Likewise with the men. Unvaxxed ladies saw through the propaganda and fought our natural biological instincts to swim with the tide. He'll get a lady with her own mind and resilience to match his.
It's effectively the same choice as being willing to date someone with an STD.
I'm married and my wife only had a moment of weakness when her job was at risk, but for the single people, it's no different from most tests women give to men to make sure they are making a good selection.
Yes, shit tests, as in is this guy full of shit, or ways women test men to figure out if they are what they seem (or something to that effect).
They can take so many forms, but, for example contrivance a way to force the guy to make decisions to see if he's in control or not... I wouldn't be surprised if this was mostly subconscious.
The ways women test men to see how easy they are to abuse. Like the "put the toilet see down when you're done using it." They're perfectly capable of putting it down themselves. Or telling you to go to sleep on your couch in your own home when you're not living together? Those are shit tests.
EXACTLY what I was thinking when reading the article, POU. Obviously there's the health concerns. But if I was dating again, a woman telling me she was unvaccinated for chop fluey immediately tells me that this is a smart, critically thinking woman and that is very appealing.
Certainly. I'm in favor of full disclosure of ALL the big Pharma meds must be disclosed. The BS "antidepressants" and other mental hEaLtH scripts being on there as well. Everyone should know the FULL content of the human they are about to engage with and how much their bodies and brains have been fucked with by big Pharma. No ticking time bombs.
I’d love to make something like it, but you are then tasked with the securing of thousands of peoples health care info. It would immediately turn into a honeypot to chase down people
"Among the most disgruntled, hostile men tend to be those who succumbed to the vaccine by force. Feeling penalized twice over for a vaccine they never wanted to begin with, many of these men don’t handle these women’s rejection well. "
Maybe blood test verification will become norm in future dating? Especially in a few years when the cats out of the bag about sterilization or health problems.
I've read that the spike proteins can be transferred from men to women through sex and infect the women and make them infertile even if they're unvaxxed. That's a big no from me dawg. Unvaxxed, pure blood men only.
That's currently my situation right now. I've begrudgingly started online dating again because there is just no one in my current area so I have to look elsewhere.
Before I get too far in conversation with some of these guys I ask them about their opinion on covid and they usually will say whether they're vaxxed or not. So far all of them have said they're not vaxxed. Good start, but honestly you can't trust anyone these days so if I get far enough in a relationship I might even ask them if I can see their med records, and to be fair I'll show them mine too so they know I'm telling the truth about being unvaxxed too.
It's sadly come to that point. Remember when you didn't need to do all these things? That's another thing the cabal has taken from us: freedom and trust in relationships.
I live in a military area. I used to think that was pretty hot. Now I know they're pretty much all vaxxed, it's taken the shine off of them, unfortunately.
Same here. There is a base not too far so I see a lot of the young men on the dating site, and I used to really like guys like that, but now that I know 89% or so are vaxxed, there's little chance of meeting one who isn't.
You’ve been treading water in a sea of propaganda for three quarters of a century and they still haven’t worn you down enough to get you to surrender to the demon semen. It’s not a pity, it’s a great blessing. Most of your boomer peers have pebbles in their pouch, compared to your boulders.
I'm a man and I'm the same. I don't want an NPC or sterile girl. Sorry. Can't mess around with dumbass people, which unfortunately, is my whole extended family who got sucked into this crap.
u/plasma is stating things more harshly for GAW's audience, which is why I'm assuming he's getting downvoted. He's not wrong, but there are better ways to articulate what he's trying to say.
The article itself does come off as self-serving, pretty much right out of the gate. Could men be better (including myself) to attract a good partner? Probably, yes. However, women need to come....much, much closer to the center and actually meet us halfway.
The system has been entirely co-oped and engineered to give women much of the power in either dating or marriage even. Just one of the many ways the Cabal has destroyed society. Marginalize men's voices in every outlet possible and promote "toxic masculinity", #metoo, as a thing. Weaponize social media and play to women's natural emotions - enable/promote consumerism and "the grass is always greener" syndrome so they are never satisfied, even "Chad" isn't safe unless you are just in it for the physical aspect.
So the fact that the author is playing the "woe is me" card right out of the gate is an eye-roll moment certainly, even for a single unvaxxed woman living in a blue state.
