I think that would remove the "non-living" part. But if it is parasitic in nature, it probably dies at some point.
You know, at this point I wouldn't even be surprised if the old manga / anime called Parasyte was a soft disclosure, with parasitic politicians controlling significant government positions and killing/taking over anyone who finds out about them.
It was suggested that nano-tech with graphene would be used to create a sort of amalganeous type of bio-antenna to sync up the body with a virtual counterpart. First step was to be able to mine the bioactivity data of the host body through iot 5G monitoring. I wonder if this was the first attempt at creating a sustainable (...) structure in living bodies.... That might be why it was a reported, at some point, that bluetooth ID # were detected around the vaxxed. #MonthlyBoosters
I used to test that out all the time. I would drive vaxxed people out into a rural area, run the scan, and see their ID numbers...then ask one of them to get out of the car, leaving his phone, and would his ID disappear. That only worked for a few months. I cannot pick up their IDs anymore. I thought our phones nust prevent it now.
The really weird thing is those fibrous wormy things have blood clots attached to both ends. I saw that in "Died Suddenly" and I think someone called it out in the movie.
As the q post is asking how to protect your DNA I wanted to find some more info on Lysine deficiency, which the vax could be causing over time, or through shedding.
I've heard lots of experts talk about how weird these clots are, unsure of what they are made of, but maybe this helps break them down also.
"LDL, or low-density cholesterol, can build in the arterial walls, which hardens and narrows them, causing blood clots and atherosclerosis.
As a result, blood flow to the heart is decreased or even blocked, which increases the risk of heart attack.
Lysine naturally creates carnitine, which breaks down fatty acids and LDL cholesterol (13).
Patients can take vitamin C in combination with lysine to decrease levels of lipoprotein-a or LPA.
This carries LDL in the blood.
With higher LPA levels, more plaque can build up, which can clog arteries and put you at risk for a heart attack.
There are other potential complications as well, such as stroke"
I got COVID but no jab of course. Every time I eat eggs I feel much better. I have had for more than 2 years problems with congestion lack of breath chest pains and rapid palpitations, is it a coincidence? Should I take Aminocaproic?
Blaming cholesterol for strokes and other heart related problems is like blaming the blood that you bleed when you get a cut (as opposed to whatever actually made the cut). It doesn't make even a little bit of sense.
I understand that you're not suggesting that cholesterol is inherently the problem here, but anything that reduces cholesterol (such as statins) are usually very bad for one's health. I'm just saying to be careful with the line that you're treading.
I'm more in line with my other post. I think the epithelial cells that line the blood vessels get forced to express the spike gene. This prevents them from functionting properly and doesnt allow them to convert the plasminogen to clean up blockages. The spike modification also kills any red/white cells (activates the clotting function of the red cells) that touch the epithelial walls, creating more "clots" in the blood vessels from dead cells which cant be cleaned up.
No, I interpreted this differently. The tPA which is a protein responsible for breaking down clots is a good thing; something your body does to heal itself. The mRNA spike protein damages the endothelial cells (lining of your blood vessels) which in turn is creating these weird ass white squid-like clots. I’m seeing this as whats been changed via mRNA to prevent tPA from functioning correctly. This is huge and gives us all a clue that there might something that can be reversed
Yes I believe you to be correct from what I have researched. Indeed the spike protein (now being manufactured by the jabbed's own body, for how long nobody is sure but it is at least 60 days) attacks the cells that line the interior of the blood vessels/veins. The body then tries to stop this decay by sealing off that part of the vessel/vein either side and creates micro blood clots. These clots shift and create heart attacks or strokes.
The long fibrous style long clogging clots appear to be something else entirely.
I wonder if any of the Diabetes research could be dual-purposed to help with this? As I understand it, high blood glucose in simple terms damages the lining of blood vessels as well.
At a minimum they might be able to use some diabetes meds to protect against damage until they are able to reverse the mRNA effects. I also found an article out of Vanderbilt about Vitamin C protecting blood vessel lining here.
Combining those two ideas could go a long way to saving potentially millions of people.
"About 8% of its genes are involved in brain development and function, and about 16% are involved in cancer.
A unique feature of 8p is a region of about 15 megabases that appears to have a high mutation rate.
