Hey Pedes, looking for clarity on a theory I'm mentally mulling around. It's kind of wild, but also, could have drastic implications if there is any truth to this.
I'll preface this by saying I am a believer in Christ, and only looking for truth, please don't shoot the messenger, this is an open debate and one I expect to see some heated emotions over.
The Greek word for "ante" is "αντι-", and although the current accepted translation of ἀντίχριστος is Anti-christ, there is little literature to explain the use of Anti vs Ante.
There is a possibility that the word "antichrist" in the Bible has been mistranslated or misunderstood, and that it may actually refer to an "ante-Christ," or a precursor to the coming of Christ, similar to how John the Baptist preceded Jesus. The book of Revelation, a highly symbolic and metaphorical text, may not actually predict a future apocalypse or end times, but rather symbolizes the ongoing struggle between good and evil in human history. According to this theory, the arrival of the "antechrist" figure may not be a negative event, but rather a necessary step in clearing the way for Jesus' return.
Let's analyze Trumps actions in contrast to the antechristos.
Abraham accords - negotiating peace with Isreal, only to turn his back in 3.5 years time. Does this fit with Biden getting into office?
The concept of a peace deal or covenant made by the antichrist is not explicitly mentioned in the book of Revelation, but it is described in some other parts of the Bible, particularly in the book of Daniel. In Daniel 9:27, it says:
"He [the antichrist] will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.' In the middle of the 'seven' he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him."
Is the end of sacrifice, the end of child, human sacrifice to Baal? Or worse? This kind fits to me. Especially considering the Mossad connections with Epstein et al.
in Revelation 13:3, where it says, "And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast." This wound is described as being healed, and as a result, people are amazed and follow the beast.
I've often wondered if Trump gaining the presidency again would fulfill this passage?
There is a lot more to this theory, but it's a lot to type out, I'll leave it at this for now.
There are alternatives to this as well, as Obama/Biden could also fulfill the above prophecy by Biden essentially being an Obama Manchurian candidate. I don't know enough about Obamas political deals with Isreal to make a call on the first one.
One final thing here, Is to look at the way Jesus responded to Caiaphas and the high Jewish court :
You know neither me nor my Father. If you knew me, you would know my Father also."
This is very telling that Jesus did not see YahWeh as his "Father" in heaven. Jesus never once mentioned Yahweh when referencing the father. He used Abba, or other terms.
Thoughts, pedes?
The definitions given to the Thessalonians barks against the "theory" quite loudly. I post the Amplified as it gives the intent of the subject dealt with by the Apostle Paul. Wresting Scripture, especially that of Revelations, is a hazard.
First in this epistle we see the beast identified as "LAWLESS." He comes into power based in Satan - opposed to Christ (OPPOSES) = ANTI. He wears the title assigned to him by the Word of God. John in his first epistle defines the "spirit of antichrist" quite well, and you would all do well for yourselves to read and meditate on that epistle.
Coaching this as a "theory" does not excuse the error. I have warned others around me to be careful of a personality (Trump) superseding or displacing faith in Christ Jesus. Some are doing this and the "theory" above leans into that to some degree. Trump may be a "savior" of America but do not spiritualize the effect.
Also, I must add the apostle Peter's warning against abusing or misusing Scripture to bring "new" or "heretical" understanding of what is written in the Bible.
Be sober, be vigilant, your adversary the devil, knows how to twist Scripture well, as proven in the encounter Jesus had with him during the 40 days he fasted before coming into ministry.
When attempting to use Scripture be careful you use it with fear and trembling and the Lord indeed warns against mishandling His Word.
I think it's important to get thoughts like OP out so they can be corrected/help guided . This way if others might think the same thing they will see the theory and others words. Great comment btw
The other thing here is that if what I'm saying is true, understanding it fully would lend more weight to actually not worshiping Trump as we would know he is leading the way to Jesus arriving.
Every instance you have in brackets saying (the antichrist) after the lawless one is added by later sources.
This is not in the Greek texts.
You need to analyze all of it properly..
Each instance says the lawless one, yes, but does not ever once say antichrist.
You understand that he is using the Amplified translation? The words in brackets explain the meaning of the Greek.
Interesting fren. Thanks for putting yourself out there and sharing this. Honestly I have always personally felt that the current understanding of revelation was not really correct. Especially the idea of rapture and people disappearing and some being left behind. I always tell people I feel it's something outside the current box of understanding. All sides(pre trib, post trib, ect) can all use biblical text to prove there right and they are all so so very passionate about it as well. This tells me there is something different and God is purposely bringing us the challenge of disagreeing so he can then bring us back together..this is very interesting.
Man I don’t know who downvoted you. I’m so with you brother, all the contradictory interpretations makes me just assume no one has it 100%, and if accurately interpreting something so complex is critical to our salvation, I think heaven is going to be pretty devoid of humans
God sometimes gives us pieces that might APPEAR to contradict each other because it allows us to come together in a deeper more meaningful way(please read comments below to better understand what I mean). I'm all for people exploring a specific way of view. However when they begin to put themselves on a mountain I think it stunts there growth. You know me I'm all about being an outsider..one might say I relish in it 😁 God has also surrounded me with a great council to turn to as he grows me
Where does God contradict himself? I've not come across any example.
The fullness of God doesn't. If we take a piece and compare it to another piece, we each receive, it can appear that way. It only because the simple facts our minds are tiny compared to his endlessness. Notice I said might. He doesn't give us more than we can handle so in the moment things might appear that way, which is fine, it's all meant to bring us together in the end
I would add the word appear. My mistake
Does this make more sense u/undine53 I didn't word that the best. Thanks for pointing it out so I could clarify a little
Thank you.
Do u understand what I'm trying to say fren
If your rubics cube is off by a couple spots, its safe to say they didn't make it that way, but rather the solution or interpretations are not right. The Bible explains the attributes of the antichrist and Trump could match one or two but not all. So its not him at all. There's a match for all but its taboo. https://whitethroneministries.org/resources/lessons/summary-of-the-characteristics-of-the-anti-christ Trump has never spoke blasphemy against God. We don't need an interpretation to define blasphemy since Christ was accused of Blasphemy twice so those accusations are what they defined as blasphemy at the time. They accused him of claiming to be the Son of God and claimed to forgive sin. Obviously its not blasphemy if the claims are true. Do we know anyone today that claims to forgive sins? What about being a substitute for God on earth? What is Vicarius Filii Dei?
These are just thought trains that really need to be explored. If we knew it all we wouldn't be in the mess were in.
God is mysterious and has a sense of humor. The demonic ones have been hell bent on controlling us. Is it for to assume some things have been mirrored to cause confusion?
What else seems that way lately?
Revelation anyone?
Oh I'm in no way trying to prevent thought trains fren. I'm truly just playing along. We can explore the idea together. Sorry if it came off like I was attacking. I truly appreciate your willingness to explore ideas knowing people will attack
That's why God should be your God, and not scripture. You want the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Go to the Source.
