A baby was losing weight and vomiting. At the hospital, doctors discovered he was starving from an almond milk diet:
The mother was trying to raise the baby vegan.🤬
🧠 These people are stupid!
I call that child abuse, that mother doesn't deserve to have children anymore.
she protected her breasts and became independent by feeding 'milk' in a bottle
And it literally says right on the carton not to use as infant formula!!
You think these people actually read? They barely have the attention span for a 15 second tiktok video let alone the time it takes to read a whole carton of milk
Alot of them don't, I literally have people walking into Advance Auto Parts where I work and thinking it's AutoZone. Like dude, you didn't see the street sign, the name on top of the building and then the huge lettering on my sidewall inside all saying Advance Auto Parts in BIG LETTERS. Facepalm
Cars and their maintenance are a subject frequently ignored by the average person. Me included for the most part. But im curious whats the diffrence between advance auto parts and autozone? Are they just two different companies doing the same thing?
Two different companies man.
Right i understand theyre two diffrent companies i was just curious if they offered diffrent services or if their customers were just walking in expecting you to give them something they ordered.
I guess she is lucky she didn't try to feed the baby milk of magnesia instead of formula.
There's no excuse for this kind of ignorance. There are books, articles, nutritionists, doctors, any number of places where information is available. And of course there's always common sense, which seems to be in short supply nowadays. Somehow millions and millions of other mothers manage to raise a baby without nearly killing it. BTW, bet that baby has lifelong effects from malnutrition.
What happened to pre-natal classes?
In our area they were moved to zoom due to pandemic.
Let's not forget the colostrum. This is built in immune system template for the baby. Colostrum allows the baby's immune system to learn how to protect itself from modern day infections. The mother literally teaches her newborn how to defend itself from infections and diseases. JESUS. NO LETS GIVE THE BABY IMITATION MILK.
The world is full of idiots, I’m sure she was simply ignorant at best and retarded at worst.
"Veganism" is a mental illness.
Basically. Some people for some reason don't understand that you need REAL meat in your diet. Not the impossible meat or fake meat bullshit.
Well...seems even vegans have enough sense not to eat that trash because it doesn't move any product whatsoever.
for some people, the cost of lessons is much higher than for others.
If it's not from a mammal, it's NOT milk. What an idiot.
Almond Milk = Almond Water
I kind of wanna know where she heard this was a good thing to do, or if she came up with the idea on her own.
she saw the word milk and assumed it was more nutritious than almond water [rpbably
now will she allow this emergency run in with truth alter her perspective on reality and change her behavior, or will she stubbornly continue trying to kill her own child for it's own good.
Must be trans species, doesn't identify as mammalian.
A lot of commercial almond milks also add ass loads of chemicals, stabilizers and thickening agents that aren't great even for an adult.
The almonds identify as trans-cow, you bigot.
Babies also need based mums. Or at least a mum who isn't retarded.
Truer words never spoken!
As Ron White says, you can't fix stupid.
True, but B vitamins missing LOWER IQ TOO forever!!! No vegan food known to mankind has b-12. none! (you need animals or bacteria).
= = = =
these fuckers ruin baby brains all the time.
Hearing delayed for vegan mom in starvation death of son
= = =
Soy can do horrible things to males, and male fetuses.
= = = = = = =
FUN FACT #153 : Soy, and Vegetarian Mothers, horrible proven effects on males!
Lots of science studies for humans exist : Mothers that report eating a lot of soy as side effect of vegetarian lifestyle have two proven unwanted side effects :
1 > Newborn males have dramatically more hypospadias (small deformed penis)
2 > Newborn males exist less in birth ratio. Instead of traditional 106 boys per 100 females, its a shocking 80 boys per 100 females, if mom ate soy from being a vegetarian.
Lots of overlapping studies, because its a simple thing to do research on, if not trying to prove cause and effect, but merely prove association. You merely give forms to all mothers in hospital, and the mothers claiming to be vegetarian, you tabulate the baby gender, and measure the baby penis.
BBC : "'More girl babies' for vegetarians":
500% to 300% more babies with dramatically shrunken deformed penis if mother ate soy:
A maternal vegetarian diet in pregnancy is associated with hypospadias. The ALSPAC Study Team. Avon Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood. :
There is no debate: Soy is packed with phytoestrogens (Estrogen hormones) and in primates it has dire effects.
"Soy Boy" is a real thing, the socialist left , and Vegetarians, wants to hide.
