If you study the various scenarios that the folks touting the PS are laying out, then these people are building their shelters in the wrong places. You certainly wouldn't be building on top of a volcanic island chain like Hawaii. Same with New Zealand.
So it's my opinion only that these shelters are not being built for a Polar Shift, but more likely to hide from the villagers when they come for their heads.
“Then the kings of the earth and the great ones and the generals and the rich and the powerful, and everyone, slave and free, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains, calling to the mountains and rocks, ‘Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.’”
can't disagree with this of course, but the challenge I have is the specific details. I pray for discernment from God concerning these potential events and I'm drawn to what appears to be a somewhat practical move of higher ground as close to my home as possible. Is that specific actions I can take to keep my family alive during an event in the bible, of course not. This comment is true but comes off a bit 'holy roller' instead of practical answers. Proverbs talks extensively about wisdom and discernment. I'm trying to leverage both for the safety of my family and patriots alike. No love loss fren.
I think that is the more likely scenario. Fear for what is coming for them, whether they understand it or not. Although our pole star does change over time, the full cycle is around 26,000 years. A few years ago, I remember seeing an article that mentioned the North Pole had moved over 60 miles in what to me seemed like a short amount of time. My dad was in the Air Force and afterwards worked for the FAA for several decades until he retired. But I remember him telling me they had to constantly recalibrate the equipment used by the planes using auto-pilot because the celestial poles never stop moving in the earth's normal axial precession. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axial_precession
Regarding Hawaii, you have to understand that the island chain was formed by the underlying crustal plate moving over a deeper magma hot spot. Midway Island was the first, working down to Kaua'i, O'ahu, Moloka'i, Maui, and the big island of Hawai'i. A new island is building to the southeast of Hawai'i. Once the plate moves an island off the hot spot, the volcanoes go extinct and remain so. The big island is 0.4 million years old, but Kaua'i is 5 million years old.
Bottom line: If Zuckerberg builds on an older island, that would be ideal to NOT experience volcanism.
I take no issue over the wisdom of any such construction. It looks to me like an affliction (or fad) of the wealthy who have anxiety problems.
It's not a false image. It was the created reality at that moment in time of creation. But there are theories of how the Flood really changed a lot of geography. Look into it. I'm not sure, but I think there is a website that might have some answers: answersingenesis.com.
Great way of saying it is a false image, but not a false image. Erosion doesn't count?
I'm open to a good theory on the Grand Canyon, but however quickly it was formed does not prove any argument that the Earth is not as old as it seems. Quick events can occur in the context of a long time frame.
If you do not believe God to be a liar, than you should be on the same page as me. The bible is God's word and God's word has earth at about 6000 years old.
It never said that in the Bible. It is an inference made by mortal men, so if you would rather believe mortal men than what is in God's Word (the Creation), good luck.
What a lot of people misunderstand is that God's Word was first manifested in the Creation (as a work of Christ, also "the Word"). The Bible came long after the events recorded in it. I don't subscribe to any conflict between Creation and the Bible, but I simply do not believe that mortal men can divine facts from the Bible that are not stated in the Bible. Or that their interpretations of the Bible (His Word) are superior to quantitative understanding of the Creation (His Word).
No, Adam was fully formed (age = 0), intended to live indefinitely. God's Word (Creation) is not a lie. He has given us the intellect to read it (science).
Chicken or the egg? You cannot answer that. I feel like the reason we perceive time is because our brains would short circuit because of the vastness of God's creation.
Also, that was a bit disrespectful. You may think it's nonsense, but you cannot disprove my statement. Just because you don't understand, doesn't mean you gotta be an ass.
could be indeed. i am learning, and evidence in nature would kinda support it, that we are seeing a cycle possibly come to fruition in our lifetime. we've been around for a short time imho. no denying that rock we live on was created. by a creator. in what manner is the question. it's hard to be a deep believer of the bible (in it's "current form" which is a whole other thing) and be able to observe the world without 'expanding out thinking.' I'm guessing these cycles have been occurring many times over... does the current time derive from our creator? I don't know. just trying to expand my thinking.
Oh, and you were there to bear witness? Or who was? You do know there are stars we observe that are farther away than 10,000 light-years? They had to exist that long ago in order for their light to arrive today. And that's not the farthest distance we observe, either.
That could definitely be a problem, along with typhoons. The south coast of Kaua'i had a nice enclave of beachside hotels at Poipu Beach in the 1980s. There was a serious typhoon. When I revisited a decade later, the hotels we stayed in were abandoned ruins, off limits to passers-by. Quite a shame.
However, that is always the problem with frontage on the Pacific Ocean. No easier for California, Oregon, Washington, or Alaska. Not to mention earthquakes (e.g., Anchorage in 1964).
There's not nearly enough elevation to survive the polar shift in the move of the ocean. I think a lot of people are commenting and not actually looking at the videos with the maps. Let me find those postings. Seeing the maps changed my perspective completely. Granted that's just one model but you can apply intuition and logic
I prefer to apply physics and mathematics, neither of which I have seen in reference to a supposed event that may be entirely subterranean. The magnetic pole has been wandering about in historical times, yet we simply don't notice it. The Earth's rotational pole (angular momentum vector) will not change; there is no torque to change it.
good point. one theory is that we are on a multi-layered onion here.. the internals are clearly driven by electro-magnetics, hence the magnetic field. if that shifts, then likely we'd not see it on the surface,but clearly some thing has happened in history. the grand canyon wasn't formed by a trickle, massive plains that appear like a large drain field didn't happen from rain storms... varioud geological deposits happend from large oceans or ice formations drifting over the land as some point... so clearly the earth is capable of some kind of change. this is why we keep digging and learning to see what the possibilities are. watch the rest of the SO disaster series, see what makes sense to you and report back.
You don't need to lecture me on the changing Earth. I was on hand to see the effects of the Mount St. Helens eruption and the Nisqually earthquake. The magnetic poles have been wandering over continental distances within human history, yet no disaster has resulted. I'm just not a doomsday junkie.
well... Ben of Suspicious OBSERVERS is seeing the elites do things. did ya watch the video Cats? Bezo's has a huge system in a mountain next to a rocket launching location. he wouldn't need that to keep angry patriots away. he wouldn't need any of that. If they were aware of a MUCH larger event forthcoming, THEN they would consider the massive expense of doing what they are doing. but hey, i'm just trying to expand my thinking here...
As a reply, and I'm no authority on Pole Shift, there are two scenarios (likely more) that I've heard from those putting out scenarios. One from Suspicious Observers and one from Diehold Foundation. Both are similar in that they believe the earth rapidly slows down it's rotation, which would allow for the water in the various oceans to continue proceeding East given that's the direction the earth spins. So oceans would surge from west to east. The west coast and I'm "assuming" islands in the Pacific would be overflowed by the tsunami's that are estimated to become a few thousand feet in height. I'm not saying this is based in scientific fact, I'm merely repeating what I thought I heard.
Diehold theory is that the earth stops rotating (poles don't shift) due to a Sun Nova that hits in the Indian Ocean and causes the evaporation of billions of tons of water into the atmosphere. The Tsunami's happen as above BUT the earth rapidly cools due to the water in the atmosphere and we enter an Ice Age where everywhere but near the equator (+- 10 degrees) gets covered in Ice & snow fairly rapidly. Now perhaps Zuck is going to stay below and has doors strong enough for a few thousand feet of ocean above them and then after they recede, he'll be in a decent position to survive even though he's at the edge of the range from the equator that Diehold estimates will survive. Who knows. But the above was my rationale for my previous statement, just fyi. As an aside, not sure what happens to the plates if the earth were to suddenly stop it's rotation?
What utter BS from people who don't understand the math involved. The force needed to overcome the rotational momentum of the Earth in a timeline we could observe would tear the planet apart. Bunkers would be useless.
Indeed. A reduction in rotational speed to a notable magnitude would have to gradually happen over uncountable years in order for the Earth to actually survive it, and certainly oceans would not be surging from it.
"Science" like this is all speculative theory with no actual observable facts backing them, so when one makes statements as above that ignores observable and much more replicable physics, it comes across as clear fear mongering and that's not beneficial to anyone except the elites.
I do appreciate the posters editorial on what he's seen from others. I'd never heard about the Earth stopping rotation, and I also would call full BS on that. Suspicious observers quotes all of his studies and the multitude of other observations. Ben would tell you do your own research. I've been doing my own research I find some very weird things like, don't tell me the Grand canyon was formed over millions of years from a little tiny fucking river. That was formed from somebody draining the plug very quickly. Much like lake lahaten in Nevada was formed and drained very quickly also. This is exactly why I posted, to use the hive mind and learn as much as I possibly could as quickly as I possibly could
Also let us remember we are on a mult-layered onion here... the mantle and core are liqued and much more likely to shift based on magnetic forces than the surface in my understanding... but let's also remember we're supposed to be on this journey together as frens.
The Diehold Foundation has done extensive soil testing at extreme depths, throughout the World, and the samples show the general same layering of soils and rock at the same depths. Something occurred and if you research solar cycles the general consensus is the Earth slowed xx # of years ago and the cycle is approximately every 11,400 years (if I remember correctly). This 11,400 years is the year 2030 -2040 +/- I think there is a reason for Agenda 2030 and we are not a part of the club…. I believe the (rich and powerful) think it’s going to occur again very soon and they are preparing….
Correct - there appears to be a 'char' layer at the depth which correlates with the ending of the ice age, which happened about 10,000BC or about 12,000 years ago. Below this 'char' layer you find bones of all the big stuff that was here during the ice age and not now - saber toothed tigers, wooly mammoths, etc. all the big stuff that is extinct. So you dig down and you only find their bones below that char layer, and none above that layer. So that's why they say there was potentially another earth-altering massive event only at 10,000BC. Which is wild because it's pretty much the same timeline as when 'civilization started due to the agricultural revolution' based on the mainstream story - but maybe it was because there was a reset that wiped the earth clean and only a few survived.
I have watched some of the suspicious observers yt videos. I believe they are betting on people surviving who live in specific areas of Arizona. Not that I think this will happen.