Cue those three guys who think they've got Revelation all figured out, just like every generation of Christians for the past 2000 years in 3...2...1...
Too late.
Jews, fake Jews that is, the ones that control everything (AKA the name-stealers, khazarian mafia, deepstate, cabal)
No I honestly feel its more the people that are over zealous about there current view of revelation and don't allow themselves to think outside box
I've often thought that the vision of the future Jesus showed John was the future before John wrote the book of Revelation. A possible future. However by the act of writing it, John gave the evil ones (WEF, etc) the blueprint of evil works, while also giving sight to believers to rise up and prevent them from achieving their goals. In other words, God wants us to prevent the Antichrist from taking over by identifying his evil works. God warned us about the Mark of the Beast, thereby giving us discernment by this warning and be saved.
Interesting have u ever searched the scriptures to see if this has happened before. God giving prophecy to warn rather then it being fullfilled
I don't think it's happened before. I'm just a bit of a science fiction fan, and I am thinking of the repercussions of time travel. John traveled to the future and described what he saw, with his 1st century understanding of things. I know Ezekiel said that Damascus would be completely obliterated so that not one brick would lay atop another. I was expecting this to happen with Obama's "junior varsity team" he had created, but this did not happen. Assad, whom I believe is a closet Christian and is well loved by the Christians in his country, remains in power. No more McCain, no more phony gas attacks. no more CNN morons sniffing backpacks. It's like the normies have all forgotten about Syria, despite Assad remaining in power.
So you're saying revelation was specifically written for the DS to "validate" their plans to control humanity and then subtly convince the church that the book is almost literal and subjugate them into fear and submission and relying on God to fix it all (which many are doing, and multiple times the prediction of the "end times" was incorrect), but the real reason why its in there is so that Christians and other believers would read deeper into the text and develop a counter insurgency to HELP God, that of which we are currently doing? It will be the end of an age, not the end of us, and the rapture is not an event where a select few just happen to get lucky and don't have to fight. There is more in between the scripts than we realize. It may be that the new heaven and new earth are not LITERAL, they are UNIFIED when we bring the entire world and reality into a singularity with Christ. Which, we also are currently doing!
More or less, I suppose. The plans are spelled out. Only God knows the future Satan does not. So those who follow evil will look at Revelation and try to emulate what was written, trying to make it happen. But we also can read it. I think God is wanting us to make a choice. Give up and the Antichrist will rise up, or take action and reclaim the world for God's glory.
It's not my hill to die on, but just an idea.
You have to have the right intellect, right IQ to be saved. “All ye who thirst, come and THINK, figure it out with your own understanding to save yourself” /s
Hi Ryan, someone zeroed your response, so I gave you my vote :)
This is the first I've heard you saying "Honestly personally always felt that the current understanding of Revelations is not correct", which I find interesting - because as you know I asked thrice in that christianity joint about it, & of course SR defended it each time, so in asking Jesus I don't get an Answer about it. So what am I to believe??
Hello little sis. Good morning
Oh that's not very nice of them. People get very passionate about this topic. Often times it is ego though..
Yes I am in a similar situation. I have asked Jesus many times and I never get an answer. Which leads me to think it's something else but we aren't supposed to know. Glad to hear u are experiencing similar non answers. 🙏😁🤗♥️
Could be you don't get an answer from Jesus because HE ALREADY HAS WRITTEN IT VERY CLEARLY IN HIS BOOK.
Where do u stand with this topic?
Also do u not ask him to help u understand the bible?
Great questions! I don't mean to defend "current understanding of Revelation", and I don't personally believe the "secret rapture" pretrib understanding u/Slechta5614 speaks of (which I used to years ago), which u/Kunkussion describes as "an event where a select few just happen to get lucky and don't have to fight". I defend all the classic understandings, even those that appear contradictory, because as he says they will reconcile in time, the appearance will be removed. Whenever I ask the Spirit of Jesus about it, I get some kind of answer, but usually an answer to some other thing than I thought I asked! I'm working on a post comparing the current classic versions, if you're interested.
In all the classic versions (amill, postmill, covenant, dispensation), the rapture is not secret but an event where everyone can see that a higher power has intervened, where vast numbers of people will be separated out. Those that remain on earth may have a short or long destiny ahead, that is disputed; but it's clear to me that many among them will recognize God after the fact, and many will deny that the higher power involved is indeed the Creator God.
So although the "secret rapture" is taught by some today, it shouldn't be regarded as "the current understanding" but as a warped version of the dispensational view. Also, the "imminent general rapture" might almost be admitted as one of the classic views, but to defend it requires dealing forthrightly with Scriptures like Ezekiel 38-39 about wars before the rapture, and more important every believer should be prepared to be raptured individually (rather than with a group), just like Elijah was. So any focus on imminence should not be a threat but an encouragement to pursue holiness.
At c/Christianity we have one person in his second study of amill Revelation, we have one complete study of Revelation by myself (covenant) and another (dispensation), and we have postmills check in now and then anytime you see calls for restoring a Christian state. The mod board is similarly eclectic. I intend to defend all these equally because the claimed contradictions will be removed as we mature in understanding and drop our nonessentials.
And remember that Revelation is excellent war comms and delivers what you need to know without tipping off the enemy. Blessed is he who reads it, and always ask the Spirit for understanding.
Thank you for your response. When I speak of the quote you referenced of mine, it is a very popular, twisted understanding, even in media, and I am glad we have the same general understanding, that we cannot be predictive of God's plan and somehow know exactly the order things will be carried out as we fight Satan in his realm. It's also a flaw within this movement as well; asserting absolutist ideas and not studying the passage of events as a grand strategy that involves all of us, so this is where I pick at grifters especially on this. Many passages of the bible have the context "simplified", for lack of a better word, and it is between that context that many other messages lie. Hebrew is very interesting and quite hard to translate. Not to mention the fact that not all of the books of the bible were necessarily written in hebrew, so essentially we must study the Bible multiple times and still accept that its am open interpretation.
Also been wanting to link to c/Christianity more over here. It keeps slipping my mind though, thanks for doing that because it helped remind me 😁🙏
I guess common and classic understandings would be better choice of words
Yes we are actually very busy. It comes in waves. Its like a 1 min walk to trash can and I tend to be the one taking them out. Plus the boxes. It also starts getting busy at like 930. I also have to wait around for the food to come out sometimes because I can't take it to table until the whole order is up but don't have really anything around me to do to occupy me. No need to worry. It's a very popular place in my area, it's not going anywhere.
Also I'm reading the post u linked earlier now. Will reply over there further
There is also the bit about the 2 witnesses, and I've always felt Q was one of them, trump or similar would be the second. Both have been "slain in the streets" more or less, but the 3 day time frame doesn't add up, not yet anyways.
