train with jhp’s, I imagine the Capital Police does also. I couldn’t imagine his firearm loaded with fmj. I figured it was a production to incite the crowd to violence.
Watch the video. Decent ammo, 9 mm or 40sw won't give you that muzzle flash ( Shitty russian tulammo might, but feds wouldn't use that crap).
Those were blanks. Blanks give you wicked muzzle flash
Excellent insight, agree completely. Bloody gore festival is spot on. I think the shooting was fake but I don’t know who the woman in this video is. Doesn’t seem likely Ashli.
Yeah, he has a dull greyish worn looking hat like the dull greenish one here as well, I recall a video of him in a car talking too someone a long while back, he had it on. Not saying that I believe it is her but, was an odd clip/reaction from the them when noticed the camera was on em.
Kinda looks like her but wouldn’t make much sense for her to show up there. Still, her just vanishing like that makes ya wonder what’s actually happening here. Will be keeping an eye out for updates to this story. The show gets crazier every day.
Folks just don't stay dead like they use to.
That looks like a different person to me.
Agree — similar enough to make you do a double-take, especially given the odd behavior. But, imo, ultimately it just looks like someone who kinda looks like her.
That said, it wouldn’t surprise me if I was proven wrong. Because nothing surprises me any more.
Tbh, this speculation is bordering on the Vincent Fusca/JFK Jr comparison. No offense, but just saying.
But the gal standing very near Vincent Fusca at a rally did look just like JFK Jr's wife Caroline, and I'm sure not too many people look like her.
I watched that stuff happening on J6 with Babbit. My opinion is that it was FAKED.....It would not surprise me to see her reappearing like the SH kids.
Oh believe me, that whole situation looked fake and completely manufactured from the very beginning. There was a slo-mo video early on showing how fake it looked.
What I’m mostly reacting to is the recent commentary here about posts that are supposedly verboten on this site, and instead belong on
Definitely not her. Look at the noses.
No expert but thats not the best comparison because your nose widens as you grin
It does widen, but not from Michael Jackson to Michael Jordan. 😁
lol, was listening to Jam just yesterday
True, but then there is this : -)
Idk the hat looks too similar to just be a coincidence
I don't know if its her or not but you have just posed pictures from different angles and one she is smiling broadly.
Yeah agreed the facial expressions could make nose flare vs narrowing it but this shit is always hard to speculate.
The show goes on
If you look at just the nostrils you can tell they are much wider on Ashley. An argument could be made that she had surgery, but the lady at the rally has a more narrow lower nose.
Nose surgery is a thing?
Sure, plastic surgery is a thing, but are we going to compare 2 different looking people and try to form some kind of connection by surgery? It just doesn’t look like her to me. 🤷🏻♂️
Me neither, I don’t think it’s the same but i acknowledge that it COULD be. I don’t think she’s dead I saw the blood bag malfunction I saw the fake medical aide being rendered. She was carted off and memory holed HOPEFULLY by white hats. Hopefully people like her and princess dianna are going to be revealed as alive and well someday. Doubt it but I do desire it to be true.
I hope different persons don't come with trap doors these days. That said she does look pretty good for almost 2 years push'n daises!
Unless the Clintons are involved.
This is a truth that deserves more upvotes!
Escaped the forever box! Dag-nabbit!
And some people just don't like brusell sprouts.
Nitter Link:
@everyone - Let's start using Nitter again to protect people's privacy.
To use nitter, we simply replace twitter dot com with nitter dot net in the link correct?
Thats right! Check the "About Us" section of Nitter to see all the benefits.
Look at their expressions. They both know she's being filmed. The guy's look shifted heavily to worry and concern.
Yeah something is definitely up.
Yeah, he notices the cameras, suddenly looks concerned and dips his head, says something to her and she drops out of the shot. Then, his eyes are darting around like he knows they've been caught. I don't know if it's her but, it's very suspicious.
Everyone behind Trump know they are being filmed lol. There's giant screens showing Trump speaking for those who aren't up close. Cmon man.
So was this intentional? Very interesting behavior.
Not everything is a conspiracy lol
Very common behavior from what I’ve seen of the folks behind DJT at his rallies.
I don't see Babbit either.
Can understand suspicion towards the behavior though. Her just slinking down and the older gentleman's facial expressions and eye movements are very odd.
Do agree that not everything is a conspiracy though.
