- Endless lies (media control)
- Endless wars (all wars are banker wars)
- Endless 'printing' (...hmm starting to sound like Rothschilds?)
Throw your ego away for a minute.
Our country, at least on paper, is a Republic. WE THE PEOPLE will put an END TO THE ENDLESS!!!1 Yeah...well technically, elected officials have the power to put an 'end to the endless' today. Begs the question. Why haven't they done so in the last 100 years?
Answer: Blackmail strings.
The + symbol used so often by Q, is a reference to Godfather logo's puppetmaster strings. Our reality is so Clown World, that our battling politicians are nothing but puppets owned by different puppetmasters, who don't always see eye to eye. Example. The 2008 Democrat Primary was between Renegade Hussein and Evergreen Hillary Blythe, aka Al-Waleed vs. Rothschild.
Nov 2017, Al-Waleed +++ is purged ("One side of the triangle removed (1st time in history)" -Q)
- In 2018 Q asserted the structure of the Federal Reserve would change.
- March of 2020 is when we saw this change.
It is not hyperbole to state that the purge of Al-Waleed +++ cut the blackmail strings of half US politicians. Obama himself, is said to have pathetically shopped around for another billionaire to hitch his strings to before ultimately Flipping. I'd assume a plea deal that would preserve his legacy in some fashion (GAW users will hate to stomach that one). But it was logical game theory. His Flipping demoralized fellow Clowns who admired him, promoting more Flips and 'Suicide Squad' offers.
So successful were Patriots at Flipping, Biden and later Kamala were Flipped a month before the 2020 Election. If you refuse to entertain that, digest some reading material and continue. This is why Biden makes a ludicrous amount of gaffes, while his actions have caused NOTHING that causes irreparable harm to the United States. Nor weakens her military.
By now you understand the importance of Comms. Giving the Comms Aware, be they Clown or Patriot, updates on current state of a given Op, is of the utmost importance. 'Deaths' are often used to symbolize this. They've been doing this for a looong time. Quick example of this usage:
- 12/12/1939 Former King of Hollywood Douglas Elton Fairbanks death
- +3 days
- 12/15/1939 Gone with the Wind premiered three day festival
"A transition embodied in the actor. A message sent that the silent age of films was over. That just having a pretty face was no longer enough. This film was promoted to punctuate the changing of an age. ...Wind = Speech. Fairbanks (and countless others) were GONE WITH THE WIND."
We, even as Media-skeptic anons, swallow news of celebrity deaths without question. That being said, understand that the physical well-being of Rothschild is honestly less significant than the symbolic implication of his death. The timing of the reveal of the 'death' of Evelyn de Rothschild(++), the morning of Election Day, is suspect. "A keen horse trainer and owner", horse races have symbolized political races for over 100 years now. Reconcile the meaning of being a trainer and owner.
The timing of this tremendous Comm ensures that it is related to the Election. You have what could very well be the other half of US politicians strings being cut. The blackmail evidence on these politicians, in the hands of Q team. The reality-changing Comm for these politicians were sent so close to the Election, that the Democrat rigging machine could not alter its course if it wanted to.
So what do we now have? We have dozens and dozens of Democrat politicians who no longer have string protection from Rothschild ++, and who Patriots have by the short hairs. Plus, proof of Election rigging as the Patriots newest Trump card. I cannot imagine a smoother transition to the Great Awakening than to have Republican and Democrats (now no longer protected) come together in unison.
Again. All this effort is not being done for you and me to have a comfy transition to Great Awakening. It is all being done for the masses. Q cares about us, but Q's not worried about us. We can handle it.
Until that whole damn family is removed from the gene pool, the threat hasn't subsided.
No matter the age, they must be destroyed. If they've frozen eggs or sperm, those must be destroyed too.
I don't know that I agree with this. Really? You're going to advocate for the killing of 2 year olds in the Rofschild family?
Bruh. No.
Not murdering babies is the way
Yea, killing kids is what they do. We foster, encourage, discipline. We raise strong, patriotic, responsible human beings.