Yeah we're kind of taking a best guess here at this point, but he has access along with many other researchers to modeling platforms that they've done some pretty extensive work with in terms of sea level rise. It's the sloshing back and forth/tsunami that will be questionable... Again we're all just trying to expand our thinking here
Dude that is not fucking possible. The Earth rotates at a constant speed in space. It's not going to slow itself down and then speed back up to the normal speed because of the magnetic pole shifting. The most likely scenario that results in the Earth's speed of rotation being affected would be something hitting the planet with enough mass and force just the right angle and with just enough momentum and with just enough mass to slow it down without knocking it out of orbit.
not fucking possible [based on what I have learned in school about celestial mechanics]
Plenty of evidence that there's a lot more going on up there than just dead rocks floating around in space - are you familiar with the Electric Universe theory? Quite interesting indeed:
We've actually sped up, but just slightly, after having slowed slightly over eons. I agree with you, though. I think it would take something massive hitting us to create this kind of destruction--an extinction level event. Or something massive passing closely enough to affect us and change our orbit or destroy our moon. Perhaps even some massive ejection hitting us from the sun. But I don't lose sleep over any of those ideas because I think they aren't likely to happen in my lifetime. We're more likely to die from cancer, heart disease, pneumonia or the common flu than anything else. (Or the stupidity from our own government.) Either way, I'd encourage people to enjoy life as much as they can, love the people around you, do your research and follow your intuition on how to prepare. I don't waste my life living in fear. It's too short as it is. But I have prepared for more common man-made disasters as best I can. And that did mean moving my family to a more rural area with plenty of clean air, clean water, hunting and fishing, and people with a more conservative mindset than the cities. Which has been the right thing to do for us.
Oh boy. I know the mods don’t like it so I won’t say it but holy shit guys, seriously wake up and realize the world you live on. Stop regurgitating their deception
Those of us who fly to the other side of the planet and get to look at stars which cannot be seen in the northern hemisphere are perfectly awake. We can make phone calls home that are 10 hours advanced, to wake up people here.
You have no conception of the "case in point." The point was settled about 200 years before the birth of Christ (the calculation of the radius of the Earth by Eratosthenes), and Christ never bothered to say otherwise.
History and science would show otherwise. Please watch the videos. Do research. One of the biggest things that has bugged me is the fact that they found tropical plants and fucking antarctica? That makes no sense to me unless our equator has shifted over time. The core is what the moon is attracted to everything else is just floating on the surface from a mass standpoint.
Tropical plants on Antarctica are no problem, once you accept that Antarctica wasn't originally on the south pole, but migrated there from continental drift (or Earth expansion).
The equator is fixed by our vector of angular momentum, which is pretty much unchangeable.
The Moon is attracted to all the mass of the Earth, not just the core. You need to learn about gravity.
there are different versions. it is primarily your own degree and application of faith that determines which you will experience.
what is known as the Kingdom is a particular version of life on Earth. with an appropriately tuned mindset, you will find your way to it. there is no calamity there.
this is why we are allergic to dooming here. why we trust the drops, and God, even in the midst of all these horrors being revealed. they are coming to the surface to be dealt with, because that is how the Kingdom comes about. eyes on the prize, fren. the sky is not falling. for them it may be, but for us it is not.
I'd prefer improvements in the life that we're having now and is the only one we're 100% sure to have, otherwise might as well just die now and move on.
the thing is, you are constantly jumping between timelines. at every moment. you have to get used to tuning to that frequency of the Kingdom at all times, and then this life will transform into that life.
the subject has been spoken on in many different terms. the Bible contains very powerful tools to achieve it, but some need more explanation, like i did.
start with faith and gratitude.
when you fully appreciate your circumstances without fear, regardless of what those circumstances are, you will naturally form thoughts that are of that same appreciative frequency, and actions to reinforce them. this immediately affects the generation of your reality, and arranges more things in your future that match that energy of appreciation.
appreciation is not gluttony or greed. appreciation must be done with integrity. as an integrated being you recognize that in harming another, you harm yourself. in helping yourself, you help others.
prayer is another tool that people use to keep them in that state of mind. the most effective kind of prayer is praise.
i've used whatever terminology i care to here. if you prefer Christian terms, read the Bible.
or you can ask me further questions.
or you can ask God in prayer. if you are humble and sincere you will be answered.
Agreed. God said it doesn’t matter the evil hide he will find them even if it is underground. Jeremiah 23:24
Can a man hide himself in hiding places
So I do not see him?” declares the Lord.
“Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?” declares the Lord.
The thing is though you're here commenting on the same one as us right now. I don't personally believe we all individually shift timelines. That doesn't logically hold up. However I do believe our collective consciousness could affect our shared timeline. Which in that case it's even more important that we are allergic to dooming.
I can go into a lot of detail on how it works. and point you to those that know it better than i do. but i promise its consistent.
basically you can imagine every possible arrangement of particles, every possible moment in every possible universe -some that may not even work in 'particles' - as frames on a cutting room floor, waiting to be assembled into a film. all of the frames always exist, and you can view them in any order.
to experience those various orders, there are infinite versions of you, that all view them in a different order, that all experience their own stories.
you will never lose your identity, your soul. it is one of many, but it is yours forever, to experience that infinite story.
thus it is possible to punish yourself for eternity, or to bless yourself for eternity. and all the wild times in between the extremes of those.
there is no limit to either extreme. it can always get better, and it can always get worse.
we have been exploring the darkness for a long time now.
the 'rules' around here, like time and gravity, are collective agreements. but again, the frames can be viewed in any order. 'miraculously'.
this is determined by your energy signature. from your beliefs are born your emotions, which generate your thoughts, and ultimately your actions. this is why FAITH is the key.
it is a truly beautiful system, with a truly terrifying degree of freedom.
The notion that we all agree to the rules seems like a convenient excuse to kill any arguments to the effect of "well prove it and delete gravity then", "oh I can't do that on my own, everyone has to have faith that gravity will turn off".
To be honest, all these kinds of claims seem to me to be nothing more than an extreme stretching of the actual truth that how you perceive things "changes your world". But that isn't literal.
If I break my leg, I can see it as positive. My leg is still broken, and I can't work.
I can will myself to be sad that I won a million dollars. I have a million dollars and can now pay off my parent's house and cars.
I can perceive a world where bad things are always happening by "attuning" myself to a world where only bad things happen, but all that means is I'm focusing on a bunch of bad things. It doesn't mean more bad things are happening in our world or that the world changed because of my egocentric notion that I'm for all intents and purposes God and control everything.
I don't see how anyone can make the leap from perception power to a literal reality changing power. The power of perception is real, the power to change reality is firmly held in the Hand of God.
these rules aren't stronger because they are followed by many. they are strongly effective in your life, and many others lives, because that is the type of story we came here for. one of consistency; a story that allows us to feel disconnection from God so that we feel it so much stronger when we rediscover the connection.
no, focusing on negative events does not cause you to see more negative events.... but having a negative reaction to any event you see absolutely does cause more things to appear in your life that will cause a similar reaction.
the same is true on the positive side, of appreciation. being in the appreciative state of mind will draw more events in your life that make you feel that same appreciation. That is the point of praising God, of praising the source of every good and perfect gift. Even in scarcity and adversity.
Sure, you can assign that reality changing power to God. I don't disagree. But God affects your reality in response to what you believe, and how you feel, think, and act. So is that really a point of contention?
If you believe that you do not have the power to affect your reality... then that is what your experience will reflect.
remember the centurion's servant. it is all based on your own degree and application of faith.
I do assign the power to change things to God, no matter what I believe, feel, think or act. To say you know the mind of God as you do is hubris, the mind of God is far beyond anything we can experience.
Our beliefs do not control us, God and/or satan do.
I agree to a certain extent. When I was an atheist, many things confirmed atheism and nothing confirmed God. Now that I'm a Christian, everything confirms God and I find atheism ridiculous.
But the ultimate reality always existed. Atheism was always false and God was always Truth. My perception was the only differentiating factor.
And being positive or negative may change what I generally perceive, but it won't actually change reality around me, only my internal perception of objective reality.
Faith works when it is in God. That's not to say we can't put our faith in Satan and get something out of it. But Satan is still Satan and God is still God. Putting our faith in God will be far better than putting it in Satan. Meanwhile, putting our faith in a rock will do just about nothing.
I don't get to make the rock anything more than a rock, and I don't get to decide who God and Satan are. They all exist independent of me. The same as I don't get to decide who you are or tell you what your opinions are. You are an independent being that I don't control with my mind.
I suppose the response to all of this is just, "if that's what you believe, it will be your world", but my problem is I see no evidence of any of this in a literal sense. Perception is one thing, but my world can only change so much based on my beliefs.
If I had ridiculous amounts of excess money, I too would build a bunker of some sort... because why not? Why wouldn't you? Just in case you ever need it?
I don't take that to mean that they know something.
The Promise Gen.8:21 And the Lord smelled a sweet savour; and the Lord said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man’s sake; for the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done.
22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
The magnetic pole has been wandering around for some time now, I have a hunch that control of its movements is being fought for by the Clowns and the Warlock Wizards.
Now that's a whole another theory I haven't even began to conceptualize. Well this is why we do this. I mean they're still hiding a fuckload of Tesla patents and God knows what their capabilities would be. It's a bit of a stretch but fuck, I'll entertain it.
Patents cannot be hidden, or they would be worthless, since their value depends on them being known. There is no evidence of any secret Tesla technology. All of Tesla's papers were ultimately turned over to his heirs, after being reviewed by Trump's uncle for potential military applications.
Polar shift is plausible…so are a number of other things. But, imo, they’ve been building and stocking their bunkers for years. Yes, something is coming.
I’m also convinced that the reason so many lakes (around the world) are disapparating almost overnight is because they are being drained from underneath.
Also, so many ridiculous food recalls (cuz maybe, possibly, suspected contamination of some sort).
