I've been here since this page was an idea on 4chan of how to troll Reddit during the 2016 election.
Still don't get a pepe tho. I didn't claim one when they were free because I assumed someone like me would get whatever I asked, whenever.
Clique shit. People who sat comfortably at the sidelines publishing stickies everyday, collecting a bunch of board points practically given to them by the mods.
Newfags at best
I speculate this board is tightly controlled by the CIA. Just enough freedom of speech to keep us from storming the streets.
Care to respond? Why do you need a pepe so bad while also calling the mods controlled by the CIA? Why is a pepe so important to you? Also why are you asking MTG when we can stop playing by the rules? Seems like a weird question to ask a Congresswoman. You trying to get her to say something stupid like Maxine Watters? Also, if you trust Q and the plan you would not be asking a question like that.
Just enough freedom of speech to keep us from storming the streets.
What do you mean by that? This is a Q forum. We are not storming streets. Take your efforts to patriots.win if you want to push that shit. You are not welcome here.
I took it to be an encoded message. She said of us that WE are the American people and WE will do as WE please... a reminder we are fucking EVERYWHERE.
Exactly, the feds have been trying to get MAGA to do violence for years so they can take us out. They're putting grandmas in prison for sitting in front of a door. Doing everything to piss us off to the point of violence and op is falling for it or hes the glowie. Only feds push violence. Q said its done according to the law and military is the only way. It was a weird question.
Pepe's are not usually given out willy nilly especially if you ask for them constantly. I know this from my own experience, it comes with time and lots of contribution.
Best of luck though! Keep contributing and it will come.
It’s just 1’s and 0’s after all. The real benefit from this post was getting more people to question things. Probably many lerkers here from that interchange alone. TDanon say- “all your curiosity are belong to us”
With all the mayhem I was involved with during my stay with the Federal government, and now someone is asking for Federal workers to be fired? Oh, the horror. But, I agree with OP. Too many non-workers, especially union members, infest the agencies and clog the production with needless grievences. But to backfill these positions with Cheeto eating couch slugs would be an exercise in frustration. They can't even count to ten much less run any office in a major Department with Swiss precision.
Tynyyn - you have a very valid point and I have the perfect example that really happened! My husband went to purchase some BBQ equipment for an outdoor kitchen he is building. He was home no more than ten minutes when his phone rang and the guy asked him how to spell our name because my husband wrote in cursive!
It’s largely driven by the ppl IMO, just as MTG says. Keep spreading the message. Getting close to being time to stand up against the tyranny! My guess on how : Stand up and be counted. Vote. Say no to mask mandates part deux, Say no to jabs. Say NO TO CBDC, use cash when you can ! Don’t comply with their bullshit. Anything the talking heads push, do the opposite. Heckle politicians in public when and if you happen to see them. Don’t be violent in any way, but don’t be passive either is my take, by NOT complying
Isn't it obvious that the public decides what they'll put up with and when enough is enough?
It doesn't take a Q message or asking a member of congress to come tot his conclusion.
When public decides enough is enough, violence will break out, this is how the public has always been. The unknown for many is how it'll be handled. Law of War can be a good source to go to.
Anyway it ends when we say it does. The public has to step up and take responsibility and some are so stubborn (and irresponsible) they may have to be starving and homeless to even do anything.
We gotta wake up the masses and take out as much of the chaos as we can.
You deserve a “we’re the media now” Pepe.
OP is not a faggot and is BASED.
Yesterday, 9/22/23 7:50PM
Nice job Patriot !!
Eastern Time. Makes a difference for the overall encoded meaning which I think I’ve figured out!
Why was I downvoted? Ok forget it sit in the dark.
what do you think u/CatsFive ?
With all due respect, I would reevaluate that perspective, take a closer look at his track record.
His comment in case he deletes it:
TDanonDJTJR2024 4 points 3 months ago +4 / -0
I've been here since this page was an idea on 4chan of how to troll Reddit during the 2016 election.
Still don't get a pepe tho. I didn't claim one when they were free because I assumed someone like me would get whatever I asked, whenever.
Clique shit. People who sat comfortably at the sidelines publishing stickies everyday, collecting a bunch of board points practically given to them by the mods.
Newfags at best
I speculate this board is tightly controlled by the CIA. Just enough freedom of speech to keep us from storming the streets.
Care to respond? Why do you need a pepe so bad while also calling the mods controlled by the CIA? Why is a pepe so important to you? Also why are you asking MTG when we can stop playing by the rules? Seems like a weird question to ask a Congresswoman. You trying to get her to say something stupid like Maxine Watters? Also, if you trust Q and the plan you would not be asking a question like that.
What do you mean by that? This is a Q forum. We are not storming streets. Take your efforts to patriots.win if you want to push that shit. You are not welcome here.
I been here that long and longer, I dont care about the PePe but I am here for the memes and liberal tears.
chooooo choooooo
Bro it would only take about 2-300 military-ready men with full arms to absolutely fuck everything up.
And we number into the millions.
The world's best military was defeated by Vietnamese farmers in a third world shithole.
We have the best weapons money can buy.
And apparently we can down F35s.
I'm not welcome here? Lmao bro u just got tagged. Glowie
If you're going to promote taking to the streets, no, please read the sidebar.
"This is a Q forum. We are not storming the streets"
And who the fuck are you? A pussy?
If the day comes I am strapped as fuck bro. 1776 is not a glowie term
Imagine writing such a devoted post just to try to deny another user flair.
I have my reservations about everything. I play worst case scenario all the time.
I'm not homophobic at all, my most favorite cousin is both gay and dead, but you're still a massive faggot for treating me in this way.
