Not everyone has the time to hang all day on these forums
Reminder: BE CIVIL @ GA.W
So I'd like to ask if you all could give a little grace to those who might post a question that might seem obvious to everyone before. Please don't act like rude liberals.
Are you time-shaming me, bro? Just because I read every word here every day doesn’t mean I don’t get anything done around the house. I just took a 10-min break to vacuum.
😆 how I do it too & if I forget to take a break, the dogs remind me. we call it 'recess'
Are you home schooling your dog? My wife tried that and her dog doesn't obey at all. But then again, they say pets take after their owners, and my wife doesn't obey either! 🤣
well not listening can be good in some situations, so have to give her credit an opinion;) and yes, I was a teacher, so turn most things into 'school' even Q. as for my students, there's 3. Autistic newfie is smarter than most people, the other two are just clowns, but they make me laugh! totally worth the chaos.
You goys are superpeople!!! It is all I can do to juggle three tablets while still figuring out what the bass wants before he can think t'say it..
Sometimes I think after a day with these high-schoolers that I would have greater success teaching my little Chihuahuas calculus than getting students to learn anything.
She probably had the word taken out of her vows like I did.
Oh no...we're old enough that the vows back then had the words 'Love, honor, and obey' for the wife, and 'Love, honor, and cherish' for the husband. And she said, "I do.". So occasionally I ask her when she plans to start obeying, and she just gets a big grin on her face and chuckles at me. 🤣
It's been our personal running joke for almost 35 years now. If she was obedient, I probably wouldn't have asked her to marry me.
Sorry for the microaggression.
There is no stupid research... Unless you are furthering the liberal agenda.....but better to ask within an existing post than create a post with a general question....also use the resources list provided by the mods in the sidebar....
Roomba. Boom, problem solved.
if only it would pick up the kids toys off the floor..have 4 under 6
You do know what causes that. right?
Hah yea I get that a lot. No more for me!
Well,it does a pretty good job on Nerf darts
Now, the entire DS and all of the glowies know the layout of your house.
We named ours Rosey from the Jetsons. We love it
Ps. Haven't caught her spying yet!😄
Great, now I have that stupid-ass theme playing in my head... meet George Jetson...daughter Judy...Jane his wife... lol.
Aaand now I do too🐸
^ based
I thought my cat was gonna die today, twice! Turns out, she's coming into heat! She vomited! Whew! Took my trash off, my sisters trash off! Took her to buy a new washer and dryer. ( stepson has her car for work). Did dishes! Idk.
Please check your privilege. Not everybody has access to vacuums. Some identify as broom users while others have been disenfranchised by the white patriarch coIonizers too much to even be able to afford such a priviIege.
Thank you so much for saying this.
Absolutely I 100% agree. I would also like to point out that sometimes even our most frequent viewers have rough days. This battle can get draining. So grace and love needs to be present from all that take part. Great post friend. My name is Ryan. Feel free to reach out if u ever need prayer or a fren to vent to
Grace and love wins every time.
I agree about the rough days part, that's for sure - but on the other hand, I'm grateful I found this board because it is a great way to weed through all the bullshit out there.
NOTE: If you have just a question, please use the DAILY DISCUSSION THREAD. Please reserve posts for high-effort, high-info information only. Thank you.
Excellent advice!!!!
. . . cuz many of us are working hard every day to pay back Oprah’s millions and financing the Ukrainian War.
Absolutely...I've said this multiple times, so when I see somebody say something like "old news" or such I try to remind them that we have new people all the time and that's why I personally post important topics/subjects again with ICYMI...because a lot of people miss important news...Nothing wrong with that IMO...🙏😎
Great idea fren, and an XYZ PDQ to you too kek
(Just poking fun at the shortcuts we all take these days, since the advent of texting and the internet)
Yeah but when the same story is literally less than 10 posts down the page...
Amen Max, there are "Awake Snobs" who forget our job is to educate as well as inform. Following the " there's no such thing as a dumb question" concept, we should refrain from screaming "Sauce", Doomer and Shill as a first response to an opportunity to bring a Brother along.
I think sauce is a fair question, but the way it's asked is important.
Agreed, tonality is everything.
and isn't it funny, I'm just the opposite. I don't give a s*it how someone says something to me, I just want the facts as quickly/efficiently as possible. I get more irritated by sugarcoatng & lack of homework/understanding of What makes a worthwhile post.
there's only so much time to read, so it's on the poster to be concise & make it worth our time.