This region shows a significant divergence between human and chimpanzee, suggesting that its high mutation rates have contributed to the evolution of the human brain.[5]"
"the chromosome is also home to “one of the most structurally dynamic regions in the human genome—the β-defensin gene cluster located at 8p23.1—as well as a neocentromere located at 8q21.2, which have been largely unresolved for the last 20 years,” the scientists write.
The β-defensin cluster plays a key role in innate immunity and structural variation in this region has long been implicated in human disease."
In this article a Dutch psychologist fact checks a theory discussed by Kaufmann and Icke. He sounds quite reasonable, read it for yourselve. BUT it is a KEK-incidence that it is in regard of CHROMOSOME 8. Hmmmm ???
This found on Fuck Duck No (Duck Duck Go). The second thing listed under "wiki TPA" is this: The Trampko Purchasing Alliance (TPA) is a non-profit association of currently 47 ship owners and ship managers controlling a fleet of 800+ vessels. The purpose is to combine the members' purchasing volume and to create purchasing power by size for achieving the most competitive, rock bottom pricing for goods and services in the market. Don't know if it's significant but...throwing it in there.
USChealth website: "A tPA is a drug used to break up a blood clot and restore blood flow to the brain. A tPA can only be administered within a few hours after stroke symptoms appear, so it is extremely important to call 911 at the first sign of a stroke."
What stuck out to me was "can ONLY be administered WITHIN a few hours AFTER stroke symptoms appear". So this is used to treat the condition AFTER it's already happened? Might as well make tPA a supplement for general health so people can PREVENT blood clots. lol WTF
What stuck out to me was "can ONLY be administered WITHIN a few hours AFTER stroke symptoms appear". So this is used to treat the condition AFTER it's already happened? Might as well make tPA a supplement for general health so people can PREVENT blood clots. lol WTF
You're not thinking this through, likely because you haven't done any research on these drugs and how they work.
"Clot-busting drugs cannot tell the difference between a “bad” clot that prevents blood flow to the brain cells and a “good” clot that has been formed to stop blood flow from a ruptured intracranial artery. If the drug breaks down a good clot, a hemorrhagic stroke can occur."
bingo, it is also used for unclogging central lines, very effectively, but in that setting it is not being pushed through systemically - for the reasons mentioned by TPoP up there, bleeding.
Maybe Q was giving us a therapeutic for these awful meter-long clots we've seen the coroners extract from arteries. If it's between dying and getting systemic TPA... that's no choice at all. I think we're about to see more clots, unfortunately. Fuck.
As someone who has given TPA many times, it’s not a supplement. It’s an emergency medicine. It’s so potent I’ve seen people starting vomiting frank blood shortly after the infusion starts because they had an undiagnosed GI bleed. Anyways, if given too late after a stroke has occurred, the damaged tissue and vessels in the area are weak and can rupture and with TPA on board it can cause a massive hemorrhagic stroke. There’s a very specific window for it and even with meeting all the requirements I think 4% of people die from receiving it.
I’m going to tell you the truth. I did not believe this Q post. I just read it and said bah humbug that’s a bunch of woo. Then you show me this. I see why that would be communicated and why it would be hidden in a woo wrapper.
This is why I keep the faith (mostly) but I do have black pill moments and doubts.
It took me a while to find this video as I watched it a long time ago. This definitely seems related to this post.
But this doctor theorizes what happens when the cells lining the blood vessels start expressing the spike protein gene (endothelial cells?) and why these blockages are happening.
Start @:9:50 if you don't want to watch the whole video.
Brent D. Cates
On November 27th the ENTITY known as Q dropped this, their most recent post to date.
Because someone who’d read the Q post already mentioned DNA during my simulated scenic flight over New Zealand that night, I began giving my thoughts about DNA.
Then my game crashed, live on the air. (DRAT!)
As I reloaded Microsoft Flight Simulator, which takes about 6-7 minutes as the game file is YUGE, I decided to check out the 3 new Q drops.
Time STOPPED for me as I read that third post aloud during that’s night’s regular CHILL FLIGHT. It was as if every word was impacting my SOUL.
Allow me to decode this drop BECAUSE I CAN!
THUNDERDOME!! is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
Type your email…
The Human Genome Project managed their critical breakthrough in 2000 after ten years of “wandering in the wilderness.”
How did they finally make that breakthrough?
