LOL..Yes! I also believe he had his Mom there with him...ya know, It was a BIG speaking engagement for him! I believe there were 14 or 15 people there in the room.
Whenever I get low, I think back to stuff like that.
Here are a few more.
I always thought it odd that the first video of candidate Trump was him coming down that now "famous escalator". Perhaps the escalator wasn't the point? Look behind him in all-caps for "CURRENCY EXCHANGE". Hidden in plain sight.
Another example of hidden in plain sight. The military standing behind Trump when he said that "we are transferring power..." Well, who is we? The military.
The video also shows McCain with a boot on his left leg. Before his execution there was something odd. McCain originally had his boot on his right leg. The boot was moved to his left leg and he explained it by saying that he had to give his right leg "a break". This is very odd unless he was forced to wear an ankle monitor, he was using a boot to cover it, and they moved the ankle monitor from his right leg to his left leg.
#2 is always going to be my favorite. When I saw them on que line up behind him, THAT was definitely something you have never seen before and as he was saying that. That speech will go down in history. Amazing inauguration speech. Still gives me chills to this day.
I liked the sudden change in shoes that was worn for the swearing in ceremony, and the people being escorted by military with hand behind their backs - like they were in cuffs.
0:23 he has a group of military directly behind him in a front shot of him. 0:26 It's a shot from behind and to the right of Trump. No military. Then cut back to the frontal shot and the military are there.
No. They are pretty far back from Trump though. One is easily seen; the one on Trump’s left. He is also the one that appears to be the furthest forward when viewed from the front. The gold cords and such are visible on a couple of other soldiers, but the CNN bar and YouTube controls are obscuring them.
I attribute the soldiers looking so close behind Trump to the camera being used. I’m not a camera person, but I know the largest and most expensive part of professional grade video camera is the lens. I figure Trump is being videoed from far away, much like the pitcher and catcher are in baseball and a deep depth of field is being used.
This would capture the people at roughly the same size, but also everyone would be in focus so it would be hard to understand just how far back the soldiers are from Trump.
This is very odd unless he was forced to wear an ankle monitor, he was using a boot to cover it,
I see this being said here alot. That people with those boots on are hiding ankle monitors.
I just don't think this is true. I've been on house arrest and had to wear an ankle monitor. They're pretty small now. If you're wearing straight legged pants, you can't see it under them. You don't need a big bulky boot to hide it.
But tailored business suits that politicians wear are tailored so that when standing, their pants just touch the tops of their shoes. When they sit down, their pants ride up quite a ways, usually displaying most of their socks.
That’s fair. I was at work one time and this guy put his feet up on a desk and in doing so showed his ankle monitor. I would not have known that he had one otherwise.
Combine the different theories: it's a picture of George Sr on a morgue table after being executed by firing squad that put a Q in his chest with bullets.
At the time the most prominent theory on 8ch was that it was some sort of evidence that GW had testified against the rest of them. He seems to have a sheepish look and the anger of the other two is arguably directed at him, not at the note's author. But it seems like something that angers them at a glance, how would you convey that message so quickly...?
Me too - but Jeb's reaction is so instantaneous I wonder if it wasn't a pic of Senior's execution with Junior there as a witness? I hope we get to find out one day!
I remember people running the deboonks “it was because his dad was going by in the coffin!”
Except the coffin is right there in plain site and Jeb is twiddling his thumbs up in the clouds smirking…. Mother shows that paper QUICK and ANGRILY then hides it as his face goes blank…. Then G Dubs hangs his head in shame as they look around scrambling….
One of the best confirmations, had all these evil worms in one spot collectively shitting themselves…. Imagine the smell….
Yeah, I think H.W. was executed, along with “No Name”. My best bet was it was a picture of H.W.’s execution as Jeb and Laura understood it so quickly and were shocked by it. Words just wouldn’t have that gravity.
I think a picture would take longer for someone to study and then interpret. Laura and Jeb's understanding was immediate. I think the note said something simple like "GHWB, executed for Treason on 'date.'" Wouldn't take long to comprehend and would give the same looks that Laura and Jeb gave and the BHOs and Hillary also gave that same day when reading their own notes.
