I saw it multiple times, I believe you guys too. The term “shapeshifters” or “reptilians” or “flat earth” that we saw in various posts here and on other sites.
I will show you how it’s used by the bad guys to strengthen the “conspiracy theorist” label and slow down awakening.
”Billy Corgan: ‘Shapeshifting Reptilians’ Run The ‘Satanic’ Music Industry”
My reaction to it is:
Add “flat earth” to it and you can easily label all inconvenient truth as “conspiracy theory”.
As simple as that.
They could have done it better this way: ‘Shapeshifting Reptilians’ who live on the opposite side of the Flat Earth Run The ‘Satanic’ Music Industry”.
Recall Pelosi saying on video:
We smear somebody with falsehood and all the rest, then you (journalists) print it and we say: The Press has published that (…) - it legitimises what we said, .. etc.
Talking about “shapeshifters” and “reptilians” is a similar tactic but it’s used to strengthen “conspiracy theorist” label.
When do they need to strengthen the “conspiracy theorist” label?
when the label stops working,
when people discover that all previous conspiracy theories came out to be a reality,
when we’re winning awakening the masses.
The deep state has to stick some bullshit they can call later so that people won’t believe it, otherwise the “conspiracy theorist” label will stop working at all.
Think about it as a slider that reflects the % of the truth within the “conspiracy theory” space.
We prove something was real, we move the slider closer to 100%
We say that the difference between the conspiracy theory and the reality was 2 years, 6 months and now it’s 2 months.
We’re destroying the term (a weapon) the C_A has created to prevent awakening.
They want to move the slider back where it was, closer to 0% so the term (a weapon) can be used again.
It’s NOT about the flat earth or reptilians.
It’s about Awakening.
Everyone who pushes these theories is either unaware or is a shill working for the deep state for money. People who try to justify “we use it to label (them)” are also either unaware or are paid shills who word Kadr to prevent awakening.
When we hear someone like this article and person “witnessing” it (especially famous person) - we have to note it as he isn’t on our side and will betray us. These celebrities are bought to make a contrast between:
- their lies and fake reality they want us to live and believe in,
- the truth about their pedo perversions, rapes, blackmail and satanic sacrifice.
Once they add something crazy and unreal to the second group - people are more likely to sit in the first box. Be aware of that!
Even if you’re crazy enough to believe that reptilians are real - it’s your choice. But if you really support the Great Awakening - you need to be aware that normies won’t move from the box 1 to box 2 if you add too much for them to accept. Knowing that: avoid flat earth and reptilians terminology here, leave it for yourself for later, if you enjoy it and focus on Great Awakening.
It’s a social engineering, consciously used by the Deep State.
At this stage anyone pushing flat earth and reptilians theories slows down the awakening process, no matter if consciously and intentionally or not.
I’ve made this post quite long and intentionally used the keywords in the title. Some shills will jump in and start calling me names without even reading the whole post. Once you’ve read the whole thing up until here - you understand who can sponsor to push these theories. Let them to reveal themselves, check their posts and their other comments, give your vote to the article and comments. Digital battlefield.
Stop worrying about what other people think. The truth is all that matters.
It is not a coincidence that there is a reptile in almost every religion's creation story. Calling others crazy for knowing these things is just ignorance on display. :(
Correct...Because the original (The Bible) was copied by the rest. Same with the flood story in almost every other religion's teaching.
LOL, the Bible is original
I think you may have misread his comment.
Not sure I understand.
Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. Revelation.
And remember, the Bible was copied from the Sumerian cuneiform tablets.
Uh, no.
While there are a lot of similarities between the Sumerian and Mesopotamian creation myths, the Creation account in the Torah is the unembellished/more accurate account.
Thanks, Bones. How you escaped the downvote posse here is a miracle.
Well done!
I know for s fact they are real. I've talked to a few insiders over the years who had encounters.
Let's just say I'm keeping my mind open to the evidence as it comes.
Early on in the awakening process, there is a tendency to latch onto any and all "conspiracies".
Perhaps we have a lot of young awakened who lack the discernment that comes with years of seeing what's up.
Guys, the earth is not flat. There are no reptilian shapeshifters. Focus on the real problems. Child sex trafficking in high places is real. Rampant corruption is real. Treason is real.
Why focus on shit you can't prove when you've got real shit you can prove?
Agreed with flat earth, there are too many ways where ground level observations can prove it's not flat, and ultimately reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of science.
As for the reptilian / shapeshifters; IMO, whether just figurative because there's a group of high functioning psychopaths running the show is valid imagery to represent a morality that is so evil that it's easier to conceive as not being human. It doesn't matter if it's literally true at that point.