Soy also affect SPERM PRODUCTION in males :
99% of soy grown in the US is genetically modified to withstand direct application of herbicides. Soy is allowed by FDA to have 20 ppm of glyphosate (active ingredient in Roundup).
Vegan Parents also ruin IQ of their kids, making them retarded from lack of vitamin B12!
This makes the kids more likely to be Trannies if boys, from low IQ and extra Soy estrogens.
No plants in the world have measurable amounts of b12 and IQ in vegans is lower from lack of b12!
B-12 deficiency is known to be associated with cognitive impairment, and no plant matter grown has b12, only rotting wet garbage or pills :
Tofu, other soy products linked to memory loss:
2004: Soy and the Brain:
2020: SOY BEAN OIL (in half the food in supermarket) Makes Male brains unhappy , Tranny leaning, and not want to reproduce! :
Soybean Oil Diet May Trigger Genetic Changes In Brain: (lack of desire to reproduce in Rats) :
It makes rats not like their gender but not proven in Humans or even correlated yet in Humans. It definitely makes rats less happy and less desiring to mate.
2007: Soy Proven to shrink fetal penis in mammals:
Soyboy: Japanese Researchers Use Soybean Compound to Turn all Male Fish Into Females:
The Brain Needs Animal Fat - Why humans can't thrive on plants alone:
We have never found a cave painting of a salad! :
= = = = = = =
bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/pvapej3TmcPv/
Bodies, minds and faces on veganism. Vegans: The Epitome of Malnourishment
Part 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFF30jfTubU
Part 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HwBtRlyxPs
Part 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJnPZgLHHWQ
Part 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFnkWjmvMOA
Part 5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97Wry4ppywQ
Part 6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ybn93490tvk
Part 7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6Vzo3C2vUQ
Part 8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pN4LT_f86AU
bitchute , 19 more : https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=the%20epitome%20of%20malnourishment&kind=video
Those factual videos make the WEF Globalists, and the Leftists at Google SEETHE with rage!
TL/DR : Soy Parents create small deformed penis boys with low IQ and also have dramatically defective sperm, proven in many science papers
Almond milk isn't based on Soy afaik.
I use this one to help me keep my carb intake low, but obviously I look elsewhere for nutrition and vitamins etc.
Don't forget, enough almond is toxic with arsenic. May have poisoned the baby!
USA brands of so-called ALMOND MILK have over 40 (forty) times as much soy than almond.
Its all soy. Almonds comprise only 2% OR LESS the ingredients in almond milk. I thought everyone knew this
Apparently Store-Bought Almond Milk Doesn’t Actually Contain Almonds:
That UK brand you hi-lighted has only ONE TENTH the protein real cow milk has . Your chemical crap is 0.35 grams protein in 100 ml of overpriced crap, versus 100 ml of milk having Protein 3.32g!!
WOW! TEN TIMES MORE PROTEIN IN COW MILK! (unless soy is added)
Ok, so I wasn't aware it was different in the USA, you don't have to be a dick about it. I even linked the one I use to show it doesn't contain Soy so I wasn't making claims about all Almond milks - I also caveated what I said as being limited based on my current knowledge.
edit: I just read that link you provided - nowhere does it say Almond milk contains Soy, so you're the one who is wrong.
I said its 2% almond and all the rest is NONDAIRY COFFEE CREAMER
You also said
you pointed to a NON USA FORMULA product with TEN TIMES less protein per 100ml than USA almond milk
0.35g protein per 100ml in your NON-USA version :
0.35g protein is ten times less protein than cow milk or soy almond milk, idiot!
UK must be retarded.
So I'm looking at my carton of Blue Diamond Almond Milk and it says right on the carton "Soy-Free", the ingredients being almonds and a bunch of flavorings and perhaps preservatives. There is no soy whatsoever in this California-based product.
Edit:. Furthermore, the article you cited is from 2015. Perhaps you want to update your knowledge base.
cc: u/JonathanE -- You were right that they don't contain soy. Check your carton. I use the sugar-free BD brand, not sure how the others stack up.
THAT is nondairy coffee creamer with about 2% almonds added and HAS NO PROTEIN.
in 240ml it has just under ONE GRAM of protein!! :
EIGHT TIMES MORE PROTEIN in california real milk, minimum by law!
See? 8g per cup vs under 1g per cup.
adding soy turns your almond water into food though, like most USA products do
I'm happy to agree with you about the protein, but when you claim that:
"...WRONG!!! USA brands of so-called ALMOND MILK have over 40 (forty) times as much soy than almond.