Omg i can't be believe you're saying this. I live in Michigan and one of our local lakes has a spring head that I had been planing on drawing fresh water from if Gretchen or Biden shuts down the power. I'm on an App called "Nextdoor" and several neighbors mentioned that the spring had gone dry. I've lived here 40 years and never seen it. Several people reached out to the local government, to be told they were "looking into it". It never occurred to any of us this may be taking place elsewhere.
I don't know if I find polar shift plausible. More like some half-baked nonsense they cooked up in some cabal think-tank on how to inject more fear-porn into the public consciousness. Hard to not be afraid when you can literally just die at any point to something we can't really predict or stop even if we could predict it.
The way I see it, the last cataclysm was the flood, and there won't be another cataclysm until God deems it so. We're not just going to die to "muh random polar shift".
Also seems like a way to kill faith in God. How is God real and involved in our lives with a plan for his creation if we all just die to some random polar shift they insist is a real thing?
And directly correlates with the creation story of several religions. I've been a believer my entire life, but I have certainly expanded my thinking in the last several years. Not to doubt salvation but to think about it in a grander way.
Every religion that isn't Christianity is a lie by Satan. Using them to determine a greater truth about the creation is like using official communications by the CIA to determine the greater truth on geopolitical conflicts.
Nothing you get will be anything other than what the deceivers wanted you to know. The unique problem with Satan, is that he's a genius and knows just what he needs to say to get the response he wants from unsuspecting souls. He's an expert at lies.
I mean I get it, you come off a little bit holy roller in my opinion but you're entitled to it. But I would ask, how do overcome in you mind, the fact that there are documents written in Sanskrit that date back to upwards of 1,500 bc? Like physical documents that exist in this world today that were written 1500 years before Christ? And the Hindu story includes a trinity and a great flood? Not trying to be a universalist here but I'm just saying expand your thinking without dishonoring God.
That's fair. I sort of realized that was the tone before sending my message, but didn't really know how to reframe it. Figured I'd just put out my view in all its bluntness.
Now, my usual answer is that older doesn't mean better.
If Christianity is 100% true, it makes sense that different, but false versions of true things would crop up. A global flood I'd say is easy to explain: Noah and his family knew the story, told their kids, and eventually it got telephone-gamed into oblivion.
The trinity is harder, but I'd argue that trinities are ever present in our world. They can be found everywhere. If this is one of God's marks on His creation, I don't find it surprising certain peoples have discovered this common occurrence and misidentified what it is or its ultimate meaning. It's also possible that Adam and Eve knew of the trinity before the fall, and that this one is another case of the telephone game.
Now, for a hypothetical example, if something happens to me and I tell the story to my kids, and they tell their kids, and they tell their kids, eventually the story will change. Now my great-grandkids don't know the true story, but have bits and pieces. Luckily for them, I'm an old motherfucker and am still around, so I can tell them the true story. Also luckily for them, my memory is still great in my old age. So now, I've given them the original story as it happened, which is of course going to clash with some of the changes the story went through getting passed down the chain.
To make it even closer, let's say my great-grandkids write it down. Then 5 generations later, I'm a ghost with perfect knowledge of my life and I appear to one of my children to tell him the true story. Then they all starting using that version. Now 5 more generations later the original is discovered despite the fact everyone was happily using my version. The original is 10 generations old, while mine was only written 5 generations back. But mine is true and the 10-generation-old "original" one isn't.
I suppose all of that is to say: God set the record straight with the Bible.
Nevertheless, it's possible that the Bible ripped off these older writings, but I see no reason that's more likely than the alternative I present. We don't know for certain, and it'd be foolish to assume that older is automatically better. So all we can do is look at all the evidence, and I've certainly seen enough evidence to believe Christianity independent of all these things. The Gospels are compelling, and, for me at least, evidently true. Once that is established, I suppose the rest comes as a matter of faith based on the evidence that lead me to such beliefs.
Interestingly, I was just watching a video that poses some compelling evidence for the location of several of the stories in the Old Testament. They line up perfectly with the Bible's version of events. These locations fuse evidence of historical events with what is written down in one of these ancient texts.
I actually got kind of burnt out after watching the first two parts and was going to call it quits, but now you've got me wanting to finish it. So thanks I guess, :)
This is excellent. Solid points all around. And yeah, we're all getting burnt out, but this is why we are here fren. iron sharpens iron. longest, most painful 'i told you so' ever. And you're welcome? take care and Merry Christmas
Convenient that the entire idea of a polar shift is unfalsifiable.
If it happened before, there'd be no visible evidence because it would have been a kind of "world reset". And since it's oh-so-rare, we wouldn't see one until it happened. But when it happens we are all destroyed. So there's never any evidence it is even a thing.
I also find it interesting that all these cataclysmic events that only happen once every [insert disingenuously large number here] years are always about to happen to us. Like, for 2000 years people have been doomsaying about the endtimes, yet here we are. Obviously it'll happen one day, but of that time knows no one but the Father in Heaven, and it likely won't be to us. Even if it is, it's honestly just egotistical to believe it will be.
So from my perspective at least, if the elites are preparing for a disaster, it's not the second coming, because they don't know when that is. They're not preparing for some world-rending event because those don't exist and they made them up to keep us afraid (subconsciously, always under the surface, elevates our baseline anxiety/fear) that one day the Earth will just open up and we'll all die.
If they are preparing for a disaster, it's one they will cause, though frankly I don't think they can do that either because "nuclear holocaust" and "God wins" don't mesh very well.
Well, there is the obvious draining into the ocean, there are a few references to lakes being drained for some purpose and I hope they'll be able to shed their own light on it, but perhaps the most visible to U.S. is Lake Mead.
Lake Chad in Africa is also very noticeable, in the span of 30-40 years it has drained dramatically.
I don't know about his theory, but it is not normal for lakes that have been there so many years are disappearing in the span of decades.
No, I don’t have them memorized. Started noticing it years ago…so I don’t have any idea if it’s been scrubbed or not. Smallish lakes, fishing villages, etc., in many countries. Try a search, I guess.
High quality post, definitely gets you thinking about a few things that I'd never really spend time thinking about... The food recalls really kind of make me wonder. Like I know that we used to have them but nobody recalled anything it was just we had stronger the systems... Again this is why we do these posts. Things we should all think through it and offer our thoughts. Elevate our thinking
I would also comment that there is a correlation between the great reset, the vax, removing the sheep etc. I am convinced they are reducing competition after whatever ends up happening on our planet. The earths magnetic shield is getting weaker, we know we're overdue for the sun's 12,000 year cycle, and magnetic poles are moving all over the place, with the north pole moving very quickly towards Russia. Most faiths roll back to the last time something like this occurred. Pyramids of Africa, the America's, Asia and Europe existed long before the current cycle. When I see land like the grand canyon, the mountain west, it simply doesn't look like runoff from raindrops over thousands of years. It looks like a large flood event as described in the Bible. They find tropical plants in Antarctica. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/08/120801132339.htm There is a long list of items to observe. Am I full panic, buy a bunker in SD with vivos xpoint? not yet. Am I contemplating that for whatever may come? yes. What about ya'll?
This speaker (SO) makes two incorrect assumptions IMHO.
#1, he assumes that past disasters were natural.
#2, he assumes the size of the earth has always been the same.
Learn about Expanding Earth, video link attached. Earth used to be smaller; hence the dinosaur bones in Alaska or tropical plants in Antarctica. We don't have to run for the hills. We do have to prepare our hearts, for the massive amount of red pills coming down the pike.
I'm willing to bet that he would probably appreciate constructive input like that. Ben is probably one of the most intelligent men I've ever heard on youtube. Former lawyer and deep researcher. But still he's always open to critical thinking.
I'm with you on the elites getting rid of the competition so that it increases their own chances of survival when the pole shift is completed. No one disputes the pole shift has already started and is occurring now. The debate is over how fast it will happen. Most people think it will take 1,000 years, creeping along at the same pace as it has been for the last 150 years. But more and more people think that the pace will rapidly increase and that it will hit a "point of no return" where it finishes the flips in an instant, and that could happen as soon as 10 years from now. I think the "elites"are hedging their bets on 10 years, hence the need to get rid of us now.
I've followed Suspicious Observers for several years and I think he's onto something. A pole shift or micronova would definitely affect the Earth's weather quickly and significantly through the electric connection between the earth and sun as well as by increased pressure on the Earth from solar winds and whatever else the Sun hucks our way with weakened magnetosphere. Whether the oceans surge or the planet slows down, I think, it'll cause a helluva storm. Redirects the world's attention away from the scare event and kicks off the great awakening for the ones who simply won't wake up.
I believe all things are truly cyclical in the material realm we exist inside.
I believe that this earth in sitting in a cosmic bubble of sorts... inside this bubble approximately the size of the solar system we inhabit there are laws of physics that cause our star to go through changes that gravely (GRAVELY) effect and affect our planet as well as all the other bodies in that bubble.
The sun is realistically speaking in control of our bubble. Who or what controls what affects the sun is another topic for another post ... by someone far more intelligent and coherent that I. The evidence is growing day by day that the sun is about to throw a few bombs out in all directions. Nothing but that which controls the sun may change the course of events coming to our bubble. Inside the big bubble of our solar group there are many other bubbles formed about each of the objects inside the solar bubble.
The many histories that have survived the abuses of time and nature... not to mention nefarious sorts of all ilks that like to hide the truth in order to garner power in the forms of wealth and influence, tell of a series of events coming in the span of a single lifetime of man. The signs I mentioned earlier are a warning to any with the eyes to see and the mind to explore as a call for the will to survive rise in as many of us as possible.
The things we have built in this current epoch... will largely be wiped off the surface and swept away like sewage into the greatest force on this planet. The water.Whatever survives will go on to build the next "great" civilization. The next cycle of legend and myth.
Given what we know in regards to secret societies and religious groups... is it hard to believe that some have known what is coming, what to look for, what to do ...
would not use the coming cataclysm as means to ensure they get to keep their "control" over the masses? There is a reason why this uber rich influential people are building things to go up and away from the chaos as well as below in some chaos as a means to survive. They hope to come out when "dust has settled" and claim this world as their own. Some will succeed and other will not. There will small groups spread around the world in isolated places that will make it to the other side of what is coming which cannot be stopped.