A former computer programmer recently brought onto the Project realized DNA WAS A L-A-N-G-U-A-G-E.
For those unaware of this, did your Universe just SHIFT a bit?
To keep people from instantly discounting their groundbreaking leap into controlling the literal building blocks of life, they obfuscated this important point asap with techno-science babble.
Because that truth focuses THE UNIVERSE for the open minded and confuses it for those that aren’t.
Your mortal FATE.
Your DNA is written by Our Creator’s living finger.
DNA locks you into THIS particular time & THIS particular space.
A FIXED point in time & space for a reason you may come to know if you follow your correct path & remain TRUE to you DNA.
Sadly, their are innumerable “failures to launch.”
And they are no accident.
The Enemy delights in sabotage & distraction.
Your Soul, Ka, Spirit, however you wish to describe your individual essence also created by God seeks out your DNA/Body/Embryo like WATER seeking it’s own level.
Spirit’s LEVEL = Mortal Form’s LEVEL.
Some people refer to this as KARMA.
Now, I have to be VERY CAREFUL here, as your religion’s mileage may vary, IF you had previous lives here then karma applies.
IF this is your first rodeo and/or there is no reincarnation as it’s described…KARMA STILL APPLIES.
You are what you DO.
Your spiritual & mortal creation is a gift from Our Creator.
And clearly what you do with them is important.
Balenciaga is a PERFECT example of beings who not only reject Our Creator, but creation itself.
Nothing in their demeanor is accidental. They live far, FAR from Our Creator’s Universal love for us, in fact, it’s their POINT OF HONOR to reject it by assailing us in as many devious ways as they can think of.
Souls & DNA gone off the rails seeking to Train Wreck reality & then cackle with mad glee as God & NATURAL LAW is defeated.
Because these DECEIVERS are BELIEVERS of another, very dark Faith.
This World is a PROVING GROUND.
For your body AND most importantly, your SOUL.
While here, the World will challenge you in a myriad of ways.
It will push, punish, sabotage & savage you from all directions.
I have said repeatedly, our suffering, miseries & deaths are designed to teach us what we need to experience to RISE above material harm to become Brighter SOULS.
“The World is an ANVIL. WE are the Metal & the fiery Hammers of HELL purify us.”
The Demonic will always plague a mortal World.
The key to rising & ascending is to use them as a Cautionary Tale, not a blueprint to garner meaningless & temporal riches & fame as so many tragically believe.
This single Q post (4966) is THE most important drop to date.
It is going to kick the #SoulWAR into high gear as the Enemy will now triple down on spreading deception & misdirection to trick Good Souls back into “safe” & useless pursuits of all things political as they frantically try to save their hideous House of Cards.
That is based off of the broken bodies, hearts & minds of our most precious CHILDREN.
Meet Balenciaga’s Chief Designer! Lotta Volkova. WHAT A BUNDLE OF LIGHT & JOY!
I have often said SOMETHING happened at the end of WWII that was highly negative but I couldn’t identify it.
I wonder if it would also break down cholesterol buildup in coronary arteries! I would love that because I found out last year that I inherited the family heart disease. I had a coronary artery calcium scan that showed my heart to be mostly fossilized :(
Some of the fakes were extremely obvious unless you are a brainwashed drone.
Most fake shots were shown from the opposite direction so the actors body blocks the shot. Real injections were filmed from the near side where the needle enters the arm. Some really bad fakes had caps on needles, empty syringes with no needle, movie prop fake collapsible needles, etc. The easiest deception is a real shot of saline. This requires a lot of faith between people that know they are evil and have no problem killing each other.
Trump has no choice but to force people to wake up and think for themselves. If he'd been anti-vax then we would learn nothing. Same reason why other patriots like DeSantis endorsed it. This SHATTERS our conditioning. This will teach people to never again blindly trust authority hoping it's a good guy.
They had to show the world how easy it was to depopulate us. Q is using the puppets to simulate the great reset/depopulation plan right to the precipice, but won't let it go too far. Future generations will see that 80%+ of the world complied and vaxxed themselves (even i did) and the tactics they used to coerce the masses.