This is 100% spot on. Whatever LB held up, it was way too quick for him to read. It was literally ONE second of time. Enough to make him poop his pampers. 100% HAD to be a photo. Had to be.
I think it's safe to assume it was an image by how fast he reacted. And it looks like he looks back at the coffin right after. Makes you wonder if in that moment he realized that coffin was empty, and that his father was in custody for execution.
She obviously isn’t too concerned about people in the pew behind her getting a peek at whatever she’s showing Jeb. It has to be a single word or two that she’s pointing at on those papers.
Please clap.
LOL..Yes! I also believe he had his Mom there with him...ya know, It was a BIG speaking engagement for him! I believe there were 14 or 15 people there in the room.
So-o-o... Even his mom wasn't clapping until he requested it? Ouch.
Came to say this same thing
Enshrined in American History FOREVER
Whenever I get low, I think back to stuff like that.
Here are a few more.
The MSM said this was "bizarre".
What about the "calm before the storm"?
The video also shows McCain with a boot on his left leg. Before his execution there was something odd. McCain originally had his boot on his right leg. The boot was moved to his left leg and he explained it by saying that he had to give his right leg "a break". This is very odd unless he was forced to wear an ankle monitor, he was using a boot to cover it, and they moved the ankle monitor from his right leg to his left leg.
#2 is always going to be my favorite. When I saw them on que line up behind him, THAT was definitely something you have never seen before and as he was saying that. That speech will go down in history. Amazing inauguration speech. Still gives me chills to this day.
my "go to" is the foreign dignitary salute biden got at the cemetary different from previous presidents. plain as day
I liked the sudden change in shoes that was worn for the swearing in ceremony, and the people being escorted by military with hand behind their backs - like they were in cuffs.
tippy top non president salute
#2... watch it again.
0:23 he has a group of military directly behind him in a front shot of him. 0:26 It's a shot from behind and to the right of Trump. No military. Then cut back to the frontal shot and the military are there.
Fugazi video. WTF.
No. They are pretty far back from Trump though. One is easily seen; the one on Trump’s left. He is also the one that appears to be the furthest forward when viewed from the front. The gold cords and such are visible on a couple of other soldiers, but the CNN bar and YouTube controls are obscuring them.
I attribute the soldiers looking so close behind Trump to the camera being used. I’m not a camera person, but I know the largest and most expensive part of professional grade video camera is the lens. I figure Trump is being videoed from far away, much like the pitcher and catcher are in baseball and a deep depth of field is being used.
This would capture the people at roughly the same size, but also everyone would be in focus so it would be hard to understand just how far back the soldiers are from Trump.
Pelosi handler “don’t say anything” Pelosi “ok”
I see this being said here alot. That people with those boots on are hiding ankle monitors.
I just don't think this is true. I've been on house arrest and had to wear an ankle monitor. They're pretty small now. If you're wearing straight legged pants, you can't see it under them. You don't need a big bulky boot to hide it.
But tailored business suits that politicians wear are tailored so that when standing, their pants just touch the tops of their shoes. When they sit down, their pants ride up quite a ways, usually displaying most of their socks.
Well, damn. Now I feel silly because that is something that I should have realized before I posted. You're 100% right.
Don't ever feel silly for posting something. That is what brings about friendly conversation, fren.
You're very kind. Thank you. 🙂
That’s fair. I was at work one time and this guy put his feet up on a desk and in doing so showed his ankle monitor. I would not have known that he had one otherwise.
Unless it is something else…
Maybe they make them wear a big fat one. Kinda odd all the people we hate had boots on. No Coincidences.
I can’t take it anymore what was on the paper!!
Whatever it was, it took Jeb less than a second to scan it.
Hang man
either few words or an image like the other frog mentioned
would take about a second to scan....
Combine the different theories: it's a picture of George Sr on a morgue table after being executed by firing squad that put a Q in his chest with bullets.
Q responded about this, but was vague.
At the time the most prominent theory on 8ch was that it was some sort of evidence that GW had testified against the rest of them. He seems to have a sheepish look and the anger of the other two is arguably directed at him, not at the note's author. But it seems like something that angers them at a glance, how would you convey that message so quickly...?