Trumps arrest and 3 day hold, then release, for Q and trump to go ballistic? I really hope so, that would be badass, and fulfilling haha.
Enoch & Elijah went to Heaven without dying. They are the 2 prophets that come back and are killed. All mankind owes a death because of original sin.
This is a theory but we absolutely can't say for sure my fren
Only mankind that rejects the FATHER suffers a second. Moses will not suffer a 2nd death. When we pass away & are reborn, we are unto the Angels, who do not die. That is why we get a new body & why Lucifer & the fallen will suffer for all of eternity.
We still can't say for sure. All theory. Are u understanding what I'm saying. We can't say for certain
All good brother
Just so u know I tend to agree with this theory however its not certain
Oh this is an interesting theory. How would u explain the 3.5 years of prophecy part. Hasn't Q been around longer then that..same with Trump. I do love this type of thinking though. To many people are like the people in biblical times, getting caught in there own view and missing out. Just like they missed out on Jesus because they were expecting him to come and destroy Rome and Free everyone
The 3.5 year timeline is interesting. I've been wondering If this is the number of Bidens days in office. But also, could be something else.
Time will tell I guess.
It also said if God had not shortened the days there would be no flesh left to live. Another time anomaly in the mix.
yes there's something about the 3 days. this is a whitehat site about Mount Vernon; has a lot of number hints, and notice how they held George Washington's body for 3 days after he died...
I think it's pretty clear that the antichrist won't be another John the Baptist.
Paul states in 2 Thessalonians that the antichrist will disgrace the temple and claim to BE God.
This is based on a false premise and misunderstanding of the language.
“Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”
Not really, if you're saying it's he who comes before christ comes, in the sense of cleaning the house and getting the kingdom in order for lord Jesus to arrive.
Who is the “he” to whom you refer? The scripture you are referring to includes no such pronoun (he), and I have no idea who you are referring to or what you’re talking about.
I think what he is saying is that the Jewish God might not actually be the same as the God we know through Jesus Christ.
The book of Revelation is a book of revealing to God's people the truth. Yahweh destroys, Jesus saves. Yahweh would have it that everything is destroyed based on his prior art. But Jesus promised we would be saved, and the fathers kingdom would be placed on earth.
All of scripture testifies of Jesus Christ. There is only one God, one Son, and all that is was made through Him. From the beginning. See John, starting at ch. 1, vs. 1.
“In the beginning was the Word . . .”
Uh, Jesus's name means "Yahweh saves". God so loved the world that he gave his Only Son. For more resources see the Inquiry Forum from the c/Christianity sidebar.
So what do you do with the book of Jonah ending in God's mercy?
this ^ is why I try to focus on the New Testament first; makes more sense that way.
Yhwh was known as "Yahweh Elohim" in full.
Elohim means "they who came from heaven to earth", plural.
Who came to earth? The 200 angels definitely did.
Who commanded them?
Yahweh, in my understanding.
The deeper you dig, the wilder it gets man.
Elohim were "sons of god" or nobility as the Hebrew says. My thoughts are that they are non earth beings, from another planet. They were Nobility in their planet, and had high stature.
They had human wives, and bore offspring the Nephilim, or the Giants, Demigods in Greek history, or demi gods in Norse mythology. All the same.
The spirits of the Nephilim are not allowed off the planet, making Raphaim or, the dead ones. These are the demonic spirits of power that are generally more strong than standard Djinn or whatever you want to call them. Lower Astral parasites if you ask me.
Fair enough, as far as it goes. Quibbles with this are not the most fitting here.
No, Elohim means judges. The concept "they who came from heaven to earth" is present in the word yarad, to descend, as in the patriarch Jared in whose time this happened; this is explained in the book of Enoch. (Also nafal, to descend or fall, as in Nefilim, refers to some of the humans afterward.) Therefore you're mixing two sources in your statement. Let me just pull Enoch out of the pile next to me and see who headed the fallen angels: oh yeah, Semyaz (chapter 6); Azazel is also prominent. There is no ancient text about Yahweh leading the watchers who descended, though an esoteric reading of Gen. 10 teaches that Yahweh descends separately bearing grace, which is consistent with Paul's teaching on the descent of Christ and the Talmudic name for Christ, Bar-Nifle (son of the descended). Your last sentence is true: The deeper you dig, the wilder it gets man.
yep even talks about giants🥴
The biblical character known as yahweh was accused of being a "liar and a murderer since the very beginning" by Jesus himself when he said this to the Sanhedrin or High Jewish priests regarding the God they worship (Yahweh) and said clearly that their God is not his father in heaven, as mentioned above.
The Bible is old testament (yahwehs rule) and new testament (Jesus rule) which are conflicting in many ways, almost too many to list.
Was the Antichrist that we know, put there in the light that it is currently, by those who worship Yahweh? In an attempt to confuse and cause gods people to reject the one who comes before Christ (Trump cleaning house) just like they tried with Jesus?
This is a gnostic point of view. I think more than a few people on here would disagree with what you say but you're free to say what you think.
Something You Didn't Know About YHWH
replying so I don't forget & need to find that symbol^ reminds me of a celtic image I saved.
Also, I think listening to the Jefferson Bible has been helpful in understanding the NT; so if anyone is interested, this is a good version;
thanks^ will keep that in mind/definitely not a follower of MW! been a very long, winding journey for me, so try to analyze everything without attachment/based on what Q connected people recorded, helps keep me focused. example what JFK said about TJ;
"I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered together at the White House, with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone." --"Remarks at a Dinner Honoring Nobel Prize Winners of the Western Hemisphere (161)," April 29, 1962, Public ...
plus I live on the Lewis and Clark trail;) so Thomas Jefferson is quite prominent; Louisiana Purchase, etc...could say I'm a fan.
Who were the Jewish High priests known to pray to openly? Surely not Satan, although they may in secret.
Jesus was not one to mince words much, and he generally called it how he seen it, can you find me one instance where Jesus used the name Yahweh to describe his father in heaven? Surely he would have named him such, had that been his father, right?
Jesus actually took it a step farther and claimed that HE was Yahweh.
See the great “I AM” statements made by Jesus. Especially the one he makes directly to the Pharisees:
Now compare to the name given to Moses from the burning bush in Exodus 3:
It was crystal clear to the Pharisees who Jesus was equating himself to be: YAHWEH. For in the very next verse they picked up stones to kill him because Blasphemy (equating oneself to God) was punishable by death.
There are many other instance just like this one throughout the synoptic Gospels.
Jesus said clearly to the Pharisees that their father was Satan.
See John 8:44
I don't know my scripture that well to tell where you're referring from but immediately what comes to mind is the Sectarian Jewish Sect that wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls which was a sect around the time of Jesus.
The Dead Sea Scrolls // Ancient History Documentary | History Time
If Jesus didn't ever call his Father by the name YHWH that doesn't mean he denied YHWH as his Father. That is a logical fallacy argument.