Not flat but is earth way bigger than what we are told? What tf is going on in Antarctica? What is the moon? Are there DUMBS all over the world? Is the earth hollow? Let’s not act like there aren’t legitimate questions here. Flat earth could be used to distract from the real questions
More in the sense of treating the earth as a perfect sphere when that's not accurate.
The Antarctica question doesn't impact a flat earth or not.
I'm reasonably certain that the moon is not a ball of plasma resulting from a reflection of energy interacting with the firmament.
The dumbs question has no bearing.
A hollow earth is more plausible than a flat earth, which would make planetary bodies as more like a toroidal shape rather than a sphere.
Your last point is where I agree, there are legitimate questions and I have little doubt that the DS has ensured that we are living in as much of a fiction as they can maintain.
Antarctica is crucial in FE. I know we aren’t supposed to talk about this though so I will stop. It’s just frustrating that people are allowed to slander and strawman and the actual arguments aren’t allowed. Seems like a cheap shot to me, and so similar to the globalist cabal slander, strawmanning, and censorship. At least you guys are still against pedophiles, but never forget how many of you were strawmanning and slandering the “anti-vaxxers” three years ago and the “climate deniers” five years ago.
So many of you also used to go raging hate on us when we brought up the Lolita Express and Epstein. That was dismissed as “batshit crazy paranoia”. So plenty of people here used to run defense for pedophiles and didn’t realize it. Don’t forget that and be aware of who you might be running defense for now. Like all the “truthers” who won’t go near Sandy Hook. You are running cover for evil when you do that, don’t you think?
The topic was stickied for a time, can only assume that mods intend on looking the other way as that goes. (Ive not done any reports or raised avoiding the topic in thread, even though I agree because of how that will appear to newly redpilled)
Anyway, my understanding was that FE reorients the map such that the south pole is the barrier. If there's more, please elaborate. Otherwise, there's wayy too much fuckery surrounding Antarctica, who knows what to believe.
Yeah in the model Antarctica forms the outer rim of the basin that contains all the world’s oceans. Not saying anyone has to believe this, just that in an accurate description of the model, Antarctica is crucial. Hope I didn’t come off as rude. I know this is a subject that people get heated over, which is why I think mods try to keep it off GA.
I share your thinking
Not everything that’s true is worth worrying about right now. I like what that other poster said. There are things that are true that we can prove by and are vital to people understanding right now and then there’s stuff that’s interesting and might be true but isn’t vital and detracts from the more vital things.
There are? There's $60K out there waiting to be claimed if you can come up JUST ONE... you don't need any of the other "too many ways".
Those aren't legitimate offers, the capacity of flat earthers to shift goal posts is on par with leftists.
I've gone through those debates with flat earthers, there's a reason why I call it a fundamental misunderstanding of scientific principles.
Which "scientific principle" are we misunderstanding? Einstenian gravity (fraud)? Special relativity (fraud)? General relativity (fraud)? Quantum mechanics (fraud)? Quantum superposition (fraud)? Newtonian gravity (fraud)? Dark matter and dark energy (frauds to uphold the gravity fraud)?
I've educated myself carefully on all of the above as well as the heliosexual MODEL (mental abstraction) for over 5 years.
I'd love to know which "scientific principle" we misunderstand. Are you sure you understand it/them?
As to the $60K, the offer is 100% legitimate. I'm friends with the guy who is offering it and I can guarantee he'll honor the bet.
I think you're afraid to discover you've been duped and your comment is a cognitive dissonance reaction. If you're afraid to claim your prize, give me your irrefutable scientific proof and I'll submit it and we can split the 3 bitcoin.
I'm the first guy in line totally prepared to change my mind at a moment's notice. If you've got an irrefutable proof, I'll return to the heliosexual side of the fence in a heartbeat.
I'm happy to debate you and show you how you don't have any science backing your MODEL, but rather scientism. I spent the first 3 years of my research looking for this proof because, believe it or not, I thought FE was a nutso conspiracy theory too. I didn't set out to join with what I thought were the whackjobs, my goal was to shut them down. Boy was I humbled.
Let's do it via DM. Show me your proof. If I can debunk it and it's scientifically sound, I'll submit it and we split the winnings with you. Sound like a plan?
Noteworthy is that, while I agree ib the sense that each of those is inadequate, for the most part, there's a foundation based on observation. Then you get the theorists who develop these mathematical models that diverge away from the foundation of what can be objectively measured.
Anyway, the most common areas where a principle is used but the effects at a planetary scale are not applied. First, is that liquids volume cannot be compressed, an effect that is neglible in a small scale. Next, how light bends in a fluid. There are others, for example, some extended family came to visit Canada from Texas, where they were commenting on how the sunset was several hours beyond what they were used to at that time of year.
Or, how the north star (polaris) is the only one that remains motionless and if a camera is left focused on that star can see the rest of the sky rotating around that.