Many people have already died, probably over a million are going to. But my guess is that myocarditis and most of the problems caused by the jab will be cured. Is there really any other way to wake people up? This Movie will be digitally preserved forever, a permanent, undeniable red-pill for everyone.
you're essentially agreeing with my point, but adding that depop is OK if Q does it. lol.
and no one gave their permission to be infected with and their healthe destroyed by a ft detrick bioweapon, that has nothing to do with vaccination.
Trump never mandated it - so he's no responsible. He's guilty for LITTERING because he told everyone he was taking chloroquine. People take things at face value they're NPC's .....
May Need a Supplement for Breaking Done these Fibrous Clots! Currently taking a combination of Serrapeptase & Nattokinase that Breaks Down Fibrin thru your Whole Body!
If the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels are damaged by expressing the spike protein gene they probably aren't able to convert plasmin to plasminogen which removes clots in the veins. The endothelial cells expressing the spike gene will attract the bodies white blood cells which attempt to cleanup the sick cell. The spike actually kills the clean-up crew, causing more of a blockage from the white blood cells.
"Helps to unclog the arteries by preventing new plaque from forming and reducing existing deposits.
High in nattokinase and d-alpha tocopherol which activate the plasminogen responsible for eliminating blood clots.
Contains serrapeptase which helps break down dead cells and the accumulation of damaged tissue.
Supports healthy blood flow.
Contains high levels of powerful antioxidants (phosphorylated ascorbate, pterostilbene, OPCs...) which help fight cellular ageing."
A lot of these things don't seem to be blood clots, though, at least in the normal sense.
They seem to be made of fibrous material, not blood.
If so, they are likely created by some sort of nanotech in the fake vaxx.
This would fall under "gain of function" research.
It would also fall under "murder."
What if the RNA messenger changes the DNA of the blood cells in a way that instead of red blood cells they become this weird something?
Ding Ding Ding
I think it's far more likely that it is just a new thing that is produced by nanotech, and does not really change the DNA.
The stuff I've seen looks like an engineered, non living parasite. Not nano tech.
They literally look like flesh tissue. Most are light in color, and have a clotty blood area at the end that almost seems as if it feeds the tissue.
Regardless, it's weird AF.
Pretty sure this is why they were heavily dissuading anything that could be an anti-parasitic as well
I think that would remove the "non-living" part. But if it is parasitic in nature, it probably dies at some point.
You know, at this point I wouldn't even be surprised if the old manga / anime called Parasyte was a soft disclosure, with parasitic politicians controlling significant government positions and killing/taking over anyone who finds out about them.
For that matter, They Live too.
Highly likely
Watch "died suddenly"....
You'll freak tf out
It does
what if trump/musk/Q/etc knew it was coming and did nothing to prevent it because "it had to be this way"?
It was suggested that nano-tech with graphene would be used to create a sort of amalganeous type of bio-antenna to sync up the body with a virtual counterpart. First step was to be able to mine the bioactivity data of the host body through iot 5G monitoring. I wonder if this was the first attempt at creating a sustainable (...) structure in living bodies.... That might be why it was a reported, at some point, that bluetooth ID # were detected around the vaxxed. #MonthlyBoosters
Gives a new meaning to "gain of function" research, as well.
I used to test that out all the time. I would drive vaxxed people out into a rural area, run the scan, and see their ID numbers...then ask one of them to get out of the car, leaving his phone, and would his ID disappear. That only worked for a few months. I cannot pick up their IDs anymore. I thought our phones nust prevent it now.
The really weird thing is those fibrous wormy things have blood clots attached to both ends. I saw that in "Died Suddenly" and I think someone called it out in the movie.
I wonder how clots attack to the ends?
blood = iron = magnetic / electrical charge?
Its probably strands of protines. Then RNA tech was designed to force white bloodcells to produce spike protines and its not shutting off.
I have read the clots are made out of elements found in circuitry, not human blood.
article also saids The antidote for tPA in case of toxicity is aminocaproic acid.
A quick bit of research shows that aminocaproic acid is an analog of Lysine, and easily purchased supplement.
As the q post is asking how to protect your DNA I wanted to find some more info on Lysine deficiency, which the vax could be causing over time, or through shedding.
I've heard lots of experts talk about how weird these clots are, unsure of what they are made of, but maybe this helps break them down also.
"LDL, or low-density cholesterol, can build in the arterial walls, which hardens and narrows them, causing blood clots and atherosclerosis.
As a result, blood flow to the heart is decreased or even blocked, which increases the risk of heart attack.