Does he ever explicitly say YHWH was not his Father? That would actually cement his beliefs rather than people merely speculating and guessing.
Concerning the high priests, Stephen called out those who worshipped the six pointed star of remphan, Ezekiel 8 shows us who they worship and what they do in secret and revelation calls them out as the deceitful synagogue of satan who claim they are his chosen people but are deceitful name stealing charlatans. John called them out as a den of vipers. Paul called them wolves in sheeps clothing who would come in and take over positions of authority. They are all of the same spirit and the same corruption we’ve been battling with since the beginning, usurpers who claim God but serve the enemy.
My understanding is out Jesus using the term abba instead of his fathers direct name was to stress the importance of relationship. How many times have you called your father by his name? He was always speaking to people who knew exactly who he was referring to.
There is a major red flag with your theories, especially with your view of who yhwh is that brings me to ask one sincere question and that is where did the idea of yhwh just being a warlord tribal alien come from?
Look into Helena Blavatsky and the secret doctrine and then ask yourself why your theory has ideas that are rooted upon theories that are derived from a professed lucifarian?
If you do not know who Helena Blavatsky is, she would be a good place for you to start to begin to see the lies of the new age and how they have by design seeped into modern day Christianity and especially with regards to eschatology and the interpretation of the Bible. If you know about the niv and how it so subtly removes the power from the word you begin to realize how sly the enemy truly is.
“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of Kings to search it out.”
You're making good points, just keep in mind that there were no hexagrams in Judea in the first century, the star of Remphan is a symbol for Saturn, which was not represented by an asterism. TMI on the subject.
Your right, that is interesting, the 6 pointed star doesn’t seem to pop up until much later in history. Which might lead one to conclude that the Star of David has nothing to do with the star of remphan and has nothing to do with astrology and these Babylonian religions but then you begin to find evidence that would make it appear that the leaders of that age were the same kabbalists of the previous age just with a different logo.
Indeed, the cabalists (which include the kabbalists) want to corrupt every symbol. The demons stay the same, the humans are of necessity used up and cycled out, and come from every nation because they know we will rule every nation. We wrestle not with flesh and blood.
Your right, 6 points is my opinion of what Stephen was calling out, both Amos and Stephen call out just a star and don’t specify points, so it then becomes circumstantial evidence to identify what he exactly is referring to. Pictographs of chiun (remphan) if I remember are depicted with different points depending on who when and where but reference the same god. So it then leads to the question of origin of the 6 pointed star Israel had adopted, because it has no historical connection to David, at least not that I’m aware of, and so with the connection of ancient Babylonian religions being practiced by the religious leaders of Israel during that time and the symbol of the 6 pointed star being adopted by this religious ruling class has more circumstantial evidence pointing in the direction of the astral Babylonian cults than it does the lineage and house of David.
Besides those already listed, since you recognize the watchers you should also recognize that Jesus was always watching too. Thus he is the Angel of Yahweh who constantly calls on the name of Yahweh, such as Gen. 18:14 as the first coming to mind.
You are speaking of the devil.
John 8:44 GNV
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do: he hath been a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, then speaketh he of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof.
The liar and murderer from the beginning (John 8:44) is real, but why would you believe his cronies who say his name is Yahweh? What you're thinking of is an entity who hardly has any name, only titles, but was first known as Helel (praiser or shiner). He was created by Yahweh, he desired to be like Yahweh, but couldn't seize that exact name reserved to the Creator by royal prerogative, and could only corrupt variations of it; in the first century he was known as Yaldabaoth (a corrupt version of Yahweh Sabaoth). The Bible says Yahweh is the real Creator, overseeing creation like a master of public works (a demiurge, from demos public), so Helel called himself the demiurge and creator instead. This spirit, which most everyone means by the titles satan (adversary) and devil, never ruled over anyone but the spirit minions he deceived, and should not be confused with the perfect reign of Yahweh throughout all history through his perfect Word, Jesus. It is satan who teaches that the Bible, God's written Word, conflicts with itself.
Thus those Pharisees (not all of them) were indeed serving the devil, and probably some of them thought of him as Yahweh or Yaldabaoth, but others historically attested did not, and sought the true Creator, as we all should.
God's Word was put out there for perfect reasons, and none could interfere with what he wanted delivered. Trump may clean house before Christ indeed, but Trump stands or falls on his confession of Jesus as the Christ. Deception will be thick for awhile, so test everything, including what I say, by its truth and alignment with the reality created by Yahweh the Creator. If you cannot call on the Creator, you cannot be saved by Jesus; you deny Father and Son.
I feel like Revelation reveals the heart of a Christian. Every time I read through I have a new theory. Yet I always come back to the same thing
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding
I have a hard time with those that believe they know. For in their knowing they attack brothers and prove their theory using the Word. Yet to me all they prove is that they want to have the answers more then they want to trust Jesus.
At the end of the day, I walk as if Jesus is coming today (or try to), for when the time comes our understanding of the Prophecy will mean little. We will either be a bride waiting eagerly for our groom or we will be busy looking for understanding and we will completely miss the bus.
Just my 2 cents. Really enjoyed this thread.
Interesting but christ said there would be many anti christs. Speaking in the context of false prophets. Revelation is easier to understand once you realize it was John trying to explain 2000 years ago what he was seeing in the future from a heavenly perspective. He was in the spirit so he was able to see the spiritual that we cannot see. It’s demonic and much scarier than what we can see. In the flesh things are not as gruesome as I’m the would be if we saw things in the spirit. With that said, study the difference between pre trib and mid trib eschatology. The pre trib teaching has brought in a bunch of false teaching that makes the book seem difficult to understand. If you take it out of your mind then read revelation in chronological order it is much easier to grasp. A good resource on this is here. This is Independent Fundemental Baptist view of revelation of which I am a Minister of this sect. I believe this to be the best understanding of the book. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLq9ZIV5UANZzaMlrlX9bRw_FFTRduTVF8
Fren all sides say similar things. I believe its something different. There are excellent counters to all sides just as there are proofs. It's not always about easier for us to understand. It's about letting Jesus give u understanding. The revelation of Jesus Christ
The term "Antichrist" is only used in the New Testament in the letters of John. Jesus himself does not use the term "Antichrist" in the Gospels. However, there are some passages in which Jesus speaks about false prophets or false messiahs who will deceive people and lead them astray from the truth.
For example, in Matthew 24:24, Jesus warns his disciples about false messiahs and false prophets who will perform signs and wonders that could deceive even the elect. He says, "For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect."
My understanding is that the anti means "in place of" not "against."