These are ground observable factors that fit right in with a spherical planet that requires some very creative work to validate with a flat earth model.
No doubt the offer is sincere, the intent to pay out is not. The whole reason to put out that kind of offer is to say that "we put a reward and nobody came to claim it."
Observation is not a "Scientific Principle"
What relevance does this have to scientifically demonstrating the globe?
I'm still waiting on the "scientific principle".
More "Observations" that have a perfectly rational explanation on a motionless, non-rotating plane.
None I've heard that don't work equally as well on a motionless, non-rotating plane. But you're still dilly-dallying with "observations" and avoiding the scientific principles.
I personally vouch for the guy. And oh, BTW, there's a physics professor trying right this very minute to win the bitcoin. He's already been given a chance and he's trying again today. It's sincere. But he's gonna need a "scientific principle" to upend the FE research, not an "observation" that can be explained in more ways than one.
I’ll bite. Take a look at my first comment on another branch of this reply tree, the one with seven observations about the sun.
And give me a consistent flat earth model that explains all that. With distances and equations and assumptions.
I hope you don’t mind me referring to the “flat brain” model if we’re doing this sort of thing.
I just think "Heliosexual" is a funny play on words living in today's world of maddness, no ill-intent intended. You can reference the open-minded vanguard any way you like. I'm not offended.
I responded directly to your 7 points. You are very common amongst the stunted-glober brethren. Despite mountains of scientific evidence disproving the globe, you aren't going to budge into you have a perfect MODEL (aka, "mental abstraction") to replace your fantasy MODEL. We see it all the time. Despite us demonstrating your model is broken in numerous places, none of it makes a difference because there isn't a 5-minute video that feeds you your replacement model. In fact, I don't think that would work either. Nothing will. This is some powerful brainwashing the Jesuits have indoctrinated the masses with since kindergarten.
But let's take a stab at your 7 points just for fun:
Agreed. All light sources appear circular.
Disagreed. The sun regularly changes optical sizes due to a whole host of factors. We do agree that the sun is ACUTALLY "one size" however. Nothing about this demands you must be on a globe or on a rotating ball.
As does anything else in the distance. On a flat road with evenly spaced telephone poles this is exactly what you see. Staring down a long hotel corridor you see the same. The sky(roof), ground(floor) and if indoors walls all eventually collapse into a single point. This is human optics 101. There's nothing unique about what you see in regards to the sun. The horizon always collapses at 3-6 miles (atmospheric conditions dependent).
And why does this matter? How would this be impossible on a non-moving, non-rotating plane? And be careful not to ASSUME your burning-ball of hydrogen gas is 93 million miles away. How would your perspective change if instead the sun was approximately 3300 miles away?
So what. Why is this significant in your mind?
Perfectly explainable on a non-moving, non-rotating plane. But this should also be the case in the so-called antarctic circle as well. And yet, there are no videos capturing this phenomenon. There are two OBVIOUS AND DELIBERATE fraudulent videos however that have been roundly and soundly debunked. Why do you suppose someone would make these fake videos anyway?
As I shared elsewhere in this post, we can fight over observations until the cows come home. You can dig in and BELIEVE that your observations can't possibly be explained on anything but a globe while I say they can be explained on both a globe and a non-moving, non-rotating plane. And nobody will budge because that's what humans do.
Or, we could produce VERIFIABLE, REPEATABLE scientific experiments that you, me or anybody else that cares to see for themselves could do - eliminating all NASA/University SCIENTISM which is infested with ASSUMPTIONS. It's the only way forward.
Turns out, there are hundreds of people all around the world doing these scientific experiments themselves all the time. And strangely, they keep disproving the globe. How could that be? Here's a brief 13-minute video demonstrating a mere dozen of these experiments.
You can't explain all this away. It's so tiring. Hundreds if not thousands of videos like these have been produced for over 10 years now. There are only two possible explanations:
All these random people who stand to gain nothing from you are liars and deceivers just because they get a kick out of tricking their brothers.
NASA, the Jesuits and Free masons are liars and deceivers because they stand to gain a great deal from you, namely your unquestioning COMPLIANCE & OBEDIENCE to their artificial matrix of dog-eat-dog commercial warfare.
It's one or the other. Either there are hundreds of lowly peons that get their rocks off producing fake videos and tricking their fellow man or the all-powerful rulers have a vested interest in keeping you deaf, dumb and blind to your reality.
And you can even do one better and go out there and do the scientific experiment yourself if you find both explanations unsettling.
What do you think?
Yes. Please share your ground level observations so we can prove once and for all to these flattys the world is a spinning ball. Thank you in advance.
Think about the sun. You can observe that:
The sun appears circular.
The sun appears to maintain its shape as it moves across the sky.
The sun appears to maintain its size as it moves across the sky.
The sun appears to rise from and set beneath ground level.