Lysine naturally creates carnitine, which breaks down fatty acids and LDL cholesterol (13).
Patients can take vitamin C in combination with lysine to decrease levels of lipoprotein-a or LPA.
This carries LDL in the blood.
With higher LPA levels, more plaque can build up, which can clog arteries and put you at risk for a heart attack.
There are other potential complications as well, such as stroke"
Lysine is an amino acid.
Animal foods are high in lysine, especially eggs.
Plant foods tend to be low.
I got COVID but no jab of course. Every time I eat eggs I feel much better. I have had for more than 2 years problems with congestion lack of breath chest pains and rapid palpitations, is it a coincidence? Should I take Aminocaproic?
Look into serrapeptase. Helps with congestion. Heard about it here. Been taking it for about 5 weeks...big improvement.
Thank u and God bless you.
Cholesterol is not the enemy.
Blaming cholesterol for strokes and other heart related problems is like blaming the blood that you bleed when you get a cut (as opposed to whatever actually made the cut). It doesn't make even a little bit of sense.
I understand that you're not suggesting that cholesterol is inherently the problem here, but anything that reduces cholesterol (such as statins) are usually very bad for one's health. I'm just saying to be careful with the line that you're treading.
Yes, I don't think cholesterol is the enemy here.
I'm more in line with my other post. I think the epithelial cells that line the blood vessels get forced to express the spike gene. This prevents them from functionting properly and doesnt allow them to convert the plasminogen to clean up blockages. The spike modification also kills any red/white cells (activates the clotting function of the red cells) that touch the epithelial walls, creating more "clots" in the blood vessels from dead cells which cant be cleaned up.
Look up pomegranate juice..not concentrate..should be on prescription..strips plaque from blood vessels..
If you have already got blood clots I would be careful about breaking them up in the body
Is there any site you trust to get your supplements from?
I get vitamin c and d from redpilliving but their options are very limited.
I've always heard Thorne is a trusted brand. Would probably also trust Mercola brand.
No, I interpreted this differently. The tPA which is a protein responsible for breaking down clots is a good thing; something your body does to heal itself. The mRNA spike protein damages the endothelial cells (lining of your blood vessels) which in turn is creating these weird ass white squid-like clots. I’m seeing this as whats been changed via mRNA to prevent tPA from functioning correctly. This is huge and gives us all a clue that there might something that can be reversed
I hope to god this is the case. I know so many people who took the vax
Yes I believe you to be correct from what I have researched. Indeed the spike protein (now being manufactured by the jabbed's own body, for how long nobody is sure but it is at least 60 days) attacks the cells that line the interior of the blood vessels/veins. The body then tries to stop this decay by sealing off that part of the vessel/vein either side and creates micro blood clots. These clots shift and create heart attacks or strokes.
The long fibrous style long clogging clots appear to be something else entirely.
I wonder if any of the Diabetes research could be dual-purposed to help with this? As I understand it, high blood glucose in simple terms damages the lining of blood vessels as well.
At a minimum they might be able to use some diabetes meds to protect against damage until they are able to reverse the mRNA effects. I also found an article out of Vanderbilt about Vitamin C protecting blood vessel lining here.
Combining those two ideas could go a long way to saving potentially millions of people.
Following a low/no carbohydrate diet would help too. That would naturally keep sugars down while feeding your body what it needs.
You are totally correct!!!
see first sentence of the wiki article:
"Tissue plasminogen activator (abbreviated tPA or PLAT) is a protein involved in the breakdown of blood clots.
It is a serine protease (EC found on endothelial cells, the cells that line the blood vessels.
As an enzyme, it catalyzes the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin, the major enzyme responsible for clot breakdown."
Also correct!!!
Answer to be found at the end of the article:
"Tissue plasminogen activator is a protein encoded by the PLAT gene, which is located on chromosome 8."
"About 8% of its genes are involved in brain development and function, and about 16% are involved in cancer.
A unique feature of 8p is a region of about 15 megabases that appears to have a high mutation rate.
This region shows a significant divergence between human and chimpanzee, suggesting that its high mutation rates have contributed to the evolution of the human brain.[5]"
Is this chromosome 8 missing or defect it leads probably to RADIOSENSITIVITY AND IMMUNEDEFICIENCY.