Children are like clay. You can mold them. They mold them into satanic perverts like Hunter. Look at Trump's kids vs Biden's? That tells you everything.
Remove their power. Their money. Their influence, then you can foster and care for them. Otherwise, you will see a very angry 30 year old in 20 years building up a cult.
Lol. I see what you did here. Good one.
That is called "the ends justify the means".
But TRUTH and RIGHT is this:
The MEANS must justify themselves. We don't do evil to arrive at good.
They've been at this for over 1000 years. If I'm part of the Orsini bloodline, I'd rather have my balls cut out and watch them get destroyed. I'm committed to ending bloodlines.
Hell is hot and Jesus said not to murder or have anger in your heart and to pray for their conversion.
Hope you did all that first! Who do you serve?
I don't serve anyone, I want to see the evil exterminated. "Praying for their conversion" is how they've been able to rape, murder and eat children, and plunge the world into war for over 1000 years. They need to die.
Was thinking along these lines. If house of Saud was flipped in 2017 and this is truly the sniping of Rothschild's strings does that mean Soros is next on the chopping block?
Saving Israel for last, me thinks.
^^^ some clarity on "Israel for last"
Hopefully on my birthday Dec 8 !
I already have Soros on December 8th in the GA.win pool.
Oooh, I want in. I don't care if I'll lose: I pick Dec 25. Merry Christmas.
Came a bit early, so far as I am concerned:
One of the most profoundly evil (and wealthy and powerful) men in WORLD HISTORY just dropped dead last night. Assuming he hasn't been in cold storage like the pedo, Bush Sr.
Hi Mary, hope all is good today in your camp. Luckily I had 3 good things happen this week that has helped keep me in good spirits. Cheating so obviously can be disheartening to the law abiding.
In the end it will be the left who is disappointed. We will keep believing God.
and that's where we really see that "Hope does not disappoint" <3
Tell you Son and his wife straight up Mary! You love them but you can't DO IT ALL! 🙏
They'll get over their mad if they are mature. You are a blessing to them!
Hang in there Mary...🙏
Let it go Mary. At least long enough to renew your faith in God. Take a break. He’s in control right? Renew your faith by reviewing His promises. They are many and most have already been fulfilled. Enjoy that grandkid while you can. None of this is important enough to come between us and God. 2 Peter 1:2, Numbers 6:24-26.
You fren, deserve many updoots for this
Another leg of the cabal's financial triangle down
The normals are losing their minds in here about the election. It's an obvious operation to me, demonstrate the absurdity which biden and Harris have mastered. Biden isn't even the real bidn in my opinion. The entire thing g controlled like a production
I hear u but there is some reality you did not mention. These aren't crisis actors that are being killed, maimed, losing their babies, their homes, their relationships, their jobs, their desire to live, their hope, their wealth, etc. For many, it's hell on earth.
I guess it comes down to 1 big question. What is an acceptable toll 1 side must pay in order for the other side to be coddled ?
Right here👆🏻. One side needs no further coddling. It needs a good solid spanking. My cousin’s circle of people have been working on such a movement. Because they’ve heard enough from rallies without action, from their view. They’ve maxed out on their toll. I still hope things can be done by law. They only agree with the 2A and Bill of Rights style action soon.
We're well beyond the point of having a justified casus belli to use the 2nd amendment for its intended purpose.
This post in your other thread would get a warning.
Read it again. I’m discussing others, not myself. And other threads are for other reactions accordingly.
Except forcing the military to participate in a global human medical experiment, causing the deaths of untold millions.
Also letting trannies in. Kicking out those of strong wills who chose not to submit to the gene therapy. But yeah he hasn't done anything that hurts the military.
To say nothing of what he's done in regards to fertilizer which we will not even START seeing the effects of until next harvest.
But it's all just a prank bro
The plan is the plan, trust it, or don't.
I agree with your premise here, but my followup question is: "What about Soros?". I agree that Soros/Nazis are their OWN crime syndicate that has allied with Rothschilds on certain occassions (for example Lichtenstein looks like joint venture per their flag). It was Soros that was using his money to rig the US Elections all the way down to the county level from what I understand. Has that been undone? It still looks like Soros SOSs still running their crime op.