These phenomena are true no matter your longitude.
Different longitudes observe different times of day simultaneously.
Certain latitudes (above the arctic circle) may not see the sun rise and set every day, though it does move.
All of these facts are verifiable either by yourself, or by talking to trusted people living around the world (and in Alaska).
I have yet to find or be told a flat earth theory that is able to explain all of these factual observations at the same time.
None of your points support that the sun is a SPHERE (a ball), nor that the earth is rotating. In fact, if you carefully read back your own points you will see that this is so.
Evaluate your own points in relation to a MOVING LIGHT (sun) and a STATIONARY PLANE (earth). They all work perfectly.
If the sun were a light moving across a planar earth, it would appear to get smaller as it moves farther away from directly overhead. This is not observed. Try again.
Sometimes it does appear smaller, sometimes it appears larger. Atmospheric lensing causes these phenomena.
If it weren't a "ball of hydrogen gas" 93 million miles away (fraudulent calculation) but rather a projected, reflected light more along the order of 3000 miles away, you've got to rethink the entire basis of your argument.
You're trapped in lies if you wish to cling to nonexistent gravity, floating rocks in the sky, burning balls of gas that don't dissipate into a vacuum, etc.
See how one lie leads to another, to another, to another until you're lost in a fabricated model?
Find out how they supposedly calculated the size and distance of the sun. Was it based on one or more ASSUMPTIONS? If it was, how many more ASSUMPTIONS do you think can be built on the first?
Totally agree about the sun. The moon has me a little perplexed though. It lights up like a flashlight. And sometimes earths shadow is curved impossibly. Also just how sometimes half the moon is completely missing when you should at least see an outline. And why doesn’t the sun pull it into its gravitational pull. It’s always bothered me. Also how the sun and moon are basically the same size as you look at it.
Here’s another thing to think about: the tides. The tides sync up perfectly with the moon’s periodic motion, and do not increase or decrease in intensity with the phase of the moon.
I’m gonna assume you already accept that the same thing pulling us to the ground also governs the motion of the sun and moon. Because we have equations for that. The easiest one to apply would be Newton’s law of gravitation, which is accurate in all but the edge cases (stuff that gets really close to the sun). If you look at the equation, you can see that the force of gravity depends on two things: mass and distance, and these factors act opposite to each other. So, thinking about the gravity of two objects, even if one is much less massive than the other, if you get close enough to the smaller object (and far enough away from the larger one), the smaller object’s gravity dominates. So that’s one explanation why the moon (an object) stays linked to the earth (an object), as opposed to the sun (an object). Look into “Lagrange points” for some interesting extra info resulting from this sort of system.
I don’t know enough to talk about the optical properties of the moon, but remember that (according to the commonly accepted theory) the phases are the moon’s shadow, lunar eclipses are the earth’s shadow.
Scientists consider the relative size of the sun and moon in the sky to be a coincidence. God probably made it that way for good reason.
>>> I’m gonna assume you already accept that the same thing pulling us to the ground also governs the motion of the sun and moon.
You give flerfs too much credit.
I can send you a 4th grade science book if you like.
LOL. Truth. My 4th grade teacher was a genius as it pertains to the solar system. Why don't more idiots follow the simple teachings from their public school? Don't tell me they are just teaching what their told to teach. That's more lies!
Choose any 3 points on the earth. Make sure they are at least 2000 nm apart to get sufficient resolution. Use flight planning software to draw a round trip triangle direct between these 3 points. Add the interior angles of the triangle. You will find it adds up to more than 180 degrees. That can only happen because you are operating on a positively curved surface. And because it works for ANY 3 points you choose anywhere on the earth's surface, the earth can only be an ellipsoid of some kind. You can do the exact same test with boats on the ocean. You honestly don't need anything more than that. Flat earth is mathematically, provably wrong in so many simple ways when you understand basic geometry.
2000 nano meters? I'm not even clear what you want to replace this with? 2000 kilometers? That would be the only thing that makes any sense. You didn't put much effort into this post, not sure why I'm wasting my time.
A 2000 KM distance implies 1 million feet of curvature (189 miles) on the fantasy ball earth. You need TRIGONOMETRY to solve this math, not geometry.
How can you draw a triangle on a curved surface? It's impossible of course. The sea captains of days gone by all used their sextants in precisely the correct way, with a flat earth at the base of their TRIANGLE, and managed to get to their destinations as calculated. Which of course, is impossible on a curved surface.
"Flight planning software" is all corrupted with the man-made, free mason infused, totally unreal, false "Magnetic declination" fraud. No such thing exists. This is the trick they used to transform a flat surface into a ball. GPS leverages the same deception.