It's because she's a young girl and is embarrassed to be on camera.
Mods... please sticky this... for the reason that Anons need to dig on this, especially the people she is surrounded by. Is this Ashley, or not? Can we discern the truth by digging on the other people? Thanks for considering.
Mustache man notices the cameras zoomed in on her at the 00:13s mark. Rewatch this and focus on his eyes only and everything makes perfect sense.
Oh yes … there is something going on
Agreed. May or not be her, but for the sake of exploring all avenues, it would be wise to get more eyes on this. The similarity is uncanny and her behavior is just bizarre.
She probably had to go pee.
It could definitely be someone who simply looks like her who really needed to pee.
I think it definitely looks like her well enough to deem further study, but my question is why she would be on stage like that? The couple above look like they're just being friendly. The wife definitely was paying attention to a younger/slimmer woman talking to her husband. Perhaps they were acting uncomfortable since they were on the risers and not wanting to be disrespectful to Trump, engaging in idle conversation.
Who did she come with? Why did she leave?
Was it a clue she's not really dead? Or was it a look-alike who just had to pee and talked to the people behind to try and figure out how to leave gracefully.
My bet is on the latter, but she does look similar.
We are deplorable after all.
I visibly saw his energy change. Doesn’t matter if it’s her or not, that dude changed gears in a split second!
Autopsy performed in D.C. - Body was Cremated - Body Buried at Sea - Nothing to see here...
How convenient.
Yeah there was a bunch of videos amd posts right after shooting going over footage amd angles. Like the cop wasnt pointing directly at her, a bag was placed right at the post behind her so when she fell back she didnt crack her head, no visible blood, and the crowd had known paid agitators in it including the 'Maga/Antifa' guy Sullivan that CNN paid big bucks to be there. Then some possible instagram posts showing her alive the next day that got deleted etc. All very fishy. Like an op designed to make pateiots angry and start attacking cops
My Cop friends Roared with LOL's at the "COPS" in that Video....I am also quite sure...If I was within Feet of someone getting shot...I would be ruuunin faster than Forrest Gump away from there...NO ONE MOVED??
Yeah suss feom top to bottom. And in the OP video...the guy who bemd over to talk to her had real fear in his eyes. And she immediately ducked behind the guy beside to jet out. The body labguage screams 'I dont want to be on camera' not 'i need to go pee'
Exactly...she had to be on her hands and Knees at that point!!
Reading through twatter comments, some posted side by side photos... way too alike to not be her. What is it we always say about coincidences?
Wow the dude in the red hat is in on it for sure...
Really doesn’t look like her at all IMHO.
I watched a video showing how this was faked with footage from event. Can even see them busting the fake blood packs open, and how neatly they placed her head out of view of what I assume ‘state sponsored cameras’ pushing fake narrative of event.
Having one of the Capital Hill Police (could be an impersonator too) giving a thumbs up after she is on ground ‘dying’ doesn’t help optics of situation either.
Don’t have link for this video and wouldn’t be surprised if they scrubbed video out of existence either, but this shit was definitely faked (as usual).
Is this the video you are referring to?
It is actually rather entertaining in a way.
DL link for the source
YouTube -
Wooz news video sums it up.
Ashley Babbitt didn't die
I'm not convinced it's her nor am I convinced that Ashley Babbit was killed on January 6. But I'll play along. The people around her sure as hell acted kinda goofy.
I think everyone has a twin out there. I get told all the time I look like Lou Diamond Phillips though I don't think he's aged as well as I have HAHAHAHA. Maybe he just ain't drinking enough beer 🤔
Yep I have a twin that lives just 70 miles from me. Met him at a car show. All my friends pushed me to him. It was weird to say the least but funny too. We don’t sound alike though. My wife did too when she was in high school. Another girl at the same school/time looked almost identical to her. Only difference was hair length and my wife at that time didn’t always wear reading glasses but this other girl did. She has her kinda forever documented in her 3 HS year books and it’s still kinda creepy to see the pics here 20 years later.
Guys. Really?
Go watch the RSBN video. She is there the whole time... It's not her.
1:20:28 has a good pic of her
I'm more interested in the black guy beside her, to her right. Doesn't he look like Hillary's handler/doctor from her campaign in 2016?
The nose is entirely different. Comparison Pic
Maybe that’s his mistress or secretary and he doesn’t wanna get caught.