Try being a single, straight, unvaxxed white, male living in a blue state, who is also Christian.....because you are public enemy #1 and have been for the last 10 years....far longer than covid has been around.
the first four lines of the article should inform you that they're not based at all. They will use you and divorce you as soon as possible after you got them a kid or two.They're still hypergamous women with standards that are too high.
I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, with whoever I want, wherever I want, for as long as I want. And if I don't want to do anything, then I don't do anything. I also get to keep all my resources for myself. Can't say the same if I had a girlfriend/wife.
Sure, the health of each person is their responsibility except when the State forced you to decide between your kids going to school or being injected with a Poisonous vaccine that doesn’t even prevent disease . So much for personal choice.
We pedes need to come up with sneaky questions to determine a potential dates vaxx status. Yes, we can always do bloodwork, but there has to be a way to figure this out before we get further than a few dates.
Good changes are a coming. When I was single: Almost every single attractive unmarried woman I used to meet, seemed to be a liberal. It's just the way it was, when the single women move to the big US cities to live with their friends after liberal college life.
Also, If a woman only chooses unvaxxed men, she gets men with their own mind and a resilient personality. Tested and passed.
Likewise with the men. Unvaxxed ladies saw through the propaganda and fought our natural biological instincts to swim with the tide. He'll get a lady with her own mind and resilience to match his.
Oh yes, you are the best women!
It's effectively the same choice as being willing to date someone with an STD.
I'm married and my wife only had a moment of weakness when her job was at risk, but for the single people, it's no different from most tests women give to men to make sure they are making a good selection.
The shit tests that women put men through?
Yes, shit tests, as in is this guy full of shit, or ways women test men to figure out if they are what they seem (or something to that effect).
They can take so many forms, but, for example contrivance a way to force the guy to make decisions to see if he's in control or not... I wouldn't be surprised if this was mostly subconscious.
The ways women test men to see how easy they are to abuse. Like the "put the toilet see down when you're done using it." They're perfectly capable of putting it down themselves. Or telling you to go to sleep on your couch in your own home when you're not living together? Those are shit tests.
Yes, thanks... generally at least.
Once you're aware, it's more about picking up the energy of it than any specific phrasing.
EXACTLY what I was thinking when reading the article, POU. Obviously there's the health concerns. But if I was dating again, a woman telling me she was unvaccinated for chop fluey immediately tells me that this is a smart, critically thinking woman and that is very appealing.
That crunchy sock next to my bed is looking rather sexy these days.
Only one!?
So you're saying I have a chance?
Not if it's a military man at the beginning of the vax distribution in a woke outfit. they started saying 'NO' a bit later.
In addition to having potential hidden health problems... a lot of vaccinated men are sterile since the vax. They just don't know it yet.
My two daughters won't even date a guy that has been Covid vaxed. That's a big NO.
You did a Great Job fren be proud
Same with my little sister. Turned a guy down because he was cov-vaxxed. He couldn’t believe it and didn’t understand it.
The dating pool got pretty small. I hope she will find someone.
Someone smarter than me needs to start a pure-blood dating site. I smell bank to be made there.
The dating site should also include if they got the Gardasil injection as well.
Certainly. I'm in favor of full disclosure of ALL the big Pharma meds must be disclosed. The BS "antidepressants" and other mental hEaLtH scripts being on there as well. Everyone should know the FULL content of the human they are about to engage with and how much their bodies and brains have been fucked with by big Pharma. No ticking time bombs.
Have a sheet with 100 of the most common medications that indicate a problem, and have a check box next to each drug, and say check all that apply.
I’d love to make something like it, but you are then tasked with the securing of thousands of peoples health care info. It would immediately turn into a honeypot to chase down people
I would use this app. Unjabbed here in a city surrounded with brainless zombie cultists.
If 'THEY' don't go after the ISP and payment providers to shut down 'an anti vac website'
Good point. We know for sure they won't like us un-marked folks hanging together.
Pretty sure PayPal won't be involved!! :-)
That's the other business to start or use. A censorship free payment system. Bitcoin? I don't know.
Bitcoin is a child trafficking coin. It will be going to $0 in the near future when the market crashes.
I’ll sign up for that!