It is pretty clear that the US Election rigging is multi-layered by many different players. How many "peel backs" are we going to have to go through to stop it in your opinion. Personally, I'm tired of this "exposure operation", and I'm filing lawsuits to sue the shit out of everyone. Maybe a random variable like that will speed things up or create more chaos for the criminals?
You have Soros, and don't forget MOSSAD (cue the once written, often quoted 'Saving Israel for Last'). At this point in the game, I'm more trusting of a Democrat whose strings were recently cut and now owned by Patriots than I am of RINOs.
Patriots are essentially collecting blackmail strings from tens of thousands of politicians/VIPs and their handlers, using their Flips to uncover human traffickers and rogue brainwashed killer cells (Suicide Squad deals), all while determining justice for ex-Clowns. A difficult question, as to decipher which actions were taken under duress of one's family's safety/which ones were born into it, vs. which actions were plain out evil and self-serving (GAW would hang them all without impunity, of course).
The US is slowed down by it's due process, leveraging sealed indictments etc, vs. the swiftness of say Saudi Arabia or China.
Hmmm...interesting. So theoretically, the Patriots/White Hats should be able to collect blackmail strings from most of the "politicians/VIPs and their handlers" now that the Queen, SA, and Rothschild are gone. So we are left with Soros and MOSSAD (assuming Xi took care of globalist CCP faction). Since Israel is last, then Soros will be next to fall, and we should be left with hardcore MOSSAD Khazarians that are likely "born into it"? I wonder if this is like 10% of them or closer to 25%?
Any speculation on when Soros goes down? Clearly his public "death" announcement would be that marker.
I really don't see the Clown system able to support itself anymore, which goes for MOS as well. Do not understimate the significance of El Salvador ridding itself of tens of thousands of MS-13 gang members. Brainwashed hitmen were the invisible threat that kept Clowns in line. Patriots take care of that, Patriots take control of stored blackmail footage and it becomes a no-brainer for the Clown.
Rats have been jumping ship for years now, and the pressure (and pain) only increases the longer they wait.
If Patriots control the majority of politicians in Congress via strings (plus America First ones like MTG), you could make Great Awakening happen however you want, however you wish, and make it go down easy for the normie. You'll have to do it in such a way that respects the actions (sometimes life risking actions) of ex-Clowns who got you there.
Dec. 8
IDK The cabal might target a patriot on Dec. 8 in retaliation for the Rothschild death
DecodingSymbols stated the Plandemic was allowed to happen to safely disarm some of these "MKUltra" cells
As the Cabal is slowly losing control over their puppets, keep an eye out for comms
Thank you for this take! I will remain hopeful.
Yes, the big news on Nov 8 turned out not to be midterms related
This is high quality content right here. We’re not worthy.
Fabulous post! And so spot on!
Excellent post, Brother.
Codes posted a new blog post today on REDPILLS!
I just read this one earlier today
When did Obama "flip"? I thought he was taken out. I know we are seeing doubles of him or clones or whatever. Biden didn't flip, he was executed. Fake Biden is working with the White Hats to show just how much the democrats want to destroy America. The Rothschild death announcement was very symbolic for the blood red moon to rise on the same day. I want all the traitors in both houses to hang. They sold out our country and cannot be forgiven.
Handlers Removed Nov 2017. Flip confimed July 2018
"First we have to understand what controls people and how this can change. Q was clear that Obama’s strings were held by Al-Waleed bin Talal and that arrest in November 2017 cut many strings.
So does this mean Obama flipped after Waleed was taken out? No. Q makes that clear as well."
"Cutting strings from one master does not necessarily free a person underneath. Sometimes this is because they simply choose not to flip, more often it’s because because there is more than one person holding more than one string. In fact it is due to “having it all” that put us in a world wide stalemate. It was in effect having strings.