I think it was a picture of H.W.’s execution.
I heard it was 'They know everything'.
Seen that repeatedly, but I think it was BS.
Whatever it was, it was personal; like a picture of H.W. executed.
Maybe an inappropriate picture of Senior with a little naked boy?
She says "is it true?" and dubya says "yup"
.. all while ¡Jeb! holds back his clap and soils his nappy
That was the "yup" of a man completely and utterly defeated, staring blankly ahead.
I love how Laura Bush looks so EVIL, then she realizes she's on camera and gins up the fake tear face again.
She is probably W's handler
Best movie ever!
Wiped the smirk off Jeb! face right off
Mengele gave treats to the children he dissected, Jeb seemed kindly enough when governor... but what an evil fuk
I would love to know what the note said.
Me too - but Jeb's reaction is so instantaneous I wonder if it wasn't a pic of Senior's execution with Junior there as a witness? I hope we get to find out one day!
"It's happening"
All Q confirms is that the notes had
“Our promise to Counter”
One can only imagine what that was…. Whatever it was it signaled to them “WE ARE FUCKED….”
Fire up the guillotine
I remember people running the deboonks “it was because his dad was going by in the coffin!”
Except the coffin is right there in plain site and Jeb is twiddling his thumbs up in the clouds smirking…. Mother shows that paper QUICK and ANGRILY then hides it as his face goes blank…. Then G Dubs hangs his head in shame as they look around scrambling….
One of the best confirmations, had all these evil worms in one spot collectively shitting themselves…. Imagine the smell….
Yeah, I think H.W. was executed, along with “No Name”. My best bet was it was a picture of H.W.’s execution as Jeb and Laura understood it so quickly and were shocked by it. Words just wouldn’t have that gravity.
I think a picture would take longer for someone to study and then interpret. Laura and Jeb's understanding was immediate. I think the note said something simple like "GHWB, executed for Treason on 'date.'" Wouldn't take long to comprehend and would give the same looks that Laura and Jeb gave and the BHOs and Hillary also gave that same day when reading their own notes.
Remember no name went to dc then voted no the whole time. I think he made a deal then changed it last minute
Any new thoughts about what was in those letters?
I posted this above but I'll say it again here. I think it was a picture. Jeb reacted so fast. A pic of Senior's execution? I can't wait to find out!
The fact that W is acting like he's hiding something from the rest of them, indicates to me that he sold them out
W seems almost like a decent man driven a bit insane by the fake life he was forced to live.
Like a legit pawn?
Fuck W, he is part of it. WTC and the war afterwards are on him.
Agreed The Epstein painting is so accurate depicting Dubya
This is 100% spot on. Whatever LB held up, it was way too quick for him to read. It was literally ONE second of time. Enough to make him poop his pampers. 100% HAD to be a photo. Had to be.
All Q confirms was it was “our promise to counter”
Can’t wait to see the rest of the traitors join sr.
Thanks for making my morning, fren!
If Trump is responsible for something in those envelopes then that's the greatest move ever.
This was the best video all decade!
This is far and away one of my favorite rabbit holes.
Dude went from 100 to 0
Yeah, W looks upset and maybe not because of the funeral.
I think it's safe to assume it was an image by how fast he reacted. And it looks like he looks back at the coffin right after. Makes you wonder if in that moment he realized that coffin was empty, and that his father was in custody for execution.
that kind of explains the drop of his hand
I bet Daddy and No Name remembered a whole hell of a lot that they could not recollect for years as the lethal injection took hold.
Pick any organ i have two of and I'd give one to know what was in those folders.
She obviously isn’t too concerned about people in the pew behind her getting a peek at whatever she’s showing Jeb. It has to be a single word or two that she’s pointing at on those papers.
Maybe the note said, “You’re next!”
In a Just Universe, we will be allowed to see what he just saw, and giggle like well tickled children at his response.
Nazi Nazi don't be blue GHW Scherff was a Nazi too!
Still hoping one day to find out what was in the envelopes that a select few were given at the funeral.
Did Jeb ever recover from his heart attack?
Clap please.
Sort of ties into that picture of him cheering on Desantis announcing his running for president.