Knowledge. Preparedness. Location and some good fortune. Strong will.
I wonder if there will be any brave enough to tell the masses what is coming that those masses would believe. It seems more likely that the masses would "kill the messenger" rather than research with their own senses.
I doubt I will survive when it truly begins. I would like to witness it all but I am old and not ready for that kind of fight. I doubt my children will survive it as I believe them to all be oblivious to it as well as in some of the places that will be hardest hit. I know that some good and some bad will survive.
I'm thinking they're in on a 'scorched Earth' nuclear apocalypse plan for most civilized areas in order for the DS top dogs to avoid prosecution by the rest of the world and their loss of power. All they need to do is wait out the fallout for so many of the first years (hence, underground bunkers) then the half life residuals will be manageable.
Now that's an angle I definitely did not think about. And that would explain a few things. They're not preparing for the polar shift, they're just preparing for the shit show and pay back. Okay. This is exactly why we do this to expand our thinking.
As a kid I saw many backyard bomb shelters. Popular Science and Popular Mechanics (print magazines) featured how to articles.
None were luxurious, but many were well stocked with food/water etc. There were TV shows where neighbors fought to get inside while those inside struggled to keep the doors closed.
yes I’ve been wondering that too, if it’s the end of something unless we change…like our spiritual state affects the world around us. and because of all the recent campaign visits to Iowa, I’ve been reading about different areas of the state. this happened in north central Iowa in area close to fort dodge (man behind G Guidestones is from FD) there are also burial mounds with bodies in a circle in the area.
have noticed a lot of these sites have white hat info🕵️
also find it interesting that Manson is similar to Son of Man
The earth doesn’t flip or slow, during a polar flip the Van Allen belt is weakened to the point where solar radiation hits the earth at levels most life cannot survive.
The magnetic poles may switch, but the geographic poles can't because of a simple thing called conservation of momentum. Just a dead stop that quickly would melt everything. Zero, absolutely zero, life would remain on earth, no matter what anyone did.
The magnetic poles have switched countless times, as shown by traces of magnetism stored in rocks.
When published, the CIA immediately classified the story. Can't have the peons learning about such a destructive force when ABSOLUTELY NOTHING can stop it from happening. The MHD changes are immutable events.
It is theorized to be caused by changes in Solar Activity. The Great Awakening includes the Alliance (friendly alien forces) protecting Humanity and they will shield the Earth from the next time the sun "misbehaves".
TLDR; Due to the decreasing strength of the Earth's MHD (Magnetohydrodynamic field), the friction between the mantle and the crust goes to zero and becomes like a free liquid. Friction is what keeps the crust spinning along with the planet. The surface of the planet stops rotating. Totally. Given that the equator spins at 1,000 miles per hour and then comes to a dead stop, the air and water continue moving at 1,000 miles per hour. The earth is truly scoured clean. 99% of all life is destroyed.
There are tidal waves 1 mile high, that is one mile high, moving at 1,000 mph hitting the west coast of every landmass on earth. Winds blow at 1,000 mph over the land. There is tectonic disruption that makes the explosion of a volcano resemble the popping of a pimple.
Continents rise and sink. Landmasses fracture into islands and group into new continents. This is how Atlantis sank. Atlantis was a landmass south of India and where the Indian Ocean now lies. The same with Lemuria and other "mythical" lands.
The population of the planet is "reset" and life begins again.'
The last Cataclysm (the Utnapishtim Cataclysm) was 7,000 years ago. Utnapishtim is Sumerian and translates to Noah. The one before that was 13,000 years ago. Then 23,000 years ago. Then 33,000 years ago. And innumerable times before and averaging 12,500 between cataclysms.
We have had 7,000 years to progress to where we are now. Imagine a society that has existed for 10 or 16 thousand years. The technology would have been light-years ahead of ours.
The surface layer of the earth can't just stop. Conservation of momentum precludes that, unless the energy is dissipated as heat, which would burn up or melt the entire surface. There would be no surviving that, no matter what.
Not just the surface layer; the whole works can't just stop. Conservation of momentum is different from conservation of energy. Forces are required to alter momentum.
But this is so juvenile. Anyone passing a high-school physics class should realize that a magnetic pole shift will have no expected change in Earth rotation. (Magnetic poles are not rotational poles.)
Hawaii is windy so nuclear fall out and radiation clouds won’t linger like they will around bigger cities and valleys like California has. Also plenty of Sun, wind, and water turbines to create your own micro grid of alternative sources. All the elites already have their own self contained micro-grids and Hawaii makes it even easier to do.
New Zealand I believe also will not have as bad of nuclear fall out if you run the models and look at wind, etc. Also NZ is very sparsely populated for its size.
Yeah suspicious observers talks more so about the solar shift and other changes to our world. Not so much the nuclear war aspect that everybody's always had around.
Ah Newton. Imagine if his apple fell into a pond and it floated. You sir have been brainwashed. It’s ok. We all were. But you sure are a stubborn one. Imagine being so arrogant that you refuse to research topics because you are afraid of discovering your wrong. Buddy, you are wrong. Your engineering doesn’t impress me. You believe your eyes can see light years away. Please remove your head from your ass. Your hubris is on tilt.
You seem to serve quite a bit as a shill. It's all good. You say to do a thing but have no references. I get it. It's all good bro. Keep trying. Here's the cool thing about human behavior, they have a natural tendency to recognize abnormal behavior naturally. It's as if we're all programmed for behavior analytics you know... Naturally. But hey bro, if you making your couple of bucks per post. keep it up tiger...
Well then your human behavior is off bud. I’d love to learn how one can make money off internet posts. Any leads? Also, I say to do the thing? What’s that mean, Biden.
If you mean a planetary cataclysm, you'll see tidal waves 1 mile high smashing into every western shorelline. There will blasting of wind coming from the west.
Both of these will be moving at 1,000 (thousand) miles per hour..
99% of all life on the planet is destroyed as the surface is scoured clean by titanic forces.
I mean that's definitely turning it up to 11 but I can't argue otherwise. Simply no way to know. All I do know is now it's preparation beats a pound of cure.
The polar shift started 150 years ago. No one disputes the shift is occurring now. The debate is over how fast it will happen. Most people think it will take 1,000 years, creeping along at the same pace as it has been for the last 150 years. But more and more people think that the pace will rapidly increase and that it will hit a "point of no return" where it finishes the flips in an instant, and that could happen as soon as 10 years from now. This channel is devoted to information about it: https://www.youtube.com/@Suspicious0bservers/playlists
Then you need to contact an astronomer. Nothing unusual about its rising and setting where I live. I should ask, has this been happening in summertime?
Well, you have to be in error. Not happening where I live (south of 49th parallel). Get a surveyor's transit and theodolite and measure the azimuth of the setting (or rising) sun, and see if it conforms to the geometrical calculations. And, as I suggested, contact an astronomer to ask the question. There are departments of astronomy at many universities.
Point to consider: If the horizon, near or far, has trees removed, the sun will seem as though it has moved farther along its path, due to removal of blockage.
agreed conservation of energy etc... BUT it will be reduced enough to cause massive issues. hence why we see so many alerts for solar storms etc... again expanded thinking (not that any of us have the expertise to understand every corner of these topics.)
"Expanded" thinking is worse than useless unless it is informed and educated thinking. Otherwise, you just get swept up in the "Rapture" of wild ideas.
If you study the various scenarios that the folks touting the PS are laying out, then these people are building their shelters in the wrong places. You certainly wouldn't be building on top of a volcanic island chain like Hawaii. Same with New Zealand.
So it's my opinion only that these shelters are not being built for a Polar Shift, but more likely to hide from the villagers when they come for their heads.
“Then the kings of the earth and the great ones and the generals and the rich and the powerful, and everyone, slave and free, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains, calling to the mountains and rocks, ‘Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.’”
Revelation 6:15-16
Those are very intriguing Bible versus.
Verses. And we aren’t there yet.
If people would read the bible, and try to understand what Jesus was revealing, they wouldn't be surprised at what is happening right now.
can't disagree with this of course, but the challenge I have is the specific details. I pray for discernment from God concerning these potential events and I'm drawn to what appears to be a somewhat practical move of higher ground as close to my home as possible. Is that specific actions I can take to keep my family alive during an event in the bible, of course not. This comment is true but comes off a bit 'holy roller' instead of practical answers. Proverbs talks extensively about wisdom and discernment. I'm trying to leverage both for the safety of my family and patriots alike. No love loss fren.
I think that is the more likely scenario. Fear for what is coming for them, whether they understand it or not. Although our pole star does change over time, the full cycle is around 26,000 years. A few years ago, I remember seeing an article that mentioned the North Pole had moved over 60 miles in what to me seemed like a short amount of time. My dad was in the Air Force and afterwards worked for the FAA for several decades until he retired. But I remember him telling me they had to constantly recalibrate the equipment used by the planes using auto-pilot because the celestial poles never stop moving in the earth's normal axial precession. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axial_precession
great insight! thank you
Regarding Hawaii, you have to understand that the island chain was formed by the underlying crustal plate moving over a deeper magma hot spot. Midway Island was the first, working down to Kaua'i, O'ahu, Moloka'i, Maui, and the big island of Hawai'i. A new island is building to the southeast of Hawai'i. Once the plate moves an island off the hot spot, the volcanoes go extinct and remain so. The big island is 0.4 million years old, but Kaua'i is 5 million years old.
Bottom line: If Zuckerberg builds on an older island, that would be ideal to NOT experience volcanism.
I take no issue over the wisdom of any such construction. It looks to me like an affliction (or fad) of the wealthy who have anxiety problems.
at most it's about 6000 years old.
I'm sorry, but you don't know what you are talking about. I've seen Kaua'i more than once. Far more erosion than 6,000 years.
Assuming that it wasn't just created that way.
I don't subscribe to the hypothesis that God is a liar and creates false images of reality.
It's not a false image. It was the created reality at that moment in time of creation. But there are theories of how the Flood really changed a lot of geography. Look into it. I'm not sure, but I think there is a website that might have some answers: answersingenesis.com.