World stalemate was before Waleed was captured. Afterwards is when Politician string power shifted to patriot’s direction. Some remained in a stalemate due to strings from both sides or were deemed not useful. I believe these make up many of those forced to resign. https://qresear.ch/resignations
But many were deemed useful and became an avalanche of flips as the patriot strings far outnumbered the clown ones."
I believe BHO got busted stealing 2012 re-election: they real votes weren't there - citizens hated him especially in Florida with real estate crash and BP Oil Spill: he is a LIAR! Patriots caught him cheating BADLY to win re-election and flipped him then! Look at his EOs: the things he put in motion have been critical elements for the Patriot Plan we are on today! He rescinded the Smith-Mundt Act which prevented media propaganda.
Why even mention clones? Seems odd. Politicians use doubles, this is obvious. Why bring the sci fi technology into it? Even if it is somehow true, it will just seem insane to 99% of people, so why even mention it when you can just say body double?
Because I'm on GAW and we know. Don't care what normies think - they aren't here.
A clone is just a twin. Identical twins are clones. It's not a robot that can be controlled. They have their own mind and personality. The clone of an adult still has to gestate and grow up. With humans, that is not something that happens very fast. I can believe body doubles, having seen pictures of doppelgängers. But I can't believe clones are being used.
You dont believe they can have a twin of you somewhere? Okay then
He brings up good points though. If he were cloned, did they age it 60 years? Did they make it when he was born? Im sure theres shitloads of tech we dont know but its worth wondering about.
Im sure theres many diff ways to have a clone. Maybe keep them in sleep induced coma til ready? Maybe grow them underground or in facility or on the moon? He has good points but anything is possible.
Replicant confirmed.
Don't think Hussein flipped!
(++) Roth and (+++) Saud strings cut.
(+) (Rockefeller) currently headed by Soros remains
Seems like a major victory, but Rockefeller is the American branch and likely the most responsible for the rot we have here in the States. The RINOs, Dems, Hollywood, Clinton Cartel, Military Industrial Intelligence Complex, Drug Trade, Cartels, Influence over Foreign Governments, 5th Columns, many puppets in media org, business org, judicial org and political org etc would all be Rockefeller/Soros.
Will be interesting to see how Roth exit affects the behavior and posture of the remaining Rock orgs and affiliates.
I did post on another thread yesterday that his death was 1837 days after the first Q post, which was the year of the financial Panic (the first one). The Rothschild's were behind that too, there is a youtube video about it https://economic-historian.com/2020/11/panic-of-1837/
He was 91, so most likely died of natural causes. If it was a younger Rothschild or we have proof his entire fortune has been confiscated, as it should, I would believe there was some significance.
Again, he is just as likely to be physically alive today as he is to have been "on ice" for months. We don't trust the Media to tell us a toilet paper shortage is genuine, so why do we trust the Media to tell us that a celebrity dies without hesitation?
The Comm being sent with Rothschild's death is what's important. The fact that it was on Election Day, has specific meaning. I would be happy to add more examples than the Douglas Elton Fairbank's for death usage as Comms in the past.
You are absolutely correct about the date of death, and the significance of the date.
Excellent post and replies, thank you!
I've been trying to understand comms and how to decode them, to comprehend what is being communicated. It's difficult but rewarding. I find myself going back and reading through decodes from others because repetition helps my comprehension. Thank you again, sir.
Quality analysis
well said op-fren
I like the way you think.
The fact that Trump went out of his way to work "plus plus plus" into his speech on the eve of the election, and we wake up the next morning (election day) to see news of the Rothchild family patriarch dead is just too much coincidence to ignore, and lends credence to your theory. Well done.
The 'death' of Evelyn de Rothschild (this one), on the day of the Election, is symbolic of their downfall. It carries far more impact, has a looooot more implications, of which Comms Aware Clowns and Patriots would be all too aware of, then that of just a rich man keeling over and his children taking over.
I was thinking the same thing - https://youtu.be/9ofRIMgI46k?t=469 - Guantanamo
Let's be real. You have absolutely nothing to back that statement up. The knowledge of whether Obama has flipped or not is a thousand times above your paygrade.