If it was Babbit, and she wanted to remain hidden, going to a fucking Trump rally is about the worst place on earth to be.
Perhaps it is her and the white hats have filmed her on purpose.
"Hey camera 6, focus on the one who looks like Ashlii Babbitt and make sure she sees you do it."
Uh no…..she was on screen a very long time.
Personally I don't think it is her. But the people around her have unusual body language. The guy in red looks really guilty/paranoid. The guy in black barely moves, it's creepy. The brunette lady hides behind her sign and then shakes her head no seemingly randomly.
This is so weird!
You can see the teleprompter in the video, so she was very close.
Trump is at the end of his speech.
She ducks down, then the guy in red with mustache looks here/there then moves into her place.
Guy in army green t-shirt bends over, appears to help her at floor level
Lady in light aqua shirt covers her face as she looks down at the woman at floor level
I know she was not killed at the capitol
The eyes seem to far apart to look like Ashley.
His reactions are exaggerated, it screams to those who happen to notice "look at us not trying to be noticed!" This looks staged. Why, I have no idea. Just another example of what Angleton called a "wilderness of mirrors" ?
Well here is that old saying, “Enjoy The Show”.
Eyes and mouth look too different imo, but i agree the behavior is odd. Good job to the anon who noticed.
Don't know who she is but honestly more interested in WTF did she go? Should be memed for anons, Down the rabbit hole! That's how Anons just disappear down them.
"Down the Babbit hole!"
Top KEK!
Sure looks like her to me. And it sure looks like they are reacting to something, and then she is getting the hell out of dodge. What does not make sense is, if they faked her death, and I believe it's a real possibility, why would she be showing her face in public? If there is anyplace she would be recognized it's at a Trump rally. And you DEFINITELY don't want to sit behind the camera where you are on TV for the next hour and a half. Maybe we are so close to the end of this they just don't care anymore. I don't know. All I do know, is almost everything they tell us is a lie.
Fake shooting
I consider myself pretty knowledgeable about firearms and ammo. In the 90’s I did quite a bit of testing in North Carolina, shooting pig skulls exc.then examining them in the lab. My guess is the ammo used by Capital Police is something like the +P Hydra-shok. I am saying right now that if Ashley Babbit what shot with a round like that at ten feet, it would have been a bloody gore festival. Given where she was shot in the neck, I don’t see how the round would not have penetrated through exiting out the back. She was moving afterwards so the round didn’t hit her spine. Very weird.
I thought the same thing. The only possible conclusion I came to was that they were shooting FMJ and it was extremely clean entry and then got routed down into her abdomen or something.
99% of the time, when someone gets hit in the neck, it’s a horror show. If they were shooting any type of frangible or hollow point ammo, I would expect a fairly gruesome injury. But we didn’t see that.
Bullets do weird shit. They may have been using FMJ. Potentially that could explain it.
Feds even train with jhp’s, I imagine the Capital Police does also. I couldn’t imagine his firearm loaded with fmj. I figured it was a production to incite the crowd to violence.
Watch the video. Decent ammo, 9 mm or 40sw won't give you that muzzle flash ( Shitty russian tulammo might, but feds wouldn't use that crap). Those were blanks. Blanks give you wicked muzzle flash
I’ve always thought it looked scripted
Excellent insight, agree completely. Bloody gore festival is spot on. I think the shooting was fake but I don’t know who the woman in this video is. Doesn’t seem likely Ashli.
The bearded man next to her looks her husband.
That sure looks like him. Too much of a coincidence to have them both standing together. He’s sneakily looking around like he doesn’t want to be seen.
Ashley's husband Aaron pics
Yeah, he has a dull greyish worn looking hat like the dull greenish one here as well, I recall a video of him in a car talking too someone a long while back, he had it on. Not saying that I believe it is her but, was an odd clip/reaction from the them when noticed the camera was on em.
Compare to these very similar photos:
Kinda looks like her but wouldn’t make much sense for her to show up there. Still, her just vanishing like that makes ya wonder what’s actually happening here. Will be keeping an eye out for updates to this story. The show gets crazier every day.
As best I can tell at 1 second in she does appear to have the same/similar 'gummy' smile as Ashli Babbitt.
It doesn't even look that much like her. Shit like this is why people make fun of the Q movement.
Normies (both on the left and right) sure hate the mention of anything like this.