Great way of saying it is a false image, but not a false image. Erosion doesn't count?
I'm open to a good theory on the Grand Canyon, but however quickly it was formed does not prove any argument that the Earth is not as old as it seems. Quick events can occur in the context of a long time frame.
If you do not believe God to be a liar, than you should be on the same page as me. The bible is God's word and God's word has earth at about 6000 years old.
It never said that in the Bible. It is an inference made by mortal men, so if you would rather believe mortal men than what is in God's Word (the Creation), good luck.
What a lot of people misunderstand is that God's Word was first manifested in the Creation (as a work of Christ, also "the Word"). The Bible came long after the events recorded in it. I don't subscribe to any conflict between Creation and the Bible, but I simply do not believe that mortal men can divine facts from the Bible that are not stated in the Bible. Or that their interpretations of the Bible (His Word) are superior to quantitative understanding of the Creation (His Word).
Created with age is a thing. Adam was 33 at Creation. Trees were full size. Chicken before the egg. Go to ICR.org.
No, Adam was fully formed (age = 0), intended to live indefinitely. God's Word (Creation) is not a lie. He has given us the intellect to read it (science).
Time is an illusion. Everything happens simultaneously.
So which came first? Your birth or your death? You might want to give up saying nonsensical things.
Chicken or the egg? You cannot answer that. I feel like the reason we perceive time is because our brains would short circuit because of the vastness of God's creation.
Also, that was a bit disrespectful. You may think it's nonsense, but you cannot disprove my statement. Just because you don't understand, doesn't mean you gotta be an ass.
heard about that site a few weeks ago on the radio; talking about how oil is made, then I forgot to look it up. thanks for the reminder🕵️
Less than 10,000 years old…. Millions of years is another lie.
could be indeed. i am learning, and evidence in nature would kinda support it, that we are seeing a cycle possibly come to fruition in our lifetime. we've been around for a short time imho. no denying that rock we live on was created. by a creator. in what manner is the question. it's hard to be a deep believer of the bible (in it's "current form" which is a whole other thing) and be able to observe the world without 'expanding out thinking.' I'm guessing these cycles have been occurring many times over... does the current time derive from our creator? I don't know. just trying to expand my thinking.
Oh, and you were there to bear witness? Or who was? You do know there are stars we observe that are farther away than 10,000 light-years? They had to exist that long ago in order for their light to arrive today. And that's not the farthest distance we observe, either.
You make a good point and I think it's correct. One thing I would not be too excited about on Hawaii is the possibility of tsunamis.
That could definitely be a problem, along with typhoons. The south coast of Kaua'i had a nice enclave of beachside hotels at Poipu Beach in the 1980s. There was a serious typhoon. When I revisited a decade later, the hotels we stayed in were abandoned ruins, off limits to passers-by. Quite a shame.
However, that is always the problem with frontage on the Pacific Ocean. No easier for California, Oregon, Washington, or Alaska. Not to mention earthquakes (e.g., Anchorage in 1964).
There's not nearly enough elevation to survive the polar shift in the move of the ocean. I think a lot of people are commenting and not actually looking at the videos with the maps. Let me find those postings. Seeing the maps changed my perspective completely. Granted that's just one model but you can apply intuition and logic
I prefer to apply physics and mathematics, neither of which I have seen in reference to a supposed event that may be entirely subterranean. The magnetic pole has been wandering about in historical times, yet we simply don't notice it. The Earth's rotational pole (angular momentum vector) will not change; there is no torque to change it.
good point. one theory is that we are on a multi-layered onion here.. the internals are clearly driven by electro-magnetics, hence the magnetic field. if that shifts, then likely we'd not see it on the surface,but clearly some thing has happened in history. the grand canyon wasn't formed by a trickle, massive plains that appear like a large drain field didn't happen from rain storms... varioud geological deposits happend from large oceans or ice formations drifting over the land as some point... so clearly the earth is capable of some kind of change. this is why we keep digging and learning to see what the possibilities are. watch the rest of the SO disaster series, see what makes sense to you and report back.
You don't need to lecture me on the changing Earth. I was on hand to see the effects of the Mount St. Helens eruption and the Nisqually earthquake. The magnetic poles have been wandering over continental distances within human history, yet no disaster has resulted. I'm just not a doomsday junkie.
What moron thinks that these "elites" are preparing for a MAGNETIC POLAR SHIFT?? that's stupid
well... Ben of Suspicious OBSERVERS is seeing the elites do things. did ya watch the video Cats? Bezo's has a huge system in a mountain next to a rocket launching location. he wouldn't need that to keep angry patriots away. he wouldn't need any of that. If they were aware of a MUCH larger event forthcoming, THEN they would consider the massive expense of doing what they are doing. but hey, i'm just trying to expand my thinking here...
Why would a magnetic pole shift trigger vulcanism anyway? And no the Earth is not going to flip over, not as long as the Moon is here anchoring it.
As a reply, and I'm no authority on Pole Shift, there are two scenarios (likely more) that I've heard from those putting out scenarios. One from Suspicious Observers and one from Diehold Foundation. Both are similar in that they believe the earth rapidly slows down it's rotation, which would allow for the water in the various oceans to continue proceeding East given that's the direction the earth spins. So oceans would surge from west to east. The west coast and I'm "assuming" islands in the Pacific would be overflowed by the tsunami's that are estimated to become a few thousand feet in height. I'm not saying this is based in scientific fact, I'm merely repeating what I thought I heard. Diehold theory is that the earth stops rotating (poles don't shift) due to a Sun Nova that hits in the Indian Ocean and causes the evaporation of billions of tons of water into the atmosphere. The Tsunami's happen as above BUT the earth rapidly cools due to the water in the atmosphere and we enter an Ice Age where everywhere but near the equator (+- 10 degrees) gets covered in Ice & snow fairly rapidly. Now perhaps Zuck is going to stay below and has doors strong enough for a few thousand feet of ocean above them and then after they recede, he'll be in a decent position to survive even though he's at the edge of the range from the equator that Diehold estimates will survive. Who knows. But the above was my rationale for my previous statement, just fyi. As an aside, not sure what happens to the plates if the earth were to suddenly stop it's rotation?
What utter BS from people who don't understand the math involved. The force needed to overcome the rotational momentum of the Earth in a timeline we could observe would tear the planet apart. Bunkers would be useless.
Indeed. A reduction in rotational speed to a notable magnitude would have to gradually happen over uncountable years in order for the Earth to actually survive it, and certainly oceans would not be surging from it.
"Science" like this is all speculative theory with no actual observable facts backing them, so when one makes statements as above that ignores observable and much more replicable physics, it comes across as clear fear mongering and that's not beneficial to anyone except the elites.
They want us ignorant and scared.
I do appreciate the posters editorial on what he's seen from others. I'd never heard about the Earth stopping rotation, and I also would call full BS on that. Suspicious observers quotes all of his studies and the multitude of other observations. Ben would tell you do your own research. I've been doing my own research I find some very weird things like, don't tell me the Grand canyon was formed over millions of years from a little tiny fucking river. That was formed from somebody draining the plug very quickly. Much like lake lahaten in Nevada was formed and drained very quickly also. This is exactly why I posted, to use the hive mind and learn as much as I possibly could as quickly as I possibly could
Also let us remember we are on a mult-layered onion here... the mantle and core are liqued and much more likely to shift based on magnetic forces than the surface in my understanding... but let's also remember we're supposed to be on this journey together as frens.
Well the mantle is not liquid, and only the outer core is inferred to be liquid.
Conservation of angular momentum says this is hogwash.
The Diehold Foundation has done extensive soil testing at extreme depths, throughout the World, and the samples show the general same layering of soils and rock at the same depths. Something occurred and if you research solar cycles the general consensus is the Earth slowed xx # of years ago and the cycle is approximately every 11,400 years (if I remember correctly). This 11,400 years is the year 2030 -2040 +/- I think there is a reason for Agenda 2030 and we are not a part of the club…. I believe the (rich and powerful) think it’s going to occur again very soon and they are preparing….
Correct - there appears to be a 'char' layer at the depth which correlates with the ending of the ice age, which happened about 10,000BC or about 12,000 years ago. Below this 'char' layer you find bones of all the big stuff that was here during the ice age and not now - saber toothed tigers, wooly mammoths, etc. all the big stuff that is extinct. So you dig down and you only find their bones below that char layer, and none above that layer. So that's why they say there was potentially another earth-altering massive event only at 10,000BC. Which is wild because it's pretty much the same timeline as when 'civilization started due to the agricultural revolution' based on the mainstream story - but maybe it was because there was a reset that wiped the earth clean and only a few survived.
I have watched some of the suspicious observers yt videos. I believe they are betting on people surviving who live in specific areas of Arizona. Not that I think this will happen.
Yeah we're kind of taking a best guess here at this point, but he has access along with many other researchers to modeling platforms that they've done some pretty extensive work with in terms of sea level rise. It's the sloshing back and forth/tsunami that will be questionable... Again we're all just trying to expand our thinking here
Dude that is not fucking possible. The Earth rotates at a constant speed in space. It's not going to slow itself down and then speed back up to the normal speed because of the magnetic pole shifting. The most likely scenario that results in the Earth's speed of rotation being affected would be something hitting the planet with enough mass and force just the right angle and with just enough momentum and with just enough mass to slow it down without knocking it out of orbit.
Or an outside body with the right characteristics, passing by at the right distance.
Yeah that'll be interesting. Again the whole goal here is to expand the thinking.
not fucking possible [based on what I have learned in school about celestial mechanics]
Plenty of evidence that there's a lot more going on up there than just dead rocks floating around in space - are you familiar with the Electric Universe theory? Quite interesting indeed:
We've actually sped up, but just slightly, after having slowed slightly over eons. I agree with you, though. I think it would take something massive hitting us to create this kind of destruction--an extinction level event. Or something massive passing closely enough to affect us and change our orbit or destroy our moon. Perhaps even some massive ejection hitting us from the sun. But I don't lose sleep over any of those ideas because I think they aren't likely to happen in my lifetime. We're more likely to die from cancer, heart disease, pneumonia or the common flu than anything else. (Or the stupidity from our own government.) Either way, I'd encourage people to enjoy life as much as they can, love the people around you, do your research and follow your intuition on how to prepare. I don't waste my life living in fear. It's too short as it is. But I have prepared for more common man-made disasters as best I can. And that did mean moving my family to a more rural area with plenty of clean air, clean water, hunting and fishing, and people with a more conservative mindset than the cities. Which has been the right thing to do for us.