Antichrist as a substitute Christ the masses embrace willingly
in Revelation 13:3, where it says, "And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast." This wound is described as being healed, and as a result, people are amazed and follow the beast. Obama has a huge scar on the side of his head that caused a lot of speculation when he was causing havoc…
Obama didn't destroy three kingdoms of rome like the little horn that comes up in the midst of the ten kingdoms (toes). Three of the ten were exterminated so that could give a clue to the identity. Heruli, vandals, and ostrogoths are gone. What tiny Kingdom exists that did that. Didn't Napoleon capture and remove a religious leader in 1798? Of course they are back so the wound has healed. That religious leader also destroyed those three kingdoms like the prophecy and their small kingdom is in the midst of the Roman Empires remaining 7 Kingdoms. That little guy also claims infallibility and the ability to forgive sin (blasphemy). Did they thinK to change times and laws? There's only one commandments in the law that mentions time. Who removed the 2nd commandment about idolatry and pretended to change the holy day of rest in the 4th to the pagan day of Sun worship? I don't think Obama or Trump did any of these things which are the characteristics of the antichrist.
There are over 30 names for what we term the Antichrist in the Bible. Every one of them portrays him as Satan incarnate. Man of sin, Evil one and so on. I don't think Trump fits the bill here. He will be a great orator as Hitler. One that hasn't the desire of women (homosexual). His right arm and right eye will be withered up form a deadly wound. The Book of Revelation is the only book of the Bible that you can find every prophesy in other books of the Bible. The 7 year covenant of which this public leader will set forth will allow the Jews to rebuild their Temple. This will never happen until the Moslem people are defeated in a war (Ezek 38-39) Once this war is over, this public figure will be seen as a great peace maker. The Bible says he will stand in the Holy Place and declare himself as god. The Holy Place is the Holy of Holies in the Temple where the Ark of the Covenant sat. I don't see Trump declaring himself as God. My thoughts anyway.
Interesting, food for thought.
I'd rather consider every possibility than the alternative!
Too many possibilities lead to confusion and not seeing the trees for the wood. God's truth is simple, plain and easily understood. Once you start delving into "hidden knowledge" and possibilities, you are likely to be led astray.
My belief is that the prophet John saw a warning about Satan's plans for our future. There was no chance that he could properly understand the level of destruction man could wrought upon ourselves in the future, so he naturally assumed what he was seeing was a work of God. In his day and age, a city destroying event or a pandemic would be relegated to a work of God. As we see today, man can do that with a nuke and a lab 'leak'.
Christ is THE example of what a person should be like, although our flawed nature makes that impossible. In my mind, the Anti-Christ isn't a person, but a concept. It's essentially a social credit system, that being an example of how to be a perfect servant to the regime, rather than God. Most likely scored out of 0-999, with 3 categories divided into equal thirds. One can only do business if scored in the highest tier (666 or above). It will be tracked by a chip implanted in the hand (mark of the beast) and functions similar to how a farmer would tag cattle.
Free range meat, that's all we are to them.
Wokeism and ESG score are that in its baby phase. If allowed to continue, they will erode all our societal defenses and allow an unprecedented level of predation. Their predation strategy relies on ignorance of their existence. Revealing them will render their strategy useless, and Satan's influence on the world will be greatly reduced. When the happens, the world the normies once knew will end.
Once they open their eyes, its our job to help orient them in this new world.
Gentlemen, I believe the time is nigh.
Incorrect premise. The Greek word for the Latin ante- is προηγού- meaning "before".
The Greek word for "anti" is αντι so αντίχριστος does indeed translate as antichrist.
In addition, although ante in Latin means "before", the Greek word αντε means "instead"!
So, if the original word was written in Latin you would be sort of correct. But you imply that it was Greek, so I can't agree with your conclusion.
I was asked to review this by u/Andy_Man45.
The actually important part, Jesus most definitely did regard Yahweh as his Father and the name as his Father's name, thus his own. The Greek text recording Aramaic conversations generally won't note use of a Hebrew name in the midst; but John 8:58 was certainly a reference to Yahweh. More generically, whenever the word "kurios" (lord, now preserved in the words church and kyrie) is used of the Father, it is understood as a euphemism for Yahweh's name, which was too sacred for casual usage. Yet when Jesus quotes a Hebrew source containing the translation "kurios", he is recognized by all to be referring to Yahweh (Matt. 4:7, 10, 5:33, etc.).
To OP, it is true Latin ante comes from Greek anti, but this means both senses are intended, opposition and facing-off ("beforeness"). There are many antichrists (1 John 2:18), so feel free to class today's politicos among them; but they must meet the criteria: "that denieth that Jesus is the Christ", "that denieth the Father and the Son" (2:22), and "that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh" (4:3). John the Baptist did not meet these, so prophetic forerunner that is not the sense intended. It appears a final antichrist is coming in connection with a 7-year tribulation begun by a treaty signed by united nations. Personally, I think the eclipses of 2017 and 2024 indicate a dress-rehearsal period, and we should prepare for things to get much worse, which is what warriors do.
I'll skim the comments here, please feel free to ping me with any questions.
Which word in John 8:58 do you believe refers to Yahwew?
"Ego eimi" is a translation of Yahweh, the most likely word spoken on that occasion, which would be well translated in English as "I am I".
Thank you for your input,
The I am translation is correct but, it still doesn't explain Jesus not using the name Yahweh once in the Bible.
Sure, people didn't use it as often in public because they felt it was sacred, but Jesus wasn't one to be shy about these things. Surely his father's name would not be too sacred for him to utter publicly? At least once, on record? This still seems highly suspect to me.
The books were written in Greek, fren, and most of the larger audience would have trouble with either Hebrew characters mixed in Greek or an invented transliteration into Greek. The NT passages I listed are sufficient evidence to those who understand the culture that when Jesus was speaking Hebrew and Aramaic he used the name repeatedly. Further, as I said, Jesus also came in preincarnate form and used the name Yahweh repeatedly as attested in the Hebrew Scriptures.
Since you don't like the sacred name, the question turns to whether Jesus is who he says he is or whether you change his words about himself too. Is he one with the Father who created all things? Is he Lord and God, uniquely over everything and not just a random divine being? Is he the "I Am" before Abraham was? If you don't accept what he said about himself, you're not following him as Lord and shouldn't take the name "Christian".
The I Am he is referencing is when he met Moses on the mountain, on the first ascent. Claiming that the I Am sent him, and he was one in the same.
Exodus 3:14 “I am who I am.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I am has sent me to you.’ ”
So is he the "I Am" or was he sent by the "I Am"?
He claims to be the son of the father in heaven, to which I agree. I do not however, feel that this is one in the same with Yahweh Elohim. The very fact that they use Elohim to describe Yahweh is suspect to me, if you understand what Elohim means.
I still, cannot find one provable instance where Jesus used the name Yahweh to describe his father in heaven. You'd think one who is in such a position, preaching to Jewish people, it would be a pretty common name to use, wouldn't it?