A lot of people on these boards are not as intelligent as myself and are more prone to playing into baseless demoralizing attacks such as yours.
You're a fucking asshole.
It is my life's work to call out and harass bullies wherever I find them, irrespective of social rank or position.
And you find yourself in my crosshairs.
You're a bully.
A fucking asshole.
Lower than a worm.
Not even the productive kind of "get good kid" type of bully. Not challenging to grow. Seeking to cause harm, sow division, spread hatred.
The world is better off once evolution starts filtering you fuckers out more effectively.
Stop it you're hurting my feelings.
I’ll support that.
Bro please. My pepe.
Back when they were free-to-grab I assumed I was well-recognized enough in the community that I could just grab it whenever so I didn't claim mine.
She had no answer. It's up to us? GTFO cuz you're taking a tax payer funded paycheck for this work!
She said the same thing Q has said over and over; You, THE PEOPLE, have the POWER.
Q already answered his question.
"It must be right.
It must be according to the law."
I took it to be an encoded message. She said of us that WE are the American people and WE will do as WE please... a reminder we are fucking EVERYWHERE.
Why would we need to break rules? Your question seems more geared towards Patriots.win lol
Exactly, the feds have been trying to get MAGA to do violence for years so they can take us out. They're putting grandmas in prison for sitting in front of a door. Doing everything to piss us off to the point of violence and op is falling for it or hes the glowie. Only feds push violence. Q said its done according to the law and military is the only way. It was a weird question.
Well done fren! Sounds like the guy in the back stepped in and cut her off before she could say more. I bet he’s here on GAW and in the know
Well she did. She's saying we can unchain whenever we are ready. Not like she has authority to give us permission to do what when.
She's not touching that ? with a ten foot pole. Who can blame he really? Love the effort fren!
Pepes are not given out like they were back then.
I had a Pepe on my old account, not sure what the requirement was
Name checks out
And now that I reply, I see my Pepe is gone for some reason 🤔
I see a Pepe on your replies
It must only show it to other people and at the top of my page. Good to know.
"Pepe's, we don't need no steenking Pepe's"
Seriously, with community styling off you never even know they're a thing.
Lol, exactly, I have no idea whether I have one or about my points
Fuck yeah dude! Very proud of you and excited to see you dropping the name of this forum. We love ya fren!
And it seemed as though many people smiled, knowingly, when they heard the name drop.
Pepe's are not usually given out willy nilly especially if you ask for them constantly. I know this from my own experience, it comes with time and lots of contribution.
Best of luck though! Keep contributing and it will come.
This. IIRC, you need 30k ot 35k karma points.
It’s just 1’s and 0’s after all. The real benefit from this post was getting more people to question things. Probably many lerkers here from that interchange alone. TDanon say- “all your curiosity are belong to us”
...she be beatin' dem bushes...
...the next cookout I have, I will book her....
TDanon definitely earned a pepe for that.
I also made a reel
I am so proud of you!
I vote aye for your magical Pepe.
You can have my pepe
With all the mayhem I was involved with during my stay with the Federal government, and now someone is asking for Federal workers to be fired? Oh, the horror. But, I agree with OP. Too many non-workers, especially union members, infest the agencies and clog the production with needless grievences. But to backfill these positions with Cheeto eating couch slugs would be an exercise in frustration. They can't even count to ten much less run any office in a major Department with Swiss precision.
Tynyyn - you have a very valid point and I have the perfect example that really happened! My husband went to purchase some BBQ equipment for an outdoor kitchen he is building. He was home no more than ten minutes when his phone rang and the guy asked him how to spell our name because my husband wrote in cursive!
The solution is to eliminate the agencies not just fire or replace the employees.
Right on for putting it out there...
Dang, that’s a nice Anon props call-out right there!
Great work Anon!!
Sometimes I get the impression that they make all the politicians at the same factory.
I still remember when I got mine. It made my day! Back then my wife just rolled her eyes. Now she wishes she had one :)
No pepe for you
"It's up to the American people to decide."
Sounds like a non-answer to me.
And how exactly are we supposed to "decide" when every election is rigged?
Patience young padiwan - No Pepe for you.
Damn - I read the headline as MTG asking when she gets her Pepe. That would've been much cooler.
👍👍👍👍👍 wow! Nice going!
It’s largely driven by the ppl IMO, just as MTG says. Keep spreading the message. Getting close to being time to stand up against the tyranny! My guess on how : Stand up and be counted. Vote. Say no to mask mandates part deux, Say no to jabs. Say NO TO CBDC, use cash when you can ! Don’t comply with their bullshit. Anything the talking heads push, do the opposite. Heckle politicians in public when and if you happen to see them. Don’t be violent in any way, but don’t be passive either is my take, by NOT complying
Well that was a political answer if I ever heard one, but great job speaking up!
Sounds like she gave permission
I salute you. Give that man a Pepe and a cookie.
Isn't it obvious that the public decides what they'll put up with and when enough is enough?
It doesn't take a Q message or asking a member of congress to come tot his conclusion.
When public decides enough is enough, violence will break out, this is how the public has always been. The unknown for many is how it'll be handled. Law of War can be a good source to go to.
Anyway it ends when we say it does. The public has to step up and take responsibility and some are so stubborn (and irresponsible) they may have to be starving and homeless to even do anything.
We gotta wake up the masses and take out as much of the chaos as we can.
Good job fren. We also need to talk about the "congressional aids" who actually write the bills instead of the people we elected
I vote yes.. It was truly a happy day when mine was given!
I vote ‘aye’ to a Pepe.