Oh boy. I know the mods don’t like it so I won’t say it but holy shit guys, seriously wake up and realize the world you live on. Stop regurgitating their deception
Those of us who fly to the other side of the planet and get to look at stars which cannot be seen in the northern hemisphere are perfectly awake. We can make phone calls home that are 10 hours advanced, to wake up people here.
Case in point. Back to sleep. You’ll wake up with the rest of them.
You have no conception of the "case in point." The point was settled about 200 years before the birth of Christ (the calculation of the radius of the Earth by Eratosthenes), and Christ never bothered to say otherwise.
Or our history is merely a series of lies agreed upon. I don’t know what happened in the past and I know for a fact you don’t either.
You don't know any such fact. You are dreaming. But I am willing to consider that you don't know much or any history.
History and science would show otherwise. Please watch the videos. Do research. One of the biggest things that has bugged me is the fact that they found tropical plants and fucking antarctica? That makes no sense to me unless our equator has shifted over time. The core is what the moon is attracted to everything else is just floating on the surface from a mass standpoint.
Tropical plants on Antarctica are no problem, once you accept that Antarctica wasn't originally on the south pole, but migrated there from continental drift (or Earth expansion).
The equator is fixed by our vector of angular momentum, which is pretty much unchangeable.
The Moon is attracted to all the mass of the Earth, not just the core. You need to learn about gravity.
I remember reading how we built inflatable tanks to fool the Germans.
Not sure why that comes to mind.
I'm thinking they are hiding from patriots that want them to swing
I don't know, I'm thinking let's just head to The Addams family basement in start with whatever fancies us...
they don't hide
timelines, fren. get on the right one.
what do you mean, please?
there are different versions. it is primarily your own degree and application of faith that determines which you will experience.
what is known as the Kingdom is a particular version of life on Earth. with an appropriately tuned mindset, you will find your way to it. there is no calamity there.
this is why we are allergic to dooming here. why we trust the drops, and God, even in the midst of all these horrors being revealed. they are coming to the surface to be dealt with, because that is how the Kingdom comes about. eyes on the prize, fren. the sky is not falling. for them it may be, but for us it is not.
awesome response
I'd prefer improvements in the life that we're having now and is the only one we're 100% sure to have, otherwise might as well just die now and move on.
the thing is, you are constantly jumping between timelines. at every moment. you have to get used to tuning to that frequency of the Kingdom at all times, and then this life will transform into that life.
Serious question … how does one go about trying to do that?
the subject has been spoken on in many different terms. the Bible contains very powerful tools to achieve it, but some need more explanation, like i did.
start with faith and gratitude.
when you fully appreciate your circumstances without fear, regardless of what those circumstances are, you will naturally form thoughts that are of that same appreciative frequency, and actions to reinforce them. this immediately affects the generation of your reality, and arranges more things in your future that match that energy of appreciation.
appreciation is not gluttony or greed. appreciation must be done with integrity. as an integrated being you recognize that in harming another, you harm yourself. in helping yourself, you help others.
prayer is another tool that people use to keep them in that state of mind. the most effective kind of prayer is praise.
i've used whatever terminology i care to here. if you prefer Christian terms, read the Bible.
or you can ask me further questions.
or you can ask God in prayer. if you are humble and sincere you will be answered.
Agreed. God said it doesn’t matter the evil hide he will find them even if it is underground. Jeremiah 23:24 Can a man hide himself in hiding places So I do not see him?” declares the Lord. “Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?” declares the Lord.
I wish doing those gifs was easier, it's hard to copy and paste those on the cell phone.
just memorize the formula, dawg. u / # and then the name
will do and thank you! u/#catdance
The thing is though you're here commenting on the same one as us right now. I don't personally believe we all individually shift timelines. That doesn't logically hold up. However I do believe our collective consciousness could affect our shared timeline. Which in that case it's even more important that we are allergic to dooming.
I can go into a lot of detail on how it works. and point you to those that know it better than i do. but i promise its consistent.
basically you can imagine every possible arrangement of particles, every possible moment in every possible universe -some that may not even work in 'particles' - as frames on a cutting room floor, waiting to be assembled into a film. all of the frames always exist, and you can view them in any order.
to experience those various orders, there are infinite versions of you, that all view them in a different order, that all experience their own stories.
you will never lose your identity, your soul. it is one of many, but it is yours forever, to experience that infinite story.
thus it is possible to punish yourself for eternity, or to bless yourself for eternity. and all the wild times in between the extremes of those.
there is no limit to either extreme. it can always get better, and it can always get worse.
we have been exploring the darkness for a long time now.
the 'rules' around here, like time and gravity, are collective agreements. but again, the frames can be viewed in any order. 'miraculously'.
this is determined by your energy signature. from your beliefs are born your emotions, which generate your thoughts, and ultimately your actions. this is why FAITH is the key.
it is a truly beautiful system, with a truly terrifying degree of freedom.
Praise the Lord.
The notion that we all agree to the rules seems like a convenient excuse to kill any arguments to the effect of "well prove it and delete gravity then", "oh I can't do that on my own, everyone has to have faith that gravity will turn off".
To be honest, all these kinds of claims seem to me to be nothing more than an extreme stretching of the actual truth that how you perceive things "changes your world". But that isn't literal.
If I break my leg, I can see it as positive. My leg is still broken, and I can't work.
I can will myself to be sad that I won a million dollars. I have a million dollars and can now pay off my parent's house and cars.
I can perceive a world where bad things are always happening by "attuning" myself to a world where only bad things happen, but all that means is I'm focusing on a bunch of bad things. It doesn't mean more bad things are happening in our world or that the world changed because of my egocentric notion that I'm for all intents and purposes God and control everything.
I don't see how anyone can make the leap from perception power to a literal reality changing power. The power of perception is real, the power to change reality is firmly held in the Hand of God.
let me address your misunderstandings.
these rules aren't stronger because they are followed by many. they are strongly effective in your life, and many others lives, because that is the type of story we came here for. one of consistency; a story that allows us to feel disconnection from God so that we feel it so much stronger when we rediscover the connection.
no, focusing on negative events does not cause you to see more negative events.... but having a negative reaction to any event you see absolutely does cause more things to appear in your life that will cause a similar reaction.
the same is true on the positive side, of appreciation. being in the appreciative state of mind will draw more events in your life that make you feel that same appreciation. That is the point of praising God, of praising the source of every good and perfect gift. Even in scarcity and adversity.
Sure, you can assign that reality changing power to God. I don't disagree. But God affects your reality in response to what you believe, and how you feel, think, and act. So is that really a point of contention?
If you believe that you do not have the power to affect your reality... then that is what your experience will reflect.
remember the centurion's servant. it is all based on your own degree and application of faith.
I do assign the power to change things to God, no matter what I believe, feel, think or act. To say you know the mind of God as you do is hubris, the mind of God is far beyond anything we can experience.
Our beliefs do not control us, God and/or satan do.
and since those are your beliefs, they will be confirmed to you in your experience.
They weren't.
I agree to a certain extent. When I was an atheist, many things confirmed atheism and nothing confirmed God. Now that I'm a Christian, everything confirms God and I find atheism ridiculous.
But the ultimate reality always existed. Atheism was always false and God was always Truth. My perception was the only differentiating factor.
And being positive or negative may change what I generally perceive, but it won't actually change reality around me, only my internal perception of objective reality.
Faith works when it is in God. That's not to say we can't put our faith in Satan and get something out of it. But Satan is still Satan and God is still God. Putting our faith in God will be far better than putting it in Satan. Meanwhile, putting our faith in a rock will do just about nothing.
I don't get to make the rock anything more than a rock, and I don't get to decide who God and Satan are. They all exist independent of me. The same as I don't get to decide who you are or tell you what your opinions are. You are an independent being that I don't control with my mind.
I suppose the response to all of this is just, "if that's what you believe, it will be your world", but my problem is I see no evidence of any of this in a literal sense. Perception is one thing, but my world can only change so much based on my beliefs.
Good chat. And we can only perceive reality. Whether we want to admit what we see is up to us. Honesty counts, and truth comes from God.
Too little, too late, Zuck.
If I had ridiculous amounts of excess money, I too would build a bunker of some sort... because why not? Why wouldn't you? Just in case you ever need it? I don't take that to mean that they know something.
yup https://rumble.com/vugebh-everyone-saw-whats-wrong-with-obamas-face-in-pic-taken-building-his-new-mul.html
...and his personal chefs
The Promise Gen.8:21 And the Lord smelled a sweet savour; and the Lord said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man’s sake; for the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done.
22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
The magnetic pole has been wandering around for some time now, I have a hunch that control of its movements is being fought for by the Clowns and the Warlock Wizards.
Now that's a whole another theory I haven't even began to conceptualize. Well this is why we do this. I mean they're still hiding a fuckload of Tesla patents and God knows what their capabilities would be. It's a bit of a stretch but fuck, I'll entertain it.
Patents cannot be hidden, or they would be worthless, since their value depends on them being known. There is no evidence of any secret Tesla technology. All of Tesla's papers were ultimately turned over to his heirs, after being reviewed by Trump's uncle for potential military applications.
Polar shift is plausible…so are a number of other things. But, imo, they’ve been building and stocking their bunkers for years. Yes, something is coming.
I’m also convinced that the reason so many lakes (around the world) are disapparating almost overnight is because they are being drained from underneath.
Also, so many ridiculous food recalls (cuz maybe, possibly, suspected contamination of some sort).