Eliminate magnetic declination and, voila, the deception is exposed and successful sextant navigation works and then another piece of ACTUAL REALITY is restored.
nm = nautical miles. Yes. It can also mean nanometers, but clearly not in this context. You are intentionally trying to be obtuse.
Nonsense. I'm as straight a shooter as you'll ever come across.
You can dilly-dally around with beliefs, models, frameworks, assumptions, abstractions, conceptualizations, man-made software and all the rest for the remainder of your life to uphold the heliocentric model. None of it proves the globe because the globe and all its "models" are built on hundreds of lies and assumptions, most of which we've shattered.
Or you can take the easy route and go get yourself a Nikon P900 or P1000 (or borrow or rent one) and sit at the beach and watch boats disappear from your visual field and then zoom your camera in for many miles further to the same boats as they head out to sea....and you can see the hull and all. That's what I did. Didn't cost me a cent as I borrowed a friend's camera and I didn't have to trust anybody else.
This simple exercise that literally anybody can do regardless of intellectual or economic status is all that's needed. Because these boats should be "hidden by the curvature" and they're not. Full Stop!
Or, you can logically and rationally conclude that aren't thousands of random people trying to deceive you (like NASA clearly is) and see for yourself from the comfort of your living room on all the major video-sharing platforms.
How's that for straight shooting? Nothing to argue about.
What I find remarkable is that 9 out of 10 people I talk to refuse to see for themselves and ASSUME that the online videos are either deceptions or misunderstandings...all thousands of them...lol. Talk about irrationality! The only explanation I can arrive at in these cases is cognitive dissonance. Nothing else makes sense.
Yes, and for the same reason it is not possible to map the Earth's surface as a flat representation without distortion. The larger the span of the map, the greater the distortion. Surveyors discovered that they couldn't really patch together coordinate grids if they were rectilinear (discrepancies at the edges).
Thank you. I wish I knew geometry better. I’m sure flatheads will argue that the flight planning software is built on the round earth model. But of course it is. Would they build a flight planning software on the back of a giant turtle? Lol.
A better question would be on the implications to physics required to have a flat earth that maintains the consistency it does to corroborate what can be derived from ground levels.
That's a really good point. I've personally watched newly awakened folks get so excited about having their blinders pulled off that they haven't discerned the whole "careful who you follow" situation. Next thing you know, they're excitedly telling you that JFK Jr. is alive and will be Trump's VP. Sigh.
i can't say i'm innocent of this sort of thing early on. I think if we all stick to what's in the drops and leave the rest until after the Awakening is good and on its way- we'll all be the better for it.
That’s partially true. There is such a group.
The other part is conscious/paid effort to promote fake theories to strengthen the conspiracy theory label weapon.
The second group will always try to portray they’re from the first one. We should be very conscious of that and downvote them to the oblivion, wherever we see them.
I do not think any of them are "conspiracy" theories. Existence Theories maybe but, conspiracy, nope. Flat Earth exists, Aliens who control the world exist, Middle earth exists, Matrix exists.. all just, what if, theories that have nothing to do with solid ground fact and truth. I often joke to my sis, "Flat earth is maybe the only crazy theory out there that I can not even think for a moment to get behind" watch it be the only thing out there that ends up being real.
Well spotted.
This means that people who call them “conspiracy theories” incorrectly are either mistaken, or doing so in bad faith for slander/suppresion.
As for “watch it be the only thing out there that ends up being real”, please join us on flatearthresearch to further explore the subject if you are interested!
Thank you for invite however, I have gone over the theory already, same with most of them, I find them all interesting, people are very creative in their passions to discover. Does not mean I can honestly agree and just go along with any of them. I have seen "see through" people a few times in my life and of course I auto think "ghosts" though, even that is just because that is what society tells me they are and because of that, I feel like I would be a complete hypocrite to just dismiss other's, no matter how crazy they sound on stuff like this especially when it comes to Aliens. Personally, I would like it if everyone would see a "see through person" in their lives at least once and in a way, they cannot dismiss it as their mind playing tricks on them. My defining moment was when an adult male in a white "business" type shirt with sleeves unbuttoned walked right between my sister and I, mid conversation. We both went silent and watch him until he poofed into the wall then looked at each other for confirmation. "DID YOU SEE THAT?!?!" lol, it was glorious. From that moment on i knew 100% there was much more out there, in existence, than we know.
My pleasure! It stands open to you in any case, and to anyone else interested in earnestly exploring the subject.
I can’t be certain, as we have just begun discussing - but it is unlikely that this is true. Due to the heavy advertising/funding of the FE psyop, you have likely “gone over” a contrived strawman intended to be irrational and offensively stupid.
Furthermore, flat earth research is most often studied independently. As such, there is wild variance in views, approaches, and conclusions. There is no cohesive “theory” which all ascribe to (that’s the psyop), and most have their individual (and often incompatible) and distinct perspectives.