Its all soy. Almonds comprise only 2% OR LESS the ingredients in almond milk. I thought everyone knew this
Apparently Store-Bought Almond Milk Doesn’t Actually Contain Almonds:
ALMOND MILK is actually SOY MILK in USA ..."
You were wrong about the soy content, used seven year old data that's obviously not valid, at least in the case of the BD product.
You provided a lot of (seemingly) good data on soy in your prior comment (that I saved to delve into later), above, but your overly-emotional reaction to your fellow anon isn't gaining you any followers, anon. Do you want to turn people off with your caustic condescension or do you want to provide useful, current/accurate information on the health concerns regarding soy in a reasoned, calm and intelligent manner? Your choice.
That's all he is, all the time. Nonstop assholery.
Never understood the GAW deep emotional reaction to "vegan" - it seems to touch a nerve with many folks. I am in favour of people eating whatever the hell they like without being hated on for wrongthink.
Not saying almond milk is suitable for newborns, because it isn't. Then again I don't think animal milk is suitable for them either. If the mother cannot breastfeed (does happen surprisingly frequently) then OK cow milk will have to do, but it is a poor substitute.
are you fucking kidding? This persona NEVER turns the other cheek. It is merely always factually correct and interesting. You sound vaxxed and boosted.
about "me":
I think your problem is you don't trust the science. Oh wait, now I see you don't trust the unholy priests of scientism. Great and informative comment that I've saved in a folder for future reference. I love GAW, but if your comment downvotes are from regular members and not trolls it means not everyone here is ready for everything yet.
Anyone who is "Anti this MRNA vax" but not "Anti Vax" has a way to go in their awakening. Based on your comment I would bet my life you aren't in that category.
Edit: I live in an agricultural state and the constant advertising from the soy and corn lobby is nauseating. I drink almost exclusively 100% grass feed milk which can be hard to find around here in the land of corn, corn, corn, and soy, soy, soy everywhere.
Whatever account had those videos has been banned.
OK, here : bitchute :
bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/pvapej3TmcPv/
and 19 more of the others "
Original content creator Sv3rige was banned from Youtube for "hatespeech", 19 more:
Hello LQdy!🤗💐
How are you today?
I'm in this thread to bathe in the love! 🥰
Almond milk is not healthy, by any stretch of the imagination. This article says there is about 1/2 an almond in each cup of almond milk: https://milkpick.com/how-many-almonds-in-almond-milk/
The most unhealthy part of almond milk, however, are the added GUMS and emulsifiers to make it appear and drink like milk. These are very hard especially on developing digestive organs!
Ugh that’s disgusting
The article you posted actually talks about how it is healthy for you
Yes, unfortunately. But it strangely provided a calculation for the amount of almonds per cup (or lack thereof), which is what I was looking for. If you make your own almond milk, you could call it "healthy" because it would contain many, many more almonds. But there is absolutely nothing healthy about the almond milk you might purchase at your grocery store.
Almonds do contain some lysine, an essential amino acid, although there are other nuts which are better sources.
Well yeah, homemade is certainly going to be better, but I don't see how store bought is "unhealthy by any stretch of the imagination." Just because there aren't as many almonds?
If you look at the post I made that you commented on, I stated it's the gums and emulsifiers. Also, there is only 1/2 an almond per cup.
What I think they're trying to clarify is that the ratio of chemicals (unhealthy) to almonds (relatively healthy) is disproportionately in favor of the former, which is why commercial almond milk is often, though not always nor all brands, unhealthy.
But for the record, a lot of normal commercial milk is bad for you too. A ton of sugars, and removing some of the good stuff (fats) has become more commonplace.
Spinach has zero almonds per cup. It's still healthy, so stop using that as a baseline.
Emulsifiers are in all kinds of things. Some are natural, some are synthetic. An emulsifier covers a wide net of different ingredients. Which ones are in almond milk? Do you know? Or do you just read "emulsifiers" and think it's bad?
What gum? How much?
The reason I know there is question about almond milk is that I was drinking it for a time as a substitute for cow's milk, and it began making me sick. I learned quite a bit about almond milk, how it is made, and what ingredients are added to it. Is it necessary for me to write a whole essay in a post on a message board?
Carrageenan is one such gum that is often added, depending upon brand, and here is a short article listing its possible side effects: https://www.medicinenet.com/what_is_wrong_with_carrageenan/article.htm All the gums are chemically similar, and can potentially cause some of the same symptoms in the digestive tract. Guar, xanthan, carob, gellan, etc.