"said to have" = weasel words. Said by who? Someone else guessing.
Your whole wall of text above amounts to nothing but conjecture, which under normal circumstances would be fine.
Except it's not presented as speculation. You're presenting it as irrefutable fact, as if you're in the know.
You're not in the know.
"First we have to understand what controls people and how this can change. Q was clear that Obama’s strings were held by Al-Waleed bin Talal and that arrest in November 2017 cut many strings.
So does this mean Obama flipped after Waleed was taken out? No. Q makes that clear as well."
I can quote Q too.
Why would he try to claim Kenyan citizenship if he had "muh deal"?
Furthermore, the statement "When I'm done it'll be like you were never even here." completely negates your statements that Obama's legacy will be preserved.
Nice, yes that Q post threatening Obama is March 2018.
The Q post laughing at Hussein trying to hitch his strings is Dec 2017.
Q threatened Hussein a great deal in this time period.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but these pictures never materialized by Q. Was Q lying to us? Or was it a threat that landed.
"Handlers Removed Nov 2017. Flip confimed July 2018
Cutting strings from one master does not necessarily free a person underneath. Sometimes this is because they simply choose not to flip, more often it’s because because there is more than one person holding more than one string. In fact it is due to “having it all” that put us in a world wide stalemate. It was in effect having strings.
World stalemate was before Waleed was captured. Afterwards is when Politician string power shifted to patriot’s direction. Some remained in a stalemate due to strings from both sides or were deemed not useful. I believe these make up many of those forced to resign. https://qresear.ch/resignations
But many were deemed useful and became an avalanche of flips as the patriot strings far outnumbered the clown ones."
If I use quotes, I am quoting someone else. Most likely, the article I link at the end of my comment. DecodingSymbols certainly has confidence in his decodes, that's probably what irks you. I can understand that reaction.
Do you not think there was a back and forth between VIPs like Obama and Q happening via Comms in 2018? The part we see, the obvious threat of the AK-47 pictures, was written in plain old english for us anons to see. If Q wanted to send that message to Hussein via Comms, he would have. The anons seeing it was solely to up the tension.
Do I feel angry that we were 'used' in that way? To up the tension? Do I believe Q is less 'legit' if he doesn't surface those pics he promised? No, and No.
100% Agreed.
My sole point is whoever wrote the post doesn't know any more than anyone else, and in fact there are many Q posts that contradict it.
Whether or not I think its plausible is a completely different discussion that's irrelevant to the point. But if we had that discussion, I'd preface it with saying I'm only speculating and I have no real way of knowing, the same as anyone else who isn't a Q-insider.
Wait, are you the dude who runs decodingsymbols?
Nope, I am not a fraction as smart as he is. It takes me a month just to digest a single one of his articles.
I love his work, and port it over to everyone when I'm trying to explain comms via Trump, Q, etc.
They were old as shit and bound to die sooner than later. Big whoop, there's plenty more of them to carry out their families plans.
I've looked at this board all day and I didn't see a single person who wanted a "comfy" transition. You know what everyone wants is ANY fucking transition. ANYthing. SOMEthing. Not more of the same. What else can we do now? No one gets another vote until I see something in return for the last 2 that got flushed. Hate all you want. "Comfy" transition....ridiculous.
"Hey guys, I cut one head off the Hydra, we're good now right?"
All I can do is stress to you how F***ed we were before. Stress how encompassing Clown World really is, to convince you that the suffering we're feeling now is miniscule in comparison to where we were going.
Not to mention the suffering of hundreds of thousands (millions) of lives lost to Banker Wars. Ask a Haitian what was worse for them. The inflation they're feeling now, or the Clinton Foundation.
Ask the young men drafted into the Vietnam War. A war that was truly meant to be "Endless". Who stopped it? Who was then subsequently destroyed? Rothschilds punished Nixon for ending it with Watergate.
We don't have tens of thousands of boots on the ground in Ukraine. We don't have a No Fly Zone over Kiev causing full scale Banker War.
Irreparable harm to individuals? Yes. Irreparable harm to our country as a whole? No.