I am pretty confident that you have not gone over my perspective before, and you will likely find the discussion worthwhile assuming you are interested and earnest.
Agreed. In imagination, all things are possible; not so much in reality though. As biased subjective creatures it is frightfully easy to find “evidence” of whatever we are looking for, no matter what. This is the origin of all mythology.
Nor should you! We should determine things for ourselves, and not “go along” with others blindly (or merely because they do, as a pack animal would - off the metaphorical cliff) This tenet is core to flat earth research.
This is always the case.
True story. Downvote and deport
Let us hope its this and not thousands of paid shills.
We also have some sage folks who can't always make the leap to believe the truth.
Yeah, I don't doubt that either.
Hate to break it to you, but Reptilians are real.
It's the Biblical origin story!
Chapter and verse please....I'll wait.
Genesis 3, 1
the devil as a talking serpent 🐍
that's like literally the definition of a reptilian
The Bible also has a talking donkey, but nobody is talking about our equine overlords.
a talking donkey didn't cause original sin
See, I thought talking animal was your yardstick for determining whether something was an alien. So causing original sin is the determining factor for deciding if something is a shapeshifting alien, I gotcha.
nice try buddy.
the donkey told the truth
the serpent deceived
do you see the difference?
So telling the truth equals not alien, and lying equals alien?
Just trying to figure out the rules.
The fact that reptiles are regarded as a problem around the world reflects the reality that real reptiles are often a problem. That means that reptiles have also become a metaphor for every cold, cruel, alienated person. It doesn't mean literal reptiles. People making that claim had better have a humanoid reptilian body to back it up, but so far all I've seen is words.
This, I see "lizardperson" as an accusation of behaving inhumanely but because of the points the OP made I avoid using the word in conversation with normies to avoid the "oh you believe in reptilians and flat Earth" straw man.
Psychopaths are commonly called "lizards, reptiles, or cold-blooded." It isn't literally true; it just describes their utter lack of empathy and conscience.
They're called "lizards" because, like all reptiles, they have no empathy.
Birds and mammals do have empathy. That is what drives them to feed and protect their helpless young.
Reptiles just lay their eggs and leave. The young either survive or they don't.
Empathy leads to conscience. No empathy = no conscience.
There is a technical name for a human with no conscience: Psychopath.
Yup, reptile = acting like a cold blooded creature with no empathy for others is all. Not LITTERAL, lizards. Though, yeah there are some that are kinda out there with this stuff.
You can’t apply the same logic to justify those using the term: shapeshifters.
All of this is why they constantly refer to this movement as “QAnon”
It’s been stated countless times, there are anonymous people on image/message boards, no one is in a cult attending meetings. Some of these anonymous people followed Q’s posts over the past 5 years. Some anonymous person that followed Q asked if flat earth was real. Q said no.
That should be the end of it with regards to associating Q with flat earth theories, but people continue to insert flat earth and other ridiculous conspiracy discussions on forums that follow Q to sow doubt in the overall movement
QAnon: https://qalerts.app/?n=4881
Flat earth: https://qalerts.app/?n=2622
In addition to all the biblical (every religion) references to powerful "Winged Serpents" it is generally accepted that reptiles ruled the earth for hundreds of millions of years prior to mammals and this is likely to be true throughout the cosmos. As to "shapeshifters", they don't magickly deform mater and defy physics. They are non-verbal mind control freaks. You, if in their influence, will see them however they wish. Go see a magic or hypnotist show. "But if you really support the Great Awakening - you need to be aware that normies won’t move from the box 1 to box 2 if you add too much for them to accept"...Is that why you support GW?...to get "normies" to jump from box to box biased on limited information of your choosing?? If nothing else I suspect you are seeing the significands of control of the narrative.
I believe reptilians are the biblical fallen angels. It's a deep rabbit hole but satanists are those who essentially worship the fallen angels, as are freemasons, catholics, most of hollywood, the music industry, any sheriff department who inverts the star on their logo, etc. They're everywhere and they like to creep around with their secret handshakes and symbolism. I was raised catholic and never knew and I don't believe most catholics have any idea how satanic the vatican is. It's as though the top tier of these satanic institutions are the only ones who know and see the whole picture, they are using the hapless followers like human batteries, (my opinion). I do not buy the flat earth theories by the way.
A side note: if you spend too much time worrying that people might think you are a conspiracy theorist? You are WAY too delicate. The Deep State machinery IS going to call you that no matter what you say or do. Might as well stop wasting your energy on THEM.
It isn't good to let anyone tell you that you must think a certain way. Study, research, regain your focus, and find the truth for yourself.
It’s not about THEM. It’s about the people we we want to wake up.
It’s like a game of chess. Q said: moves, countermoves.