Because of my own personal experience, I know that whatever quantity of the stuff was added into the Almond Breeze brand I drank (ingredients here: https://www.bluediamond.com/brand/almond-breeze/almondmilk/original ), it was too much. I have read more than one article over the past months of infants being fed almond milk, and becoming nutritionally-deficient and underweight. If you notice in the ingredient information I linked, Almond Breeze adds some vitamins into the product to try to make up for the lack of nutrition.
If you are a fan of almond milk, and have no problems drinking it, then go ahead. But please don't give it to an infant.
Not really necessary to write a whole essay, no. You just keep saying that it's unhealthy but aren't saying specifically why, other than that it doesn't have as many almonds as homemade, when the links you share say it's healthy.
Thanks for sharing the ingredients to avoid! However there are brands that don't use this compound. Plus, I think that's mostly linked with IBS. Personally I drink oat milk and the brand I've got doesn't use Carrageenan, but it doesn't seem like it affects everyone the same.
For babies, they absolutely shouldn't be given dairy free milks, so we're in agreement there. I'm not arguing that. I'm just saying that it's not an unhealthy choice for adults unless you have a specific reaction to the compounds that may be used.
And yes, I caught that you changed celery to spinach...
I thought spinach was a better example
This so common that they had a episode of "House, M.D." where the young hippie parents were vegan and starved their baby with fake milk.
My wife and I were vegan for a few years (back in my progressive days) and were when our oldest daughter was born. You’d have to be another level of stupid to think almond milk is a proper replacement for breast milk. My wife breast fed her for 2 years. Supplemented a few things herself but never ever relied on stupid milk replacements.
She’s healthy as a whip now and is not vaccinated. Rarely ever gets sick. You can be healthy as a vegan but you can’t be stupid. Also, meat is delicious. Don’t do it.
It isn't meat but rather what meat. I am at my best when I eat elk, venison and bison. Catch steelhead and live out of granny's garden. Every deer had a wonderful life until they met me. Corn fed cows raised ankle deep in their own feces is hardly a healthy animal for consumption. Hormones in milk, antibiotics in feed.... I read somewhere that farm raised tilapia are higher in nitrates than bacon.
Pay a little more or harvest your own.
Eating healthy as a vegan is.. extremely difficult. Unlike vegetarians, who can have a hell of a lot more sources of good protein and nutrients, vegans lose access to a lot of those super foods.
You can be thin, perhaps, as a vegan but well nourished and therefore healthy, not super likely.
Yet she won't get the hint that vegans are horrifically unhealthy, frail people because they do not get the nutrients needed to sustain an omnivore. If it was healthy, they wouldn't need nutritional supplements.
Any parent making their kids eat vegan or vegetarian should be arrested for child abuse
"Milk" - it's fucking juice... and even that's a stretch.
I am surprised she didnt try to feed the baby a salad every day...maybe chew it for the baby, then put it in the baby's mouth.
bUt iT wOrKs fOr BiRdS!!
Horrific story, but that's a funny comment!
This is getting ridiculous. Give your infant with breast milk.
That's what I was saying during the baby formula shortage "WTH is there an epidemic of mothers with non-functioning tits that we're just now hearing about?"
It is funny the way you said and that is so right. I bet they are liberals.
This happens pretty often. I remember a Muslim couple lost all their kids doing that crap. It made national news
I don't want to hear, maybe the mama didn't know she was starving the baby.
This is child abuse.
There's a thing called Google, social media apps called Facebook, and Twitter.
Even the most retarded people could find out what a baby supposed to eat
That idiot b**** has no excuse.
Almond milk is sugar water.
In the past young moms had mothers and grandmothers for support- ppl you could trust. But my mom didn't breastfeed. Her generation idolized Hollywood movies that pushed bottles. So I found a book "La Leche League" and read it cover to cover. Big help.
It has a life of developmental difficulties ahead of it now.
Just so you all know, almonds are chock full of oxalates. They oxidize in your body. A handful of almonds is good but constant almond intake through milk and flour is bullshit.
yes, but almond milk in USA has almost no almonds in it by law. It is 98% soy milk.
I don't think by law. My wife used to buy and if you read ingredients some have soy, some don't. Still, not good for you.
The LAW allows it. It is by law. They are 98% soy by law.