"Among the most disgruntled, hostile men tend to be those who succumbed to the vaccine by force. Feeling penalized twice over for a vaccine they never wanted to begin with, many of these men don’t handle these women’s rejection well. "
That's what you get for being a pussy
Edit: pussies never take rejection well
"incel" is shaming language invented by feminists and the left to shame men for leaving the plantation of relationships and marriage.
Those are the men that are desperate for validation, in a kind of sad way. Shunned and made fun of by society, they have nothing to belong to.
Unvaxed single male looking far patriot women.
Hobbies include shitposting on GAW,and collecting silver....
Correct I mainly go for the cheapest I can find....
Dating is already difficult, now we have to keep in mind who is vaxxed 😭
It’s part of their depopulation plan
theres a birth control injection called depo
Sterility, Gas, food, convicts, etc. all contribute to depopulation.
Besides men will just lie, won't they? How can they prove they are not vaxxed.
Ask them. Most that are vaccinated will say yes fast to a women that ask because they assume she wants them to be.
People actually list on profiles that they are vaxed.
My profile says unvaxxed and I'm getting nowhere
That’s the truth
Problem: I bet these men will learn to lie about their vax status....
That's what I was thinking. How could you really ever know?
Use Bluetooth Scanner app on Android, if they are jabbed they will have a MAC address.
I know this was a deadpan answer, but damn they're the funniest.
How do you know if someone's vaccinated? They'll tell you.
KEK! And I agree with your user name. Checks out! :)
Maybe blood test verification will become norm in future dating? Especially in a few years when the cats out of the bag about sterilization or health problems.
..glowies. .
Hey there ladies, I'm single and unmingled.
slides over waggles eyebrows
I kid. Maybe. :D :D :D
This is a reality my daughter is going to have to navigate as she gets older.
I'll bet vaids can be spread through sex.
I've read that the spike proteins can be transferred from men to women through sex and infect the women and make them infertile even if they're unvaxxed. That's a big no from me dawg. Unvaxxed, pure blood men only.
Rumor but why risk it.
Exactly. I'm not going to become another experiment.
Being a non vaxxed single male is now a panty dropper for woman...Strange times...
Thank God for His blessing me with a based husband!
That's currently my situation right now. I've begrudgingly started online dating again because there is just no one in my current area so I have to look elsewhere.
Before I get too far in conversation with some of these guys I ask them about their opinion on covid and they usually will say whether they're vaxxed or not. So far all of them have said they're not vaxxed. Good start, but honestly you can't trust anyone these days so if I get far enough in a relationship I might even ask them if I can see their med records, and to be fair I'll show them mine too so they know I'm telling the truth about being unvaxxed too.
It's sadly come to that point. Remember when you didn't need to do all these things? That's another thing the cabal has taken from us: freedom and trust in relationships.
I live in a military area. I used to think that was pretty hot. Now I know they're pretty much all vaxxed, it's taken the shine off of them, unfortunately.
Same here. There is a base not too far so I see a lot of the young men on the dating site, and I used to really like guys like that, but now that I know 89% or so are vaxxed, there's little chance of meeting one who isn't.
Hi Lily.
Download the Android Bluetooth Scanner app and scan them. If they are jabbed they will have a MAC address.
See here:
How does that even work?
Self assembling nanobots, try scanning and see.
I think you are right and have the correct and necessary approach. Records on the table.
The times are difficult - but that's the way it is.
Since it's a matter of life and death we do what we have to do.
I am pure blooded, its just a pity I am nearly 75 years old.
You’ve been treading water in a sea of propaganda for three quarters of a century and they still haven’t worn you down enough to get you to surrender to the demon semen. It’s not a pity, it’s a great blessing. Most of your boomer peers have pebbles in their pouch, compared to your boulders.
Hey! Larry King was getting it on well into his eighties. There's hope for you. XD
80, pure and always looking. One of life's coolest secrets is that it gets better as we get older.
I'm a man and I'm the same. I don't want an NPC or sterile girl. Sorry. Can't mess around with dumbass people, which unfortunately, is my whole extended family who got sucked into this crap.
Congratulations on removing your whole extended family from your dating pool.
"As a single woman myself, I can vouch for how tough the dating climate is for every one of us"
bwahahaha cry me a river, privileged human.The climate is hard for hoes riding the cc.
edit: it's funny because it's just going to narrow even more their dating pool, already unnaturally narrowed by their inflated, unreachable standards.
u/plasma is stating things more harshly for GAW's audience, which is why I'm assuming he's getting downvoted. He's not wrong, but there are better ways to articulate what he's trying to say.