"the chromosome is also home to “one of the most structurally dynamic regions in the human genome—the β-defensin gene cluster located at 8p23.1—as well as a neocentromere located at 8q21.2, which have been largely unresolved for the last 20 years,” the scientists write.
The β-defensin cluster plays a key role in innate immunity and structural variation in this region has long been implicated in human disease."
In this article a Dutch psychologist fact checks a theory discussed by Kaufmann and Icke. He sounds quite reasonable, read it for yourselve. BUT it is a KEK-incidence that it is in regard of CHROMOSOME 8. Hmmmm ???
Also at the end of the article: "GALLERY - SEE ALSO: Ultrasound-enhanced systemic thrombolysis":
What is the contrary of ultrasound? INFRASOUND!!!
Yes and it can lead to arterial plaque = blood clots!!! http://www.eurekaselect.com/article/22619
(if true, it is unbelievable evil)
More on effects regarding vibration:
Go to "2.2. Basic Mechanism: Vibropercussion / Application: Blood clot dissolution
-> last paragraph is interesting regarding TPA (given as a blood thinner in emergency situations) and vibration/sound.
That would make sense.
One of the components of the mystery drug (vaxx) could be something that blocks the body's production and/or utilization of tPA.
This is one of the reasons why they refuse to disclose what is in the mystery drug.
This found on Fuck Duck No (Duck Duck Go). The second thing listed under "wiki TPA" is this: The Trampko Purchasing Alliance (TPA) is a non-profit association of currently 47 ship owners and ship managers controlling a fleet of 800+ vessels. The purpose is to combine the members' purchasing volume and to create purchasing power by size for achieving the most competitive, rock bottom pricing for goods and services in the market. Don't know if it's significant but...throwing it in there.
Multiple meanings do exist, interesting.
USChealth website: "A tPA is a drug used to break up a blood clot and restore blood flow to the brain. A tPA can only be administered within a few hours after stroke symptoms appear, so it is extremely important to call 911 at the first sign of a stroke."
What stuck out to me was "can ONLY be administered WITHIN a few hours AFTER stroke symptoms appear". So this is used to treat the condition AFTER it's already happened? Might as well make tPA a supplement for general health so people can PREVENT blood clots. lol WTF
You're not thinking this through, likely because you haven't done any research on these drugs and how they work.
"Clot-busting drugs cannot tell the difference between a “bad” clot that prevents blood flow to the brain cells and a “good” clot that has been formed to stop blood flow from a ruptured intracranial artery. If the drug breaks down a good clot, a hemorrhagic stroke can occur."
bingo, it is also used for unclogging central lines, very effectively, but in that setting it is not being pushed through systemically - for the reasons mentioned by TPoP up there, bleeding.
Maybe Q was giving us a therapeutic for these awful meter-long clots we've seen the coroners extract from arteries. If it's between dying and getting systemic TPA... that's no choice at all. I think we're about to see more clots, unfortunately. Fuck.
I don’t think systemic TPA will fix this and once given, it won’t be given again...so the clots will just reform. The body still has mRNA.
As someone who has given TPA many times, it’s not a supplement. It’s an emergency medicine. It’s so potent I’ve seen people starting vomiting frank blood shortly after the infusion starts because they had an undiagnosed GI bleed. Anyways, if given too late after a stroke has occurred, the damaged tissue and vessels in the area are weak and can rupture and with TPA on board it can cause a massive hemorrhagic stroke. There’s a very specific window for it and even with meeting all the requirements I think 4% of people die from receiving it.
Interesting, thanks!
Nattokinase naturally increases plasmin activity.
Ive been taking nattokinase and serrapeptase whenever I get COVID
Vitamin k
Full Spectrum K2 with both MK-4 and MK-7 for good measure.
I prefer Jarrow Formula K Right but both are pretty good
Very nice!
What is the difference? Is it much? i don't think I could stomach the smell of natto
Nattokinase doesn’t smell like natto. It’s extracted.
Eating natto helps but the supplements don’t taste like anything
Thanks for the info.
Nice find! and .... sharp eye!
Very interesting decode. But what is the rationale for ignoring the 'M' and 'H'?
It goes: ?, ?, ?, then it's followed by a statement ending in a period.
Then it goes ., ., ., ., then it's followed by a question ending in a question mark.