THEY will do what they wish. You’ve right, we shouldn’t be wasting energy on THEM, but we should plan our moves considering what would be a potential countermove and how that would affect the Awakening (normies).
I do like hearing how others have reached sleepers/normies. It's been pretty helpful!
Kinda funny....there have been only two ways I've personally seen wake up normies. One was tailored toward people who ONLY listen to mainstream media. That's awesome and I have seen it reap a pretty good harvest!
And then there's the way I went.
I've not held back much from those I've talked to, and I chose to give these people the benefit of the doubt in terms of just how MUCH truth they could handle.
My goal wasn't to "wake people up", it was to plant bigger seeds for what's coming. I did post whatever data I had when possible. By deciding to never worry about the "conspiracy theorist" moniker I have had a few direct attacks from people I know. One was a pastor. But I reached thousands. So it was BEYOND well worth the pain.
If I HAD worried about being labelled a "conspiracy theorist" I would not have reached the people I have reached. But within my own family I have seen the exact opposite approach work! We know a lot of Wall Street types and they are slowwwwwwwly waking up because of this more gentle approach where anything that looked like "conspiracy theory" was never talked about. They would not have been able to stomach that stuff I talk about, and that's okay. We have different audiences! :)
So is “Qanon”…. They’ll use whatever they can against us. I don’t process my beliefs according to how the Deep State might try to weaponize what I believe.
Phew. I’m so glad we have a genuine fact checker here to tell us to stop researching flat earth and reptilians.
We're not alone in the universe - far from it actually. Religion tries to paint a different picture so you "need" it.
Flat earth is a scam but reptilians/ETs are not.
People also say that a criminal cabal running America and the world is a conspiracy theory.
Anything people find gard to accept is a conspiracy theory.
There was a time when the idea of the Earth orbiting the Sun was a "conspiracy theory".
What the Great Awakening has already achieved is that more and more people who hear MSN calling some topic a “conspiracy theory” - they feel it’s about something they don’t want people to find out or realise (something actually true). As a result people start digging or at least think about it.
They don’t want people to dig or even think, so they have to discourage them. They do it by producing fake theories. If people try to research them once and they won’t find proofs - they will less likely try the next time (discouraged).
Can you help me understand what this current stance is all about? Because if you’re concerned that we’re somehow being labeled as conspiracy theorists simply because of flat earthers or those who believe in reptilians, I got news for you… eliminating those voices isn’t going to make the msm and establishment shills suddenly like us — or think that we’re more levelheaded. We’re still conspiracy theorists to them.
Also, we preach and bitch and moan about censorship on normie platforms, yet we’re now enforcing it here?
As long as we’re not giving a voice to shills and glowies, I don’t understand this sudden panic.
It’s also inconsistently applied. Just the other day a post about a potential Ashli Babbit spotting was pinned. And I’m sorry but how is that any different than posting something like a Vincent Fusca/JFK Jr or Elvis spotting post?
And don’t get me wrong — I’m not saying those posts should be banned here. I’m saying the concern is inconsistent af, and I just don’t get it.
You know what the coolest thing about waking up from the matrix is? The more you start to figure out, you realize the less you know. None of us have it all figured out nor will we ever. Look into history dipshit start with Operation High Jump, look into Admiral Richard C. Byrd, operation fish bowl, the Antarctic treaty then move on to the moon landings, and I don’t mean google it or Wikipedia it, really look into it. Check out A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon by Bart Sibrel. Ask yourself what In the actual fuck had NASA even done for us besides selling t-shirts at Target since they stopped going to the moon back in the 70’s. Take note of propaganda that YOU speak of like the movie Apollo 13 with Tom Hanks. Pick up the Bible every once and awhile and look what it says about the composition of this world. Most importantly learn to use your gut instinct again, your innate intuition. Things aren’t all as they seem my friend. And once you know who the real liars are, look to see what they are telling you about the makeup of this world. An oblate spheroid. It could be a fucking pine cone for all you know but my point is is if you’re too scared to even look into it because you think it’s a stupid conspiracy than their tricks still have you by the balls, if you are at a point where you cannot even entertain the other side of the arguments position without losing your cool. You are still sucking the dick of the matrix and you are at best just posing. Happy searching, the journey never ends.
― Aristotle
Or not.
Sad that you're getting so many downvotes.
It’s a good point. The Bible refers to the firmament very clearly, but if we believe in a firmament, we get banned? That doesn’t give anyone any pause if they are on the side of God? Not even a little?
You said everything I’ve been thinking while reading the comments, except a little more savagely. 😉
Ok good. hollow earth is still on the table.
I don't particularly subscribe to the reptillian or flat earth theories, but if it's true, I'm not one to deny it. I just accept that the truth is out there whether I'm there to perceive it or not. I strive to be in line with whatever the truth is and not latch on to anything.