What about Califia? Almondmilk (Water, Almonds), Calcium Carbonate, Sunflower Lecithin, Sea Salt, Natural Flavor, Guar Gum, Gellan Gum, Potassium Citrate
Nothing I'd want in my body but are they just lying?
They can and do lie and pay the fines for it if they make enough money from it
Califia MAIN versions have 2% almonds in a made up ingredient called "Almondmilk".
Almondmilk is defined as WATER and 2% almond, then added to NONDAIRY CREAMER:
calcium carbonate, sunflower lecithin, sea salt, natural flavors, locust bean gum, gellan gum, potassium citrate
See? They add water to THAT, but the water is premixed with 2% almonds.
Califia got caught in 2014, sued, and in 2015 reformulated.
Wow. Fascinating. Glad I never bought into the nut milk brainwashing.
All veganism is starving.
if you were wondering why they have "vegan" pet food....
these morons regularly kill their pets putting them on vegan diets, the vegan pet food is basically the same as regular with a "vegan" label. last i looked it was all the same ingredients but different words used.
babies dying from vegan diets seems to have been increasing in recent years, which is sad.
Horrible! She is very uneducated.
A lot of stories out there about vegan parents starving their baby on a vegan diet. One couple was feeding their baby grass water 😒. I don't agree with the diet in long terms because you're basically depriving your body of necessary nutrients from meat and other animal products. Do want you want as an ADULT who has had years of nutrients from eating meat, you at least have a chance to live off those nutrients for a little while until veganism starts making you sick and malnourished, but a baby absolutely needs those nutrients, animal fats, proteins and vitamins to fucking live, at least breast feed your baby.
Vegan diets are horrible for everyone, not just babies - but especially babies!
Reminds me of all the moms who used to give their babies soy formula, thinking they were doing the right thing.
Sad, it's tasty but has only a fraction of the nutrients of animal milk.
Let's compare and contrast the evolutionary reproductive strategies of Almond Trees and Humans. Discuss!
Hmm, after reading all the comments...wow. Not all vegans (I use that term b/c that's what people associate with those who don't EAT animal products tho I wish I knew a better word) are Starbuck drinking, basement dwelling, cat pee smelling, women's studies degree holding, man bun/boob, trans, social warriors trying to save the planet. Good grief. Some prefer to eat Biblically as close to how/when we were created and are quite healthy and robust. There are vegan baby formulas available. Raising healthy vegan children is total doable. Her fault was not of being vegan but rather not reading the carton of almond milk or any other nondairy milk. Every one of them clearly and boldly state, "Not to be used as an infant formula." I also find it fascinating that "starving" (I don't think it was maliciously done, that's a totally different situation) a child is child abuse but feeding an obese child the standard American diet isn't.
These people reproduce...
I can’t speak for the mother, maybe she is responsible and maybe not. The people born after the internet was standardized are very different people than before internet, computers, cell phones and social media. I blame the industry dedicated to shaming people away from cow milk or any animal milk. Even I know goats milk is the best alternative to breast, formula and cow milk. I had my child long before that was common knowledge unless you just know old ways. Sadly the people drinking almond milk are doing more harm than the know. Unless it’s organic almonds are sprayed heavily. At least the doctor figured it out. Amazing that any doctors still care.
Some mothers are too dumb to be mothers … sad but true.
Oh my God I can't even believe what I'm reading. This is just incomprehensible. Why does this woman still have this child? But then again you can't put it into the foster care system because guess what? Then the child will be trafficked by the elites. Nobody wants that. I wonder if the rest of the family is vegan? Gosh this poor poor baby! I'm glad they found it in time to save its life. What's next, rice milk? Soy milk? Go the F back to Starbucks and drink your coffee and give your baby to somebody who knows how to take care of a baby, lady.
Idiocracy in action. Capital Feckless C. Imagine a world where mothers are so dumb that plant products are used on newborns. Imagine how stupid this woman is. Now this child has to be raised by someone so ignorant.
Poor kid probably got the vax jab too
No time to read all the comments, but I literally watched a good friend almost starve her new baby to death with breast milk. You have to have common sense. Period. I bottle fed my children, because I was severely sexually abused as a child. While I realize, intellectually, that breast feeding and sexual abuse do not equate, I just could not go there.
This friends child and my child were mere days apart in birth. Her child weighed 10 pounds at 6 months of age. Her pediatrician finally told her that if she didn’t start supplementing, her child would have brain damage! And, this from two very well educated and caring parents! Common sense … it’s not so common.