Then it goes ., ., ., followed by Q's sign off.
The 'M' and the 'H' represent the change and therefore can be changed to an underscore?
I’m going to tell you the truth. I did not believe this Q post. I just read it and said bah humbug that’s a bunch of woo. Then you show me this. I see why that would be communicated and why it would be hidden in a woo wrapper.
This is why I keep the faith (mostly) but I do have black pill moments and doubts.
Why were the M and H converted to underscores in this decode?
It took me a while to find this video as I watched it a long time ago. This definitely seems related to this post.
But this doctor theorizes what happens when the cells lining the blood vessels start expressing the spike protein gene (endothelial cells?) and why these blockages are happening.
Start @:9:50 if you don't want to watch the whole video.
Brent D. Cates
On November 27th the ENTITY known as Q dropped this, their most recent post to date.
Because someone who’d read the Q post already mentioned DNA during my simulated scenic flight over New Zealand that night, I began giving my thoughts about DNA.
Then my game crashed, live on the air. (DRAT!)
As I reloaded Microsoft Flight Simulator, which takes about 6-7 minutes as the game file is YUGE, I decided to check out the 3 new Q drops.
Time STOPPED for me as I read that third post aloud during that’s night’s regular CHILL FLIGHT. It was as if every word was impacting my SOUL.
Allow me to decode this drop BECAUSE I CAN!
THUNDERDOME!! is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
Type your email… Subscribe The Human Genome Project managed their critical breakthrough in 2000 after ten years of “wandering in the wilderness.”
How did they finally make that breakthrough?
A former computer programmer recently brought onto the Project realized DNA WAS A L-A-N-G-U-A-G-E.
For those unaware of this, did your Universe just SHIFT a bit?
To keep people from instantly discounting their groundbreaking leap into controlling the literal building blocks of life, they obfuscated this important point asap with techno-science babble.
“A Designer? A….Creator? Pfffft!” (Nervous laughter!)
Because that truth focuses THE UNIVERSE for the open minded and confuses it for those that aren’t.
Your mortal FATE.
Your DNA is written by Our Creator’s living finger.
DNA locks you into THIS particular time & THIS particular space.
A FIXED point in time & space for a reason you may come to know if you follow your correct path & remain TRUE to you DNA.
Sadly, their are innumerable “failures to launch.”
And they are no accident.
The Enemy delights in sabotage & distraction.
Your Soul, Ka, Spirit, however you wish to describe your individual essence also created by God seeks out your DNA/Body/Embryo like WATER seeking it’s own level.
Spirit’s LEVEL = Mortal Form’s LEVEL.
Some people refer to this as KARMA.
Now, I have to be VERY CAREFUL here, as your religion’s mileage may vary, IF you had previous lives here then karma applies.
IF this is your first rodeo and/or there is no reincarnation as it’s described…KARMA STILL APPLIES.
You are what you DO.
Your spiritual & mortal creation is a gift from Our Creator.
And clearly what you do with them is important.
Balenciaga is a PERFECT example of beings who not only reject Our Creator, but creation itself.
Nothing in their demeanor is accidental. They live far, FAR from Our Creator’s Universal love for us, in fact, it’s their POINT OF HONOR to reject it by assailing us in as many devious ways as they can think of.
Souls & DNA gone off the rails seeking to Train Wreck reality & then cackle with mad glee as God & NATURAL LAW is defeated.
Because these DECEIVERS are BELIEVERS of another, very dark Faith.
This World is a PROVING GROUND.
For your body AND most importantly, your SOUL.
While here, the World will challenge you in a myriad of ways.
It will push, punish, sabotage & savage you from all directions.
I have said repeatedly, our suffering, miseries & deaths are designed to teach us what we need to experience to RISE above material harm to become Brighter SOULS.
“The World is an ANVIL. WE are the Metal & the fiery Hammers of HELL purify us.”
The Demonic will always plague a mortal World.
The key to rising & ascending is to use them as a Cautionary Tale, not a blueprint to garner meaningless & temporal riches & fame as so many tragically believe.
This single Q post (4966) is THE most important drop to date.
It is going to kick the #SoulWAR into high gear as the Enemy will now triple down on spreading deception & misdirection to trick Good Souls back into “safe” & useless pursuits of all things political as they frantically try to save their hideous House of Cards.