What about the descriptions of Yahweh? He was depicted as being Dragon like in many passages. Many biblical passages imply that Yahweh physically consumed his meat offerings unlike the "fake" gods of other cultures. The Bible is very specific that Yahweh wanted salt on his meat as well, suggesting these offereing were physically consumed and not merely burned to ashes.
Or the fact he demanded virgins as a spoil of war in numbers 31? What would the great I Am even want with 32 virgins? Are you aware that women of the time were married off as soon as they menstruated? so this makes it what? 32 girls before the age of 13. Hmm.
Examples? Here:
2 Samuel 22
7 In my distress I called upon the Lord, And cried out to my God; He heard my voice from His temple, And my cry entered His ears. 8 "Then the earth shook and trembled; The foundations of heaven quaked and were shaken, Because He was angry. 9 Smoke went up from His nostrils, And devouring fire from His mouth;... 16 The foundations of the world were uncovered... At the blast of the breath of His nostrils.
Exodus 19
18 And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the LORD descended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly.
Exodus 33
20 And he said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live. 21 And the LORD said, Behold, there is a place by me, and thou shalt stand upon a rock: 22 And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a clift of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by: 23 And I will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts: but my face shall not be seen.
Exo 40: 34 Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle. 35 And Moses was not able to enter into the tent of the congregation, because the cloud abode thereon, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle.
Psa 61: 4 I will abide in thy tabernacle for ever: I will trust in the covert of thy wings.
Psa 91: 4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
The highest heavenly creatures are called Seraphim, a word which the highly esteemed and scholarly Jewish Enclyclopedia states means "fiery flying serpent", though medieval Christians have transformed these "dragons" into the more familiar, swan-winged, "cartoon" angels of popular culture. When the ancient Jews translated the word Seraphim into Greek, the word they used was drakon, which is the word our modern "dragon" is derived from.
Jesus seemed to allude to this in his address to Caiaphas and the Jewish priests when being sentenced, as I said in my OP, pointing out that his father in heaven was not the one the Jews and others worshiped known as Yahweh.
Let's not forget that Moses people broke the covenant he made with the I Am on the mountain, before he even got to the foot of the mountain. He broke the tablets and returned back to the mountain and then had to chisel the stones himself? Why did the I Am not make him new ones? Did he perhaps meet Yahweh the second time, and not Jesus?
I understand your passion in these matters, as I have a passion for it as well, but I also value the ability to reason and test out every theory to its end, before accepting a truth. To insinuate i am not a Christian, really just places you in the seat of ignorance. As per Christianity, I am saved by Jesus work, not my own. Works based salvation is a lie, so, how can my fault in understanding, or search for the truth condemn me? We were told to test everything, so I'm not sure how you could take a stance of denying my salvation based on my previous posts. That itself is pretty anti Christian, imho.
Glad you're thinking it over! The answer is yes. He is both.
The entity in the burning bush, which was Jesus, gave three names, Yahweh, Ehyeh, and Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh. These are all ways of saying "I am I" so as to make the same point. Jesus is one with the Creator who has these and many names. Let's call the Creator Ehyeh to distinguish him from the malevolent one.
It means, just as Jesus could be human and still "one in/and the same" with Ehyeh, Jesus could also come as an angel (an El or Eloah) and still be one and the same with Ehyeh. When the Uncreated comes, he always follows the rules he set up for created beings, he doesn't set up laws of physics to change them arbitrarily. The fact that some humans and some elohim screwed up doesn't deny his right to come as el or man.
You'll need to define standards of proof. It's impossible to find a Hebrew word in a fully Greek manuscript. Either you recognize preincarnate Jesus described in Hebrew manuscripts, or you recognize how linguistic criticism determines spoken Hebrew words from Greek transcriptions, or you recognize that the data points you're limiting yourself to have no power to answer your question.
They became temple servants. It sounds like you're claiming Christianity while reading interpretations from anti-Christians. Questing the nature of Jesus and the Creator doesn't involve using enemy talking points.
You then list several Scriptures, which are perfectly harmonizable with Jesus's Father when dealing with sin. Did you read Revelation recently, particularly 1-3 and 17-20? Jesus is fully participatory in wrath against the wicked, but he waits the right time just as Ehyeh did in the past.
No, I didn't see this in OP or would've commented. You cited John 8:19, Then said they unto him, Where is thy Father? Jesus answered, Ye neither know me, nor my Father: if ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also (KJV). Everyone knew that upon Jesus's baptism a bat-kol (idiom for heavenly voice, literally daughter of a voice) had been heard, claiming paternity over Jesus; everyone knew that Jesus's earthly father was Joseph, who was prepared to be considered a cuck all his life. When these Pharisees ask the question, they are denying Jesus's claims that his Father is the LORD (Yahweh, as he said when he quoted Hebrew Scripture repeatedly), and giving in to rumors that he was a bastard. Further, they are breaking with their Amoraic (Talmudic) tradition, in which every time a bat-kol is heard it is to be taken as authoritative from the Creator (only one exception occurred, sketchily, in the 2nd century). Jesus's answer to all this was that their denial of miracle proved that they had no interest in the Yahweh they paid lip-service to; a few of them might indeed have been serving the counterfeit, Yaldabaoth.
Note, this was not when he was sentenced. That testimony is a different statement of "I Am" claiming identity with Yahweh, Mark 14:61-62: Again the high priest asked him, and said unto him, Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed? And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. Replying to the euphemism "the Blessed" with the revealed name of the Father Yahweh, translated as "Ego eimi", showed that Jesus was unafraid to speak the name and spoke it to show up people who wouldn't speak it (for fear that they had the wrong Yahweh).
I've never heard that theory. You think Jesus is so impotent as to let someone else masquerade as him right after he delivered the Ten Words and get away with it for 3,500 years? The impostor has no power, he can only corrupt the truth already given. The reason Moses wrote the second tablets is that man must learn to work with God rather than God doing all the work alone. The text says he met with Yahweh both times, and describes (in Exodus 24 and 32) this Yahweh coming in angelic form, and all comings of Yahweh were his Word (Messenger) Yeshua.
I'm not going to deny your salvation, but I'll test it. Your confession is "I am a believer in Christ, and only looking for truth", which means that you and others who pursue truth, such as myself, will always come to agreement sooner or later in the pursuit. The questions I ask you are about whether you believe in the same Jesus that the historical church believes in, who is one with the Creator revealed in the Old Testament, or whether you separate some works of Yahweh from being works of Jesus as well. If a person doesn't know Jesus the way others do and attributes Jesus's work and being to another entity than others do, that one must question whether the others have the same Jesus; you must certainly question me too. If you are saved by Jesus's work as you say, he will guide you into all truth, and salvation includes a changed spirit so that spirit will be his means of guidance. Since we are led by the Spirit and the Word, we will come to the same conclusion, and the deeper the wilder.