Omg i can't be believe you're saying this. I live in Michigan and one of our local lakes has a spring head that I had been planing on drawing fresh water from if Gretchen or Biden shuts down the power. I'm on an App called "Nextdoor" and several neighbors mentioned that the spring had gone dry. I've lived here 40 years and never seen it. Several people reached out to the local government, to be told they were "looking into it". It never occurred to any of us this may be taking place elsewhere.
I don't know if I find polar shift plausible. More like some half-baked nonsense they cooked up in some cabal think-tank on how to inject more fear-porn into the public consciousness. Hard to not be afraid when you can literally just die at any point to something we can't really predict or stop even if we could predict it.
The way I see it, the last cataclysm was the flood, and there won't be another cataclysm until God deems it so. We're not just going to die to "muh random polar shift".
Also seems like a way to kill faith in God. How is God real and involved in our lives with a plan for his creation if we all just die to some random polar shift they insist is a real thing?
Think bigger. The polar shift and all the catastrophes that come with line up perfectly with the end time prophecies talked about in Revelation.
And directly correlates with the creation story of several religions. I've been a believer my entire life, but I have certainly expanded my thinking in the last several years. Not to doubt salvation but to think about it in a grander way.
Every religion that isn't Christianity is a lie by Satan. Using them to determine a greater truth about the creation is like using official communications by the CIA to determine the greater truth on geopolitical conflicts.
Nothing you get will be anything other than what the deceivers wanted you to know. The unique problem with Satan, is that he's a genius and knows just what he needs to say to get the response he wants from unsuspecting souls. He's an expert at lies.
I mean I get it, you come off a little bit holy roller in my opinion but you're entitled to it. But I would ask, how do overcome in you mind, the fact that there are documents written in Sanskrit that date back to upwards of 1,500 bc? Like physical documents that exist in this world today that were written 1500 years before Christ? And the Hindu story includes a trinity and a great flood? Not trying to be a universalist here but I'm just saying expand your thinking without dishonoring God.
That's fair. I sort of realized that was the tone before sending my message, but didn't really know how to reframe it. Figured I'd just put out my view in all its bluntness.
Now, my usual answer is that older doesn't mean better.
If Christianity is 100% true, it makes sense that different, but false versions of true things would crop up. A global flood I'd say is easy to explain: Noah and his family knew the story, told their kids, and eventually it got telephone-gamed into oblivion.
The trinity is harder, but I'd argue that trinities are ever present in our world. They can be found everywhere. If this is one of God's marks on His creation, I don't find it surprising certain peoples have discovered this common occurrence and misidentified what it is or its ultimate meaning. It's also possible that Adam and Eve knew of the trinity before the fall, and that this one is another case of the telephone game.
Now, for a hypothetical example, if something happens to me and I tell the story to my kids, and they tell their kids, and they tell their kids, eventually the story will change. Now my great-grandkids don't know the true story, but have bits and pieces. Luckily for them, I'm an old motherfucker and am still around, so I can tell them the true story. Also luckily for them, my memory is still great in my old age. So now, I've given them the original story as it happened, which is of course going to clash with some of the changes the story went through getting passed down the chain.
To make it even closer, let's say my great-grandkids write it down. Then 5 generations later, I'm a ghost with perfect knowledge of my life and I appear to one of my children to tell him the true story. Then they all starting using that version. Now 5 more generations later the original is discovered despite the fact everyone was happily using my version. The original is 10 generations old, while mine was only written 5 generations back. But mine is true and the 10-generation-old "original" one isn't.
I suppose all of that is to say: God set the record straight with the Bible.
Nevertheless, it's possible that the Bible ripped off these older writings, but I see no reason that's more likely than the alternative I present. We don't know for certain, and it'd be foolish to assume that older is automatically better. So all we can do is look at all the evidence, and I've certainly seen enough evidence to believe Christianity independent of all these things. The Gospels are compelling, and, for me at least, evidently true. Once that is established, I suppose the rest comes as a matter of faith based on the evidence that lead me to such beliefs.
Interestingly, I was just watching a video that poses some compelling evidence for the location of several of the stories in the Old Testament. They line up perfectly with the Bible's version of events. These locations fuse evidence of historical events with what is written down in one of these ancient texts.
This was the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIpvIVLQ2Dk
I actually got kind of burnt out after watching the first two parts and was going to call it quits, but now you've got me wanting to finish it. So thanks I guess, :)
This is excellent. Solid points all around. And yeah, we're all getting burnt out, but this is why we are here fren. iron sharpens iron. longest, most painful 'i told you so' ever. And you're welcome? take care and Merry Christmas
Sounds like some new-age bullshit to me.
Convenient that the entire idea of a polar shift is unfalsifiable.
If it happened before, there'd be no visible evidence because it would have been a kind of "world reset". And since it's oh-so-rare, we wouldn't see one until it happened. But when it happens we are all destroyed. So there's never any evidence it is even a thing.
I also find it interesting that all these cataclysmic events that only happen once every [insert disingenuously large number here] years are always about to happen to us. Like, for 2000 years people have been doomsaying about the endtimes, yet here we are. Obviously it'll happen one day, but of that time knows no one but the Father in Heaven, and it likely won't be to us. Even if it is, it's honestly just egotistical to believe it will be.
So from my perspective at least, if the elites are preparing for a disaster, it's not the second coming, because they don't know when that is. They're not preparing for some world-rending event because those don't exist and they made them up to keep us afraid (subconsciously, always under the surface, elevates our baseline anxiety/fear) that one day the Earth will just open up and we'll all die.
If they are preparing for a disaster, it's one they will cause, though frankly I don't think they can do that either because "nuclear holocaust" and "God wins" don't mesh very well.
Lakes disappearing? Can you cite some of these instances?
Ooh…remember when LDR was shitposting on 8chan and threatened that we would watch our kids would die of thirst?
Well, there is the obvious draining into the ocean, there are a few references to lakes being drained for some purpose and I hope they'll be able to shed their own light on it, but perhaps the most visible to U.S. is Lake Mead.
Lake Chad in Africa is also very noticeable, in the span of 30-40 years it has drained dramatically.
I don't know about his theory, but it is not normal for lakes that have been there so many years are disappearing in the span of decades.
Watch the water?
No, I don’t have them memorized. Started noticing it years ago…so I don’t have any idea if it’s been scrubbed or not. Smallish lakes, fishing villages, etc., in many countries. Try a search, I guess.
High quality post, definitely gets you thinking about a few things that I'd never really spend time thinking about... The food recalls really kind of make me wonder. Like I know that we used to have them but nobody recalled anything it was just we had stronger the systems... Again this is why we do these posts. Things we should all think through it and offer our thoughts. Elevate our thinking
looky here, but not over here
They are afraid, of what? Us.
No they aren’t, they’re just weirdos who think they’re gods and have too much money with nothing left to do with it.
I would also comment that there is a correlation between the great reset, the vax, removing the sheep etc. I am convinced they are reducing competition after whatever ends up happening on our planet. The earths magnetic shield is getting weaker, we know we're overdue for the sun's 12,000 year cycle, and magnetic poles are moving all over the place, with the north pole moving very quickly towards Russia. Most faiths roll back to the last time something like this occurred. Pyramids of Africa, the America's, Asia and Europe existed long before the current cycle. When I see land like the grand canyon, the mountain west, it simply doesn't look like runoff from raindrops over thousands of years. It looks like a large flood event as described in the Bible. They find tropical plants in Antarctica. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/08/120801132339.htm There is a long list of items to observe. Am I full panic, buy a bunker in SD with vivos xpoint? not yet. Am I contemplating that for whatever may come? yes. What about ya'll?
This speaker (SO) makes two incorrect assumptions IMHO. #1, he assumes that past disasters were natural. #2, he assumes the size of the earth has always been the same.
Learn about Expanding Earth, video link attached. Earth used to be smaller; hence the dinosaur bones in Alaska or tropical plants in Antarctica. We don't have to run for the hills. We do have to prepare our hearts, for the massive amount of red pills coming down the pike.
I'm willing to bet that he would probably appreciate constructive input like that. Ben is probably one of the most intelligent men I've ever heard on youtube. Former lawyer and deep researcher. But still he's always open to critical thinking.
I'm with you on the elites getting rid of the competition so that it increases their own chances of survival when the pole shift is completed. No one disputes the pole shift has already started and is occurring now. The debate is over how fast it will happen. Most people think it will take 1,000 years, creeping along at the same pace as it has been for the last 150 years. But more and more people think that the pace will rapidly increase and that it will hit a "point of no return" where it finishes the flips in an instant, and that could happen as soon as 10 years from now. I think the "elites"are hedging their bets on 10 years, hence the need to get rid of us now.
This is my exact conclusion, as to why they are pushing the agenda 21, agenda 2030 etc. so proud to see such expanded thinking within this community.
I've followed Suspicious Observers for several years and I think he's onto something. A pole shift or micronova would definitely affect the Earth's weather quickly and significantly through the electric connection between the earth and sun as well as by increased pressure on the Earth from solar winds and whatever else the Sun hucks our way with weakened magnetosphere. Whether the oceans surge or the planet slows down, I think, it'll cause a helluva storm. Redirects the world's attention away from the scare event and kicks off the great awakening for the ones who simply won't wake up.
Imo they are getting ready for the real pandemic or the war they plan to start, covid was a dry run, they are all in on this shit
Suck the O2 out with the bombs we already have. Instantaneous
I believe all things are truly cyclical in the material realm we exist inside.
I believe that this earth in sitting in a cosmic bubble of sorts... inside this bubble approximately the size of the solar system we inhabit there are laws of physics that cause our star to go through changes that gravely (GRAVELY) effect and affect our planet as well as all the other bodies in that bubble.
The sun is realistically speaking in control of our bubble. Who or what controls what affects the sun is another topic for another post ... by someone far more intelligent and coherent that I. The evidence is growing day by day that the sun is about to throw a few bombs out in all directions. Nothing but that which controls the sun may change the course of events coming to our bubble. Inside the big bubble of our solar group there are many other bubbles formed about each of the objects inside the solar bubble.