That is based off of the broken bodies, hearts & minds of our most precious CHILDREN.
Meet Balenciaga’s Chief Designer! Lotta Volkova. WHAT A BUNDLE OF LIGHT & JOY!
I have often said SOMETHING happened at the end of WWII that was highly negative but I couldn’t identify it.
Until 2021.
When I suddenly realized what it was.
"Want to keep reading? Subscribe bla, bla, bla ..."
You can click - "keep reading for free". He's one of the Cates brothers. Not grifters.
Great post, blacksmith.
How did you determine which sentences to skip?
TPA is commonly used in treatment for stroke. Quick treatment combined with oxygen therapy can be the difference between life and death
Is it a cure or stabilizer to save them?
So why disregard the M and H?
And what would this protein have to do with anything?
The vax cause clots, not the opposite!
How do you protect your DNA?. TPA
Is TPA a way to protect your DNA?
I wonder if it would also break down cholesterol buildup in coronary arteries! I would love that because I found out last year that I inherited the family heart disease. I had a coronary artery calcium scan that showed my heart to be mostly fossilized :(
Also, vitamin k2
Pomegranate juice ..look it up..strips plaque
Hey, thanks! It may not be definitive, but it doesn't seem like it could hurt, and perhaps would really make a difference!
God made humans and screwing with our DNA screws up God’s design making altered DNA no longer of God
Some of the fakes were extremely obvious unless you are a brainwashed drone. Most fake shots were shown from the opposite direction so the actors body blocks the shot. Real injections were filmed from the near side where the needle enters the arm. Some really bad fakes had caps on needles, empty syringes with no needle, movie prop fake collapsible needles, etc. The easiest deception is a real shot of saline. This requires a lot of faith between people that know they are evil and have no problem killing each other.
Why then did trump push it?
Why did q allow fauci to speak for the admin?
Trump has no choice but to force people to wake up and think for themselves. If he'd been anti-vax then we would learn nothing. Same reason why other patriots like DeSantis endorsed it. This SHATTERS our conditioning. This will teach people to never again blindly trust authority hoping it's a good guy.
They had to show the world how easy it was to depopulate us. Q is using the puppets to simulate the great reset/depopulation plan right to the precipice, but won't let it go too far. Future generations will see that 80%+ of the world complied and vaxxed themselves (even i did) and the tactics they used to coerce the masses.
shatters our health more than our conditioning, apparently
Many people have already died, probably over a million are going to. But my guess is that myocarditis and most of the problems caused by the jab will be cured. Is there really any other way to wake people up? This Movie will be digitally preserved forever, a permanent, undeniable red-pill for everyone.
yes, there are other ways to "wake" people, depending on your definition of "wake" and "people"
you're essentially agreeing with my point, but adding that depop is OK if Q does it. lol. and no one gave their permission to be infected with and their healthe destroyed by a ft detrick bioweapon, that has nothing to do with vaccination.
how many billions more will die if the Great Awakening fails to hold, and people fall back asleep after 100 years?
Trump never mandated it - so he's no responsible. He's guilty for LITTERING because he told everyone he was taking chloroquine. People take things at face value they're NPC's .....
May Need a Supplement for Breaking Done these Fibrous Clots! Currently taking a combination of Serrapeptase & Nattokinase that Breaks Down Fibrin thru your Whole Body!
If the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels are damaged by expressing the spike protein gene they probably aren't able to convert plasmin to plasminogen which removes clots in the veins. The endothelial cells expressing the spike gene will attract the bodies white blood cells which attempt to cleanup the sick cell. The spike actually kills the clean-up crew, causing more of a blockage from the white blood cells.
I found this supplement which may help take over that role and may allow cleanup through the blood vessels again?https://www.supersmart.com/en/shop/cardiovascular/plasminogen-activator-0808
"Helps to unclog the arteries by preventing new plaque from forming and reducing existing deposits. High in nattokinase and d-alpha tocopherol which activate the plasminogen responsible for eliminating blood clots. Contains serrapeptase which helps break down dead cells and the accumulation of damaged tissue. Supports healthy blood flow. Contains high levels of powerful antioxidants (phosphorylated ascorbate, pterostilbene, OPCs...) which help fight cellular ageing."
great find
Maybe this is how we fix the clotting from the vax