TLDR: I've answered your questions so as to explain where I believe the truth stands. You've indicated what you believe, though I don't see all the implications and conclusions you are seeing. But truth is always one, and Jesus is Truth. Are you one who is committed to follow Jesus wherever he goes, including surrendering mistaken notions to him when convicted? Because I am.
Lately I've been enjoying the joy of Christ that the Messianic Jews have. They always have some thoughts about God's plan that are rooted in their own history and religious practices which are complementary and reinforcing to the traditional Christianity I grew up with. So I wondered what they had to say about the Antichrist and all the ordinary lower case antichrists.
TLDR: These two evangelists are both clear that both types are liars, they know the truth about the Messiah but they deny and reject it (1 John). The Antichrist is Satan, because Satan not only knows the truth and lies about it, starting in Genesis 3, but his aim is to make himself God, to replace God. "Anti" in Greek means "against" and also "in place of." Besides New Testament mentions of the AntiChrist, he is described in Daniel. The AntiChrist will be Satan in a human form, similar to Jesus being God in human flesh. But everything the AntiChrist does and says will be a lie, a counterfeit of God's word (e.g. the mark of the Beast is a counterfeit of God's instruction to bind the name of God on the forehead and wrist while praying).
This one is from 4 years ago. Things might be improving among believers but this rabbi is now sure Jesus is returning soon. But He can't return until the AntiChrist has done his dirty work, part of which is to undermine worship. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05xUH04zmvs
Israel is readying to accept the AntiChrist...Israel is burning, TelAviv is moronic pedos and trannies that worship satan.
I have heard this before, the anteChrist being to Christ as antechamber is to a room (chamber). A small room leading to a main one. It fits insomuch as I have seen many many Trump supporters convert to open Christianity.
There are false prophets, leading many astray, then there is the anteChrist leading people to Christ.
You know them by their fruits.
My thought is that there is a difference between the "beast system" and the Anti or Ante christ. There are indeed many false prophets, but Trump seems genuine so far.
Strong's Concordance anti: over against, opposite, hence instead of, in comp. denotes contrast, requital, substitution, correspondence Original Word: ἀντί Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: anti Phonetic Spelling: (an-tee') Definition: over against, opposite, instead of Usage: (a) instead of, in return for, over against, opposite, in exchange for, as a substitute for, (b) on my behalf, (c) wherefore, because. HELPS Word-studies 473 antí (a preposition) – properly, opposite, corresponding to, off-setting (over-against); (figuratively) "in place of," i.e. what substitutes (serves as an equivalent, what is proportional). Nobody wants the "end times" to be as written ,many hope we'll be "Raptured' out before the "Tribulation", but the future has many surprises for us.
You are working much to hard on this.
As you represent 'ante' in greek, it is 'alpha, nu, tau, iota.' That is anti and is shown as such in the Greek transliteration in the NASB Bible dictionary. Greek NASB Number: 473
Greek Word: ἀντί
Transliterated Word: anti Root: a prim. prep., also a pref.;
Definition: over against, opposite, hence instead of, in comp. denotes contrast, requital, substitution, correspondence:--
New American Standard Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible.
The problem is that a Greek word can have different meanings or used differently depending on the context. So...
anti (n.)
the word-forming element anti- (q.v.) used by itself, short for various nouns beginning in anti-, from 1788, originally in reference to the anti-federalists in U.S. politics (in the 1830s, especially of the U.S. Anti-Masonic political party); as an adjective, from 1857. Entries linking to anti anti-
word-forming element of Greek origin meaning "against, opposed to, opposite of, instead," shortened to ant- before vowels and -h-, from Old French anti- and directly from Latin anti-, from Greek anti (prep.) "over, against, opposite; instead, in the place of; as good as; at the price of; for the sake of; compared with; in opposition to; in return; counter-," from PIE *anti "against," also "in front of, before" (from root *ant- "front, forehead," with derivatives meaning "in front of, before"), which became anti- in Italian (hence antipasto) and French.
It is cognate with Sanskrit anti "over, against," and Old English and- (the first element in answer). A common compounding element in Greek, in some combinations it became anth- for euphonic reasons. It appears in some words in Middle English but was not commonly used in English word formations until modern times. In a few English words (anticipate, antique) it represents Latin ante.
In noun compounds where it has the sense of "opposed to, opposite" (Antichrist, anti-communist) the accent remains on the anti-; in adjectives where it retains its old prepositional sense "against, opposed to," the accent remains on the other element (anti-Christian, anti-slavery).
ante (n.)
in the game of poker, "stake of money placed in a pool by each player before drawing cards," 1838, American English poker slang, apparently from Latin ante "before" (from PIE root *ant- "front, forehead," with derivatives meaning "in front of, before"). From 1846 as a verb. Entries linking to ante *ant-
Proto-Indo-European root meaning "front, forehead," with derivatives meaning "in front of, before; end." Also see *ambhi-.
It forms all or part of: advance; advantage; along; ancestor; ancient (adj.); answer; Antaeus; ante; ante-; ante meridiem; antecede; antecedent; antedate; antediluvian; ante-partum; antepenultimate; anterior; anti-; antic; anticipate; anticipation; antique; antler; avant-garde; elope; end; rampart; un- (2) prefix of reversal; until; vambrace; vamp (n.1) "upper of a shoe or boot;" vanguard.
It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit antah "end, border, boundary;" Hittite hanti "opposite;" Greek anta, anten "opposite," anti "over against, opposite, before;" Latin ante (prep., adv.) "before (in place or time), in front of, against;" Old Lithuanian anta "on to;" Gothic anda "along;" Old English and- "against;" German ent- "along, against." penny-ante (adj.)
"cheap, trivial," 1935; extended from use in reference to poker played for insignificant stakes (1855), from penny + ante.
Now, IF you take your Time, and Simplify Both of these, you'll find out they are not at all the same, one means ""Against"", as in ant-I- sounds like eye, and the other means ""Before"", being ant-e- sound is eee or eh....
It can't be Trump, obama, bush, king charles, nero, elon, gates, soros, etc. The bible gives us the attributes and these folks simply cannot fit if they wanted. It is correct to look at a position like President or king since that system continues even if the names change. Since the little horn comes up in the midst of the ten Kingdoms, Daniel and revelation help bracket the prophesy. Daniel looks forward and john looks backwards. Consider this for study and see if it fits. History is now on our side so we don't need to guess at kingdoms (beasts and metal man sections/toes)
Here's a list without spin or interpretations or identity. Now that we have history on our side, understanding the references from Daniel, who gave a perspective looking in the future, is not that hard now. We know Rome was split up in to 10 kingdoms in Europe. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-LNz0UJbXtBE/VT8FNpsG7QI/AAAAAAAAH0E/oS16kReGUbQ/s1600/Ten-Horns.jpg
Nebacanezars dream about the metal man is a road map of world powers. Rome was the legs of iron. Unlike the previous nations, Babylon, media Persia, Greece, the kingdom of rome continued as a blend in feet and ten toes of iron/clay. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3f/77/be/3f77be372f42bef80957b80d302cd2df.jpg
A little nation (horn) rises amongst those 10 partitions of rome and destroyed 3. Who did that? Trump? Nero? Bush? Obamba? Nope. John said the spirit of anti Christ was alive in Rome back then. Not the actual anti Christ or he would have said so. https://lastmessageofmercy.com/images/books/danielchapter2/Divided_Roman_Empire_(10).jpg Once we know who matches that attribute, we must check if that entity matches all the other attributes. So the accusation that Trump claimed to be our redeemer could be interpreted as blasphemy (defined in scriptures as claim to be god or able to forgive sin). Great, he matches 1 of 20 attributes so....