The many histories that have survived the abuses of time and nature... not to mention nefarious sorts of all ilks that like to hide the truth in order to garner power in the forms of wealth and influence, tell of a series of events coming in the span of a single lifetime of man. The signs I mentioned earlier are a warning to any with the eyes to see and the mind to explore as a call for the will to survive rise in as many of us as possible.
The things we have built in this current epoch... will largely be wiped off the surface and swept away like sewage into the greatest force on this planet. The water.Whatever survives will go on to build the next "great" civilization. The next cycle of legend and myth.
Given what we know in regards to secret societies and religious groups... is it hard to believe that some have known what is coming, what to look for, what to do ... would not use the coming cataclysm as means to ensure they get to keep their "control" over the masses? There is a reason why this uber rich influential people are building things to go up and away from the chaos as well as below in some chaos as a means to survive. They hope to come out when "dust has settled" and claim this world as their own. Some will succeed and other will not. There will small groups spread around the world in isolated places that will make it to the other side of what is coming which cannot be stopped.
Knowledge. Preparedness. Location and some good fortune. Strong will.
I wonder if there will be any brave enough to tell the masses what is coming that those masses would believe. It seems more likely that the masses would "kill the messenger" rather than research with their own senses.
I doubt I will survive when it truly begins. I would like to witness it all but I am old and not ready for that kind of fight. I doubt my children will survive it as I believe them to all be oblivious to it as well as in some of the places that will be hardest hit. I know that some good and some bad will survive.
To the good I pray you build around truth.
To the bad
Epic fucking post right here. Thank you for your wisdom. I pray your children are awoken to the realities of this fragile existence.
I'm thinking they're in on a 'scorched Earth' nuclear apocalypse plan for most civilized areas in order for the DS top dogs to avoid prosecution by the rest of the world and their loss of power. All they need to do is wait out the fallout for so many of the first years (hence, underground bunkers) then the half life residuals will be manageable.
Now that's an angle I definitely did not think about. And that would explain a few things. They're not preparing for the polar shift, they're just preparing for the shit show and pay back. Okay. This is exactly why we do this to expand our thinking.
Possible. If not a PS, then a solar flare/Coronal Mass Ejection.
As a kid I saw many backyard bomb shelters. Popular Science and Popular Mechanics (print magazines) featured how to articles.
None were luxurious, but many were well stocked with food/water etc. There were TV shows where neighbors fought to get inside while those inside struggled to keep the doors closed.
Watch out for feral ghouls….
sorry i don't buy no polar shift.. there's none. Just made up theory like climate change. The end for evryone is different, focus on Jesus period
Look at what's planned...LOL! I think they're going to be hiding from people like us, more than anything else. Even growing their own food down there. Would be a shame if it were flooded with seawater like Gaza...hint, hint. https://nypost.com/2023/12/14/real-estate/mark-zuckerbergs-100m-hawaii-compound-has-huge-underground-bunker/
yes I’ve been wondering that too, if it’s the end of something unless we change…like our spiritual state affects the world around us. and because of all the recent campaign visits to Iowa, I’ve been reading about different areas of the state. this happened in north central Iowa in area close to fort dodge (man behind G Guidestones is from FD) there are also burial mounds with bodies in a circle in the area.
have noticed a lot of these sites have white hat info🕵️
also find it interesting that Manson is similar to Son of Man
If you had the means to build a bunker, would you?
Everyone is a "prepper" including the wealthy - never 0 or 1, but somewhere in the middle
Anyone can build a bunker, just make a yt channel to pay for it (see colinfurze)
Therefore anyone who wants a bunker can get one
The earth doesn’t flip or slow, during a polar flip the Van Allen belt is weakened to the point where solar radiation hits the earth at levels most life cannot survive.
They've been told to prep.
The magnetic poles may switch, but the geographic poles can't because of a simple thing called conservation of momentum. Just a dead stop that quickly would melt everything. Zero, absolutely zero, life would remain on earth, no matter what anyone did.
The magnetic poles have switched countless times, as shown by traces of magnetism stored in rocks.
Bonus points for a short yet lucid summary. tRead the uncensored version of [Chan Thomas (Pseudonym)"Adam and Eve: The History of Cataclysms"(https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zHvXjfwhhYdg-elsdxFa4wWxgZ3uwaMd/view?usp=sharing) for a deeper perspective on Cataclysms.
When published, the CIA immediately classified the story. Can't have the peons learning about such a destructive force when ABSOLUTELY NOTHING can stop it from happening. The MHD changes are immutable events.
It is theorized to be caused by changes in Solar Activity. The Great Awakening includes the Alliance (friendly alien forces) protecting Humanity and they will shield the Earth from the next time the sun "misbehaves".
TLDR; Due to the decreasing strength of the Earth's MHD (Magnetohydrodynamic field), the friction between the mantle and the crust goes to zero and becomes like a free liquid. Friction is what keeps the crust spinning along with the planet. The surface of the planet stops rotating. Totally. Given that the equator spins at 1,000 miles per hour and then comes to a dead stop, the air and water continue moving at 1,000 miles per hour. The earth is truly scoured clean. 99% of all life is destroyed.
There are tidal waves 1 mile high, that is one mile high, moving at 1,000 mph hitting the west coast of every landmass on earth. Winds blow at 1,000 mph over the land. There is tectonic disruption that makes the explosion of a volcano resemble the popping of a pimple.
Continents rise and sink. Landmasses fracture into islands and group into new continents. This is how Atlantis sank. Atlantis was a landmass south of India and where the Indian Ocean now lies. The same with Lemuria and other "mythical" lands.
The population of the planet is "reset" and life begins again.'
The last Cataclysm (the Utnapishtim Cataclysm) was 7,000 years ago. Utnapishtim is Sumerian and translates to Noah. The one before that was 13,000 years ago. Then 23,000 years ago. Then 33,000 years ago. And innumerable times before and averaging 12,500 between cataclysms.
We have had 7,000 years to progress to where we are now. Imagine a society that has existed for 10 or 16 thousand years. The technology would have been light-years ahead of ours.
Let that sink in your noodle.
The surface layer of the earth can't just stop. Conservation of momentum precludes that, unless the energy is dissipated as heat, which would burn up or melt the entire surface. There would be no surviving that, no matter what.
Not just the surface layer; the whole works can't just stop. Conservation of momentum is different from conservation of energy. Forces are required to alter momentum.
But this is so juvenile. Anyone passing a high-school physics class should realize that a magnetic pole shift will have no expected change in Earth rotation. (Magnetic poles are not rotational poles.)
I know. But I think most of these adherents either never took science courses or never passed them. The laws of physics have never been repealed.
I think you are correct on both counts.
Plot twist: Thomas Chan was a CIA shill paid to infiltrate academia and plant disinfo about this topic.
Hawaii is windy so nuclear fall out and radiation clouds won’t linger like they will around bigger cities and valleys like California has. Also plenty of Sun, wind, and water turbines to create your own micro grid of alternative sources. All the elites already have their own self contained micro-grids and Hawaii makes it even easier to do.
New Zealand I believe also will not have as bad of nuclear fall out if you run the models and look at wind, etc. Also NZ is very sparsely populated for its size.
Yeah suspicious observers talks more so about the solar shift and other changes to our world. Not so much the nuclear war aspect that everybody's always had around.
Ah Newton. Imagine if his apple fell into a pond and it floated. You sir have been brainwashed. It’s ok. We all were. But you sure are a stubborn one. Imagine being so arrogant that you refuse to research topics because you are afraid of discovering your wrong. Buddy, you are wrong. Your engineering doesn’t impress me. You believe your eyes can see light years away. Please remove your head from your ass. Your hubris is on tilt.
You seem to serve quite a bit as a shill. It's all good. You say to do a thing but have no references. I get it. It's all good bro. Keep trying. Here's the cool thing about human behavior, they have a natural tendency to recognize abnormal behavior naturally. It's as if we're all programmed for behavior analytics you know... Naturally. But hey bro, if you making your couple of bucks per post. keep it up tiger...
Well then your human behavior is off bud. I’d love to learn how one can make money off internet posts. Any leads? Also, I say to do the thing? What’s that mean, Biden.
If you mean a planetary cataclysm, you'll see tidal waves 1 mile high smashing into every western shorelline. There will blasting of wind coming from the west.
Both of these will be moving at 1,000 (thousand) miles per hour..
99% of all life on the planet is destroyed as the surface is scoured clean by titanic forces.
I mean that's definitely turning it up to 11 but I can't argue otherwise. Simply no way to know. All I do know is now it's preparation beats a pound of cure.
I never really fully bought into the polar shift thing. Its something that happens pretty slowly, like over 100 years or so.
The polar shift started 150 years ago. No one disputes the shift is occurring now. The debate is over how fast it will happen. Most people think it will take 1,000 years, creeping along at the same pace as it has been for the last 150 years. But more and more people think that the pace will rapidly increase and that it will hit a "point of no return" where it finishes the flips in an instant, and that could happen as soon as 10 years from now. This channel is devoted to information about it: https://www.youtube.com/@Suspicious0bservers/playlists
To be clear, what is this "it" that you noticed (or not)?
well, this would mean you are in a totally different hemisphere than you were before, and my friend, you would notice a lot of other things.
What state are you in?
Then you need to contact an astronomer. Nothing unusual about its rising and setting where I live. I should ask, has this been happening in summertime?
Well, you have to be in error. Not happening where I live (south of 49th parallel). Get a surveyor's transit and theodolite and measure the azimuth of the setting (or rising) sun, and see if it conforms to the geometrical calculations. And, as I suggested, contact an astronomer to ask the question. There are departments of astronomy at many universities.
Point to consider: If the horizon, near or far, has trees removed, the sun will seem as though it has moved farther along its path, due to removal of blockage.
That and the magnetic field doesn't disappear during the shift either.
agreed conservation of energy etc... BUT it will be reduced enough to cause massive issues. hence why we see so many alerts for solar storms etc... again expanded thinking (not that any of us have the expertise to understand every corner of these topics.)
"Expanded" thinking is worse than useless unless it is informed and educated thinking. Otherwise, you just get swept up in the "Rapture" of wild ideas.