The article itself does come off as self-serving, pretty much right out of the gate. Could men be better (including myself) to attract a good partner? Probably, yes. However, women need to come....much, much closer to the center and actually meet us halfway.
The system has been entirely co-oped and engineered to give women much of the power in either dating or marriage even. Just one of the many ways the Cabal has destroyed society. Marginalize men's voices in every outlet possible and promote "toxic masculinity", #metoo, as a thing. Weaponize social media and play to women's natural emotions - enable/promote consumerism and "the grass is always greener" syndrome so they are never satisfied, even "Chad" isn't safe unless you are just in it for the physical aspect.
So the fact that the author is playing the "woe is me" card right out of the gate is an eye-roll moment certainly, even for a single unvaxxed woman living in a blue state.
Try being a single, straight, unvaxxed white, male living in a blue state, who is also Christian.....because you are public enemy #1 and have been for the last 10 years....far longer than covid has been around.
Modern "marriage" is a social construct engineered by the government to extract resources from men.
Literally a contract with the government.
Yes, just another divide and conquer tactic from the Cabal....
If you're not high-value, they don't care about you. They won't even ask you for the time because you don't have a Rolex.
The hell kinda garbage is that.
Here's something that's actually good.
Great! I’m an unvaccinated guy. Now all I need is to make some money and go to America to meet these based women.
the first four lines of the article should inform you that they're not based at all. They will use you and divorce you as soon as possible after you got them a kid or two.They're still hypergamous women with standards that are too high.
Ok incel
ouf what a burn lol
"incel" is shaming language invented by feminsits and the left to shame men for leaving the plantation of relationships and marriage.
Not necessarily you, but what do women have to offer?
When you have a faithful, supportive, respectful one you'll understand.
I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, with whoever I want, wherever I want, for as long as I want. And if I don't want to do anything, then I don't do anything. I also get to keep all my resources for myself. Can't say the same if I had a girlfriend/wife.
You sound like someone that unfortunately went through all the bullshit. Have you heard of Terrence Popp? He does great work.
oh yes lol, i watched a lot of his content. he's funny. i like also alexander grace and human.
Didn't I just see a study that showed that unvax women having sex with vax men risk sterilization themselves?
I hadn't heard o stand corrected, thought it was rumor.
If you find it, please post
Here's what I saw.
thank you!
I see a whole new legal speciality emerging.....("but he told me he was.."..) anyone remember "Gattica"?
Sure, the health of each person is their responsibility except when the State forced you to decide between your kids going to school or being injected with a Poisonous vaccine that doesn’t even prevent disease . So much for personal choice.
Shit. I'm in Florida and still all I can find are Woke Lib Vaccinated women. Where these women at...?
you must have come here when the Snowbirds arrived, try looking for regular Floridians.
We pedes need to come up with sneaky questions to determine a potential dates vaxx status. Yes, we can always do bloodwork, but there has to be a way to figure this out before we get further than a few dates.
Simple question…”Are you up to date on all your boosters?”
Then she's going to put her napkin on the table, excuse herself to powder her nose and never come back.
Some clever docs can come up with certifications. Certified unvaxxed.
Hold your ground, Unvaxxed girls!
Hold your ground, Unvaxxed guys!
I'm guessing there are more unvaccinated men than women, but I could be wrong.
This is gonna get sticky down the road. Avoiding all that.
Pun intended? LMAO
Fuck those soy boy cucks. Reddit dating subs hate people that turn down the vaccinated but we all know that place is fucked
Now this is a good article
Good changes are a coming. When I was single: Almost every single attractive unmarried woman I used to meet, seemed to be a liberal. It's just the way it was, when the single women move to the big US cities to live with their friends after liberal college life.
There are early studies to suggest that the spike proteins and other shit are STD transmissible.
If that is true, this shit goes much deeper than we though.
I had a hunch that the C19 vaxx was reversed engineered tech, and the more the studies come out the more that appears to be the case.
Time will tell.
Doesn’t matter if they’re vaxxed or unvaxxed, women still say no to me…
I would not touch a jabbed cat with a ten foot pole much less an 8 inch one.
I say no to vaccinated women.