The Book of Revelation is difficult for most to understand because most don't know their Bibles...especially the Old Testament.
99% of Evangelicals are brainwashed in the Scofield version of post Crucifixion History or otherwise called Dispensationalism. This was never taught or believed by the early church fathers.
John tells us in that even during his time there were many anti-Christ's in the 1st. Century (John 2:18) and in verse 22 John even gives us the definition of anti-Christ..."He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son." Or, "he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ."
The Book of Revelation was written to the severely persecuted 1st. Century followers of Jesus to explain what was happening to them and to give them hope and assurance that Jesus was indeed on His throne and was indeed King of king's and Lord of lord's. The first verse poignantly tells us that the events John describes in the Book of Revelation were going to "shortly come to pass." Matthew 24 tells the same story (a trailer of a movie of sorts) that the first 9 chapters of Revelation describe in detail (the actual movie)...namely the complete destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD by the Romans. The most clear timestamp of this occurs in Matthew 24:34 wherein Jesus tells his disciples that all the destruction described in the Olivet Discourse was going to happen BEFORE their generation passed away. For some reason these timestamps are always overlooked by the modern (deceived) dispensationalist end times prognosticators.
The defeatist dispensational teaching causes Christians for stand down and stop effectively fighting for the Kingdom of God on earth because they think they are going to be taken out before the really bad stuff happens. The truth is that God won the war 2000 years ago when He rose from the dead! Death, where is thy victory? Jesus put all things under His feet at that moment and satan was utterly defeated. We are in the mop up segment of history wherein the great and glorious message of Christ's Gospel and what He did on the cross is fully realized as the wickedness in men's hearts (which is what is primarily causing all the death and destruction on earth) is replaced by the love of Christ. The message of the Gospel is going to permeate the hearts of mankind until the real Great Awakening is realized...the Great Awakening of Jesus Christ and His forgiveness and love for us. The future new world order is the Theocratic takeover of Jesus Christ and the greatest revival in history.
Ante anti being homophones is unique to the english language. You might as well also say it could be "auntie" christ and Jesus is the nephew, for all the validity this interpretive method has
Eschatology or “end time things, as far as it depends on where we are now, in my opinion, we should do with the word says about “occupy till he comes, Newsflash- the Lord is not returning for a rescue operation, there is a certain stature that the church is to grow into Ephesians one, Colossians1 in the first three chapters of Hebrews, The way we see end times is the way our behavior is manifested, so if we’re looking to “get out of here, it might be a generation or two or more a lot more, This rapture happy attitude has kept believers out of science. The political realm and other parts of the peaks of society from the 60s 70s and 80s we were told he was coming in 1988, then we were told he’s coming in 2000, this changes the behavior to take action, in the lord, as he directed us to be a light, consider this.
I think that no matter what the translation is, its something/someone that will come before Christ. I think there is a good deal of opportunity for error in the years of translations from the original text but the end does not change. I personally lean more on it being someone who is worshiped as if they were Christ but is not. Not neccessrily Satan but just someone who is falsely worshiped as the savior. That person will commit great acts of evil on this earth, uppon all who dwell on earth.
In the end what we need is not knowledge, not better understanding, but stronger faith. True faith. K owing through Jesus Christ we are saved. Not saved from pain and suffering on this earth, but our souls are saved for eternity.
First off... There isn't one, there are "many antichrists" according to the bible.
Christ means anointing, so it's referring to those without anointing. What we call NPCs or the spiritually dead. Or the "dead in Christ" that "will be raised" aka e great awakening.
And you (like many others) misconstrue the Daniel reference.
That's isn't the antichrist.. that is about CHRIST HIMSELF.
He became the Christ at 30 years old, and made a new covenant (promise), which is what we call the new testament. The promise was that the kingdom of heaven was within every person, and he STARTED to teach people how to access that. His promise was the coming if the holy spirit, for every person to become Christ and do works greater than he did.
But he was murdered in the midst, at 33.5 years old. ,(3.5 years)
Decades went by, and he got his vengeance on the people who turned on him.
In 66ad, the Jews rebelled against Rome ("the man of sin cannot come until the rebellion comes first")
3.5 years later in 70ad, most Jews were slaughtered and the temple was destroyed, stone by stone, and those stones were used to create more Roman mega structures.
This total was actually lasted a total of 7 years, but the temple was destroyed in the middle of the war.
There is a lot of interesting stuff here.
Where is the 3.5 years time coming from? Is it something mentioned in Bible? Or are you referring to current situation? Do you think Trump is turned away from Abraham accord?
This more aptly seems to fit America in general. If we look at where America has been headed for the past few decades - the crimes against children, transgenderism, erosion of human rights, the forever wars, killing millions in Iraq for example and saying it was worth it, brainwashing of people to do crazy things to others - you can say it has become a beast.
And the beast is dying, and at the precipice when everything is exposed and even the sleeping normies wake up, the beast will be dead. But then America will heal and become a new God fearing country - thats the beast healing the wounds.
From what I understand, the two forces in Israel are the Zionists and Ultra Liberals. Obama backed the Ultra Liberals and Iran is the proxy for that. Not sure if this is relevant or not, but thats my understanding of Obama's meddling in Israel.
This reminds me the literal translation of Bible by Mauri Biglino (Clif High talks about this often), where the Elohim refers to group of powerful entities (plural), and Yahweh was just one commander of this group who was ruling the area around Israel. These are the "jealous Gods" of Old Testament.
The God referred to in New Testament seems to be a more benign God, and probably the reason why Jesus refers to this God with different names.
The 3.5 year time is from the Abraham accords, to his usurpation by Biden. Presumably it took at least 6 months to get that going, im talking out my ass here on this one but looking at when it was signed may prove me wrong or right. I'm ok with being wrong here, just a gut feeling.
Great point on America being the focus on this one.
We're any of Obamas deals strong enough to call Peace though? It doesn't quite fit more or less.
Great points and views all around! Appreciate the input
Obama's deals were specifically to create wars, Iran being just one area. Ultimately, according to the 16 years plan, we know that they wanted a false flag nuclear war, followed by pandemics and finally leading to the global enslavement