David Icke is controlled Opposition, always talks about Shapeshifters and reptilians. Doesn’t mean every other conspiracy theory is false. It just means the deep state has conspiracy theorists acting as good guys, spreading extreme theories to downplay the other ones and cause all other conspiracy theorists to seem “crazy.” There’s a reason Hollywood portrays conspiracy theorists as lunatics in their films.
There’s nothing wrong if one believes in reptilians though. I one time believed in them and it’s just part of the awakening process imo. Doesn’t necessarily mean they are paid shills just new to things as many people stated.
What made you stop believing in them? I'm just curious.
I wish I had a solid reason, this is why we can’t call each other stupid for our own beliefs and theories, no one truly knows with certain things such as the reptilian theory.
Mostly because it’s fronted by the controlled oppositions, they’re the ones who do the most spreading of information in regards to reptilians.
I have to admit, what’s up with those weird videos with the peoples eyes changing into slits and reptilian like eye balls? Who knows, but I sure hope we find out one day!
Your post was right on the money, and it predictably brought out the cabal's paid trash.
The outlandish claims are what made me realize Alex Jones was just a paid gatekeeper with enough truth thrown in once in a while to keep the audience in chains.
Why is everyone such a cuck with the what loser normie weirdos think? like they can appease these people, guess what boys, some people have followed Q since day one… yet also don’t think the earth is not a spinning ball, don’t think blacks can assimilate and hate Jewish subversion.
There's a lot more than just this.
They have poison pills tailor made for each different narrative they want to shoot down.
Including vax, 5g, etc.
I belive this is the purpose (mostly) of chem trails, to deflect from the discussion of weather modification/cloud seeding, which is very real. (Read about it 25 years ago in my science book at school)
How does it deflect from it? I guess I presumed that those chemtrails in the sky are them modifying the weather - not long after the chemtrails, in come the clouds!
Ohhh sorry, I think I've just cottoned on. So do you think the idea of chemtrails was brought in as misinformation (shall we say) to make people not think that they are actually just controlling the weather with the trails?
Could be. I think it's a more nuanced thing.
It's very real but not being done from commercial aircraft carrying passengers
How is this fool not permabanned? Obviously Catsfive hasn’t read this yet.
Everyone here knows it’s round, clown. Those fools who try to talk Flat Earth are banned by my man- Catsfive. He knows more about the shape of the earth than you. Plus it’s highly annoying to listen to the lies. Obviously Flat Earthers are trying to make money and gain extra advantages in life by stating this dangerous thinking.
The ancient art of the agent provocateur: insert someone into the group for the purpose of displaying behavior or making statements that discredit the group.
OK got it, FE is a psyop. And lets prove it by mentioning it in the same breath as literal reptilians. Q said no cause we're ready for all info right now. Oh but wait Obama actively denigrates FEs; Why would he attack a gov. psyop? It sure is weird that I agree with Obummer on something. Oh well, no bother, back to sleep I go.
breathing in that fresh air of logic on GAW stickies roster ahhhh
Back to the salt mines with you! :D
Wow...notice how this whole thread has a disproportionate number of downvotes on comments. Touchy topic.
I thought we were banning people for these cinversations? I didnt even promote it and still got banned and cussed out for participating past time. Now we are.stickyimg it?
Superb, thank you.
We used to be told not to talk about vaccines for the same reason. We used to be told not to talk about the climate hoax. We used to be told not to talk about 9/11. We used to be told not to talk about election fraud.
I agree that it is a process. If you can’t get someone to question the current narrative, then they probably can’t question 9/11. If they can’t question 9/11, then they can’t question NASA and former Nazi Werner von Braun. If they can’t question NASA, forget about Sandy Hook.
It’s easy to see how conflicts arise when different people have gone deeper into different rabbit holes than others have. There’s a natural tendency to want to resist these illusions being broken, and it’s too much to try to take it all at once, so people draw these arbitrary lines where they won’t even consider certain subjects, at least until they are more mentally equipped.
I think overall for the GA community, the main thing we want to avoid is that attitude of know-it-all condescension. We see how it affects people who are still all-in on the Covid narrative or the Q is a LARP narrative and how much they have to strawman and move the goalposts to hold onto those beliefs. An example of this on our side might be someone who thinks Pence is a white hat playing a role, and how viciously they might be criticized for that, when really, none of us truly know, as convinced as we might be.
Why put the two together at all? Flat Earth is a psy-op. Reptilians are unfortunately not. I see that we don't all agree that there are such beings, but I don't doubt that at some point, the truth about it (and so many other things) will be revealed.
I suppose the real point of the matter right now is that we just need to chill tf out about what's true and what's not. We apparently know very little about the way this world has been up until now, but what we do know is that we can't afford to be arguing shit like this among ourselves.