If George Washington could present an inaugural address in 135 words, think we can also work on brevity.
rant over 🥸
That's a great point and very well worded.
thanks:) it's because of the strict nuns teaching me to edit. too bad they didn't have the same influence on my piano skills/was beyond their help🥸
Well said!
However, there have been times when I have found an answer to a question merely by pasting the post title into a search engine.
Also, if I have just read three similar questions with one even stickied it does become a little bit tedious.
So, may I respectfully suggest that everyone tries their best!
Also can we not automatically downvote people posting legit criticisms? There is a difference between dooming and criticizing something.
Agree w/ this and upvoted. Ironically, someone downvoted. Kinda funny
The first rule of downvote club is,..
People wake up at different times, we need to assist them.
A nice little house-keeping reminder Anon.
Decorum is equivalent to manners. Got it.
I can't wait until the day everyone is not just civil with each other but warm and friendly, with few exceptions.
Updoot for using the word snarky. Not a lot of words go along with the C word.
Wait did I miss something? I went to the grocery for 90 mins‽
Tsk, tsk, you need to ask? How committed are you anyway?!,! :)
Confused Gandalf🐸
Or rude Libertarians/Conservatives. Not sure why people are being so unpleasant.
I recommend praying before you respond, and perhaps, not responding if you have nothing positive to contribute.
“Can’t we all just get along” - Rodney King
Funny how most people have no idea about the entire tape of that incident. King was originally pulled over by a female CHP officer, and he wasn't complying with her demands at all, so she drew her weapon. The LAPD got wind of this and made it to the scene and took over. King wasn't targeted - the police tactics were directed at keeping him down because he [being 6'6"] kept getting up, jacked up on alcohol and drugs, and he was almost superhuman at that point. Interesting how that never got out to the general public.
I remember that. That is exactly what I saw, then the narrative shifted.
Buck up buttercup!
Person who chooses not to visit websites daily: WHy IS NOTHING HAPPENING????!!!
I literally have “conservative” normie friends just like this. They come to me (one literally yesterday) and ask me that same question because they “don’t care.” Not oaying attention is the liberal trait in actuality.
Go eat a bag of...
Nearly everyone here is patient with anyone who asks sincere questions. Autism rates are higher than normal here, so maybe some of what you perceive as condescension is really just anons being direct.
I've been here since get. PDW and CBTS too. It's not how OP is perceiving things...people are legitimately acting like know-it-alls because a Q post is mis-quoted or interpreted wrong. Correct me, but, isn't THIS the moment we have been waiting for? This movement has been poised to receive normies with welcome arms once the precipice arrives. Well, I'd argue, it's well on its way. So put up a welcome basket or be quiet.
I disagree entirely.
This movement is great precisely because it has always aggressively called out mistruths. If feelings sometimes get hurt in the process, sorry?
Correcting things is one thing, stooping to 4chan levels of communication is another :)
Many anons started off on 4chan.
They're mostly on good behavior here, believe it or not.
Oh, I can believe it :)
Lol, admittedly, I downvote anything that says, "get in here!!!"..."watch the water," or "repost if you agree"🐸
This is a q research board. Don't misquote posts. Take the time to look up the correct quote before posting. If you don't want to do that, expect to get called out. And, don't tell others when to be welcoming and when to be quiet. You're not in charge of anything.
This place is starting to stink like PDW
Time for a shower.
10 updoots
Is directness a sign of autism? I'm always offending people with my directness! But I can't seem to change. I don't know how to BS, lie or beat around the bush.
Thank you for this!
I got one "wake the eff up" after posing a question only one time. And the rest of you nailed her for it. And I still think it was a legit question. Lol. I love you people.
Snarky cunt alert!
You really think being cross deserves being compared to a liberal!? C'mon man, you only use that comparison if we are parading around that we chopped our dick off and changed our name to June
Never coddle fools.
Please don't try to tell folk how to act like liberal Karen's. By now folk know the difference between an honest question and nonsense. As it is written in Psalms Let the righteous man strike me and I will count it a blessing. If you don't have to spend here, lurk more post less. Hard ground must be broken up before you can plant seed. Wars are won with strength and wisdom. Healing is provided AFTER Victory not before.
You can also use the "search community" on any topic. It returns all posts including the topic you are interested in, newest to oldest. I use all the time.
Keep the covfefe strong!
Don't dilute it.
Nobody likes weak covfefe.
I see the comments are split between soft skins and the hardened gaw vets. Noice
It is also better to ask here than to ask other outside of this community